What I plan with the game is to make the code for the Unity 3D client freely available. I want others to improve it, or to take it and write their own client, quite possibly a better one than I can manage.
I want to do this early in the development, but not too early, because right now I am still messing with basic concepts. The concept phase should be over (it almost is). So if you are interested in working with Unity 3D on a community project, where others will read and improve your code, this is a good place to start.
The same is true for artwork. If you want to contribute 3D models, graphics, sounds, music - anything - then this could be a good opportunity.
Anything related to the development of the 3D client can be posted in this discussion.
I have posted the current codebase of the 3D client to Github:
If you want to contribute, you simply can.
Current development status: