BattleMaster Community

BattleMaster => Locals => East Island => Topic started by: Schancke on June 30, 2016, 03:03:09 PM

Title: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Schancke on June 30, 2016, 03:03:09 PM
Who wants to fight???  :o
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on June 30, 2016, 04:35:33 PM
Not Perleone...  ;D
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Wimpie on July 01, 2016, 10:33:30 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on June 30, 2016, 04:35:33 PM
Not Perleone...  ;D

Who's that?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: BarticaBoat on July 02, 2016, 04:25:37 AM
As I am a huge fan of metrics, here are some concerning the realms we are at war with, and some others for context (and by popular demand the rest). Feel free to discuss the numbers and my assessment of each realm!

realmdensityGDP (gold)GDP (silver)net fooddemense sizemilitarization
Minas Nova3.24593.670.68973.48104962.12%
Vix Tiramora5.6593.190.78466.1891631.49%
Obsidian Islands0.61512.12239.268555.44%
East Continent3.99449.280.752109.871941.62%

To summarize:
Xavax is prosperous with a large military class (legiones imperi) and a very dense abundance of noble houses. These houses are not very wealthy, reflecting a large merchant class in the cities which compete with the patrician nobility. The realm is largely rural in character, but the farmers live comfortably, likely reflecting more intensive and profitable agricultural practices such as wine and cheese making and orchards rather than solely growing staple crops.

Fallangard is a little poorer than average, possibly due to the ongoing war. Due to the war there is a considerable military class. There are more noble houses than average but these houses are not very wealthy, again probably due to the war. The population density is approximately average for the continent, more rural than urban but not starkly so. These farmers grow mostly staples with some animal husbandry to make extra silvers.

Alara has been hit hard by the war and the populace is suffering for it. There is an average amount of noble houses which are poorer than average from financing this costly war. The realm is a single city and as such is highly urban. Poverty is rampant and the few farms outside the city walls grow mostly staples, craftsmen in the city are either working towards the war or bartering their wares for food.

Minas Nova has profited from this war (without Ejaar Puutl their GDP in gold is 399) but their populace being largely rural has not seen these benefits. The few noble houses dominate trade and wealth: there is likely no native merchant class in Semall nor craftsmen besides military smiths. This gold goes towards financing an extensive military class, who are below only the nobility in wealth and prestige. The farmers grow largely staples which are taxed to support the military class, supplementing their food with unprofitable animal husbandry, likely goatherding or a few chickens.

Perleone (before the Xavax siege in Ibladesh) is a wealthy and prosperous, highly urban country. There are fewer noble houses than average but the high life in their cities is extravagant with very wealthy nobility, an extensive merchant class, and a booming craftsmen class. Military life is not considered prestigious and is definitely not as profitable as engaging in trade. Farming is highly efficient and reflects highly profitable wine and cheesemaking as well as rich nut and fruit orchards.

Perdan is a large and densely populated rural country. Their noble houses are old and powerful, though not necessarily wealthy. Military life is largely unheard of and their armies are likely peasants mass recruited from their considerable population instead of a professional military class. There is probably a very large and wealthy merchant class in the cities. The lands of Perdan are average and the farmers work hard but probably do not suffer often or for very long.

Vix Tiramora is a wealthy and centralized democracy. Their noble houses are powerful and extravagant and their peasantry live comfortably, able to plant fruit orchards and raise animals to supplement their incomes. Trade is dominated by the noble houses though peasant craftsmen in the city live well. Military life is routine, a necessity to survive but not exalted like in other realms.

Sirion is a prototypical feudal realm, large with very powerful and ancient noble houses. Though there has been growing numbers of craftsmen in the cities, there is not a substantial merchant class to combat the power of the elite noble houses. The peasants do not suffer and military life is not the norm.

Caligus is largely rural and mountainous but the farmlands and woodlands are bountiful and prosperous. There are many noble houses competing over extensive mining and smithing in the mountains and badlands. These rough men comprise a formidable and powerful military class.

The Obsidian Islands are distinctly not feudal. Outside of a few large settlements is barren wastes. There is substantial farming in the stronghold and extensive fishing and aquaculture in the badlands. Despite the poor quality of the lands, the peasantry are wealthy and comfortable and craftsmen are common and celebrated for their works which are exported from the islands. There is an enormous military-noble class which collect dues and taxes via noble heritage, but are otherwise considerably poorer than nobility elsewhere. They are the most economically equal country in the continent.

Oligarch is a poor, urban country. While the farmers of Dulbin live without remarkable difficulty, the city is characterized by widespread crime and slums and Greatbridge by crushing poverty. An average number of noble houses are separated from the masses by virtue of no native merchant class, their wealth is superior only to the Obsidian Islands military-nobles. Crafts in the city are added to the war machine or bartered directly for food, trade is minimal. In Greatbridge only hardy staples are grown, while Dulbin has some milk and egg production which is usually sold directly to the city as well as decent hunting grounds.

Nivemus is a rich and highly rural feudal realm. The peasants live comfortable lives from rich fishing grounds and hardy staples accentuated by profitable pasturelands. It is likely that Nivemus consumes the most meat in the continent, exporting beef, eel, and swan elsewhere. Their cities are small, operating mostly as trade posts for the farmlands and fishing grounds. This trade is dominated by highly powerful noble houses rather than a merchant class.

Eponllyn is another impoverished urban country. Under their strict, foreign military nobility, the peasants grow solely staples to feed their extensive military class. There is little trade and the only escape from the crushing poverty of farming is to be taken by one of the military pressers and march in their armies. The noble houses are many, characterized less by wealth than by lineage and their history of military campaigns.

Shadowdale is prosperous and urban, with a noble class mostly disinterested in the workings of the realm. Under their lax hand, the free market has actually benefited the populace. While being a farmer is still difficult due to poor soil, craftsmen in the city and merchants are able to accumulate considerable wealth joining the circus-like courts and intrigue of Shadowdale. As befits their nobles, military life is not cherished, the powerful noble houses prefering to engage in intrigue which is the talk of the continent.

What stands out to me most is that Xavax is very similar to a roman republic/early roman empire, Perleone was probably really nice to live in before Xavax came, when my character calls Minas Nova squalid hill nobility and dirt farmers he is actually pretty correct, Perdan is like old Russia, Sirion is exactly what you think, and the Obsidian Islands strike me as a less bountiful feudal Japanese daimyo-realm!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JDodger on July 02, 2016, 04:53:33 AM
I enjoyed reading this, agreed with most of it.

Perdan's armies are highly elite due to a long running military tradition and powerful central government. While most of the Kingdom is dark and tangled woods, populated only by the brave and the hardy, the coastal trade keeps the cities and townslands rich.

Ibladesh's economy was stopped since I was ever in EC, Perleone is half a welfare state, feeding a city that does literally nothing.

Vix is largely a mountain state, they remind me of what a militant Switzerland would look like, or a unified Balkans but inland
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: BarticaBoat on July 02, 2016, 05:12:51 AM
Quote from: JDodger on July 02, 2016, 04:53:33 AM
I enjoyed reading this, agreed with most of it.

Perdan's armies are highly elite due to a long running military tradition and powerful central government. While most of the Kingdom is dark and tangled woods, populated only by the brave and the hardy, the coastal trade keeps the cities and townslands rich.

Ibladesh's economy was stopped since I was ever in EC, Perleone is half a welfare state, feeding a city that does literally nothing.

Vix is largely a mountain state, they remind me of what a militant Switzerland would look like, or a unified Balkans but inland

I'll concede on Perdan, but there must be stark economic inequality which fits the tangled and dense woods. Perdan is very much Russia in that regard.

Perleone would be all extravagant city life, yes.

Yes, that characterizes Vix in my mind 100%.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Licinius on July 02, 2016, 10:36:33 AM
All this is rather interesting to read, I enjoyed the part about Greater Xavak being an early roman empire, I loved reading about the great roman empire history, I have always wondered if there was a roman-like realm to play in.

Do you mind explaining density, GDP (gold), GDP (silver), net food, demense size and militarization to me?

GDP is gross domestic product which gives us an estimate of the realm's economy but what does the gold and silver represent? Net food is total food of food produced right? Demense size is total amount of land or size of it?

Hic Sunt Leones,
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on July 02, 2016, 03:21:09 PM
Quote from: BarticaBoat on July 02, 2016, 04:25:37 AM
A cool description of every realm on EC except Oligarch

Aaaah really?  :'(
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on July 02, 2016, 05:42:29 PM
Quote from: Licinius on July 02, 2016, 10:36:33 AM
All this is rather interesting to read, I enjoyed the part about Greater Xavak being an early roman empire, I loved reading about the great roman empire history, I have always wondered if there was a roman-like realm to play in.

Do you mind explaining density, GDP (gold), GDP (silver), net food, demense size and militarization to me?

GDP is gross domestic product which gives us an estimate of the realm's economy but what does the gold and silver represent? Net food is total food of food produced right? Demense size is total amount of land or size of it?

Hic Sunt Leones,

silver is the adventurer wealth. I believe
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: BarticaBoat on July 02, 2016, 06:16:36 PM
Quote from: Licinius on July 02, 2016, 10:36:33 AM
All this is rather interesting to read, I enjoyed the part about Greater Xavak being an early roman empire, I loved reading about the great roman empire history, I have always wondered if there was a roman-like realm to play in.

Do you mind explaining density, GDP (gold), GDP (silver), net food, demense size and militarization to me?

GDP is gross domestic product which gives us an estimate of the realm's economy but what does the gold and silver represent? Net food is total food of food produced right? Demense size is total amount of land or size of it?

Hic Sunt Leones,
I gave Xavax a one man effort to feel Roman. More like a Roman outpost with Anglo-saxon influence, turned republic/empire.

GDP in gold is the wealth divided amongst nobility, an estimate of the weekly income, GDP in silver is a role-playing stat where the wealth is divided among the population; while the average peasant in Xavax makes 1.24 silvers a day, the average Novan peasant makes 0.68. I extrapolated this to offer how far the class divide is and the presence of merchants and craftsmen, as well as how much the average peasant suffers. Net food is daily production less the population consumption, it unfortunately does not take into account real consumption from military (new stat?). Demesne size is the amount of nobles to peasants indicating old highly feudal societies, an imperial system of non-hereditary titles (like in Xavax), or the absence of true feudal society (Obsidian Islands). Militarization takes the realm CS and via old player knowledge estimates total standing army as a percentage of the population.

Quote from: Gabanus family on July 02, 2016, 03:21:09 PM
Aaaah really?  :'(
Shucks I'll do the rest right now I guess.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Glaumring the Fox on July 02, 2016, 06:40:16 PM
great write up on the realms.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on July 03, 2016, 12:39:16 AM
That was excellent. I loved it, and it would be cool for resident players to expand/edit as well. I particularly like the comparisons to historical states. When I get some free time, I'll make an entry on the Wiki for the East Contient's Warring States period.

I'll also make one for Xavax specifically and the southern war as well, as soon as someone suggests a decent name for it that we can start using in game. This holiday weekend has me busy, So I will try to get to it this week and helpers are always welcome!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on July 03, 2016, 02:56:31 AM
Robb's War. Selenia's Struggle.
War of the Immigrants. War of the Three Refugee Kingdoms. Atamaran Invasion.
Perdanite-Xavax Imperial Struggle.
Perdanite-Daimon Invasion.
Southern Restoration. Reliberation of the South.
The Xavax Test.
Womens' Liberation. Gender War.
Robb's Rapist Rebellion.
Southern Cities' War for Self-Determination.
Xavax Xavax Xavax.
War of Would-Be Alliances.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on July 03, 2016, 03:13:47 AM
Romance of The Six Kingdoms? :p
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JDodger on July 03, 2016, 03:37:20 AM
"that whole xavax thing" as it will be remembered in ooc channels
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on July 03, 2016, 05:13:46 AM
Quote from: on July 03, 2016, 03:13:47 AM
Romance of The Six Kingdoms? :p

Ah, the quasi-historical novel of the time period will largely be how future generations remember this time period of East Island.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: BarticaBoat on July 04, 2016, 04:14:26 AM
I like the Southern Restoration. Maybe we give it the Xavax propaganda twist with the Rebellion of the Black City?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Licinius on July 04, 2016, 05:56:47 PM
Quote from: BarticaBoat on July 02, 2016, 06:16:36 PM
I gave Xavax a one man effort to feel Roman. More like a Roman outpost with Anglo-saxon influence, turned republic/empire.

GDP in gold is the wealth divided amongst nobility, an estimate of the weekly income, GDP in silver is a role-playing stat where the wealth is divided among the population; while the average peasant in Xavax makes 1.24 silvers a day, the average Novan peasant makes 0.68. I extrapolated this to offer how far the class divide is and the presence of merchants and craftsmen, as well as how much the average peasant suffers. Net food is daily production less the population consumption, it unfortunately does not take into account real consumption from military (new stat?). Demesne size is the amount of nobles to peasants indicating old highly feudal societies, an imperial system of non-hereditary titles (like in Xavax), or the absence of true feudal society (Obsidian Islands). Militarization takes the realm CS and via old player knowledge estimates total standing army as a percentage of the population.
Shucks I'll do the rest right now I guess.

Oh sweet! Thank you so much for teaching me :D
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on July 05, 2016, 11:34:57 PM
One more turn and Ibladesh would have been ours...  :-[
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on July 05, 2016, 11:58:24 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on July 05, 2016, 11:34:57 PM
One more turn and Ibladesh would have been ours...  :-[

The great white city belongs to the glorious realm of Ibladesh!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on July 06, 2016, 12:18:29 AM
Quote from: Gabanus family on July 05, 2016, 11:58:24 PM
The great white city belongs to the glorious realm of Ibladesh!
*Descendants currently in Westmoor City.

And Westmoor descendants in Ibladesh City.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on July 06, 2016, 07:15:17 AM
...And now it belongs to us. Guess they liked Xavax causing random acts of violence in the street, as soon as we leave, they go and join us on their own free will. Can a city suffer Battered Spouse Syndrome?  :P
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Wimpie on July 06, 2016, 08:22:37 AM
Quote from: on July 06, 2016, 07:15:17 AM
...And now it belongs to us. Guess they liked Xavax causing random acts of violence in the street, as soon as we leave, they go and join us on their own free will. Can a city suffer Battered Spouse Syndrome?  :P

Ehehe ffs White City! Y U DO DIS??  ;D
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on July 06, 2016, 08:39:15 AM
Quote from: on July 06, 2016, 07:15:17 AM
...And now it belongs to us. Guess they liked Xavax causing random acts of violence in the street, as soon as we leave, they go and join us on their own free will. Can a city suffer Battered Spouse Syndrome?  :P

Haha that's pretty insane xD
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JDodger on July 06, 2016, 09:18:39 AM
 :o ??? ;D ::)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on July 06, 2016, 06:53:38 PM
It's called "Tough Love"
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Constantine on July 10, 2016, 07:41:37 PM
QuoteOut-of-Character from Torxanib Godric Tórrarin ka Habb   (just in)
Message sent to everyone in the region Xavax (36 recipients)
And OOCly I won't surrender because you're a terrible person to play this game with and a bitch and I'd rather kill myself than play with an asshat like you

Dillan Mendonca
Stay classy, Xavax.
And then people are surprised we can't have wars that end in a truce rather than complete pwnage of one side. Maybe learn to lose gracefully and actually care about what happens to the realm instead of flipping tables when overwhelmed?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: BarticaBoat on July 10, 2016, 07:58:27 PM
Quote from: Constantine on July 10, 2016, 07:41:37 PM
Stay classy, Xavax.
And then people are surprised we can't have wars that end in a truce rather than complete pwnage of one side. Maybe learn to lose gracefully and actually care about what happens to the realm instead of flipping tables when overwhelmed?

Well no Perdan only ever intended to destroy or hamstring Xavax. It's people like you that make this game terrible, you RP your 6'2 blonde blue eyed perfect white knights (who won't duel because it's scary) and drive the people who are actually good at RPing out of the game or into my previous 4-5 years of mostly silence.

And you can't pull "game with friends" on me because you are definitely not my friend, the perdanese general is not my friend, you guys play this game like 12yos playing StarCraft. Play by yourselves, I'm sure you're used to that.

And that's not representative of literally anyone in Xavax. That's me. So please don't try to use it as a justification.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on July 10, 2016, 07:59:51 PM
And those are the type of messages, attacking other players, that should be reported to the Titans as a Social Contract violation.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on July 10, 2016, 08:03:23 PM
Two wrongs does not make a right. I agree that the win-above-all attitude of a significant portion of Perdan is troubling. But that is not *helped* by further divisive language attacking the players. We all signed a Social Contract to play as friends around a boardgame, whether you consider them as friends or not, those were the terms of playing. No, I do not think Perdan is playing as 'friends' either, but address *that issue*, do not insult and attack the other player.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JDodger on July 10, 2016, 08:58:09 PM
how about the win above all attitude of xavax?

this was the giant realm fighting midget realms around them with the express goal of destroying and absorbing them to recreate a cagilan empire-style hegemony.

this is the realm that out of the three southern realms formed after the big sink was immediately twice the size of the other two. why? because its proximity to isadril made it the obvious frontrunner to be the strongest of the three. some may have wanted power for good, some may have wanted power for power itself, either way don't play the holier than thou "our enemies are powergaming" card.

this is the realm that blatantly exploits loopholes in the looting code by raising miltiia units WHOSE NAMES REFERENCE THE EXPLOIT. (not today, leave our walls alone, etc)

This is the realm that has launched the saddest and most pathetic ooc attacks I've ever seen in this game and was a nasty ooc environment from the beginning, starting with its first ruler who couldn't even keep (ooc:) from popping up in the middle of paragraphs in his RPs.

This is the realm whose own arrogance and poor leadership put them in the position they are in and now they want to use ooc means to cry, whine and exploit their way out of what their bad ic decisions got them into. Actions lead to consequences, and while Xavax had no problem with that fact when the burden was on Alara MN and Perleone, they can't handle it when the tables are turned.

Xavax deserves to be destroyed and I have no objection to any means used to do so.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on July 10, 2016, 09:23:11 PM
Quote from: JDodger on July 10, 2016, 08:58:09 PM
Dodger's midlife-crisis rant

Still salty about loosing your Rebellion, it seems. You are a difficult player to understand.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Constantine on July 10, 2016, 09:40:51 PM
Quote from: BarticaBoat on July 10, 2016, 07:58:27 PM
It's people like you that make this game terrible, you RP your 6'2 blonde blue eyed perfect white knights (who won't duel because it's scary) and drive the people who are actually good at RPing out of the game or into my previous 4-5 years of mostly silence.
I was not aware you were good at RPing. If so, you will be a great asset to the game if you manage to tone down the toxicity and follow the social contract.
Also, this very character of mine does not shun duels and at one time participated in two duels in one week. But I have a rule - duels have to be meaningful and add to the character's story. I do not duel random foreign knights in the middle of a war who's players just got bitter and have no other way to have a go at the enemy.
Quote from: BarticaBoat on July 10, 2016, 07:58:27 PM
And you can't pull "game with friends" on me because you are definitely not my friend,
Perhaps you misunderstood why Tom included in the SC this phrase: "We expect you to play the game as you would play a board game with good friends, and to value fair play above any victory or power". The point is you do not have to be friends with every player in the game. But you have to treat everyone in a friendly manner, without open hostility. At least refrain from insulting them openly. It's not about your feelings but about attitude.
Quote from: BarticaBoat on July 10, 2016, 07:58:27 PM
you guys play this game like 12yos playing StarCraft
And that's incredibly ironic in light of the stream of IC and OOC dirt and bile Xavax is emitting, which intensifies with every battle they lose. Now we're seeing people openly exploiting loopholes and breaking the social contract just to "win" at least a bit. Speaking of making the game terrible, you literally can not do anything worse than that.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JDodger on July 10, 2016, 09:55:29 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on July 10, 2016, 09:23:11 PM
Still salty about loosing your Rebellion, it seems. You are a difficult player to understand.

you still don't get that the rebels won...
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Constantine on July 10, 2016, 09:59:30 PM
Nevermind. It's a textbook unrelated distraction to avoid reacting to your entire post, which was pretty much spot on.

Except the destruction bit, which I disagree with. Xavax is much larger than several players who can not play by the rules and there should be no collective punishment.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JDodger on July 10, 2016, 10:04:16 PM
xavax being destroyed isnt punishment for those few players. just an opportunity to join a decent realm instead of the mess they are in. hopefully they dont follow the leadership to whatever realm will shelter them, but if they do it's their choice.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on July 10, 2016, 10:09:28 PM
As if realms around Xavax has the capacity to keep the regions. They will just become bigger and emptier.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on July 10, 2016, 10:11:41 PM
Didn't the war start because Minas Nova and Alara were plotting against Xavax? And Xavax kept its federated partner out of the war until Perdan/Vix intervened. And the war was proceeding rather evenly before Perdan/Vix intervened?

Does anyone know Xavax's intent, had they defeated the realms in question, or are we just assuming?

*Disclaimer: I have not paid super-close attention to the South.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: BarticaBoat on July 10, 2016, 10:39:51 PM
Quote from: Vita on July 10, 2016, 10:11:41 PM
Didn't the war start because Minas Nova and Alara were plotting against Xavax? And Xavax kept its federated partner out of the war until Perdan/Vix intervened. And the war was proceeding rather evenly before Perdan/Vix intervened?

Does anyone know Xavax's intent, had they defeated the realms in question, or are we just assuming?

*Disclaimer: I have not paid super-close attention to the South.
Ah, Vita with the good questions.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Take over Alara, and because Nova offended us so much we wanted to drive the lands rogue then ignore them. The idea was to RP them as petty kingdoms and if any of our nobles mustered support for an expedition to conquer Semall and secede, the Imperium didn't care because Semall is not part of Greater Xavax. I think we were just ignoring Perleone because they were useless.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Constantine on July 10, 2016, 10:54:27 PM
Quote from: Vita on July 10, 2016, 10:11:41 PM
Does anyone know Xavax's intent, had they defeated the realms in question, or are we just assuming?
Well, they have just stolen a city from Perleone and without opposition would continue assaults on the last Alaran region. Their actions are quite evident, blob until every realm around them is destroyed or driven into obscurity.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on July 10, 2016, 10:58:42 PM
Don't forget Alara despite losing most of their regions, didn't surrender.

I wish there was a mechanic to enforce peace like CK2. Becoming unable to declare war on the realm you've recently fought for like 5 weeks or something.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JDodger on July 10, 2016, 11:00:49 PM
alara and mn were plotting against xavax, yes. my objection is not to xavax warring them or even the tactics used. my char kellan was general of xavax before all this and was the one who blew the whistle on alara and mn and was the main proponent of war on alara.

if magnus' actions hadnt brought on the rebellion and if selenia hadnt betrayed the rebellion to clear her path to rulership, if kellan had remained general, alara would not be around now. my strategy of focusing all effort on taking Itorunt would have been implemented and would have succeeded, byebye alara.

so my objection is obviously not to xavax's war on alara or even the "total war" it became. my objection is to hypocritical players who wage a war of annihilation against a tiny realm and then cry foul when a bigger bully shows up and does the same to them in return.

xavax's actions were provoked, perdan's actions were provoked. in the end they were essentially the same actions. how many crying forum posts did alara and mn make? how many players whether involved or not condemned xavax for what they were doing?

i always knew that a northern power would interfere in any xavax war and tried to warn xavax about that. of course my assumption was it'd be caligus, but they decided to pull a caligus move and go gangbang oli instead as soon as they realized that their alaran alliance might actually result in war. convenient how they dropped that as soon as perdan and vix showed how easy crushing xavax is, but i digress.

point is xavax has always known that their actions would draw heat from the north, but they were so pumped up with their own arrogance that they figured theyd win anyway. well, reality check, if you screw up everything from diplomacy to military strategy you get beat.

all of this xavax crying is because they are losing, not because perdan did something unfair. perdan's actions are totally fair, absolutely no different than what xavax was doing before to alara and mn, and a direct result of xavax's poor leadership and inability to get along with people.

the war was not even close to even. alara was down to one region and mn's capital had been sacked. there was maybe one semi successful attack on Xavax soil the entire war until perdan and vix interfered. xavax was running roughshod over their enemies. the fact that they failed to take Itorunt only comes down to poor strategy and army maintenance.

i cant speak for why fallangard was kept out of the war. that was a major point of contention between magnus and kellan as magnus wanted to use fallangard as a "shield" against caligus, which no offense to fallangard would have gone very poorly. "magnus' paper shield of fallangard" should be a unique item actually, +0 prestige, -100% leadership. so ill let jevondair explain why selenia kept fallangard out and eat a big ol' grain of salt as i read the explanation.

xavax's intent was to destroy and absorb alara and mn, who in rp terms they had stripped of their legitimacy as realms, referring to them as bandits and rebels against the xavax imperium, rightful rulers of the entire south.

people think perdan's bad.

edit: i stand corrected on wanting to absorb mn, i guess looting mn lands rogue would have been justified but its a crime against humanity when its done to xavax
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on July 10, 2016, 11:32:06 PM
Quote from: JDodger on July 10, 2016, 11:00:49 PM
Another baseless rant.

Dude, I'm not part of Xavax anymore and I still hate what the people in Perdan have done to this game. The fact that you can't see it is evidence of how blinded you are of anything but your own petty hatred for certain players. Oh, by the way, don't give me your !@#$ing !@#$ about wars of annihilation against Alara. I started out there. I know the players that put it into the position it was in. The only way for Alara to have a stood a chance of being independent was to fight Minas Nova and ally with Xavax, something I !@#$ing told the original ruler of Alara back when I was their general. He didn't listen.

The issue with your entire argument is that from the beginning there was no way for all three of the refugee realms to survive at once. They would have been too small to defend themselves from realms like Perdan and Caligus. Now if Minas Nova or Alara were to absorb one or the other, then you'd have a stable !@#$ing arrangement. But they refused to look at the facts staring them in the face, and instead plotted against Xavax (this was going all the way back to when I was part of Alara, remember. So Alara was already looking to pick a fight with Xavax once they had Caligus and Perleone in their pockets).  Or is there any reason for them to ally with Caligus and Perleone instead of Xavax, then lie about their intentions to the then ruler of Xavax?

Oh, by the way. You weren't the one to blow the whistle on Alara, I was. You got all of your info from me.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JDodger on July 10, 2016, 11:36:43 PM
you were persona non grata in xavax at the time as you may recall, nothing you could have said would have been believed and the very fact you were my source was a huge part of why magnus wouldn't accept it (the rest being that his ego was too great to believe that his master plan was unraveling around him.)

you may also recall that the only reason you weren't summarily banned from xavax was i argued magnus' ear off for you.

sorry about that.

also for only reading the last line of your post.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on July 11, 2016, 03:58:26 AM
Quote from: Constantine on July 10, 2016, 10:54:27 PM
Well, they have just stolen a city from Perleone

How does one 'steal' a city from a realm that declared war on them and attacked them?

Quote from: JDodger on July 10, 2016, 11:00:49 PM
JDodger's misinformation

Dude, I can't tell if you actually believe most of what you are saying or if you are intentionally spreading these lies. You do not know Xavax. You abandoned it when the realm was scarcely a month old. All of your presumptions since Magnus abdicated are based on an outsider perspective. If you had, you would have known that Fallangard was kept out of the war as part of an agreement to keep CALIGUS out of the war. It was the only way Selenia could get Teniel to sell it to her court. If you had, you would have known that Minas Nova was never a target. In fact, Then King Warchief was trying to get Xavax to declare war on Alara, up until they declared war AND hatred for Xavax on behalf of Alara, who i assume sold them the lie that they would be next if Alara fell. If you had, you would know that Alara, Minas Nova, and Perleone TOGETHER had a strength that equaled Xavax, except they had a great deal more gold/noble.

We don't really care if we are losing now, that's the nature of the game, tides turn. We don't really care that Vix and Perdan intervened, it made the game even more challenging and there's a certain pride that it took so many to drive us back. What irritates us is how Vix and Perdan players assume a moral high ground, painting themselves as white knights while conveniently ignoring the IG nature of who they've come to defend. That and their only real reason for war is, like you said, to trim a rising power. There's nothing wrong with that, but I maintain that it was lazy how they did it.

As much as your assumptions have irritated me, rants and counter rants accomplish little. Better yet, ask Me, Selenia's player, about the specifics. I don't mind sharing them, and I don't mind having others evaluate/corroborate what I say. You're in the game, I have to play with you. This is my solution.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JDodger on July 11, 2016, 04:24:52 AM

"i cant speak for why fallangard was kept out of the war. ill let jevondair explain why selenia kept fallangard out and eat a big ol' grain of salt as i read the explanation."

this was the point you decided to argue/complain about?

i have heard literally no complaints from xavax players about any moral high ground perdan is trying to claim (which they have not at any point). i have seen lots of complaints about gangbanging and the rather brutal tactics used. also these complaints only started when xavax began demonstrably losing the war.

so again, the only saltiness in this situation for me is the big grain i take every time you write something. mmm, salt!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Licinius on July 11, 2016, 04:31:30 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on July 11, 2016, 03:58:26 AM
What irritates us is how Vix and Perdan players assume a moral high ground, painting themselves as white knights while conveniently ignoring the IG nature of who they've come to defend.

Everyone justifies their actions before the eyes of the many, it is human nature to do so.
In an argument, everyone is desperately trying to convince the other that they are right, hence moral high ground.
Something along those lines, bah I can't argue well.

Take pride it took so many to bring down a behemoth(Greater Xavax)

In war, truth is the first casualty. One thing in Battlemaster I enjoy is information, true or false information is always circulated thus arguments such as these appear.

Hic Sunt Leones,
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on July 11, 2016, 05:51:10 AM
Silly JeVondair.

Of course your enemies are going to paint themselves with the whitest paint they can find.

This is why justice always prevails because justice is on the winner's side.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on July 11, 2016, 06:40:56 AM
Quote from: Zakky on July 11, 2016, 05:51:10 AM
Silly JeVondair.

Of course your enemies are going to paint themselves with the whitest paint they can find.

This is why justice always prevails because justice is on the winner's side.

I believe JeVondair is speaking of the players trying to paint their involvement as something noble, not the characters they play. IE, that they're supporting some "small kingdom" initiative, despite being part of one of the largest realms on the island. Stuff like that.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Schancke on July 11, 2016, 08:59:14 AM
Quote from: JDodger on July 10, 2016, 11:00:49 PM
if magnus' actions hadnt brought on the rebellion and if selenia hadnt betrayed the rebellion to clear her path to rulership, if kellan had remained general, alara would not be around now. my strategy of focusing all effort on taking Itorunt would have been implemented and would have succeeded, byebye alara.

the confidence...
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on July 11, 2016, 09:20:47 AM
Quote from: JDodger on July 11, 2016, 04:24:52 AM
...i have seen lots of complaints about gangbanging and the rather brutal tactics used. also these complaints only started when xavax began demonstrably losing the war...

Actually, if you read back through the last topic as well, you'll find that there are actually quite some players from realms outside of Xavax (like myself) who 'complaint' or showed disapproval with Perdan's actions as soon as they declared war. So this is factually incorrect actually. And with all due respect, but the Jevondair player seems to be the most neutral/realistic/orwhateveryouwishtocallit about this all when we look at the players who are actually in Perdan or Xavax, although Constantine does a decent job as well from my point of view at least in responding to these points and the attitude they put in here at least.

Again, I too speak from an outsider perspective as the Theocracy of Ibladesh was the last realm I inhabitated even near the south.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on July 11, 2016, 10:11:25 AM
QuoteThen King Warchief
FWIW, I also clearly remember his first letter to all rulers being along the lines of 'I want to ally with all of you, lets have friends with everyone, war is bad mmkay'.

QuoteWe don't really care if we are losing now, that's the nature of the game, tides turn. We don't really care that Vix and Perdan intervened, it made the game even more challenging and there's a certain pride that it took so many to drive us back.
I miss this old BM attitude of 'we will take what you can throw at us, just because we can then claim to have overcome it after its all over'. This used to be the dominant player reaction of BT Invasions. This was what I enjoyed about Luria when all Dwilight sought to conquer it.

