In settings there should be a checkbox to turn off sound effects as well as music.
With the family selection to start the game, I had no information about families viewable, and clicking on a starting area just selected that as my starting position (so I know nothing about my families until the game starts)
Looking a lot crisper and more professional though! Good stuff!
Yes, there is a bug with the family selection that I noticed too late. I have already fixed it in the code.
I must attest that I am VERY dissapointed in the lack of 4K support this game provides![/sarcasm]
Quote from: Andrew on June 28, 2016, 10:30:18 AM
I must attest that I am VERY dissapointed in the lack of 4K support this game provides![/sarcasm]
There's actually no reason why it wouldn't run in 4K. ;-)
Could we get an option to allow the audio to run in the background, when the game isn't focused?
...and to turn off sound effects as well as music. (when the baby sleeps I try to play! :) )
Also, I made a note in the chat of the game it affects, but there are two stone walls, one looks fine, the other looks broken, but neither have any damage.
There needs to be some sort of incentive to fill in the diary, otherwise, after a game or two, it's a novelty that probably won't be bothered with. I like it, but if you're playing many games, it's not a priority. An incentive of some kind, even just something very small, would help.
Also, message on previous actions for the tower, if unmanned, says "well" rather than tower (or it does in one of the games anyway) was unmanned.
Incentive: Leave surprising notes to other players. For the record, I could see this being abused by people to leave obscene messages in game.
In other news, I've been wondering this, but why is it when I scroll with the mouse scroll wheel it goes so incredibly slow? I've got a mouse (Logitech G502) with an adjustable one, and a casual flick of it on it's loose setting barely makes it through my entire six game list. With it on non-loose mode, it's a solid 13+ flicks of the mouse wheel.
It looks as though food doesn't go to the hungriest in a family first. I have some members who have no issues, a couple who are hungry, and another who is famished. I would have expected there to be no one famished unless everyone else was at least hungry.
I think I need a bugtracker :-)
Woo! Another project on the bug tracker!
I'm away for a week as of today and won't have my Mac with me, so won't be able to play for a week (so guess all my guys will die... Though there's a slim chance those with lots of hens may survive I suppose :) )
Very likely they will all die. If not from starvation then from monsters.
Will be an interesting test I guess, as by rights no one should be able to survive if they miss more than a couple of turns in a row.
I do have a couple of families with 5/6 hen houses though, so they shouldn't starve if they all stay undamaged. Stone walls and other defences as well so I'd recommend keeping an eye on them to see how long they last.
Also, with regard to having 5/6 hen houses, it should change once the games start with more real people, I've only been able to do those alongside the defences due to all the dead families that had wood stored on what then became common land.
Just wanted to say the new interface looks nice, like the game is out of Alpha and actually in Beta. Still waiting for faster scrolling, but it's a small thing.
Oh, uh, "Quite Game", as seen from the menu when loaded into a game, should read "Quit Game". Unless you're trying to do a thing and say this is quite a game, which depending on your locality means two (or more) entirely different things.
A few bits:
Looks like the auto turn running (when all families have made their actions) isn't currently working? Certainly not on a couple of them at least.
I commented on the game (the one that's just entered winter, that the same person was dragged out of a hut and eaten twice.
When choosing to improve a hut, the info at the bottom of the window when hovering over the improve button gives the details for fencing.
Should rubble from stone based things have the chance to find stone as well as/instead of wood?
Enjoying it, I look forward to when there are more people playing as I've taken advantage of all the excess material that goes to common ground when the inactive families all die at the same time...
The game that just ended (the one in winter), I can view diaries (though it appears only I wrote anything?, only my own family is listed at the side), also, there's no way to see the final town, so I don't know if I won it or not, don't know the final standings - did both families get killed off in the same turn, did I win, did I come second?
So viewing diaries, as well as being able to view the final town would be good. (as a possible extra, you could have a marker for each family that says which day they were wiped out on).
Yes. This is the first beta game to end, so it's my starting point to make the final screen good. I'm not sure about a town view, because by the end of the game it is pretty much just ruins. But a kind of timeline who died when, that's a brilliant idea.
