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BattleMaster => Locals => East Island => Topic started by: Gabanus family on May 14, 2016, 11:39:09 PM

Title: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 14, 2016, 11:39:09 PM
Quote from: Vita on May 14, 2016, 10:21:31 PM
How about we settle with the whole community, players and devs, should have acted sooner? Now, where should we, players and devs, be concerned about now, not in yesteryear?

That the north of EC gets deadlocked in eternal peace again with Shadowdale being a puppet of Sirion, Nivemus same and Caligus pretty loyal to Vix and Sirion from so it seems*.

*Might be slightly biased though xD

But in all honesty, think every island has it's opportunities in the dozens.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Victor C on May 14, 2016, 11:50:07 PM
Quote from: Vita on May 14, 2016, 10:21:31 PM
How about we settle with the whole community, players and devs, should have acted sooner? Now, where should we, players and devs, be concerned about now, not in yesteryear?

There are hardly any wars happening on Dwilight, basically everyone is at peace with the exception of Swordfell and Westfold.

Caligus in EC is playing everything way too safe in my opinion and is only getting involved in wars they know they will win (not taking any risks etc.)  I haven't been around long, but I have a small nastolgia of "Same people doing nothing" of course, that's all I can see... Caligus is very open and isn't silent, but it really has no enemies and just decides who to aid.

Swordfell is at war, not by their own accord, but it's still war.

I'm sure there's more happening in dwilight, but I simply don't see it... Just a small conquest in the West... In my personal opinion, Astrum should feel "entitled to their old land". Or some rulers should be threatened by this rogue rise of power.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 15, 2016, 12:04:48 AM
Quote from: victor c on May 14, 2016, 11:50:07 PM
There are hardly any wars happening on Dwilight, basically everyone is at peace with the exception of Swordfell and Westfold.

Caligus in EC is playing everything way too safe in my opinion and is only getting involved in wars they know they will win (not taking any risks etc.)  I haven't been around long, but I have a small nastolgia of "Same people doing nothing" of course, that's all I can see... Caligus is very open and isn't silent, but it really has no enemies and just decides who to aid.

Swordfell is at war, not by their own accord, but it's still war.

I'm sure there's more happening in dwilight, but I simply don't see it... Just a small conquest in the West... In my personal opinion, Astrum should feel "entitled to their old land". Or some rulers should be threatened by this rogue rise of power.

Dwilight is a bit of a special case were most realms are still struggling with the monsters at this point. Luria Nova seems to be at a point were they're managing well again. Luria Borreal has its problems as does Fissoa. Not to mention the border realms at this point of D'hara, Madina and Astrum and I think the north as well. So that's the reason for the limited war on Dwilight for now.

The matter of Caligus concerns me a bit, as does Xavax. On the one hand I like Xavax/Fallangard cause they'll end up fighting Caligus for sure, but on the other hand I don't like the idea of the southern realms falling one by one into the formation of 1, or maybe two large realms (should fallangard for instance go after Perleone's lands). Perdan is a beautifull wildcard though, one I'll prob go to should Oligarch ever fall.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: GundamMerc on May 15, 2016, 01:55:36 AM
Quote from: Gabanus family on May 15, 2016, 12:04:48 AM
The matter of Caligus concerns me a bit, as does Xavax. On the one hand I like Xavax/Fallangard cause they'll end up fighting Caligus for sure, but on the other hand I don't like the idea of the southern realms falling one by one into the formation of 1, or maybe two large realms (should fallangard for instance go after Perleone's lands). Perdan is a beautifull wildcard though, one I'll prob go to should Oligarch ever fall.

How about we wait to see what happens in the south after the war. It is not Xavax's fault Minas Nova and Alara declared Hatred, and it is not as one-sided as it seems at this point. Although I admit that the mutual hatred status on Minas Nova is worrying, with Greater Xavax already having two cities, a one city realm in Semall wouldn't be very viable anyways. I have a plan for this anyways. :3
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 15, 2016, 01:36:42 PM
Quote from: GundamMerc on May 15, 2016, 01:55:36 AM
How about we wait to see what happens in the south after the war. It is not Xavax's fault Minas Nova and Alara declared Hatred, and it is not as one-sided as it seems at this point. Although I admit that the mutual hatred status on Minas Nova is worrying, with Greater Xavax already having two cities, a one city realm in Semall wouldn't be very viable anyways. I have a plan for this anyways. :3

Which is why I said it concerns me a bit. We're talking on an OOC level here and I've heard people saying stuff about a Xavax Imperium. What concerns me about all those things, is that we run the risk of creating big blocks of powers again. If Oligarch falls, the north will be a federation in all but name again, with Sirion, Nivemus and Shadowdale. If Xavax takes care of the south (creating new nations or not in some form of Imperium) you run the risk of having a southern block which stretches at least untill Ibladesh City. Then there are Vix, Perdan, Caligus in the centre were Caligus is allied to the north as well and Sirion and Perdan at hatred in all but name still. It will create a difficult situation for war again, or a very unfair war, which we should be carefull off.

So far I see no imminent problems, but that is something which could pose a problem in the long run, when Sirion now doubt will try to force Perdan back to (re-create at that time prob) Eponllyn and perhaps even take Perdan City again.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: GundamMerc on May 15, 2016, 03:28:30 PM
You realize that Xavax is aligned against the Caligus bloc right now, yes? even if they follow through on your worst estimates, it will just mean that Caligus and pals actually have some sort of counter-balance. I'll give you a pass because your character isn't down here, but our ruler is very conscious of the need to avoid too much expansion. I'd suggest you talk with them before jumping to conclusions.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 15, 2016, 06:27:44 PM
Quote from: GundamMerc on May 15, 2016, 03:28:30 PM
You realize that Xavax is aligned against the Caligus bloc right now, yes? even if they follow through on your worst estimates, it will just mean that Caligus and pals actually have some sort of counter-balance. I'll give you a pass because your character isn't down here, but our ruler is very conscious of the need to avoid too much expansion. I'd suggest you talk with them before jumping to conclusions.

I'd suggest you read carefully both what I wrote and what you did. I'm just stating what could happen and how the current situation could evolve. I'm drawing no conclusions at all, merely stating what would be the adverse effect of should some things happen. I'd suggest we keep this discussion civilized and positive in respect to each other.

I do realize that Xavax is currently in the anti Caligus side, but if Vix joins them, as well as the northern block, then the south will be crushed in a matter of months. Having two of the blocks against one of the other (in any of the ways) will result in a completely unbalanced situation. Which explains why Perdan is the wild card in this matter (since they don't get along with Caligus that well). But if they decide to join the south in this scenario they will be wiped out pretty quick I'm afraid, unless they gain even more nobles. Which is also why I'll promote everyone in Oligarch to go to Perdan should Oligarch ever fall (IC of course) :-)

Also my thoughts on Xavax are a combination of what I've seen on this forum so far from Xavax' side and the fact that their enemies were so stupid to declare hatred on them, which means they'll have to deal with them firmly unfortunately.  This is not Xavax' fault, but it does pose potential problems for the future.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Vita` on May 15, 2016, 07:57:43 PM
Perdan talks like its a wildcard, but it does not act like a wildcard.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 15, 2016, 08:34:29 PM
Quote from: Vita on May 15, 2016, 07:57:43 PM
Perdan talks like its a wildcard, but it does not act like a wildcard.

It's still the best bet, cause my hopes for Caligus are 0 and would have been lower, had that been possible. My hope for the north is gone entirely to be honest with Shadowdale's way of speaking and choices.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Ketchum on May 16, 2016, 03:36:35 AM
Quote from: Gabanus family on May 14, 2016, 11:39:09 PM
That the north of EC gets deadlocked in eternal peace again with Shadowdale being a puppet of Sirion, Nivemus same and Caligus pretty loyal to Vix and Sirion from so it seems*.

*Might be slightly biased though xD

But in all honesty, think every island has it's opportunities in the dozens.
Huh? Nivemus declared War against Perdan not too long ago... Is that eternal peace? We just settled down the war though. Er, that was north realm at war with a central realm.

On Nivemus is puppet of Sirion, you have no idea unless you talk to some certain characters. On a personal note I think I need thank Chamberlain character, Catherine for giving Brock a chance to start Nivemus afresh.

If you dislike eternal peace in the north(aka no north realm at war with north realm), come join Nivemus and make the trouble from within. After all, we need nobles ::)

Quote from: Gabanus family on May 15, 2016, 01:36:42 PM
Which is why I said it concerns me a bit. We're talking on an OOC level here and I've heard people saying stuff about a Xavax Imperium. What concerns me about all those things, is that we run the risk of creating big blocks of powers again. If Oligarch falls, the north will be a federation in all but name again, with Sirion, Nivemus and Shadowdale. If Xavax takes care of the south (creating new nations or not in some form of Imperium) you run the risk of having a southern block which stretches at least untill Ibladesh City. Then there are Vix, Perdan, Caligus in the centre were Caligus is allied to the north as well and Sirion and Perdan at hatred in all but name still. It will create a difficult situation for war again, or a very unfair war, which we should be carefull off.
The last I looked at reports, Perdan has the top military CS in whole island. Sirion/Caligus come a close second. Oh wait, now it could have changed. The military strength change daily.

About the block of power you speaking of, well you have no idea. There are some things going on behind the scene. Sorry I cannot reveal much on forum.

Quote from: Gabanus family on May 15, 2016, 01:36:42 PM
So far I see no imminent problems, but that is something which could pose a problem in the long run, when Sirion now doubt will try to force Perdan back to (re-create at that time prob) Eponllyn and perhaps even take Perdan City again.
You have no idea, only characters in Perdan, Eponllyn and Nivemus do.

That is enough giveaways already ;)

Quote from: Noone you know on May 15, 2016, 12:07:44 AM
Oh, please - give it a rest.

They had several years to write a 5 minute in game message saying rulers would be removed if things didn't change, or whatever course they chose to follow.

Leave out the "making them work harder" silliness.
Perhaps instead of developers rolling out a statement saying "you must do this and do that" every time, why not we put forward this limitation in game?

You can only have 2-3 allies Diplomacy, depending on how many realms on that one island.

Oh great, I just think of something to limit all realms I am playing in.
If this can improve game experience, why not? :P
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 16, 2016, 10:27:56 AM
Quote from: Ketchum on May 16, 2016, 03:36:35 AM
You know nothing Jon Snow

I summarized your post for simplicity, but am actually pleased to read this. My concerns are based on everything I've seen happening in the last couple of years on the island and my knowledge of it, which is generally directed much to the north as you know. You are right though that if change in the north is to come, it's most likely from Nivemus. From Sirion I expect nothing anymore and Shadowdale could actually be somewhat of a wild card if given the opportunity (since it's ruled by a Mayhem after all), but it's currently so deadlocked between Caligus and Sirion, that without something else happening (aka Nivemus or whatever) they prob won't do a thing.

Well at this point my char no longer has the power to change anything anyway. Tried and failed, so I'll patiently await what will happen on EC now. The question was however what possible concerns we may have on the other islands, and this was my view on EC on what might happen when certain things play out, based on past and current events (as far as those are known).
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: GundamMerc on May 16, 2016, 06:37:50 PM
I personally would worry more about Perdan than Xavax on East Island.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 16, 2016, 09:00:10 PM
Quote from: GundamMerc on May 16, 2016, 06:37:50 PM
I personally would worry more about Perdan than Xavax on East Island.

I don't see Perdan building big alliance blocks that will hold to be honest. They are powerful, yes, but in the current situation I'd say that's a good thing.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: GundamMerc on May 17, 2016, 01:31:17 AM
Quote from: Gabanus family on May 16, 2016, 09:00:10 PM
I don't see Perdan building big alliance blocks that will hold to be honest. They are powerful, yes, but in the current situation I'd say that's a good thing.

How the hell did you pull that logic? So Xavax, which is at a stalemate with three smaller realms, is a threat to the entire south, while Perdan, which is already the most powerful realm on the continent, is merely a sideshow? Besides that, the only realm Xavax is allied to is Fallangard. Your viewpoint is pretty ignorant about the South as a whole.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 17, 2016, 08:23:50 AM
Quote from: GundamMerc on May 17, 2016, 01:31:17 AM
How the hell did you pull that logic? So Xavax, which is at a stalemate with three smaller realms, is a threat to the entire south, while Perdan, which is already the most powerful realm on the continent, is merely a sideshow? Besides that, the only realm Xavax is allied to is Fallangard. Your viewpoint is pretty ignorant about the South as a whole.

Well quite simple. Due to the situation in the south with these rediculous hatred situations we run the risk of losing 2 or 3 realms in the south, so that's potentially a problem yes and Xavax taking power all over the south. I don't see Perdan doing so, which is why I made that statement.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: GundamMerc on May 17, 2016, 12:23:33 PM
Quote from: Gabanus family on May 17, 2016, 08:23:50 AM
Well quite simple. Due to the situation in the south with these rediculous hatred situations we run the risk of losing 2 or 3 realms in the south, so that's potentially a problem yes and Xavax taking power all over the south. I don't see Perdan doing so, which is why I made that statement.

Perdan is already destroying Eponlynn, a realm that was the size of both Alara and Minas Nova combined. So I'm sorry if I fail to see how they're any better, if not worse. Please, try and become more informed before you throw out disparaging theories about other realms.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: jaune on May 17, 2016, 01:03:17 PM
Well, thats the problem with hatred. You ask to become destroyed.

Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 17, 2016, 02:11:14 PM
Quote from: GundamMerc on May 17, 2016, 12:23:33 PM
Perdan is already destroying Eponlynn, a realm that was the size of both Alara and Minas Nova combined. So I'm sorry if I fail to see how they're any better, if not worse. Please, try and become more informed before you throw out disparaging theories about other realms.

I am quite informed I think. Did you for instance know that Perdan offered peace to Eponllyn several times without Eponllyn having to give up anything north of the river (everything south they had already lost anyway at that point, so they could keep all their current lands) if only they would remove the stupid hatred stance (which while only one realm is at hatred, you're still able to do I might add). In fact, I'm quite convinced from an OOC standpoint that Eponllyn won't be destroyed even now, also with Ketchum's hints, but we'll see how that plays out.

Xavax on the other hand also declared hatred on Minas Nova, so no way back there other than to destroy each other. At the same time I've seen no indication that Xavax also won't destroy Alara. This means 2 realms lost (and possibly replaced by other realms) in the south and prob none in the north.

Now do tell me where I'm so wrong and illfully informed?
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Vita` on May 17, 2016, 03:38:54 PM
Quote from: Gabanus family on May 17, 2016, 02:11:14 PM
Did you for instance know that Perdan offered peace to Eponllyn several times without Eponllyn having to give up anything north of the river (everything south they had already lost anyway at that point, so they could keep all their current lands) if only they would remove the stupid hatred stance (which while only one realm is at hatred, you're still able to do I might add).

Except Eponllyn cannot remove the hatred unless Perdan offers to. Last I heard Perdan was demanding Eponllyn remove it (as you say), which they cannot. Unless Perdan sends an offer for them to do so.

Also, Eponllyn surrendered to Perdan. Perdan kept warring Eponllyn anyway. More than once so Perdan could keep taking more. Perdan also violated all the 'limited war' talk that the players were OOC patting themselves on the back for just months beforehand. Perdan may not have mechanically declared hatred, but they've behaved like they were at hatred throughout the war.

Didn't Minas Nova and Alara threaten to destroy Xavax entirely when they declared their hatreds and have refused to discuss terms at all? You can't treat with those who insist on trying to kill you.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 17, 2016, 04:12:49 PM
Quote from: Vita on May 17, 2016, 03:38:54 PM
Except Eponllyn cannot remove the hatred unless Perdan offers to. Last I heard Perdan was demanding Eponllyn remove it (as you say), which they cannot. Unless Perdan sends an offer for them to do so.

Also, Eponllyn surrendered to Perdan. Perdan kept warring Eponllyn anyway. More than once so Perdan could keep taking more. Perdan also violated all the 'limited war' talk that the players were OOC patting themselves on the back for just months beforehand. Perdan may not have mechanically declared hatred, but they've behaved like they were at hatred throughout the war.

Didn't Minas Nova and Alara threaten to destroy Xavax entirely when they declared their hatreds and have refused to discuss terms at all? You can't treat with those who insist on trying to kill you.

Allow me to make something clear, which might have gone lost with GundamMerc's assaults on my perception. I have clearly stated the following:
"This is not Xavax' fault, but it does pose potential problems for the future."

Perdan has been hard on Eponllyn and if Perdan has to offer peace before Eponllyn can accept it, then that's the first time I've ever heard of that rule myself. Perhaps someone should make that piece of game mechanic clear to them.

The limited war thing of Perdan/Vix and Eponllyn/Nivemus has gone wrong yes, but by no means are they 'forced to do so'. I agree that the entire situation did not deserve a beauty award. However the situation as it is, seems like Perdan does not wish to destroy Eponllyn and I doubt they will. GundamMerc stated otherwise and it's why I brought it up.

