So we've recently decided to incorporate the famous characters of yore into a game feature. To that end, I would like to begin the collection of the legendary characters that have shaped a continent. The older, the better, my list barely starts to mention all that I know are out there. The emphasis is primarily on the characters that are no longer with us, especially of the players that are no longer with us. In this way, when the names are seen in-game they can spark discussion on the legends of old.
Mathurin, Delvin, Doc, Handow, Sangue, Aldarion, Jenred, Yarah, Gregor, Tsu, Aldo, Alanna, Allison, Handkor, Louis-Joseph is a start. I know there's been a couple old threads on nostalgia of old characters, so if anyone bothered to find them and link them from here, that'd be appreciated as well.
Happy to answer any questions on any of the names I listed btw, just not really the purpose of this post.
Andrew McKay, King of Eston
Gauihu, Mad King of Abington
Krypton the Bold, Prime Minister of Norland
Sordnaz, Dictator For Life of Barony of Makar
Various Dead_Angels
South-East Island:
Boswick, Ruler of Sandalak and founder of the Brute Squad
Castamir, Who Destroyed Two Nations, Both His Own
Little Ogre, Little Ogre
Is Dwilight old enough to be counted as 'yore'? :P
By all means, don't hesitate to name the recently influential. Gregor is still alive, after all. And I named names from Dwilight in my list, as well. I just wanted to stress taking the time to remember the oldies. But since the recent is more fresh in memory, try to stick to only the fewest uppermost names that of fame, infamy, legend, influence etc. upon a continent.
I don't remember the name of that character but the man who created 'i can't believe its is not butter' 8)
Also, one of the old rulers of Melhed as well. Don't quite remember his name as well... hmph
Lucian on EC. Big ruler of Itorunt back in the day.
Sorcha of Ibladesh
Screndt of Perdan
Kalim of Perdan. Awesome infiltrator.
Hireshmont on BT.
Mr Jones from Darka.
Deverka from Dwilight.
While it is a bit self serving I do think two of my old former characters had quite a measure of infamy on their continents.
Merlin Silverfire on Atamara
Brom Silverfire on Dwilight (more regional in Luria, though did marry and then had a falling out with Allison)
What was the name of the last ruler of Lasanar who left to let it all collaps? That was quite a big thing on FEI.
You could potentially put Ascanius on also, mad Pontifex of Sartania who ultimately destroyed it in an attempt to slaughter Arcaea (was very close), but not sure if there aren't better names of even older days to add there.
The old King of Darka. He was certainly an eccentric fellow. :3
Controversial but someone has to say it...
Atanamir of Umber
Love him or hate him he was Perdan
Made him all red and glowy being from the dark side of just about everything lol
Kostaka Kosunen of Darka, yeah, he was influential on AT, to say the least.
DrSeptre (Norland? Makar?) of perpetual jousting victory
Moses of the ASI power duo with Doc's Revenge
Gabriel of Abington-will-not-be-leaving-your-islands-alone-ever
Anomalous? or Annomylous...founded KoA
I remember a Valentine from somewhere in a way that makes me want to hit something but I can't remember exactly why? That name though...,6094.msg134260/topicseen.html#msg134260
Quote from: Hyral on October 18, 2015, 07:54:04 PM
DrSeptre (Norland? Makar?) of perpetual jousting victory
Moses of the ASI power duo with Doc's Revenge
Gabriel of Abington-will-not-be-leaving-your-islands-alone-ever
Anomalous? or Annomylous...founded KoA
I remember a Valentine from somewhere in a way that makes me want to hit something but I can't remember exactly why? That name though...
DrSeptre was Makar. Loved playing with that guy, even though he was sometimes quiet. Always won the tournies and was a gift on the battlefield, too.
I'd throw Fingolfin into the mix, as someone mentioned in the linked thread. And who was the PM from CE during the end of the big Atamaran war? Jason? I remember diplomacy against him was like playing chess with missing pieces.
Queen Armitage III of Abington and Xuanye the Great (General of Abington who let it keep going far longer than I ever would have believed possible).
I would contend Conan McGahee, the FEI ended up turning up under Jenred's sway but several times it was a hairsbreadth from being Conan's.
Velax of FEI was the first crowned head of an entire continent (excepting the War Islands, and the honorary First Emperor title Jenred was retroactively given).
Ah Armitage III the only sensible queen Abington ever had.
She is still alive...
And Atanamir. Yes I agree he was very controversial. Dobromir and my old character Zakilevo had to deal with him directly. Perhaps the most stressful character to deal with EVER.
Brance Indirik. I believe under his rule, SA reached its maximum extension, reaching from the northern most lands to as far south as the old lands of Caerwyn. SA even spread to Luria as well.
Does no one remember Fuinur, before Atanamir?
I think we are almost done with important olddies.
I wonder what was his name? Enri? from CE counts as a famous old character. Think his family name was Kinsey.
Quote from: Lapallanch on October 19, 2015, 11:57:40 PM
I think we are almost done with important olddies.
I wonder what was his name? Enri? from CE counts as a famous old character. Think his family name was Kinsey.
Enri should definitely be on the list. Led CE through many wars, which has had an outsized influence on the continent.
A current list I have is: Mathurin, Delvin, Doc, Handow, Sangue, Jenred, Yarah, Tsu, Aldo, Alanna, Allison, Handkor, Louis-Joseph, Gauihu, Krypton the Bold, Dante, Kronos, Sordnaz, Hireshmont, Boswick, Castamir, Little Ogre, Mr Jones, Lysander, Payton, Julma Jaune, Brance, Deverka, Rowan, Jarbosh, Lucian, TK Jones, Screndt, Kalim, Merlin, Hrok, Brom, Ascanius, Daran, Galiard, Prandur, Kurlock, Dr Septre, Evangeline, Gadouha, Paul, Lalakis, Gias Kay, Darfix, McKay, Predbjorn, Kepler, Kepler, Raziel, Ardor, Dimian, Balkeese, Zedd, Helios, Tsubaki, Tan, Retravic, Valic, Overlord, Hang, Aram, Kahooli, Sarig, Orphen, Hamilton, Malice, Revan, Sera, Gheros, Gilead, Tempus, Sparky, Hannibal, Edge, Moses, Vatticus, Erik Eyolf, Duncan, Katia, Alex, Lavigna, Zathansbane, Malfurion, Geoffrey, Georgeyboy the Militant, Velax, Xuanye, Armitage the III, Conan, Enri
Still living characters I put in a code comment to be added later include Aldarion, Gregor, Kostaja Kosunen, Fingolfin, Ryndhal, Rakaarox, Sergio, Bob, Katrina.
There's tons more. They don't ALL have to be rulers, you know :P
Gauihu from Atamara! Killed off Abington from the inside by going insane.
He's in the list :)
I would like to nominate Lek and Sennianus from Old Taselak. They might not have been influential in terms of power, but they were famous nonetheless!
Ooh, you got him already...
Who is Aldarion?
Also, we can't leave Ecthelion, Erik Eyolf, Ryu, Romul and Meristenzio out either.
I think that pretty much sums up most of old characters I know. You will have to wait a year or two from me to get more characters once current characters I know become old enough to be on that list :o
Quote from: Lapallanch on October 20, 2015, 03:13:25 AM
Who is Aldarion?
Aldarion Tezokian, long-time ruler of Talerium. Used to be named Captain.
Actually, "long-time" is really an understatement here. It's been... 12 years?
Quote from: Indirik on October 20, 2015, 03:31:19 AM
Aldarion Tezokian, long-time ruler of Talerium. Used to be named Captain.
Actually, "long-time" is really an understatement here. It's been... 12 years?
Oh that Aldarion... Is he still a ruler? Really?...
I think so. I can't tell, because my character from SUVILLE is in prison in STROMBRAN. You know, Suvillle's "ally"....
Quote from: Indirik on October 20, 2015, 03:51:48 AM
I think so. I can't tell, because my character from SUVILLE is in prison in STROMBRAN. You know, Suvillle's "ally"....
Still in Suville? I joined your new neighbour LOL
Quote from: Indirik on October 20, 2015, 03:31:19 AM
Aldarion Tezokian, long-time ruler of Talerium. Used to be named Captain.
Funny thing is I was about to add Captain, why did I not realize this was the same person???
Also re:Fuinur, god my mind was in such a peaceful place before this list started. You think you're over it until you're not.
Can we add Tarajist for sheer force of personality?
Hey Tom, don't forget Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico and Annabellium West from Morek. The first practically taught me all I know about being a military leader in this game.
Jamuga founder of Tara, Kokomaro real troublemaker on northern Beluaterra, White Knight (or was it Black Knight?) One who started Darkan War, where south rebelled against north. Hangman one of the core Dukes/General/Banker of Tara.
Edge, long time leader at Darka as ruler and as a advisor. Vatticus, lunatic and one of the most hated character on Atamara, finally found home from Darka and became loved little maniac, who also made song "I kill for Darka" (found at youtube: )
I cant remember either that long time ruler of Melhed at BT, i loved the fellow... real analytic and peacefull guy.. .I have damn good memory, its just a bit short. Also many early rulers of Tara & CE... dont remember Carelian early days rulers...
Edit: Oh and Dead Angel('s) and were Sordnaz Viking King mentioned already?
Edit: Aldo! Aldo was the Melhedian Prime Minister.
I think that long melhed ruler was Unti family. hmph
Quote from: Lapallanch on October 20, 2015, 03:43:19 AM
Oh that Aldarion... Is he still a ruler? Really?...
No, Ravendon (my character) took over for him recently. He's still kicking, though - he's the Judge now.