Auto turns definitely not working :(
Also, an additional column in the top players table for 'games won' might be good.
Auto turns just sometimes break because I'm constantly working on the game. Whenever I spot it, I go and fix it.
I'm not sure on the scoring system and it's relation to the ranking table.
If you win a game quickly (we've had them complete between turns 33 and 43 now I think? and could probably be won faster in the right circumstances) that makes quite a big difference in the total score that can be gained. Perhaps there should be different options for showing the table.
You could have one that is just based on points gained for the position you finish (so - number of wins, average score (not including points for days survived)) then another one for length of survival (average days survived, longest survived)
Unless you allow sole surviving families to keep going until they die as well, in which case they do have the opportunity to get the best score they can. Otherwise, in the very unfortunate situation that everyone else in your game stops playing from day 1, you could end up with quite a low score.
Hopefully that's understandable, though I have rambled a bit.
On another note, the logo on the webpages for the game (for me at least) is too large and covers some of the menu items, making them unclickable.
Yes, scoring system is buggy and unfinished. I just don't have enough data to balance it, yet. But it's coming.
The logo I'll improve.
The game does get more exciting with all the different tweaks that happen, it's getting closer and closer to something that could be great.
I like how you're monetising as well, shouldn't be able to pay to win that way, which is key. Maybe add options for painting houses and such as well, so there are visual things people can pay for if they want.
I thought about that, and yes vanity content is always an option - but it requires additional content to be made.
Couple of things regarding the game that just finished this morning.
A simple message saying I was the last surviving family would be good (I only know I won as the email letting me know the turn had happened said one person had died during the night, and I had 3 left...)
It appeared as though the other family there at the end moved their living square to one that was on my family's land. Only noticed this shortly after I'd set my last turn, so couldn't check/ask. Maybe whoever had that other family can confirm?
Is there a different message for peasants killed by dragon fire or are they also listed as dragged out?
I just gave you your thumbs up on steam and might actually make an account somewhere in the next days if I get the time :)
Very nice. Thanks! I've got over 300 thumbs up now and that makes me really happy.
How is it that some players in scoring table have so many games? I've taken part in all of them as far as I'm aware, but have a much lower number listed. Not that it matters much for the final thing, just wondering what caused it.
There is still a bug in the scoring system and I just can't figure it out.
Updated client is asking to login again, but doesn't seem to like my old key. Do we need to reregister?
Ummm, Got spoiled with the automatic sign in through the client and can't find my original email from the registration process.
I still want to play, but am not sure how to get access again.
registered with the following address:
Any help would be appreciated.
23 players is quite a lot to start...been waiting numerous days now just to try the game : /
Quote from: Bael on August 23, 2016, 11:31:54 AM
23 players is quite a lot to start...been waiting numerous days now just to try the game : /
Sorry for that, it's one of the results of having a small indie game. Recruit your friends and it'll be faster. :-)
I tried recruiting from another game that I play, and got 2 responses : (
I don't know...this key system seems to have some bugs in it. I can't log into either of my accounts now, since I logged out of the one. At least I could access one before.
What was the result in Waldacker (last game to complete)? There were two of us left and it would have been close whether the other family were killed or I died, may have been a draw, but nothing to let me know.
The AI for families that aren't player controlled seems to get a huge amount of material collected in the huts. Loads of wood and/or food, and fences built. Not sure that's working correctly.
Lots of bugs still left. And yes, there is something wrong with the login/key system, and I'm trying to figure out what it could be. For the moment, contact me by mail and I'll fix it manually.
Quote from: James on August 28, 2016, 09:13:12 AM
What was the result in Waldacker (last game to complete)?
According to the diary reader, everyone died.
There's an incredibly function/bug to do with map scrolling and the chat window:
Basically, when you are scrolling around using the arrow keys, the focus will suddenly swap to the chat window, meaning that you can't continue scrolling without clicking somewhere one the map.