QuoteEveryone justifies their actions before the eyes of the many, it is human nature to do so. In an argument, everyone is desperately trying to convince the other that they are right, hence moral high ground. Something along those lines, bah I can't argue well.
Most people find it very difficult to say they are or were wrong. Even people that are perfectly alright with such humble confessions can have a kneejerk response to someone making a counter-point (unconsciously seeking justification). But people are not inherently unwilling to change their mind, just that most often they need to think they changed their own mind. Hence why asking questions and approaching issues from another's perspective helps 'incept' an idea into one's head more than telling them they are wrong (which is implied when one disagrees).
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Constantine on July 11, 2016, 12:27:27 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on July 11, 2016, 03:58:26 AM
How does one 'steal' a city from a realm that declared war on them and attacked them?
By bribing the bureaucrats of course.
Quote from: JeVondair on July 11, 2016, 03:58:26 AM
We don't really care if we are losing now, that's the nature of the game, tides turn.
Unfortunately this attitude is not shared by many of your fellow players which sparked the new spiral of this discussion in the first place. Unless you're using the royal We, in which case, fair enough.
That being said, I found your "please stop writing IC letters because this makes my players insult you OOC" message highly questionable.
Quote from: on July 11, 2016, 06:40:56 AM
I believe JeVondair is speaking of the players trying to paint their involvement as something noble, not the characters they play. IE, that they're supporting some "small kingdom" initiative, despite being part of one of the largest realms on the island. Stuff like that.
If we look at the game from OOC perspective, I think it is fair to say that the most important stats are not the raw number of regions per realm but noble/region density and number of cities per realm. In my opinion it is fair to draw the line at 1:1 noble/region count and more than two cities per realm. This ensures realms will not cling on to regions they can not even provide with lords and even densely populated realms will never become too powerful to ever be tackled like certain realms on Atamara. I wouldn't say I feel ennobled by supporting this mindset, but I do think it is a constructive one.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on July 11, 2016, 04:07:41 PM
Quote from: Constantine on July 11, 2016, 12:27:27 PM
By bribing the bureaucrats of course.Unfortunately this attitude is not shared by many of your fellow players which sparked the new spiral of this discussion in the first place. Unless you're using the royal We, in which case, fair enough.
That being said, I found your "please stop writing IC letters because this makes my players insult you OOC" message highly questionable.If we look at the game from OOC perspective, I think it is fair to say that the most important stats are not the raw number of regions per realm but noble/region density and number of cities per realm. In my opinion it is fair to draw the line at 1:1 noble/region count and more than two cities per realm. This ensures realms will not cling on to regions they can not even provide with lords and even densely populated realms will never become too powerful to ever be tackled like certain realms on Atamara. I wouldn't say I feel ennobled by supporting this mindset, but I do think it is a constructive one.

On East Island, where certain mountain regions or flavor-named regions can have just as much income as a city, this is largely misleading. For example, let's look at Perdan shall we? They have two cities, yes? But oh, what's this? They also have Perdan Mines, Bescanon, Bisciye, and Clermont; all regions that earn more than 600, and in the case of the first two, as much as the smaller cities of the continent. Perleone had two cities itself. The problem with trying to protect Alara and Minas Nova out of some misguided "small realm protection"; which is highly hypocritical in the first place, what with Perdan being one of the largest realms on the continent, the largest if you include their puppet Vix; is that all you get out of it are two realms who are too small to !@#$ing be self-sufficient. A realm needs at least two small cities or one large city to support a large enough army to defend itself, and Alara/Minas Nova can do neither of these things. I could see that when I joined Alara when it formed, yet the players who were there refused to open their eyes. They were still acting like they were on Atamara.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on July 11, 2016, 04:25:25 PM
I tend to be for much smaller realms than Gundam is advocating down south, but I do concur with his point upon Perdan's size and wealth, especially after crushing Eponllyn. Perdan Mines, Perdan, and Bescanon are super wealthy. And the rurals are super productive and in the prime location to sell both north and south, even after feeding Perdan and Westmoor. The mountains around Castle Ubent are ridiculously wealthy, just like Swordfell's mountains.

The Partora-Aix-Perdan area is ripe for conflict with a single region between each city and I looked forward to that when Eponllyn held Perdan. I had hoped to one day break Partora off into its own realm so we could have three capitals separated by a single region. I thought that might be a very intriguing area for fast-paced war. Ah well...
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Anaris on July 11, 2016, 05:31:12 PM
Though I gather the immediate concern has passed, I have made some tweaks to looting that should make it much harder for a tiny number of defenders to prevent looting.

I would also like to clarify that when you get the message "X has attempted to loot but defending forces prevented the attempt," if the number of defending forces is small (especially when compared to both region population and number of troops of your realm there), this was your attempt failing a check, not an absolute block.

Try again, and you might be able to loot; other people might, too. Larger units will have an easier time looting against smaller defenders.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Fleugs on July 11, 2016, 05:45:32 PM
redacted passive aggressive comments
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Anaris on July 11, 2016, 06:01:23 PM
Quote from: Fleugs on July 11, 2016, 05:45:32 PM
The OOC frenzy from this forum spilled over into the game, with titan verdicts being handed out. I would like to thank all who did their very best on this forum to go way beyond what is an acceptable discussion, and keep propagating their (OOC) anger. Thank you for such a nice atmosphere, it is really what we need in Battlemaster.

Please don't descend into snide passive-aggressiveness, Fleugs. That's exactly the kind of behaviour that causes more problems.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Ketchum on July 12, 2016, 04:05:05 AM
Quote from: JDodger on July 10, 2016, 08:58:09 PM
how about the win above all attitude of xavax?

this was the giant realm fighting midget realms around them with the express goal of destroying and absorbing them to recreate a cagilan empire-style hegemony.

this is the realm that out of the three southern realms formed after the big sink was immediately twice the size of the other two. why? because its proximity to isadril made it the obvious frontrunner to be the strongest of the three. some may have wanted power for good, some may have wanted power for power itself, either way don't play the holier than thou "our enemies are powergaming" card.

this is the realm that blatantly exploits loopholes in the looting code by raising miltiia units WHOSE NAMES REFERENCE THE EXPLOIT. (not today, leave our walls alone, etc)

This is the realm that has launched the saddest and most pathetic ooc attacks I've ever seen in this game and was a nasty ooc environment from the beginning, starting with its first ruler who couldn't even keep (ooc:) from popping up in the middle of paragraphs in his RPs.

This is the realm whose own arrogance and poor leadership put them in the position they are in and now they want to use ooc means to cry, whine and exploit their way out of what their bad ic decisions got them into. Actions lead to consequences, and while Xavax had no problem with that fact when the burden was on Alara MN and Perleone, they can't handle it when the tables are turned.

Xavax deserves to be destroyed and I have no objection to any means used to do so.
Hmmmm... One could never call Xavax a giant realm if we compare all realms on this island. But you could be right, Xavax maybe bigger size than the rest of the southern realms put together. Or nobles numbers.

I do agree about bad IC decisions, probably leadership and diplomacy too. There are many factors why a realm run successfully, since we have been playing Battlemaster for sometime, I think we all know more or less what are the factors. How many often we have heard about "lead by example" in real life, sometimes it can be apply in game. Or maybe Xavax trying to "finish all its opponents in one go" like in "killing 2 birds with 1 stone" phrase? I do not know, but Xavax current position is certainly untenable unless its leaders do something about it.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on July 12, 2016, 05:09:08 AM
Quote from: Ketchum on July 12, 2016, 04:05:05 AM
Hmmmm... One could never call Xavax a giant realm if we compare all realms on this island. But you could be right, Xavax maybe bigger size than the rest of the southern realms put together. Or nobles numbers.

I do agree about bad IC decisions, probably leadership and diplomacy too. There are many factors why a realm run successfully, since we have been playing Battlemaster for sometime, I think we all know more or less what are the factors. How many often we have heard about "lead by example" in real life, sometimes it can be apply in game. Or maybe Xavax trying to "finish all its opponents in one go" like in "killing 2 birds with 1 stone" phrase? I do not know, but Xavax current position is certainly untenable unless its leaders do something about it.

Considering Alara did everything possible to provoke Xavax's wrath, I'd say Xavax are hardly the aggressors.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Schancke on July 12, 2016, 08:47:32 AM
Quote from: Ketchum on July 12, 2016, 04:05:05 AM
I do agree about bad IC decisions, probably leadership and diplomacy too. There are many factors why a realm run successfully, since we have been playing Battlemaster for sometime, I think we all know more or less what are the factors. How many often we have heard about "lead by example" in real life, sometimes it can be apply in game. Or maybe Xavax trying to "finish all its opponents in one go" like in "killing 2 birds with 1 stone" phrase? I do not know, but Xavax current position is certainly untenable unless its leaders do something about it.

The current Xerarch is the most ballsy ruling character I've ever played with in this game - perhaps with the exception of Leta Kindon leading Carelia into the great southern war against Cagilan Empire. Selenia is persuasive, strong willed and in some cases a hot headed and making irrational decisions. Two times, we've failed miserably - first the attack on Itorunt (which btw is by far the hardest target in the whole south because of it's large income), and recently in Ibladesh.  In Ibladesh we were inches from completing the TO and acquiring the walls in time for the enemies assault.

One might call it bad IC decisions, but risk makes it fun.
We might be in a sticky situation, but it's still fun.
Also if your fear stagnant politics, alliances and caution ruining the continent, Xavax is not the one you should destroy (referring to the OOC casus belli: Xavax as "the resurrected CE", at the onset of this war).
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Wimpie on July 12, 2016, 09:10:25 AM
Well, as much as my character Jeames hates Selenia in game, I love the way the player plays the character.

Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on July 14, 2016, 07:51:29 AM
I just want to say Aramon has great luck, the best luck.  :P
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zaros on July 23, 2016, 03:30:14 PM
Quote from: Vita on July 11, 2016, 10:11:25 AM
FWIW, I also clearly remember his first letter to all rulers being along the lines of 'I want to ally with all of you, lets have friends with everyone, war is bad mmkay'.
I miss this old BM attitude of 'we will take what you can throw at us, just because we can then claim to have overcome it after its all over'. This used to be the dominant player reaction of BT Invasions. This was what I enjoyed about Luria when all Dwilight sought to conquer it.
Most people find it very difficult to say they are or were wrong. Even people that are perfectly alright with such humble confessions can have a kneejerk response to someone making a counter-point (unconsciously seeking justification). But people are not inherently unwilling to change their mind, just that most often they need to think they changed their own mind. Hence why asking questions and approaching issues from another's perspective helps 'incept' an idea into one's head more than telling them they are wrong (which is implied when one disagrees).

To all nobles of the East Island,

I am Saradomin Warchief,originally from Rieleston of Atamara.After becoming Minas Nova's first king,I sent out my offer of peace to everyone.I had a particularly good relationship with Starfall and Magnus particularly,as well as Odoaker.However,I was faced with a plethora of challenges from the start.The lord of Dayr brought his region with him to Perdan and incited the first Minas Novian rebellion.He failed.Meanwhile,Starfall was convincing me to fight Xavax while convincing Magnus to fight me.A good plan it was,but I caught wind of it.The personal relationship between Starfall and I soured.Not long later,Minas Nova went to war with Alara.By then Magnus was gone and Selenia the bully took over.I called a referendum whether to join the war,the realm voted to join.Now the previous part about the referendum sounds a little like Brexit...but I had my personal concerns.I studied Chamberlain's policy of appeasement,and the striking similarity struck me.I COULD NOTlet Xavax take Alara.I put aside my personal feud with Starfall,we allied to halt the expansion of Xavax.Not soon after,I was rebelled against(again!),and the rebels succeeded this time(due to some infiltrators and stuff,including Stegman).I ran across the continent and joined Caligus.My "achievements"during my rule:1.Got Dayr back...but somehow it's with Perdan now?
2.Prevented Xavax from taking over virtually the entire Southern part of the continent.Things would have been a lot different if I let Xavax just take Alara.
Final note:I did NOT "plot"against Xavax with Alara...we were forced into defence
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on July 24, 2016, 12:57:29 AM
Its nice to get the background story finally...even if it does omit the portion where you tried to form an Alliance WITH Xavax specifically AGAINST Alara. (Apologies, much salt)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Glaumring the Fox on July 24, 2016, 03:18:27 AM
I was the lord of Dayr, I basically having been seeding dissent and chaos since I joined Xavax and wandered through lands until arriving in Oligarch.  I think I accomplished my goal.

I remember voting yes in Minas Novas referendum to attack Alara.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on August 14, 2016, 11:28:25 PM
How's the war going? Is Perdan and Vix still kicking ass?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on August 14, 2016, 11:36:11 PM
Still haven't recovered from their last invasion
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on August 15, 2016, 07:56:50 AM
Quote from: Zakky on August 14, 2016, 11:28:25 PM
How's the war going? Is Perdan and Vix still kicking ass?

that's like asking if the gang of high schoolers beat up the elementary school kid who was already fighting it out with a gang of more elementary school kids. What the !@#$ did you think would happen?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Lorgan on August 15, 2016, 12:56:22 PM
Well, what exactly did Xavax think would happen when they claimed the entire kindergarten for themselves at their first day of school?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on August 15, 2016, 02:28:11 PM
Quote from: Lorgan on August 15, 2016, 12:56:22 PM
Well, what exactly did Xavax think would happen when they claimed the entire kindergarten for themselves at their first day of school?

We only claimed the see-saw, and that was a few weeks in.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on August 15, 2016, 04:30:23 PM
Please tell me this war will be remembered as the Schoolyard Brawl.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Constantine on August 15, 2016, 05:46:08 PM
Only if you put enough effort in spreading your propaganda.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on August 15, 2016, 06:03:59 PM
Its a rather neutral non-propagandistic name.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on August 15, 2016, 08:23:48 PM
Quote from: Constantine on August 15, 2016, 05:46:08 PM
Only if you put enough effort in spreading your propaganda.

This is rich coming from you.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Constantine on August 15, 2016, 11:28:21 PM
Quote from: Vita on August 15, 2016, 06:03:59 PM
Its a rather neutral non-propagandistic name.
Given the context, it is not neutral at all.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on August 15, 2016, 11:33:31 PM
I guess we're back to Perdanite players making mountains out of mole hills. People were having some light-hearted humour and you have to make it some serious assault upon Perdan's honour that we ELI5ed a war? If only Perdanite players could take the game less seriously than WIN! WIN! WIN! Can't even have a chuckle without a Perdanite turning it into ForumMaster.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Constantine on August 16, 2016, 12:21:48 AM
No, I don't believe it is a serious assault on Perdan's honour. Just another petty attempt to fling dirt at fellow players, which you further proved in your subsequent post.
BTW, the only one here bent on winning (or rather lack thereof) is you.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on August 16, 2016, 12:43:44 AM
Quote from: Constantine on August 16, 2016, 12:21:48 AM
No, I don't believe it is a serious assault on Perdan's honour. Just another petty attempt to fling dirt at fellow players, which you further proved in your subsequent post.
BTW, the only one here bent on winning (or rather lack thereof) is you.

Again, this is rich, coming from you.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Lorgan on August 16, 2016, 12:50:42 AM
Hey I'm from Perdan and I was having a chuckle.

Chuckles are the only reason to come on the forum anyway.

That and spying on what's happening in other realms. >: )
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JDodger on August 16, 2016, 01:57:42 AM
Constantine arent you in fallangard now?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Ketchum on August 16, 2016, 05:20:07 AM
Quote from: Lorgan on August 15, 2016, 12:56:22 PM
Well, what exactly did Xavax think would happen when they claimed the entire kindergarten for themselves at their first day of school?
Quote from: JeVondair on August 15, 2016, 02:28:11 PM
We only claimed the see-saw, and that was a few weeks in.
And the kindergarden teacher not happy that kid claimed see-saw for themselves while other kids cannot ride the see-saw, so the teacher come to teach that kid a lesson :P

Quote from: Lorgan on August 16, 2016, 12:50:42 AM
Hey I'm from Perdan and I was having a chuckle.

Chuckles are the only reason to come on the forum anyway.

That and spying on what's happening in other realms. >: )
I do laugh too, haha. My character from Nivemus realm.

That said, I thought Fallangard is taking some hits on behalf of Xavax.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on August 16, 2016, 05:40:12 AM
Well this thread might get locked soon if people continue to push it...
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on August 16, 2016, 06:15:35 AM
I'd say "can't we  a;; just get along?" But apparently I'm perceived as something of a warmonger so...
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Wimpie on August 16, 2016, 08:47:36 AM
BM is and should be fun, if you win or lose. People just tend to grow so emotional connected to the realm they've been in for several years.

And I'm betting this Forum (or these threads in particular) do not really help to get rid of that connection.

Anyway, maybe we should focus this thread once again on what GX is doing or what's happening there.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on August 16, 2016, 09:07:40 AM
I did a little work on Xavax's wiki entry ( recently, not a lot and I'm hardly an expert at wiki-editing, but It's a bit fuller than it was at least. Still needs major work done to meet my standards though.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Robb on August 16, 2016, 06:44:14 PM
Well, here I am, first time on this part of the forums, and yes I am the player of Robb King of Alara, I didnt know our conflict was such a huge deal on the forums, so I guess you guys wouldnt mind to know the truth, at least as I see it and as I remember. So here I go, I hope this is not long.

So the three realms were created, for some reason Xavax had three to four times more nobles than the other two realms, in my opinion this shaped the way things developed, once I was elected I did the obvious thing, try to seek an alliance, I mean there is this big realm with a lot of nobles by my side, it was only rational to do it, I offered food and what not. Magnus said he wanted the alliance and that we were friends, I even visited him once in Xavax, still no alliance since the people of Xavax didnt want one or at least that is what Magnus he said, he proposed that Alara declare war on Minas Nova and Xavax was going to declare war on Perleone, I agreed to that but obviously he would have to go first, I mean Xavax was the big guy, he kept pushing me to declare war but I was afraid he was going to backstab me, I would really like to know if that was his intention, maybe we will never know.

Kuriga kept pressuring me to declare war on Minas Nova but I wanted to hold on, when Xavax rejected my alliance I decided to look for new allies and Caligus offered, I accepted since I didnt want to stand alone in this island. Suddenly Kuriga lost it and decided to tell the realm I was wrong, I presented my opinion and the realm chose to protest him out of office, he then was banned and for some reason after being banned he was still able to switch the allegiance of Itor Boss to Xavax, he was received there and Itor Boss was not returned to Alara. He disbanded all the milita in Itorunt before leaving, I gues he wanted to destroy another realm just like he almost did with HD and as he succesfully did with poor Luria Boreal.

Then Selenia came into power and Magnus was gone, Itor Boss still not returned, I grew very weary of Xavax, I knew they were coming so then I decided to start talks with Minas Nova, it was something done in a couple of days, like the player of Saradomin explained it was not a long and convoluted affair, it came to happen very quickly once Xavax declared war, which was their intention all the time, to the person saying I did all in my power to make Xavax declare war on me, I think you are wrong, they took a region from my realm and I did nothing, I did send some abnoxious letters in the ruler channel but I think nevertheless Xavax was intent on coming, but I think JeVondair can clarify this, I mean they didnt build fortification in their cities, all went to recruitment centers which are really really good, those special forces are a pain, so it was obvious they were going to attack somebody and Alara was the best target.

So they came with almost 16k CS, I dont know if they knew but Itorunt had a fortress and like 11k CS in militia, plus our mobile forces, so taking Itorunt was going to be super hard, somebody said it was going to be easy, but no, maybe they could have taken Minas Nova out first, but to take Itorunt was going to take a very very long time, the city could stand alone, I could have raised militia up to 20k CS and will receive enough gold to keep our 4 or 5 members, I could be in the city alone and hold it for quite a long time as long as I could get food that is.

As for the rest, I guess you know, in all honesty in game Xavax is super arrogant, JeVondair really makes a great char with Selenia and how hot headed and determined she is, the judges are something for sure, Toxab and Aramon, again super arrogant characters, well played. As for the bug exploitation, I guess that is lame and it is sad, if you want to take out your desperation of the game then go and rape so peasants like I did lol, but to do stuff like that just degrades the game, I just found out about it. But I do understand how this game can make you go crazy, to be honest I did lose a few night´s sleep with this war, it is hard and sometimes you feel desperate, still no need to exploit bugs and insult other people.

Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Robb on August 16, 2016, 07:58:11 PM
Forgot to mention something, when Itor Boss wasnt returned to Alara I did talk with Minas Nova about an alliance to get it back, then the King of Minas Nova leaked the letters to Magnus who went crazy, after that any talks between Alara and Minas Nova were halted, then the rebellion broke out in Xavax, Selenia came into power and just a few days before Xavax declared war me and Saradomin started talking again, put behind our differences and I dont remember if we allied before Xavax declared war or after, I think it was a couple of days before, anyone remembers?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on August 16, 2016, 09:34:58 PM
Welcome to the forums Robb!  ;D

When Selenia was forced to take power, it was just after the Xavax Civil War that saw Magnus ousted. Her people were fractured, she needed an enemy to unite them against. But from the moment Itor Bass defected, It was Alara that became the target.

Honestly, when Selenia was just a duchess hoping tor retire quietly, she advocated for an alliance with Calligus and a war against Fallangard in exchange for Leibo. But Magnus's sudden alliance with them forced her to honor it. Which left Perleone ( anice weak target) and Alara. Well, Perleone was protected by Vix and Perdan, and she wasn't ready for THAT sort of trouble. And during this time Robb had done his level best to irritate her. So, to fuel her Cassus Belli for war, she actively baited him until he went a step too far and called her a coward. It was the last thing she needed to justify war and he played right into it. If Robb had played his cards differently, and yes, kowtowed a bit, Selenia would never have come after him. Far more likely, she would have allied with him and promised him Itor Bass in exchange for support against Perleone & Pals.

Minas Nova allied with Xavax AFTER Xavax declared war against Alara. It hit me cold and came as a complete surprise. Selenia was salty about THAT one for a while...

And yes, Roose was a plant all along. He really did try to kill her, but it was her idea and when he got caught, his ban was legitimate. No one in Xavax knew the truth but her. I cant tell you how satisfying it was as a player to get his infiltration pulled off successfully.

Xavax, however, has been largely quiet, though we have great players. I may take Selenia in a new direction just to shake things up a bit.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Robb on August 17, 2016, 12:35:34 AM
Ohh well, I was super sure you were coming for me anyway so that is why I was sending those message, since you didnt return Itor Boss and cleary stated that it was never going to happen so maybe in your mind we could have been allies but the way Selenia behaved totally lead me to believe the war was inevitable. What happened to Sayuki though? Why was the char deleted? And yes the alliance with Minas Nova was kind of a surprise, we stop talking during the rebellion in Xavax and then suddenly I dont remember if it was me or him, somebody reached out, we started talking and as said before in a matter of a couple of days the alliance was born, then Perleone followed.

I think somebody asked if Perleone was funding us, the answer is no, only once they gave us gold, 2k, to be honest Itorunt is filthy rich, having 10k of militia drains a little more than a third of the city´s income plus we didnt have enough nobles, gold was never an issue, we had five nobles for most of the conflict and one of them was a priest, now we have been lucky and we have 7 nobles I think and they are active so that has helped a lot, I always wondered though if you guys were receiving money from Fallangard?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on August 17, 2016, 12:56:04 AM
Not a dime, no. In fact, the combined economy of Xavax was barely greater than Itorunt alone, even at our height. Far less so, now. Calligus prevented any significant aid from Fallangard right up until Vix and Perdan declared war.

Sayuki quit. Said he was bored. Although how a 5v2 war can be boring is beyond me. So much room for activities!

As for Selenia, protip: She's a proud woman. She buried her husband before she was 20 years old, was killing Alpha's, litches, and hordes of rogues before Robb was even born. At his age, she'd overthrown a tyrant, subdued two neighbors, and forged an Empire. Before coming to Xavax, she'd never been defeated either in duels or on the battlefield. But you were right to fear. Selenia was elected on the platform that she would declare war on Alara. Ironically, plunging Xavax into the fires of war was the only way to save it from tearing itself apart. The only thing Robb could have done would be to appease her, thereby convincing her to attack Perleone instead. But by then, he had already signed an alliance with them. And Robb's rather proud himself, So when King Robb, who himself was a teenager at the time, demanded to be treated as her equal. Well, what followed is history.

The other problem she had with Robb is that she knew about his alliance-building. It became pretty obvious he was building a web that could eventually be used to invade the Imperium from all directions. He proved himself to be a surprisingly savvy diplomat, stunning really, given the marks against him. In trying to secure his defenses, he actually made himself into her biggest threat. What followed, again, is history.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on August 17, 2016, 01:16:06 AM
Robb, don't give me some !@#$ about me destroying realms. HD is still alive and kicking (I even helped secure Westfold's place, without whom the war with Swordfell wouldn't even be happening), Luria Boreal was already dying when I got there and when it became evident nothing was going to happen, I decided to mercy kill it so that it wouldn't be holding interesting players in a position of boringness when they could be bringing liveliness to other realms. Don't give me some !@#$ about trying to kill realms when all you were doing was a repeat of !@#$ing Atamara. You kept making excuses about why you couldn't attack Minas Nova, when doing that very thing would have completely satisfied Xavax's requirements for an alliance. Instead you built a web of alliances with every other realm you could convince and, let's not forget this, told me personally that you weren't planning on an alliance with Xavax despite messages to them to the contrary.

You realize that the entire civil war in Xavax was caused by you pretending to want to be allied with Xavax but by leaking your very own messages to the General I proved that you were twirling Magnus around your finger.

JeVondair, I left Xavax because I had no interest in being involved in a gangbang of Atamaran style. I was enjoying it when it was us vs three realms, but the addition of Perdan on top of Vix completely killed any fun I was having.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on August 17, 2016, 02:51:02 AM
Quote from: GundamMerc on August 17, 2016, 01:16:06 AM
You realize that the entire civil war in Xavax was caused by you pretending to want to be allied with Xavax but by leaking your very own messages to the General I proved that you were twirling Magnus around your finger.

This IS true. Xavax's court was in an uproar when the older nobles (both in terms of character age and player experience) saw that. It was the hair that broke the camels back in terms of trusting Magnus to lead us.

Quote from: GundamMerc on August 17, 2016, 01:16:06 AM
JeVondair, I left Xavax because I had no interest in being involved in a gangbang of Atamaran style. I was enjoying it when it was us vs three realms, but the addition of Perdan on top of Vix completely killed any fun I was having.

Makes sense. That last Perdanite beatdown we got was painful let me tell you.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on August 17, 2016, 04:15:00 AM
Yeah, Minas Nova allied with Alara after war was declared. Warchief actually offered to join Xavax against Alara at first (Aramon is part of a council that Selenia presented the letter to), only going the other way after we refused.

As for Aramon's part, you might be surprised to learn that he was vocally against war with Alara from the start, which was one of the reasons he joined the loyalist faction in the rebellion (the rebel faction consisted mostly of nobles in favor of war with Alara, Kellan Dodger and Grathe Geg chief among them, with also Kuriga heavily favoring the rebel faction until Selenia was persuaded to join the loyalists, none of whom he got along with). He ran against Selenia on a pro-Perleone war platform, and he was resistant to the idea of going to war with Alara until Robb stated that Xavax were cowards, which he took to mean the whole realm, and took it as a personal insult. Which is why he offered King Robb a duel to surrender the first time they encountered each other after war was declared. Ironically, had Robb accepted, I was more than prepared to pressure for peace, Robb lost a lot of respect in Aramon's eyes by ignoring the challenge, and even more for the whole rape and genocide bit (which put him on the level of his brother and Outer Tilog, things he absolutely hates). If he comes across as arrogant, part of it is because he views dirt with more respect than he does Robb, and by extension, Alara.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Wimpie on August 17, 2016, 08:44:55 AM
Welcome to the Forum, Robb.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Robb on August 18, 2016, 11:37:58 AM
Guys, I gain nothing by lying, it was never my intention to fight Xavax, if Xavax declared war on Perleone I would have declared war on Minas Nova, Xavax never did and I was not going to be the first one, after all Xavax were the ones with a lot of nobles and as has been shown they could deal with the rest of us alone while Alara could not, so the responsibility was entirely on Xavax, even more after rejecting my alliance offer

Now, Kuriga, answer this, why would I trust Xavax and attack Minas Nova when they rejected my alliance proposal? My back would be totally open for them, what guarantee I had they were not going to attack me? You were so keen to attack Minas Nova, you trusted Xavax fully, this lead to me realise, wrongfully or not, that you were in league with them. Before you leaving there were NEVER talks with Minas Nova, that only occured after you left and took Itor Boss with you, when the region wasnt returned after a month THEN talks started with Minas Nova, never before, and even so nothing really happened.

The situation was frustrating, we all wanted something to happen but I think Xavax should have been the one to start since they had more resources and nobles than Alara and Minas Nova combined. Why would I want to war Xavax, 24 nobles vs 15, if we combine Minas Nova and Alara, it was most likely an unwinnable fight, specially with those special forces recruitment centers, and again as shown it was not doable. In the end it is simply, if I trusted Xavax and they backstabbed me Alara was going to be finished, if Xavax trusted Alara and Alara backstabbed them they could deal with this, so again I think the responsability lied in their hands and not ours.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on August 18, 2016, 06:09:23 PM
Quote from: Robb on August 18, 2016, 11:37:58 AM
Guys, I gain nothing by lying, it was never my intention to fight Xavax, if Xavax declared war on Perleone I would have declared war on Minas Nova, Xavax never did and I was not going to be the first one, after all Xavax were the ones with a lot of nobles and as has been shown they could deal with the rest of us alone while Alara could not, so the responsibility was entirely on Xavax, even more after rejecting my alliance offer

Now, Kuriga, answer this, why would I trust Xavax and attack Minas Nova when they rejected my alliance proposal? My back would be totally open for them, what guarantee I had they were not going to attack me? You were so keen to attack Minas Nova, you trusted Xavax fully, this lead to me realise, wrongfully or not, that you were in league with them. Before you leaving there were NEVER talks with Minas Nova, that only occured after you left and took Itor Boss with you, when the region wasnt returned after a month THEN talks started with Minas Nova, never before, and even so nothing really happened.

The situation was frustrating, we all wanted something to happen but I think Xavax should have been the one to start since they had more resources and nobles than Alara and Minas Nova combined. Why would I want to war Xavax, 24 nobles vs 15, if we combine Minas Nova and Alara, it was most likely an unwinnable fight, specially with those special forces recruitment centers, and again as shown it was not doable. In the end it is simply, if I trusted Xavax and they backstabbed me Alara was going to be finished, if Xavax trusted Alara and Alara backstabbed them they could deal with this, so again I think the responsability lied in their hands and not ours.

There are some assumptions here that are better directed at me, as Selenia's player, to address. And to do that, you need to understand a couple of things about Selenia that may impact your perception of events:

So now you have some insight into Selenia as a character. Anyway. back to the history class...

She campaigned hard to become Duchess and was content to let someone else take the throne and all it's responsibilities (She backed someone other than Magnus and was surprised when he one by a swing vote).  so when it came time to discuss alliances, she's against having many and was in fact dead set on Caligus. She wanted a strong ally, not a weak one. Magnus rather famously ignored her in favor of Fallangard. Worse, he ignored High Queen Teniel, who later confided to Selenia that the reason she signed an alliance with Alara was because Magnus ignored her. She almost allied with Minas Nova, but King Warchief snubbed her when he refused to meet with her in person, which was her one an only requirement. But I digress. Being isolationist, she neither knew nor cared about anything beyond the borders of her duchy...however, those borders were overcrowded. Expansion was a necessity at the time. And with Magnus removing Fallangard as a potential target, that left Perleone and Alara. Of the two, Perleone did the right thing by making no. sudden. moves.

So now you know about Xavax and why it does or does not have alliances.

Alara drew the short straw for a couple of reasons, but it started with Kuriga warning us of Robb's machinations. Robb's alliance-building made him a threat. And even if those alliances were defensive in nature, they could always be used as an offensive tool. In the opinion of Xavax, it was better to spring the trap before it could be built. Selenia underestimated Robb, however, and moved too slowly. Interestingly enough, the same steps that Selenia could have taken to avoid the wrath of Perdan, Robb could have used to avoid a war with Xavax: Be submissive. Robb could have made every effort to make Selenia happy: State visits, tributes, love poems, whatever.  Instead, he asserted himself as her equal when he wasn't (I will admit here that Selenia did not make it easy for him to appeal to her) and poked her repeatedly...exactly the wrong thing to do to her.

Selenia wanted a war to expand her overpopulated holdings. She NEEDED a war to unite her people under her rule after the Civil War. Robb, more than anything, is what made Alara the natural target. And his actions after the war started is why there is a burning hatred now. His attitude is as much responsible for why Xavax targeted Alara as Selenia's is for why Vix and Perdan targeted her.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Robb on August 18, 2016, 10:36:47 PM
Well you cant blame Robb to be honest, a region taken from him and the traitor received in Xavax with open arms, it is hard to behave nicely with a realm that did that and of course in the past rejected the alliance, so the one who grieved the other one first was Xavax, not Alara, as for alliances well Caligus and Alara used each other as a safe mechanism, the alliance with Minas Nova and Perleone came later, I think Perleone was done a little before the war broke out if I am not mistaken and Minas Nova shortly after.