Of course Xavax is in a tough spot, but I speak of the meta environment. If they destroy Alara, Minas Nova must follow because of the hatred thing. When that happens, Xavax will controll the entire south and I don't see Fallangard going away from them, cause they're in a tough situation diplomatically, always have been. Thus the creation of a southern power block can easily happen, which can create problems in the future. That is all I've said and I welcome anyone to prove differently.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Vita` on May 17, 2016, 04:22:43 PM
Quote from: Gabanus family on May 17, 2016, 04:12:49 PM
Perdan has been hard on Eponllyn and if Perdan has to offer peace before Eponllyn can accept it, then that's the first time I've ever heard of that rule myself. Perhaps someone should make that piece of game mechanic clear to them.

If Keplerstan declares hatred on Evilstan, then Evilstan needs to send the raising-relations paperwork to Keplerstan for Keplerstan to remove the hatred. Keplerstan cannot remove the hatred on their own. This is why if Keplerstan declared hatred on Evilstan and Evilstan declared hatred on Keplerstan, neither would be able to offer raised-relations with the other because they'd both be at hatred with the other.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Chamberlain on May 17, 2016, 05:01:43 PM
So one or the other has to die?? Lordy... what a mess
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Vita` on May 17, 2016, 05:14:37 PM
Only if hatred is mutual.

You know declaring hatred is declaring everyone and everything to do with their realm to be Evil Incarnate, yeah? Completely savage, ignoble, daimon-worshipping, inhuman, kicking puppies and babies, evil nose-picking bastards! And it doesn't have to be until death. They could continue to remain at hatred without killing each other with on and off again active wars/campaigns. In fact, I'd find that a neat concept. A constant hot-and-cold/active-inactive hatred between realms. The old rivalries for instances, Sirion-Perdan, Yssaria-Caligus, Enweil-Riombara, D'Hara-Luria etc.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: GundamMerc on May 17, 2016, 07:49:34 PM
Quote from: Gabanus family on May 17, 2016, 04:12:49 PM
Allow me to make something clear, which might have gone lost with GundamMerc's assaults on my perception. I have clearly stated the following:
"This is not Xavax' fault, but it does pose potential problems for the future."

Perdan has been hard on Eponllyn and if Perdan has to offer peace before Eponllyn can accept it, then that's the first time I've ever heard of that rule myself. Perhaps someone should make that piece of game mechanic clear to them.

The limited war thing of Perdan/Vix and Eponllyn/Nivemus has gone wrong yes, but by no means are they 'forced to do so'. I agree that the entire situation did not deserve a beauty award. However the situation as it is, seems like Perdan does not wish to destroy Eponllyn and I doubt they will. GundamMerc stated otherwise and it's why I brought it up.

Of course Xavax is in a tough spot, but I speak of the meta environment. If they destroy Alara, Minas Nova must follow because of the hatred thing. When that happens, Xavax will controll the entire south and I don't see Fallangard going away from them, cause they're in a tough situation diplomatically, always have been. Thus the creation of a southern power block can easily happen, which can create problems in the future. That is all I've said and I welcome anyone to prove differently.

You're assuming Xavax wants all that land. They don't.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 17, 2016, 08:49:53 PM
Quote from: GundamMerc on May 17, 2016, 07:49:34 PM
You're assuming Xavax wants all that land. They don't.

But what other option do they have atm? Also, they don't want to wipe out Alara? Cause so far everything I've seen points into the other direction.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JeVondair on May 17, 2016, 09:37:44 PM
Yeah, that reverse hatred thing was a knee jerk reaction for me. I'd never seen it used in game and wanted to try it out. I'd actually intended to do it for both Minas Nova AND Alara, but found that I could only have one at a time. I did not realize it could never be revoked...but that just makes things more interesting. But trust me, pieces are in motion...

That said, I just don't see the southern wars ending any time soon, and Xavax has been famously unconcerned about matters beyond their borders. That does not, however, mean that things are immune to change. For example, what if Caligus attacks Fallangard while Xavax is distracted? What if either Caligus, Alara, or Xavax suffer a leadership change? And If they do that, what's to stop a land grab against Caligus from their neighbors? What will Perdan and Vix do if Xavax takes Ibaldesh? What if Xavax magically takes Semall and its Duchess takes the rest of her lands to join Perleone?

There are so MANY possibilities! So much room for activities!
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: BarticaBoat on May 18, 2016, 01:28:05 AM
Quote from: Gabanus family on May 17, 2016, 08:49:53 PM
But what other option do they have atm? Also, they don't want to wipe out Alara? Cause so far everything I've seen points into the other direction.

We want to quell the rebels of Itorunt and destroy the bandits of Semall, yes. Itorunt lies in Greater Xavax, Semall does not. The Imperium is only concerned with the lands of Greater Xavax. Read into that as you will.

Besides, we technically have one law (don't anger the Xerarch) and I've never seen a realm more actively use doublethink and propaganda as freely as we do. We are purpose built to be isolationist. When the war ends there will be more RP room.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JeVondair on May 18, 2016, 02:30:59 AM
and more Wine!

State sponsored wine for all!
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Ketchum on May 18, 2016, 04:40:48 AM
Quote from: Vita on May 17, 2016, 04:22:43 PM
If Keplerstan declares hatred on Evilstan, then Evilstan needs to send the raising-relations paperwork to Keplerstan for Keplerstan to remove the hatred. Keplerstan cannot remove the hatred on their own. This is why if Keplerstan declared hatred on Evilstan and Evilstan declared hatred on Keplerstan, neither would be able to offer raised-relations with the other because they'd both be at hatred with the other.
Interesting. "One cannot live while the other survive." - Harry Potter quote

Quote from: GundamMerc on May 17, 2016, 07:49:34 PM
You're assuming Xavax wants all that land. They don't.
Actually any realm can leave some lands rogue if they do not want the land. Basically summarize what GundamMerc says ;)

Quote from: JeVondair on May 18, 2016, 02:30:59 AM
and more Wine!

State sponsored wine for all!
Be careful of poisoned wine from Brock. He treats Perdan General to wine and some shadow crept behind the said General :P
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Constantine on May 18, 2016, 12:14:15 PM
Quote from: BarticaBoat on May 18, 2016, 01:28:05 AM
We are purpose built to be isolationist. When the war ends there will be more RP room.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 18, 2016, 01:30:10 PM
Quote from: BarticaBoat on May 18, 2016, 01:28:05 AM
We want to quell the rebels of Itorunt and destroy the bandits of Semall, yes. Itorunt lies in Greater Xavax, Semall does not. The Imperium is only concerned with the lands of Greater Xavax. Read into that as you will.

Besides, we technically have one law (don't anger the Xerarch) and I've never seen a realm more actively use doublethink and propaganda as freely as we do. We are purpose built to be isolationist. When the war ends there will be more RP room.

This + the reactions before kinda confirm what I wrote before doesn't it?

Also, saying that you haven't seen so much propaganda before yet doesn't mean it doesn't exists (tbh I haven't seen any realm propaganda by Xavax in game yet). Although the Isolationist is a interesting and very strange concept, but we'll see what comes of it I suppose.

But so far I've seen little to contradict my summary of what could easily happen and what dangers there could be hidden in those scenarios.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JeVondair on May 18, 2016, 02:47:38 PM
Also, we definitely want to wipe out Alara. That given is no secret. It's Minas Nova and Perleone that we don't really care about, other than the fact that they are in our way. Oh, and the hatred thing...but that was something of an accident. One example of propoganda is that it is now illegal  in Xavax to refer to either realm by their names (punishable by fines and ridicule). Instead, they are the Black City Bandits or the Raiders of Semall or other outlaw titles. Because they are criminals XD

Of course, with Vix lower relations and Caligus making hints, it does not seem that Xavax will be able to enjoy the quality "Xavax only" time to which we are so entitled...
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Wimpie on May 18, 2016, 03:13:45 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on May 18, 2016, 02:47:38 PM
Also, we definitely want to wipe out Alara. That given is no secret. It's Minas Nova and Perleone that we don't really care about, other than the fact that they are in our way. Oh, and the hatred thing...but that was something of an accident. One example of propoganda is that it is now illegal  in Xavax to refer to either realm by their names (punishable by fines and ridicule). Instead, they are the Black City Bandits or the Raiders of Semall or other outlaw titles. Because they are criminals XD

Of course, with Vix lower relations and Caligus making hints, it does not seem that Xavax will be able to enjoy the quality "Xavax only" time to which we are so entitled...

Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JeVondair on May 19, 2016, 01:46:28 AM
Quote from: Wimpie on May 18, 2016, 03:13:45 PM

Smirk all you like we're on to you sneakster you ain't slick!  ;)
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: on May 19, 2016, 02:00:38 AM
We're also pretty good at fighting each other. :p
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: on May 19, 2016, 02:31:42 AM
Quote from: Gabanus family on May 18, 2016, 01:30:10 PM
This + the reactions before kinda confirm what I wrote before doesn't it?

Also, saying that you haven't seen so much propaganda before yet doesn't mean it doesn't exists (tbh I haven't seen any realm propaganda by Xavax in game yet). Although the Isolationist is a interesting and very strange concept, but we'll see what comes of it I suppose.

But so far I've seen little to contradict my summary of what could easily happen and what dangers there could be hidden in those scenarios.

We have no interest in Minas Nova's regions other than they're controlled by Minas Nova, nor Perleone beyond the fact that they butted into our affairs and launched a few unsuccessful raids on Oc Lu Pesh and been helping keep the other two alive. For all we care, once Minas is gone, thier regions and their "dirty little town with delusions of grandeur" can sit rogue and breed monsters, and Perleone can see itself right out of our business at any time (if that requires bloodying their nose to get the point across, so be it). If anything, Vix's recent threat has drawn a big target on them, we'll want to secure our northern border in case Vix wants to get involved now... You see, we have no interest in blobbing up into some sort of Southern Superpower, we're too busy plotting against each other in our own court to care about the trivialities of outside politics. ;)
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JeVondair on May 19, 2016, 03:28:26 AM
You best not be plottin'! If you think Selenia's new law against squirrels holding nuts is harsh, imagine what she'll do to you!
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Ketchum on May 19, 2016, 04:36:44 AM
Quote from: Gabanus family on May 18, 2016, 01:30:10 PM
This + the reactions before kinda confirm what I wrote before doesn't it?

Also, saying that you haven't seen so much propaganda before yet doesn't mean it doesn't exists (tbh I haven't seen any realm propaganda by Xavax in game yet). Although the Isolationist is a interesting and very strange concept, but we'll see what comes of it I suppose.

But so far I've seen little to contradict my summary of what could easily happen and what dangers there could be hidden in those scenarios.
I wish I can tell you more to contradict your summary. But let keep it a surprise :D

Quote from: JeVondair on May 19, 2016, 03:28:26 AM
You best not be plottin'! If you think Selenia's new law against squirrels holding nuts is harsh, imagine what she'll do to you!
But I need to plot... Can outsider plot against Selenia? It is not against law right.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JeVondair on May 19, 2016, 06:43:17 AM
Quote from: Ketchum on May 19, 2016, 04:36:44 AM
But I need to plot... Can outsider plot against Selenia? It is not against law right.

If a foreigner plots against the Xerach, but is outside the lands of the Imperium, then, legally, Selenia can't do anything. Well, she can laugh, reign down HIGHLY EMOTIONAL and ILLOGICAL NONSENSICAL ARROGANT messages on you, but she can't sue you. It only becomes Illegal if you happen to be caught plottin while within the lands claimed by the Imperium.

Selenia actually did make Druzil's snippit about illegal squirrels into an actual Imperial Edict and Law of Xavax. I shudder to imagine what she'd do to Brock if she caught him!
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: BarticaBoat on May 19, 2016, 06:58:40 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on May 19, 2016, 06:43:17 AM
Selenia actually did make Druzil's snippit about illegal squirrels into an actual Imperial Edict and Law of Xavax. I shudder to imagine what she'd do to Brock if she caught him!

Judge Bulletin

last updated by Torxanib Godric Tórrarin on 2016-05-19 06:56:12
The nobles in the lands of western Greater Xavax shall be referred to as rebels of Itorunt. Further west is the criminal horde around Semall. They are not realms.

All sworn to Vix Tramora are forbidden passage in the Imperium and are to be reported.

All squirrels caught holding any variety of nut, acorn, or drupe are to be killed, seared, and left as food for the owner of the property.

The Codex of Laws of Xavax

The Arbiter
The Arbiter will administer justice according to proper noble decorum and laws of fealty. (C.1.5.1) Matters of importance to the Imperium will be tried directly by the Arbiter in a binding arbitration without privilege of appeal. In those cases only the Xerarch may break the arbitration.

Internal conflict within a fief, including insubordination and failure in military duties,  will be judged by the liege-lord. When there is no common liege besides the Xerarch, these cases will be defaulted to arbitration. Similarly, cases may be appealed or escalated according to rules found within the codex. Any case may be dealt with via duel in lieu of arbitration. Arbitrations may demand a duel take place. Refusal of a duel shall be punishable according to a breach of decorum. A duellist may petition the Arbiter for a champion to take their place. Death of the champion will see them fined a wergild to a designated person as well as loss of their case. (C.1.5.5-8)

Duelling is a respected art and a valid judgement of legal cases. It shall not be restricted in any sense.  (C.2.3)
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: on May 19, 2016, 09:29:39 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on May 19, 2016, 03:28:26 AM
You best not be plottin'! If you think Selenia's new law against squirrels holding nuts is harsh, imagine what she'll do to you!

Of course I'm not plotting against Her Grace, I was part of the Loyalist faction after all! ;)
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Wimpie on May 19, 2016, 10:23:34 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on May 19, 2016, 01:46:28 AM
Smirk all you like we're on to you sneakster you ain't slick!  ;)

About time!
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Vita` on May 19, 2016, 09:20:01 PM
Replying here from a Dwilight thread that tangented into EC discussion, so as to keep continent discussions separate.

EC Tangent Reply from this post (,7121.msg149343.html#msg149343)
I don't know what happened inside Perdan as a realm. But the ancient (you *just* gave your city away to eponllyn, how is it ancient?) ambition I have doubts on existing at the beginning of the war, but coming later. The war started over passage rights. We were told over and over, both ICly as character, and OOCly as players, that Perdan had absolutely no interest in Perdan City at all, ever again. Which was what Perdan had offered us in the treaty they wrote. As the war progressed and Perdan/Vix violated more of their agreements, Vix and Perdan players shared that older Perdanite players had returned. And *they* wanted to restore the city. Which is all fine and good IC, things change. But it still changed the nature of the war from a limited one of passage rights with no looting or takeovers looking forward to a limited war to get something going to crushing and driving players out of the game from frustration. After Perdan and Vix fought in a limited war where their players went on and on about what super awesome players they were not engaging in life or death wars.

It was absolutely not fun to be in Eponllyn after the war changed saying 'we surrender' *loot* *takeover* 'we surrender' *loot* *takever*. Especially after Perdan had said it changed from the *last* three times it did that to Eponllyn. Especially after it had gone on and on about small realms and limited wars and a new era. You try to go out and do something to keep your realm engaging thinking the players on the other side of the war understand where you're coming from, them having *just* been in the same position not long ago, and instead one feels in hindsight that you should've just let them march through your realm and not attempted any war if that was how it was going to go down. And people wonder why you get situations with very risk-averse, cautious leaders. Because even when you take risks with those who praise themselves for fighting limited wars and championing small realms, its just more same old gangbang.

Eponllyn saved Perdan's life after Perdan started its second war to destroy Eponllyn. When Perdan was in the same poor stagnant position Eponllyn is in now, Eponllyn stood by and refused to destroy Perdan like the rest of the continent did. It was prepared to defend Perdan against invaders from Vix before Perdan's new ruler decided to shun Eponllyn. Eponllyn bent over backwards to accommodate Perdan. Perdan wanted nothing of it. Perdan may never have declared hatred mechanically, but Perdan has acted in hatred of Eponllyn for OOC years now, attempting to destroy Eponllyn on at least three separate occasions now. And after Perdan lied the umpteenth time about what it was going to do or what it wanted from this war, can you fault a realm for perhaps...not believing they are telling the truth this time? Everything Perdan said it would not do, it in fact did.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JeVondair on May 19, 2016, 10:40:21 PM
Quote from: Wimpie on May 19, 2016, 10:23:34 AM
About time!

Back in the game, you! You've go questions to answer....

well just ONE question, actually...  ::)
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JeVondair on May 21, 2016, 01:25:00 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on May 17, 2016, 09:37:44 PM
I just don't see the southern wars ending any time soon, and Xavax has been famously unconcerned about matters beyond their borders. That does not, however, mean that things are immune to change. For example, what if Caligus attacks Fallangard while Xavax is distracted? What if either Caligus, Alara, or Xavax suffer a leadership change? And If they do that, what's to stop a land grab against Caligus from their neighbors? What will Perdan and Vix do if Xavax takes Ibaldesh? What if Xavax magically takes Semall and its Duchess takes the rest of her lands to join Perleone?

There are so MANY possibilities! So much room for activities!

I need to start being more careful what I wish for...

So, from the Xavax perspective, we know that Vix is assembling their army to 'sneak' attack us. Our focus will shift north, giving Alara some breathing room and perhaps even allowing them to take back a region or two. Fallangard will jump in because no federated ally would let 4v1 bang happen and they have been ACHING for a war and their combined strength will more than put them on par with Vix. Fallangard taking action will force Caligus to reevaluate their position because in exchange for not interceding on Alara's behalf, they forbade Fallangard from joining the war. But, Caligus is at war with a surprisingly stubborn First Oligarch and the risk of opening a 2 front war with the aggressive and not-weak Imperial Federation might fall under the category of a Bad Idea.