I'm running my game in windows mode, and the arrows seem to sometimes scroll the chat (while also moving the screen), and other times put typing focus on the chat window (as mentioned above). I'm still trying to figure out exactly when it does it...I thought it was holding left mouse and then down (got it reproduce about 10 times consecutively doing that, clicking on a plot that opened an action window, closing the window, then repeating). However, when I deselected chat window focus by clicking on a plot that /didn't/ open an action window, the Left arrow/down arrow no longer triggered the chat focus as before.
Ok, it appears that clicking on a plot on which you can perform an action (and then closing it) somehow makes the arrows keys start targeting the chat bar. The arrow keys start to scroll the chat, and they also active the chat bar focus (left + down simultaneously seems to do it most often).
Thanks. I'll try to figure out what's going on there.
Not sure what's happened, but I now don't seem to be able to repair anything (fence, wood wall, hut) if it's on common ground. It doesn't set the action for my peasant. (so that one has been sent gathering instead)
Quote from: James on September 03, 2016, 08:18:23 AM
Not sure what's happened, but I now don't seem to be able to repair anything (fence, wood wall, hut) if it's on common ground. It doesn't set the action for my peasant. (so that one has been sent gathering instead)
Can you try this again? Repairing should be possible for all buildings now with the beta 11 client.
Quote from: Tom on September 03, 2016, 01:20:52 PM
Can you try this again? Repairing should be possible for all buildings now with the beta 11 client.
It's only been the last couple of turns it's not worked. This last time, it was shown as a recorded action for the peasant, but on returning to the main screen it said I still needed to complete my actions for that game, and on returning to it, the repairing peasant was now listed as idle...
Ok, sounds like the problem might be with the server. Again, does it work on Beta 11 or still fail?
First turn was on 10, second on 11
Quote from: James on September 03, 2016, 06:43:46 PM
First turn was on 10, second on 11
Yes, I can confirm that it is still broken on version 11.
I fixed a server-side bug related to this. It now works for me, please check.
Quote from: Tom on September 05, 2016, 08:15:14 AM
I fixed a server-side bug related to this. It now works for me, please check.
The villager now stays assigned to do the repairs. Will check if they do actually get done (Don't see why not).
Taking of anything on common ground is now reverting to idle when returning yo main menu. Was fine last turn.
Quote from: James on September 07, 2016, 08:46:25 PM
Taking of anything on common ground is now reverting to idle when returning yo main menu. Was fine last turn.
Taking, as in claiming common ground?
Hmm, interesting.
I've been wondering something myself: do we have a confirmed case of when the tower was not manned and reduced resources were collected? Because I've seen fields suffer, but I have yet to see someone collect only 2 wood in a session....
Quote from: James on September 07, 2016, 08:46:25 PM
Taking of anything on common ground is now reverting to idle when returning yo main menu. Was fine last turn.
I can confirm that one is unable to claim common ground.
Check again on the common grounds issue. As long as there is no building on it, it should work now. With buildings, it should work as well if they are not common buildings (tower, well, etc.)
Quote from: Tom on September 10, 2016, 11:51:47 AM
Check again on the common grounds issue. As long as there is no building on it, it should work now. With buildings, it should work as well if they are not common buildings (tower, well, etc.)
It allowed me to complete the turn with taking of common ground as actions this time, so would appear to be fixed.
If two people are trying to take the same plot, how about the chance for peasants to be killed? A home advantage if it's on land already owned by one of the families...
Hmm, I have 3 undamaged chicken coops, and got no eggs. Seems odd. 3 chances @ 60% per shot. I can't recall how to work that out, but I'm pretty sure the odds of that happening are quite low. Two out of Five chicken coops were damaged the previous night though. Don't see why that would affect it...
Starting first game, dialog popped up for a tutorial, but was quickly covered by the map of game.
You mean the tutorial didn't show? That is strange.
@Bael - the chance for 3x no eggs is 6.4% so it's not unimaginable.
Minor thing, for the game that completed (where we survived until spring) the diary page says all families perished by day 45, rather than that some survived.
Yay for being first survivors though! Me, you and an AI or two...
Yes, that's a bug, will be fixed in the next build.
Quote from: Tom on September 11, 2016, 07:47:45 AM
You mean the tutorial didn't show? That is strange.