I always thought you were going to come, thus I focused on building the fortress and pack the city with militia, you on the other hand focused on building an army and on those recruitment centers, in the end the fortress paid off and the recruitment centers definitely were really good in battle. When Kuriga left I think the fortress was already done, but he disbanded all the militia in the city before leaving, so I put almost all the gold into rebuilding the militia after all when the war broke there was only 4 of us, well 5 but one priest. In the end something had to happen, given the numbers of nobles Alara had we couldnt initiate anything we needed to wait, it was boring as hell I think two other nobles simply left, but again I blame Xavax lol, I think they were the ones in the driving seat with all those nobles, but maybe I should blame the man and not the realm, maybe it was all Magnus´ fault.

Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on August 18, 2016, 11:17:57 PM
We can ALL agree on blaming Magnus  ;D

And I certainly don't blame Robb for being upset. That was perfectly justified. But if you're camping in the woods and one of your campers throws away a sandwich and a Mountain Lion decides to help herself to some of said sandwich, the wiser course is to NOT irritate her.

Then again, my metaphor may not be the best one bc I just googled what to do when a Mountain Lion approaches and apparently the internet agrees with Robb, much to my chagrin...


  • Make yourself appear as large as possible. ...
  • Make noise. ...
  • Act like a predator yourself. ...
  • Slowly create distance. ...
  • Protect yourself.

Annoyingly, this is more or less exactly what he did...
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on August 19, 2016, 03:36:41 AM
Quote from: Robb on August 18, 2016, 10:36:47 PM
Well you cant blame Robb to be honest, a region taken from him and the traitor received in Xavax with open arms, it is hard to behave nicely with a realm that did that and of course in the past rejected the alliance, so the one who grieved the other one first was Xavax, not Alara, as for alliances well Caligus and Alara used each other as a safe mechanism, the alliance with Minas Nova and Perleone came later, I think Perleone was done a little before the war broke out if I am not mistaken and Minas Nova shortly after.

I always thought you were going to come, thus I focused on building the fortress and pack the city with militia, you on the other hand focused on building an army and on those recruitment centers, in the end the fortress paid off and the recruitment centers definitely were really good in battle. When Kuriga left I think the fortress was already done, but he disbanded all the militia in the city before leaving, so I put almost all the gold into rebuilding the militia after all when the war broke there was only 4 of us, well 5 but one priest. In the end something had to happen, given the numbers of nobles Alara had we couldnt initiate anything we needed to wait, it was boring as hell I think two other nobles simply left, but again I blame Xavax lol, I think they were the ones in the driving seat with all those nobles, but maybe I should blame the man and not the realm, maybe it was all Magnus´ fault.

Honestly what you did in the end wasn't that big of a deal, it was Vix and Perdan stepping in that ruined the dynamic.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on August 19, 2016, 03:52:15 AM
Quote from: GundamMerc on August 19, 2016, 03:36:41 AM
Honestly what you did in the end wasn't that big of a deal, it was Vix and Perdan stepping in that ruined the dynamic.

That the dynamic changed only made things more interesting, I think. Xavax was absolutely dominant, but had plateaued. Alara being able to take some of their own back after the Perdan/Vix invasion gives the war a more dramatic flair even if they do not come back. Can Selenia rebuild her shattered Imperium? Can Robb push foward with consecutive victories against Xavax in the field? Will Minas Nova betray Alara to seize Itorunt for themselves? Will Perleone do anything other than sheep farming for the duration?

Stay tuned as the War for the Black City continues!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on August 19, 2016, 07:35:52 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on August 19, 2016, 03:52:15 AM

That the dynamic changed only made things more interesting, I think. Xavax was absolutely dominant, but had plateaued. Alara being able to take some of their own back after the Perdan/Vix invasion gives the war a more dramatic flair even if they do not come back. Can Selenia rebuild her shattered Imperium? Can Robb push foward with consecutive victories against Xavax in the field? Will Minas Nova betray Alara to seize Itorunt for themselves? Will Perleone do anything other than sheep farming for the duration?

Stay tuned as the War for the Black City continues!

That's where we disagree. I would have been fine with just Vix joining. That would have changed things from in our favor slightly to in their favor slightly. Perdan, however, was just overkill. That's like having a Sirion that doesn't suck move in.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on August 19, 2016, 01:00:39 PM
Quote from: GundamMerc on August 19, 2016, 07:35:52 AM
That's where we disagree. I would have been fine with just Vix joining. That would have changed things from in our favor slightly to in their favor slightly. Perdan, however, was just overkill. That's like having a Sirion that doesn't suck move in.

Wow, we actually agree for once. Unfortunately however people in BM seem to prefer wars which are overkill, rather than exciting and fun. Those that do their best to keep it even eventually just get screwed. That's a lesson I learned the hard way too.

For now, it is what it is, I doubt such a mentality will change soon.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on August 19, 2016, 02:52:31 PM
I'd argue it's because nobody submits legitimate Cassus Belli enemy more. It's a song you've heard from me before, and I think it's an important aspect that players, particularly rulers, should focus on more both when declaring war and changing diplomatic status's.

Ask the man on the street in Perdan why his realm marches to war against Xavax...
"We must defend Alara!"
"Because Xavax is Imperialistic"
"And the Alaran's can't defend themselves"
"Have you actually met an Alaran?"
"Really? No family? Friends? Special business interests?"
"So why defend someone you don't know?"
"Do you have anything to gain? Is Alara paying you?"
"Did Xavax insult you? Declare War on you? Invade you"
"No they did not"
"Have you ever actually met a Xavax?"
"No, well, except for some refugee nobles from their civil war"
"And do they have any claims on Xavax lands or titles?"
"So why are you invading Xavax and killing its peope"
"I dunno, war's better than boredom I guess."
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on August 19, 2016, 04:33:20 PM
I think a large part of Perdan's reason for war is to stop an imperialistic power (other than their own) to rise and become a threat. By putting it down now they save themselves the trouble later when it may cost them much more effort.

So it's more like:

They are imperialistic..
So, they may become a threat to us, and we may not be in the position that we are in now
So it's pre-emptive strike on a prob would be enemy?
Yes, they will loot your lands in the future if we don't fight them now for sure.
hmhmhm, but aren't we making enemies now?
Yes, but they'd prob attack us, plus everyone's attacking them so they can't hold grudges against everyone right?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on August 20, 2016, 03:08:31 AM
Quote from: Gabanus family on August 19, 2016, 04:33:20 PM
I think a large part of Perdan's reason for war is to stop an imperialistic power (other than their own) to rise and become a threat. By putting it down now they save themselves the trouble later when it may cost them much more effort.

So it's more like:

They are imperialistic..
So, they may become a threat to us, and we may not be in the position that we are in now
So it's pre-emptive strike on a prob would be enemy?
Yes, they will loot your lands in the future if we don't fight them now for sure.
hmhmhm, but aren't we making enemies now?
Yes, but they'd prob attack us, plus everyone's attacking them so they can't hold grudges against everyone right?

Wanna bet?  ;D
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on August 20, 2016, 05:09:27 AM
Quote from: on August 20, 2016, 03:08:31 AM
Wanna bet?  ;D

We DO have a pretty incredible capacity for grudge-holding...
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on August 20, 2016, 06:58:49 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on August 20, 2016, 05:09:27 AM

We DO have a pretty incredible capacity for grudge-holding...

Yep, just ask a Giblot! Oh, wait, they don't exist anymore (again).  :P
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on August 20, 2016, 09:16:57 AM
Quote from: on August 20, 2016, 03:08:31 AM
Wanna bet?  ;D

Hehe I can imagine, but I think that would be more the line of logic that Perdan has followed so far in this war.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on August 20, 2016, 03:30:39 PM
Quote from: Gabanus family on August 20, 2016, 09:16:57 AM
Hehe I can imagine, but I think that would be more the line of logic that Perdan has followed so far in this war.

*scratches head* how so?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on August 20, 2016, 04:20:36 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on August 20, 2016, 03:30:39 PM

*scratches head* how so?

in that it is the only one that Perdan isn't intervening just to be a dick.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Robb on August 21, 2016, 07:15:04 PM
Gundanmerc lol as usual you let your emotions get the best out of you, so having a fortress packed with militia wasnt a big deal? It was the difference between a crushing victory for Xavax and the stalemate we were before Vix and Perdan joined, so in the end that planning resulted in the survival of Alara so far.

Robb always had a great relationship with Vix and Perdan´s rulers, even months before the war broke out he tried to communicate with them on a weekly basis to discuss different things, on the other hand Selenia antagonize them hard, perhaps neither of those things changed the outcome, perhaps they did, I guess we will need to hear from them

Totally agree that Vix joining the war balanced things and that Perdan was just overkill. But in life as in battlemaster, if you expect fairness you will most likely end up being disappointed.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on August 22, 2016, 12:39:35 AM
Antagonized...largely ignored...what's the difference in this day and age?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Constantine on August 22, 2016, 03:02:50 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on August 19, 2016, 02:52:31 PM
"We must defend Alara!"
"Because Xavax is Imperialistic"
"And the Alaran's can't defend themselves"
"Have you actually met an Alaran?"
"Really? No family? Friends? Special business interests?"
"So why defend someone you don't know?"
"Do you have anything to gain? Is Alara paying you?"
"Did Xavax insult you? Declare War on you? Invade you"
"No they did not"
"Have you ever actually met a Xavax?"
"No, well, except for some refugee nobles from their civil war"
"And do they have any claims on Xavax lands or titles?"
"So why are you invading Xavax and killing its peope"
"I dunno, war's better than boredom I guess."
A peasant doesn't know why the king decided to fight a war in some distant land. Surprise, surprise!
I mean, replace Xavax with France, Perdan with Russia and Alara with Austria and you get a pretty much historically correct interview taken during the times of Third Coalition war. :D
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: BarticaBoat on August 22, 2016, 07:26:09 PM
Thought it was an okay time to follow up on the metrics, 51 days later!

realmdensityGDP (gold)GDP (silver)net fooddemense sizemilitarization
Minas Nova3.45420.20.48647.08104910.88%
Vix Tiramora4.8502.90.75816.7480981.61%
Obsidian Islands0.611512.12237.888635.55%
East Continent4.07451.50.741537.773671.54%

Analysis time:

With the loss of their western rurals to rebel forces, Xavax now exhibits a density just about the East Continent average. The nobility have seen their wealth increase an insignificant amount, likely due to the loss of noble houses combined with the loss of regions. The peasantry are still wealthier than the average, though they have suffered somewhat from the war effort. The war effort has been significant: even with the loss of noble houses, militarization of the realm is significantly in excess of the East Continent average, the reported value being due to a major battle with Alara. It is debatable how much longer Xavax can maintain this war, being grossly outnumbered and outmanned, but it is unclear if the war machine has peaked.

The war has drastically changed life in Fallangard, showing the second highest militarization rate in the continent behind the noble-warrior caste in the Obsidian Isles. Density has remained average, noble wealth is still below average, but figures for peasant wealth have increased on an increased demand for wargoods and the loss of poor rural farmers. Demenses have decreased in size with the loss of countryside. The war effort is all encompassing in an attempt to drive back the quintuple alliance but certainly unsustainable.

A shift towards a more normal population density for Alara reflects the reclamation of their former rurals ravaged by Xavax imperialism. Noble wealth has fallen sharply and demense size more modestly due to an influx of nobles clamouring for conquered holdings of the Imperium. Peasants are still impoverished, their wealth increasing insignificantly. Most telling is militarization, the reported value is deflated due to a major battle with Imperium forces, but the number has still dropped significantly from two months ago. The Alaran effort has succeeded in stalling the war long enough for their allies to intervene, but lacking decisive action to end the war Alara may fall.

Aside from an insignificant increase in population density, Minas Nova has not fared well after intially profitting from the war. Noble wealth has fallen in the absence of more noble houses and the impoverished peasantry have suffered greatly. Their wealth has plummeted to the second lowest in the continent as presser gangs round up able bodied men and farming has moved strictly to rationable grain and cured meats in an effort to maintain net food production. Militarization has plummeted to the lowest in the continent. It appears the Novan war machine is failing and without allied assistance they will surely be crushed.

Stagnation has gripped Ibladesh following the Xavax occupation. Though the city was liberated, the armies of Perleone have not recovered and now reflect one of the lowest militarization rates in the continent. Noble wealth has increased but it appears that this is mostly due to the loss of some noble houses rather than a true economic change. It is unclear how Perleone will continue to contribute through this war offensively, but the strategic importance of Ibladesh as a fortress is certain.

Density and noble wealth have increased as the Perdan war machine gears up. Militarization has increased modestly, but in a nation of this size that reflects a substantial amount. Presser gangs have efficiently rounded up able bodied men into the armies, slightly decreasing peasant wealth, but it is sustainable and well within the capacity of Perdan. Swift action is required of the Lions of Perdan to save their southern allies and stem Xavax aggression; it appears they are well on their way to accomplishing their goals.

The situation is similar in Vix Tiramora. While density, wealth, and demense numbers have fallen, this is a reflection of the conquered Fallangard countryside rather than any true losses. Even with increased population, militarization has increased to above continent average representing their crucial military contributions. Along with their Perdanese allies, they are on their way to saving the south.

Sirion has stayed the same. Numbers have literally barely budged. And... well that is all. Business as usual.

Caligus has more or less stayed the same. Militarization has fallen from 3rd to 4th, likely due to a reconfiguration of militia.

The noble-warrior caste of the Obsidian Isles has somehow increased their militarization even further; besides this, life remains largely the same.

The conquest of First Oligarch has brought them to their knees. Noble wealth has sank with the loss of their countryside, but impressive gold stores have brought them from 8th to 3rd highest militarization. They will not succeed without outside assistance, but it will be a bloody and hard-fought end.

The war has slightly increased the wealth of Nivemus. Aside from this, militarization has fallen from lost militia. They have been quite successful in their war.

Eponllyn has expanded and profited from Oligarch lands. Noble wealth has increased and the yoke of foreign military nobles has fallen hard on the peasants as their prospects decrease. Militarization has fallen solely due to increased population and the warrior class is still extensive.

With a migration away from the city to new farmlands, Shadowdale has reached greater prosperity than before. Trade is flourishing and quality of life has improved for everyone.

My observations: the War of the Quintuple Alliance/War against Xavax Aggression is nearing a precipice. As it stands, the alliance will succeed but if it is not soon then the southern allies will fall. The only thing that is certain is that the south will be devastated for decades to come. The war against First Oligarch is coming to a close. The end is certain, but the timeline is open. It will likely be bloody if it is prolonged and bloodier if swift.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on August 23, 2016, 12:16:14 AM
I so look forward to your work!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on August 29, 2016, 05:16:40 PM
Soo bit of a topic change, but to the Xavax players...all 3 of you on the you, what does it mean to be Xavax? What are our values? How big of a deal is the imagery of the Phoenix? In your mind's eye, what does our architecture look like? What are things that we hate? That we love? That we respect?

I'd like to really define the character of your typical Xavax for RP purposes.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: BarticaBoat on August 29, 2016, 07:32:46 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on August 29, 2016, 05:16:40 PM
I'd like to really define the character of your typical Xavax for RP purposes.

I think Xavax is about duty and the fulfillment of oaths. The Imperium itself (as I defined it) exists to administer the lands of Greater Xavax and the subservient cities. I can't really think of another current realm that exists for a purpose beyond self-propagation. And that should be important to us, that we have an actual RP purpose and reality. Our values are duty foremost: I show this with my character's estate. It's being roleplayed as a hive of crime, smuggling, and villainy, but as long as the taxes are paid and the disturbances are under control it doesn't matter. The people are happy enough, his liege is happy the taxes come in, and that's it.

Also important to me when my character was judge was the fact that I wrote very few true laws beyond treason against the Imperium and subversion of the Xerarch. It gives everyone at every level room to roleplay themselves as approaching petty kings of their own estates. Everything else is a system of arbitrating disputes and grievances. So independence is a big value as well I'd say.

I find after the war when we rebuild the Phoenix will become more important. Right now I don't think we feel connected to it as a symbol of rebuilding after the other islands sank, the real experience of post-Quintuple Alliance war will reinforce it.

I'd say Xavax proper is lots of wood buildings from the fog and generally a wet, cool environment. The walls and few stone buildings require lots of maintenance from constant rains and erosion. I see a lot of steeples and moss, the harbour as sort of seedy, and a sort of disconnect between military and civilian sections of the city. Military districts have thicker smoke from smithies (military service is classified as an appropriate tax after all) and there are more stone buildings there which are constantly being rebuilt. The civilian areas have wooden buildings with high steeples, the buildings are lopsided from generally being soaked most of the time but if managed well don't rot and breakdown. Streets are rarely wide enough for anything bigger than a donkey cart and there are many alleyways and small paths. I'd also imagine small open market squares, but nothing like a distinct market or merchant district.

We hate Semall and Itorunt and love beer and tax collectors missing our homes. We respect fulfilling our word and not necessarily liars, but people skilled with their words. I wouldn't say deception is particularly frowned upon.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on August 29, 2016, 09:07:55 PM
I see Xavax sort of like the Byzantine Empire in that the bulk of of people came from other lands (the sunken island, a few nobles shuffled about due to the one noble per island rule coming into effect, etc.) continuing their lives and traditions adapted to the new lands (sort of like how the Byzantines switched to using Greek over Latin and adopted Christianity while still considering themselves "Roman"), as such I expect many of our fellows to uphold traditions left over from their old realms blending them into the greater culture of Xavax.

I hold the symbolism of the Phoenix in high regard. Much like the dual sayings of "Glory to The Imperium" and "Xavax Endures", it is a powerful image and useful for propaganda material.

Architecture-wise I see old ruined marble buildings existent from before the Ice overtook the area (the marble likely gathered from around Oc Lu Pesh and the Mines of Isadril during better times), which are slowly being repaired/improved upon, along side more modern structures of varied styles conforming to the mixed tastes of our people, much of the material scavenged from lesser older buildings and wood cut from the nearby forests. I can imagine Xavax having a few true major roads coming from the main gateways, with multiple branching and twisting minor roads, alleyways, and paths making up the bulk. I've mentioned a large marketplace before the palace in the execution RP I did, but smaller plazas probably also exist elsewhere. Sort of like a middle ages city built on the site of the ruins of a Late Antiquity one.

We hate cowardice and we like duels, minding our own business, and conflict. We respect strength and resiliency. We love arguments, and testing our own strength and resiliency.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 01, 2016, 02:10:36 AM
We have to deal with a lot of different flavors because the Xavax are, from the start, refugees and thrill seekers. Colonists seeking a new life. I am uncertain if there is a suitable parallel in ancient or medieval times that would be good foundation, culturally and aesthetically, for us to base the flavor of Xavax upon.

Selenia's absolute power in and the diversity of her court, to say nothing of their respect for strength and consciousness of maintaining an semblance of martial honor, remind me more of the Mongol Khanate (Perhaps like what was seen in Marco Polo). Afterall, Xavax the City is no gem, hardly comparable to Rome or Constantinople. Nor are its people overly concerned with art, music, or other pleasing aesthetics. War, Victory, Arrogance, Expansion to where we believe our manifest destiny leads us and duels of honor holding a pinnacle place in the social order. I see those as defining traits that lend them more to the ideals of eastern empires, as opposed to western ones.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 02, 2016, 01:16:08 AM
And we'd best figure it out fast what with all this new blood we've got!  ;D  [So Happy]
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 03, 2016, 12:09:40 AM
I wrote entirely too much today, and for that, I am sorry.  :-X
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on September 03, 2016, 12:47:37 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on September 03, 2016, 12:09:40 AM
I wrote entirely too much today, and for that, I am sorry.  :-X

And we didn't get to read any of it, that's a shame
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 03, 2016, 01:37:08 AM
Quote from: Gabanus family on September 03, 2016, 12:47:37 AM
And we didn't get to read any of it, that's a shame

Come to Xavax. let me annoy you :-)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on September 03, 2016, 11:31:42 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on September 03, 2016, 01:37:08 AM

Come to Xavax. let me annoy you :-)

I doubt that will ever happen to be honest. If Oligarch falls Xavax is not really my first choice, to friendly with Garas' sworn enemies and all who at that point driven him out of his city and destroyed his realm.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Chamberlain on September 03, 2016, 12:34:57 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on September 02, 2016, 01:16:08 AM
And we'd best figure it out fast what with all this new blood we've got!  ;D  [So Happy]

What a great problem to have!!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 05, 2016, 01:30:02 AM
A work in progress
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on September 05, 2016, 01:41:22 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on September 05, 2016, 01:30:02 AM
A work in progress

Why is it not a part of the Xavax main page?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Attano on September 05, 2016, 01:42:34 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on September 05, 2016, 01:30:02 AM
A work in progress
Now I wanna join.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on September 05, 2016, 04:43:30 AM
This should not be a top-level page, but a subpage of the Greater Xavax realm page.

I have fixed it and otherwise spruced up the Greater Xavax page.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 05, 2016, 03:53:31 PM
Quote from: Vita on September 05, 2016, 04:43:30 AM
This should not be a top-level page, but a subpage of the Greater Xavax realm page. (

I have fixed it and otherwise spruced up the Greater Xavax page.

Thank you very much for the help! Xavax has had so many new players these past few days asking all the same questions that I decided to put a little page together as something of a Primer
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on September 05, 2016, 10:00:03 PM
So what happened? How did Xavax lose in their own capital?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Attano on September 06, 2016, 12:13:41 AM
Quote from: Zakky on September 05, 2016, 10:00:03 PM
So what happened? How did Xavax lose in their own capital?
Be nice, it does happen. X3
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 06, 2016, 04:54:20 AM
only half our army moved and none of the militia rallied. I never realized that militia don't rally automatically?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on September 06, 2016, 08:38:19 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on September 06, 2016, 04:54:20 AM
only half our army moved and none of the militia rallied. I never realized that militia don't rally automatically?

Yeah  that's quite normal not all militia rallying right away. They'll rally the turn(s) after I think. But I hadn't even noticed this yet, that'll hurt. So peace is soon upon the south then I guess?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 06, 2016, 05:06:50 PM
Not even remotely, no. The Imperium took virtually no damage from the attack and still have a mobile force of 15k.

I honestly don't know what they were thinking.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Attano on September 06, 2016, 11:57:39 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on September 06, 2016, 05:06:50 PM
Not even remotely, no. The Imperium took virtually no damage from the attack and still have a mobile force of 15k.

I honestly don't know what they were thinking.
This is why only Daimons swarm the capital *cough* Reeds *cough*
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 07, 2016, 12:14:18 AM
So we've gone from 20 to 28 players in a week. Don't know how many of them will stay, but I'm pretty proud.

Frazzled, but proud.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on September 07, 2016, 12:56:05 AM
Interesting. I wonder who managed to get 8 new players 8()
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 07, 2016, 01:06:59 AM
Look no further  8)

That's why all the wiki work. Doing everything i can to get these folks interested, acclimated, and hooked.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on September 07, 2016, 05:43:05 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on September 07, 2016, 01:06:59 AM
Look no further  8)

That's why all the wiki work. Doing everything i can to get these folks interested, acclimated, and hooked.

Are they new players entirely, or you managed to 'recruit' them from the other realms you were in?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 07, 2016, 06:13:33 PM
Quote from: Gabanus family on September 07, 2016, 05:43:05 PM
Are they new players entirely, or you managed to 'recruit' them from the other realms you were in?

New players entirely. Although I'd love to recruit some experienced BM roleplayers to help solidify the culture and what not. Most of the players that I have a history with have their characters in other realms on EC already so no luck there.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zaros on September 07, 2016, 06:40:08 PM
Even though I may have slight grievances about you Selenia,recruiting 8 entirely new players is impressive.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 07, 2016, 07:07:09 PM
Quote from: Zaros on September 07, 2016, 06:40:08 PM
Even though I may have slight grievances about you Selenia,recruiting 8 entirely new players is impressive.

Well depending on what grievance that is, Xavax at least could support your unit, lol
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on September 07, 2016, 10:42:58 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on September 07, 2016, 06:13:33 PM

New players entirely. Although I'd love to recruit some experienced BM roleplayers to help solidify the culture and what not. Most of the players that I have a history with have their characters in other realms on EC already so no luck there.

Impressive, now you just have to explain to your friends that it's okay to screw you over in due time if it fits their char :p
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on September 07, 2016, 10:52:28 PM
I ditched my friend and he turned into a general in a month. Maybe that is the kind of environment you need to put your new buddies at. Toss them to the lions and only take the ones that survive!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Victor C on September 07, 2016, 11:06:00 PM
Quote from: Zakky on September 07, 2016, 10:52:28 PM
I ditched my friend and he turned into a general in a month. Maybe that is the kind of environment you need to put your new buddies at. Toss them to the lions and only take the ones that survive!

"Zakky, you'll help me right?"
"Oh yeah... Oh course..."

*One day later*

"Zakky, I need help.... Zakky?... ._. Zakky, why you do this?..."
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zaros on September 08, 2016, 02:59:17 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on September 07, 2016, 07:07:09 PM

Well depending on what grievance that is, Xavax at least could support your unit, lol

Fighting for Xavax is such an exciting proposition!The first king of Minas Nova fighting alongide his most hated enemies!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 08, 2016, 05:50:52 PM
Well...the logic might be a bit convoluted...but I believe I could roleplay it. From My understanding, Sardomin was deposed by his own people and replaced by his own right-hand man. Sure espionage from Xavax instigated this, but he may or may not know it. And even if he does, if he really hates Druzil or the people that supported him, or if Sardomin's character is defined as the MiNovan King-in_Exile, it is concievable that he would use any tool to get his rightful throne back.

And it just so happens that the best tool he could hope for is the Imperium of Greater Xavax

(which, btw, finally has 30 nobles again y'all! WOOTWOOT!)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zaros on September 08, 2016, 06:08:48 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on September 08, 2016, 05:50:52 PM
Well...the logic might be a bit convoluted...but I believe I could roleplay it. From My understanding, Sardomin was deposed by his own people and replaced by his own right-hand man. Sure espionage from Xavax instigated this, but he may or may not know it. And even if he does, if he really hates Druzil or the people that supported him, or if Sardomin's character is defined as the MiNovan King-in_Exile, it is concievable that he would use any tool to get his rightful throne back.

And it just so happens that the best tool he could hope for is the Imperium of Greater Xavax

(which, btw, finally has 30 nobles again y'all! WOOTWOOT!)

That,is indeed a roleplay with great potential.Truth be told,I was slightly salty about being rebelled against and thrown out.What made me saltier is how about half the realm were infiltrators waiting to assasinate me,with Stegman being the root of the problem.I learnt a valuable lesson about the Hemmings family the day my command tab disappeared.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 08, 2016, 06:46:45 PM
Quote from: Zaros on September 08, 2016, 06:08:48 PM
That,is indeed a roleplay with great potential.Truth be told,I was slightly salty about being rebelled against and thrown out.What made me saltier is how about half the realm were infiltrators waiting to assasinate me,with Stegman being the root of the problem.I learnt a valuable lesson about the Hemmings family the day my command tab disappeared.

Well, to be clear, SELENIA was the root of that particular problem.  ;D

That said, RP wise I think a vengeance story would be a lot of fun. The last time I participated in one like it, D'Hara was retaking Paisly from Mendicant of Aurvandil (#timestamp)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 09, 2016, 10:56:20 PM
Anyone have any tips for getting players hooked on this game?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on September 10, 2016, 12:26:25 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on September 09, 2016, 10:56:20 PM
Anyone have any tips for getting players hooked on this game?

Talk to them often. Give them powerful positions, make them think they are important.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Schancke on September 10, 2016, 10:11:34 AM
Quote from: Zakky on September 10, 2016, 12:26:25 AM
Talk to them often. Give them powerful positions, make them think they are important.

*goes searching for 15 powerful positions.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on September 10, 2016, 11:23:38 AM
Quote from: Schancke on September 10, 2016, 10:11:34 AM
*goes searching for 15 powerful positions.

One is responsible for their own advies, one for the enemy advies, several lordships (looks around, oh !@#$ wrong realm) uhm, military council debating, etiquete controll, diplomats, trader, courtier, all can be made "special"
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 10, 2016, 09:48:59 PM
So I sent an OOC to King Druzil of Minas Nova. He told me they were just as perplexed by Tasogril giving them Priotness as we were. Apparently the player defected and deleted the character.

Why do people do this? I mean, give me a reason, fine, np. I'll roleplay with it. But just nothing?


Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on September 11, 2016, 12:24:36 AM
20 extra families. Nice. Don't know where you are finding these people but keep doing it!

Don't forget to encourage them to try out other realms too :D
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on September 11, 2016, 12:26:38 AM
Diverse experiences!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 11, 2016, 12:57:57 AM
They are mostly personal acquaintances who promised to at least give the game a try. I don't expect them all to stay, but a few have expressed real interest and we are all working together to keep the others engaged while we get organized.

One of them noted that England had the largest mass knighting in history. They called it the Feast of the Swan. As there was already a realm-wide RP going on at an Inn in Isadril called "The Black Swan" we are now accepting as Cannon that this mass knighting will be called the Feast of the Black Swan.

I suppose I should make an RP thread. But Yeah, as of this morning, we have 20 new players who started within the last 10 days.

I am exhausted.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on September 11, 2016, 02:19:50 AM
Hey, does anyone remember whether I paused Sayuki or not? I'm pretty sure I didn't retire him.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 11, 2016, 02:27:06 AM
Quote from: GundamMerc on September 11, 2016, 02:19:50 AM
Hey, does anyone remember whether I paused Sayuki or not? I'm pretty sure I didn't retire him.

I remember that you were prompted to give a reason when you left. Does it do that for pausing? If not, then I'm afraid he is gone.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on September 11, 2016, 02:31:05 AM
Quote from: GundamMerc on September 11, 2016, 02:19:50 AM
Hey, does anyone remember whether I paused Sayuki or not? I'm pretty sure I didn't retire him.

Well, you do have a family page that records that info. Also, on your account page.
Sayuki   32   2016-06-07   18   61
2016-06-07    Sayuki    Character buried
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on September 11, 2016, 02:40:14 AM
Quote from: Vita on September 11, 2016, 02:31:05 AM
Well, you do have a family page that records that info. Also, on your account page.
Sayuki   32   2016-06-07   18   61
2016-06-07    Sayuki    Character buried

Yeah, I know what my account says, that's actually the reason I'm even bringing it up. But I was certain I had paused that character. It was Amuro I remember actually killing off in the same time period.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on September 11, 2016, 04:53:47 AM
You deleted Sayuki, I remember it quite clearly.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on September 11, 2016, 06:13:53 AM
Guess I did. Well that sucks.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Constantine on September 11, 2016, 02:30:08 PM
Holy crap, do make an rp thread please.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on September 11, 2016, 05:09:25 PM
I guess you missed this rp thread (,7379.0.html)?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on September 11, 2016, 05:38:38 PM
Quote from: GundamMerc on September 11, 2016, 06:13:53 AM
Guess I did. Well that sucks.

IIRC, you didn't give a IC reason, so if you wanted to recreate Sayuki and say he was off on a pilgrimage or something, I wouldn't object, and I'm sure others wouldn't either.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on September 12, 2016, 04:54:38 PM
So basically Xavax wants to burn everything and rule over the ashes? You guys have simply been watching too much got, be original please  :o ;D
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on September 12, 2016, 05:52:52 PM
Xavax's symbol is the Phoenix, for us ashes are merely a sign of a new fire to come.  ;)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 16, 2016, 06:17:26 AM
Xavax is positively afire with roleplays right now. I actually have not seen this many bouncing around since the Dragon Coronation!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on September 16, 2016, 09:52:04 AM
All over a training match too! These new guys are like a breath of fresh air. I haven't enjoyed myself in BM this much in awhile. :)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Wimpie on September 16, 2016, 10:27:13 AM
Quote from: on September 16, 2016, 09:52:04 AM
All over a training match too! These new guys are like a breath of fresh air. I haven't enjoyed myself in BM this much in awhile. :)

*Joins the other side*
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on September 17, 2016, 08:33:02 AM
The deflation begins :o
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 26, 2016, 06:04:55 PM
Quote from: Zakky on September 17, 2016, 08:33:02 AM
The deflation begins :o

Deflation indeed! I think we hit 44 or 45 at the height of the Feast of the Black Swan. But BM simply was not for everyone. We are sitting at 35 now, and we may loose up to 5 more before things balance out.