Meanwhile, the neighbors of a distracted might just do some reevaluating of their own...

Room for activities indeed.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JeVondair on May 21, 2016, 04:44:23 PM
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: GundamMerc on May 21, 2016, 04:53:09 PM
Boring as !@#$. I'm predicting Perdan finds some BS reason to involve itself, and Caligus follows through on their promise.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 21, 2016, 05:32:29 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on May 21, 2016, 04:44:23 PM

OOC I can tell you to worry about Caligus more than you are doing now. Politically speaking you'd be wise to end now, but that'll be no fun. Oligarch has been suing for peace because, well there is no way we can do anything against all these realms and nobody IC knows that Caligus will be forces out. At this point Oligarch's situation seems that if they do not achieve peace, they're backed back into a single region realm. Caligus will no doubt be withdrawing and will prob join the fray.

Now note, I really hope they don't cause with Vix and Fallangard joining, you'd have yourself a nice war without Caligus joining in as well.

Now let's see what Perdan will do.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JeVondair on May 21, 2016, 06:52:04 PM
Caligus will come, or they won't. Xavax doesn't particularly care anymore. There's a certain glory to fighting all the major powers of the island and then some.

The thing about Xavax, however, is its location. It's so far from the capitals of other realms, and its own regions are so close to ITS capital, that we can make this a long and bloody war. I already gave a variation of Bill Pullman's Independence Day speech to the Xavax nobles.

That said, how long before the whole island falls back into war I wonder?
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Zakilevo on May 21, 2016, 06:57:24 PM
So Xavax is taking on Perdan and Caligus at the same time?
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: on May 21, 2016, 07:07:27 PM
Perdan hasn't declared anything (yet) and we're at peace with Caligus (for the moment). We're at war with Alara, Minas Nova, Perleone, and now Vix Tiramora is throwing in. We're in a Federation with Fallangard (who hasn't really seen any action due to the wishes of JeVondair). We'll see if Caligus or Perdan decide to get involved, and which side they throw in on, but the current political situation doesn't look good for Xavax getting any outside help.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 21, 2016, 07:25:17 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on May 21, 2016, 06:52:04 PM
Caligus will come, or they won't. Xavax doesn't particularly care anymore. There's a certain glory to fighting all the major powers of the island and then some.

The thing about Xavax, however, is its location. It's so far from the capitals of other realms, and its own regions are so close to ITS capital, that we can make this a long and bloody war. I already gave a variation of Bill Pullman's Independence Day speech to the Xavax nobles.

That said, how long before the whole island falls back into war I wonder?

Hehe yeah I know what you mean. But I doubt Perdan will kick in tbh, at least not against Xavax. I still have too much faith in the player of their ruler to orchestrate that. Caligus I do expect to join. What happens rest I don't know.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: on May 21, 2016, 07:34:18 PM
If Perdan wanted to join in on Xavax's side they could swallow everything west of Semall without much resistance, we certainly wouldn't care.  ;)
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JeVondair on May 21, 2016, 07:50:39 PM
We'd rather not, but if they don;t give us a choice then what else can we do but fight?
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: GundamMerc on May 21, 2016, 07:53:29 PM
JeVondair, you mean you don't care anymore. some of us do.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 21, 2016, 07:54:52 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on May 21, 2016, 07:50:39 PM
We'd rather not, but if they don;t give us a choice then what else can we do but fight?

As I said, I doubt Perdan would. But nonetheless you have a hard war ahead of you.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JeVondair on May 21, 2016, 08:13:48 PM
Quote from: Gabanus family on May 21, 2016, 07:54:52 PM
As I said, I doubt Perdan would. But nonetheless you have a hard war fun game ahead of you.

Fixed it for ya  ;D
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 21, 2016, 09:46:26 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on May 21, 2016, 08:13:48 PM
Fixed it for ya  ;D

I actually had writen "fun war" before, but edited it, because I'd figure some people would come and say that x realms on 2 is never fun etc.

Truth be told, even losing a war can be a lot of fun. It just depends on how you play things. Plus as long as you're not destroyed you can always come back. Look at Caligus, hell look at Perdan. Perdan is prob now the strongest realm on the continent and it was crushed by the north just prior to all of this.

I'm curious to see where Oligarch's going, but we might actually end up with a short period of peace (before Garas decides to screw it up again, with his wife sighing, but forcefully agreeing). Also curious of course to see how Xavax will hold up against a real challenge.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Wimpie on May 22, 2016, 10:38:04 AM
On a sidenote, Vix isn't the power it has been before (and even then, limited). Many nobles left so we're with a few only.

Fallangard will most definately join in, so noble-wise I don't think it's a real gangbang though. Depending on what numbers you look at, exactly.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 22, 2016, 12:47:39 PM
Quote from: Wimpie on May 22, 2016, 10:38:04 AM
On a sidenote, Vix isn't the power it has been before (and even then, limited). Many nobles left so we're with a few only.

Fallangard will most definately join in, so noble-wise I don't think it's a real gangbang though. Depending on what numbers you look at, exactly.

Absolutely agree, but then when Caligus will join in (we both know they prob will) then the war becomes somewhat skewed. Not the size of the gangbangs we have seen previously on other continents, but still a shame I think.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JeVondair on May 22, 2016, 02:29:16 PM
Let's not worry about bangs and what not. Wimpie's right about relative size and power, it simply presents new and interesting strategic challenges for Xavax. He's also right about Fallangard. There is no argument that Selenia could make that would keep Edvaard out of it now. And the hardmode gamer in me even wants Caligus to declare war just so we know where everyone stands - Xavax against the world - if only to prove to Starfall that even in a desperate situation, Selenia would never authorize rape or genocide.

The way I see it, things just got interesting. I'm looking froward to it.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Vita` on May 22, 2016, 03:01:31 PM
QuoteLet's not worry about bangs and what not.
Shall someone declare a war over a Queen's hairbangs? Queen Teniel receives a butchered haircut while touring Nivemus and diplomatic incident ensues.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JeVondair on May 22, 2016, 03:55:15 PM
Quote from: Vita on May 22, 2016, 03:01:31 PM
Shall someone declare a war over a Queen's hairbangs? Queen Teniel receives a butchered haircut while touring Nivemus and diplomatic incident ensues.

You really want those headlines...I promise to get on them for you.  ;D
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Wimpie on May 22, 2016, 04:15:08 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on May 22, 2016, 02:29:16 PM
Let's not worry about bangs and what not. Wimpie's right about relative size and power, it simply presents new and interesting strategic challenges for Xavax. He's also right about Fallangard. There is no argument that Selenia could make that would keep Edvaard out of it now. And the hardmode gamer in me even wants Caligus to declare war just so we know where everyone stands - Xavax against the world - if only to prove to Starfall that even in a desperate situation, Selenia would never authorize rape or genocide.

The way I see it, things just got interesting. I'm looking froward to it.

I must say, even thought my character Jeames thinks otherwise, I like how you play Selenia.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: GundamMerc on May 25, 2016, 09:43:17 PM
I give up. !@#$ing stay out of an even fight for once people.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 26, 2016, 01:13:11 PM
Quote from: GundamMerc on May 25, 2016, 09:43:17 PM
I give up. !@#$ing stay out of an even fight for once people.

When one realm constantly owns the other realm, I wouldn't consider it an even fight. Xavax has been dominating this war from the beginning. As discussed above, there are quite some good reasons why Vix would come in and Fallangard/Caligus will prob also join the fray (which I consider more a problem tbh). You can't expect arrogance and perceived provocation and fear not to cause people to join a war against you. Vix is no longer near the powerhouse it was earlier, so it prob actually evens out the war as long as Fallangard/Caligus don't enter.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Wimpie on May 26, 2016, 02:50:21 PM
Quote from: GundamMerc on May 25, 2016, 09:43:17 PM
I give up. !@#$ing stay out of an even fight for once people.

Yeah, you managed to suck up all of Alara's lands except their capital while Alara/Minas Nova/Perleone were warring you. That sounds like an even war alright..

Perspectives  :-X
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: on May 26, 2016, 03:07:54 PM
Quote from: Wimpie on May 26, 2016, 02:50:21 PM
Yeah, you managed to suck up all of Alara's lands except their capital while Alara/Minas Nova/Perleone were warring you. That sounds like an even war alright..

Perspectives  :-X

Alara's capital having nearly as high a pop and the entire realm of Xavax, all our regions put together, not even considering the support of Minas Nova and Perleone are supplying, yeah perspectives.  :P it's not like we snuck in and attacked them without warning and stripped them of said land, they had plenty of time to reinforce their positions and should have had way more income to have done so with. Pardon me if I don't shed a tear for their poor administration not sharing the wealth. What they need is leadership, not extra help piling in.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 26, 2016, 03:28:01 PM
Quote from: on May 26, 2016, 03:07:54 PM
Alara's capital having nearly as high a pop and the entire realm of Xavax, all our regions put together, not even considering the support of Minas Nova and Perleone are supplying, yeah perspectives.  :P it's not like we snuck in and attacked them without warning and stripped them of said land, they had plenty of time to reinforce their positions and should have had way more income to have done so with. Pardon me if I don't shed a tear for their poor administration not sharing the wealth. What they need is leadership, not extra help piling in.

Population is the worst statistic you can use and the most useless. In terms of economics Xavax is at 6k and Perleone, Minas Nova and Perleone are around 6800 or so, so rather even. But even gold is far from a good statistic these days to measure power and potential. It's usually the number of active chars these day that you can bring to the field that ultimately decide who's stronger. In the 'old days'  you actually had to distribute the gold so that everyone got a bit cause nobody could recruit to the max because there were so many nobles in respect to the wealth available. That's no longer really the case normally, unless you use extreme war tactics. Xavax has like 27 active chars vs 17 in Alara, Minas Nova and Perleone. So yes, in that regard Xavax has a great advantage in the war. That has nothing to do with wealth distribution or anything else, but with noble count. In part noble count also depends on how fun a realm is etc, but I can image some people leaving Alara when they're getting pounded (some would, others wouldn't).

So in this way, Vix entering the war actually creates a more balanced situation than the current one (albeit slightly in favor against Xavax now prob, rather than massively in favor of Xavax).
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JDodger on May 26, 2016, 04:48:20 PM
caligus is going to let perdan/vix do their dirty work for them. they obviously abandoned their allies to pursue an easier war.

at most they will wait til the dust settles to attack fallangard, which i think is the biggest shame of the situation. edvard allowing his realm to be chained to the sinking ship of xavax.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 26, 2016, 07:52:59 PM
Quote from: JDodger on May 26, 2016, 04:48:20 PM
caligus is going to let perdan/vix do their dirty work for them. they obviously abandoned their allies to pursue an easier war.

at most they will wait til the dust settles to attack fallangard, which i think is the biggest shame of the situation. edvard allowing his realm to be chained to the sinking ship of xavax.

Of course, we're talking about Caligus here. They must uphold the realm's long tradition :-)

But even with their current strength I don't see Caligus breaking Fallangard's walls (not in time) and I doubt Perdan will just let that happen simply as well.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: GundamMerc on May 26, 2016, 09:04:28 PM
Quote from: Wimpie on May 26, 2016, 02:50:21 PM
Yeah, you managed to suck up all of Alara's lands except their capital while Alara/Minas Nova/Perleone were warring you. That sounds like an even war alright..

Perspectives  :-X

Considering they've been able to do several raiding campaigns and nearly destroyed our entire army once, Yeah, I'd say so. If you'll notice, we haven't been able to push beyond our current position for a while now. Besides which, the majority of Alaran characters have absurdly high honor and prestige compared to Xavax, so their units are usually 1.5 times the size of ours.

I have yet to see where the sympathy for Alara is coming from, they brought this entire conflict on themselves. They've helped cause a civil war in our realm, harbored Stegman, who, by the way, is an !@#$%^&. No one's having fun interacting with that character, it's merely helpless frustration as we hope that police patrols randomly catch him, which they never do. And then he pulls !@#$ing scrolls from out of his ass, giving him a free assassination attempt with no risk to his character.

The fact is this is just turning into a gang bang Atamaran style. Oh, and I love people talking about how our war against three realms isn't fair, but say nothing about Perdan and Vix both jumping in. The hypocrisy is laudable.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: on May 27, 2016, 01:20:35 AM
Quote from: JDodger on May 26, 2016, 04:48:20 PM
caligus is going to let perdan/vix do their dirty work for them. they obviously abandoned their allies to pursue an easier war.

at most they will wait til the dust settles to attack fallangard, which i think is the biggest shame of the situation. edvard allowing his realm to be chained to the sinking ship of xavax.

Man, you've been double dosing on the salt since losing that rebellion. Life over in Perdan not everything you'd hoped it would be?

Also, don't count your chicks before they're hatched, Xavax hasn't played all it's hand against Alara and co., let alone Perdan/Vix. We've more surprises up our sleeves, though we might wait for the newcomers to do something more serious than bothering my peasants.  :-*
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: jaune on May 27, 2016, 06:57:18 AM
I think people are too much on this "fair war" thing.
Xavax has simply digged blood outta its nose. Being arrogant, threatening all over. If you dont want someone to attack you, you need diplomacy, on that part Xavax has failed miserably (on purpose i guess).

War is never fair. Sooner or later one will have upper hand, one way or a another. Thats purpose of the war, beat or fend off the enemy.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Wimpie on May 27, 2016, 09:39:26 AM
Quote from: jaune on May 27, 2016, 06:57:18 AM
I think people are too much on this "fair war" thing.
Xavax has simply digged blood outta its nose. Being arrogant, threatening all over. If you dont want someone to attack you, you need diplomacy, on that part Xavax has failed miserably (on purpose i guess).

War is never fair. Sooner or later one will have upper hand, one way or a another. Thats purpose of the war, beat or fend off the enemy.

Exactly what Jaune said.

Also, I think you're in this way too deep OOC.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Schancke on May 27, 2016, 09:49:35 AM
I suppose that we've truly had the upper hand up until now in this conflict.
Our suicide attack on Itorunt gave the Alarans some leeway.
If more realms are joinin in with Vix, I consider the tables to have turned. At least in the numbers.
But the military quality and the activity of the players may still tip the scales!

As for international diplomacy, Selenia's got the biggest balls on the continent and you are just envious! 
Xavax is a nice place to play, people.
Join us and our arrogant ways!
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 27, 2016, 09:51:57 AM
Quote from: GundamMerc on May 26, 2016, 09:04:28 PM
Considering they've been able to do several raiding campaigns and nearly destroyed our entire army once, Yeah, I'd say so. If you'll notice, we haven't been able to push beyond our current position for a while now. Besides which, the majority of Alaran characters have absurdly high honor and prestige compared to Xavax, so their units are usually 1.5 times the size of ours.

But you have so many more chars than the 3 realms combined, so I don't really understand why Xavax considered itself the underdog in this war. Even with Vix entering (excluding fallangard and caligus here) that count got just about even, albeit slightly worse for Xavax now.

Quote from: GundamMerc on May 26, 2016, 09:04:28 PM
I have yet to see where the sympathy for Alara is coming from, they brought this entire conflict on themselves. They've helped cause a civil war in our realm, harbored Stegman, who, by the way, is an !@#$%^&. No one's having fun interacting with that character, it's merely helpless frustration as we hope that police patrols randomly catch him, which they never do. And then he pulls !@#$ing scrolls from out of his ass, giving him a free assassination attempt with no risk to his character.

There is little sympathy for Alara, in fact I know virtually nothing of them, nor do most of the others I'd reckon. I think it has more to do with the arrogance and provocations (I'm still guessing on purpose as well) from Xavax' side that they are now in this situation. Xavax has played the diplomacy game extremely poorly  (not as poorly as me, but you're a close second) in this respect, although I do admit that that diplomacy game is somethimes a bit screwed up in my eyes.

Sure the char of Stegman can be an ahole. You'll find many more aholes in the game and in many cases there are in fact people enjoying their char, or at least the things they bring into the realm. I don't think you have any right to say that nobody is enjoying playing with that char, cause if that would be true he'd be banned from everywhere rather than 'harbored'. That you may not like his char, doesn't mean nobody does. I know many chars which are hated by many, but loved by others. Such is the way of the world I'd say and some chars bring it into the extreme, good for them.

Quote from: GundamMerc on May 26, 2016, 09:04:28 PM
The fact is this is just turning into a gang bang Atamaran style. Oh, and I love people talking about how our war against three realms isn't fair, but say nothing about Perdan and Vix both jumping in. The hypocrisy is laudable.

First of all, I am one of those who say that you were in fact the dominant force in your war. You can phrase it as 3 on one as you like, but I look at the player count etc and in this Xavax had a clear advantage, giving you the upper hand in the war. It could have been 5 to 1 for all I care, if all those 5 have 3 nobles and you have 30, you have the upper hand.

If Perdan were to jump in as well, then this war will indeed move towards a extremely unfair one, but unless I missed something, they haven't shown their face yet (right?). Vix jumping in evened the war out actually and with Fallangard joining your side's noblecount is actually still higher. Now once either Caligus or Perdan jumps in, you'll move towards a big disadvantage however (and I expect Caligus to do, because that's what Caligus does. Why do you think I've always tried to fight Caligus, because from my experience they've never actually fought in a fair war. Not in the last few years at least).