The dialog for a tutorial displayed when choosing a game, before the family selection came up. Once family selection loaded, it disappeared. And once I chose a family, it went back to main screen. Now that I'm starting a game and setting actions, it is displaying the Tutorial.
Ah, the tutorial showed up in family selection. That's a bug. I'll add it to the support site.
When going into a village to select a house, add a button that allows you to get back out without needing to close the whole game.
Also, I noticed the new snow textures make it hard for me to see the highlighted squares. I'm sure that dialing up the yellow would fix that.
Quote from: Bael on September 12, 2016, 09:37:08 PM
When going into a village to select a house, add a button that allows you to get back out without needing to close the whole game.
This doesn't happen for me (you are talking about a game that's not yet started aren't you?). I get a pop up message that says about an email being sent, press dismiss and get taken back to the game selection screen.
Quote from: James on September 13, 2016, 08:15:31 AM
This doesn't happen for me (you are talking about a game that's not yet started aren't you?). I get a pop up message that says about an email being sent, press dismiss and get taken back to the game selection screen.
Yes. If I don't want to choose a house there, so far the only way i've seen is to close the game to get out.
Quote from: Bael on September 12, 2016, 09:37:08 PM
When going into a village to select a house, add a button that allows you to get back out without needing to close the whole game.
Can you add that to the support site, please? I'm trying to focus all feature requests there so I can manage them individually.
Quote from: Mookzen on September 12, 2016, 09:51:24 PM
Also, I noticed the new snow textures make it hard for me to see the highlighted squares. I'm sure that dialing up the yellow would fix that.
Yes, I noticed as well. I improved it a bit in one of the last builds, but it's still not perfect. Can you add this to the support site as well, please?
In one of the newer games, it appears that I may be the only player actually doing anything (with 1 hour to go on at least two of the turns it has said only 1 family (me) has completed their actions). So, the other families that should be player controlled will die off, but I don't really want to compete against AI. Is there going to be a way for games that get to a single player + just AI to end early? (which then gets the issue of games ending quickly reducing a player's average score quite a lot...)
I know I failed to do anything for the last turn or two in my games, due to stuff coming up in my day. There are going to be diary entries that read 'did not work, am now starving!'. :P
Quote from: James on September 14, 2016, 04:03:11 PM
In one of the newer games, it appears that I may be the only player actually doing anything (with 1 hour to go on at least two of the turns it has said only 1 family (me) has completed their actions). So, the other families that should be player controlled will die off, but I don't really want to compete against AI. Is there going to be a way for games that get to a single player + just AI to end early? (which then gets the issue of games ending quickly reducing a player's average score quite a lot...)
I have a few where there are maybe 3 people active, and no AI ???
I have a feeling that many of the recent players took one look and then went away, which is kind of sad in a game like this. Basically, they will starve and that's it. I don't think AI will survive till the end anymore with the recent updates, but I'm watching the recent games.
Quote from: Tom on September 14, 2016, 04:38:59 PM
I have a feeling that many of the recent players took one look and then went away, which is kind of sad in a game like this. Basically, they will starve and that's it. I don't think AI will survive till the end anymore with the recent updates, but I'm watching the recent games.
Well, to balance that out, some of the later games have 9-10 people ready right now, and the one with 10 still has 17 hours left.
Might be worth having different speed game options?
Quote from: James on September 14, 2016, 08:26:40 PM
Might be worth having different speed game options?
Thought about that already, it's a game parameter already, just always set to 24h at this time. The client has no way of showing it nicely, and it should be something you know at game start time.
I'm coming to the point where a game might need a "settings" window. PvP yes/no, time for turn, maybe some other parameters will show up soon.
I'm pondering on what could be done to add variation. I mean - each game you have a different position and different people, but it ultimately just comes down to having enough food, struggling to get enough wooden then stone walls so that you can build henhouses safely, then just gathering more stone and wood.
Soon monsters will come in waves, and there will be variation in when and how strong the waves are. I would also like to work more on the monsters in general and make that part more interesting. Finally, in the long term I'm thinking about having the map itself more interesting, maybe with a small river or such - but that has a lot of consequences and I'm not sure about it.