The net-gain is still 10 even if that happens, tho
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on September 26, 2016, 09:51:56 PM
I'm back! And as I have no shame, am using amnesia for my character backstory. :P
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on September 27, 2016, 03:53:23 AM
Look forward to seeing how this plays out. Your character and mine didn't exactly see eye to eye during the time before you paused.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 28, 2016, 09:06:36 PM

Selenia: I want to do the thing.
Kinsey: You must not do the thing.

Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on September 28, 2016, 09:13:08 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on September 28, 2016, 09:06:36 PM

Selenia: I want to do the thing.
Kinsey: You must not do the thing.


Heh. So Kinsey is in charge not Selenia!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on September 28, 2016, 09:26:39 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on September 28, 2016, 09:06:36 PM

Selenia: I want to do the thing.
Kinsey: You must not do the thing.
Sayuki: General Selenia, what are your orders? Hail, Xerarch Kinsey! Wait, who is what?


Fixed it for you to reflect the new reality. :3
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 28, 2016, 09:31:27 PM
Quote from: GundamMerc on September 28, 2016, 09:26:39 PM
Selenia: I want to do the thing.
Kinsey: You must not do the thing.
Sayuki: General Selenia, what are your orders? Hail, Xerarch Kinsey! Wait, who is what?


Fixed your fix  ;D
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: BarticaBoat on September 28, 2016, 09:35:20 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on September 28, 2016, 09:06:36 PM
Selenia: I want to do the thing.
Kinsey: You must not do the thing.
Sayuki: General Selenia, what are your orders? Hail, Xerarch Kinsey! Wait, who is what?
Godric: For glory we MUST do the unreasonable thing!
Aramon: Perhaps we should do the more reasonable thing.
Iuz: We must not do the thing.
Selenia: I still want to do the thing.


Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 28, 2016, 10:27:09 PM
Quote from: BarticaBoat on September 28, 2016, 09:35:20 PM


Selenia: I want to do the thing.
Kinsey: You must not do the thing.
Sayuki: General Selenia, what are your orders? Hail, Xerarch Kinsey! Wait, who is what?
Godric: For glory we MUST do the unreasonable thing!
Aramon: Perhaps we should do the more reasonable thing.
Kin: This is somehow the Wine Trader's fault...
Iuz: We must not do the thing.
Selenia: I still want to do the thing.

Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on September 28, 2016, 10:37:48 PM
I've never seen something so beautiful :3

Truly our realm is ruled by Dysfunction Junction.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 28, 2016, 10:51:21 PM
Quote from: GundamMerc on September 28, 2016, 10:37:48 PM
I've never seen something so beautiful :3

Truly our realm is ruled by Dysfunction Junction.

Still more Awesome than Perdan...

orrrr...wait, less Awesome now? idk, their situation is confusing....
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Attano on September 29, 2016, 03:29:56 AM
Nice government!  ;)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on September 29, 2016, 12:52:12 PM
That's a confusing government, ours is much simpler :p
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on September 29, 2016, 03:23:54 PM
Dysfunction Junction, what's your function?
Dysfunction Junction, how's that function?
I got three favorite nobles
That get most of my job done
Dysfunction Junction, what's their function?
I got Aramon, Kinsey, and Eoin
They'll get you pretty far.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on October 02, 2016, 11:34:43 PM
You know, it would really be nice if our army didn't stray from home weeks at a time and leave the capital open.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Schancke on October 03, 2016, 03:11:43 PM
Quote from: GundamMerc on September 28, 2016, 10:37:48 PM

Selenia: I want to do the thing.
Kinsey: You must not do the thing.
Sayuki: General Selenia, what are your orders? Hail, Xerarch Kinsey! Wait, who is what?
Godric: For glory we MUST do the unreasonable thing!
Aramon: Perhaps we should do the more reasonable thing.
Kin: This is somehow the Wine Trader's fault...
Iuz: We must not do the thing.
Selenia: I still want to do the thing.
Sayuki: You are all wrong, and if I'd been at the reins, we'd defeated Perdan, Caligus AND Oligarch within the week that has passed since my return.

Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on October 03, 2016, 05:21:43 PM
Quote from: Schancke on October 03, 2016, 03:11:43 PM


Selenia: I want to do the thing.
Kinsey: You must not do the thing.
Sayuki: General Selenia, what are your orders? Hail, Xerarch Kinsey! Wait, who is what?
Godric: For glory we MUST do the unreasonable thing!
Aramon: Perhaps we should do the more reasonable thing.
Kin: This is somehow the Wine Trader's fault...
Iuz: We must not do the thing.
Selenia: I still want to do the thing.
Sayuki: You are all wrong, and if I'd been at the reins, we'd defeated Perdan, Caligus AND Oligarch within the week that has passed since my return.

Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on October 03, 2016, 06:30:26 PM
That's him to a T, though being pissed about his unit probably helps.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Attano on October 07, 2016, 01:10:43 PM
This thread is great!  ;D
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on October 14, 2016, 12:43:34 AM
After MONTHS of wrangling, I got the player of the Tandaros family to return.

The Hype Increases...
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on October 14, 2016, 01:00:30 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on October 14, 2016, 12:43:34 AM
After MONTHS of wrangling, I got the player of the Tandaros family to return.

The Hype Increases...

Return to where? To the game or to GX?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on October 16, 2016, 10:51:28 PM

GX+FG lost to an inferior army of Vix. 1300 vs 1670.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: BarticaBoat on October 16, 2016, 10:53:18 PM
Incorrect, we had fought a battle earlier in the campaign and were at half strength. And we decimated the Vix anyways. No body won that.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on October 16, 2016, 10:54:41 PM
Gotta love that Vix/Perdanese spindoctoring though.   :P

Besides, at this point Perdan is at a really bad place diplomatically. They've allied themselves to two realms that have no qualms about rape and murder, while also getting themselves bogged down in a war as Sirion has finished quelling Oligarch's rebellion. It basically leaves their back door open for Sirion and friends to reduce a potential threat like Perdan have been trying to do to Greater Xavax.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on October 17, 2016, 03:12:41 PM
Quote from: GundamMerc on October 16, 2016, 10:54:41 PM
Gotta love that Vix/Perdanese spindoctoring though.   :P

Besides, at this point Perdan is at a really bad place diplomatically. They've allied themselves to two realms that have no qualms about rape and murder, while also getting themselves bogged down in a war as Sirion has finished quelling Oligarch's rebellion. It basically leaves their back door open for Sirion and friends to reduce a potential threat like Perdan have been trying to do to Greater Xavax.

I wouldn't call Zakky a Perdanese spindoctor tbh. At this point he's the main reason Perdan is sucking harder than ever prob, on purpose. He's just trolling a bit.

And yes Perdan is at a very bad place atm, that's certainly true. And well there are other realms who've used rape and murder as well, not that often prob though.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on October 17, 2016, 06:16:43 PM
Quote from: Gabanus family on October 17, 2016, 03:12:41 PM
And yes Perdan is at a very bad place atm, that's certainly true. And well there are other realms who've used rape and murder as well, not that often prob though.

Although I've only been playing a few years, I have never seen it used as much. Isolated incidents here and there that are immediately quashed, but that's it. Gives real teeth to the Xavax vs AlaraNova hatreds though. The whole region is like the South side of Chicago
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on October 17, 2016, 08:20:56 PM
Well with the recent looting changes, if loot leniently, you have a pretty good chance to rape women systematically. Too bad you don't rape men systematically too. Who knows if a region is just full of men.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Constantine on October 18, 2016, 02:17:18 AM
People rape and murder peasantry quite often during really heated conflicts. It's just that you're the only one to exaggerate the issue. No reasonable medieval monarch would place his realm at risk geopolitically because some peasants got raped. I mean, even normal looting gets peasants killed and in my humble opinion homicide is slightly worse than rape. So yeah... Selenia's idiosyncratic rambling generally fall on deaf ears.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on October 18, 2016, 04:35:38 AM
Quote from: Constantine on October 18, 2016, 02:17:18 AM
People rape and murder peasantry quite often during really heated conflicts. It's just that you're the only one to exaggerate the issue. No reasonable medieval monarch would place his realm at risk geopolitically because some peasants got raped. I mean, even normal looting gets peasants killed and in my humble opinion homicide is slightly worse than rape. So yeah... Selenia's idiosyncratic rambling generally fall on deaf ears.

Not really. Just look at Caligus, they're not joining the war because of it.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on October 18, 2016, 12:33:25 PM
Quote from: Constantine on October 18, 2016, 02:17:18 AM
People rape and murder peasantry quite often during really heated conflicts. It's just that you're the only one to exaggerate the issue. No reasonable medieval monarch would place his realm at risk geopolitically because some peasants got raped. I mean, even normal looting gets peasants killed and in my humble opinion homicide is slightly worse than rape. So yeah... Selenia's idiosyncratic rambling generally fall on deaf ears.

For the medieval world that prob would've hold true, but in BM generally around half of the rulers at least will consider it appalling enough to weigh it into their decisions.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on October 18, 2016, 04:18:00 PM
Quote from: Constantine on October 18, 2016, 02:17:18 AM
People rape and murder peasantry quite often during really heated conflicts. It's just that you're the only one to exaggerate the issue. No reasonable medieval monarch would place his realm at risk geopolitically because some peasants got raped. I mean, even normal looting gets peasants killed and in my humble opinion homicide is slightly worse than rape. So yeah... Selenia's idiosyncratic rambling generally fall on deaf ears.

Selenia was a peasant herself. Being both common-born and female are perspectives that thread her entire narrative. I can't think of a historical example that is quite similar to her. Except maybe Boudicca comes closest...

As for which is worse, rape or murder, that is a matter of opinion. Selenia would select the former without hesitation.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Chamberlain on October 19, 2016, 02:31:05 AM
Quote from: Constantine on October 18, 2016, 02:17:18 AM
People rape and murder peasantry quite often during really heated conflicts. It's just that you're the only one to exaggerate the issue. No reasonable medieval monarch would place his realm at risk geopolitically because some peasants got raped. I mean, even normal looting gets peasants killed and in my humble opinion homicide is slightly worse than rape. So yeah... Selenia's idiosyncratic rambling generally fall on deaf ears.

The real medieval world operated on a system of salic law.  The divergance with Battlemaster to have gender equality means that the attitude to rape will most likely be far more pronounced when women are seen as equals to men and not simply as chattels.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on October 19, 2016, 02:58:40 AM
Quote from: Chamberlain on October 19, 2016, 02:31:05 AM
The real medieval world operated on a system of salic law.  The divergance with Battlemaster to have gender equality means that the attitude to rape will most likely be far more pronounced when women are seen as equals to men and not simply as chattels.

Let's not forget nowhere in BM that says women are physically inferior than men either. Also, BM men can have children too! Maybe even boobs! I need to put a feature request for systematic rape of men by women in this game!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Constantine on October 19, 2016, 12:17:32 PM
Quote from: Gabanus family on October 18, 2016, 12:33:25 PM
For the medieval world that prob would've hold true, but in BM generally around half of the rulers at least will consider it appalling enough to weigh it into their decisions.
Yeaaah.. Not buying that.
Quote from: JeVondair on October 18, 2016, 04:18:00 PM
Selenia was a peasant herself. Being both common-born and female are perspectives that thread her entire narrative.
Hmm, fair enough. Makes sense for a baseborn to care about the smallfolk.
Quote from: JeVondair on October 18, 2016, 04:18:00 PM
As for which is worse, rape or murder, that is a matter of opinion.
We are not talking feelings and personal opinions here but legal reality of every medieval culture.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on October 19, 2016, 01:37:41 PM
Quote from: Constantine on October 19, 2016, 12:17:32 PM
Yeaaah.. Not buying that.

Did you not see where I said Caligus, THE CALIGUS, isn't in this war because of the rape? That's a pretty significant realm to have an opinion on it, especially because they have (to put it in CKII or EUIV terms) a plausible casus belli against Fallangard that they'd really enjoy taking advantage of.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on October 19, 2016, 03:35:57 PM
Quote from: Constantine on October 19, 2016, 12:17:32 PM
Yeaaah.. Not buying that.

I speak from experience on BM and I've played as ruler on every continent several times over by now, that does happen. What Gundanmerc tried to say is that there is already one definite example and trust me there are more. It depends much on the different realms, but many in the north prob wouldn't help you just because of that.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Constantine on October 19, 2016, 04:07:33 PM
Well, I really think that if Caligus didn't want to withdraw from that war they wouldn't have. It's kinda naive to believe people wage wars on the grounds of morality and compassion.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on October 19, 2016, 04:22:54 PM
Quote from: Constantine on October 19, 2016, 04:07:33 PM
Well, I really think that if Caligus didn't want to withdraw from that war they wouldn't have. It's kinda naive to believe people wage wars on the grounds of morality and compassion.

Which is basically Perdan's public MO
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Schancke on October 19, 2016, 04:24:31 PM
Quote from: Constantine on October 19, 2016, 04:07:33 PM
Well, I really think that if Caligus didn't want to withdraw from that war they wouldn't have. It's kinda naive to believe people wage wars on the grounds of morality and compassion.

...but then there are those strange, quirky characters that doesn't wage war solely on the single, strict criteria; that no realm should aspire to control more than two cities. 
Madness :D
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Constantine on October 19, 2016, 04:33:21 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on October 19, 2016, 04:22:54 PM
Which is basically Perdan's public MO
Can't you make a distinction between political rhetoric and actual strategic motifs?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on October 19, 2016, 04:43:26 PM
Quote from: Constantine on October 19, 2016, 04:33:21 PM
Can't you make a distinction between political rhetoric and actual strategic motifs?

Obviously, I called them out on it day 1, if you were paying attention
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Victor C on October 20, 2016, 01:40:33 AM
Let's stop the snide remarks and keep the conversation civil and respectful.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on October 27, 2016, 04:57:18 AM
Xavax is outnumbered? What? 38 nobles in a single realm doesn't mean they are outnumbered. With Perdan pulling out, Vix+Southern realms will be the ones to be outnumbered.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GoldPanda on October 27, 2016, 10:31:29 AM
Quote from: Zakky on October 27, 2016, 04:57:18 AM
Xavax is outnumbered? What? 38 nobles in a single realm doesn't mean they are outnumbered. With Perdan pulling out, Vix+Southern realms will be the ones to be outnumbered.
And how many regions does each side have? How many of those regions are smoking craters due to aggressive looting?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on October 27, 2016, 10:39:04 AM
Realm sizes don't matter as much as they used to thanks to the size limit.

Gold diminishes hard beyond 10 regions. Beyond 15, it becomes way too hard to manage.

You don't need too much gold to boost your CS when you have 38 nobles. Just go back to the good old fashion way. Make people recruit 10~20 men each. If you don't even have that much gold, you should consider surrendering.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GoldPanda on October 27, 2016, 10:48:03 AM
It makes a difference when your opponent can still field more troops than you, even though you have twice the number of knights. About half of those 38 nobles are youngsters who can command at most 30 troops. Most of the bandit knights don't even leave their cities with fewer than 100 troops.

Quote from: Zakky on October 27, 2016, 10:39:04 AM
If you don't even have that much gold, you should consider surrendering.
And what kind of example would I be setting for the new players? To even suggest such a thing... Good day to you, sir!  >:(
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on October 27, 2016, 11:08:39 AM
You are forgetting the fact you lose less CS per man when you have less men. If you have 10 men, you maintain over 90% of your CS. At 50, you are down to 50%. At 100, you are down to 40% due to diminishing return. That is why it is  wise to have multiple small militia units than 1 large one most of the time.

Having 38 nobles leading 30 men each is much better than 11 people leading 100 men each.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on October 27, 2016, 01:54:31 PM
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on October 27, 2016, 03:13:16 PM
Quote from: GoldPanda on October 27, 2016, 10:48:03 AM
It makes a difference when your opponent can still field more troops than you, even though you have twice the number of knights. About half of those 38 nobles are youngsters who can command at most 30 troops. Most of the bandit knights don't even leave their cities with fewer than 100 troops.
And what kind of example would I be setting for the new players? To even suggest such a thing... Good day to you, sir!  >:(
Sadly, Perdan has a bad reputation in that regard. You *will* surrender. Or you will be annihilated. Those are your only options with Perdan. And if you're extra special, Perdan will force you to be isolated and unable to participate in the island with the thread of extermination over your head, and you'll lose all those younger knights to boredom, leaving the game. But Perdan had fun!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on October 27, 2016, 05:59:05 PM
Not this time. Caspian is all buddy buddy with Selenia. Can't even insult Selenia anymore.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on October 27, 2016, 06:34:35 PM
Quote from: Zakky on October 27, 2016, 05:59:05 PM
Not this time. Caspian is all buddy buddy with Selenia. Can't even insult Selenia anymore.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Wimpie on October 27, 2016, 07:54:08 PM
He's even marrying her!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Constantine on October 27, 2016, 08:49:58 PM
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on October 27, 2016, 09:11:32 PM
One too many cats got let out of the bag today...

(and Vita's gif slayyed me)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on October 27, 2016, 09:37:14 PM
Then have another! Was tossup between this and disappointed Lucille Ball.
Quote from: Wimpie on October 27, 2016, 07:54:08 PM
He's even marrying her!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Constantine on October 27, 2016, 10:10:37 PM
Whatever Perdan does Vita will be thoroughly unimpressed.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GoldPanda on October 27, 2016, 10:14:12 PM
Quote from: Zakky on October 27, 2016, 11:08:39 AM
You are forgetting the fact you lose less CS per man when you have less men. If you have 10 men, you maintain over 90% of your CS. At 50, you are down to 50%. At 100, you are down to 40% due to diminishing return. That is why it is  wise to have multiple small militia units than 1 large one most of the time.

Having 38 nobles leading 30 men each is much better than 11 people leading 100 men each.

Maybe during the initial battle. After that first battle, those 38 nobles will be down to 10 healthy troops each, while most of the other 11 nobles will still have 50+ troops because they retreated early. As casualties go up, the small unit's CS will quickly go down to 0, while the larger unit's CS will not decrease that much, because fewer troops means less diminishing return. After a few more battles, the 11 nobles might be down to 30 troops each, but the 38 nobles will have almost no troops left. Guess which side will end up retreating? Guess which side will end up with more nobles wounded or captured?

Smaller units win battles. Larger units win wars.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on October 27, 2016, 10:20:45 PM
Quote from: Constantine on October 27, 2016, 10:10:37 PM
Whatever Perdan does Vita will be thoroughly unimpressed.
Probably. Until I see Perdan change from its years of poor behavior. I advocated Perdan's survival, thought it was turning a new leaf. Then back to more of the same lack of care towards other players' experiences. Over and over again. Harassing and boring players from the game just so they can win.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on October 27, 2016, 10:43:10 PM
@GoldPanda, but after 3 battles or so those same nobles will be able to recruit 40 to 50 men already, unless there's really no gold. Zakky does have a good point that more knights are generally the main reason for more strength, but in this case Greater Xavax has too many enemies and also too many nobles against them to make it doable. On the other hand, GX and Perdan marrying their rulers may well change stuff + Caligus is freed up again so who knows what happens next. EC is becoming more eratic by the year.

@Vita that's enough Perdan bashing again for the week. Everyone pretty much knows where other stands and while I share some of your concern, we both know this goes to deep and will lead to nothing positive. The Ikalak topic could use some more awesome rum stories in stead ;)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on October 27, 2016, 10:43:21 PM
vikings? :o isn't that a tv show?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on October 27, 2016, 10:53:03 PM
Quote from: GoldPanda on October 27, 2016, 10:14:12 PM
Smaller units win battles. Larger units win wars.

I will have to disagree. Large units lose more when they panic and run. If you are commanding a unit as large as 200, you can lose 40 men from just panicking. Might even lose 40 more when you rally them.

Smaller units don't suffer the same way. Also, they are more likely to retreat than scatter meaning you may end up wasting hits on a small unit that you do not want to attack. Having more unit also means for melee units, your hits get spread out and you fail to finish your target. As for ranged units, it is even worse since you have a chance of attacking a single digit unit when you could be hitting a larger unit since you can only attack one unit per round.

Single unit may last longer but more unit wins you battles. Winning more battles and being able to sustain your advantage will win you the war not large units.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Anaris on October 27, 2016, 10:53:57 PM
Sounds like your problem with large units is mainly poorly-thought-out retreat settings, Zakky.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on October 27, 2016, 10:55:05 PM
Quote from: Anaris on October 27, 2016, 10:53:57 PM
Sounds like your problem with large units is mainly poorly-thought-out retreat settings, Zakky.

Nah. My archer panicked from having mosters within 2 range and they just ran from 3 monsters costing me 80 men. Silly archers.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Anaris on October 27, 2016, 11:03:17 PM
Quote from: Zakky on October 27, 2016, 10:55:05 PM
Nah. My archer panicked from having mosters within 2 range and they just ran from 3 monsters costing me 80 men. Silly archers.

Hm. That sounds like it needs tuning a bit better.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on October 27, 2016, 11:06:49 PM
Yes it is. It's what I chose for Selenia's ( character model
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on October 27, 2016, 11:46:24 PM
Panic hurts. I don't mind having them as they are now until you add scattered/retreat changes. Then maybe those panicked units can be considered as wounded or scattered :D
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on October 28, 2016, 11:57:01 AM
Quote from: Zakky on October 27, 2016, 10:53:03 PM
I will have to disagree. Large units lose more when they panic and run. If you are commanding a unit as large as 200, you can lose 40 men from just panicking. Might even lose 40 more when you rally them.

Smaller units don't suffer the same way. Also, they are more likely to retreat than scatter meaning you may end up wasting hits on a small unit that you do not want to attack. Having more unit also means for melee units, your hits get spread out and you fail to finish your target. As for ranged units, it is even worse since you have a chance of attacking a single digit unit when you could be hitting a larger unit since you can only attack one unit per round.

Single unit may last longer but more unit wins you battles. Winning more battles and being able to sustain your advantage will win you the war not large units.

Except we don't have the gold to continuously replace our units. We're actually at half strength right now because of a lack of gold. In addition, you're mentioning personal anecdotes, not statistics. I, for example, could quote my own personal anecdote of just completely out attritioning enemy units with one massive unit. I personally have almost never seen the kind of panicking that would lead to that many casualties unless the unit was absurdly large (up in the 200s), and by that point you can just take the casualties because of its sheer size. Smaller units are basically a glass cannon. They work well once. And only once, because your men have died and you need to refit. Which costs gold. Which we don't have.

You should look up the gold comparison I did of the involved nations near the start of the war, Greater Xavax isn't actually that rich of a realm compared to what we were facing, and with the amount of looting that has been going on in our regions, it's even less so now.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on October 28, 2016, 08:06:10 PM
You can't straight up compare gold anymore. Depending on their size, they get their tax gold cut quite a bit. Like Sirion for example. They probably get less tax gold than Caligus due to their size. Let's not forget GX at this point used up w/e gold they brought from Atamara.

As for how many you will lose, it depends on stats mostly. If your unit has crappy armor and getting hit by a truck then yeah you will see more dead men than wounded. Obviously some of your opponents are known for having high quality RCs. Quality costs gold. Also, large units with low cohesion and training tend to panic more easily. Especially archers. If you find yourself in a situation where your large archers are left with no infantry and their infantry are closing in, they will panic. Once panic happens you are screwed.

And yes, I had 215 archers when my archers ditched the field. Large units tend to attract more hits getting focused fired at the end so being large can be beneficial if you are leading 200 cheap units to soak up damage.

There is a new scattered/retreated code in place for WI apparently. So we will see how things go. If it goes well, it will probably get implemented across the game. Basically, if your unit retreats, it will work like now. But if they scatter, you will lose 90% of wounded soldiers.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on October 28, 2016, 10:56:43 PM
I'm not even going to bother, it's clear you are going to believe what you want to regardless of any evidence we bring forward. Oh, by the way, Greater Xavax doesn't have the issue with low tax rates that Sirion has because we have a very, very high noble density, not very much peasant population compared to say, Caligus and Sirion, and a middling amount of regions. Isadril has 19-20% without the lord being there. It probably is ssustainable at 16-17%.

So the issue isn't an inability to tax, it's sheer number of nobles splitting the income. Besides, more men is always better, because it's diminishing returns, not negative or zero. So long as you can afford the unit, there is no reason to get a larger one, because a larger unit can survive multiple battles. Trust me, I say this with experience in multiple sieges where more than one attack was needed. The player of Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico was very much one of the best strategic minds of Battlemaster at the time, and I distinctly remember this being done in one of his attacks against Xinhai's/Morek Empire's enemies.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on October 28, 2016, 11:33:08 PM
I promise, we don't argue this much in Xavax. Swearswear
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Victor C on October 29, 2016, 01:28:47 AM

Posts have been moved into this thread due to their base discussion revolving around Greater Xavax.


Let us be calm. Zakky is explaining what he believes as well as what both GoldPanda and GundanMerc are doing as well. Let's not take umbrage from this discussion, as well as let us not provoke each other.

Do not let this discussion turn into a personal dispute.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GoldPanda on November 02, 2016, 07:49:03 AM
It would be nice if we had some kind of battle simulator to test out these different theories instead of just debating them.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on November 04, 2016, 07:39:46 AM
Quote from: GoldPanda on November 02, 2016, 07:49:03 AM
It would be nice if we had some kind of battle simulator to test out these different theories instead of just debating them.
It's called playing the game and proving your theory is correct by defeating the opponent.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on November 04, 2016, 07:43:36 AM
Quote from: Vita on November 04, 2016, 07:39:46 AM
It's called playing the game and proving your theory is correct by defeating the opponent.

Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GoldPanda on November 04, 2016, 07:10:32 PM
Quote from: Vita on November 04, 2016, 07:39:46 AM
It's called playing the game and proving your theory is correct by defeating the opponent.
Sure thing. I just need 3000 gold to boost up the units of half of my knights. Then I'll ask the other half to stay home.

Or perhaps someone didn't read the whole thread to get the full context?  :)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on November 05, 2016, 06:17:08 AM
Quote from: GoldPanda on November 04, 2016, 07:10:32 PM
Or perhaps someone didn't read the whole thread to get the full context?  :)
I'm guilty.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on November 05, 2016, 04:35:41 PM
Quote from: GoldPanda on November 04, 2016, 07:10:32 PM
Sure thing. I just need 3000 gold to boost up the units of half of my knights. Then I'll ask the other half to stay home.

Or perhaps someone didn't read the whole thread to get the full context?  :)

In that case go fight Shadowdale, they just donated 2200 gold to us as well ;)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zaros on November 05, 2016, 05:02:25 PM
By the way,what happened to Garas?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on November 05, 2016, 09:32:49 PM
Quote from: Zaros on November 05, 2016, 05:02:25 PM
By the way,what happened to Garas?

What do you mean? He's at the same place where he's been ever since he left Sirion?

In case you're referring to the fact that Catherine is now ruler and not Garas? Catherine's his wife and it happened during time I was very busy IRL, plus we hoped it would make a good impression with the rest of the north (the latter failed, but it still added quite some extra flavor and stuff). Garas remains Duke though (and General again for a while now).
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on November 15, 2016, 10:45:25 PM
Question: How is Alara conducting a TO of Enubec when they have no adjacent regions?

How does Minas Nova possess Aeng with no adjacent regions?

Did I miss something?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Sharpspeare on November 15, 2016, 11:39:29 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on November 15, 2016, 10:45:25 PM
Question: How is Alara conducting a TO of Enubec when they have no adjacent regions?

How does Minas Nova possess Aeng with no adjacent regions?

Did I miss something?

Takeover   (3 days, 5 hours ago)
message to all nobles on East Continent
Alara has taken control of Aeng. The region used to belong to Greater Xavax.

I've looked, but I couldn't find where Aeng became a part of Minas Nova
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on November 16, 2016, 12:19:18 AM
That's strange. Map shows Minas Nova, as does the realm info page.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on November 16, 2016, 12:58:45 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on November 16, 2016, 12:19:18 AM
That's strange. Map shows Minas Nova, as does the realm info page.

They don't always match unfortunately...
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Sharpspeare on November 16, 2016, 02:13:13 AM
Yeah, not sure what is going on there. Weird
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GoldPanda on November 16, 2016, 11:27:13 AM
1. Alara TOs Aeng.
2. Alara starts TO on Enubec.
3. Aeng defects to Minas Nova. TO on Enubec is still ongoing because it was valid when it started.
4. Now Aeng defects to Greater Xavax. It's in such bad shape that it's probably trying to hand itself off to random nobles as they pass by.

Aeng will probably go rogue soon.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on November 16, 2016, 11:39:19 AM
Quote from: GoldPanda on November 16, 2016, 11:27:13 AM
1. Alara TOs Aeng.
2. Alara starts TO on Enubec.
3. Aeng defects to Minas Nova. TO on Enubec is still ongoing because it was valid when it started.
4. Now Aeng defects to Greater Xavax. It's in such bad shape that it's probably trying to hand itself off to random nobles as they pass by.

Aeng will probably go rogue soon.

How many turns did it take for each event to occur?

If all this happened in less than 3 turns, there is an issue.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Wimpie on November 16, 2016, 12:14:21 PM
Maybe I should let Jeames wander around Aeng to gain another region!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on November 16, 2016, 02:43:59 PM
Quote from: Wimpie on November 16, 2016, 12:14:21 PM
Maybe I should let Jeames wander around Aeng to gain another region!

You keep Jeames, and all his Vixie friends, out of Xavax pls.

Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zaros on November 23, 2016, 10:57:30 AM
Seems that some interesting things have been happening in the South as I sit in Domus and train my men!
Apparently Xavax lost a hero?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gordy77 on November 23, 2016, 12:52:58 PM
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on November 23, 2016, 01:11:08 PM
Quote from: Zaros on November 23, 2016, 10:57:30 AM
Seems that some interesting things have been happening in the South as I sit in Domus and train my men!
Apparently Xavax lost a hero?

But at least they won a battle for a change. Losing heros hurts though, we lost a few as well and even if they come back their h/p is very low.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Ulfang on November 23, 2016, 01:42:00 PM
Quote from: Gordy77 on November 23, 2016, 12:52:58 PM

It hurt the first time but that was nothing compared to my second death  ;)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Wimpie on November 23, 2016, 02:16:46 PM
Quote from: Gabanus family on November 23, 2016, 01:11:08 PM
But at least they won a battle for a change. Losing heros hurts though, we lost a few as well and even if they come back their h/p is very low.

Can't see the outcome in CS, but they managed to gather a whopping 18K, impressive.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on November 23, 2016, 06:19:36 PM
Quote from: Wimpie on November 23, 2016, 02:16:46 PM
Can't see the outcome in CS, but they managed to gather a whopping 18K, impressive.

We lost less than half that but left both Vix and Alara's armies in tatters, wounded both realms rulers, and Aramon captured a noble with nearly 1500 gold on him to boot. Had it not been for Mormont's death, this would have been a great victory for Xavax.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Ossan on November 23, 2016, 06:25:33 PM
At least I got to read the battle report and a few eulogy messages IC and OOC about Uthred despite Odwella's worsening wounds.

I actually am kind of wanting my heros to die ATM, I feel like a fresh start would be good in a couple realms and it's annoying as frak they cannot do civil work in their own regions :p
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on November 23, 2016, 08:34:52 PM
Selenia's right there with Odwella and injured yet again.

mid-RP :-(
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Wimpie on November 23, 2016, 08:37:58 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on November 23, 2016, 08:34:52 PM
Selenia's right there with Odwella and injured yet again.

mid-RP :-(

We as rulers are weak, everyone wants to have a go at us on the battlefield!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: DeVerci on November 24, 2016, 05:16:12 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on November 23, 2016, 08:34:52 PM
Selenia's right there with Odwella and injured yet again.

mid-RP :-(
Sorry about that, I had a late morning a missed orders after rallying, so my unit decided try for another bout.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zaros on November 25, 2016, 04:56:40 AM
Quote from: Gabanus family on November 23, 2016, 01:11:08 PM
But at least they won a battle for a change. Losing heros hurts though, we lost a few as well and even if they come back their h/p is very low.
I see.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on November 25, 2016, 06:19:32 PM
Quote Fearless (3) score 118 hits on Mormont Shield Wall (6) (390 before overkill).

The indignity of it all  >:(
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on November 25, 2016, 08:52:09 PM
Quote from: Zaros on November 25, 2016, 04:56:40 AM
I see.

It seems we can count another one in Oligarch, but I'm hijacking the topic.

What does GX think will happen once Qu becomes ruler of Perdan again?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Chamberlain on November 26, 2016, 06:04:21 AM
Qu being Qu... I think he'll march Perdan back South...
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on November 26, 2016, 06:37:35 PM
Quote from: Chamberlain on November 26, 2016, 06:04:21 AM
Qu being Qu... I think he'll march Perdan back South...