To call this an Atamaran gang bang is however way over the top. It's nowhere near as unbalanced as those were, not unless both Perdan and Caligus jump in. In that case the island is doomed...
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Skirting boards on May 27, 2016, 08:38:14 PM
Quote from: Gabanus family on May 27, 2016, 09:51:57 AM

To call this an Atamaran gang bang is however way over the top. It's nowhere near as unbalanced as those were, not unless both Perdan and Caligus jump in. In that case the island is doomed...

halfway there!
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Constantine on May 27, 2016, 10:45:03 PM
I find it extremely hilarious how Xavax attempts to ruthlessly bully all its neighbours into submission Cagilan Empire style and when other realms jump in to break this alarming development Xavax brands it a gang-bang that will lead to Atamaran scenario. Perfect logic!
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: GundamMerc on May 27, 2016, 11:39:13 PM
Quote from: Constantine on May 27, 2016, 10:45:03 PM
I find it extremely hilarious how Xavax attempts to ruthlessly bully all its neighbours into submission Cagilan Empire style and when other realms jump in to break this alarming development Xavax brands it a gang-bang that will lead to Atamaran scenario. Perfect logic!

CE style would be Caligus, Perdan, AND Xavax declaring war on Alara, Minas Nova, and Perleone. But nice try with that logic fail.

The fact of the matter is that the strength of the two sides were pretty equal, even with Vix joining in. I'm not going to apologize that they couldn't get their forces to coordinate properly. It seems that suddenly winning a war means you overpowered, rather than the actual forces available to either side. Oh, and might I point out, that Vix ON ITS OWN has a better economy than we do. Add Perdan to the fight, a realm that has the same number of nobles as us but a much better economy, and it's absurdly unfair.

But yeah, keep talking outsiders, and ignore the person who was in both Alara and Xavax. You know, the person who actually knows what happened? Not to mention that if we look at the statistics for the past few months, our military power hit a height of 39,914, but this was solely caused by the portal peasant event. For the vast majority of the time, we have been under 30k CS total. At one point Alara had more CS than we did, as amazing as that sounds. Alara, Minas Nova, and Perleone by themselves actually have more CS than we do. Vix by itself DOES have more CS than we do. Now in gold production, we also are not outproducing the other original three. Very most we can produce, in short bursts, has been just barely reaching 6000 gold. more typically, it is in the 5200-5500 range, and that was after taking Alara's regions. Before that, they had around 3300 and we were in the lower 4000s. The other two realms, which we have not touched at all, are in the 2000s, with Alaran currently being the lowest for obvious reasons, but still respectable. Minas Nova and Perleone have economies in the averaging at 2500, so those two alone are pretty equal to us economy-wise. Per noble, all three of our enemies started off much better than us, with around 260 per noble between Alara and Minas Nova, and Perleone going up and down between the upper 300s and mid-to-upper 200s.

Also, for those of you saying that all you need is more nobles to have the stronger force, I will point out that our nobles only have averaged 750 CS each throughout this war. Alara has had more than that for the majority of the war, averaging around 850-950. Minas Nova has averaged 900 per noble, and more like 1200 lately; and Perleone has been at 1300 for the past month. Our total combined military, taking out the exception of the peasant portal event, has averaged 25k CS. Save for when we attacked Itorunt, Alara has averaged 15k CS. Perleone, 9k CS. Minas Nova, overall 8k, but currently 12k.

It's not that they don't have the military to fight us. It's that they each come into our regions one at a time, and we defeat their armies in turn. They fail to coordinate, and thus lose. It's not us being some extreme superpower, it's them failing to unify command and instead acting as independent armies. It's as if we have a 40,000 man army, and they each have 20,000 men. Together they would have a large advantage, but with their forces spread apart we have local superiority.

For the TL;DR among you: Look at the !@#$ing statistics screen.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Constantine on May 27, 2016, 11:57:59 PM
Quote from: GundamMerc on May 27, 2016, 11:39:13 PM
CE style would be Caligus, Perdan, AND Xavax declaring war on Alara, Minas Nova, and Perleone. But nice try with that logic fail.
I guess that would be CE style too. How does this invalidate my logic?
Argument fail. :\
Quote from: GundamMerc on May 27, 2016, 11:39:13 PM
The fact of the matter is that the strength of the two sides were pretty equal
Not true.
Quote from: GundamMerc on May 27, 2016, 11:39:13 PM
Add Perdan to the fight, a realm that has the same number of nobles as us but a much better economy, and it's absurdly unfair.
Why weren't you complaining when you had an upper hand both in numbers and coordination? Is it only unfair when you're at a disadvantage?
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: GundamMerc on May 28, 2016, 12:20:08 AM
Quote from: Constantine on May 27, 2016, 11:57:59 PM
I guess that would be CE style too. How does this invalidate my logic?Argument fail. :\

Not true.

Why weren't you complaining when you had an upper hand both in numbers and coordination? Is it only unfair when you're at a disadvantage?

You could read the post before actually responding, it would inform you more. Just because you say the sides were not equal doesn't make that so. And I was only speaking of the war recently. The starting situation was even worse for us and better for them.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: BarticaBoat on May 28, 2016, 12:46:39 AM
Quote from: Constantine on May 27, 2016, 10:45:03 PM
I find it extremely hilarious how Xavax attempts to ruthlessly bully all its neighbours into submission Cagilan Empire style and when other realms jump in to break this alarming development Xavax brands it a gang-bang that will lead to Atamaran scenario. Perfect logic!

Wrong. All the southern realms were scheming against each other, but we had the problem of Magnus trusting Starfall utterly. We learned that Starfall was plotting with Minas Nova against us while telling us to plot against Nova, and after the rebellion Selenia confronted Starfall who denied it and we declared annexation of Alara due to their incompetence. Alara and MN allied, then jointly declared hated, and that's that. We definitely were not bullying poor weak Alara and Nova who decided to rise up against us.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: GundamMerc on May 28, 2016, 01:30:55 AM
Quote from: BarticaBoat on May 28, 2016, 12:46:39 AM
Wrong. All the southern realms were scheming against each other, but we had the problem of Magnus trusting Starfall utterly. We learned that Starfall was plotting with Minas Nova against us while telling us to plot against Nova, and after the rebellion Selenia confronted Starfall who denied it and we declared annexation of Alara due to their incompetence. Alara and MN allied, then jointly declared hated, and that's that. We definitely were not bullying poor weak Alara and Nova who decided to rise up against us.

Not to mention they harbored a noble who had attempted to assassinate the Xerarch...
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Constantine on May 28, 2016, 07:20:48 AM
Quote from: GundamMerc on May 28, 2016, 12:20:08 AM
You could read the post before actually responding, it would inform you more. Just because you say the sides were not equal doesn't make that so. And I was only speaking of the war recently. The starting situation was even worse for us and better for them.
Your post is very misleading. For some reason you are comparing overall realms' CS while actual military power is gauged by mobile army's CS and the number of active nobles.
But once again, northern realms are moving in not because one side is weaker than another but because you're pulling a CE and it's worrisome.
Quote from: BarticaBoat on May 28, 2016, 12:46:39 AM
Wrong. All the southern realms were scheming against each other, but we had the problem of Magnus trusting Starfall utterly. We learned that Starfall was plotting with Minas Nova against us while telling us to plot against Nova, and after the rebellion Selenia confronted Starfall who denied it and we declared annexation of Alara due to their incompetence. Alara and MN allied, then jointly declared hated, and that's that. We definitely were not bullying poor weak Alara and Nova who decided to rise up against us.
That's empty rhetoric if end result is a single superpower dominating the entire south.
No one said Xavax did not have a casus belli. What's problematic is it's obvious desire to blob Atamara-style.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Feylonis on May 28, 2016, 09:37:42 AM
Quote from: BarticaBoat on May 28, 2016, 12:46:39 AM
Wrong. All the southern realms were scheming against each other, but we had the problem of Magnus trusting Starfall utterly. We learned that Starfall was plotting with Minas Nova against us while telling us to plot against Nova, and after the rebellion Selenia confronted Starfall who denied it and we declared annexation of Alara due to their incompetence. Alara and MN allied, then jointly declared hated, and that's that. We definitely were not bullying poor weak Alara and Nova who decided to rise up against us.

This whole post reeks of Atamaran-style playing

1) "declared annexation of Alara due to their incompetence" Wrong. Alara is not yours, you do not have a right to decide what they can or can't do
2) "decided to rise up against us" Wrong. MN and Alara are not your property for them to 'rise up against you'

Stop bringing back the CE police. It's toxic, it's gone, and good riddance
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Schancke on May 28, 2016, 10:17:09 AM
Quote from: Constantine on May 28, 2016, 07:20:48 AM
...but because you're pulling a CE and it's worrisome. That's empty rhetoric if end result is a single superpower dominating the entire south.
No one said Xavax did not have a casus belli. What's problematic is it's obvious desire to blob Atamara-style.

I can fully accept that the international politics of Xavax to be a cause for warring Xavax.

However, I find these constant analogies to the Cagilan Empire of Atamare to be utter nonsense.

Who of you were around when CE became a great power on Atamara??
How does the Xavax today resemble the the creation of CE?

If Xavax were able to take Itorunt, Xavax would still be less powerful than Perdan and Caligus (in gold and nobles), and poorer than Sirion and Nivemus.
Xavax has this far not been a prime example of internal stability.
After defeating Xavax, I expect everybody complaining about Xavax blobbing up to be the new CE of the East Island to take instant affair and dismantle every other realm at par of above the Xavax of today.

Xavax is full of characters who've experienced the pointy end of CE power on Atamara.
Xavax is in general full of active players. We're having a very nice time with these wars now.
What I would worry about is more realms jumping in to annihilate Xavax in order to preserve a status quo.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Fleugs on May 28, 2016, 11:26:58 AM
The first thing that's scary is that Xavax Imperium claims lands that are resembling the good old Ibladesh - with Isadril added on top as an extra super bonus. Not exactly something that can be ignored by any realm remotely close to the south.

Secondly, you must understand what a pain in the ass Duke Jeroen (of Eponllyn) has been to Perdan, and how ingenious he was in delaying our conquest of Perdan city and ultimately forcing Perdan to take the city by slaughtering/starving half the peasantry. Any realm that has Jeroen will probably be a valid war target for Perdan.

Thirdly, Xavax made a giant fuzz when Stegman bought Isadril (perhaps rightfully so, though let's be fair, it should have had a lord anyway) and Fallangard decided to join that nuisance when they got some regions of Eponllyn. Essentially delaying Perdan for such a long time might be perceived as an anticipation of Perdan joining the Souther War. If that was the intention, well, they succeeded at least in delaying Perdan from intervening by two to three months. In summary though, the way Xavax/Fallangard treated regions that came under their rule while Perdan clearly said they would take it, didn't help relations.

I know Perdan joining in so closely after Vix did isn't well received in the player base of Xavax (and to a lesser extent the other realms), but this entire war and the many, many side events that spilled over into the Perdan/Vix-Eppy/Nivemus war made temperatures rise. Slap on to that the well stated intention of Xavax to conquer pretty much the entire South (though they offered Perdan Al Arab if we joined on their side, way back), it's pretty fair to say Perdan aims for a divided South rather than a behemoth who clearly hasn't any qualms about declaring war.

If there's any upside for Xavax, really, it's that it has become a very interesting place to play in now. Even I am intrigued, I might considering booting up a  character there. They'll have plenty of enemies to fight with.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Constantine on May 28, 2016, 12:31:00 PM
Quote from: Schancke on May 28, 2016, 10:17:09 AM
What I would worry about is more realms jumping in to annihilate Xavax in order to preserve a status quo.
I want to make it very clear that nobody wants to annihilate Xavax. The goal here is to preserve plurality in the south.
If Xavax plays smart they will come off with more regions than they had before the war.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: GundamMerc on May 28, 2016, 04:07:56 PM
I'm surrounded with idiots whose heads are buried in the sand. !@#$ing typical East Continent !@#$tery.

All of you are ignorant about what caused this war, what the actual strengths of those involved are, and Constantine in particular, you avoid my reply by only pointing out one issue of it, but providing no contrary evidence, as well as ignoring all the other points I raised, namely the economy and numbers of nobles. Also please note that this was WITHOUT talking about Vix.

How about we look at this another way, hmmm? Let's assume Xavax doesn't start the war. Everyone stays at peace. That's what it would have been, because the ruler of Alara refused to go to war with Minas Nova, the only other realm he could have had a meaningful conflict with. I know, I was there, I argued against that, and so my character was banned as a "spy". The lot of you are completely ignorant about everything that is going on, yet claim to have some "superior" knowledge of the whole thing.

But of course stubborn mules being what they are, I don't expect anything less nowadays. People claim to be all about "change" and "upsetting the status quo", but again and again the same old people and realms come along, squashing any actual possibility for interesting !@#$ because they're "afraid". No, if any realm is pulling a CE, it's Perdan and Vix by pulling out the "they're a threat and are fighting other realms" card. It's just like when CE intervened with Eston's war, leading to its destruction and splitting. But please, do go !@#$ing on about how it is Xavax doing this. The realm whose only ally is Fallangard. Compare that to Vix, who is allied with Perleone, Caligus, and Perdan; or Caligus, who is allied with Alara, Perleone, Shadowdale, Vix, and Sirion. I mean seriously, why do realms need more than one ally? All it does is produce horribly unbalanced situations.

If there's anyone that Perdan should keep their !@#$ing eye on, it's Caligus. We're small fry compared to them, and even with Itorunt would still be small fry. Oh, by the way, I was around for old Ibladesh. It wasn't just the southern part of the lake "doughnut". It went all the way around at the height of their power, when they had conquered Itorunt. And it actually included Ibladesh, or have you forgotten their namesake city that we don't have? The absurdity of the arguments people in here are making boggles the mind.

But I guess people are too butt-hurt over having their alliance-happy asses criticized for being hypocrites who claim that Xavax is CE, all while committing actions that would make CE proud.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: on May 28, 2016, 04:30:03 PM
Quote from: Constantine on May 28, 2016, 12:31:00 PM
I want to make it very clear that nobody wants to annihilate Xavax. The goal here is to preserve plurality in the south.
If Xavax plays smart they will come off with more regions than they had before the war.

That's not what I heard from sympathizers in Perdan...
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Schancke on May 28, 2016, 04:32:38 PM
Quote from: Constantine on May 28, 2016, 12:31:00 PM
I want to make it very clear that nobody wants to annihilate Xavax. The goal here is to preserve plurality in the south.
If Xavax plays smart they will come off with more regions than they had before the war.

I hope you are right.

Quote from: Fleugs on May 28, 2016, 11:26:58 AM
The first thing that's scary is that Xavax Imperium claims lands that are resembling the good old Ibladesh - with Isadril added on top as an extra super bonus. Not exactly something that can be ignored by any realm remotely close to the south...

...I know Perdan joining in so closely after Vix did isn't well received in the player base of Xavax (and to a lesser extent the other realms), but this entire war and the many, many side events that spilled over into the Perdan/Vix-Eppy/Nivemus war made temperatures rise. Slap on to that the well stated intention of Xavax to conquer pretty much the entire South (though they offered Perdan Al Arab if we joined on their side, way back), it's pretty fair to say Perdan aims for a divided South rather than a behemoth who clearly hasn't any qualms about declaring war.

The first Xerarch left a mess on the rulers channel, but he was removed in a coup, partially because of that. OOC  you can't hardly take his statements to proof of the current strategy.

To my Characters knowledge, Xavax has only claimed Alaran lands, which of course is bad enough.
It's the only realm which we have declared war -  and Alara did try to assasinate the Xerach.
Although, I can admit some leaders - none mentioned - have a quite aggressive tone towards opponents...

But how is the war Xavax towards Alara different from Perdan's war on Eponnlyn?
Hasn't Perdan grown to a Behemoth, on the spoils of another, defeated realm? 
Hasn't Perdan warred more realms than Xavax?

Quote from: Fleugs on May 28, 2016, 11:26:58 AM
Thirdly, Xavax made a giant fuzz when Stegman bought Isadril (perhaps rightfully so, though let's be fair, it should have had a lord anyway) and Fallangard decided to join that nuisance when they got some regions of Eponllyn. Essentially delaying Perdan for such a long time might be perceived as an anticipation of Perdan joining the Souther War. If that was the intention, well, they succeeded at least in delaying Perdan from intervening by two to three months. In summary though, the way Xavax/Fallangard treated regions that came under their rule while Perdan clearly said they would take it, didn't help relations.

I suppose this is a nice example on how how events are perceived differently based on the different perspective and added information.

Stegman bought Isadril in the wake of the coup agains Magnus Aurea  and before our war with Alara started.
I can assure you, there were noone in Xavax internally portraying Perdan as the enemy before or after that event, and Perdan intervention to a war that was yet to start wasn't given a thought.

When the Eponllyn regions fell to Fallangard, Xavax were fully occupied with our war on Alara, MN and Perleone - and, if discovered at all, the issue was not discussed.