What do you think about introducing traps and weapons into the game?
Can you elaborate on that idea?
I hadn't given too much thought to it at the time of posting (it was late) but it would be something like this:
There would be several types of traps that you could build. Some would be associated with walls some free-standing
1 - Wooden spikes. These would be similar to a fence in cost, but wouldn't need to be cleared up when destroyed. Chance to impale creature for extra food. Would have to be built infront of wooden or stone wall. Would have only one use/hp. (all amounts possible to change)
2 - Earthen pit. More effective in front of wall. Would trap smaller creatures and tire out larger creatures for less damage when they hit (and for stone walls, likely no damage. Eg: bear and boar would now do none, monster would now do 1). Could be used several times, although might need to be re-covered (disguised) again. Maybe a chance for food? Would take several villagers but no resources.
Other types of traps still to be considered.
A person would have a chance to find iron in the deep forest. With this iron they could then craft an anvil, and then a weapon (pike/spear or sword). Possible other items also. This would then either give them a chance to defend their house should it be attacked and there be an attempt to take a family member, or an option to station themselves at a wall to decrease damage to it (but it would use up their action for the day).
It's not much, but a work-in-progress.
I like where this is going. Let me add some thoughts:
a) Iron can be found in the Deep Forest.
b) It is a requirement for all of these, as they all need some iron
I'm not entirely sure where to fit the trap idea into everything. It should be more than just a fence with special rules. Maybe traps could only be placed at the edge of the village, and can only be damaged by the largest creatures?
A weapon could allow a peasant to patrol the village at night. He would try to stop and scare away creatures, but has a small risk of being eaten. Basic concept: The patrol would cover all plots of his family and their neighbour plots.
What is the opinion on the fact that one can still grow food during winter? Does it make it too easy to complete? Does wheat grow in germany, in winter?
Quote from: Bael on September 21, 2016, 01:34:26 PM
What is the opinion on the fact that one can still grow food during winter? Does it make it too easy to complete? Does wheat grow in germany, in winter?
Winter is 15 days. With a family of 6, you would need 90 food to survive winter. That means you need to add 3 food above and beyond what you use during every day of summer and autumn. Or in other words, you need to harvest 9 food every day or you will die.
More importantly, since you can't gather food in the forest in winter, going into winter with not enough food means you know you will die. I see this as a frustration factor. If you know you are dead and there's nothing you can do about it, why continue playing?
The yield in winter is at best 4 food for a plot. That makes it hard enough to survive if you don't have reserves.
Quote from: Tom on September 21, 2016, 02:19:52 PM
Winter is 15 days. With a family of 6, you would need 90 food to survive winter. That means you need to add 3 food above and beyond what you use during every day of summer and autumn. Or in other words, you need to harvest 9 food every day or you will die.
Yes, not being able to get food except from the deep forest in winter would certainly make the food game much more important.
Quote from: Tom on September 21, 2016, 02:19:52 PM
More importantly, since you can't gather food in the forest in winter, going into winter with not enough food means you know you will die. I see this as a frustration factor. If you know you are dead and there's nothing you can do about it, why continue playing?
The yield in winter is at best 4 food for a plot. That makes it hard enough to survive if you don't have reserves.
I'm inclined to disagree. You'd be working with narrower margins, sure, but realistically you would get by by planting and harvesting one field a day (so 2/6 workers). A smart person would keep a few fields extra and unharvested due to the narrow margins, but it would be about the same amount of effort as one would exert during summer or autumn to stay fed.
This assumes that you can defend 5, maybe 6 squares from attack (although the traditional 9 would be better for the extra fields), and without any henhouses whatsoever.
Henhouses could save you, yes.
You would definitely not have enough resources for good defenses if you had to stockpile so much food.
My point was that you don't need to stockpile food, because you will have enough if you just defend your land and keep planting/harvesting one field per day in winter.
Quote from: Bael on September 21, 2016, 10:29:48 PM
My point was that you don't need to stockpile food, because you will have enough if you just defend your land and keep planting/harvesting one field per day in winter.