Basically. Qu has more personal reason to march to Oligarch's aid, but I suspect he won't be able to resist the chance to test himself against Xavax. We figured on that since he 'won' the first time.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on November 26, 2016, 06:46:35 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on November 26, 2016, 06:37:35 PM

Basically. Qu has more personal reason to march to Oligarch's aid, but I suspect he won't be able to resist the chance to test himself against Xavax. We figured on that since he 'won' the first time.

Qu has more personal reason to march against Oligarch...But there is a decent chance he'll march against GX first and will only come for us later on.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on November 26, 2016, 08:12:53 PM
Subject change: I have actually never played in a realm that was so fertile for roleplays before
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Attano on November 27, 2016, 09:59:05 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on November 26, 2016, 08:12:53 PM
Subject change: I have actually never played in a realm that was so fertile for roleplays before
Apart from a few in Arnor, and my experience in the Shattered Vales, both before and after it lost Ete city, I haven't really found any realms the RP as much as GX.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on November 27, 2016, 10:01:56 AM
Previous War island was really RP rich. Guess that is what you get for having over 80 players per realm. At least Sandalak had a ton.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Wimpie on November 27, 2016, 11:00:23 AM
Well, seeing as GX has 47 nobles now, it's pretty normal that there is a higher chance of people roleplaying. Surely when I think you said many were of your medieval re-enacting group? (Sorry if I got that wrong, thought I read it somewhere)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on November 27, 2016, 02:50:10 PM
Correctomundo. Although I did not say it, Grep did. There's a nation-wide thing called Belegarth. I used those connections for most of my initial recruiting. Sadly, of the 40 or so people I got started, only about half of them stayed on and of that number, only about half of those seem to have developed a taste for the game. The majority autopaused, although word of Battlemaster does seem to be spreading, as evidenced by GX's growing numbers. It remains to be seen how many of that 47 will A) Remain and B) Be Active.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Sharpspeare on November 27, 2016, 03:29:22 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on November 27, 2016, 02:50:10 PM
Correctomundo. Although I did not say it, Grep did. There's a nation-wide thing called Belegarth. .

A medieval re-enacting group called Belegarth? Interesting. Isn't Belegarth the name of a fantasy character (a wizard if I am remembering correctly)?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Anaris on November 27, 2016, 03:46:53 PM
You're probably thinking of Belgarath the Sorcerer, from David Eddings' Belgariad.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Sharpspeare on November 27, 2016, 05:03:37 PM
Quote from: Anaris on November 27, 2016, 03:46:53 PM
You're probably thinking of Belgarath the Sorcerer, from David Eddings' Belgariad.

Yep. Thank you Anaris
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on November 27, 2016, 05:58:02 PM
I am not sure where the name originated, but Belegarth is an off-shoot of Dagohir, which is an older LARP organization most prevalent on the US East Coast.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Sharpspeare on November 28, 2016, 01:51:28 AM
Thank you JeVondair for the extra information
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on December 03, 2016, 07:35:45 PM
Political parties and religions
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Chenier on December 07, 2016, 03:09:12 PM
Well, seems GX is now plagued with a Chénier. Oh noes, they are multiplying! :O
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on December 07, 2016, 06:02:30 PM
Quote from: Chenier on December 07, 2016, 03:09:12 PM
Well, seems GX is now plagued with a Chénier. Oh noes, they are multiplying! :O

Somewhere, unknown, Jonsu Himoura rolls over in her grave
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Chenier on December 07, 2016, 06:03:47 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on December 07, 2016, 06:02:30 PM

Somewhere, unknown, Jonsu Himoura rolls over in her grave

Damn, totally should have named my character Jonsu Chénier. :P
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on December 07, 2016, 06:04:37 PM
It survived being plagued with war with five nations, by a Kuriga, a Hemmings, a Crownguard, having a JeVondair as it's Ruler and having an Abjur not only it's Judge but chief heir to the throne. I think it'll live. ;)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on December 14, 2016, 11:54:48 PM
Seeing as how GX is getting over 100 messages/day lately, I really really wish the devs had considered my royal decree msg type.

I'd feel so fancy
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on December 15, 2016, 12:58:53 AM
Lots of roleplaying going on, even I'm sticking my nose in it some. :p
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on December 15, 2016, 01:01:47 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on December 14, 2016, 11:54:48 PM
Seeing as how GX is getting over 100 messages/day lately, I really really wish the devs had considered my royal decree msg type.

I'd feel so fancy

Heh too bad GX is an outlier.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on December 15, 2016, 05:40:36 AM
Quote from: Zakky on December 15, 2016, 01:01:47 AM
Heh too bad GX is an outlier.

Maybe if certain realms followed their example...
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: MTYL on December 16, 2016, 10:21:26 PM
Is there a Smaller Xavax?  :D (I know somebody probably made this joke already)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on December 16, 2016, 10:54:12 PM
Quote from: MTYL on December 16, 2016, 10:21:26 PM
Is there a Smaller Xavax?  :D (I know somebody probably made this joke already)

Might happen at some point. Probably called Lesser Xavax Kingdom maybe?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Attano on December 17, 2016, 06:23:15 AM
Quote from: Zakky on December 16, 2016, 10:54:12 PM
Might happen at some point. Probably called Lesser Xavax Kingdom maybe?
Built over the ashes of our enemies. :D
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zaros on December 17, 2016, 09:21:55 AM
Minas Nova shall not fall.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Sharpspeare on December 17, 2016, 05:13:47 PM
You could try...but I doubt Greater Xavax would survive the attempt
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zaros on December 18, 2016, 04:21:16 PM
Quote from: Sharpspeare on December 17, 2016, 05:13:47 PM
You could try...but I doubt Greater Xavax would survive the attempt
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on December 18, 2016, 04:35:54 PM
Lets just focus on not becoming ashes ourselves first, shall we?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on December 19, 2016, 03:22:24 AM
Gotta love talking to Qu Ar'dan, the most polite noble on the continent.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Attano on December 20, 2016, 01:26:03 AM
Quote from: Zakky on December 19, 2016, 03:22:24 AM
Gotta love talking to Qu Ar'dan, the most polite noble on the continent.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on December 20, 2016, 02:12:02 AM
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on December 20, 2016, 06:31:13 AM
QuoteRobb Starfall, King, Master of Coin of Alara, Royal of Alara, Duke of Itorunt, Margrave of Itorunt was captured by Lionel Kinsey's unit.
The heroine Selenia JeVondair, Xerarch of Greater Xavax, Royal of Greater Xavax was killed by Walsh Adam's unit.

Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on December 20, 2016, 07:01:11 AM
LOL Selenia just met her maker. WOW!  ;D
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gordy77 on December 20, 2016, 08:32:06 AM
I don't really think it's funny?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Wimpie on December 20, 2016, 08:37:25 AM
Too bad for Xavax (and the game, really). Selenia was an inspiring noble and Xerarch.

I'm sure this will make up for some good RP.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gordy77 on December 20, 2016, 08:41:15 AM
My sentiments also.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Victor C on December 20, 2016, 08:48:54 AM
Ah the irony, such a sad death.

However, I can't help but laugh a bit as well. After all. It's a fictional character and she was involved in so many things. It is ironic humor. It is the same as if someone said, "What a nice day” when it is raining.

The untimely death has of course caused a sort of... Mass effect that now, Everyone else must figure out how to overcome. This is a very interesting part of the game, when the legendary and almighty leader is gone... What will happen?

Remember everyone, to remain civilized in discussion and respect each other's reactions to this event.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on December 20, 2016, 09:10:19 AM

It will create a huge vacuum. For my case, I didn't create another character in the same realm. I hardly do. It is always fun to see what people do with an abrupt change. Some ambitious nobles tend to see it as a big opportunity to move up in the world while other loyal nobles hope to see another one of your characters and hopefully continue your story. But one thing is for sure. Even if you create another character, it isn't the character that just died. BM's mechanics are already in place to block people from immediately inheriting your former character's titles. I think it is a good system since it gives an interesting twist. No powerful noble will let a young lad take the throne and rule the realm just because he shares the same last name as the previous ruler.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zaros on December 20, 2016, 09:19:50 AM
It seems like Saradomin gets the last laugh,eh?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on December 20, 2016, 01:05:32 PM
Wow I did not expect her to go before Garas, but this will be hard felt in GX no doubt
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Attano on December 20, 2016, 01:20:32 PM
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on December 20, 2016, 01:25:23 PM
Quote from: Attano on December 20, 2016, 01:20:32 PM

View it positively, with every death there are great opportunities for everyone to change what you don't like, or push even harder for that which you do like ;)

I'm guessing Selenia wasn't as 'clever' to instate a line of seccession?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on December 20, 2016, 04:47:56 PM
So now we find out which culture that Selenia founded lasts longer. The culture of the Vales (Ivory Vale, Jaded Vale, Shattered Vales etc) on BT or the culture of Xavax of EC.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on December 20, 2016, 06:37:58 PM
And there she goes. She walks among us once again. Personally, I prefer dead characters to remain dead to make their deaths actually have some impact but that is just my preference.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: MTYL on December 20, 2016, 06:39:36 PM
I'm relatively new guy here but damn, Gustaf vs Selenia RP happening amongst raging war of GX vs Everyone was one of the most epic things I've seen in BM. I'm kind of disappointed that I haven't seen any RP from the battle that was grounds for some epic character demise (and another one's captivity).

By the way, is there a more fitting way to go for a Xavax ruler than while defending Xavax?


Uhm, I'm confused. So she's dead or not?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: BarticaBoat on December 20, 2016, 06:49:51 PM
Quote from: Zakky on December 20, 2016, 06:37:58 PM
And there she goes. She walks among us once again. Personally, I prefer dead characters to remain dead to make their deaths actually have some impact but that is just my preference.
Check the details. Same character, 50 something years old. Something spooky happened  ;)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on December 20, 2016, 07:29:20 PM
Quote from: Gabanus family on December 20, 2016, 01:25:23 PM
View it positively, with every death there are great opportunities for everyone to change what you don't like, or push even harder for that which you do like ;)

I'm guessing Selenia wasn't as 'clever' to instate a line of seccession?

Actually she did, Aramon Abjur (my character) is her chosen heir.

Thanks to certain character(s) however (I know names, I ain't telling), that seems beside the point. She lives again!  :o
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: DeVerci on December 20, 2016, 07:58:14 PM
Where do you people get all these fancy scrolls from?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on December 20, 2016, 08:04:21 PM
Quote from: DeVerci on December 20, 2016, 07:58:14 PM
Where do you people get all these fancy scrolls from?

Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: DeVerci on December 20, 2016, 08:11:53 PM
All my advies end up getting the option to craft is stuff like fireballs and weird armor spells.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Fleugs on December 20, 2016, 08:40:11 PM
I'm rather jealous of that hero death. If only one of mine would just once pull that off...
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on December 20, 2016, 09:05:57 PM
Quote from: Fleugs on December 20, 2016, 08:40:11 PM
I'm rather jealous of that hero death. If only one of mine would just once pull that off...

Well she ain't dead Fleugs.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Sharpspeare on December 21, 2016, 01:37:20 AM
So she or someone in her realm used a scroll to resurrect Selenia? Wow
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Attano on December 21, 2016, 02:09:26 AM
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zaros on December 21, 2016, 04:29:52 AM
Quote from: Sharpspeare on December 21, 2016, 01:37:20 AM
So she or someone in her realm used a scroll to resurrect Selenia? Wow most disturbed by that.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on December 21, 2016, 05:16:10 AM
Gotta burn the City of Xavax, the Necropolis, the Fallen city, the Heart of Corruption!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on December 21, 2016, 06:56:31 AM
Come try, Aramon just got a Honed Broadsword of Unlife with Qu's name on it! *waggles eyebrows*
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on December 22, 2016, 07:26:59 PM (
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zaros on December 23, 2016, 04:25:30 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on December 22, 2016, 07:26:59 PM (
Just when I thought I could go and gloat over your corpse...
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on December 23, 2016, 04:39:48 AM
Quote from: Zaros on December 23, 2016, 04:25:30 AM
Just when I thought I could go and gloat over your corpse...
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: DeVerci on December 23, 2016, 04:09:06 PM
Xavax should encourage some of their players to make characters on different continents and not only play in Xavax. I did some snooping via the character list, and 25 out of the 61 families that are currently in Xavax only have 1 noble in the game, and they only play in Xavax(some have adventurers, but they're there too  :( ) While of course I know that some people have joined to play with their friends via the recruit a friend system, it would benefit the rest of the community if some of those players were encouraged to branch out a little.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on December 23, 2016, 05:03:10 PM
Quote from: DeVerci on December 23, 2016, 04:09:06 PM
Xavax should encourage some of their players to make characters on different continents and not only play in Xavax. I did some snooping via the character list, and 25 out of the 61 families that are currently in Xavax only have 1 noble in the game, and they only play in Xavax(some have adventurers, but they're there too  :( ) While of course I know that some people have joined to play with their friends via the recruit a friend system, it would benefit the rest of the community if some of those players were encouraged to branch out a little.
If somebody asks me about this one more time...gah  >:(
1) The recruit-a-friend system does not work and hasnt for as long as I can remember
2) The players are well aware that there are other realms, but most are still feeling out the game and deciding to stay or not
3) Even for diligent players, Xavax alone is a lot to handle. There's easily been 1000+ Messages in the past week, which is overwhelming for anyone

Quote from: KetchumUgh, why Xavax is called Greater?
Because there is the CITY of Xavax, the DUCHY of Xavax, and then the Nation of differentiate it called Greater Xavax.
When the realm was new, they wouldn't let me name the ruler Xavax as well, and I got stuck with Xerarch >:(
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on December 23, 2016, 05:11:56 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on December 23, 2016, 05:03:10 PM
When the realm was new, they wouldn't let me name the ruler Xavax as well, and I got stuck with Xerarch [/size] >:(

We couldn't be called Oligarch either cause there had already been such a realm, so we called ourselves First Oligarch to clarify things (Of course that was only because they were friendly enough to actually have us change the name after...well let's not get into that :p)

But why not change the title to Phoenix now, if you don't like Xerarch?

As to the recruitment, I think most of us forgot that it actually takes some time to first even understand the mechanics and stuff you can do and then the systems upon which BM operates. It's good to see new players and I'm enjoying the ones that did venture out of Xavax and we'll prob see more of them in due time :)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on December 23, 2016, 06:12:58 PM
Quote from: Gabanus family on December 23, 2016, 05:11:56 PM
But why not change the title to Phoenix now, if you don't like Xerarch?

It's funny you should mention that. That one time Xavax captured Ibladesh, Selenia was so pleased she instituted an honor-title tradition where if a member of the ruling council does something sufficiently awesome, their title gets updated from standard as a testament to their greatness. That's how our general went from the initial 'Strategos' title to the Honorary 'Talon'. Basically General Kinsey to Great General Kinsey.

One of our nobles already started a referendum to award Selenia the title of Phoenix Queen
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Victor C on December 24, 2016, 07:59:02 AM
Posts were split because the conversation was off topic. It was no longer a discussion of Greater Xavax, but of Magic and scrolls in general on East Continent.

Here is where you can find the new topic:,7617.0.html
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zaros on December 24, 2016, 02:55:07 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on December 23, 2016, 04:39:48 AM
I kinda got lost and accidntally went two regions further than I was supposed to.Should be in Isadril in 2 turns.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Ketchum on December 25, 2016, 03:20:43 PM
This Resurrection makes my character and not to mention many nobles wish to come and see for ourselves face to face with that thing or welcome-back person. Whether this is the evil spirit entering Xerarch or the real one. Unfortunately there are quite some distances between Nivemus and Xavax :-\
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on December 25, 2016, 03:51:35 PM
Quote from: Ketchum on December 25, 2016, 03:20:43 PM
This Resurrection makes my character and not to mention many nobles wish to come and see for ourselves face to face with that thing or welcome-back person. Whether this is the evil spirit entering Xerarch or the real one. Unfortunately there are quite some distances between Nivemus and Xavax :-\
but it will be fuuuuun...
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on December 26, 2016, 01:04:03 AM
Quote from: Ketchum on December 25, 2016, 03:20:43 PM
This Resurrection makes my character and not to mention many nobles wish to come and see for ourselves face to face with that thing or welcome-back person. Whether this is the evil spirit entering Xerarch or the real one. Unfortunately there are quite some distances between Nivemus and Xavax :-\

Wait, the original wasn't an evil spirit? D:
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Ketchum on January 09, 2017, 01:40:57 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on December 25, 2016, 03:51:35 PM
but it will be fuuuuun...
Preparing for more scrolls bombardment soon... If that is the case.
Now how the Resurrection Roleplay impression on Xavax nobles? I asking this because almost all its neighboring realms say it is evil, it must be purged :P

Quote from: GundamMerc on December 26, 2016, 01:04:03 AM
Wait, the original wasn't an evil spirit? D:
I do not know... My character does not know the south much to have a good-or-bad impression. Not even Xavax or Selenia for all that matter  :-\
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on January 09, 2017, 06:03:57 PM
Quote from: Ketchum on January 09, 2017, 01:40:57 AM
Preparing for more scrolls bombardment soon... If that is the case.
Now how the Resurrection Roleplay impression on Xavax nobles? I asking this because almost all its neighboring realms say it is evil, it must be purged :P
I do not know... My character does not know the south much to have a good-or-bad impression. Not even Xavax or Selenia for all that matter  :-\

Selenia sent the following to all the rulers of the East...

Quote from: Selenia/size]]

Roleplay from Selenia JeVondair
Message sent to the Rulers of East Continent (13 recipients) It is said that there are three prime pillars of power: Wealth, Information, and the Hearts of Men. A ruler, especially an effective ruler, must have all three. But at the moment, all nations hungered for more information about Xavax.

Your network of spies, be they traders and merchants or infiltrators and traitors, came alive as you leaned on them to provide you with the most accurate, up to date information as possible. Now that time had passed, you are able to confirm one thing for sure: The Xerarch lives. But that is where the consensus on facts ends. You've heard that since her ordeal, Xerarch Selenia had not appeared in public, not even to grant her warriors hope. In fact, she also had not written any realm-wide proclamations, a common event that characterized her rule. It's absence left her own people confused, and rumors spread wildly. Insidious rumors that Selenia had been reanimated as undead had soundly failed to penetrate the rank and file of the Imperium's commonfolk and aristocracy alike. Rather, heroic tales abounded.

The reports you receive conflict wildly. One source said that the Xerarch had only been very badly wounded and so close to death as to mimic its likeness. Others said she really had died, but Death could not hold her and sent her back. Still more claimed that she'd fought her way back to life, impressing even gods and now that she lived, her skin glowed golden and a bolt of midnight black streaked her hair from the strike that had killed her. "Eyewitness" accounts said they'd seen her passing by with fire burning from her eyes and thunder rumbling from her lips as she rose and immediately began hunting for her baby.

You disregard most of this as pure nonsense. Such things simply did not happen in this world, and such fantastic beings could not exist. If Selenia was alive, as all reports agree, then she was still a mortal woman. While the circumstances of her return were no doubt amazing, some of your shrewder intelligence analyst believe that the Xerarch was intentionally letting the rumor mill burn wild. To the Xavax, who's symbol was the Phoenix and who were by all accounts a warrior people that embraced heroes like no other, the powerful queens status was becoming larger than life. If nothing else, numbers supported this as your agents report the count of aristocratic houses in Xavax have risen 7% to 63 total pledged to the Xerarchs service.


Given such responsibility, whether she'd died or not, Selenia surely could not remain silent for very much longer. And this was proved correct when an independent wine trader who sympathizes with your realm brings you a pamphlet entitled Ashes of Xavax: A Memoir. In it, the trader reveals that the Xerarch decided to pen down her experiences, the facts as she new it regarding what had happened, and had them disseminated to every corner of her realm. Thousands are in circulation, but thanks to the hot warzones along Xavax's borders, its no surprise that few managed to leak out. Whether her tale confounds or elates you, you confirm that the people of Xavax have taken the Xerarch's words as gospel.

Finally up to date with the most, if not the best, information possible, you decide what to do next...

â€" An intelligence report

The report included a link to the wiki page that went into full detail

Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on January 09, 2017, 06:24:50 PM
Selenia is wrong! Fame Wealth and Power! Those are the three pillars fool! You can only get all by finding-- (

Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Attano on January 09, 2017, 06:46:30 PM
Quote from: Zakky on January 09, 2017, 06:24:50 PM
Selenia is wrong! Fame Wealth and Power! Those are the three pillars fool! You can only get all by finding-- (
*slow clap*
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on January 16, 2017, 09:58:06 PM
Quote from: Vita on July 03, 2016, 02:56:31 AM
Robb's War. Selenia's Struggle.
War of the Immigrants. War of the Three Refugee Kingdoms. Atamaran Invasion.
Perdanite-Xavax Imperial Struggle.
Perdanite-Daimon Invasion.
Southern Restoration. Reliberation of the South.
The Xavax Test.
Womens' Liberation. Gender War.
Robb's Rapist Rebellion.
Southern Cities' War for Self-Determination.
Xavax Xavax Xavax.
War of Would-Be Alliances.

We'll just go with The Xavax Wars, btw
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on January 16, 2017, 11:11:02 PM
The First Crusade :o
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on January 16, 2017, 11:12:03 PM

Whaddya mean 'First'?!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on January 17, 2017, 11:24:14 AM
Quote from: Zakky on January 16, 2017, 11:11:02 PM
The First Crusade :o

Wannabe Empire wars?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on January 17, 2017, 05:56:46 PM
It really depends on who has the will to keep fighting longer. GX, as a whole, has proven surprisingly resistant to war-weariness and have been pushed about as far as they possibly can be. If any new variable enters the equation, the allies will undoubtedly suffer.

The only way now to really finish Xavax off would be to get Caligus to join the fight, which does not seem likely...
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on January 17, 2017, 06:29:50 PM
Now that Vix has finally allied with other two southern realms... the real war begins.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Konrad on January 17, 2017, 06:44:47 PM
Why is Vix fighting this to the death?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gildre on January 17, 2017, 08:19:25 PM
Why wouldn't they? GX would probably knock out Alara and Minas Nova without Vix Tiramora helping out. Plus, this game revolves around war. You want to try to keep your realm in some sort of conflict if you can. If you have ever been in a realm with prolonged peace, you need some really good players to keep things interesting.

Now, Perdan entering the war tips the balance a little, but it really isn't surprising. The Lappallanch family has always been drawn to the most interesting situations on the continent, and right now that would either be Oligarch or Greater Xavax. The Greater Xavax conflict is, in my opinion, of a larger scale, so that is where Perdan headed to.

Damn Lappallanch's... When they are on your side, everything is gravy. When they are against you though... you spill that gravy on a white shirt.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on January 17, 2017, 08:49:31 PM
Quote from: Gildre on January 17, 2017, 08:19:25 PM
Why wouldn't they? GX would probably knock out Alara and Minas Nova without Vix Tiramora helping out. Plus, this game revolves around war. You want to try to keep your realm in some sort of conflict if you can. If you have ever been in a realm with prolonged peace, you need some really good players to keep things interesting.

Now, Perdan entering the war tips the balance a little, but it really isn't surprising. The Lappallanch family has always been drawn to the most interesting situations on the continent, and right now that would either be Oligarch or Greater Xavax. The Greater Xavax conflict is, in my opinion, of a larger scale, so that is where Perdan headed to.

Damn Lappallanch's... When they are on your side, everything is gravy. When they are against you though... you spill that gravy on a white shirt.

Alara and Minas Nova took that onto themselves by declaring Hatred against GX.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on January 17, 2017, 09:18:01 PM
Quote from: GundamMerc on January 17, 2017, 08:49:31 PM
Alara and Minas Nova took that onto themselves by declaring Hatred against GX.

Oh please you know that's not true. Was it stupid for them to do so, yeah sure...but don't tell me GX wasn't planning on wiping them out if they hadn't. That was the whole plan why this war started in the first place. Only after did they declare hatred.

@Gildre And Qu Ar'dan is not an 'ordinary' Lapallanch but a deranged young spoiled brat. Selenia seemed to have triggered him the most, especially with the undead stuff, and so he hunts for her first. Garas was very very carefull not to do anything to anger him further, simply cause he understood his position and so he'd let Qu insult him without replying to him. It seems Selenia wasn't smart enough.

And we still have Eponllyn and Nivemus undecided in any war, they may soon intervene as well to 'fight the boredom"
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on January 17, 2017, 09:29:02 PM
Quote from: Gabanus family on January 17, 2017, 09:18:01 PM
Oh please you know that's not true. Was it stupid for them to do so, yeah sure...but don't tell me GX wasn't planning on wiping them out if they hadn't. That was the whole plan why this war started in the first place. Only after did they declare hatred.
Well...just Alara

Quote from: Gabanus family on January 17, 2017, 09:18:01 PM@Gildre And Qu Ar'dan is not an 'ordinary' Lapallanch but a deranged young spoiled brat. Selenia seemed to have triggered him the most, especially with the undead stuff, and so he hunts for her first. Garas was very very carefull not to do anything to anger him further, simply cause he understood his position and so he'd let Qu insult him without replying to him. It seems Selenia wasn't smart enough.
She's a call'em-as-she-sees'em sort of gal. Besides, we all knew Perdan was coming back as the Crown was up between Dodger and Lapallanch so no reason for her to act humble
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on January 17, 2017, 09:54:41 PM
Quote from: Gabanus family on January 17, 2017, 09:18:01 PM
Oh please you know that's not true. Was it stupid for them to do so, yeah sure...but don't tell me GX wasn't planning on wiping them out if they hadn't. That was the whole plan why this war started in the first place. Only after did they declare hatred.

@Gildre And Qu Ar'dan is not an 'ordinary' Lapallanch but a deranged young spoiled brat. Selenia seemed to have triggered him the most, especially with the undead stuff, and so he hunts for her first. Garas was very very carefull not to do anything to anger him further, simply cause he understood his position and so he'd let Qu insult him without replying to him. It seems Selenia wasn't smart enough.

And we still have Eponllyn and Nivemus undecided in any war, they may soon intervene as well to 'fight the boredom"

I'd like to know what this ordinary Lapallanch is!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on January 17, 2017, 11:55:52 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on January 17, 2017, 09:29:02 PM
Well...just Alara

I spoke with Magnus in the beginning also, Alara would be the first. But do you honestly think it would have stayed there? GX was talking about expanding the realm and then establishing colonies to build an empire. It was either destruction or submission for all these 3 realms.

QuoteShe's a call'em-as-she-sees'em sort of gal. Besides, we all knew Perdan was coming back as the Crown was up between Dodger and Lapallanch so no reason for her to act humble

Well you just made it certain. Garas is a arrogant son of a bitch as well, but he knew who not to anger at that point, which is rare. I'm not 100% certain Qu had made up his mind yet, but that's in the past anyway.

Quote from: Zakky on January 17, 2017, 09:54:41 PM
I'd like to know what this ordinary Lapallanch is!

I'd say Kihalin is 'ordinary' enough
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on January 18, 2017, 12:45:51 AM
Quote from: Gabanus family on January 17, 2017, 11:55:52 PM
I spoke with Magnus in the beginning also, Alara would be the first. But do you honestly think it would have stayed there? GX was talking about expanding the realm and then establishing colonies to build an empire. It was either destruction or submission for all these 3 realms.

Yup, that's been Selenia's MO from the moment Alara switched from "potential vassal" to "necessary target". Ejarr Puutl always seemed like a perfectly natural, defensible border. Minas Nova was honestly not in any danger until they forced her to view them that way. I've repeated myself on this, in this very thread as well as IG, a lot.

Quote from: Gabanus family on January 17, 2017, 11:55:52 PMWell you just made it certain. Garas is a arrogant son of a bitch as well, but he knew who not to anger at that point, which is rare. I'm not 100% certain Qu had made up his mind yet, but that's in the past anyway.

He was still an irritated, potty-mouthed man-child demanding to be treated as an equal, which would have equated to kowtowing. That was never gonna happen.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Ketchum on January 18, 2017, 01:28:44 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on January 17, 2017, 05:56:46 PM
It really depends on who has the will to keep fighting longer. GX, as a whole, has proven surprisingly resistant to war-weariness and have been pushed about as far as they possibly can be. If any new variable enters the equation, the allies will undoubtedly suffer.

The only way now to really finish Xavax off would be to get Caligus to join the fight, which does not seem likely...
Now what if Xavax manages to get Caligus as its ally? That could change some fortune in war :o

Quote from: Gabanus family on January 17, 2017, 09:18:01 PM
Oh please you know that's not true. Was it stupid for them to do so, yeah sure...but don't tell me GX wasn't planning on wiping them out if they hadn't. That was the whole plan why this war started in the first place. Only after did they declare hatred.
And we still have Eponllyn and Nivemus undecided in any war, they may soon intervene as well to 'fight the boredom"
Wah, you have been watching for fence sitters realms? ::)

Quote from: Gabanus family on January 17, 2017, 09:18:01 PM
@Gildre And Qu Ar'dan is not an 'ordinary' Lapallanch but a deranged young spoiled brat. Selenia seemed to have triggered him the most, especially with the undead stuff, and so he hunts for her first. Garas was very very carefull not to do anything to anger him further, simply cause he understood his position and so he'd let Qu insult him without replying to him. It seems Selenia wasn't smart enough.
Quote from: JeVondair on January 18, 2017, 12:45:51 AM
He was still an irritated, potty-mouthed man-child demanding to be treated as an equal, which would have equated to kowtowing. That was never gonna happen.
Ugh... why you both characters have different opinions than my character about Qu? In a matter of facts, Qu helped Brock in things and when I mean "a lot", I mean really a lot :-X

Quote from: Gabanus family on January 17, 2017, 11:55:52 PM
I spoke with Magnus in the beginning also, Alara would be the first. But do you honestly think it would have stayed there? GX was talking about expanding the realm and then establishing colonies to build an empire. It was either destruction or submission for all these 3 realms.
I think the Empire idea got the rest of the southern realms scared and thus they come together as one, before they got picked off one by one. Which is not surprising, given Battlemaster war history.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gordy77 on January 18, 2017, 02:46:33 AM
The recent additions to the alliance might cause some controversy... Hopefully!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on January 18, 2017, 04:14:17 AM
Quote from: Gordy77 on January 18, 2017, 02:46:33 AM
The recent additions to the alliance might cause some controversy... Hopefully!

I can confirm that Caligus isn't exactly infused with happiness about Vix's actions.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on January 18, 2017, 12:30:41 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on January 18, 2017, 12:45:51 AM

Yup, that's been Selenia's MO from the moment Alara switched from "potential vassal" to "necessary target". Ejarr Puutl always seemed like a perfectly natural, defensible border. Minas Nova was honestly not in any danger until they forced her to view them that way. I've repeated myself on this, in this very thread as well as IG, a lot.

So from the beginning Alara was already a  'potential vassal' rather than an equal realm, much like the rest. Can you blame the other realms for not liking this 'policy'. Even if you say that you did not intend to also make vassals out of the others, can you at least not understand that (almost) nobody would believe you when you make such claims? Especially seeing BM history of those realms who wished to build empires in the past.

He was still an irritated, potty-mouthed man-child demanding to be treated as an equal, which would have equated to kowtowing. That was never gonna happen.

He still is. The answer to that is, just ignore him as much as possible when he starts to insult you, it's what we did.

Quote from: Ketchum on January 18, 2017, 01:28:44 AM
Now what if Xavax manages to get Caligus as its ally? That could change some fortune in war :o

That would change a lot of things. Then again, Caligus can't even beat Fallangard atm.

QuoteWah, you have been watching for fence sitters realms? ::)

Nah we're good thank you  ;) I'm sitting Krimml's fences atm, ours are fine. I would prefer you go south, or host a tournament or something. Our war is finally reaching a point where it's an actual war again, rather than us sitting in our capital. You coming in would ruin that again.

QuoteUgh... why you both characters have different opinions than my character about Qu? In a matter of facts, Qu helped Brock in things and when I mean "a lot", I mean really a lot :-X

Qu is Qu, I'm pretty certain he insulted Brock time and time again when he was still a knight of Oligarch, no? I don't know how he helped you a lot, but if he helped anyone it can't be that good :p

QuoteI think the Empire idea got the rest of the southern realms scared and thus they come together as one, before they got picked off one by one. Which is not surprising, given Battlemaster war history.