I can see how, these events has built anti-sentiment for Xavax in Vix and Perdan.
However, the nobles of Xavax does not consider themselves in entity with Fallangard (with a plausible exception for a certain mastemind on top).
IC in Xavax, and OOC, one can hardly consider Xavax/Fallangard as a single entity of now.

Again, IC we might have messed up - and we are happily enjoying the consequences.
But I truly don't hope that a majority of BM players are OOC considering Xavax an evil that must be stopped in order to save the game of BM.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Schancke on May 28, 2016, 04:38:56 PM
Quote from: Constantine on May 28, 2016, 12:31:00 PM
I want to make it very clear that nobody wants to annihilate Xavax. The goal here is to preserve plurality in the south.
If Xavax plays smart they will come off with more regions than they had before the war.

Basicly, you wish the south to remain filled with miniscule, idle realms that are no threat to the current powers?
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: GundamMerc on May 28, 2016, 04:41:34 PM
Quote from: Schancke on May 28, 2016, 04:38:56 PM
Basicly, you wish the south to remain filled with miniscule, idle realms that are no threat to the current powers?

Yep, and hope everyone in those realms becomes completely bored, so they become empty.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: on May 28, 2016, 05:30:21 PM
Also our intent with Alara at the start of the war wasn't one of annexation but punishment. Many nobles took the insults thrown at them (generally) and Selenia (specifically) to heart, which led to the decision to go to war with them, their continued taunting afterward led to the goal to become being rid of them. Their use of odious looting methods (rape, genocide) only strengthened that sentiment. We've never had great ambitions toward Minas Novan or Perleone regions, our intent was driving them out of the war, until Minas decided to declare Hatred and employ the same looting methods led to our mutual Hatred and the decision to drive their holdings rogue (letting Stegman stay there didn't help) and leave them largely as such (who wants to be the Lord of a dirty little town or it's stick farmers anyway ;) ). Perleone had long been a non-factor in the war, a few poorly planned raids into Oc Lu Pesh and their general taking the long way around to join the raiding. We had no particular plans for their regions. We're hardly the empire builders we're being made out to be.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Constantine on May 28, 2016, 06:01:19 PM
Quote from: on May 28, 2016, 04:30:03 PM
That's not what I heard from sympathizers in Perdan...
I think I know who you're talking about. He's lying.
Quote from: Schancke on May 28, 2016, 04:32:38 PM
I hope you are right.
If I'm not I'll be the first to join a popular rebellion.
Quote from: Schancke on May 28, 2016, 04:38:56 PM
Basicly, you wish the south to remain filled with miniscule, idle realms that are no threat to the current powers?
Not only I would like to see several smaller belligerent realms in the south but also to break up the northern behemoths. No realm should have more than two cities, wasn't that a common sentiment in active realms?
I think shaking up the continent in this manner was Perdan's and Vix's goal from the get go and EC does feel more vibrant right now.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: GundamMerc on May 28, 2016, 09:54:40 PM
Quote from: Constantine on May 28, 2016, 06:01:19 PM
I think I know who you're talking about. He's lying.If I'm not I'll be the first to join a popular rebellion.Not only I would like to see several smaller belligerent realms in the south but also to break up the northern behemoths. No realm should have more than two cities, wasn't that a common sentiment in active realms?
I think shaking up the continent in this manner was Perdan's and Vix's goal from the get go and EC does feel more vibrant right now.

Perdan and Vix haven't had any effect on the continent as a whole besides destroying Eponlynn as a meaningful realm (I probably got the name spelled wrong, deal with it). Everything else on the continent has largely happened without their input. The Southern War, the rebellion of Oligarch. None of those needed Perdan or Vix to happen. From the outside looking in, all Perdan and Vix are, are two realms dedicated to ensuring that things return to the old status quo of Pax Perdana.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 29, 2016, 07:42:18 AM
@GundanMerc, I suggest you take a step back and relax a bit. You're in this way over your head when you start insulting people on an OOC level, no matter the reason. People are trying to explain to you how they have perceived certain events, from the opposite side of where you're sitting with different information than you have. What the reason is for them starting a war (or supporting it) is based on their interprettation of events, not on the actual events themselves.

@Fleugs, I would like to say that I'm very disappointed right now, especially with Perdan. I had my hopes up for the realm, but it seems that was too much to ask for. Perdan has reason enough to war Nivemus, to go after Sirion, to take out Caligus and you could have easily found a reason to siege Oligarch City, or simply continue your war with Eponllyn and strike and possibly to turn Nivemus/Sirion against you on that front if you continue still further. All these options would have been far preferable than to the quick slaughter you're going to put Xavax in now with Caligus intending to join as well, but even without Caligus. And you know Caligus wants to and that they only reason that they haven't restarted against Fallangard is because Sirion bullheaded refuses peace and they're wondering if they should continue to help, which they don't really want to.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: on May 29, 2016, 07:45:29 AM
Who said Caligus is going to join in?
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 29, 2016, 08:04:05 AM
Quote from: on May 29, 2016, 07:45:29 AM
Who said Caligus is going to join in?

Well they seem very interested in signing peac with Oligarch, said they don't want to fight it anymore and I see only one target they'll go after next...Fallangard. Those two actually have a history.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Fleugs on May 29, 2016, 01:32:50 PM
Well, there's so many variables here, I'm not going to outline the intentions of Perdan (or rather, me) entirely. But right now we're in the Southern War and until certain variables change, we will be.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Constantine on May 29, 2016, 02:36:12 PM
Quote from: Gabanus family on May 29, 2016, 07:42:18 AM
Perdan has reason enough to war Nivemus, to go after Sirion, to take out Caligus and you could have easily found a reason to siege Oligarch City, or simply continue your war with Eponllyn and strike and possibly to turn Nivemus/Sirion against you on that front if you continue still further. All these options would have been far preferable than to the quick slaughter you're going to put Xavax in now with Caligus intending to join as well, but even without Caligus. And you know Caligus wants to and that they only reason that they haven't restarted against Fallangard is because Sirion bullheaded refuses peace and they're wondering if they should continue to help, which they don't really want to.
That's a weird perspective. Do you really think finishing off Eponllyn would be a great accomplishment, bearing in mind Nivemus explicitly bailed on them and Sirion is not likely to intervene either?
Warring Oligarch is not really interesting either, I personally like what that realm is doing.
Taking on Nivemus or Sirion to break them up I personally see as acceptable. But it so happened we first had to move in to stop Xavax from turning into second Sirion. Because if he have two of those, we're never breaking anything up as Atamara has clearly shown.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 29, 2016, 03:20:29 PM
Quote from: Constantine on May 29, 2016, 02:36:12 PM
That's a weird perspective. Do you really think finishing off Eponllyn would be a great accomplishment, bearing in mind Nivemus explicitly bailed on them and Sirion is not likely to intervene either?
Warring Oligarch is not really interesting either, I personally like what that realm is doing.
Taking on Nivemus or Sirion to break them up I personally see as acceptable. But it so happened we first had to move in to stop Xavax from turning into second Sirion. Because if he have two of those, we're never breaking anything up as Atamara has clearly shown.

I agree, out of all those choices warring Eponllyn would be my least favorite, then Oligarch, but the other 3 scenarios would have been much preferable to the current actions in my opinion, at least as a player. Nivemus/Sirion would allow Perdan to break the north, which never has been done and with the ancient rivalries with Sirion and Nivemus several incursions against Perdan in the last few wars should be more than enough reason to do so. At the same time the relations with Caligus has always been strange and hostile throughout the history and they are currently allied with the north and some of the south. So your logic of dissolving the creation of an Atamaran like powerhouse would sooner have you move against Caligus rather than Xavax. Considering Caligus and Xavax however would have kept each other busy (as after Fallangard, Caligus no doubt wants to enter) you'd see either one of the 2 powerhouses losing strength, while you have the opportunity to break the north, which would be like killing 2 birds with one stone.

Now it will just be one big slaughter of Xavax and Fallangard and the war will be done in like 2 or 3 months max with Xavax crushed and Fallangard prob pushed back to one region or so no doubt. Only furthering the situation where everyone becomes allied with everyone, which was the root of all problems on Atamara to begin with if you ask me. Too many damn long lasting alliances, for whatever reason.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Constantine on May 29, 2016, 04:45:19 PM
North is kinda screwed up. It will take a while to do anything with it. And I'm sure we'll get there. I'm actually disappointed we had to make this detour although I do recognize it was necessary.
The South on the other hand looks very interesting and fresh. There's a lot of potential there and I'd just hate to see it turn into a boring dominate. I honestly believe we're helping the server in general by not letting Xavax finish off Alara.
Of course, that's just my humble opinion.

I also would like to make it clear that the only realm that is currently trying to completely destroy another realm is Xavax. Do you agree that several strong realms are better than one huge one and a few underfed toadies like Fallangard?
As far as I am aware neither Perdan nor Vix has destroying Xavax or reducing Fallangard to one region as their goals. Where did that come from?
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: GundamMerc on May 29, 2016, 05:18:02 PM
Quote from: Constantine on May 29, 2016, 04:45:19 PM
North is kinda screwed up. It will take a while to do anything with it. And I'm sure we'll get there. I'm actually disappointed we had to make this detour although I do recognize it was necessary.
The South on the other hand looks very interesting and fresh. There's a lot of potential there and I'd just hate to see it turn into a boring dominate. I honestly believe we're helping the server in general by not letting Xavax finish off Alara.
Of course, that's just my humble opinion.

I also would like to make it clear that the only realm that is currently trying to completely destroy another realm is Xavax. Do you agree that several strong realms are better than one huge one and a few underfed toadies like Fallangard?
As far as I am aware neither Perdan nor Vix has destroying Xavax or reducing Fallangard to one region as their goals. Where did that come from?

Past experience from Atamara, and looking at what you did to Eponlynn. Also, the only realm we wanted to destroy was Alara, Minas Nova made it a necessity because of the hatred declaration that started with them and became mutual. Alara, without actually conquering Minas Nova (which I had suggested long ago when I was still in Alara), was never going to be a proper realm.

Also, I would gladly destroy any realm that harbors that !@#$ who plays Stegman. The scroll spam is strong in that one, and being magically reduced into waiting for your character to not be wounded is not my definition of fun.

Also, you speak of Xavax being the only ones trying to destroy a realm. Of course, that is if you completely ignore, say Caligus and Sirion. Both of which are much, MUCH stronger than our realm. Your logic is the biggest leap of self-denial I've ever seen. Let's just say what Perdan really wants and gets the truth out there. They just don't want someone that could fight them on even terms in the south, so they're going to balkanize it while remaining the same !@#$ing size with all their Alliance-chain buddies.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 29, 2016, 08:20:32 PM
Allow me to break this down a bit more rational and logical than GundanMerc.

Quote from: Constantine on May 29, 2016, 04:45:19 PM
North is kinda screwed up. It will take a while to do anything with it. And I'm sure we'll get there.

The fact that it will take a while is actually more reason to start doing it now, rather than later. In fact, this entire line of argumentation speaks in favor of warring in the north rather than the south, as you do now, and without doing anything (cause you aren't in this case) nothing will happen. Of that I'm sure!

Quote from: Constantine on May 29, 2016, 04:45:19 PM
I'm actually disappointed we had to make this detour although I do recognize it was necessary.

Allow me to explain next why this wasn't necessary and therefore further increase your disappointment.

Quote from: Constantine on May 29, 2016, 04:45:19 PM
The South on the other hand looks very interesting and fresh. There's a lot of potential there and I'd just hate to see it turn into a boring dominate. I honestly believe we're helping the server in general by not letting Xavax finish off Alara.
Of course, that's just my humble opinion.

I am of the opinion that this is indeed exactly what Caligus (and Fallangard in a way) are doing. They brought the war against Xavax to a point where it would be more even again in terms of noble count and force. With those forces, the war would have actually been fun and the south would have enjoyed it. What Perdan has done however (and what I still expect Caligus to do tbh, but that is beyond this specific point) is to massively uneven this war, making sure one side has way more nobles and income and strength than the other. This will only hasten the end of the fun and actually ruin the fun of other players in my humble opinion.

The south was indeed interesting before Perdan also entered and with that scenario (Vix and Fallangard also entering) I don't see it reasonable for Xavax to destroy any nation as they won't have the forces to break the walls and fight everyone. Breaking the walls of Itorunt would have been extremely difficult even when Xavax was dominating. Now with Vix/Fallangard entering this would have become near impossible. So Perdan in fact is saving nobody, for in the situation you entered, Alara would not have been destroyed.

Quote from: Constantine on May 29, 2016, 04:45:19 PM
I also would like to make it clear that the only realm that is currently trying to completely destroy another realm is Xavax.

That is completely rediculous. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with GundanMerc and that happens rarely. Sirion has been trying to completely destroy Oligarch since the beginning (yet another reason apparently why you would war the north). Caligus in fact tried to help Sirion destroy Oligarch, first in the siege at the beginning and even now again. You think that they're there just to have a good laugh? In addition, Caligus has been attempting to wipe out Fallangard since the beginning of that realm as well. The only reason they stopped actively pursuing that, is because Perdan and Eponllyn forcefully made them stop through war. So in fact Caligus is now trying to destroy 2 nations as we speak (Oligarch, by actively helping Sirion and Fallangard) so should they then not be your target?

Quote from: Constantine on May 29, 2016, 04:45:19 PM
Do you agree that several strong realms are better than one huge one and a few underfed toadies like Fallangard?

I would prefer a lot of underfed toadies like Fallangard as you call it and wage a lot of none-complete-destruction warfare, but realize that won't happen. What I then would like is to have a more dynamic diplomacy, so wars actually become fun and more around. With a few large strong realms who have much to lose and little to gain and have to look at 2 allies before they move, I believe that would be the way to ruin a continent.

Quote from: Constantine on May 29, 2016, 04:45:19 PM
As far as I am aware neither Perdan nor Vix has destroying Xavax or reducing Fallangard to one region as their goals. Where did that come from?

Not yet, but neither did Perdan plan to take Perdan City from Eponllyn and reduce them to almost nothing. If you may remember, that war was about passage rights to assault Sirion, which you've now got, but still it happened.

In addition, the destruction of Fallangard part is directed at Caligus who is rather desperately trying to end their commitment to the war against Oligarch and the only logical step is them joining your war also to wipe out Fallangard, or at least back to only their capital.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 12:41:49 AM
Quote from: Gabanus family on May 29, 2016, 08:20:32 PM
Allow me to break this down a bit more rational and logical than GundanMerc.
I don't read his posts ever since he was kind enough to throw some personal insults at me and I suspect I'm missing literally nothing.
Quote from: Gabanus family on May 29, 2016, 08:20:32 PM
The fact that it will take a while is actually more reason to start doing it now, rather than later.
There is absolutely nothing happening in Sirion and Nivemus right now, while situation in the south was very quickly deteriorating. Hence this priority order.
Quote from: Gabanus family on May 29, 2016, 08:20:32 PM
Allow me to explain next why this wasn't necessary and therefore further increase your disappointment.
Firstly, a realm can win a war against a twice stronger coalition if the latter's armies have to travel considerable distance. Especially if coordination is poor. I've learned this lesson on Dwilight. I believe you are wrong when you paint Xavax as a clear underdog.
Secondly, this is not a war of conquest or annihilation. You keep pushing this idea that someone wants to destroy Xavax but it holds no water.
Quote from: Gabanus family on May 29, 2016, 08:20:32 PM
So Perdan in fact is saving nobody, for in the situation you entered, Alara would not have been destroyed.
Alara is already destroyed. I was in Fallangard briefly when it was a single province realm. This is a complete stalemate for the players.
Quote from: Gabanus family on May 29, 2016, 08:20:32 PM
Sirion has been trying to completely destroy Oligarch since the beginning (yet another reason apparently why you would war the north). Caligus in fact tried to help Sirion destroy Oligarch, first in the siege at the beginning and even now again. You think that they're there just to have a good laugh?
You're right. I've ignored Oligarch's situation.
Quote from: Gabanus family on May 29, 2016, 08:20:32 PM
In addition, Caligus has been attempting to wipe out Fallangard since the beginning of that realm as well. The only reason they stopped actively pursuing that, is because Perdan and Eponllyn forcefully made them stop through war. So in fact Caligus is now trying to destroy 2 nations as we speak (Oligarch, by actively helping Sirion and Fallangard) so should they then not be your target?
I would personally love to see Xavax on our (anti-imperialist) side. Then we would literally have no other choice but to break Caligus together. But they chose to blob and annihilate neighbours themselves, don't see why they're any better than Caligus at this point.
Quote from: Gabanus family on May 29, 2016, 08:20:32 PM
Not yet, but neither did Perdan plan to take Perdan City from Eponllyn and reduce them to almost nothing. If you may remember, that war was about passage rights to assault Sirion, which you've now got, but still it happened.
Don't compare these two conflicts. Xavax is too far away for it to be a war of conquest. Plus it's regions are of no historical value to Perdan.
Quote from: Gabanus family on May 29, 2016, 08:20:32 PM
In addition, the destruction of Fallangard part is directed at Caligus who is rather desperately trying to end their commitment to the war against Oligarch and the only logical step is them joining your war also to wipe out Fallangard, or at least back to only their capital.
Fallangard entered this war willingly. It was a very dumb move, but I can't force myself to see them as victims in this conflict.
If they are indeed reduced to one city as you predict, we will probably have to eventually help them out again. But for now it's a simple action-reaction sequence that has to ensue.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: on May 30, 2016, 03:27:48 AM
Quote from: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 12:41:49 AMThere is absolutely nothing happening in Sirion and Nivemus right now, while situation in the south was very quickly deteriorating. Hence this priority order.