Oh, let's add Ender to that list if he isn't on there. He was a staple of the BoM for years until Sordnaz grew quiet and he formed Heorot.
Oh and that guy on BT who has well over 1,000 honor, can't remember the name...
Oh, Bob!
Bob was The Man.
He had that ultimate honor and awesome units :)
Bob IS the man.
Fingolfin is not in this list?
There's too many names that have slipped from memory... anyway here's a couple that have stayed and haven't been mentioned so far:
From OG: Vagabond, Xeth'ranis, Lorgan, Prins Simon, Skye
From Grehk: Gandalf. And I'd really like to find out who lead the march from Grehk to Keffa...
From Thalmarkin: Lemontree, Piru Peteri, Pyrix
From Riombara: the d'Serrai in Riombara, can't recall his name, also Mordred Lefanis
If you're including Overlord, you should maybe also include Arcane, Tarchenan, Epic and Prudent. And hey, let's toss in the Lich King and the Vampire King. And of course the daimons' human god: Valachi Stefanovic.
I've been breaking my brain over some of the important characters in Mesh, Fronen and LdB but can't recall them.
From Perdan I think Nightmare and ][osferatu should be included.
From Ibladesh: Sinted, Theuderik and Sorcha.
From Ubent: Hawk, definitely. In fact all of Tom's characters should be included imo. :)
I haven't mentioned a whole lot of others worth mentioning but can't afford to spend hours digging into my long-term BM memory.
I see Doc is in the list, but frankly the other characters in House Primus were pretty important too. Doc's Revenge and Lady Doc's Biatch both had some pretty impressive history.
Atanamir of Umber
White Knight of Darka
Grom HellScream
KK of Darka
Mr. Jones
Someone by the name of Dead Angel (Looks around)
DrScprete (Misspelled please don't joust me)
Doc (Pick which is your flavor)
Gregor (Met the old goat when he was a young man now in Fontan evil days)
Apologize for the next names I know I forgot the spelling, but all of AT should know the best Item finder that once was the Duke of Nida.. What was his name ugh miss our rps and chats.
Best RPer I ever saw on here is still playing, but she married the man above's chars Conquard family
Last, but not least there was this character called Hawk back in Ubent when it was a original realm tricky fellow, I heard he may still lurk in this game, we all owe a lot to him. ;)
where their alot?
Don't you dare forget about the Motosuwa's ...... However many there were.
Also don't forget Wind! Or all of the other people that were touched by a Moto.
Quote from: Motopia on October 28, 2015, 04:04:31 AM
Don't you dare forget about the Motosuwa's ...... However many there were.
Oh are you back now? :o
Only if you feed me.
Question is have I missed anything?
Also don't forget to add the bluelakes and the other hero's of old Falasan.
Quote from: Motopia on October 28, 2015, 04:15:10 AM
Question is have I missed anything?
Also don't forget to add the bluelakes and the other hero's of old Falasan.
Only Taselak's near destruction and then rebounding.
And completely missed Kurlock's epic death 8)
Like it or not we also have to add the Chenier to the list.
Their actions caused great impact in BT
Sulliven Koga.
Sulliven sounds familiar... Refresh my memory. Please.
Quote from: Indirik on October 31, 2015, 12:36:26 AM
Sulliven sounds familiar... Refresh my memory. Please.
One of Fontan's famous nobles and founder of the Lions, who ended up getting his account locked for suspicions of multi-cheating, along with a dozen others in Fontan, so they all deleted their accounts the same day, "in protest", and were never heard of or seen again.
That's not quite what happened.
Sulliven threatened to report another player to the Titans (IIRC, it was something along the lines of a, "This way you're disagreeing with me, it seems suspicious. You wouldn't want me to report you to the Titans, would you?", only much less clear due to poor English). When the Titans gave him a private reprimand for this, he blew his top in a serious way. He was ranting about how his reputation had been utterly destroyed, and that unless they took it back, there was no way he could ever continue to play, because his reputation was everything.
Naturally, the Titans didn't take it back, so he, and the rest of the Lions, ragequit.
A few years later, he and some of the others did actually resurface, in the south of the EC. At that point, our multi-cheater detection tools lit up like Christmas lights on them, and we locked them almost immediately. They never even made the customary, "Hey, I'mâ€"I mean we'reâ€"not a multi!" complaint, and I haven't heard anything about them since.
Quote from: Indirik on October 31, 2015, 12:36:26 AM
Sulliven sounds familiar... Refresh my memory. Please.
Sulliven was Duke of Oligarch if i recall correctly and creator of the KDF Lions. Basically... he was "the man" responsible for Fontans military success. I 'd created the Red Dragons to counter the Lions but couldnt really test myself against him because as soon as the RD was created the whole Locking/Cheating/Whatever happened. Murat Kalkandelen (Sulliven's right hand) took over the military by the time Ryu was General and even when he was good he wasnt nearly as good as Sulliven. Elberan Carnes (Another old character) created the Manticores after the Lions been disbanded, a pure cavalry army, achieving some victories, but was no match for a incredibly balanced and heavily coordinated Red Dragons.
Bad english, cheater or not, or whatever, he was a tough smart rival.
PS: The whole cheating/locking, was roleplayed as Jon Paul Ogren (another old char) husband of Katrina uncovering Sulliven's deeds and later was found assassinated by Moira Dubhaine (another oldie) in revenge for the disappearance of former Lion master.
PS2: Fun to recall those times. Best time i had in Battlemaster. Amazing roleplays, great in-game motives, plots, spys, massive strategy and most important, way more players.
Well, to bring this topic back around to the beginning. The feature was to be implemented, but to whet your appetite until its re-released, here are hundreds of generated examples of new unique names with the famous old character names and various other additions for history, variety, humour etc. Again, these are just many generated examples of what could be generated in future new items, once the last update is re-released.
Rusty Mallet of the East Continent
Flail of the Foolish
Glowing Finger of Hetland
Shouting Handbook of Niselur
Beasthide Suit of the Lords
Lalakis's Blade of Republicanism
Blessed Earrings of the Clouds
Bone Nightblade of Pain
Glorious Armour of the Vulcano
Helmet of Good
Shiny Armour of Hetland
Daemonic Shield of Betrayal
Holy Ring of Sanity
Valiant Shield of Righteousness
Brilliant Dagger of the Dragons
Battered Ring of the Colonies
Thrice-Blessed Aegis of Caelum
Holy Ring of the White Guardians
Twice-Blessed Helmet of the Sky
Spiked Broadsword of the Sun
Majestic Aegis of Hetland
Grisly Parchment of Slaying
Long-Lost Sword of the Highland Empire
Mathurin's Helm
Doughnut of Good and Evil
Long-Lost Cane of the Dragons
Ring of the Clouds
Cloak of the East Island
Scimitar of Slaying
Aldo's Ring of Avamar
Glorious Pipe of Tyranny
Mr Jones's Canon of Time
Robe of the Clouds
Staff of War
Splendid Suit of Aren
Compendium of Awakening
Forgotten Vest of the War Island
Battered Ring of the Dragons
Obsidian Blade of the Sun
Forgotten Necklace of the Dragons
Shield of the Mother
Oak Guard of the Mountains
Compendium of Nothoi
Evil Handbook of Death
Whispering Shield of Righteousness
Armour of Pancakes
Book of Lamar
Nightblade of War
Mediocre Rapier of the Ash Sea Islands
Grisly Shield of Outer Tilog
Princely Warhammer of the Dukes
Handkor's Collection
Ring of Truth
Bloody Staff of Everguard
Tsubaki's Coat of Honesty
Moaning Guard of Dreams
Glorious Gem of Good and Evil
Manual of Carelia
Pegged Leg of Glory
Battered Pike of the Far East
Shiny Bathrobe of Darkness
Long-Lost Tome of Loyalty
Lavigna's Essay of Pain
Collection of the East Continent
Anklet of Vaal
Warhammer from a Previous Age
Holy Club of the Duck
Daemonic Lance of Lies
Wicked Band of Betrayal
Lich King's Rod of Strombran
Shiny Sword of the War Island
Whispering Buckler against Fire
Old Feather of Dreams
Boring Cane of Sanity
Valachi's Hat of the Maiden
Longsword of Darkness
Elemental Volume of the End Times
Brilliant Ring of the Far East
Grisly Warblade of Old Rancagua
Helmet of Protection
Lucian's Locket of Monarchism
Malice's Axe of the Plains
Black Sabre of Lasanar
Club of War