Yes, that is kind of the plan. But these 2 peasants will be missing from repairing and re-building defenses.
Quote from: Tom on September 20, 2016, 05:21:06 PM
I like where this is going. Let me add some thoughts:
a) Iron can be found in the Deep Forest.
b) It is a requirement for all of these, as they all need some iron
I'm not entirely sure where to fit the trap idea into everything. It should be more than just a fence with special rules. Maybe traps could only be placed at the edge of the village, and can only be damaged by the largest creatures?
A weapon could allow a peasant to patrol the village at night. He would try to stop and scare away creatures, but has a small risk of being eaten. Basic concept: The patrol would cover all plots of his family and their neighbour plots.
I've been thinking this over, and it seems reasonable as you say. A further addition would be that you could equip your villagers during the day with a weapon. Your villager and another both harvesting the same plot? the one with the better weapon takes it.
The other thing that i've been wondering about is the flavour. Die2nite has a definite crazy, desperate flavour to it. What are you thinking about introducing to BF?
Those little circles are a nice addition : )
Also, that one game has a password function set, but no password (I suppose you know that and are just testing).
I've been thinking about this, but should some of the animals really damage the fences and walls? Some of these should be straight nullifying the effect of an animal. Or force them to detour (which would be hilarious, and maybe work to increase cooperation).
Quote from: Bael on September 25, 2016, 12:10:16 AM
Those little circles are a nice addition : )
Also, that one game has a password function set, but no password (I suppose you know that and are just testing).
Yes, I'm just testing.
Quote from: Andrew on September 25, 2016, 12:57:47 PM
I've been thinking about this, but should some of the animals really damage the fences and walls? Some of these should be straight nullifying the effect of an animal. Or force them to detour (which would be hilarious, and maybe work to increase cooperation).
I absolutely do intend to have animals behave in a less straight-line-only way, but that requires extensive changes to the server that I just can't do right now. But yes, using fences to channel animals towards your opponents will in the future be a viable strategy.
Quote2 foxes
7 wolvs
8 wild hogs
3 bears
5 unspeakable monsters
This seems like quite a lot of stuff to come on day 24? At least it makes it a bit more challenging, but that is quite intense!
Additionally, it now leaves my family with no food, as the game randomly distributes my s*** all over the place, and my food was in the two other huts that got wiped out.
Yes, that's a lot. But the game was way too easy before.
In the randomly distributing things way... In one game I'm currently living on common land, and my gatherings are randomly going to other places on common land, included huts that are already destroyed (the game shows where the resources went, and some of the huts were not damaged that turn but are ruins, so resources being hidden in rubble :( )
good catch, fixed now.
Mismatch between level listed in scores and that shown on top players table?
My level is shown as 1 in the scores in bottom right, whereas the table has me (and everyone else) on 0
Quote from: James on October 04, 2016, 06:36:31 AM
Mismatch between level listed in scores and that shown on top players table?
My level is shown as 1 in the scores in bottom right, whereas the table has me (and everyone else) on 0
I've just gone up a level, table still shows everyone at 0 though.
How do you feel about adding time stamps to messages?
People come on to the game and try chat, but don't get any response because it isn't real time.
Quote from: James on October 07, 2016, 01:25:46 PM
I've just gone up a level, table still shows everyone at 0 though.
Strange, I have people listed as 2 and 1. Some aggressive caching proxy inbetween?
Quote from: Bael on October 07, 2016, 10:20:16 PM
How do you feel about adding time stamps to messages?
People come on to the game and try chat, but don't get any response because it isn't real time.
I'm thinking that time stamps would increase the impression that it's real time.
Quote from: Tom on October 08, 2016, 10:20:40 AM
I'm thinking that time stamps would increase the impression that it's real time.
Could be. Trying to figure a way to more it more user-friendly.
Too many games are being created. I understand that not being able to find a game is frustrating, but the opposite is equally so.
No need to attempt automation to balance demand/supply. Could simply let anyone create a public game up to x (say 1-2 for now) open games of each type available, thus demand/supply will balance itself perfectly.
27 open games at the moment...