Wrong. On both counts. Nothing was going to happen in the south for months and nothing has happened for a month or two. Xavax can't break Alara's walls with it's militia, and that's going nowhere as long as Minas Nova and Perleone are backing them.

Quote from: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 12:41:49 AMFirstly, a realm can win a war against a twice stronger coalition if the latter's armies have to travel considerable distance. Especially if coordination is poor. I've learned this lesson on Dwilight. I believe you are wrong when you paint Xavax as a clear underdog.

You don't need great coordination if two of the coalition together can field an army twice the size of the defenders. Also Perleon, Alara, and Minas Nova don't have nearly as far to travel.

Quote from: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 12:41:49 AMSecondly, this is not a war of conquest or annihilation. You keep pushing this idea that someone wants to destroy Xavax but it holds no water.

Alara and Minas Nova declared Hatred against Xavax. You don't declare Hatred if your intent is simply to claim a couple of border regions.  :P

Quote from: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 12:41:49 AMAlara is already destroyed. I was in Fallangard briefly when it was a single province realm. This is a complete stalemate for the players.

Funny, that Alara raiding party led by their King looks plenty real to me...

Quote from: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 12:41:49 AMYou're right. I've ignored Oligarch's situation.

... *shakes head*

Quote from: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 12:41:49 AMI would personally love to see Xavax on our (anti-imperialist) side. Then we would literally have no other choice but to break Caligus together.

So you go to bat for an alliance, two of which are allies of Caligus, against a Federation which one of its members are a big target of Caligus? How does the thought process behind that work?

Quote from: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 12:41:49 AMBut they chose to blob and annihilate neighbors themselves, don't see why they're any better than Caligus at this point.

We declared war once, against an enemy that was plotting against us from the word go, and our initial war goal wasn't annihilation. That came after continued insults and an attempted assassination of our Ruler. If they were your neighbors and you had to deal with them regularly you'd probably want them gone too.  ::)

Quote from: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 12:41:49 AMDon't compare these two conflicts. Xavax is too far away for it to be a war of conquest. Plus it's regions are of no historical value to Perdan.

And I'm sure Alara and Perleone won't use your butting in to swell their holdings. Somebody want to roll my eyes back to me? They fell out.

Quote from: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 12:41:49 AMFallangard entered this war willingly. It was a very dumb move, but I can't force myself to see them as victims in this conflict.

They answered the call of their Federated ally, and even then have been limited in what they could do because Xavax's ruler and Caligus' ruler came to an agreement that limited their involvement inexchange for Caligus not getting involved. An agreement that Caligus chose to modify due to Perdan/Vix's sudden involvement (so Fallangard can actively fight in this conflict now instead of only being allowed to defend Xavax's pre-war regions, as long as they don't go joining Xavax in climbing the Black City's walls)

Quote from: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 12:41:49 AMIf they are indeed reduced to one city as you predict, we will probably have to eventually help them out again. But for now it's a simple action-reaction sequence that has to ensue.

I doubt Fallangard will be reduced to one region, Caligus' stated conflict with Fallangard revolves around Abadan and a desire to have the Mines connected to the rest of their realm. However I doubt Fallangard's ability to retain Leibo should they lose that region, which would effectively reduce them to two regions with little hope to grow, which is bad enough.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Anaris on May 30, 2016, 03:36:19 AM
Quote from: on May 30, 2016, 03:27:48 AM
Alara and Minas Nova declared Hatred against Xavax. You don't declare Hatred if your intent is simply to claim a couple of border regions.  :P

Please don't try to draw ironclad conclusions about intent from diplomatic status.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 30, 2016, 07:23:25 AM
Quote from: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 12:41:49 AM
I don't read his posts ever since he was kind enough to throw some personal insults at me and I suspect I'm missing literally nothing.


Quote from: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 12:41:49 AM
There is absolutely nothing happening in Sirion and Nivemus right now, while situation in the south was very quickly deteriorating. Hence this priority order.

Nothing happening in the north, other than Sirion, Caligus and Shadowdale who are trying to completely wipe out Oligarch from the face of this earth. In addition, with Vix entering not that much was going to happen in the south. From experience I know how difficult it can be to scale city walls and if you have more enemies to content with, you often can't afford a try at the walls and lose. Once you do, you'll suffer the consequences and to break those walls you in fact need consecutive strikes, or the Lord will simply repair them again. So the situation in the south was already being stabilized.

Quote from: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 12:41:49 AM
Firstly, a realm can win a war against a twice stronger coalition if the latter's armies have to travel considerable distance. Especially if coordination is poor. I've learned this lesson on Dwilight. I believe you are wrong when you paint Xavax as a clear underdog.

Can, but you never even gave them the chance and yet claim it was for the better of this server in your opinion. With that I disagree 100%. Dwilight and EC cannot be compared in this context. The travel times of the Morek Empire etc was far greater than that of Perdan, or Vix which are still pretty close by. If the situation had been about Sirion entering the conflict in the south, then you would have a point.

Quote from: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 12:41:49 AM
Secondly, this is not a war of conquest or annihilation. You keep pushing this idea that someone wants to destroy Xavax but it holds no water.

Trust me, there will be people who wish to destroy it, whether or not you can stop the train once it starts moving will be determined. Once Alara and Minas Nova grow stronger, or you as ancient ally of Perleone help them obtain Isadril, will they then not try to push onwards? My point of anihilation was directed towards Fallangard, not Xavax but it seems I was wrong assuming Caligus would also try to enter the conflict. I'm glad about that to be honest, although I also know it will probably mean that Caligus will continue to assist Sirion in her destruction of Oligarch, pushing us back to a single city again.

Quote from: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 12:41:49 AM
Alara is already destroyed. I was in Fallangard briefly when it was a single province realm. This is a complete stalemate for the players.

This is absolue nonesense in almost all cases. Fallangarrd was the exception to this rule because their City only borders one region and Caligus had cluster!@#$ed it with militia. This way Fallangard was never able to move out of the city succesfully pretty much. Even here the eventually managed it. I have been with Oligarch since the beginning (weird right) and throughout much of our history we've been confined to only Oligarch, trying to break out and take a region or 2, before seeing Sirion return again. Alara too seems to be fighting and raiding outside of the walls. I can assure you that a single city realm still has options, but you have to be smart and carefull though.

Quote from: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 12:41:49 AM
You're right. I've ignored Oligarch's situation.

And why is the situation in the south worse than the one in the north?

Quote from: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 12:41:49 AM
I would personally love to see Xavax on our (anti-imperialist) side. Then we would literally have no other choice but to break Caligus together. But they chose to blob and annihilate neighbours themselves, don't see why they're any better than Caligus at this point.

Now let's see. Perdan declared war on Xavax, Caligus (from what I'm reading here) won't although they'd have reason. Now the next time Perdan and Caligus fight (and it will happen, history proves that point) who do you think Xavax is more likely to support? The ones who moved to burn their lands and have their allies take it all, or the ones who stayed out?

And has Perdan ever given them an other choice? Have you even now suggested to make peace with their neighbours if they do something else etc?

Quote from: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 12:41:49 AM
Don't compare these two conflicts. Xavax is too far away for it to be a war of conquest. Plus it's regions are of no historical value to Perdan.

I used that example to make a point. Even though you set out with one goal, it can easily transform into another, no matter the exact context. Alara and Perleone do have a desire for expansion back into Xavax I would assume and Perdan will be assisting them. The first few regions will be considered logical and in Alara's case the retaking of lost regions, but will it stop there? It can easily progress further. I am not saying that it will, I'm saying that you can't dismiss it as a very distinct possibility.

Quote from: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 12:41:49 AM
Fallangard entered this war willingly. It was a very dumb move, but I can't force myself to see them as victims in this conflict.
If they are indeed reduced to one city as you predict, we will probably have to eventually help them out again. But for now it's a simple action-reaction sequence that has to ensue.

Then I am very curious to hear what other choices Fallangard has? They are surrounded by Caligus and Vix who have never been their friends. They live on extremely tense foot with Caligus still and there will come a time of war between those two again. This means that Fallangard will need allies and so far the only one who seemed to be willing to do so in a longer term is Xavax, especially since the ever seemingly improving bond between Perdan and Vix. Now read carefully, I'm writing seemingly here, as that's the perception of some people, further fueled by Perdan's entry just after Vix although this happened after Fallangard's choice of course. This means that Xavax is the best and perhaps the only protection Fallangard should expect if it wants to be more than just 3 regions ever in its existence. This is the first reason to help them. Secondly, if Fallangard does not assist now, they will lose all credibility as a nation. They'll be known as the nation who let their greatest ally be beset by 4 nations and did nothing and at the same time as the realm who's always begging for help, but never actually helps someone else. Combined, these two points made this choice the only logical one for Fallangard really, other than trying to gain eternal peace which is boring as hell. It's not dumb, it's the only thing they could do really considering EC's diplomatic climate.

You are right that it's a simple action-reaction, but just not in the way you had imagined it.

Perdan had the option of letting the conflict play out for a month, raid Sirion in the process once or something and see whether or not the conflict in the south has become more balanced or not, while helping to slightly balance the northern situation as well in the same process. In that time there's no way that Xavax would have been able to succesfully scale the walls of Itorunt, so all realms would still be alive. Then if the south remains unbalanced, you can still enter just as easily. Now I'm afraid this move will ruin the war, but we'll see. Maybe you'll still get your ass kicked by Xavax as you seem to think, but I highly doubt it. Not with Perdan's force and distance.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Ketchum on May 30, 2016, 08:02:53 AM
Quote from: Constantine on May 29, 2016, 04:45:19 PM
North is kinda screwed up. It will take a while to do anything with it. And I'm sure we'll get there. I'm actually disappointed we had to make this detour although I do recognize it was necessary.
Yes, the north looks that way. I am sure a lot of players look at my character Brock right now. Not that I do not do something but still some things are best kept secret ::)

Quote from: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 12:41:49 AM
Firstly, a realm can win a war against a twice stronger coalition if the latter's armies have to travel considerable distance. Especially if coordination is poor. I've learned this lesson on Dwilight.
I agree with you on this part, on poor coordination and travel considerable distance factors. Most military characters on BM learnt this much. Nivemus did win the first ever war with Vix, reached its inner lands despite Nivemus far off distance from Vix lands at that time. Then came the second war with Vix, where Nivemus army lost quite badly. The lands distance still remain the same. So it is a hit or miss there. If you have good coordination despite the far distance disadvantage, you can win the battles.

Quote from: on May 30, 2016, 03:27:48 AM
Wrong. On both counts. Nothing was going to happen in the south for months and nothing has happened for a month or two. Xavax can't break Alara's walls with it's militia, and that's going nowhere as long as Minas Nova and Perleone are backing them.

Quote from: Gabanus family on May 30, 2016, 07:23:25 AM
This is absolue nonesense in almost all cases. Fallangarrd was the exception to this rule because their City only borders one region and Caligus had cluster!@#$ed it with militia. This way Fallangard was never able to move out of the city succesfully pretty much. Even here the eventually managed it. I have been with Oligarch since the beginning (weird right) and throughout much of our history we've been confined to only Oligarch, trying to break out and take a region or 2, before seeing Sirion return again. Alara too seems to be fighting and raiding outside of the walls. I can assure you that a single city realm still has options, but you have to be smart and carefull though.
It is difficult to break city wall nowadays with just 1 realm strength alone. I still remembered how Sirion and Caligus combined forces unable to breach Oligarch city wall. Though Oligarch city gold could afford its duke luxury of lot of militia. How many realms did we take to breach Westmoor city last time, Gabanus? Sirion, Eponllyn and Nivemus armies combined, that 3 realms. But you get the idea, nowadays we need at least 2-3 realms with good participating nobles to break the wall.

Quote from: Gabanus family on May 30, 2016, 07:23:25 AM
Perdan had the option of letting the conflict play out for a month, raid Sirion in the process once or something and see whether or not the conflict in the south has become more balanced or not, while helping to slightly balance the northern situation as well in the same process. In that time there's no way that Xavax would have been able to succesfully scale the walls of Itorunt, so all realms would still be alive. Then if the south remains unbalanced, you can still enter just as easily. Now I'm afraid this move will ruin the war, but we'll see. Maybe you'll still get your ass kicked by Xavax as you seem to think, but I highly doubt it. Not with Perdan's force and distance.
Actually Perdan has a few options on their table: Either they deal with Sirion for Sirion previous actions against them, or revenge against Nivemus, they both seems to have ancient rivalry dating back to past Perdan and Nivemus Rulers days. Or finishing off Eponllyn due to Eponllyn Hatred. Also if Perdan still unhappy with Oligarch, they can have their cake too ;)
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 30, 2016, 08:53:15 AM
The last time Sirion tried to siege Oligarch's walls they managed to bring 32k together with Caligus, failing horribly because Brock was too wounded to declare war ^^ But even then, Oligarch was housing 40k militia and could have done so indefinately with her income (but that would've been quite boring though). Itorunt is only slightly less wealthy, but don't forget you can raise taxes to 20-22% once you're a single city state. Even Itorunt will be able to survive against Xavax, as long as infils don't start doing funny business of course, or you manage to starve the city.

When we breached Westmoor City, we brought a far superior force. Sirion, Nivemus and Eponllyn located in Oligarch City. The main difference however with back then was the noble count. We had been slowly building our military strength, which got me a lot of hatred from many within the northern alliance back then. They wanted to strike the city sooner, but I said no. Sirion fielded about 30 to 35k total back then with 8-10k in Nivemus or so and another 12k in Eponllyn or so (by heart, but they had a lot of nobles back then). So then we sieged with about 40k at least, with the enemy's mobile army refitting still I think. I mean the armies were far bigger back then.

And when you said stuff was happening with Nivemus/Eponllyn/Perdan I had high hopes, but seems we can cross Perdan out :p
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Wimpie on May 30, 2016, 10:01:33 AM
May I remind y'all that Perdan and Vix offered peace to Eppy. A treaty where they would keep their original lands, but we get the passage rights we wanted?

May I remind y'all that Eppy denied this peace proposal (they may have their own sound reasons to do so, I'm not arguing about that)? THAT is the reason why we had to push further, because they simply wouldn't sign the damn proposal, until they were pushed back behind the river.

All this other nonsense about Vix wanting to annihilate Xavax or Fallangard,.. have fun making stuff up.  Vix is 10 men strong.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 30, 2016, 10:27:53 AM
Wimpie, from as well as I remember, Eponllyn was willing to give you passage rights before Perdan City was sieged, but at that point that was no longer enough for Vix and Perdan. Am I wrong here? They long denied it, that's true, but even after they were willing to give you passage rights (original war goal) suddenly extra demands came.

Secondly, who's saying that Vix wants to destroy Xavax or Fallangard? I suggest you read back to what I've said, cause I've said everything but that. In fact I wrote that I like Vix' entering of the war.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Zakilevo on May 30, 2016, 10:44:04 AM
Quote from: Gabanus family on May 30, 2016, 10:27:53 AM
Wimpie, from as well as I remember, Eponllyn was willing to give you passage rights before Perdan City was sieged, but at that point that was no longer enough for Vix and Perdan. Am I wrong here? They long denied it, that's true, but even after they were willing to give you passage rights (original war goal) suddenly extra demands came.

Secondly, who's saying that Vix wants to destroy Xavax or Fallangard? I suggest you read back to what I've said, cause I've said everything but that. In fact I wrote that I like Vix' entering of the war.

If I remember it correctly, I believe they offered it to Perdan not to Vix. Perdan wasn't going to leave Vix behind to fight Sirion.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 30, 2016, 02:45:15 PM
Quote from: Zakky on May 30, 2016, 10:44:04 AM
If I remember it correctly, I believe they offered it to Perdan not to Vix. Perdan wasn't going to leave Vix behind to fight Sirion.

That could be so, as I said I don't remember the full details of the events as I was elsewhere pre-occupied so to say in the north. The details aren't even important though. The entire event, no matter what the details are, simply shows that intentions and events can change easily, no matter who's to blame, or what's at the root of the change.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 03:12:45 PM
I would like to bring up another important point here.
The overwhelming majority of realms are just incapable of admitting a loss until they are beaten to a pulp and are unwilling to negotiate surrender until they are no longer able to even sustain a moderately strong position in those negotiations.
I will argue that this factor is the one main reason some realms find themselves in shambles after a war.
Eponllyn's behaviour and eventual fate is a stellar example of this. If Xavax actually believes they're about to be roflstomped (which I really doubt), they'd be wise to negotiate a beneficial peace while it's still possible.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: GundamMerc on May 30, 2016, 03:40:01 PM
Quote from: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 03:12:45 PM
I would like to bring up another important point here.
The overwhelming majority of realms are just incapable of admitting a loss until they are beaten to a pulp and are unwilling to negotiate surrender until they are no longer able to even sustain a moderately strong position in those negotiations.
I will argue that this factor is the one main reason some realms find themselves in shambles after a war.
Eponllyn's behaviour and eventual fate is a stellar example of this. If Xavax actually believes they're about to be roflstomped (which I really doubt), they'd be wise to negotiate a beneficial peace while it's still possible.