Pike of the Farronite Repubic
Dimian's Aegis of the Dragonslayer
Chain Mail of the Ancients
Thrice-Blessed Suit of the Maiden
Long-Lost Gauntlets of Avalon
Scarf of the Lost Island
Legendary Doughnut of Ibladesh
Majestic Helm of the War Island
Princely Hammer of the Athol Collective
Armour of the End Times
Majestic Ring of Asylon
Alanna's Gauntlets of Betrayal
Brilliant Toe of Freedom
Screaming Ring of Pancakes
Gadouha's Wreath
Tsubaki's Oil
Screaming Helmet of the Stars
Long-Lost Treatise of the Foolish
Boring Lance of Destruction
Forgotten Coat of Slaying
Silver Pegged Leg of Fire
Bloody Longsword of the Obsidian Islands
Sacred Tiara of Fire
Mysterious Shield of Goathair
Gadouha's Ring of the East Continent
Dagger of Ohnar West
Hannibal's Breastplate of the Assassins
Giggling Gauntlets of Thunder
Whispering Staff of Grehk
Astonishing Whistle of the End Times
Legendary Mace
Ducal Plate Mail of Life
Mr Jones's Ring of Dwilight
Ring of the Stars
Black Band of Dreams
Brilliant Compendium
Merlin's Flail of Redspan
Screaming Pike of the Vulcano
Louis-Joseph's Ring of the Moon
Tempered Ring of Waffles
Hrok's Treatise of Goathair
Flail of Hetland
Tan's Helmet of Goathair
Geoffrey's Suit of Willpower
Coat of Life
Shiny Cane of Ubent
Boring Tome of the Kings
Cursed Buckle of the Mountains
Splendid Handbook
Hammer of Good and Evil
Forbidden Blade of Command
Mr Jones's Shield of the Kings
Ring of Evil
Volume of Beauty
Mallet of Good and Evil
Vest of Lies
Kurlock's Rod of the Princes
Weird Talisman of Wetham
Ancient Chain Mail from a Previous Age
Enchanted Book of Ikalak
Ducal Necklace of the Ancients
Adorned Sword of Falasan
Diamond Cloak of Piety
Princely Band
Twice-Blessed Ring of Goathair
Evil Compendium of Arnor
Cursed Breastplate of Oritolon
Giggling Parchment of Sanity
Kronos's Gauntlets of the Lost Island
Forgotten Shield of the Blessed
Bustoarsenzio's Ring of the Father
Dragon-Scale Helmet of the Vulcano
Shiny Whistle of the Lost Island
Malice's Treatise of Cathay
Kepler's Staff of Arnor
Black Book of Betrayal
Dark Scarf of the Colonies
Delvin's Band of the Kings
Impenetrable Breastplate of the Clouds
Shiny Hammer of Ar Agyr
Boring Longsword of Khthon
Mysterious Mask of Dreams
Retravic's Helm of Hetland
Bone Cane of Suffering
Shiny Staff of the Rines Republic
Bloody Nightblade
Weird Crown of Death
Club of Glory
Parchment of the Duck
Whispering Cookbook of Battle
Mediocre Lance of Callaway
Dark Ring of Melhed
Galiard's Shield
Plate Mail of the Badgers
Wicked Handbook of Awakening
Gauntlets of the Foolish
Bloody Plate Mail of the Father
Princely Parchment of Beluaterra
Whispering Scimitar of the Princes
Bizarre Mace of the Mother
Wicked Jacket of Strength
Painting of Warding
Overlord's Vest of Flame
Old Buckler of Vaal
Whispering Stone of Willpower
Honed Mallet of the Wise
Royal Guard of the Damned
Dragon-Scale Coat of the Badgers
McKay's Longsword of Deception
Zakilevo's Gauntlets of Beluaterra
Wicked Aegis of the Ancients
Coat of Willpower
Brilliant Armour of Cathay
Shield of Good
Splendid Corset of Batesaor
Shouting Plate Mail of Betrayal
Alex's Whistle of Betrayal
Brance's Anthology of the Maiden
Long-Lost Vest of the Vulcano
TK Jones's Book of Battle
Enchanted Handbook of Tara
Glowing Ring of Melhed
Gilead's Girdle of Enweil
Black Cookbook of the Netherworld
Kronos's Painting from a Previous Age
Dagger of Hetland
Brooch of Dreams
Thrice-Blessed Collection of Betrayed Heroes
Adorned Dagger
Mediocre Plate Mail of Awakening
Shouting Arrow of the Blessed
Beasthide Chain Mail of the East Continent
Grim Longsword of Battle
Mediocre Mace of Goathair
Twice-Blessed Flail of Good
Scimitar of Beluaterra
Orb of Waffles
Vest of Strombran
Aegis of the Cagilan Empire
Ruby-Studded Dagger of Solaria
Forbidden Aegis of Righteousness
Allison's Signet of the Ancients
Emerald-Studded Coat of Bloodletting
Armour of Battle
Ring of the Princes
Shield of Caerwyn
Wreath of Justice
Predbjorn's Plate Mail of the Plains
Buckler of the Plains
Dark Longsword of Democracy
Splendid Rapier of the Princiaplity of Zonasa
Long-Lost Dagger of the Princes
Weird Sword of Betrayal
Majestic Scimitar of Loyalty
Deverka's Cloak of the Clouds
Brilliant Nose from a Previous Age
Mantle of Nivemus
Evangeline's Treatise of the Netherworld
Aram's Ring of Democracy
Jacket of Command
Blessed Locket of Alebad
Long-Lost Ring of Republicanism
Blessed Aegis of Voghor
Ring of Khthon
Emerald-Studded Flail of Redspan
Shouting Guard of Necromancy
Lich King's Doughnut of Death
Gauntlets of Unlife
Aram's Nightblade of War
Splendid Band of Good and Evil
Thrice-Blessed Ring of the End Times
Shouting Flail of Good and Evil
Princely Talisman of Beauty
Ring of the Heir
TK Jones's Ring of the Lords
Shiny Chain Mail of the Kings
Sera's Suit of Death
Silver Flail of Betrayal
Giggling Coat of the Stars
Cane of Democracy
Shiny Helm of the Kings
Brilliant Jacket of Pain
Black Armour of the Islands
Suit of Strombran
Vampire King's Chain from a Previous Age
Raziel's Band of Tyranny
Dr Septre's Armour of the Dragons
Lucian's Buckler of the East Continent
Valachi's Corset of the Wise
Little Ogre's Shield of Dishonesty
Mr Jones's Plate Mail of Trust
Volume of Slaying
Bizarre Shield of Atamara
Bizarre Ring of the Princes
Guard of Thunder
White Ring of Itorunt
Splendid Ring of the War Island
Suit of Death
Warhammer of Necromancy
Astonishing Shield of Glory
Arrow of Life
Old Cape of Willpower
Ducal Treatise of the Blessed
Dark Anthology of Goathair
Black Arrow of Glory
Shield of the Zuma Coalition
Doughnut of the Sky
Adorned Buckler of Atamara
Emerald Ring of the Mother
Edge's Aegis of Tyranny
Royal Pegged Leg of Pain
Pike of the Duck
Bloody Volume of Ashborn
Adorned Anthology of the Princes
Sabre of Betrayal
Armour of Blood
Sangue's Rapier of Vale
Galiard's Mask of Unlife
Cursed Canon of Abundance
Malfurion's Pearl of Carelia
Overlord's Canon of Isadril
White Compendium of Vale
Armitage the III's Buckler of Riombara
Ruby-Studded Suit of the Dukes
Valiant Chain Mail of Astrum
Shield of the Maiden
Mediocre Chain Mail of the Cagilan Empire
Obsidian Sabre of the Vulcano
Vampire King's Gauntlets of the Clouds
Splendid Helm of the Blessed
Sacred Rod of Ubent
Astonishing Ring of Storm
Alanna's Wreath of Minas Ithil
Shouting Nightblade of the Father
Dazzling Helm of Life
Ancient Sword of Grehk
Bizarre Blade of Wisdom
Corset of Mercy
Majestic Ring of Battle
Lavigna's Armour of Perleone
Old Ring of Lies
Tempered Ring of Beauty
Twice-Blessed Corset of Beauty
Robe of Protection
Wicked Cane of the Vulcano
Burned Parchment of Leadership
Tsu's Dagger of War
Wicked Arrow of the Moon
Vampire King's Buckler of Ecstacy
Princely Helmet of the Islands
Shouting Band of the Duck
Orphen's Nightblade of Honesty
Splendid Helm of Tyranny
White Longsword of Unlife
Zane's Necklace of Leadership
Tempered Ring of the Princes
Cold-Forged Flail of Strength
Rusty Club from a Previous Age
Revan's Flail of Trust
Ring of Vlaanderan
Ring of Piety
Nightblade of Wetham
Tempered Ring of Eponllyn
Mediocre Book of Justice
Sacred Guard of Tyranny
Whistle of the Netherworld
Boring Band of Oritolon
Screndt's Suit of Unlife
Zathansbane's Flail of Suffering
Flute of Pian en Luries
Swift Longsword from a Previous Age
Ornate Mallet of the East Continent
Splendid Helmet of the Queens
Brance's Ring of Minas Leon
Princely Axe of Piety
Lich King's Band of Willpower
Thrice-Blessed Oil of Suville
Galiard's Girdle of Strength
Moses's Guard of Vale
Locket of the Clouds
Burned Codex of Redspan
Old Anthology of Beauty
Enchanted Breastplate of Hetland
Blessed Handbook of Isadril
Mysterious Coat of Necromancy
Cookbook of the Blessed
Wicked Arrow of Itorunt
Cruel Blade of Republicanism
Krypton the Bold's Nightblade of Ibladesh
Rusty Sword of Glory
Ancient Ring of Dreams
Scimitar of Lamar
Overlord's Circlet of the Dragons
Shouting Vest of Awakening
Elemental Anklet
Handkor's Buckler of the Ash Sea Islands
Royal Sceptre of Life
Conan's Compendium of the Duck
Daemonic Guard of the Queens
Battered Chain Mail of Hetland
Ancient Chain Mail of Wetham
Moaning Handbook of Vale
Majestic Buckle of Freedom
Daemonic Helmet of the Foolish
Cold-Forged Mallet of Flame
Rod of Necromancy
Romul's Sword of the Sun
Holy Ring of the Maiden
Shield of Pain
Sacred Veil of Freedom
Armour of the Clouds
Feather of Ice
Brilliant Flail of Monarchism
Glowing Buckler of Avalon
Legendary Scimitar of Crushing
Doomed Jacket of Avalon
QuoteDoughnut of Good and Evil
All hail the Doughnut, for it is wise!
No "Butter knife of the Empire"? Or "Giant Badger hat of Atamara"?