See point above, agreed.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on January 18, 2017, 12:55:23 PM
Quote from: Gabanus family on January 18, 2017, 12:30:41 PM
So from the beginning Alara was already a  'potential vassal' rather than an equal realm, much like the rest. Can you blame the other realms for not liking this 'policy'. Even if you say that you did not intend to also make vassals out of the others, can you at least not understand that (almost) nobody would believe you when you make such claims? Especially seeing BM history of those realms who wished to build empires in the past.

He still is. The answer to that is, just ignore him as much as possible when he starts to insult you, it's what we did.

That would change a lot of things. Then again, Caligus can't even beat Fallangard atm.

Nah we're good thank you  ;) I'm sitting Krimml's fences atm, ours are fine. I would prefer you go south, or host a tournament or something. Our war is finally reaching a point where it's an actual war again, rather than us sitting in our capital. You coming in would ruin that again.

Qu is Qu, I'm pretty certain he insulted Brock time and time again when he was still a knight of Oligarch, no? I don't know how he helped you a lot, but if he helped anyone it can't be that good :p

See point above, agreed.

Actually, as a noble from Alara, it was potential ally, which King Robb proceeded to throw away by manipulating Magnus and refusing to expand against Minas Nova, the only realistic point of expansion for Alara. I tried to convince him to go to war with Minas Nova and ally Greater Xavax, but he refused, I was banned for "spying", and then I took Itor Boss with me to Greater Xavax and gave GX all the messages that proved King Robb wasn't a friend of theirs. THAT is when it became potential vassal, but under new leadership. Then King Robb raped GX regions and declared hatred, sealing his realm's fate.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on January 18, 2017, 02:40:21 PM
Quote from: GundamMerc on January 18, 2017, 12:55:23 PM
Actually, as a noble from Alara, it was potential ally, which King Robb proceeded to throw away by manipulating Magnus and refusing to expand against Minas Nova, the only realistic point of expansion for Alara. I tried to convince him to go to war with Minas Nova and ally Greater Xavax, but he refused, I was banned for "spying", and then I took Itor Boss with me to Greater Xavax and gave GX all the messages that proved King Robb wasn't a friend of theirs. THAT is when it became potential vassal, but under new leadership. Then King Robb raped GX regions and declared hatred, sealing his realm's fate.

Not exactly actually. I spoke with Magnus ruler to ruler from the beginning already and it was always GX' idea to build an empire with GX at its head. Allying in this case always meant swearing allegience to the empire, to GX.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on January 18, 2017, 03:19:46 PM
You can't ally with a realm that wants you to be its vassal.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on January 18, 2017, 04:01:10 PM
Quote from: Gabanus family on January 18, 2017, 02:40:21 PM
Not exactly actually. I spoke with Magnus ruler to ruler from the beginning already and it was always GX' idea to build an empire with GX at its head. Allying in this case always meant swearing allegience to the empire, to GX.

Oh don't mind me, just happened to actually be in both realms at the time. But sure, I guess someone busy with a war against Sirion in the North knows much more than someone directly involved with the events in question.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on January 18, 2017, 04:16:10 PM
Quote from: GundamMerc on January 18, 2017, 04:01:10 PM
Oh don't mind me, just happened to actually be in both realms at the time. But sure, I guess someone busy with a war against Sirion in the North knows much more than someone directly involved with the events in question.

I'm telling you what was told to those outside of those realms to help you explain how other people could have possibly gotten this view.

I don't know what Magnus shared with those inside his own realm, especially after you flipped, but from the beginning onwards he was already speaking about GX as building an empire. You don't build an empire by having equal alliances. Sure you can 'ally' with people, as long as GX was head of that alliance.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on January 18, 2017, 06:17:35 PM
Quote from: Gabanus family on January 18, 2017, 04:16:10 PM
I'm telling you what was told to those outside of those realms to help you explain how other people could have possibly gotten this view.

I don't know what Magnus shared with those inside his own realm, especially after you flipped, but from the beginning onwards he was already speaking about GX as building an empire. You don't build an empire by having equal alliances. Sure you can 'ally' with people, as long as GX was head of that alliance.

Well GX had three times the nobles of any of its neighbors so...
Also, disregard literally everything Magnus ever said. He was a teenager and that was almost 10 years ago IG anyway. It all went out the window the second Selenia was forced to take his throne from him after he'd alienated his people to the point that it sparked a civil war.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on January 18, 2017, 06:51:03 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on January 18, 2017, 06:17:35 PM

Well GX had three times the nobles of any of its neighbors so...
Also, disregard literally everything Magnus ever said. He was a teenager and that was almost 10 years ago IG anyway. It all went out the window the second Selenia was forced to take his throne from him after he'd alienated his people to the point that it sparked a civil war.

Well by then it was already too late of course as the animosities had been created. And yeah GX had three times the nobles and though that meant you could subdue the rest. However the other nations feared GX because of that and did not want to let that happen, hence the current war.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on January 18, 2017, 07:24:40 PM
Considering GX, even at the time, was nearly twice Alara's size, of course it wasn't going to be an equal alliance and GX was naturally going to be at the head of it. Perleone is tiny and allied with Perdan and Vix, are we to expect them to treat them as an equal? Considering they just handed over a region, I think not. Had we followed through with Magnus' plan Alara would have been in as much a client state/Ally position as Perleone is now, but stronger than they are now for it and with GX ready to supply support because we would have good reason to.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gildre on January 18, 2017, 07:54:23 PM
Yeah, switching of rulers does not make the bad feelings go away. When Fiona took over as Queen of Perdan, I was all like "Hey guys, sorry about everything, Perdan is going to turn over a new leaf with me" and the entire north was all like "Eff you Fiona, Perdan has screwed with our !@#$ for too long, we gonna merc yo ass" and I was like "shiiiiiiiiiiiittttt, buckle up!"

Fiona is dead now, so take what you will from that lol.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on January 18, 2017, 08:05:08 PM
And likewise, Eponllyn was totally on-board for turning a new page with Perdan. Then Perdan decided it didn't actually want to turn over a new leaf, became best friends with its mortal enemy, and raped Eponllyn.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gildre on January 18, 2017, 08:10:49 PM
I have been rather curious about that. After the war, King Garin became the closest thing to a friend that Fiona had. There were even talks of potential alliance before Vix Tiramora ceded from Perdan. I paused for a while after that whole ordeal, and when I unpaused Perdan had Perdan City back and Epponlyn looked shockingly smaller than when I left.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on January 18, 2017, 08:29:34 PM
Albert Gottfried/Castle Ubent joined Caligus because strongholds can't secede. Caligus used the opportunity to try to kill Fallangard, with refits taking many weeks and huge assaults. Zakky's character Meivmayr became duke. Fleug's character Odoaker became ruler of Perdan. Pressure from surrounding realms finally had Caligus secede Vix Tiramora. Eponllyn was ready to defend Perdan's lands to protect Perdan from destruction and allow Perdan and Vix to fight evenly.

Instead, Zakky and Fleugs fixed a "limited" war between them with OOC agreements. Vix and Perdan became best friends, rather than fighting a civil war, and the battles were practically sporting contests. Eponllyn had been waiting for this war these 6 months, and was rudely told it wasn't wanted, after Perdan had been going on about how they wanted a defensive alliance. So they pursued a new war not wanting to bore our players after the expectred war vaporized. Just as that war started with Caligus in defense of Fallangard, Vix and Perdan ended their war and wanted to join our war. After they'd demanded no one else was allowed in their war, they wanted to participate in other wars. Caligus was okay with this instead of joining Eponllyn to tell *them* to stay out of our war. So Vix joined to help Caligus and Perdan joined to help Fallangard/Eponllyn. After it became apparent that Vix and Caligus were too much for Eponllyn, and Perdan refused to fight Vix and only march to defend Fallangard proper, Nivemus joined in to balance things out. Vix begged for peace, which ended that whole war only a few weeks after Vix and Perdan butt themselves into it. So, yet again, Perdan/Vix end an opportunity for war, seeing more players bored and leaving as we readjust.

And that all led into the final gangbang and broken agreements by Perdan, that saw Eponllyn reduced to its current size.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on January 18, 2017, 08:58:27 PM
Heh good times. Eponllyn and Nivemus focused too heavily on Vix while Caligus was pathetic back then.

So Vix pressured Caligus to accept the defeat. Of course, Vix joined in with Perdan for a payback.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on January 18, 2017, 10:50:29 PM
Quote from: on January 18, 2017, 07:24:40 PM
Considering GX, even at the time, was nearly twice Alara's size, of course it wasn't going to be an equal alliance and GX was naturally going to be at the head of it. Perleone is tiny and allied with Perdan and Vix, are we to expect them to treat them as an equal? Considering they just handed over a region, I think not. Had we followed through with Magnus' plan Alara would have been in as much a client state/Ally position as Perleone is now, but stronger than they are now for it and with GX ready to supply support because we would have good reason to.

Perleone did it out of necessity because they were threathened from all sides and could otherwise not survive. Alara made the decision they do not want to be controlled by a "greater" realm and give up her independence. In fact, you'll find few people/realms who are willing to give up their independence willingly if there are other options. Alara chose to find allies in stead and so did the others, I'm not certain why people are confused about that. Virtually all realms would have taken their route, because 'allying' with GX would have meant becoming a member of their empire and having to follow their diplomatic policies rather than their own. Where's the fun in that?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on January 18, 2017, 11:33:48 PM
Sounds like GX = CE in disguise!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on January 19, 2017, 05:34:10 AM
Quote from: Zakky on January 18, 2017, 11:33:48 PM
Sounds like GX = CE in disguise!

I'm sorry? CE would be allied with all their neighbors, and gangbanging any possible threat. OH hey, that's what Perdan and Vix are doing!

Quote from: Gabanus family on January 18, 2017, 10:50:29 PM
Perleone did it out of necessity because they were threathened from all sides and could otherwise not survive. Alara made the decision they do not want to be controlled by a "greater" realm and give up her independence. In fact, you'll find few people/realms who are willing to give up their independence willingly if there are other options. Alara chose to find allies in stead and so did the others, I'm not certain why people are confused about that. Virtually all realms would have taken their route, because 'allying' with GX would have meant becoming a member of their empire and having to follow their diplomatic policies rather than their own. Where's the fun in that?

Having a viable realm? I think having a viable realm is fun, how about anyone else?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Ketchum on January 19, 2017, 08:01:45 AM
Quote from: Vita on January 18, 2017, 08:29:34 PM
Albert Gottfried/Castle Ubent joined Caligus because strongholds can't secede. Caligus used the opportunity to try to kill Fallangard, with refits taking many weeks and huge assaults. Zakky's character Meivmayr became duke. Fleug's character Odoaker became ruler of Perdan. Pressure from surrounding realms finally had Caligus secede Vix Tiramora. Eponllyn was ready to defend Perdan's lands to protect Perdan from destruction and allow Perdan and Vix to fight evenly.

Instead, Zakky and Fleugs fixed a "limited" war between them with OOC agreements. Vix and Perdan became best friends, rather than fighting a civil war, and the battles were practically sporting contests. Eponllyn had been waiting for this war these 6 months, and was rudely told it wasn't wanted, after Perdan had been going on about how they wanted a defensive alliance. So they pursued a new war not wanting to bore our players after the expectred war vaporized. Just as that war started with Caligus in defense of Fallangard, Vix and Perdan ended their war and wanted to join our war. After they'd demanded no one else was allowed in their war, they wanted to participate in other wars. Caligus was okay with this instead of joining Eponllyn to tell *them* to stay out of our war. So Vix joined to help Caligus and Perdan joined to help Fallangard/Eponllyn. After it became apparent that Vix and Caligus were too much for Eponllyn, and Perdan refused to fight Vix and only march to defend Fallangard proper, Nivemus joined in to balance things out. Vix begged for peace, which ended that whole war only a few weeks after Vix and Perdan butt themselves into it. So, yet again, Perdan/Vix end an opportunity for war, seeing more players bored and leaving as we readjust.

And that all led into the final gangbang and broken agreements by Perdan, that saw Eponllyn reduced to its current size.
I was a little surprised when Vix's under Meivmayr seceded from Perdan. As with all realms borned from its mother realm, we did expect some wars between Vix and Perdan. Maybe not to the point of previous Perdan founding Westmoor stuff in the past or most recent example is Sirion founding Shadowdale.

Yes, with Nivemus entrance to balance things out, the war over as fast as it started out. Not long time period of war enough to cause any significance values. I even had my character sit atop that Mountain Roleplay on Vix land and had a painting draw to boot :P

The final part is quite true... I dont know how Eppy can survive that massive loss of economy. Duke Jeroen kept change sides just to annoy Perdan ;D

Present day Eppy tried hard to rebuild back their life. Given the instability with losses of a few Eppy Kings in quick succession, that is understandable.

Quote from: Zakky on January 18, 2017, 08:58:27 PM
Heh good times. Eponllyn and Nivemus focused too heavily on Vix while Caligus was pathetic back then.

So Vix pressured Caligus to accept the defeat. Of course, Vix joined in with Perdan for a payback.
Think you right. Yes, have to focus on Vix as most pressure appeared to come from Vix on Eppy.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on January 19, 2017, 10:51:10 AM
Quote from: GundamMerc on January 19, 2017, 05:34:10 AM
I'm sorry? CE would be allied with all their neighbors, and gangbanging any possible threat. OH hey, that's what Perdan and Vix are doing!

Well was that not the plan of GX? And we'll have to see whether or not Vix/Perdan will continue this path once GX has been subdued. I doubt (hope not) that all the current alliances will hold after that.

QuoteHaving a viable realm? I think having a viable realm is fun, how about anyone else?

What makes you believe Alara is not viable? I can assure you that even with a city you can still have a viable realm in the right circomstances.

Personally I would rather see my realm destroyed, than to be the permanent slave of another realm following all their diplomacy and having no independence. Of course you'll try to make it viable then.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on January 19, 2017, 11:09:51 AM
Quote from: GundamMerc on January 19, 2017, 05:34:10 AM
I'm sorry? CE would be allied with all their neighbors, and gangbanging any possible threat. OH hey, that's what Perdan and Vix are doing!

Having a viable realm? I think having a viable realm is fun, how about anyone else?

CE didn't ally with their neighbours from the get go. They crushed an enemy then place their future allies as they went. Just like Morek did on Dwilight and Perdan with Westmoor and Perleone.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on January 19, 2017, 02:42:30 PM
Quote from: Gabanus family on January 19, 2017, 10:51:10 AM
Well was that not the plan of GX?

No, it wasn't. GX was to expand to a certain size and stay there, only allied to one or two realms at most. As for Alara, they might have been lower on the totem pole than GX if they allied with them, over the long term that would have been the best way to turn around and break said alliance, once they had Minas Nova's lands. And any realm that gets reduced to their sole remaining city as fast as Alara did isn't exactly going to be equal to anyone in any alliance they make, so I'm not exactly sure where you're coming from with this argument.

Quote from: Zakky on January 19, 2017, 11:09:51 AM
CE didn't ally with their neighbours from the get go. They crushed an enemy then place their future allies as they went. Just like Morek did on Dwilight and Perdan with Westmoor and Perleone.

The difference being that GX never had any plans to replace Perleone and other neighboring realms with anything once the war started with Alara. Their only goal at that point was to remove Alara, possibly replace it with a vassal realm (one possibility being that vassal realm would be ruled by my character, though I'm not sure how likely that plan was), and that was about it. Perleone was merely an enemy to defeat, and Vix/Perdan interlopers to be crushed whenever they brought their armies down to fight. Though with the way that Perdan and Vix entering the war has cornered GX and see most realms in the south as threats, Perdan and Vix may have created their own CE rather than squash a threat like they were aiming for.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on January 19, 2017, 02:51:08 PM
Quote from: GundamMerc on January 19, 2017, 02:42:30 PM
No, it wasn't. GX was to expand to a certain size and stay there, only allied to one or two realms at most. As for Alara, they might have been lower on the totem pole than GX if they allied with them, over the long term that would have been the best way to turn around and break said alliance, once they had Minas Nova's lands. And any realm that gets reduced to their sole remaining city as fast as Alara did isn't exactly going to be equal to anyone in any alliance they make, so I'm not exactly sure where you're coming from with this argument.

Really? Because I remember distinctly that the rulers in GX really wanted Ibladesh City as well, either within GX or as a new realm. I'm about 70% sure this was also the information the rulers in Perleone had IG.

As for Alara, they were outnumbered enormously in noble count compared with GX, but GX is an exception in this case. In most other alliances at the time their noblecount back then would have kept them on a relative equal basis, especially if they can take some lands from GX in stead of Miinas Nova. It's Minas Nova who has the most problems atm with thei size of their cities, location and neighbours.

With the difference in noble count I'm not surprised GX had a strong upper hand from the beginning. 1 on 1 GX would beat any realm atm into a pulp and that's most likely what's scaring all the other realms. As all everyone else has heard is that GX wants to expand and that they have a lot of nobles. Everyone then did their math and went "uhm, nope let's stop them!"
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakilevo on January 19, 2017, 03:02:12 PM
I am pretty sure Kuriga doesn't know the full details either. I also remember GX wanting Ibladesh as well.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on January 19, 2017, 07:28:35 PM
After repeated incursions by Perleone, it was decided by Selenia that the best way to get them to back off would be to remove Ibladesh from them.

Considering Perleone's decision to fight GX was based on a pre-ice claim on Oc Lu Pesh (according to their own ruler), I just can't let the fact that they gave away a region (which let Vix take OC Lu Pesh) drop.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on January 20, 2017, 03:51:17 AM
Quote from: Gabanus family on January 19, 2017, 02:51:08 PM
Really? Because I remember distinctly that the rulers in GX really wanted Ibladesh City as well, either within GX or as a new realm. I'm about 70% sure this was also the information the rulers in Perleone had IG.

As for Alara, they were outnumbered enormously in noble count compared with GX, but GX is an exception in this case. In most other alliances at the time their noblecount back then would have kept them on a relative equal basis, especially if they can take some lands from GX in stead of Miinas Nova. It's Minas Nova who has the most problems atm with thei size of their cities, location and neighbours.

With the difference in noble count I'm not surprised GX had a strong upper hand from the beginning. 1 on 1 GX would beat any realm atm into a pulp and that's most likely what's scaring all the other realms. As all everyone else has heard is that GX wants to expand and that they have a lot of nobles. Everyone then did their math and went "uhm, nope let's stop them!"

No, GX did not want Ibladesh, especially at the beginning before Vix came in. They may with to remove it from Perleone control now to knock them out of the war, but that often becomes the case for many wars in Battlemaster even when the realm taking over the city doesn't want it, so hardly exceptional in that.

As for Minas Nova, why do you think I was clamoring for Alara to attack them when I was their general? It was clear they didn't have enough gold to support a large number of nobles.

Quote from: Zakky on January 19, 2017, 03:02:12 PM
I am pretty sure Kuriga doesn't know the full details either. I also remember GX wanting Ibladesh as well.

Oh, and you happen to know by some magical happenstance? GX didn't want Ibladesh, and probably still doesn't want it. They do want to knock Perleone out of the war, and that requires taking the city from them, even if just temporarily. So that's probably where you are confused. But please, keep acting like I know absolutely nothing about what Selenia's intentions were at the time. I'll just keep laughing all the way to the bank.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: BarticaBoat on January 20, 2017, 05:51:14 AM
As someone who knows all the details....

Magnus had all sorts of crazy empire ideas, no one knew what he truly was planning but Robb two-timed him and he was deposed after that. Armed with the knowledge we were very aggressive against Alara and declared war when they refused to come clean about their intentions: we didn't want them to have enough time to organize.

Minas Nova did as expected and joined in and the rest is history. The war was originally punitive, Selenia offered to duel Robb to settle it but he refused. We then declared until Ejaar Puutl as part of Greater Xavax and it became a war of annexation. MN will be destroyed because of mutual hatred.

As for Ibladesh, Selenia wants it as a trophy and to show the rest of the island what happens when you cross us. My character will likely campaign for us to cede it or let it spin off as it is not part of Greater Xavax proper.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Ketchum on January 20, 2017, 06:32:13 AM
Quote from: BarticaBoat on January 20, 2017, 05:51:14 AM
As someone who knows all the details....

Magnus had all sorts of crazy empire ideas, no one knew what he truly was planning but Robb two-timed him and he was deposed after that. Armed with the knowledge we were very aggressive against Alara and declared war when they refused to come clean about their intentions: we didn't want them to have enough time to organize.

Minas Nova did as expected and joined in and the rest is history. The war was originally punitive, Selenia offered to duel Robb to settle it but he refused. We then declared until Ejaar Puutl as part of Greater Xavax and it became a war of annexation. MN will be destroyed because of mutual hatred.

As for Ibladesh, Selenia wants it as a trophy and to show the rest of the island what happens when you cross us. My character will likely campaign for us to cede it or let it spin off as it is not part of Greater Xavax proper.
The very mention of Xavax earn you a kick out of the tavern :P
Personally I would like to see some characters do that and post the Roleplay, reports.

The same thing can be said about Ibladesh city. I do not think Perdan want other realm to hold Ibladesh city, that was before the Ice Age movie come out in East Continent.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on January 20, 2017, 10:13:36 AM
Quote from: GundamMerc on January 20, 2017, 03:51:17 AM
No, GX did not want Ibladesh, especially at the beginning before Vix came in. They may with to remove it from Perleone control now to knock them out of the war, but that often becomes the case for many wars in Battlemaster even when the realm taking over the city doesn't want it, so hardly exceptional in that.

This will become a yes/no then.

Magnus himself wrote to Garas some of his plans, which included taking Ibladesh. That was even before the wars had begun.

You can keep saying no, but the fact that you weren't aware doesn't mean it wasn't part of the plan of the leadership (or maybe just Magnus who was ruler at the time). Xavax did want Ibladesh, even before the wars broke out. But they didn't want to start with it, because they feared Perdan/Vix would interfere (rightfully so) and thus they tried to get their power block with Alara going first. But don't tell me that GX didn't want Ibladesh, because their ruler told me himself that they did.

Sure you've been in the south and I haven't (well not since the fall of Ibladesh that is) but that doesn't mean you had access to more information than me by definition. Magnus and Garas had a good relationship and discussed a lot. Your char wasn't fully trusted by everyone, so surely they wouldn't give you all the info. But that doesn't mean it's not true.

This will be the last I'm saying about this particular subject. If you want to keep your 'truth' go right ahead.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on January 20, 2017, 09:06:56 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on January 18, 2017, 06:17:35 PM

disregard literally everything Magnus ever said. He was a teenager and that was almost 10 years ago IG anyway. It all went out the window
Literally everything. Magnus told different things to different people. Nor did he really poll the realm to see how we felt about anything. When it came to him, NO ONE had the whole story. It's part of why he lost his crown.

Come visit Selenia, then you'll have someone new to reminisce about!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on January 21, 2017, 12:07:06 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on January 20, 2017, 09:06:56 PM
Literally everything. Magnus told different things to different people. Nor did he really poll the realm to see how we felt about anything. When it came to him, NO ONE had the whole story. It's part of why he lost his crown.

Come visit Selenia, then you'll have someone new to reminisce about!

That may well be true, but the reason this side-discussion started was to explain why there is currently such a large alliance fighting against GX and why realms such as Alara and Perleone chose to fight Xavax. Within that context you cannot simply disregard anything Magnus ever said, especially not IC.

It is Selenia's job to fix what is broken in this regard, or at least try. Then you get the question whether or not people trust her word etc. We also get to everything that happened after this war started and we come to the conclusion that it won't be easy. Still, I believe GX can come out of this alive.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on January 21, 2017, 06:34:29 PM
Quote from: Gabanus family on January 21, 2017, 12:07:06 PM
That may well be true, but the reason this side-discussion started was to explain why there is currently such a large alliance fighting against GX and why realms such as Alara and Perleone chose to fight Xavax. Within that context you cannot simply disregard anything Magnus ever said, especially not IC.

It is Selenia's job to fix what is broken in this regard, or at least try. Then you get the question whether or not people trust her word etc. We also get to everything that happened after this war started and we come to the conclusion that it won't be easy. Still, I believe GX can come out of this alive.

You realize that Magnus got the wool pulled over his eyes by Alara's King Robb, yes? The reason there's a huge alliance fighting GX is that Perdan and Vix were bored, but also too afraid of losing their power by fighting each other, so picked what looked like the easy target. They have claimed loudly that Greater Xavax is a huge threat to them, but are just deluding themselves. Have you looked at the statistics any at all?

In gold per noble, CS per noble, total econ, Greater Xavax is horribly out-matched. They make a measly 70 gold per noble, the lowest on the continent. The average CS per noble is just under 500 throughout this war. Vix by itself is on parity with total military to GX. God forbid I include everyone else fighting them. Total Econ is a joke, GX has only broken the 6k mark once in the past 3 months.

So to be frank, the coalition against GX is just horribly inept. I'm sorry. They're making a boogieman out of a realm that in everything but noble count and military strategy is relatively average.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: MTYL on January 21, 2017, 09:10:56 PM
Quote from: GundamMerc on January 21, 2017, 06:34:29 PM
You realize that Magnus got the wool pulled over his eyes by Alara's King Robb, yes? The reason there's a huge alliance fighting GX is that Perdan and Vix were bored, but also too afraid of losing their power by fighting each other, so picked what looked like the easy target. They have claimed loudly that Greater Xavax is a huge threat to them, but are just deluding themselves. Have you looked at the statistics any at all?

In gold per noble, CS per noble, total econ, Greater Xavax is horribly out-matched. They make a measly 70 gold per noble, the lowest on the continent. The average CS per noble is just under 500 throughout this war. Vix by itself is on parity with total military to GX. God forbid I include everyone else fighting them. Total Econ is a joke, GX has only broken the 6k mark once in the past 3 months.

So to be frank, the coalition against GX is just horribly inept. I'm sorry. They're making a boogieman out of a realm that in everything but noble count and military strategy is relatively average.

That's untrue. If you don't count militia then GX has twice as much marching army strength as any other realm on the continent. And noble count is the most important thing because it takes GX three times less time to TO than Vix, four times less than Alara. And pray tell, how much total CS would GX have if Vix/Perdan would allow them to stomp Alara, take their regions and max out all of those 60 nobles? I'll tell you 3x more than any other realm on the continent.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: BarticaBoat on January 21, 2017, 10:49:07 PM
Quote from: MTYL on January 21, 2017, 09:10:56 PM
That's untrue. If you don't count militia then GX has twice as much marching army strength as any other realm on the continent. And noble count is the most important thing because it takes GX three times less time to TO than Vix, four times less than Alara. And pray tell, how much total CS would GX have if Vix/Perdan would allow them to stomp Alara, take their regions and max out all of those 60 nobles? I'll tell you 3x more than any other realm on the continent.

The average honour of GX nobles is 102 and if you subtract the top 5 its 57 and less the top 10 it's 40...

The biggest difference is that we have better RCs than you. You have more gold and nobles with way more honour. So don't blame us that your usual tactics don't work, git gud.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: DeVerci on January 22, 2017, 12:29:02 AM
Except that in the min-maxing battle system of this game, more honor and being able to recruit more troops does not = more CS and better armies. A high-honor noble with a troop of 120 men(which will cost well over 150 gold a week if it is a good unit), will be out CS'd by three nobles with mid-sized units, AND they would be able to perform TO's faster. As far as RC's go, everyone maxes those out as well so the quality of the troops is not really a major factor. The bigger noble-count just means that BT tactics need to be used when you need to throw your faces against doomstacks and just wear them down until you make breakthroughs which is the exact situation that is occurring now. With all that being said it's okay in the end because it makes the conflict interesting and much better than a quick gang-bang/steamroll.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: BarticaBoat on January 22, 2017, 12:53:30 AM
Diminishing returns works both ways. A seemingly forgotten strategy is the 200 man infantry pin cushion unit. Those big units, if you suck up your pride and retreat early, maintains their strength while small units don't.

It's not just CS. Look at the way Taselak is beating Ikalak soundly.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: DeVerci on January 22, 2017, 04:15:57 AM
Ikalak is currently in a civil war with a good chunk of its nobles duking it out in the capital while the rest are trying to carry on with fighting. Not a good comparison really.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on January 22, 2017, 08:23:15 AM
Quote from: DeVerci on January 22, 2017, 12:29:02 AM
Except that in the min-maxing battle system of this game, more honor and being able to recruit more troops does not = more CS and better armies. A high-honor noble with a troop of 120 men(which will cost well over 150 gold a week if it is a good unit), will be out CS'd by three nobles with mid-sized units, AND they would be able to perform TO's faster. As far as RC's go, everyone maxes those out as well so the quality of the troops is not really a major factor. The bigger noble-count just means that BT tactics need to be used when you need to throw your faces against doomstacks and just wear them down until you make breakthroughs which is the exact situation that is occurring now. With all that being said it's okay in the end because it makes the conflict interesting and much better than a quick gang-bang/steamroll.

You'd be correct, except that Vix has the same CS total BY THEMSELVES. Then you go to CS per noble, and the difference is amazingly obvious. Also, pray tell how you would keep a good unit at 70 gold per week?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: MTYL on January 22, 2017, 09:47:07 AM
Quote from: BarticaBoat on January 21, 2017, 10:49:07 PM
The average honour of GX nobles is 102 and if you subtract the top 5 its 57 and less the top 10 it's 40...

The biggest difference is that we have better RCs than you. You have more gold and nobles with way more honour. So don't blame us that your usual tactics don't work, git gud.

Oh, it's that 'we-you' thing again, you convinced me right away sir, I cease to discuss. Never do I know if I'm part of you's or we's and what makes me so; way too definitive and confusing pour moi.

Quote from: GundamMerc on January 22, 2017, 08:23:15 AM
You'd be correct, except that Vix has the same CS total BY THEMSELVES. Then you go to CS per noble, and the difference is amazingly obvious.

Yes well, CS total mayhaps. Altough huge chunk of this is militia. When it comes to marching army then half of GX takes on whole of Vix easily. Whole of GX vs whole of Vix-Perdan is a fair fight. And Perdan has to go pretty far to R&R which makes GX back at their "full" strength before Vix-Perdan even marches out of their capitols.

Quote from: GundamMerc on January 22, 2017, 08:23:15 AM
Also, pray tell how you would keep a good unit at 70 gold per week?

No idea, but GX somehow manages. Respect.

PS. GX sounds like the most fun realm to be in right now on the whole Battlemasterra. I wish I could join.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on January 22, 2017, 09:59:36 AM
Quote from: MTYL on January 22, 2017, 09:47:07 AM
Oh, it's that 'we-you' thing again, you convinced me right away sir, I cease to discuss. Never do I know if I'm part of you's or we's and what makes me so; way too definitive and confusing pour moi.

Yes well, CS total mayhaps. Altough huge chunk of this is militia. When it comes to marching army then half of GX takes on whole of Vix easily. Whole of GX vs whole of Vix-Perdan is a fair fight. And Perdan has to go pretty far to R&R which makes GX back at their "full" strength before Vix-Perdan even marches out of their capitols.

No idea, but GX somehow manages. Respect.

PS. GX sounds like the most fun realm to be in right now on the whole Battlemasterra. I wish I could join.

You know, it could possibly be because Vix uses so much militia that they don't have good mobile strength. GX more than likely has relatively small amounts of militia, maybe the other realms should learn from that.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on January 22, 2017, 12:48:03 PM
Quote from: GundamMerc on January 22, 2017, 09:59:36 AM
You know, it could possibly be because Vix uses so much militia that they don't have good mobile strength. GX more than likely has relatively small amounts of militia, maybe the other realms should learn from that.

With all due respect, but that makes no sense in the current situation. The reason why no militia makes sense for GX is because they don't have the gold to maintain it at all and all the gold needs to go to the mobile force. That's because there is not enough gold to have all its nobles recruit up properly and fully.

Vix on the other hand has more than enough gold to fully recruit all their nobles AND add militia to their regions. Gold is not an issue for them, nobles to use that gold on however is. I can assure you that Vix' mobile army would not grow stronger if they employ fewer militia.

If GX somehow manages to get more gold (by say hold Itorunt or Ibladesh) than they will be able to recruit an even far larger army than now. Like or not, the noble count of GX makes it the strongest realm atm and right now they're hampered by gold. If GX is allowed to expand further, their might will only increase. That is where the fear and risk of GX comes from.

Also to look at 'total' cs is a useless statistic in almost all cases. Mobile army is what you should look at. 
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Chenier on January 22, 2017, 07:38:57 PM
Since when does noble count influence takeover speed? I thought it was just troop-hours (12 hours x 2 units x 60 men = 12 hours x 1 unit x 120 men).
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on January 22, 2017, 09:19:12 PM
Quote from: Gabanus family on January 22, 2017, 12:48:03 PM
With all due respect, but that makes no sense in the current situation. The reason why no militia makes sense for GX is because they don't have the gold to maintain it at all and all the gold needs to go to the mobile force. That's because there is not enough gold to have all its nobles recruit up properly and fully.