Once again laying Perdan's actions at the feet of Eponllyn. Did Xavax force Perdan to enter this war? Hardly. Don't try avoiding responsibility for the actions of your realm by placing it on the targets of its aggression.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Anaris on May 30, 2016, 03:57:57 PM
Quote from: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 03:12:45 PM
The overwhelming majority of realms are just incapable of admitting a loss until they are beaten to a pulp and are unwilling to negotiate surrender until they are no longer able to even sustain a moderately strong position in those negotiations.

This is a sad and frustrating truth in BattleMaster. It is all too common for a realm losing a war to demand peace terms that amount to the surrender of the realm winning the war, just because there are no real consequences for being on the losing sideâ€"even if the realm is destroyed.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 30, 2016, 05:09:35 PM
At the same time, many who are winning a war are also unwilling to discuss peace unless they gain rediculous amounts of lands and gold. "Yes, we're winning, so now give us 1 of your 2 cities and we'll stop" which amounts to half your realm or something.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 06:10:32 PM
Quote from: Gabanus family on May 30, 2016, 05:09:35 PM
At the same time, many who are winning a war are also unwilling to discuss peace unless they gain rediculous amounts of lands and gold.
This is not true literally for every war I was a part of, including when I was on a losing side.
But I will grant that peace terms gradually become more heavy on the losing side the longer it keeps giving the winning side a middle finger after it's already obvious the war is lost.
Fissoa could save face and get a very lucrative peace deal but instead kept slowly losing ground until it was completely broken and split in half.
Eponllyn was offered at least three peace deals, afaik. Each one harsher than the previous. Told everyone to piss off and ended up in shambles.
The list goes on.

Maybe there are wars to annihilation when attackers make it clear peace is impossible. But Xavax is clearly not facing one.
There are very clear terms and initially they were not even bad. Of course they'll get tougher in time.
Quote from: Gabanus family on May 30, 2016, 05:09:35 PM
"Yes, we're winning, so now give us 1 of your 2 cities and we'll stop" which amounts to half your realm or something.
Which is still a reasonable deal when you're choosing between giving up a city or leading your realm to complete destruction.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Anaris on May 30, 2016, 06:21:51 PM
Not necessarily.

All too often, it's not a choice between "Give up a city, realm lives and is fine" and "Keep two cities now, get steamrolled."

The first choice is much more often, "Give up a city, realm lives for now, but is so weak it can't participate in international politics without essentially becoming the vassal realm of a superpower, and the next time a war happens, there's a good chance that even if it does subjugate itself to a larger realm, they'll either abandon it to be destroyed, or just be unable to protect it effectively whether they want to or not."

The second choice is also much more often, "Keep two cities now and have some small chance of maintaining a defense against the winning realm's assaults while we frantically negotiate for an alliance that will get another realm to come in and save us."

So...yeah, I'm fairly well convinced that demands like that are part of what perpetuate the culture of superpowers, alliance blocs, and a fear of surrendering at all. And I've been on both sides of this, multiple times.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 06:38:51 PM
Maybe that also happens. Somewhere.
But that's still somewhat irrelevant because once again that's not the sort of demands Xavax is facing.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: GundamMerc on May 30, 2016, 06:49:51 PM
Quote from: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 06:38:51 PM
Maybe that also happens. Somewhere.
But that's still somewhat irrelevant because once again that's not the sort of demands Xavax is facing.

And us surrendering right away would defeat the point of having a war in the first place, yes? Which would be boring for all. And then Perdan would be like "well they aren't surrendering, so we'll have to punish them more".
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Zakilevo on May 30, 2016, 09:08:11 PM
I much prefer split yourself to form a new realm kind.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: GundamMerc on May 30, 2016, 09:49:17 PM
there might have been plans to create a new, independent realm, but that's been shuttered for now as the war with Perdan actually forces us to hold onto all of our regions just to have a large enough economy.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 10:24:33 PM
Quote from: Zakky on May 30, 2016, 09:08:11 PM
I much prefer split yourself to form a new realm kind.
I don't think Xavax needs to split. It's actually a very healthy realm. Just two cities and great noble density. They're good.
They don't even need to be pacified and prevented from warring neighbours.
To be a model progressive EC realm they just need to start being responsible in their wars, that's all. I can't speak for Perdan's leadership, but I'm sure Perdan will withdraw when Xavax shows it can continue the war in a responsible manner, which is not obliterating and consuming unfriendly neighbours.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JeVondair on May 30, 2016, 10:51:42 PM
Things got...a bit heated in this thread. I feel I have a responsibility to break a few things down if only so we're on the same page and I can expand on any point if asked:

1.  There was always going to be war in the South. Period. Xavax had too many nobles. It was just a matter of picking a target.
2.  After the Xavax civil war, Selenia NEEDED an other against whom she could unify her subjects, otherwise the realm really would have sliced itself to pieces.
3.  Selenia picked Alara because it's ruler annoyed her, but she'd also compiled the most solid cassus belli, to her mind, against Alara. I've listed them before.

1.  Selenia was a commoner. She does not diplomat gud. She's direct and says exactly what she means. Rynn was the diplomat(ish) and he died. Lesson learned  :-[
2.  Selenia's been an isolationist from the start. She never cared about realms outside of her own...which was sufficiently powerful enough that she would not let anyone condescend to her...which most of the other rulers did. Naturally, things got heated  8)
3.  Selenia actively baited King Starfall of Alara until he finally goofed.
4.  The only messages she's sent on the ruler channel have either directly or indirectly been regarding Alara.
5.  Selenia only makes deals with ruler's she's met in person and feasted with. That's why when King Warchief of Minas Nova asked to Ally with her against Alara, she refused. I regret nothing.

1.  Xavax has only declared war against, and laid claim to, Alaran lands.
2.  IF you are not fighting a war of annihilation against Xavax, you'll loose. Especially considering the hatreds that have been declared. You HAVE to destroy Xavax and force Selenia to abdicate the throne, or she will keep coming back for everyone that ever crossed her.
3.  The War has been in Xavax's favor this entire time. The addition of more enemies only increase the difficulty level and makes things more interesting.

1.  I am actually really pleased that few players even OOC have a firm grasp of what is going on. That means the propaganda mill is running strong and players are interested/engaged. Good.
2.  Fair is not necessarily fun. I'm not salty that half the island has declared war against Xavax, I'm salty that Vix and Perdan did not take the time to really build a strong case to do so. It seems lazy to me. But we've gone over that already. Point is, this is BATTLEmaster, war is the game, and it's generally a fun one. And the wheel never stops turning. Who knows what wrinkles tomorrow will bring?
3.  I, both as a player and speaking as specifically Selenia, rather enjoy the idea of being the Big Bad Wolf other realms are making her out to be. Demonize her if you want, good stories need great Villains. Meanwhile, she's a hero on the other side and my goals as a player is met: Build a Legacy; Make things interesting  for my realm mates. IF that means being the most hated woman on the EC, no prob!
4.  All and all, it's a bit more than I signed up for, but the challenge looks fun and so long as the players are having fun, then we all win. I'm pretty much exactly where I want to be.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 11:26:28 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on May 30, 2016, 10:51:42 PM
IF you are not fighting a war of annihilation against Xavax, you'll loose.
There's nothing bad in losing, imo. It's only bad when the victor makes sure the loss is final and nothing interesting will happen again on that front moving forward.
Quote from: JeVondair on May 30, 2016, 10:51:42 PM
I'm not salty that half the island has declared war against Xavax, I'm salty that Vix and Perdan did not take the time to really build a strong case to do so. It seems lazy to me.
Although casus belli is there and seems plausible, I do agree there could be more build up and flavour surrounding it.
Quote from: JeVondair on May 30, 2016, 10:51:42 PM
I, both as a player and speaking as specifically Selenia, rather enjoy the idea of being the Big Bad Wolf other realms are making her out to be. Demonize her if you want, good stories need great Villains.
You'll be pleased to learn you have some admirers abroad. Even among your enemies.
Quote from: JeVondair on May 30, 2016, 10:51:42 PM
All and all, it's a bit more than I signed up for, but the challenge looks fun and so long as the players are having fun, then we all win. I'm pretty much exactly where I want to be.
Great attitude.
But can Selenia be mollified in the end?
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: GundamMerc on May 30, 2016, 11:43:35 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on May 30, 2016, 10:51:42 PM
1.  I am actually really pleased that few players even OOC have a firm grasp of what is going on. That means the propaganda mill is running strong and players are interested/engaged. Good.

Considering I know things that Selenia doesn't, this is laughable.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JeVondair on May 30, 2016, 11:54:17 PM
Quote from: Constantine on May 30, 2016, 11:26:28 PM
But can Selenia be mollified in the end?

That's a good and interesting question that made me stop and reflect for a bit. The answer is yes, certainly, just not by Alara or Minas Nova for reasons already brought up. The deciding factor is that she never acts unilaterally. Her deputies like Kinsey and her other advisers have done a good job of managing her and there is no way they'd let her pursue a war against Perdan and Vix unduly, as much as she would like to. But for the mutual hatred and what led to it, the same would be true of Minas Nova.  As a character, Selenia would be driven to punish those that hurt her, but real politick would end that fairly quickly. Oh she'd be salty about it for sure, probably forever, but it would be largely toothless grumbling.

Quote from: GundamMerc on May 30, 2016, 11:43:35 PM
Considering I know things that Selenia doesn't, this is laughable.

Are you not entertained?
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 31, 2016, 08:39:47 AM

I'm pleased that Selenia is female, or we'd have to compete for the title most hated men on the continent.

But I'm curious to see how long Xavax can hold and how invested Perdan truly is. Also you do knkw it's mechanically possible to sign peace with Alara right, just not with Minas Nova.

@constantine what exactly are the peace terms offered to Xavax?
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: on May 31, 2016, 09:28:40 AM
Quote from: Gabanus family on May 31, 2016, 08:39:47 AM

I'm pleased that Selenia is female, or we'd have to compete for the title most hated men on the continent.

But I'm curious to see how long Xavax can hold and how invested Perdan truly is. Also you do know it's mechanically possible to sign peace with Alara right, just not with Minas Nova.

@constantine what exactly are the peace terms offered to Xavax?

Which is ironic, since they're the ones out of the three we'd want to sign a peace treaty with the least. At least Minas Nova changed rulers since the mutual Hatred was declared (Warchief ran off to Caligus), so there would be a little hope for better relations, and we were never that interested in them to begin with until they went to war with us and started raping and genociding. I can't see the vox populi allowing a peace agreement with Starfall still King of Alara.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on May 31, 2016, 11:06:14 AM
Quote from: on May 31, 2016, 09:28:40 AM
Which is ironic, since they're the ones out of the three we'd want to sign a peace treaty with the least. At least Minas Nova changed rulers since the mutual Hatred was declared (Warchief ran off to Caligus), so there would be a little hope for better relations, and we were never that interested in them to begin with until they went to war with us and started raping and genociding. I can't see the vox populi allowing a peace agreement with Starfall still King of Alara.

So there is room for diplomacy, just not while they have this King :p
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: GundamMerc on May 31, 2016, 09:14:52 PM
Quote from: Gabanus family on May 31, 2016, 11:06:14 AM
So there is room for diplomacy, just not while they have this King :p

Sayuki would view it as a betrayal for sure. Since Starfall is the one going around claiming Sayuki's a spy and got him banned for that without any proof. :3 Anything less than Starfall's head on a platter would be failure in his eyes, though a change in Alara's leadership would be enough to mollify him.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: on June 01, 2016, 02:21:36 AM
Quote from: Gabanus family on May 31, 2016, 11:06:14 AM
So there is room for diplomacy, just not while they have this King :p

If Aramon were asked what it would take to end the war with Alara, short of their utter destruction, he would demand:

But he hasn't been asked.  ;)
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: BarticaBoat on June 01, 2016, 04:17:22 AM
The wergeld is payable of 15000 peasants which is 25000 gold so far.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: on June 01, 2016, 07:54:39 AM
Of course I doubt they'll agree to even a portion of the terms they deserve with Perdan and Vix White Knighting for them. From what I understand the Xerarch already tried to peace out Perleone, due to one of Vix's bullet points on their CB, and got no response.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Ketchum on June 01, 2016, 07:58:07 AM
Look like Xavax need make peace with 1-2 realms to take them out of the war. From some people point of views, rebalance the war. Looking at Perleone size and its army, I doubt they wish to fight on. Maybe we need more dark knights to balance the white knights ::)
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JDodger on June 01, 2016, 07:58:42 AM
xavax is xavax backwards
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: on June 01, 2016, 08:27:22 AM
Quote from: Ketchum on June 01, 2016, 07:58:07 AM
Look like Xavax need make peace with 1-2 realms to take them out of the war. From some people point of views, rebalance the war. Looking at Perleone size and its army, I doubt they wish to fight on. Maybe we need more dark knights to balance the white knights ::)

You'd think that, the most successful action they've had during this war was recent, piggybacking on Vix's attack of Oc Lu Pesh (previous attempts by them on Aramon's region were repulsed by the peasants, leading to some rather amusing comments in-realm about the fierceness of his peasants  ;D). Other than that, their General joining Alara/Minas Nova in raiding has been the extent of their military involvement in this war.

Quote from: JDodger on June 01, 2016, 07:58:42 AM
xavax is xavax backwards

Truest thing said in this thread so far. ;)
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on June 01, 2016, 09:56:43 AM
Quote from: Ketchum on June 01, 2016, 07:58:07 AM
Look like Xavax need make peace with 1-2 realms to take them out of the war. From some people point of views, rebalance the war. Looking at Perleone size and its army, I doubt they wish to fight on. Maybe we need more dark knights to balance the white knights ::)

Well you're actually the guy that can make that happen. Question is, if you're willing to go 'against' Sirion so radically though.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Ketchum on June 02, 2016, 04:44:10 AM
Quote from: on June 01, 2016, 08:27:22 AM
You'd think that, the most successful action they've had during this war was recent, piggybacking on Vix's attack of Oc Lu Pesh (previous attempts by them on Aramon's region were repulsed by the peasants, leading to some rather amusing comments in-realm about the fierceness of his peasants  ;D). Other than that, their General joining Alara/Minas Nova in raiding has been the extent of their military involvement in this war.

Truest thing said in this thread so far. ;)
I do not know if you know. Perleone is also Nivemus ally ::)
Actually since that last ice age happened, Perleone lost some of their lands which combined with other factors led to their small realm and military size. Perleone is... never same again.

Quote from: Gabanus family on June 01, 2016, 09:56:43 AM
Well you're actually the guy that can make that happen. Question is, if you're willing to go 'against' Sirion so radically though.
It is problem IC... To change a character radically, perhaps like what happened to a real person after some incidents. If we are to simulate stuff. We might end up stimulate a realm and many of its neighbors :o
Inside heart, Brock dislike Garas. Garas is probably the most hated male character in this whole island or rather half island. Nivemus has reasons to fight Oligarch, you "took away" our previous Queen Ruler as your wife remember? :P
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Zakilevo on June 02, 2016, 04:57:34 AM
Still haven't had my first battle. Don't mind fighting a losing war though. Fun stuff.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on June 02, 2016, 11:58:44 AM
Quote from: Ketchum on June 02, 2016, 04:44:10 AM
I do not know if you know. Perleone is also Nivemus ally ::)
Actually since that last ice age happened, Perleone lost some of their lands which combined with other factors led to their small realm and military size. Perleone is... never same again.
It is problem IC... To change a character radically, perhaps like what happened to a real person after some incidents. If we are to simulate stuff. We might end up stimulate a realm and many of its neighbors :o
Inside heart, Brock dislike Garas. Garas is probably the most hated male character in this whole island or rather half island. Nivemus has reasons to fight Oligarch, you "took away" our previous Queen Ruler as your wife remember? :P

Well surely by now Brock should see that the stuff that Garas was spouting and secceeded for have actually come true. In addition Catherine is now First Lady (I did not plan to steal her away tbh, plan was to keep her as Queen of Nivemus and join our war you buthead rebel :p) so you'd have the room even for Brock to manouvre. You don't have to like Garas to deal with his wife, or even him, if you feel the need is high enough. I mean we're not talking about a federation or a long lasting alliance in the ages. It's more likely that if something is done and goals are achieved, we'll end up fighting each other afterwards and that's how it should be in my opinion. No more long term alliance blocks.