Don't forget the hero's of Falasan:
Queen Cathrine Aeternam - first Queen
Queen Ilya Bluelake - last and most beloved Queen of Falasan
Gucky Zotral - was a long of Falasan, also great name
Maniac Zotral and Shirk Motosuwa - betrayers of Falasan
Ham Hormodson - Arch Priest of Falasan
Chi Motosuwa - Last defender of Falasan "Loyal till the end of her days"
Of all those listed, this one sounds the most awesome:
Lich King's doughnut of death
Death by doughnut!
Quote from: Motopia on October 31, 2015, 06:37:17 PM
No "Butter knife of the Empire"? Or "Giant Badger hat of Atamara"?
You cannot wield the Giant Badgers! The best you can do is gather them and direct their wrath!
Some old EC names:
Pen'Guin - first ruler of Sirion
Saldor - first ruler of Omsk
Hydormie (I think...) - second ruler of Itorunt (Ryndhal being the first)
Emmanuel - creator of the Triumvirate religion, and former ruler of Itorunt
Zakath - possibly first ruler of Perdan... One of first characters in game anyway.
From Colonies:
Despyria (though that might be a bit controversial...)
Mortimer (a regular NPC for many years)
More to be added if I can remember any more from that far back. I have a few on the tip of my tongue that aren't quite appearing...
Quote from: Hinamoto on October 31, 2015, 02:53:57 PM
Sulliven was Duke of Oligarch if i recall correctly and creator of the KDF Lions. Basically... he was "the man" responsible for Fontans military success. I 'd created the Red Dragons to counter the Lions but couldnt really test myself against him because as soon as the RD was created the whole Locking/Cheating/Whatever happened. Murat Kalkandelen (Sulliven's right hand) took over the military by the time Ryu was General and even when he was good he wasnt nearly as good as Sulliven. Elberan Carnes (Another old character) created the Manticores after the Lions been disbanded, a pure cavalry army, achieving some victories, but was no match for a incredibly balanced and heavily coordinated Red Dragons.
Bad english, cheater or not, or whatever, he was a tough smart rival.
PS: The whole cheating/locking, was roleplayed as Jon Paul Ogren (another old char) husband of Katrina uncovering Sulliven's deeds and later was found assassinated by Moira Dubhaine (another oldie) in revenge for the disappearance of former Lion master.
PS2: Fun to recall those times. Best time i had in Battlemaster. Amazing roleplays, great in-game motives, plots, spys, massive strategy and most important, way more players.
Moira was one of the more active "constitutionalists" in Fontan along with former Chancellor Mikhail Romanov (who should also be on this list). She spent most of her career fighting with Duncan Atreides for the office of Judge and at odds with Sulliven after being dismissed from the Lions over her opposition to founding the Sultanate of Asena. Oh, and she also founded the Bureau of Irregular Warfare which Basilius (another legend) sponsored for raiding behind enemy lines and general mischief. Her sister Brigdha (now a respectable priestess in Sirion) was a very active Black Marketeer.
Other names I remember from EC back then include Rogal Dorn and Tal. Oh and not to forget Armstrong Ironsides, self-proclaimed "Hero of Democracy" who seemed to spend most of his career fighting against Fontan until he finally became Duke of Oligarch and seceded for a very short-lived one-character realm.
I remember Moira well, had some amazing RP's with her. And she was more at odd with Aeneas (me) than with Sulliven as Suvillven didn't write that much. Ultimately led to some weird love/hate relationship, good times :)
Quote from: Gabanus family on November 10, 2015, 11:53:19 AM
I remember Moira well, had some amazing RP's with her. And she was more at odd with Aeneas (me) than with Sulliven as Suvillven didn't write that much. Ultimately led to some weird love/hate relationship, good times :)
That wolfshead sword Aeneas gave her at the tournament in Partora is still doing the rounds in the family. Rhidhana was wielding it when she fell in battle, then it was rescued and spirited to Aednadh who used it in the Sirio-Perdan war, and more recently Brigdha took it from the Temple of the Flow in Oligarch where it had become a cult object. I had hoped Aibhlinn would earn her spurs and the blade could be passed on again but the character limit changes make that unlikely.
I have all of Moira's RPs in the wiki along with the rest of the Dubhaine corpus - but thankfully not her political letters!
I almost forgot. Sir Ryu, Sirion General who was practically in charge during the great war in north on EC island before his disappearance. The one who personally mentored my character in the arts of war. We(3 allied realms) won many battles under his leadership.
Quote from: feyeleanor on November 12, 2015, 11:52:52 AM
That wolfshead sword Aeneas gave her at the tournament in Partora is still doing the rounds in the family. Rhidhana was wielding it when she fell in battle, then it was rescued and spirited to Aednadh who used it in the Sirio-Perdan war, and more recently Brigdha took it from the Temple of the Flow in Oligarch where it had become a cult object. I had hoped Aibhlinn would earn her spurs and the blade could be passed on again but the character limit changes make that unlikely.
I have all of Moira's RPs in the wiki along with the rest of the Dubhaine corpus - but thankfully not her political letters!
Not the political ones? Damn those were fun, the letter wars :-)
I did RP my family as a decendent from Aeneas though. Meaning that Garas is in fact his grandson, which Aeneas' daughter send off to Dwilight when both of them were in great danger and Aeneas himself assasinated when he led the Sartanian Church.
Quote from: Ketchum on November 13, 2015, 01:25:17 AM
I almost forgot. Sir Ryu, Sirion General who was practically in charge during the great war in north on EC island before his disappearance. The one who personally mentored my character in the arts of war. We(3 allied realms) won many battles under his leadership.
Yeah that sucked. He rage quit from getting reported for something. Thought he was getting bullied I believe. I was surprised how well the north did without him though.
I think I remember a time in Fontan with Hamilton and there being something like a letter per minute for like 3 hours straight, with probably a letter per 5 minutes for the next 8 hours. So much 'letter war' with military council secretly founding SoA, the Assembly going 'what?', Gregor seceding to CoF, banishments, and then the Krimml Incident. And that was Hamilton's first week or two in Fontan. :P
Some people's idea of being bullied is a bit skewed. Like "I was reported for breaking the inalienable rights", or "they don't agree with me and won't just shut up about it ".
Quote from: Vita on November 14, 2015, 08:03:51 PM
I think I remember a time in Fontan with Hamilton and there being something like a letter per minute for like 3 hours straight, with probably a letter per 5 minutes for the next 8 hours. So much 'letter war' with military council secretly founding SoA, the Assembly going 'what?', Gregor seceding to CoF, banishments, and then the Krimml Incident. And that was Hamilton's first week or two in Fontan. :P
Fontan Assembly was a lot of fun, even before the SoA question. I can't remember anymore though which rat betrayed our plan for the new realm though, was a bit too soon, leaving me to clean the mess mostly. And in Fontan, that was never easy, nothing was :-)
And Ryu's burden was a tough one and after the Oligarch incident, nobody really knows who to credit anymore hehe.
Quote from: Vita on November 14, 2015, 08:03:51 PM
I think I remember a time in Fontan with Hamilton and there being something like a letter per minute for like 3 hours straight, with probably a letter per 5 minutes for the next 8 hours. So much 'letter war' with military council secretly founding SoA, the Assembly going 'what?', Gregor seceding to CoF, banishments, and then the Krimml Incident. And that was Hamilton's first week or two in Fontan. :P
Hamilton arrived at just the right time :) Fontan was really two distinct realms by that point: one based in the military council and run as a dictatorship, the other the democratic establishment. Neither ever quite had the support needed to purge the other and some like Basilius straddled the two groups.
The military party kept getting Duncan elected judge only for him to get captured in battle and have Moira take over for a few days, but then being a hardcore supporter of democracy she'd step down for elections and he'd be back in office again. Then a couple of times she was elected only for his supporters to protest her out of office. Her decision in Armstrong vs. Fontan particularly annoyed the hell out of them as Jon Paul was the new golden boy and being 'fined' (which Moira had to pay herself because he was General at the time) kicked up a real furore.
It seemed only appropriate when he tried to implicate the Grand Masters of the Lions in his assassination that Moira step forward with a dodgy dossier (well, several dodgy crates of dossiers) and claim responsibility in Three Musketeers fashion :)
These days I don't have the time for all that letter writing or for regular RPs so instead I content myself with ticking off weird achievements in the Colonies where the pace of play is considerably slower.
Quote from: Gabanus family on November 14, 2015, 10:12:58 PM
Fontan Assembly was a lot of fun, even before the SoA question. I can't remember anymore though which rat betrayed our plan for the new realm though, was a bit too soon, leaving me to clean the mess mostly. And in Fontan, that was never easy, nothing was :-)
And Ryu's burden was a tough one and after the Oligarch incident, nobody really knows who to credit anymore hehe.
The rat if I remember rightly was Johhnn (sp?) who was a longstanding member of the high command and dumped several weeks' of letters in the Assembly revealing the SoA plan in detail.
Quote from: feyeleanor on November 15, 2015, 01:03:12 PM
The rat if I remember rightly was Johhnn (sp?) who was a longstanding member of the high command and dumped several weeks' of letters in the Assembly revealing the SoA plan in detail.
Been too long for me to remember tbh. Also the military council was very much a 'democracy' as in, they all seemed to agree on the plan etc and discussed quite a bit. But maybe Fontan will one day be restored.
Quote from: feyeleanor on November 15, 2015, 12:59:18 PM
Hamilton arrived at just the right time :) Fontan was really two distinct realms by that point: one based in the military council and run as a dictatorship, the other the democratic establishment. Neither ever quite had the support needed to purge the other and some like Basilius straddled the two groups.
