First look at all that juicy, lovely wonderful open land in BT and then look at all those *fun* Daimons to fight. Now here's my idea during the First Crusade after whopping large quantities of Islamic ass the Christian kingdoms of Europe left crusader kingdoms down in former Muslim lands, mostly to keep the area converted and to expand the reach of Christianity across the world.
so there is some historical precedence of what I'm describing, how about after killing some Daimons in a glorious war of man vs myth, and begin to reclaim what was once ours we could set up a duchy have it friendly succession and have it be a realm that is for the sole purpose of converting Daimon controlled lands and regaining control of the world for mortals once and for all.
In a perfect world it could be set up in the first city they took as a show of how cool humans are.
I guess we should discuss this
We already tried to have something like that, although it was Thalmarkin led by the King of Kings. However a lot of the southern realms did not wish to play ball and we had a good little war going on for a while. However it's understandable because things would get boring if we all decided that one realm was all-good and all were friends as a result of wanting to be their buddy. The same thing would probably be a result of a crusader-realm, as claiming to be designed to be anti-daimon/non-human would be like trying to be always neutral.
If anything the realms that are the least destroyed and the displaced nobles will be making all the power plays and intrigue after the daimons are sent home. The south is ripe for border disputes now.
And historically, those crusader states did not have the support of all Christendom.
I wouldn't exactly use the Crusades to refer to the idea (where muslims would then be daimons?), but yeah, it is fun. And it is indeed sort-of what Thalmarkin wanted/tried/did.
However, after each (good) invasion, most lands have turned rogue and only a few realms really survive. It's usual that after invasions a colonisation of sorts begins, reconquering rogue lands to start new realm, or recreate old ones (but perhaps in different regions).