Vix on the other hand has more than enough gold to fully recruit all their nobles AND add militia to their regions. Gold is not an issue for them, nobles to use that gold on however is. I can assure you that Vix' mobile army would not grow stronger if they employ fewer militia.

If GX somehow manages to get more gold (by say hold Itorunt or Ibladesh) than they will be able to recruit an even far larger army than now. Like or not, the noble count of GX makes it the strongest realm atm and right now they're hampered by gold. If GX is allowed to expand further, their might will only increase. That is where the fear and risk of GX comes from.

Also to look at 'total' cs is a useless statistic in almost all cases. Mobile army is what you should look at.

You realize that one of the reasons GX has so many nobles is because of how many realms are trying and failing to suppress them, right? Quit buying into the bull!@#$. Perdan has much more potential than GX, but instead of doing something interesting and starting their own war, they join in a gangbang and wonder why they have hardly any nobles. Maybe if the other realms were to actually be proactive rather than reactive, they might have more nobles.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Chenier on January 23, 2017, 01:10:36 AM
Quote from: GundamMerc on January 22, 2017, 09:19:12 PM
You realize that one of the reasons GX has so many nobles is because of how many realms are trying and failing to suppress them, right? Quit buying into the bull!@#$. Perdan has much more potential than GX, but instead of doing something interesting and starting their own war, they join in a gangbang and wonder why they have hardly any nobles. Maybe if the other realms were to actually be proactive rather than reactive, they might have more nobles.

From my understanding this has actually very little to do with it.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: MTYL on January 23, 2017, 10:50:10 AM
Quote from: Chenier on January 23, 2017, 01:10:36 AM
From my understanding this has actually very little to do with it.

From my understanding also.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GundamMerc on January 24, 2017, 06:54:05 AM
Quote from: Chenier on January 23, 2017, 01:10:36 AM
From my understanding this has actually very little to do with it.

And now you're not even having a discussion, it's just the "I believe with no proof" circlejerk with your friend here.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Attano on January 24, 2017, 12:18:31 PM
Quote from: GundamMerc on January 24, 2017, 06:54:05 AM
And now you're not even having a discussion, it's just the "I believe with no proof" circlejerk with your friend here.
I agree with MTYL and Chenier, for all we know, Perdan may have had 100 nobles joined this week, but no one stayed.

Methinks this is getting a little off topic.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Chenier on January 24, 2017, 12:57:14 PM
Quote from: GundamMerc on January 24, 2017, 06:54:05 AM
And now you're not even having a discussion, it's just the "I believe with no proof" circlejerk with your friend here.

No, I have no desire to have much of a discussion, because multiple players of GX have proved to be extremely thin-skinned and take the slightest disapproval as some ultimate insult. Here again with the personal attacks and vulgarity... Again for nothing more than a statement of disapproval.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on January 24, 2017, 04:40:59 PM
You'll find thin-skinned people everywhere.

That said, GX numbers did not swell because it was embattled. The way I and other sold it to new players was as an opportunity to engage in long-term, vibrant roleplay. Most of the players in GX are new and just over a dozen (mostly founders) have been in realm longer than 200 days. We've actually lost dozens of players for various reasons over the last year. Of the 30 or so original founding families, only half of that remains, to say nothing of all the new folks we were unable to retain.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: MTYL on January 24, 2017, 09:45:09 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on January 24, 2017, 04:40:59 PM
You'll find thin-skinned people everywhere.

That said, GX numbers did not swell because it was embattled. The way I and other sold it to new players was as an opportunity to engage in long-term, vibrant roleplay. Most of the players in GX are new and just over a dozen (mostly founders) have been in realm longer than 200 days. We've actually lost dozens of players for various reasons over the last year. Of the 30 or so original founding families, only half of that remains, to say nothing of all the new folks we were unable to retain.

Still, the influx of new players is impressive. I still have no idea how you managed to do that. Shame that most of them haven't engaged in other continents, Dwillight in particular.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on January 25, 2017, 07:13:06 AM
-A brief aside-

Every time I log in and see yellow text on my family page, my heart skips in shock bc I instantly think that somehow, Selenia died.

QuoteYour family has worked hard to regain some of its wealth spent on allowing you to start a military career, and has managed to make a profit of 15 gold.
Is NOT worth it, lol
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on January 25, 2017, 07:14:44 AM
Quote from: MTYL on January 24, 2017, 09:45:09 PM
Still, the influx of new players is impressive. I still have no idea how you managed to do that. Shame that most of them haven't engaged in other continents, Dwillight in particular.

Fissoa is soooo dull. I'm seriously considering pausing my character there, but that's a subject for another board. I rather like the people we have in Xavax now, so many creative roleplayers. I seriously think the fact that we have so many realms against us helped keep the ones we had and helped drive recruitment. Everyone loves an underdog!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Bandit on January 25, 2017, 10:16:10 PM
Quote from: on January 25, 2017, 07:14:44 AM
Fissoa is soooo dull. I'm seriously considering pausing my character there, but that's a subject for another board. I rather like the people we have in Xavax now, so many creative roleplayers. I seriously think the fact that we have so many realms against us helped keep the ones we had and helped drive recruitment. Everyone loves an underdog!

Hear that? if the Vix and Perdan back off Xavax, eventually their players will burn out and leave! It's the perfect way to beat GX!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on January 25, 2017, 10:44:48 PM
Quote from: Bandit on January 25, 2017, 10:16:10 PM
Hear that? if the Vix and Perdan back off Xavax, eventually their players will burn out and leave! It's the perfect way to beat GX!

DBZ Logic: Stop hitting the Saiyans and they will stop getting stronger...
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on January 26, 2017, 05:20:56 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on January 25, 2017, 10:44:48 PM

DBZ Logic: Stop hitting the Saiyans and they will stop getting stronger...

But he does have a bit of a point, JeVondair. If they hadn't come against us we probably not be as tight knit a realm as we are now. Look how we went head to head over Magnus. Of course, it's a bit too late to back off now. We coming for you now!  :P
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Chenier on January 26, 2017, 07:46:33 PM
Quote from: on January 26, 2017, 05:20:56 AM
But he does have a bit of a point, JeVondair. If they hadn't come against us we probably not be as tight knit a realm as we are now. Look how we went head to head over Magnus. Of course, it's a bit too late to back off now. We coming for you now!  :P

Indeed. You've retained a lot of your new nobles no doubt thanks to the war. Had you just been holed up playing the isolationist game, retention might not have been as good.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on January 26, 2017, 07:59:39 PM
Quote from: Chenier on January 26, 2017, 07:46:33 PM
Indeed. You've retained a lot of your new nobles no doubt thanks to the war. Had you just been holed up playing the isolationist game, retention might not have been as good.
Don't equivocate with 'might not'. I guarantee retention would not have been as good.

Now if only those isolationist realms could take up this lesson instead of being more worried about their titles.

War is a key part of BattleMaster.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: MTYL on January 26, 2017, 08:19:10 PM
That's why Dwillight is dying. Not enough happening. A bit of rogue struggles in Madina and Westgard but everything else is just peace and no events whatsoever. Enthropy reached maximum.

But I think it's people who make things happen. BattleMaster mechanics would get boring after couple of weeks. But it being a perfect boilerplate or rather petri dish for roleplays and community input makes it trully interesting. And GX has the best community atm, I think. Granted some of them tend to be a little bit overly, uhm... in (?), but hey, I bet it makes for a lot of happenings and events.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on January 26, 2017, 09:02:07 PM
Quote from: MTYL on January 26, 2017, 08:19:10 PM
That's why Dwillight is dying. Not enough happening. A bit of rogue struggles in Madina and Westgard but everything else is just peace and no events whatsoever. Enthropy reached maximum.

But I think it's people who make things happen. BattleMaster mechanics would get boring after couple of weeks. But it being a perfect boilerplate or rather petri dish for roleplays and community input makes it trully interesting. And GX has the best community atm, I think. Granted some of them tend to be a little bit overly, uhm... in (?), but hey, I bet it makes for a lot of happenings and events.

Well it's kinda dangerous to say one community is better than the other because a lot of people are different and a lot of people prefer different things. There are enough other realms also which have enough things happening, although GX does sound like fun, don't get me wrong :)

And on Dwilight Astrum is actually busy all the time, but yeah the continent has its own problems.

Also, I'm pretty sure GX would've fought it's wars regardless of this big one, but of course activity like this war helps any realm.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on January 26, 2017, 09:33:09 PM
Quote from: MTYL on January 26, 2017, 08:19:10 PM
That's why Dwillight is dying. Not enough happening. A bit of rogue struggles in Madina and Westgard but everything else is just peace and no events whatsoever. Enthropy reached maximum.
And when something is done to try to fix it, people bawl about leaving the game because they're losing their titles, regions, or what have you. Records in a database being preferred over interaction with fellow players.

QuoteBut I think it's people who make things happen.
This. Absolutely this. And again, this.

QuoteAnd GX has the best community atm, I think.
And that's a problem where folks think of themselves as distinct from the rest of the community. (Note: I don't think that was your intent to convey, but something I've noticed that came to mind upon reading this sentence). Especially when it goes as far as viewing other players as enemies, not their characters, behaving OOCly with mistrust of enemy players accusing them of cheating, or excusing cheating because its on your side.

I think GX's new players offer a lot to the rest of the community of things that have been forgotten and fallen by the wayside over the years. But that isn't shared when its so concentrated.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Chenier on January 27, 2017, 03:03:54 PM
Quote from: Vita on January 26, 2017, 07:59:39 PM
Don't equivocate with 'might not'. I guarantee retention would not have been as good.

Now if only those isolationist realms could take up this lesson instead of being more worried about their titles.

War is a key part of BattleMaster.

To be fair, everyone in GX seems to claim to WANT to be isolationists. All long-term plans I've heard from there involved pretty much this, focusing inwards and all. It's kind of ironic, really.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on January 27, 2017, 05:41:04 PM
Quote from: Chenier on January 27, 2017, 03:03:54 PM
To be fair, everyone in GX seems to claim to WANT to be isolationists. All long-term plans I've heard from there involved pretty much this, focusing inwards and all. It's kind of ironic, really.
I've had experiences with realms wanting to be isolationist. Their players end up changing realms, pausing their character, or leaving the game entirely. Their ruling characters still clinging to their regions and titles. GX, don't make that mistake. Join guilds and religions with non-GX members. Interact with your government peers. Roleplay with folks from foreign lands. But don't cut yourself off into your own realm, realm guilds, and realm religion.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gordy77 on January 27, 2017, 10:08:09 PM
...GX probably has the highest outside realm interaction since I got to EC five years ago! Their reliance on face to face diplomacy sort of demands it. But then, we are neighbours in CE.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on January 27, 2017, 11:29:22 PM
Quote from: Gordy77 on January 27, 2017, 10:08:09 PM
...GX probably has the highest outside realm interaction since I got to EC five years ago! Their reliance on face to face diplomacy sort of demands it. But then, we are neighbours in CE.

Then you must have a lot, because I know others have it too. What exactly would you consider 'outside realm interaction' in this matter? Is that just taunting the enemy after a lost battle, or actual shared guilds/religions etc?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Chenier on January 28, 2017, 03:10:32 AM
Quote from: Gabanus family on January 27, 2017, 11:29:22 PM
Then you must have a lot, because I know others have it too. What exactly would you consider 'outside realm interaction' in this matter? Is that just taunting the enemy after a lost battle, or actual shared guilds/religions etc?

I would wonder as well, because when I was there, few seemed interested/enthralled by the idea of spreading influence to other realms through such devices. Isolationism and all command.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on January 28, 2017, 07:53:10 AM
Not terribly much we can do, given our status and location, but...
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gordy77 on January 28, 2017, 12:30:26 PM
I'm talking about just popping over for a visit, visiting heads of state, attending rp gala events. I made sure even though my character wasn't a royal, he found a pretense to attend (once as Duke, another as an honour guard for the king). I had a lot of fun because I made it fun for myself.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on January 28, 2017, 05:20:16 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on January 28, 2017, 07:53:10 AM
  • Since Uthred died, we'ev been working on a new, inclusive religion idea
Because EC needs an 8th independent religion with one priest each and not folks to work with each other in the existing religions? I'm skeptical, even if you bend over backwards trying to be inclusive for people, that it will be anything but another localized realm religion.

  • Also, Selenia makes no diplomatic deals with rulers she has not eaten and drank with first
I think this is an interesting method and encouraging towards interaction.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Ketchum on January 30, 2017, 07:30:09 AM
I do like how Selenia been making GX a successful realm to live in, considering many nobles join them. On one side, I have been having issues with Nivemus, I am considering to step down for awhile now. Too many Rulers, too much things to do. Give those ambitious nobles chance to fulfill their endless dreams. Maybe it is Selenia charm, her constant Roleplays, her influence to a certain extent.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on February 03, 2017, 02:56:18 AM
Quote from: Ketchum on January 30, 2017, 07:30:09 AM
I do like how Selenia been making GX a successful realm to live in, considering many nobles join them. On one side, I have been having issues with Nivemus, I am considering to step down for awhile now. Too many Rulers, too much things to do. Give those ambitious nobles chance to fulfill their endless dreams. Maybe it is Selenia charm, her constant Roleplays, her influence to a certain extent.

aww shucks  :)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on February 03, 2017, 05:19:06 PM
General Question: One of our new players fixed up a new banner for Xavax. It is apparently up for developer review? I thought it was instant
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Chenier on February 06, 2017, 03:57:35 PM
Nope, not instant. New flags have always needed review, afaik.

Also, there's only so much a ruler can do. Without an active player base that wants to play together and that wants to be active, you can dump the most caring and active ruler on them and you still won't get any results out of it. Selenia's success lies not (only) on invigorating whoever happens to be there, but finding people who want to be there and participate. GX also has the advantage of being young, so it doesn't have all the titles filled with lazy old timers who don't care anymore, or who do care but only to protect whatever they've put all those years to make/see happen.

The ruler is definitely very important, but in the end it's just one person of many.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Robb on February 14, 2017, 08:11:29 PM
Still with the old same, WE NEVER PLANNED TO ATTACK XAVAX, Magnus wanted to attack Perleone and he wanted Alara to attack Minas Nova, I said yes but he had to declare war first, the reasoning was simple he feared that after he declared war on Perleone Alara and Minas Nova would backstab him, I wasnt planning on doing that I knew Xavax could take on the three of us as was later proved, if on the other hand Alara attacked Minas Nova and Xavax betrayed Alara then there was no way Alara could stand against the Xavax and Minas Nova, but Xavax never attacked Perleone now I know, because of what Gabanus said, that he was weary of Vix and Perdan intervening so I guess it is safe to say he would most likely betray Alara once we declared war on Minas Nova.

Once the traitor Sayuki disbanded the militia in Itorunt and took Itor Boss to Xavax things started to go south since Xavax never returned Itor Boss and gave safe heaven to someone who betrayed Alara, then Saradomin(Minas Nova´s ruler) told me we could join to attack Xavax and I told him I was going to think about it, then Magnus left and Selenia told me again they were not returning Itor Boss and since it was Saradomin who shared our letter with Magus discussing, not deciding, a possible attack on Xavax the relatioships between Minas Nova and Alara fell, we didnt talk at all, why would I talk to someone who betrayed me and showed a personal letter to Xavax, so there was no conspiracy believe me.

In the end I was quite surprised, and relieved, when Minas Nova decided to help us instead of joining Xavax, all thanks to good guy Saradomin, our alliance was signed a day after Xavax declared war on Alara.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on February 15, 2017, 03:32:20 AM
Quote from: Robb on February 14, 2017, 08:11:29 PM
Still with the old same, WE NEVER PLANNED TO ATTACK XAVAX, Magnus wanted to attack Perleone and he wanted Alara to attack Minas Nova, I said yes but he had to declare war first, the reasoning was simple he feared that after he declared war on Perleone Alara and Minas Nova would backstab him, I wasnt planning on doing that I knew Xavax could take on the three of us as was later proved, if on the other hand Alara attacked Minas Nova and Xavax betrayed Alara then there was no way Alara could stand against the Xavax and Minas Nova, but Xavax never attacked Perleone now I know, because of what Gabanus said, that he was weary of Vix and Perdan intervening so I guess it is safe to say he would most likely betray Alara once we declared war on Minas Nova.

Once the traitor Sayuki disbanded the militia in Itorunt and took Itor Boss to Xavax things started to go south since Xavax never returned Itor Boss and gave safe heaven to someone who betrayed Alara, then Saradomin(Minas Nova´s ruler) told me we could join to attack Xavax and I told him I was going to think about it, then Magnus left and Selenia told me again they were not returning Itor Boss and since it was Saradomin who shared our letter with Magus discussing, not deciding, a possible attack on Xavax the relatioships between Minas Nova and Alara fell, we didnt talk at all, why would I talk to someone who betrayed me and showed a personal letter to Xavax, so there was no conspiracy believe me.

In the end I was quite surprised, and relieved, when Minas Nova decided to help us instead of joining Xavax, all thanks to good guy Saradomin, our alliance was signed a day after Xavax declared war on Alara.

"good guy Saradomin" now I've heard everything. He was trying to sell you down the river the very day Minas Nova allied with Alara.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: GoldPanda on February 15, 2017, 07:22:49 AM
Quote from: Robb on February 14, 2017, 08:11:29 PM


No one has said anything about this for a while now.

Methinks the lady doth protest too much!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on February 16, 2017, 07:54:16 AM
Quote from: on February 15, 2017, 03:32:20 AM
"good guy Saradomin"

I actually don't have a meme for that yet...
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on February 21, 2017, 04:48:32 AM
Smacktalk is a quintessential part of Battlemaster  8)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on February 21, 2017, 08:31:11 PM
We uploaded a new banner for consideration weeks ago and have had no updates. Help?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Sharpspeare on February 28, 2017, 12:06:42 AM
Quote from: on February 15, 2017, 03:32:20 AM
"good guy Saradomin" now I've heard everything. He was trying to sell you down the river the very day Minas Nova allied with Alara.

If he was, he wasn't sharing that information. As far as my Druzil was concerned, we were in this war with Alara fully. But if it was true, then his being protested out of office was quite lucky for Alara. And my Druzil's ascension to the throne was definitely in their benefit (considering he saw Greater Xavax as the enemies). I have no idea what Southern Puff would have done as Queen, though no doubt it would have been interesting.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zaros on March 01, 2017, 02:44:09 PM
Quote from: on February 15, 2017, 03:32:20 AM
"good guy Saradomin" now I've heard everything. He was trying to sell you down the river the very day Minas Nova allied with Alara.
no lol
I don't betray my allies
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zaros on March 01, 2017, 02:45:00 PM
Quote from: Sharpspeare on February 28, 2017, 12:06:42 AM
If he was, he wasn't sharing that information. As far as my Druzil was concerned, we were in this war with Alara fully. But if it was true, then his being protested out of office was quite lucky for Alara. And my Druzil's ascension to the throne was definitely in their benefit (considering he saw Greater Xavax as the enemies). I have no idea what Southern Puff would have done as Queen, though no doubt it would have been interesting.
I must say I wasn't the worst ruler.I just didn't know about the Hemmings family...
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zaros on March 01, 2017, 02:45:39 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on February 16, 2017, 07:54:16 AM

I actually don't have a meme for that yet...
You screwed me over on South Island:(
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on March 01, 2017, 04:04:06 PM
Quote from: Zaros on March 01, 2017, 02:45:39 PM
You screwed me over on South Island:(

That's funny, I don't remember Selenia declaring war on you. I do remember her fighting you off and faking an assassination attempt on her own life to plant a spy in your court who you promoted to judge in your realm while he fed her tactical information the entire time, undermined your authority, and when I felt no more could be done banned your entire realm before returning to Greater Xavax.

Not my fault all that resulted in Saradomin getting booted as King and Druzil taking over in his place... 8)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zaros on March 03, 2017, 03:06:11 AM

Quote from: JeVondair on March 01, 2017, 04:04:06 PM

That's funny, I don't remember Selenia declaring war on you. I do remember her fighting you off and faking an assassination attempt on her own life to plant a spy in your court who you promoted to judge in your realm while he fed her tactical information the entire time, undermined your authority, and when I felt no more could be done banned your entire realm before returning to Greater Xavax.

Not my fault all that resulted in Saradomin getting booted as King and Druzil taking over in his place... 8)
Did you quote the wrong thing lul...
I was referring to how you banned me from Ikalak
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on March 04, 2017, 02:20:55 AM
Quote from: Zaros on March 03, 2017, 03:06:11 AM
Did you quote the wrong thing lul...
I was referring to how you banned me from Ikalak

O cmon that was an honest mistake! lol, I saw south and totally thought 'southern wars', what with this being the Xavax thread n all.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zaros on March 04, 2017, 07:54:27 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on March 04, 2017, 02:20:55 AM

O cmon that was an honest mistake! lol, I saw south and totally thought 'southern wars', what with this being the Xavax thread n all.
I see.By the way,my 1000 gold went to the Tassies :)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on March 07, 2017, 07:02:59 PM
Perdan Declares war on Caligus with barely a word.
Vix Declares war on Caligus with no words at all.

That's Lazy to the point of frustrating. You have this tectonic shift of events and perspectives that spread war across the continent and influence dozens of narratives for actual years to come and you can't be bothered to put together a statement? Why are you playing this game?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: MTYL on March 08, 2017, 01:56:39 PM
Perdan, Vix and Caligus diplomatic relations discussion in Greater Xavax thread... weird.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JDodger on March 09, 2017, 01:45:57 AM
Let the history books show thag the tectonic shift happened with barely a word from those shifting.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Sharpspeare on March 09, 2017, 04:28:11 PM
Tis how the continent changes, not with a roar but with a "meh"
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JDodger on March 09, 2017, 04:52:04 PM
Its more like "what did you think would happen, ya really thought you were gonna get away with that?"
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Ossan on March 24, 2017, 04:02:12 AM
The new banner is awesome, I love it!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Wimpie on March 24, 2017, 08:08:19 AM
Quote from: Ossan on March 24, 2017, 04:02:12 AM
The new banner is awesome, I love it!

Very nice indeed, one of the nicest I've seen.

The person with that talent of creating these graphics may contact me, so we can ever get rid of that carrot image of ours  ;D

No seriously, have him/her contact me.  ;)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: DeVerci on March 24, 2017, 03:22:29 PM
Quote from: Wimpie on March 24, 2017, 08:08:19 AM
Very nice indeed, one of the nicest I've seen.

The person with that talent of creating these graphics may contact me, so we can ever get rid of that carrot image of ours  ;D

No seriously, have him/her contact me.  ;)
Nooo! The orange slug eating a leaf must remain.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on March 24, 2017, 06:12:30 PM
We're very happy with the Redwing...that's the name we've given the new banner in honor of the designer, who's player, a hero named Jarvin, was recently killed.

Jarvin's unit was the Redwings. Thus the name.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on March 24, 2017, 11:04:05 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on March 24, 2017, 06:12:30 PM
We're very happy with the Redwing...that's the name we've given the new banner in honor of the designer, who's character, a hero named Jarvin, was recently killed.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gordy77 on March 27, 2017, 06:50:04 AM
Ramon Fontaine, hero, Margrave, once Duke and recently Judge has passed away, having been wounded several times in the melee against Perdan.

Please pass my condolences and sincere thanks to players of Rebec, Selenia and Gia for making my time there most memorable.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on March 27, 2017, 02:53:59 PM
Quote from: Gordy77 on March 27, 2017, 06:50:04 AM
Ramon Fontaine, hero, Margrave, once Duke and recently Judge has passed away, having been wounded several times in the melee against Perdan.

Please pass my condolences and sincere thanks to players of Rebec, Selenia and Gia for making my time there most memorable.

Message received and passed along. An announcement was made throughout GX mourning the loss of a friend. Gia hasn't found out yet, but i'll report in when she does.
If you would write an RP about Ramon's Fall, I'll get that passed to the Path of Paragons priests.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: D'Espana on March 29, 2017, 02:07:35 AM
Soooooooo... It's not that it's not great to be in Xavax after hearing of you guys for so long, but... How do I put this... Do you always have so many people using those damned accident scrolls around you? Because this is going to be the second week in less than three weeks that I'm going to be left out while waiting for recovery  ::)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Cato on March 29, 2017, 04:54:45 AM
Quote from: Gordy77 on March 27, 2017, 06:50:04 AM
Ramon Fontaine, hero, Margrave, once Duke and recently Judge has passed away, having been wounded several times in the melee against Perdan.

Please pass my condolences and sincere thanks to players of Rebec, Selenia and Gia for making my time there most memorable.

Ramon's death really stung. :(
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on March 29, 2017, 08:01:34 PM
Quote from: D'Espana on March 29, 2017, 02:07:35 AM
Soooooooo... It's not that it's not great to be in Xavax after hearing of you guys for so long, but... How do I put this... Do you always have so many people using those damned accident scrolls around you? Because this is going to be the second week in less than three weeks that I'm going to be left out while waiting for recovery  ::)

Generally no, we only have one or two sage types down in the south for adventurers to get them from.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on March 30, 2017, 05:03:24 PM
And they're usually fired off at Selenia or Lionel
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JDodger on April 03, 2017, 07:09:31 AM
which is dumb if they want to kill selenia
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: MTYL on April 04, 2017, 03:39:05 PM
Dumb from OOC point of view.

Perfectly reasonable from IC point of view.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JDodger on April 05, 2017, 03:57:19 AM
they know dark magic isnt going to kill a lich
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: D'Espana on April 05, 2017, 08:02:26 PM
But that doesn't deter them from trying, hm?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JDodger on April 24, 2017, 03:04:35 AM
so its dumb ic too, silly characters not knowing how magic works
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on May 24, 2017, 09:27:10 PM
My 1000th Forum Post: So Leibo flips right after we conquer it and, to add insult to injury, spawns an undead horde. What do those brave sorry bastards in Xavax do?

They roleplay Dawn of the Dead - Medieval Edition.  ;D
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: DoctorHarte on May 24, 2017, 10:39:43 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on May 24, 2017, 09:27:10 PM
My 1000th Forum Post: So Leibo flips right after we conquer it and, to add insult to injury, spawns an undead horde. What do those brave sorry bastards in Xavax do?

They roleplay Dawn of the Dead - Medieval Edition.  ;D

Seriously, the worst luck right there. Looking forward to fighting GX again! The roleplays will be excellent from both sides regardless of the outcome of the battle  ;)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on May 24, 2017, 10:40:30 PM
Sorry, I think there's a TODO fix to prevent revolting so soon after takeover.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on May 24, 2017, 11:50:16 PM
Quote from: DoctorHarte on May 24, 2017, 10:39:43 PM
Seriously, the worst luck right there. Looking forward to fighting GX again! The roleplays will be excellent from both sides regardless of the outcome of the battle  ;)

No one does Roleplays like GX players. Although to be honest ours are usually parties and duels and more social stuff. You should have seen what we put Gildre through. We only roleplay after battles if someone dies. Which, btw, we've had to do entirely too much  :-X

Quote from: Vita on May 24, 2017, 10:40:30 PM
Sorry, I think there's a TODO fix to prevent revolting so soon after takeover.
As you saw, players in GX are a little frustrated with the peasants, and understandably so. Anything done would be greatly appreciated!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gildre on May 25, 2017, 01:34:41 AM
Haha yeah Gilth went through the wash for sure! That was such an awesome RP time. I meant to save them all, but I procrastinated and then BAM 30 days had passed... I paraphrased it on his wiki though...

The role playing and character interaction is something I sorely miss from GX. Say what you want about that undead Lich Queen of theirs, but damn are they some interactive players!  ;)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on May 29, 2017, 05:56:23 AM
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on May 29, 2017, 07:34:01 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on May 29, 2017, 05:56:23 AM

More like Lie-bo, right?  :P
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Attano on May 29, 2017, 09:30:14 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on May 29, 2017, 05:56:23 AM
Ah, found an old book.

Liebo is Xavaxian for hell and/or a place that just doesn't understand how to be part of a realm.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on August 23, 2017, 12:28:03 AM
*Ominous rumbling*
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Attano on August 23, 2017, 01:03:50 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on August 23, 2017, 12:28:03 AM
*Ominous rumbling*
Wait for Aria!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: MTYL on August 26, 2017, 01:46:02 PM
What's happening in GX? Been ages since I've gone south or had any way of paying attention to that front. GX was always very fun opponent, especially early on in the war. I hope your guys joining north will help making them less one-dimensional and straight-forward (as opponents, no offense north, I hope, if offense then I appology, but I hope no offense, I wouldn't offense if I'd hear that about myself, it's just that I imagine realms like Sirion are 100% about war and their message feed is always almost entirely orders and scout reports and battle stuff and not much more, I may well be wrong, so no offense I hope).
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakky on August 26, 2017, 07:41:12 PM
I heard they are heading north to join Sirion while some are staying behind to give their enemies one last big battle.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: DoctorHarte on August 29, 2017, 01:06:31 AM
Abandoning their realm and lands to join Sirion. Help destroy First Oligarch and make it a complete North vs South war.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Barrett on August 29, 2017, 01:09:00 AM
It's gonna be brutal and fun! Probably with plenty of hero deaths to boot! Not to mention the opportunities for roleplay and grudges.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on August 29, 2017, 09:34:09 AM
You'd be surprised. You'll be travelling a loooooot more than you'll be fighting. For many it will be quite a long distance war and that means that we failed in what we set out to do into changing the politics on EC into more smaller close to home wars.

Also you may find that parts of this war will be more brutal and less fun at times as the north has now set presedence with the destruction of Oligarch, I fear more nations will follow and for those in it the destruction of your realm isn't generally considered fun.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakky on August 30, 2017, 06:05:45 AM
Quote from: Gabanus family on August 29, 2017, 09:34:09 AM
You'd be surprised. You'll be travelling a loooooot more than you'll be fighting. For many it will be quite a long distance war and that means that we failed in what we set out to do into changing the politics on EC into more smaller close to home wars.

Also you may find that parts of this war will be more brutal and less fun at times as the north has now set presedence with the destruction of Oligarch, I fear more nations will follow and for those in it the destruction of your realm isn't generally considered fun.

Do not listen to this silly man and hit Oligarch with all your might!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Ketchum on August 30, 2017, 09:33:28 AM
Xavax impending demise, also causes many of its nobles to seek new home in the north. Inevitably this will lead to First Oligarch demise as well as the north realms they will be joining, are going to strengthen them. I maybe forecast this situation but that's what I think is going to happen. You do not suddenly expect former Xavax nobles to join its enemies realms.

In the end, the north will have to consolidate. As would be the south when they absorb Xavax lands. Maybe the south realms will fight for the spoils of Xavax lands.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on August 30, 2017, 09:36:05 AM
Quote from: Ketchum on August 30, 2017, 09:33:28 AM
Xavax impending demise, also causes many of its nobles to seek new home in the north. Inevitably this will lead to First Oligarch demise as well as the north realms they will be joining, are going to strengthen them. I maybe forecast this situation but that's what I think is going to happen. You do not suddenly expect former Xavax nobles to join its enemies realms.

In the end, the north will have to consolidate. As would be the south when they absorb Xavax lands. Maybe the south realms will fight for the spoils of Xavax lands.

I expect much the same, but was just pointing out that long distance wars aren't always that amazing :)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Ketchum on August 30, 2017, 09:40:58 AM
Quote from: Gabanus family on August 30, 2017, 09:36:05 AM
I expect much the same, but was just pointing out that long distance wars aren't always that amazing :)
Maybe it is not fun for many realms that far away from the frontlines. But if for players of Eponllyn/Perdan, their realms very close enough for short distance travel. I think the fun definition could vary for different realms players. May grab one player from either realm above and ask how fun it is to be there.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on August 30, 2017, 09:46:45 AM
Quote from: Ketchum on August 30, 2017, 09:40:58 AM
Maybe it is not fun for many realms that far away from the frontlines. But if for players of Eponllyn/Perdan, their realms very close enough for short distance travel. I think the fun definition could vary for different realms players. May grab one player from either realm above and ask how fun it is to be there.