The military party kept getting Duncan elected judge only for him to get captured in battle and have Moira take over for a few days, but then being a hardcore supporter of democracy she'd step down for elections and he'd be back in office again. Then a couple of times she was elected only for his supporters to protest her out of office. Her decision in Armstrong vs. Fontan particularly annoyed the hell out of them as Jon Paul was the new golden boy and being 'fined' (which Moira had to pay herself because he was General at the time) kicked up a real furore.
It seemed only appropriate when he tried to implicate the Grand Masters of the Lions in his assassination that Moira step forward with a dodgy dossier (well, several dodgy crates of dossiers) and claim responsibility in Three Musketeers fashion :)
These days I don't have the time for all that letter writing or for regular RPs so instead I content myself with ticking off weird achievements in the Colonies where the pace of play is considerably slower.
Ah Jon Paul. Bring me back some old memories. My character Brock was in fact participated as adventurer in service of its Fontan liege lord to kill Jon Paul evil souls, monsters and undead alikes, in a very long Roleplays of many different characters at that time. We had much fun doing RPs. Imagine this, I think my character Brock the adventurer was the very first adventurer to be discussed in Fontan council too. His name came out due to his breaking many nobles Unique Items, he was arrested by own Fontan realm, beaten when he was caught by nobles in the regions. He could be executed but luckily the Fontan Ruler helped him much. He would later go on to become Fontan Banker when he got enough Recommendation letters to be ennobled(if there is such a word).
Quote from: Ketchum on November 16, 2015, 10:29:57 AM
Ah Jon Paul. Bring me back some old memories. My character Brock was in fact participated as adventurer in service of its Fontan liege lord to kill Jon Paul evil souls, monsters and undead alikes, in a very long Roleplays of many different characters at that time. We had much fun doing RPs. Imagine this, I think my character Brock the adventurer was the very first adventurer to be discussed in Fontan council too. His name came out due to his breaking many nobles Unique Items, he was arrested by own Fontan realm, beaten when he was caught by nobles in the regions. He could be executed but luckily the Fontan Ruler helped him much. He would later go on to become Fontan Banker when he got enough Recommendation letters to be ennobled(if there is such a word).
That was an incredibly chaotic period. Aside from the ongoing war there was also deep religious division with Duke Richard bringing the Church of Ibladesh to Krimml and Jon Paul becoming its most prominent convert. Both Moira and Brigdha were deepy opposed to CoI getting a foothold in Fontan because of its theocratic world-view - much as Rhidhana would later oppose Westmoor because of King Jor's leadership of the Church of Humanity.
The final years of Fontan with Basilius as Chancellor, Brock as Banker and Rhidhana as Minister of Defence were pretty tough going but also a lot of fun. Relations with Sirion were slowly thawing after the creation of Nivemus and a succession of borders wars with Westmoor went our way despite our weaker position. If it hadn't been for the Auvrandil clan moving in and making the realm unplayable I think we could have turned the situation around.
Quote from: Gabanus family on November 15, 2015, 09:00:49 PM
Been too long for me to remember tbh. Also the military council was very much a 'democracy' as in, they all seemed to agree on the plan etc and discussed quite a bit. But maybe Fontan will one day be restored.
Part of me would love to see that, but I've my doubts that there are enough old Fontan players still around to put its traditions back in place - and without those it'd be a very different realm.
I've tried my best to instil a bit of that in Sirion through a more republican lens but backed off from completing the project after the tied election when I nearly became Chancellor and lost Negev. Though in hindsight I should have carried through with that and established a Duchy in the town (assuming the rules work the same as on South Island).
I know it's silly to have an emotional attachment to a single region, but Negev's been in Dubhaine hands for most of the past six years and I've turned down Dukedom's to keep it :)
Are we forgetting someone? Aka Legend of AT and of Item Finding/Creation
Celestial Fury
Galen Fury
Ivore on Atamara. Still consider him one of the best infiltrator assassins the game has ever been terrorized by.
And I'd like to add Innocent on the colonies. Mostly because he was just recently killed in an Tilog dungeon after 100+ years of causing more mischief then a priest should have been able to do. Oh, and I love this quote:
Roleplay from Lullaby Blakeshadow: "I am serious, even without the ability to look at a memo, Your surprised someone had a bounty on Innocent's head? He has had numbers of people trying to kill him for quite some time. Realms have spoken war over him, as if he were a subject. I've seen war made at realms for housing him. It is not something easily missed, even with your eyes closed. Forgive me if I sound rude, or blunt, I am just telling a simple truth. But now I express it to you and I pray it sheads light to other things."
I remember Gregor fondly. Both He and Reginald VonBorghoff II were active during the war between Fontan and Light of Fontan. Fun times. Reginald II and Anastasia are 91 and 96 respectively now. My 3rd character from that era passed in her mid 80's. Died in her castle as she sat in front of her fireplace. They found her with a knife stuck deep in her chest. (RP) The former Queen of Thalmarkin did not meet her end in a blaze of glory. lol
There was that guy who founded the first iteration of Niselur on Dwilight, back when Astrum was still young and SA was in its whole Manifest Destiny phase. Boreal Arrakis. Took me a while to remember his name. And don't forget Glaumring, that crazy bastard; he was a player in founding more than one realm on Dwi.
Also I can't quite believe no one has mentioned Ottar, from AT. He ruled Tara the entire time I played this game (and for considerable time before and after too), though I gather he's not around anymore.
Wow Geronus is here! What?!
Someone posted about the upcoming island sinking in the Battlemaster Facebook group, which showed up on my News Feed and piqued my interest, so I started skulking around the Forums a bit to see what's up with the game these days :)
Islands sinking, unique names with old character names and realm names, ESA considering your old SA character Rowan as a Saint-of-sorts, and new BM History videos to be released (soon) since the last ones in 2012.
There's other code changes listed in other past announcement topics, if you care to peruse the updates in the last year. I've been trying to tackle old feature requests that never got done.
Hey, Geronus. Long time no see.
Quote from: Geronus on December 04, 2015, 06:51:47 PM
Also I can't quite believe no one has mentioned Ottar, from AT. He ruled Tara the entire time I played this game (and for considerable time before and after too), though I gather he's not around anymore.
Good call, Ottar was a major pain to deal with sometimes, but definitely important and famous. A trademark style, I'd say.
Quote from: Eirikr on December 04, 2015, 10:16:29 PM
Good call, Ottar was a major pain to deal with sometimes, but definitely important and famous. A trademark style, I'd say.
Ah yes, Ottar should definately be on the list.
Quote from: Geronus on December 04, 2015, 06:51:47 PM
There was that guy who founded the first iteration of Niselur on Dwilight, back when Astrum was still young and SA was in its whole Manifest Destiny phase. Boreal Arrakis. Took me a while to remember his name. And don't forget Glaumring, that crazy bastard; he was a player in founding more than one realm on Dwi.
Also I can't quite believe no one has mentioned Ottar, from AT. He ruled Tara the entire time I played this game (and for considerable time before and after too), though I gather he's not around anymore.
Im still here~! old yes and probably not famous or infamous but im still around. Come back Dwilight is still fun!
While I had my share with Erik, I will never forget Uncle Adrian and... you know... Lord BoomBoom!!! Or the people Erik tried to kick out of his way, like Glacier, Darfix, Handow, Popsi and some others whose names I can not remember now.
I as well, miss the "Good Old days" of Fontan. Especially when Hamilton founded the "Light of Fontan religion, which name also ended up being the name of a new country called Light of Fontan. ReginaldII was very active during those times as Judge. And was the last man standing when LOF was destroyed by war.
I'd like to run into the player of Hamilton. To see if he has any of the LOF Religion info still available.
Did you mean Hannibal?
I played Hamilton, didn't do those things, and don't recall any old Fontanese Hamiltons either. I do remember an older Fontanese Hannibal though, with Sparky, Tempus, and various other LoFers.
Could be. I aam pretty old myself. They were still fun times though.
Wasn't Hannibal the one who fought alongside Sirion for a while, was killed and then came back via a portal from hell to serve Fontan?
I don't remember that particular bit myself, but if so, it could very well be on the wiki. And it was definitely Hannibal Carthage that founded LoF the religion.
Wiki Search on Hannibal (
Pretty good list. A few left out, but I can't remember their names anymore. (God I'm old.) I would say there should probably be a Zog or two on there.
Someone had me look up this thread. And I just realized it was five minutes until it was 1 year and 1 day, to the minute, since I started this thread. So I am now posting to bump it up, almost exactly 1 year, 1 day later. I am thinking an annual tradition of players nominating characters for inclusion would be positive for the community.
So, any new character nominations? Now that an initial foundation of characters through history has been established, I'd like to be a lot more selective on adding new names, hopefully no more than 1-2 per island. The fewest uppermost names of fame, infamy, legend, and influence on an island. Characters that no longer exist and will not be returning. So who qualifies for that within the last year?
Can we get a full list of characters already on the list so we don't overlap?
Quote from: Vita on October 18, 2016, 07:40:02 PM
Someone had me look up this thread. And I just realized it was five minutes until it was 1 year and 1 day, to the minute, since I started this thread. So I am now posting to bump it up, almost exactly 1 year, 1 day later. I am thinking an annual tradition of players nominating characters for inclusion would be positive for the community.
So, any new character nominations? Now that an initial foundation of characters through history has been established, I'd like to be a lot more selective on adding new names, hopefully no more than 1-2 per island. The fewest uppermost names of fame, infamy, legend, and influence on an island. Characters that no longer exist and will not be returning. So who qualifies for that within the last year?