And back to the south, it seems Xavax isn't doing so well yet?
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JeVondair on June 02, 2016, 04:20:07 PM
Hmm? Oh, nah we're good
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Fleugs on June 02, 2016, 06:14:39 PM
I don't understand the strategy towards militia size in Isadril, but otherwise they should be fine.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Ketchum on June 03, 2016, 09:06:55 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on June 02, 2016, 04:20:07 PM
Hmm? Oh, nah we're good
But but we all receive huge battle reports saying otherwise? :o
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JeVondair on June 03, 2016, 02:15:10 PM
Quote from: Ketchum on June 03, 2016, 09:06:55 AM
But but we all receive huge battle reports saying otherwise? :o

If winning wars was based purely on battles won/lost, Selenia would own Itorunt AND Semall by now  :'(
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JDodger on June 03, 2016, 03:33:56 PM
except for that part about losing in itorrunt.

its not just about win/losses, but about where and when you win. if you don't take advantage of winning when you have the chance your gains get erased.

funny how its "Selenia would own..." rather than "xavax would own..."  ;)
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JeVondair on June 03, 2016, 05:35:47 PM
Quote from: JDodger on June 03, 2016, 03:33:56 PM
funny how its "Selenia would own..." rather than "xavax would own..."  ;)

"I AM Xavax"
~Xerarch Selenia

Really I have no idea how she got a hold of and twisted a King Louis XIV quote. She has a mind of her own these days I swear
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JDodger on June 03, 2016, 05:39:16 PM
poor selenia, being xavax must be rough these days
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JeVondair on June 03, 2016, 05:48:14 PM
Tis sad but true-ish. Most of the boys on the playground don't like her...but none of them can take her on their own either.

I can live with that.  8)

I'll be worried when Xavax starts loosing territory.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Constantine on June 04, 2016, 01:31:42 PM
Oh man, does every realm in this game has to have this one dude who froths at the mouth, calls everyone cowards and challenges enemy generals to a duel every time a battle is lost. :D
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on June 04, 2016, 02:37:16 PM
Quote from: Constantine on June 04, 2016, 01:31:42 PM
Oh man, does every realm in this game has to have this one dude who froths at the mouth, calls everyone cowards and challenges enemy generals to a duel every time a battle is lost. :D

Yeah, that is called tradition and it is very important. Usually they are the ones with very high swordfighting skills :p
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: BarticaBoat on June 04, 2016, 05:11:57 PM
Quote from: Constantine on June 04, 2016, 01:31:42 PM
Oh man, does every realm in this game has to have this one dude who froths at the mouth, calls everyone cowards and challenges enemy generals to a duel every time a battle is lost. :D

It's called an ego check. If your characters weren't cowards they would duel. Unfortunately they are.

I see they're also upset over a commoner being executed. Shame I don't have any more to hang!
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Constantine on June 04, 2016, 05:47:26 PM
Thanks for an ego check, why don't you check yours now?
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on June 04, 2016, 07:32:29 PM
Quote from: BarticaBoat on June 04, 2016, 05:11:57 PM
It's called an ego check. If your characters weren't cowards they would duel. Unfortunately they are.

I see they're also upset over a commoner being executed. Shame I don't have any more to hang!

Wow, this has got to be some of the biggest BS I've seen in a while :-)

Having a char with high SF insulting and challenging random people to duels has nothing to do with an ego check. You challenged him because you lost a battle? I am pro duels, but at least take the time to come up with a proper reason other than your char being an insulting barbarian. I've seen enough of those nobles throughout the years.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JDodger on June 05, 2016, 02:50:18 AM
what exactly is a proper reason? what makes insulting barbarians with high sf skill worse than cocky infiltrators with high infil? should i go on?
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Constantine on June 05, 2016, 03:18:41 AM
The obvious eruption of butthurt player's ego?
That's how little boys act, not noble knights.  ::)
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: on June 05, 2016, 05:04:00 AM
Of course they ignore the easiest way to shut a duelist up.  ::) I know, I know, too much danger...
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JDodger on June 05, 2016, 05:21:05 AM
man i thought game of thrones would have gotten more of you off of that noble knight nonsense
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: on June 05, 2016, 07:03:25 AM
Quote from: JDodger on June 05, 2016, 05:21:05 AM
man i thought game of thrones would have gotten more of you off of that noble knight nonsense

Aramon tries to keep himself calm, otherwise he has a habit of biting people's heads off. Literally.  ;)
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JDodger on June 05, 2016, 08:06:14 AM
he has a big mouth obviously
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on June 05, 2016, 01:19:46 PM
Quote from: JDodger on June 05, 2016, 02:50:18 AM
what exactly is a proper reason? what makes insulting barbarians with high sf skill worse than cocky infiltrators with high infil? should i go on?

Well infils just do their jobs and some of them you can't well consider nobles so much anymore and yes I'd count Goriad II under that as well since you were prob hinting at him. I actually take the effort to RP a story for him why he turned out so deranged and he'll only grow worse.

But I don't go about insulting people without a reason and challenge them to a duel (which is more for honored disputes between two respected noblemen), in stead I just stab them and do what a lowlife noble (whether or not you're insulting constantly openly, or boosting and chose the infil path) does best. 
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Constantine on June 05, 2016, 01:22:56 PM
Quote from: on June 05, 2016, 05:04:00 AM
I know, I know, too much danger...
Indeed. There's a big difference between throwaway characters who's value to a player and the game is exactly zero so they constantly want to duel everyone to boost their ego and characters with a lot of time and effort invested in them who actually mean something and whose lives are actually valuable.
Can you imagine Edward III dueling some random French knight because the latter got butthurt over a lost battle? Yeah, because that's stupid even to imagine.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: on June 05, 2016, 08:20:31 PM
Quote from: Constantine on June 05, 2016, 01:22:56 PM
Indeed. There's a big difference between throwaway characters who's value to a player and the game is exactly zero so they constantly want to duel everyone to boost their ego and characters with a lot of time and effort invested in them who actually mean something and whose lives are actually valuable.
Can you imagine Edward III dueling some random French knight because the latter got butthurt over a lost battle? Yeah, because that's stupid even to imagine.

That's a serious claim to make without proof.

Edward III wouldn't likely duel due to it being frowned upon by the HRC, possibly having a champion that would take up the challenge for him, and the fact that duels were being principally used as trial by combat (although Pas d'armes makes silly your claim about the seriousness of duels).
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Constantine on June 05, 2016, 09:28:17 PM
Quote from: on June 05, 2016, 08:20:31 PM
That's a serious claim to make without proof.
It's really self-evident if a player is willing to issue duel challenges to numerous people who never even talked to him and without even making a case why he feels insulted.
Quote from: on June 05, 2016, 08:20:31 PM
Edward III wouldn't likely duel due to it being frowned upon by the HRC, possibly having a champion that would take up the challenge for him,
My point is that a french knight wouldn't even ever have an idea of challenging an English monarch after a military defeat. That's a silly situation to imagine.
Quote from: on June 05, 2016, 08:20:31 PM
and the fact that duels were being principally used as trial by combat
Irrelevant in this case.
Quote from: on June 05, 2016, 08:20:31 PM(although Pas d'armes makes silly your claim about the seriousness of duels).
What do you even mean by that?
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: BarticaBoat on June 05, 2016, 10:14:41 PM
Quote from: Constantine on June 05, 2016, 09:28:17 PM
It's really self-evident if a player is willing to issue duel challenges to numerous people who never even talked to him and without even making a case why he feels insulted.
Or I've been playing the game close to 10 years and a character dying isn't the most important thing to me. Godric's whole story hinges on living in the shadow of his father and trying to pursue glory. A death in battle means he was weak, a death in individual combat is a glorious end to his Saga. As for why he's insulted, you don't need to understand, the character does. Quit trying to tell me how to play the game.
Quote from: Constantine on June 05, 2016, 09:28:17 PMMy point is that a french knight wouldn't even ever have an idea of challenging an English monarch after a military defeat. That's a silly situation to imagine.
This is more akin to the Duke of Surrey challenging the Duke of Anjou. He is a member of the king's (Xerarch) court challenging the opposing kingdom's general (also a member of the king's court). What's wrong with that?
Quote from: Constantine on June 05, 2016, 09:28:17 PMIrrelevant in this case

Not irrelevant, your case made it situationally absurd. In the game there are no true restrictions on when you should duel. Further, in Greater Xavax it is literally enshrined the right to duel over anything. Because i wrote the laws.
Quote from: Constantine on June 05, 2016, 09:28:17 PM.What do you even mean by that?

Use Google, darling.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Constantine on June 05, 2016, 10:37:39 PM
Quote from: BarticaBoat on June 05, 2016, 10:14:41 PM
Or I've been playing the game close to 10 years and a character dying isn't the most important thing to me.
Case in point.
Quote from: BarticaBoat on June 05, 2016, 10:14:41 PMIn the game there are no true restrictions on when you should duel.
Exactly. You're not breaking any rules and I'm not trying to tell you what to do.
Quote from: BarticaBoat on June 05, 2016, 10:14:41 PM
Use Google, darling.
Why did you call me darling?
Anyway, I know what pas d'armes is. I just don't understand why he kept coming up with irrelevant examples.

My initial post was meant more as a tongue-in-cheek observation. It was not a personal attack so please don't go on the defensive. I simply said every realm seems to have a player who doesn't care about or is tired of his character and constantly goads other players to duel him without any reason. That's all, no drama was implied.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: on June 05, 2016, 11:49:39 PM
Because your example was equally irrelevant. BM is medievally influenced, not a medieval simulation, and even if it were, silly reasons for dueling (like the Pas d'armes) and people who were professional duelists (berserkers using Holmgang to enrich themselves) existed in history during the middle ages. I'm just laughing at your apparent need to justify turning down a duel. Also there's a gulf of difference between "throwaway characters who's value to a player and the game is exactly zero" and not caring if a character dies if it's a good end to that character's story. I can vouch that Torxanib Godric Tórrarin ka Habb, Arbiter of Greater Xavax has a far greater value to the players in Xavax than zero. :P
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Blue Star on June 06, 2016, 03:05:24 AM
Butt Hurt, Butt Hurt, Butt Hurt

::) ::) ;D ::) ::)
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JeVondair on June 06, 2016, 04:08:02 PM
Quote from: Blue Star on June 06, 2016, 03:05:24 AM
Butt Hurt, Butt Hurt, Butt Hurt

::) ::) ;D ::) ::)

I see you've misspelled "Xavax"  ;D
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JeVondair on November 15, 2016, 05:33:43 PM
So a concern about Perdan...What is going on there? First a King stepped down, and then a silent one (Kyra? Awesome) was silently elected only to eventually loose that crown, then Caspian vanished suddenly, and now a teenage immigrant from Oligarch is King.

Is ruling Perdan not fun or something?
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Zakilevo on November 15, 2016, 08:46:57 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on November 15, 2016, 05:33:43 PM
So a concern about Perdan...What is going on there? First a King stepped down, and then a silent one (Kyra? Awesome) was silently elected only to eventually loose that crown, then Caspian vanished suddenly, and now a teenage immigrant from Oligarch is King.

Is ruling Perdan not fun or something?

Ruling a silent realm is never fun. But then again Caspian was an awful ruler.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Sharpspeare on November 15, 2016, 09:22:43 PM
And now there seems to be a bug. "The realm of Perdan has elected Qu Ar'dan Lapallanch as its new King." But he wasn't instated as King. I went to sent him a message and couldn't find his name among the rulers mailing list.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Zakilevo on November 15, 2016, 09:42:52 PM
Quote from: Sharpspeare on November 15, 2016, 09:22:43 PM
And now there seems to be a bug. "The realm of Perdan has elected Qu Ar'dan Lapallanch as its new King." But he wasn't instated as King. I went to sent him a message and couldn't find his name among the rulers mailing list.

Indeed. A fatal one too. Very unfortunate. Perdan could have enjoyed another Lapallanchian king!
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on November 15, 2016, 10:24:30 PM
Quote from: Zakky on November 15, 2016, 09:42:52 PM
Indeed. A fatal one too. Very unfortunate. Perdan could have enjoyed another Lapallanchian king!

Wait does this mean you won't get elected in the next round?

*Silently starts to pray to Ora  ;D
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JeVondair on November 24, 2016, 06:19:51 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on November 15, 2016, 05:33:43 PM
So a concern about Perdan...What is going on there? First  King Odoaker(?) stepped down, and then a silent one (Kyra? Awesome) was silently elected only to eventually loose that crown, then Caspian vanished suddenly, and now a teenage immigrant from Oligarch is King.

Is ruling Perdan not fun or something?

And now Kellan Dodger strikes out. The count is up to 5.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: GundamMerc on November 24, 2016, 06:34:17 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on November 24, 2016, 06:19:51 PM

And now Kellan Dodger strikes out. The count is up to 5.

so they protested him out during Thanksgiving and after he had lost internet. Fun stuff.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: on November 24, 2016, 07:23:43 PM
I haven't seen turnover like that outside of a realm falling apart due to losing a war.

Quote from: GundamMerc on November 24, 2016, 06:34:17 PM
so they protested him out during Thanksgiving and after he had lost internet. Fun stuff.

Damn, if true that's closer to an Inalienable Rights violation than I'd be comfortable being.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Zakilevo on November 24, 2016, 07:37:12 PM
Quote from: on November 24, 2016, 07:23:43 PM
I haven't seen turnover like that outside of a realm falling apart due to losing a war.

Damn, if true that's closer to an Inalienable Rights violation than I'd be comfortable being.

IR doesn't protect you from being protested out unfortunately.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Chamberlain on November 24, 2016, 08:10:43 PM
Quote from: Zakky on November 24, 2016, 07:37:12 PM
IR doesn't protect you from being protested out unfortunately.

Or fortunately if you are QU'Ardan... maybe round 4??
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Zakilevo on November 24, 2016, 09:18:52 PM
Quote from: Chamberlain on November 24, 2016, 08:10:43 PM
Or fortunately if you are QU'Ardan... maybe round 4??

Damn right. Round 4 it is!
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on November 24, 2016, 11:16:45 PM
Quote from: Zakky on November 24, 2016, 09:18:52 PM
Damn right. Round 4 it is!

Rip Perdan 24-01-17  :'(
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Victor C on November 24, 2016, 11:27:03 PM
Quote from: Zakky on November 24, 2016, 09:18:52 PM
Damn right. Round 4 it is!

The end is nigh.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Sharpspeare on November 24, 2016, 11:43:50 PM
How long do you think you can maintain kingship given the turnover rate? If you win I mean
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Zakilevo on November 24, 2016, 11:47:52 PM
Quote from: Sharpspeare on November 24, 2016, 11:43:50 PM
How long do you think you can maintain kingship given the turnover rate? If you win I mean

Well... Qu Ar'dan is known for his vulgarity so... At most a month? XD
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Sharpspeare on November 24, 2016, 11:51:57 PM
Quote from: Zakky on November 24, 2016, 11:47:52 PM
Well... Qu Ar'dan is known for his vulgarity so... At most a month? XD

Interesting. Good Luck Zakky
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Chamberlain on November 25, 2016, 02:34:24 AM
Quote from: Zakky on November 24, 2016, 11:47:52 PM
Well... Qu Ar'dan is known for his vulgarity so... At most a month? XD

Are there any rulers Qu hasn't insulted... barring Catherine of course... could make for some interesting developments
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Ulfang on November 25, 2016, 03:07:02 AM
Quote from: GundamMerc on November 24, 2016, 06:34:17 PM
so they protested him out during Thanksgiving and after he had lost internet. Fun stuff.

*tuts* politics!  ::)
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Zaros on November 25, 2016, 04:57:24 AM
What's the current state of messy Perdan politics? ;)
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Zakilevo on November 25, 2016, 05:33:36 AM
Heh you gotta be in Perdan to truly appreciate what is going on!
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on November 25, 2016, 10:08:12 AM
Quote from: Zakky on November 25, 2016, 05:33:36 AM
Heh you gotta be in Perdan to truly appreciate what is going on!

I suppose so. How one such mighty empire crumbles
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Zakilevo on November 25, 2016, 10:35:13 AM
Quote from: Gabanus family on November 25, 2016, 10:08:12 AM
I suppose so. How one such mighty empire crumbles
Inactivity kills even the largest realms...
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Sharpspeare on November 25, 2016, 02:01:20 PM
Quote from: Chamberlain on November 25, 2016, 02:34:24 AM
Are there any rulers Qu hasn't insulted... barring Catherine of course... could make for some interesting developments

Qu has not interacted with my Druzil, so he has not insulted him yet
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: JeVondair on November 25, 2016, 02:06:55 PM
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Schancke on November 25, 2016, 02:38:18 PM
Quote from: Zakky on November 25, 2016, 10:35:13 AM
Inactivity kills even the largest realms...

But how do such a mighty realm full of active players become inactive in such a short time?
You were stomping your might feet all over Xavax just a few months ago?
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Wimpie on November 25, 2016, 04:04:42 PM
Quote from: Schancke on November 25, 2016, 02:38:18 PM
But how do such a mighty realm full of active players become inactive in such a short time?
You were stomping your might feet all over Xavax just a few months ago?

Caspian made them pull out of the war, then decided he should marry Selenia JeVondair, then went missing. The realm does not really have a goal I guess.. No war to fight. People tend to dislike that.

Dodger just disappears from time to time. However, this time is very unfortunate.

Reminds me of the time there were Ruler elections in Vix. Jeames was elected while sitting in prison  :D
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Gabanus family on November 25, 2016, 05:34:41 PM
I'm seriously starting to miss Fleugs all of the sudden. Chaos is his legacy now

*Yeah yeah I'll wash my mouth with soap
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Zakilevo on November 28, 2016, 08:14:34 AM
Qu is ready to make Perdan Great Again.
Title: Re: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan
Post by: Sharpspeare on November 28, 2016, 05:44:10 PM
Quote from: Zakky on November 28, 2016, 08:14:34 AM
Qu is ready to make Perdan Great Again.

Warrior Saints preserve us