Queen Evangeline Uceek . Holded the highest bounty i ever saw (something around 8k gold). The bounty was collected by the best infiltrator at that time Guy Revan, brother of Alain Revan (Sirion's banker for long time).
Doc, Mathurin, Delvin, Sangue, Jenred, Yarah, Tsu, Aldo, Allison, Handkor, Gauihu, Sordnaz, Hireshmont, Boswick, Little Ogre, Mr Jones, Jarbosh, Lucian, Daran, Galiard, Kurlock, Dr Septre, Evangeline, Lalakis, Predbjorn, McKay, Kepler, Raziel, Tan, Helios, Orphen, Vatticus, Lavigna, Armitage the III, Sennianus, Bustoarsenzio, Julma Jaune, Hang, Grimrog, Jonsu, Erik Eyolf, Handow, Alanna, Louis-Joseph, Krypton the Bold, Dante, Kronos, Castamir, Lysander, Payton, Brance, Deverka, Rowan, TK Jones, Screndt, Kalim, Merlin, Hrok, Brom, Ascanius, Prandur, Gadouha, Paul, Giask, Ardor, Dimian, Balkeese, Zedd, Tsubaki, Retravic, Valachi, Darfix, Aram, Kahooli, Sarig, Hamilton, Malice, Revan, Sera, Gheros, Gilead, Tempus, Sparky, Hannibal, Edge, Moses, Duncan, Katia, Alex, Zathansbane, Malfurion, Geoffrey, Georgeyboy the Militant, Velax, Xuanye, Conan, Enri, Lek, Ecthelion, Ryu, Romul, Meristenzio, Tarajist, Nightmare, Zakilevo, Zane, Jamuga, Ender, Vagabond, Xeth'ranis, Prins Simon, Gandalf, Lemontree, Piru Petteri, Mordred, Machiavel, Nightmare, Nosferatus, Sinted, Theuderik, Sorcha, Grom, Jane Fletcher
excel how to organize alphabetically: Alanna Aldo Alex Allison Aram Ardor Armitage the III Ascanius Balkeese Boswick Brance Brom Bustoarsenzio Castamir Conan Dante Daran Darfix Delvin Deverka Dimian Doc Dr Septre Duncan Ecthelion Edge Ender Enri Erik Eyolf Evangeline Gadouha Galiard Gandalf Gauihu Geoffrey Georgeyboy the Militant Gheros Giask Gilead Grimrog Grom Hamilton Handkor Handow Hang Hannibal Helios Hireshmont Hrok Jamuga Jane Fletcher Jarbosh Jonsu Julma Jaune Kahooli Kalim Katia Kepler Kronos Krypton the Bold Kurlock Lalakis Lavigna Lek Lemontree Little Ogre Louis-Joseph Lucian Lysander Machiavel Malfurion Malice Mathurin McKay Meristenzio Merlin Mordred Moses Mr Jones Nightmare Nightmare Nosferatus Orphen Paul Payton Piru Petteri Prandur Predbjorn Prins Simon Retravic Revan Romul Rowan Ryu Rzaiel Sangue Sarig Screndt Sennianus Sera Sinted Sorcha Sordnaz Sparky Tan Tarajist Tempus Theuderik TK Jones Tsu Tsubaki Vagabond Valachi Vattcus Velax Xeth'ranis Xuanye Yarah Zakilevo Zane Zathansbane Zedd
Quote from: Zakky on October 19, 2016, 01:19:06 AM
excel how to organize alphabetically: Alanna Aldo Alex Allison Aram Ardor Armitage the III Ascanius Balkeese Boswick Brance Brom Bustoarsenzio Castamir Conan Dante Daran Darfix Delvin Deverka Dimian Doc Dr Septre Duncan Ecthelion Edge Ender Enri Erik Eyolf Evangeline Gadouha Galiard Gandalf Gauihu Geoffrey Georgeyboy the Militant Gheros Giask Gilead Grimrog Grom Hamilton Handkor Handow Hang Hannibal Helios Hireshmont Hrok Jamuga Jane Fletcher Jarbosh Jonsu Julma Jaune Kahooli Kalim Katia Kepler Kronos Krypton the Bold Kurlock Lalakis Lavigna Lek Lemontree Little Ogre Louis-Joseph Lucian Lysander Machiavel Malfurion Malice Mathurin McKay Meristenzio Merlin Mordred Moses Mr Jones Nightmare Nightmare Nosferatus Orphen Paul Payton Piru Petteri Prandur Predbjorn Prins Simon Retravic Revan Romul Rowan Ryu Rzaiel Sangue Sarig Screndt Sennianus Sera Sinted Sorcha Sordnaz Sparky Tan Tarajist Tempus Theuderik TK Jones Tsu Tsubaki Vagabond Valachi Vattcus Velax Xeth'ranis Xuanye Yarah Zakilevo Zane Zathansbane Zedd
but no commas to seperate the names v-v
I am not too familiar with excel unfortunately :'(
Yea... I had a number of characters succeed each other on BT. They operated in different places and took different angles on things, but overall tended to be pushing things in the same direction. Louis-Joseph founded the Blood Cult, which pulled some neat things off for a while even after I got bored and deleted him. Not sure how long I played him, but he had a fairly long career. Jean-Olivier's ended earlier, dying in battle soon after taking power in RoF. Then there's Nicolas, who pushed Enweil out of its torpor and into war, setting off a number of wars that would spark conflicts for ages to come, before dying defending Enweilieos from the monsters. Guillaume picked things up, eventually becoming ruler a few times, and founding IVF. Many of those spent some time in the North of the West stirring things up over there, and at other times influencing agents. I often had two characters in two distant realms at a time to better pull off pan-beluaterran intrigue.
It was fun while it lasted, when BT was still very populous, when there was still a lot of active players that were willing to go off beaten paths to shake things up, and when the geography lent itself fairly well to conflicts.
I'd have a hard time saying which one of these BT characters had the most influence, myself, though I suppose people will remember them differently according to when and where they played. JO had the shortest career (albeit not really that short), but he played a pivotal role in aligning the family onto Enweil and the profane. I actually started out with two characters in Fronen and was rather anti-Enweil to begin with. Then after being recruted into a failed coup, LJ exiled himself to Melhed, which had its uses but wasn't very determining on the family, while JO went to RoF, which definately set the tone and goal for the years to follow.
There were also a number of less notable characters, but Jean-Olivier, Nicolas, and Guillaume had similar impact on Beluaterra as Louis-Joseph did, I'd reckon.
That being said, nice to have a couple of my characters mentioned regardless. :P
Not within the last year, but Armstrong Ironsides should be on the list.
A very well-played epic hero who held multiple positions of power in different realms and commanded a lot of (largely behind the scenes) influence built up through private correspondence with prominent characters. Ill-fated first and last King of Fane. Held off the entire army of Sirion for at least a couple of battles in Oligarch on his own only backed up by militia. They eventually killed him through a duel with the General of Nivemus in the city.
Probably the best death of a character I've witnessed - entirely fitting and inevitable for the character, but tragic and lamented. A true tragic hero, loyal and ever ready for battle, but brought low by a sense of duty combined with rashness and an inflated heroic ego. His death was commemorated with an actual roleplayed entombment in Morshes that was attended by friends and enemies alike, which lasted several days.
Talking of Ironsides, seems to me like Bowie was involved in his share of Dwi events.
Quote from: Foxglove on October 19, 2016, 03:40:01 PMHeld off the entire army of Sirion for at least a couple of battles in Oligarch on his own only backed up by militia.
No. He had militias + his nobles. Plus he only fought twice. 1st a draw. 2nd attackers won. He had 22k CS or so. I still have both battle reports on my wiki family page XD
Rakaarox Nabarl. He's ruled Outer Tilog for how long now?
Quote from: on October 19, 2016, 09:39:24 PM
Rakaarox Nabarl. He's ruled Outer Tilog for how long now?
As long as the Abyss is deep.
He was ruler back when Vladamire was still a fresh faced teen knight out of Hilly Holes. Vlad's 96 years old now (started his career, and I started playing BM, in 2007-02-15)...
Quote from: Zakky on October 19, 2016, 06:55:01 PM
No. He had militias + his nobles. Plus he only fought twice. 1st a draw. 2nd attackers won. He had 22k CS or so. I still have both battle reports on my wiki family page XD
Only 22k as lord of Oligarch? Kinda disappointing :p
My character on Dwilight was offered the wickest vest of Jonsu. Had the adventurer arrested and ordered the item's destruction. XD
Edit: there aren't any actual means of destroying an item, though, are there?
Holding on the item for long enough without repairing it should do the trick. Condition gets to 0%, bye bye Jonsu's vest.
P.S: Wouldn't touch that thing with a laser pointer, let alone bare hands. Keep it in a leaden chest, Chenier! ;)
Quote from: Chenier on February 07, 2017, 02:57:08 PM
My character on Dwilight was offered the wickest vest of Jonsu. Had the adventurer arrested and ordered the item's destruction. XD
Edit: there aren't any actual means of destroying an item, though, are there?
You can simply drop it of course, if you don't want it. But that will not mean it is destroyed.
What's the story with this vest of Jonsu?
Quote from: MTYL on February 08, 2017, 10:09:31 AM
What's the story with this vest of Jonsu?
Jonsu was a very controversial, hated character. So a Wicked Vest of Jonsu is an apt unique item name.
Indeed. I was offered the item, didn't want to touch it. :P
Dropping it risks having adventurers find it again. You'd need to bring it really, really far to drop it to minimize that risk.
I've actually never wanted to *destroy* an item before, so I actually find this item to be rather interesting in an obviously unintended way. :P
Quote from: Chenier on February 08, 2017, 04:49:40 PM
Indeed. I was offered the item, didn't want to touch it. :P
Dropping it risks having adventurers find it again. You'd need to bring it really, really far to drop it to minimize that risk.
I've actually never wanted to *destroy* an item before, so I actually find this item to be rather interesting in an obviously unintended way. :P
Have some obscure char that never joins battles (a priest or something) take the item and just keep it untill decay. That way it'll be destroyed forever.
Quote from: Gabanus family on February 08, 2017, 09:18:57 PM
Have some obscure char that never joins battles (a priest or something) take the item and just keep it untill decay. That way it'll be destroyed forever.
While that could work, I don't really know any off-hand, and it's a little underwhelming.
Memorable Characters thread (,6094.0.html)
Kanuni Kalkandelen King of Old Taselak and founder of HSG should made the list...
Quote from: Kalkandelen on October 07, 2017, 07:05:25 PM
Kanuni Kalkandelen King of Old Taselak and founder of HSG should made the list...
Promoting your own character? Shameless!
I'd like to put Crixus Domitius here. One of the most influential and dominant character to ever have walked Dwilight.
Quote from: Kalkandelen on October 07, 2017, 07:05:25 PM
Kanuni Kalkandelen King of Old Taselak and founder of HSG should made the list...
I'm pretty sure I already mentioned him here. One of the iconical and most influential chars, at least for me.
@Zakky, go wash your mouth with soap sir!
Quote from: Gabanus family on October 13, 2017, 08:38:48 AM
I'm pretty sure I already mentioned him here. One of the iconical and most influential chars, at least for me.
@Zakky, go wash your mouth with soap sir!
Hey! How about this! Atanamir of Umbar! Best Perdanese character to ever have lived! ::)
Quote from: Zakky on October 13, 2017, 05:03:35 AM
I'd like to put Crixus Domitius here. One of the most influential and dominant character to ever have walked Dwilight.
I'm... not sure I agree. To me, he seems third-rate, at best. A few of characters have had a lasting impact on basically the whole continent, a handful have had an impact that was great more more limited in scope in terms of either time or how much of Dwilight, and, Crixus...? Has he ever been relevant outside of Swordfell? He may have all the titles Swordfell has to offer, but Swordfell has never had any continental or even regional relevance that I can think of. Next to Mathurin, Allison, Dragomir, Jonsu... he sounds like a nobody to me.
Out of the four you mentioned I recognize two names - Mathurin and Jonsu.
You may dislike Crixus (most acrive players do) but his achievements are undeniable. The richest man on the continent (personal income, not realm coffers), the most powerful man on the continent (single-man power, not temporary power - sure Vasilif of Astrum, Aeon of Westgard, Emperor of Luria etc. have more infrastructure, realm income and mobile CS, but should any of the above ask their realm to do something 100% absurd they would likely be protested out of office. Since Mariah death Crixus has the most "unquestioned" power and riches out there.)
But then again his strongest side is his weakest side - the only thing limiting the man is realm's noble-count and the only thing limiting realm's noble-count is his authocratic rule over Swordfell.
Sure he's not as big a name as Mathurin but then again - who is?
First off, Zakky was being sarcastic (also seen by the fact that he followed it up with Atanamir, who was...well let's not get into that).
Secondly, Crixus has never had any impact on the continent outside of Swordfell and Swordfell never accomplished anything of significance on Dwilight, so you can't well call him impactful. I would also argue against him being powerful, there is little Swordfell can do at this point to really take someone down. They begged for peace when Westfold (less gold and fewer nobles then) declared war on them (which was the first war Swordfell was in, EVER).
Rich, yes he is rich. Wealth gained by having a super wealthy city and subsequently never doing anything. If that is the definition of becoming famous I know where I went wrong with Garas (was making 2200 a week, should've stayed in Sirion then?) and then I'll gladly never have a famous char ???
I know Zakky was sarcastic. Chenier was not.
And I may well be biased having only a character in Swordfell, then again we're all biased that way. But I get the vibe that he is "known". That does get him a bit famous or "infamous" at least. Then again I have no idea of other Domitius characters. Then again I never had any idea about any other JeVondair characters other than Selenia until recently. But then again when I finally had it was OH MY F... GOD.
The question is - do you need to be impactfull to be famous? Or do you just need to be known/unique/liked etc. ?
One thing I'm certain - I'll be damned if Archibald and Purrcious are not on this list a year from now. :D
Talk all you want, you don't get chars like that factory made.
Quote from: MTYL on October 14, 2017, 12:02:24 AM
I know Zakky was sarcastic. Chenier was not.
And I may well be biased having only a character in Swordfell, then again we're all biased that way. But I get the vibe that he is "known". That does get him a bit famous or "infamous" at least. Then again I have no idea of other Domitius characters. Then again I never had any idea about any other JeVondair characters other than Selenia until recently. But then again when I finally had it was OH MY F... GOD.
The question is - do you need to be impactfull to be famous? Or do you just need to be known/unique/liked etc. ?
One thing I'm certain - I'll be damned if Archibald and Purrcious are not on this list a year from now. :D
Talk all you want, you don't get chars like that factory made.
The sarcasm was not detected.
But yea, I think you are biased because you are in Swordfell, because as Gabanus said, Swordfell has no continental relevance, nor even any regional influence. They have never even had a visible impact upon a mere neighbor.
I don't dislike Crixus, I literally never hear of him. And I've been on Dwilight since the start, skipping roughly 2015. At most, you could say I dislike the idea of leaders of such passive realms (which would also include Fissoa and Madina, don't worry you aren't alone in the club). That said, I also don't ever hear anything about those rulers either. Which, frankly, is kinda at the heart of why I dislike them. But that's the complete opposite of being famous. Or infamous. So yea, if one can be either impactful or famous is beside the point, because I deem him to be neither.
I could list a bunch of characters I played with that I would consider noteworthy or memorable, but I limit myself mostly to people I know had a more meaningful impact. Having joined the realm in 2016 makes one poorly placed to judge "famous
old characters", because that implies that much of this fame was achieved before you joined.
Allison Kabrinski rocked the boat. A lot. She was pivotal in the spread of SA, the destruction of realms, and, perhaps debatably, setting the pieces that also readied the ground for Jonsu breaking SA to pieces. She even named her realm after herself... Kabrinskia...
Dragomir? He's Astrum's ruler since 2015? Honestly I'm a little confused I thought he's been there longer. Not as outspoken as Allison or Jonsu, perhaps, but as the head of the continent's most powerful realm, he has certainly been impactful. Though for some reason I misremembered his age, and the point about the tie of impactfulness and notoriety is valid, so maybe with hindsight I'd remove him from the list.
But Allison? Way more (in)famous than Crixus will ever be.
One can argue that if a year old interested player doesn't know anything about something happening before his time then perhaps that something wasn't that impactful after all. I never heard of this Alison. I've heard plenty about Jonsu and Mathurin.
Many names have been added to unique item name generations years ago. And restricted to the continents they were most noteworthy upon. I encourage newer players to ask about the histories of character names in unique items you come across. Or explore the wiki, though not all have their histories there. I do believe Allison does. I would daresay Allison, Brance, and Deverka were more influential than Mathurin. Mathurin had influence, but he also had a light, gentle touch in where he tipped his influence.
EDIT: There's quite a bit of lost history that is lost in-game between 'generations' of players, unfortunately. There's a few folks on each island with long memories. ka Habb family is one such on Dwilight, off the top of my head, if you run into him and get him to share his stories. I think he likes to tell tales too.
Character names from sunk islands or war islands are available on all continents, in addition to the continent's own names.
That is actually great stuff Vita! Thanks
And well Mathurin is known because we keep throwing his name around, but Allison was definately a huge impact. Honestly I didn't remember Mathurin, but Seoras kept using it thus so did I. I was anti SA back in the days in the west, but I damn well remember Allison.
Also what is a famous old char? I mean by now Garas is known by all on EC, but does that qualify? I don't really think so, not yet at least, but I suppose that's different for everyone?
Garas is not old enough. And famous/impactful as he may be he's not Selenia famous/impactful. If he was in the past then nothing of that fame prevailed to these days... :( USE WIKI PEOPLE!
I just noticed that I'm the one to talk. If you look for Bennets in wiki it's still taking you to some weird non-existant family. No idea how to fix it.
Quote from: MTYL on October 14, 2017, 04:38:23 PM
Garas is not old enough. And famous/impactful as he may be he's not Selenia famous/impactful. If he was in the past then nothing of that fame prevailed to these days... :( USE WIKI PEOPLE!
I just noticed that I'm the one to talk. If you look for Bennets in wiki it's still taking you to some weird non-existant family. No idea how to fix it.
Use a different title perhaps?
Quote from: Gabanus family on October 14, 2017, 09:28:15 AM
That is actually great stuff Vita! Thanks
And well Mathurin is known because we keep throwing his name around, but Allison was definately a huge impact. Honestly I didn't remember Mathurin, but Seoras kept using it thus so did I. I was anti SA back in the days in the west, but I damn well remember Allison.
Also what is a famous old char? I mean by now Garas is known by all on EC, but does that qualify? I don't really think so, not yet at least, but I suppose that's different for everyone?
Mathurin is known because he was the founder of the game's largest and most successful religion (its current state aside), but indeed, he did not take much room, and it's questionable how much influence he had directly, given how it appears, to me at least, that he preferred letting others make the calls (I'm not in any way saying that's a bad thing, heck, it is likely a large part of why SA grew so much, thus once could say that him not exercing direct impacts made him even more impactful).
As for Brance, I think my mind just merged him and Dragomir together, haha. :P Would explain a few inaccurate memories.
Allison is without question one of Dwilight's most influential characters, in the top 5 at the very least.
I must harass some ka Habbs and Renodins for stories then. Sucks to be the new guy.
Quote from: MTYL on October 14, 2017, 04:38:23 PM
Garas is not old enough. And famous/impactful as he may be he's not Selenia famous/impactful. If he was in the past then nothing of that fame prevailed to these days... :( USE WIKI PEOPLE!
I just noticed that I'm the one to talk. If you look for Bennets in wiki it's still taking you to some weird non-existant family. No idea how to fix it.
Garas is indeed too young to be considered (which I agreed with previously also) but I'm not so sure Selenia did more to/for EC than Garas did, but that's a rather pointless discussion as I think neither Selenia or Garas should be considered famous old chars. But by that same logic I think pretty much no char currently alive would apply, save for maybe 1 or 2.
And yeah, I should've used WIKI more...I know
Glaumring's still around, I guess that would count as a famous old geezer.
Quote from: Chenier on October 15, 2017, 01:28:39 AM
Glaumring's still around, I guess that would count as a famous old geezer.
Hey now, you're still around too!
Quote from: Gabanus family on October 14, 2017, 09:28:15 AM
That is actually great stuff Vita! Thanks
And well Mathurin is known because we keep throwing his name around, but Allison was definately a huge impact. Honestly I didn't remember Mathurin, but Seoras kept using it thus so did I. I was anti SA back in the days in the west, but I damn well remember Allison.
Also what is a famous old char? I mean by now Garas is known by all on EC, but does that qualify? I don't really think so, not yet at least, but I suppose that's different for everyone?
I'm likewise wondering if Cathal qualifies yet, or perhaps the Colonies are too much of an afterthought?
Quote from: Glaumring the Fox on October 16, 2017, 03:51:46 AM
Hey now, you're still around too!
Sure, but Machiavel ain't. That old geezer kicked the bucket a while back. I think he was over 70, but I'm pretty sure I never hit 100. Next gen's time.
2006-08-17 Yao Ling Began her career in Tara.
Do you think that qualifies as old?
Also I would note that she leads the only religion I think has ever spread across an entire continent, from east to west and north to south. Every region in Beluaterra. (not counting the regions with 1 person living there due to oppressive starvation)
Quote from: Medron Pryde on January 04, 2018, 12:14:08 PM
2006-08-17 Yao Ling Began her career in Tara.
Do you think that qualifies as old?
Also I would note that she leads the only religion I think has ever spread across an entire continent, from east to west and north to south. Every region in Beluaterra. (not counting the regions with 1 person living there due to oppressive starvation)
Yea, but a terribly boring one that never really had much noble following, no political influence, and rarely more than her as priest. ::)
She killed the King of Kthonn.
She has served as banker of numerous realms over her lifetime.
She was elected ruler of Nothoi during the last Daimon Invasion to bring it to an end, and oversaw the recreation of a destroyed realm.
She is still a duchess of one of the richest cities and duchies on the continent.
She was hunted personally by Daimons who wanted her religion wiped out, and has hunted them back, hounding them with spell scrolls.
And she personally critically wounded the greater Daimon Jactosh using a magical spell that evaporated her hand, and then regenerated it, along with the rest of her body.
She has lived through four Daimon Invasions, now.
Trust me...she's not lead a very boring life. ;)
My comment only applied to the religion, and not the character. ;)
My general policy has been to not add living characters to the list. However, I definitely think she'll qualify once deceased, so I can add her to the 'waiting list' of living but famous characters. Garas and Glaumring too.
There have been some exceptions, mostly to those who have been paused for several months, or whose characters come from the Near Origins (~2003) of BM. These are quite the rare exception compared to the other names on the lists. I'll consider Glaumring for an exception, due to joining Dwilight so early and still being around. Possibly Karibash too.
Also, I was planning to make it an annual community event (poll each noble on each island) at some point, but I don't know how likely that'll be, with my diminishing engagement level.
Colonies are not an afterthought, though there are decidedly less names there.
Ultimately, as I said above, I'd like to make it an annual event (say, over Christmas/NYW week, when things are more relaxed) where each island's nobles vote on the most worthy noble who deceased/deleted/retired over the past year.
I think that would be an awesome idea.
Asking each continent which recently/mostly dead people are worthy of inclusion in the "roll of honor" or some such. :)
Quote from: MTYL on October 14, 2017, 05:10:38 AM
One can argue that if a year old interested player doesn't know anything about something happening before his time then perhaps that something wasn't that impactful after all. I never heard of this Alison. I've heard plenty about Jonsu and Mathurin.
Allison was the prototype for any schemer. She constantly agitated but was tolerated because she fought like a dog for SA. Made a lot of deals and spread SA a great deal, but if you ask my character he'll tell you she died before most of that, drilled a hole in her head and an imposter took up her place. That was when she went truly off the rails, founded Kabrinskia, claimed to have defeated Mendicant with magic, etc etc. Interesting days.
I think I've managed to get 2 of my characters to Vita's list. Zakilevo and Kurlock. Wanted to get a third one in at some point XD
Allison was a hoot to play with.
I miss her.
Like a hole in the head.
Quote from: MTYL on October 14, 2017, 05:10:38 AM
One can argue that if a year old interested player doesn't know anything about something happening before his time then perhaps that something wasn't that impactful after all. I never heard of this Alison. I've heard plenty about Jonsu and Mathurin.
D'awww. *blushes*
Man, reading this was a blast from the past. Loved the parts about Fontan and LoF. I'm just coming back, but I used to play Tal conDoin in Fontan. A minor player, and my only character to have a decent impact I think.
Fun times though, from LoF through the Sirion War and all. All the big names were hit though, I think. From Gregor to Basileus, Hamilton and all. There was one though...Zhakev? I can't remember, but I feel like it was an Eastern European name. He was a player in Fontan, not sure if he would qualify for this list.
Quote from: conDoin on September 05, 2018, 12:45:10 AM
Man, reading this was a blast from the past. Loved the parts about Fontan and LoF. I'm just coming back, but I used to play Tal conDoin in Fontan. A minor player, and my only character to have a decent impact I think.
Fun times though, from LoF through the Sirion War and all. All the big names were hit though, I think. From Gregor to Basileus, Hamilton and all. There was one though...Zhakev? I can't remember, but I feel like it was an Eastern European name. He was a player in Fontan, not sure if he would qualify for this list.
Welcome back Tal! Fontan is sadly long gone but there's plenty of PvP action on EC, or if you fancy some PvE masochism both Beluaterra and Dwilight are desperate for new nobles.
Haha I appreciate the welcome!
I'm definitely back on EC, and I've made a foray into Beluaterra ( Where has my beloved Atamara gone? :'( ).
I'm debating where to go in Dwilight. I prefer PvP to PvE, but it looks like I'm going to have to take what I can get.
Quote from: conDoin on September 11, 2018, 03:42:17 PM
Haha I appreciate the welcome!
I'm definitely back on EC, and I've made a foray into Beluaterra ( Where has my beloved Atamara gone? :'( ).
I'm debating where to go in Dwilight. I prefer PvP to PvE, but it looks like I'm going to have to take what I can get.
There's basically no PvP on Dwi and BT.
Quote from: conDoin on September 11, 2018, 03:42:17 PM
Haha I appreciate the welcome!
I'm definitely back on EC, and I've made a foray into Beluaterra ( Where has my beloved Atamara gone? :'( ).
I'm debating where to go in Dwilight. I prefer PvP to PvE, but it looks like I'm going to have to take what I can get.
On Dwi the Lurias have plans but we need additional numbers and on BT I'm always looking for new blood to assist in Ar Agyr as we've some prime real estate to recover from the hordes.
I love this thread. How's that yearly poll coming? How would it be set up?
Quote from: Vita on January 04, 2018, 09:11:04 PM
My general policy has been to not add living characters to the list. However, I definitely think she'll qualify once deceased, so I can add her to the 'waiting list' of living but famous characters. Garas and Glaumring too.
There have been some exceptions, mostly to those who have been paused for several months, or whose characters come from the Near Origins (~2003) of BM. These are quite the rare exception compared to the other names on the lists. I'll consider Glaumring for an exception, due to joining Dwilight so early and still being around. Possibly Karibash too.
Also, I was planning to make it an annual community event (poll each noble on each island) at some point, but I don't know how likely that'll be, with my diminishing engagement level.
Colonies are not an afterthought, though there are decidedly less names there.
Ultimately, as I said above, I'd like to make it an annual event (say, over Christmas/NYW week, when things are more relaxed) where each island's nobles vote on the most worthy noble who deceased/deleted/retired over the past year.
Glaumring is now 110years old as a hero.... I don't think he'll ever get on a deceased list, ive been trying for decades!
I've recently learned that the oldest dead hero in BattleMaster was 102 years old (second oldest 97, and youngest 16, with 3 more at 17). So, once Glaumring or any other ancient hero older than 102, at least they'll set a new record for oldest dead hero. ;)
Who's the oldest living hero alive then?
Yao Ling?
Maybe KK at 135yo? (
Fissoa could use a war...
Quote from: Bluelake on October 16, 2018, 03:21:27 PM
Maybe KK at 135yo? (
Fissoa could use a war...
Ha! Luria better get to it, because things are too easy right now, and getting the urge to just sprawl over in every direction until we trigger a new invasion for y'all.
wrong thread I think. This thread is about famous old chars not fame points.
Yea I messed up. But I just found the erase button.