Hehe true, those in Perdan/Eponllyn will see far more action probably. But at the same time, considering the size of the alliances they both risk a lot as well. Vix and Sirion will have to travel much longer and the southern realms would have to travel for ages just to reach a battlefield.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Eduardo Almighty on August 30, 2017, 04:28:39 PM
The good part is that Sirion have a new Serpentis (half Tandaros, but well ;)... and a new family telling the stories of many bastards left behind after Erik departed. And, revenge against Garas is HERE!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on August 30, 2017, 04:35:54 PM
Quote from: Eduardo Almighty on August 30, 2017, 04:28:39 PM
The good part is that Sirion have a new Serpentis (half Tandaros, but well ;)... and a new family telling the stories of many bastards left behind after Erik departed. And, revenge against Garas is HERE!

Wait, didn't the last Serpentis like blackmail the Senate? How's that a good thing for Sirion?  ;D
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Eduardo Almighty on August 30, 2017, 04:48:56 PM
Just the Senate? You know nothing, Jon Snow.

Well, this one is a Prince from a foreign land, son of cazy old hero, exiled from his new realm in East Island... it's like a tragic hero.

And my new family is more to continue with my RPs, a little to tell old tales and work on new ones. My legacy!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on August 30, 2017, 05:38:18 PM
Quote from: Eduardo Almighty on August 30, 2017, 04:48:56 PM
Just the Senate? You know nothing, Jon Snow.

Hey hey, I take offense! It's Jon Targaryen now like officially and stuff! Just ask my aunt...oh wait she doesn't know yet, but I digress.

QuoteWell, this one is a Prince from a foreign land, son of cazy old hero, exiled from his new realm in East Island... it's like a tragic hero.

Son of a crazy old hero, then what was Erik? And lol, what did he do to be exiled?

QuoteAnd my new family is more to continue with my RPs, a little to tell old tales and work on new ones. My legacy!

You and duphaine were always pretty much the only one who were actually willing to RP with me, so keep on doing that.

At the same time I suggest we let the Greater Xavax Imperium take their topic back again, although technically they're in Sirion now so I guess you have a place here also now? I wonder if it'll be a Fontanese immigration, or more a rebellious kind  :o
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on August 30, 2017, 09:30:27 PM
Quote from: Gabanus family on August 30, 2017, 05:38:18 PM
At the same time I suggest we let the Greater Xavax Imperium take their topic back again, although technically they're in Sirion now so I guess you have a place here also now? I wonder if it'll be a Fontanese immigration, or more a rebellious kind  :o

How very kind of you! lol. To shed some light, Selenia conceptualized the Path of Ashes a few weeks before Iuz's betrayal as a just-in-case measure should her negotiations between Catherine of Oligarch and Ivo of Sirion fail. Realistically, there was no way Xavax could keep fighting unless that war ended. I was actually thinking of heading to Oligarch for the express purpose of being closer to reign fire and vengeance on Perdan. but Kinsey convinced her that Sirion was the better option for her people. As of now, Sirion has absorbed over half of GX's nobles, with the rest en route.

I was torn between letting Selenia die in Xavax or to run and live to fight another day. It actually took me weeks to decide. But I've ultimately decided to view the latter option as a new sort of challenge: can the Xavax stay together and maintain their iconic identity while in exile? Stay tuned to find out.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Antonine on August 30, 2017, 09:36:46 PM
In all honesty it would be quite nice if the Xavax exiles were ultimately able to act as catalysts for upheaval within Sirion and the north so we can see a return to local wars rather than just north vs south.

Though as a player, I'm quite sad that my new character in Vix is unlikely to ever get to interact with the Xavaxians now as it sounds like GX was one of the funnest bunches of players out there :)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on August 30, 2017, 09:42:01 PM
Quote from: Antonine on August 30, 2017, 09:36:46 PM
In all honesty it would be quite nice if the Xavax exiles were ultimately able to act as catalysts for upheaval within Sirion and the north so we can see a return to local wars rather than just north vs south.

Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Antonine on August 30, 2017, 09:48:05 PM
Also, as a tip based on my experience of being a leader of the Sartanians during their first exile in the Far East, to creating a new realm, to losing that new realm, to going into exile, to creating multiple new Sartanian realms again, my advice would be to make sure that the Xavaxians stay together as a group, continue to discuss what their path as a group should be and avoid splintering or scattering.

As a concerted group of nobles working together they'll be able to punch far above their numerical weight in terms of the influence they can wield on geopolitics.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Barrett on August 30, 2017, 09:54:50 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on August 30, 2017, 09:30:27 PM

How very kind of you! lol. To shed some light, Selenia conceptualized the Path of Ashes a few weeks before Iuz's betrayal as a just-in-case measure should her negotiations between Catherine of Oligarch and Ivo of Sirion fail. Realistically, there was no way Xavax could keep fighting unless that war ended. I was actually thinking of heading to Oligarch for the express purpose of being closer to reign fire and vengeance on Perdan. but Kinsey convinced her that Sirion was the better option for her people. As of now, Sirion has absorbed over half of GX's nobles, with the rest en route.

I was torn between letting Selenia die in Xavax or to run and live to fight another day. It actually took me weeks to decide. But I've ultimately decided to view the latter option as a new sort of challenge: can the Xavax stay together and maintain their iconic identity while in exile? Stay tuned to find out.

It will certainly be interesting to find out! Holding grudges and keeping the war alive while managing what remains of your nobles must provide a lot of opportunities to roleplay!

I wonder how Selenia views Vix Tiramora at the moment what with practically all of us calling her Lich Queen, plus a certain Executor killed one of her trusted nobles! :O

Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on August 30, 2017, 09:56:46 PM
She wants all of you dead.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Barrett on August 30, 2017, 10:06:16 PM
She is quite welcome to try or die in the attempt!  Here's to a glorious violent war!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on August 30, 2017, 10:19:26 PM
Well she's already died once so at least we've got that bit out of the way.

Selenia is not an unpredictable woman. A better question might be how the Vix hope to defend against her now that she's escaped the south.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Antonine on August 30, 2017, 11:29:22 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on August 30, 2017, 10:19:26 PM
Well she's already died once so at least we've got that bit out of the way.

Selenia is not an unpredictable woman. A better question might be how the Vix hope to defend against her now that she's escaped the south.

Based on my knowledge of the undead: silver or garlic.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Attano on August 31, 2017, 12:18:27 AM
*resists urge to make Palpatine joke*

EDIT: I just realised this isn't on the page with the senate stuff -_-
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on August 31, 2017, 06:58:42 AM
Quote from: Antonine on August 30, 2017, 11:29:22 PM
Based on my knowledge of the undead: silver or garlic.

Long ass wooden speers
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: MTYL on August 31, 2017, 05:02:19 PM
But why would she want all the Vix dead? They're the good guys! :D

I sincerely enjoy thinking about Vix as the good guys from The Sundering. Or at least Joran perfectly fits the picture - honourable, unforgiving, self-righteous dick.

Honestly north holds a huge advantage right now. 1/3 more nobles, potentially 1/2 more CS available on short notice. But most importantly with the inclusion of GX nobles north started to finally work cohesively! No more strategic blunders.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Eduardo Almighty on August 31, 2017, 05:02:33 PM
QuoteIn all honesty it would be quite nice if the Xavax exiles were ultimately able to act as catalysts for upheaval within Sirion and the north so we can see a return to local wars rather than just north vs south.

"Press X to DOUBT!".
Sirion is conservative...  but it's not impossible to take a Judge position and, well, you know.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on September 01, 2017, 03:57:41 AM
Especially with the relative cohesion we still have. Aramon has pretty much made it his life's goal to see the enemies of GX suffer though, especially Vix and Perdan.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Ossan on September 03, 2017, 11:12:59 PM
Quote from: MTYL on August 31, 2017, 05:02:19 PM
But why would she want all the Vix dead? They're the good guys! :D

I sincerely enjoy thinking about Vix as the good guys from The Sundering. Or at least Joran perfectly fits the picture - honourable, unforgiving, self-righteous dick.

Honestly north holds a huge advantage right now. 1/3 more nobles, potentially 1/2 more CS available on short notice. But most importantly with the inclusion of GX nobles north started to finally work cohesively! No more strategic blunders.

Even more so, three of the southern realms are a mix of just plain underpopulated and long travel times making their poorly led military help of little consequence. Plus at least one is just plain barbaric.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on September 04, 2017, 08:31:00 AM
So were BoM and Norland, didn't stop them from packing quite a decent punch  ;D
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: DoctorHarte on September 06, 2017, 02:06:13 AM
Quote from: Gabanus family on September 04, 2017, 08:31:00 AM
So were BoM and Norland, didn't stop them from packing quite a decent punch  ;D

Ah Norland. The infamous Squirrel army and never-ending piles of waffles. That was one of my first realms when I started BM, they were a riot!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 20, 2017, 09:12:38 PM
*rumbling INCREASES*
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Barrett on September 20, 2017, 09:18:15 PM

They're returning!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 22, 2017, 12:00:40 AM
Quote from: Barrett on September 20, 2017, 09:18:15 PM

They're returning!

Maybe, maybe not. You might be rid of us for good...
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: DeVerci on September 22, 2017, 12:42:34 AM
certain rumor mills say otherwise
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 22, 2017, 01:35:59 AM
certain rumor mills don't have to deal with Elvish 'diplomacy'...
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: D'Espana on September 22, 2017, 01:54:29 AM
So are we still migrating North?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: DeVerci on September 22, 2017, 04:22:26 AM
No, lay down your arms and join the greatest Democracy on the Eastern Continent.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 22, 2017, 04:41:40 AM
I'd say that democracy's for losers but...*gestures broadly at everything*
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: D'Espana on September 22, 2017, 06:29:27 AM
Duly noted. I'll see if I can unpause next week, now that I'm (finally) all set up in LA. Been missing you guys last month  ;D
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: MTYL on September 22, 2017, 05:36:24 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on September 22, 2017, 04:41:40 AM
I'd say that democracy's for losers but...*gestures broadly at everything*

Seriously though - IC my character is very glad of such turn of events but OOC I'm rather sad. GX was the best enemy I've ever had, both strategy wise and RP wise. Not to mention probably very fun and lively realm (probably because I've never had the opportunity to pull a Gildre and see for myself). I'll never forget post-battle Leibo banters, Essenhorn's duels, Betholm-Enubec cat and mouse runs back when GX had 20k+ CS.

With Dwillight being all dull, GX doing so splendid job at being Vix's opponent (and Vix being extremely friendly realm to be in) is probably what kept me in battlemaster when I was still a newbie here.

Don't fell bad about GX meeting it's end though. Battlemaster is all about stories, and stories have a beginning and an end. And Greater Xavax story is an epic one.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on September 22, 2017, 05:40:12 PM
You talk as if GX' story is done for?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 22, 2017, 06:13:46 PM
I don't make a habit of sharing the various machinations my characters are working through, not in their entirety anyway, but the basic gist snapshot is that the Xavax by and large want to continue the fight against the Southern Alliance. Oligarch offers the best platform for them to do so. Sirion, however, feels the Xavax should be grateful that they were allowed to take estates in Sirion.

Selenia disagrees.

Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakky on September 22, 2017, 08:58:48 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on September 22, 2017, 06:13:46 PM
I don't make a habit of sharing the various machinations my characters are working through, not in their entirety anyway, but the basic gist snapshot is that the Xavax by and large want to continue the fight against the Southern Alliance. Oligarch offers the best platform for them to do so. Sirion, however, feels the Xavax should be grateful that they were allowed to take estates in Sirion.

Selenia disagrees.

If Sirion is sane, they would never ever allow any other realm to form a realm in Oligarch. If that realm turns on them, they will have First Oligarch all over again. But I doubt Sirion will think something like that so they will probably let GX form a realm in Oligarch once GX nobles start protesting.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 23, 2017, 12:03:14 AM
The Xavax have to get south again. That's the adventure/goal/odyssey anyway. I deally, it would have been nice to stay in Sirion, but My biggest thing is how on Earth are we going to fight much of a war all the way from Sirion's capital? its a full week's march just to get to the front lines!

Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakky on September 23, 2017, 01:18:52 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on September 23, 2017, 12:03:14 AM
The Xavax have to get south again. That's the adventure/goal/odyssey anyway. I deally, it would have been nice to stay in Sirion, but My biggest thing is how on Earth are we going to fight much of a war all the way from Sirion's capital? its a full week's march just to get to the front lines!

You can't stand down in the south for too long. The best bet you have is to help Caligus retake Domus so you can form a realm out of Caligus and work your way down south.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 26, 2017, 07:19:34 PM
So an update, Sirion offered Xavax Kimmel to stay alive and all that. For a bunch of reasons, GX will probably decline. Much will depend on the current Dragon's Flagon Bathhouse RP's in Oligarch
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on September 26, 2017, 07:30:13 PM
Did you read enough of Goriad II's RP's now that you're starting to misspell region names yourself as well? :o

By heart I'm pretty sure it's Krimml, but then again you're new to the north.

Looking forward to the twists.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakky on September 26, 2017, 08:50:32 PM
So Sirion is not insane enough to hand over Oligarch. Damn shame. Was waiting for more chaos. Yeah I wouldn't take Krimml either. Such a small city. If they are goign to give you that why not ask for Karbala as well? 2 cities sounds pretty good.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Ketchum on September 27, 2017, 05:12:26 AM
Selenia or rather GX is not done for, not unless my character has a say or two. Brock still has a few plans up his sleeves for GX and Nivemus.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on September 27, 2017, 05:01:15 PM
Quote from: Ketchum on September 27, 2017, 05:12:26 AM
Selenia or rather GX is not done for, not unless my character has a say or two. Brock still has a few plans up his sleeves for GX and Nivemus.

Of course they're not done for. By now half of Sirion's nobles will be GX, so not sure how they think they can so easily cast them aside  :o
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 27, 2017, 07:32:09 PM
Atm Sirion is split almost in half between GX and the natives. We could cause a lot of trouble were we so inclined, but I don't think any of the Xavax are deeply inclined to be so. But we never intended to stay in Sirion. We can't, not if we want to really jump back into the war. It's a full week's march from Sirion's capital to the nearest Vix territory, which is too far to reliably fight the Southern Alliance. We're just a bit...stuck atm.

The current RP ought to clear some things up, one way or another.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakky on September 27, 2017, 09:59:12 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on September 27, 2017, 07:32:09 PM
Atm Sirion is split almost in half between GX and the natives. We could cause a lot of trouble were we so inclined, but I don't think any of the Xavax are deeply inclined to be so. But we never intended to stay in Sirion. We can't, not if we want to really jump back into the war. It's a full week's march from Sirion's capital to the nearest Vix territory, which is too far to reliably fight the Southern Alliance. We're just a bit...stuck atm.

The current RP ought to clear some things up, one way or another.

Hehe. Well if you do cause internal problems in Sirion, I highly doubt GX nobles will be accepted in the north. You guys are already shunned in the south so without the help of north, you guys will just be refugees and will be forced to migrate to other continents.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: DeVerci on September 28, 2017, 12:59:42 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on September 27, 2017, 07:32:09 PM
Atm Sirion is split almost in half between GX and the natives. We could cause a lot of trouble were we so inclined, but I don't think any of the Xavax are deeply inclined to be so. But we never intended to stay in Sirion. We can't, not if we want to really jump back into the war. It's a full week's march from Sirion's capital to the nearest Vix territory, which is too far to reliably fight the Southern Alliance. We're just a bit...stuck atm.

The current RP ought to clear some things up, one way or another.
It's okay if you can't fight the war! We need time to beat up Caligus for being rude dudes.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Antonine on September 28, 2017, 02:05:37 PM
Hey, I've got an idea - the GXers should just come join the new realm of Highmarch once it's seceded from Vix Tiramora. I can't see any way that could possibly end badly :p
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Ketchum on September 29, 2017, 03:19:06 AM
I have a plan. How about create a new realm from Nivemus for GXians? ;)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakky on September 29, 2017, 04:56:21 AM
Or maybe just hand Nivemus over to GX? XD
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: MTYL on September 29, 2017, 09:40:11 AM
Quote from: Zakky on September 29, 2017, 04:56:21 AM
Or maybe just hand Nivemus over to GX? XD

That would probably be for the best. For all parties involved. Nivemus included.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gordy77 on September 29, 2017, 12:47:52 PM
Gotta start planning that double wedding! ;) maybe when we're back from this campaign?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on September 29, 2017, 04:44:19 PM
Quote from: Ketchum on September 29, 2017, 03:19:06 AM
I have a plan. How about create a new realm from Nivemus for GXians? ;)

Options are good. Have Brock send Selenia a msg. She's dealing with a half naked Sirion Prime Minister rn...
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on October 03, 2017, 05:39:41 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on September 29, 2017, 04:44:19 PM

Options are good. Have Brock send Selenia a msg. She's dealing with a half naked Sirion Prime Minister rn...

Accepted  ;D
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Ketchum on October 04, 2017, 02:32:31 AM
Quote from: Zakky on September 29, 2017, 04:56:21 AM
Or maybe just hand Nivemus over to GX? XD
Sound good. Now I need to convince Dukes, Lords, Knights? :o

Quote from: MTYL on September 29, 2017, 09:40:11 AM
That would probably be for the best. For all parties involved. Nivemus included.
Sound good too. So I need convince half the Nivemus nobles. Fun time :o

Quote from: JeVondair on September 29, 2017, 04:44:19 PM

Options are good. Have Brock send Selenia a msg. She's dealing with a half naked Sirion Prime Minister rn...
Always have many options. This island either you find options to adapt or not.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on October 11, 2017, 10:39:08 PM
#RoyalOf(Rogues)  :(
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Antonine on October 19, 2017, 08:45:32 PM
Someone really needs to update the wiki with a history of this war and how Greater Xavax came to a (temporary?) end.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: MTYL on October 19, 2017, 11:46:28 PM
For sure! I would reiterate my point from two pages ago - Greater Xavax's story is an epic one. And I say it as their IC enemy. In my short BM experience I've never seen a realm that would have this much impact on entire continent and perhaps cross-continent (if some rumors are true).
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on October 24, 2017, 07:49:34 PM
Quote from: Antonine on October 19, 2017, 08:45:32 PM
Someone really needs to update the wiki with a history of this war and how Greater Xavax came to a (temporary?) end.
I've gotten lazy in my old age. I need to get around to it. Halcyon and Obia'Syela briefly took over my life.
Quote from: MTYL on October 19, 2017, 11:46:28 PM
For sure! I would reiterate my point from two pages ago - Greater Xavax's story is an epic one. And I say it as their IC enemy. In my short BM experience I've never seen a realm that would have this much impact on entire continent and perhaps cross-continent (if some rumors are true).
I hope I speak for all the GX players when I say we're glad you enjoyed
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Renodin on October 24, 2017, 09:06:31 PM
*Still enjoy.

Xavax Lives!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Antonine on October 24, 2017, 09:21:09 PM
Quote from: Renodin on October 24, 2017, 09:06:31 PM
*Still enjoy.

Xavax Lives!

I'll point out that Highmarch just acquired a lot of land that needs populating with nobles...
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on October 24, 2017, 11:19:49 PM
Quote from: Antonine on October 24, 2017, 09:21:09 PM
I'll point out that Highmarch just acquired a lot of land that needs populating with nobles...

*ghostly laughter...
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Antonine on October 25, 2017, 12:59:34 AM
Where actually is Selenia by the way? I can see she's still a rogue but where on earth is she actually hiding out after all this time?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on October 25, 2017, 05:25:57 PM
Quote from: Antonine on October 25, 2017, 12:59:34 AM
Where actually is Selenia by the way? I can see she's still a rogue but where on earth is she actually hiding out after all this time?

She was captured as a Rogue Royal and was then forced to select a new realm to play in. I, as a player, couldn't decide and she paused as of this morning. So for now I will leave her that way, doing the Aragorn thing off in a secluded cottage somewhere raising her young son.

Maybe one day, years down the line, she'll be summoned to service again, but the present time is not right

(fades off mysteriously...)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: DoctorHarte on October 25, 2017, 05:30:25 PM
Last I saw she was trying to cozy up to King Rowan in Caligus.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Anaris on October 25, 2017, 07:16:04 PM
I believe there's code that will auto-delete rogues who have been paused for a long time, though I could be misremembering...
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on October 26, 2017, 12:36:54 AM
Quote from: Anaris on October 25, 2017, 07:16:04 PM
I believe there's code that will auto-delete rogues who have been paused for a long time, though I could be misremembering...

I hope not. it would feel really game-y to unpause her and join a random realm only to immediately pause her again...which is what would have to happen  :-X
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Chenier on October 26, 2017, 02:30:48 AM
I remember that as well.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: CryptCypher on November 08, 2017, 08:06:52 PM
<3 What a ceremony.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on November 13, 2017, 08:41:25 PM
It's been interesting watching what Asher and Sigrid appear to be working towards, and the 1000% understandable reactions against them. It's been weird for me to see another character running around claiming blood ties to my family, too, and leveraging that alleged connection to gain credit with the Redwings...its truly fun to watch...and also truly good for her that I have no noble characters active on EC rn.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: CryptCypher on November 13, 2017, 09:47:32 PM
<3 Come back, damn you.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Renodin on November 13, 2017, 10:53:05 PM
Sometimes, sometimes I wonder why I even try so hard  ;D

Nature of the beast I suppose.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on November 13, 2017, 11:09:52 PM
I think it would be better for me to leave Selenia in cold storage. It is supremely interesting to me watching without the weight of her influence. I really am rooting for the Xavax. As a player, there's nothing else that Selenia can do to help the Redwings right now. indeed, her return would only cause problems, as I'm sure you'll both agree.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Renodin on November 14, 2017, 12:50:48 PM
I would not agree that Selenia's return would only cause problems. Your choice so I will respect it and won't argue the point.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gordy77 on November 14, 2017, 11:49:57 PM
I'm pretty sure that Selenia returning would be a fast plummet into destruction for whichever realm hosted her. Lesser beings are afeared of her profane magics and skill at arms.

As fun as it would be to see her carve through her opponents in a fortnight long set of duels..(can we make that happen?)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: CryptCypher on November 15, 2017, 03:38:59 AM
...Someday, somehow, Selenia will return, only to death-duel an entire nation into severe injury.

...I can totally see this happening. Please, please happen.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on November 21, 2017, 04:55:05 PM
What the Xavax need now is a needle to stitch themselves back together and thread their way toward a new path.

Selenia was a battleaxe. Big and flashy, sure, but impractical for the current situation and utterly incapable of performing the delicate work required. Can you imagine her negotiating with any of the southern powers, much less the Vix? She knew that her period of usefulness has ended, just as she knew the Imperium was doomed when Iuz betrayed her again. Better exile than cause her people harm just by her presence.

If I could change anything about how the Path of Ashes went down, I probably would have brought the Xavax to First Oligarch.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Antonine on November 21, 2017, 05:22:39 PM
Quote from: JeVondair on November 21, 2017, 04:55:05 PM
What the Xavax need now is a needle to stitch themselves back together and thread their way toward a new path.

As someone with an inside track to the negotiations, I'm not so sure they've got that at the moment. I think they're still channelling a bit too much of Selenia's inflexibility.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Renodin on November 21, 2017, 05:45:28 PM


It's called negotiation for a reason. Talk, discuss and all that. Don't become what you set out not to be, democrat. It's given me plenty of opportunity to write letters, which granted, I love doing.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Antonine on November 21, 2017, 06:21:27 PM
Quote from: Renodin on November 21, 2017, 05:45:28 PM
It's called negotiation for a reason. Talk, discuss and all that. Don't become what you set out not to be, democrat. It's given me plenty of opportunity to write letters, which granted, I love doing.

Just remember that you might not be the only one trying to do a deal with us ;)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Eduardo Almighty on November 21, 2017, 06:35:06 PM
And since I intend to follow Xavax, after my friendly conversation with the Quaestor of Highmarch, you could count on one more sword. The only Lord of Xavax in Sirion who has won something (as far as I know) is Duke Hector. And I like to think that having Serpentis in the name helped... a little.  8)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Renodin on November 21, 2017, 06:39:25 PM
That negotiation thing you're talking about, i'd be a fool to have but one ace up my sleeve.  ;)

However, whatever happens, this  is creating a ton of ingame stuff to deal with and to enjoy, also for you guys I hope.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on November 21, 2017, 08:29:19 PM
Quote from: Renodin on November 21, 2017, 06:39:25 PM
That negotiation thing you're talking about, i'd be a fool to have but one ace up my sleeve.  ;)

However, whatever happens, this  is creating a ton of ingame stuff to deal with and to enjoy, also for you guys I hope.

Oh I'm having a great time as a "ghost"! lol. It's painful at the same time though, watching the Xavax fight one another. At the same time, I'm so glad and proud that they haven't completely scattered even months after losing Selenia. I'll pray for their enemies if the Xavax ever unite behind a single leader again
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on November 21, 2017, 09:06:17 PM
Quote from: Renodin on November 21, 2017, 06:39:25 PM
That negotiation thing you're talking about, i'd be a fool to have but one ace up my sleeve.  ;)

However, whatever happens, this  is creating a ton of ingame stuff to deal with and to enjoy, also for you guys I hope.

It's both fun and a little bit stressfull sometimes. My char isn't allowed to make a single mistake at this point in the war and has to outthink an eneny with numerical advantage which is slowly learning and catching up...:p

In the meantime 'negotiations' continue everywhere
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: CryptCypher on November 21, 2017, 10:19:37 PM
So many letters, not enough fingers.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Eduardo Almighty on November 22, 2017, 10:38:52 AM
QuoteMy char isn't allowed to make a single mistake at this point in the war and has to outthink an eneny with numerical advantage which is slowly learning and catching up...:p

Very slowly...
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on November 22, 2017, 11:17:17 AM
That also has to do with me changing our tactics in part every time to add to the confusion. You guys have way too many nobles and too much gold :-\
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Renodin on November 22, 2017, 11:50:37 AM
Should make the negotiations easier no?  ::)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on November 22, 2017, 12:34:26 PM
Politics...let alone democracies  :o
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Ketchum on November 23, 2017, 02:45:24 AM
Quote from: Antonine on October 19, 2017, 08:45:32 PM
Someone really needs to update the wiki with a history of this war and how Greater Xavax came to a (temporary?) end.
I want give Xavax back but then... why they no bring more gold with them?

Quote from: DoctorHarte on October 25, 2017, 05:30:25 PM
Last I saw she was trying to cozy up to King Rowan in Caligus.
No wonder Caligus is losing... Must be some nightmare to have invisible Selenia stalking him every night! :P

Quote from: Renodin on November 13, 2017, 10:53:05 PM
Sometimes, sometimes I wonder why I even try so hard  ;D

Nature of the beast I suppose.
I should have appoint a lord for Tota and see where that lead us to... :o

Quote from: Gordy77 on November 14, 2017, 11:49:57 PM
I'm pretty sure that Selenia returning would be a fast plummet into destruction for whichever realm hosted her. Lesser beings are afeared of her profane magics and skill at arms.

As fun as it would be to see her carve through her opponents in a fortnight long set of duels..(can we make that happen?)
You mean like a Selenia curse?

Quote from: Renodin on November 21, 2017, 05:45:28 PM

It's called negotiation for a reason. Talk, discuss and all that. Don't become what you set out not to be, democrat. It's given me plenty of opportunity to write letters, which granted, I love doing.
You lucky not have to fight battle, follow order, suggest strategy. Sometimes I wondering why I try so hard like you ::)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: CryptCypher on November 23, 2017, 04:33:05 AM
Too much gold? Where? WHERE!? *runs around looting all the silverware and baubles*
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Bronnen on November 23, 2017, 05:56:50 PM
Be scared guys! Elric stepped down!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Eduardo Almighty on November 23, 2017, 06:35:02 PM
Maybe just as Supreme Commander, because he's still General in Sirion, or we are speaking of differente Elrics?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on November 23, 2017, 06:53:30 PM
Quote from: Bronnen on November 23, 2017, 05:56:50 PM
Be scared guys! Elric stepped down!

Wuut, who is the new surpreme Commander? He/she's not doing much better  ::)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Bronnen on November 23, 2017, 09:50:58 PM
We dunno yet who is gonna be the supreme commander.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Ketchum on November 24, 2017, 01:02:53 AM
We going beat Garas company and Xavax enemies with pitchfork and blacksmith knives. Pray it works.

I think the realm with most gold and resources have slight advantage in this war. That's why I hoped Xavax nobles brought gold with them when they came to the north.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: CryptCypher on November 24, 2017, 05:08:39 AM
Pfft. Gold doesn't last *that* long, plus, its expensive to fight a 7-sided war :P
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on November 24, 2017, 07:54:02 AM
Quote from: Ketchum on November 24, 2017, 01:02:53 AM
We going beat Garas company and Xavax enemies with pitchfork and blacksmith knives. Pray it works.

I think the realm with most gold and resources have slight advantage in this war. That's why I hoped Xavax nobles brought gold with them when they came to the north.

Sounds good!

And even more gold? I bet you guys have at least 20 times more gold than the south and you have far more nobles. You want even more?  :o
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Anderfhstim on November 24, 2017, 08:17:19 AM
Well you can't win with a lot of gold if you have a bad general. Might wanna find a new one soon.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: CryptCypher on November 24, 2017, 08:17:33 AM
Pshh. Complaints about lax flow of gold are widespread. If this is Sirion with limited funds on account of territorial over-extension, I can only imagine how rich a more efficient distribution will make it. o.O

This just in, Elves discovered using gold-leaf to wipe their rears! Impoverished peasant mobs rampage across the north, only to be crushed by the Royal Sirion Army! Tune in next time for an interview with the self-exiled Xerarch of Xavax, Lich-Queen Selenia in the reconstituted flesh!

*Doo doo lee doo*
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Eduardo Almighty on November 24, 2017, 12:29:25 PM
Sirion's distribution is nothing like it was used to be in my good times.

I can bet that Trinbar is not donating gold at all...
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on November 24, 2017, 01:03:17 PM
To steer this part of the discussion back on topic:

You're not telling me that Ecthelion's gold is gone already right? And are the Xavax nobles getting equal pay compared to the Sirionites?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Eduardo Almighty on November 24, 2017, 01:15:47 PM
I doubt Ecthelion's gold is gone, mainly because he always had a good income himself (Sirion/Oligarch). However, I cannot have access anymore to who is sending him gold... or if he's the one still in position to gather and distribute it. However, as I said, I doubt Trinbar is donating... and a lot of income was flowing from Trinbar. Now the player of Crixus is the Lord there... he just created his own religion and I believe he's more worried with Dwilight, 'cause I never saw a public letter from his char in Sirion.

If I'm not wrong, Elric was a loudmouth young Knight who loved tormenting Erik... he won Akesh Temple after I had erected the walls to an astronomical level and lost the region. Surprise, he was rewarded with Sirion City and a General position. I also have not seen reports, so either they circulate only in the Military Council (where the Knights can not see) or there is simply no one sharing reports or scouting at all. In the last battle the General didn't even know that there was a fortification in Tokat. Sirion is a pretty damn place for the Knights now (young players or young chars in general) and the old folks just do not care to tell anything outside the 1000 closed channels they have. The best chance to topple Sirion is now.

When Xavax decide where to go, I will follow.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Bronnen on November 24, 2017, 03:33:37 PM
That was your problem, letting the Domitius family have any power at all.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Eduardo Almighty on November 24, 2017, 04:28:08 PM
Not mine, not anymore. I would never trust Trinbar to a Dominus or even Sirion City to Elric. Or even Avamar to someone who came from Westmoor (I believe Thomas is there, but at laest he doesn't erased everything I did there like they did with Trimbar).
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Anderfhstim on November 24, 2017, 09:45:35 PM
Well they probably don't trust any of your character with Trinbar or Avamar.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on November 25, 2017, 12:56:56 AM
Quote from: Anderfhstim on November 24, 2017, 09:45:35 PM
Well they probably don't trust any of your character with Trinbar or Avamar.

There's none who's earned either of them more than Erik. Too bad he's gone.

But if even Eduardo has given up trying than things are very messed up.

Eduardo, what will you do if Xavax decides to stay in Sirion though?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: CryptCypher on November 25, 2017, 01:30:47 AM
Remember, Sirion isn't the only realm with Xavax in it.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on November 25, 2017, 10:47:17 AM
Quote from: CryptCypher on November 25, 2017, 01:30:47 AM
Remember, Sirion isn't the only realm with Xavax in it.

True, Greater Xavax has some left also...oh wait  ::)

But for real, wasn't Selenia in Caligus?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: CryptCypher on November 25, 2017, 12:27:42 PM
Yep, though according to JeVondair she's paused until the day she's needed again.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Renodin on November 25, 2017, 01:28:31 PM
Enjoy the read!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Eduardo Almighty on November 25, 2017, 01:32:12 PM
They tried to keep Xavax in Sirion giving a Duchy to Hector (Serpentis) Tandaros. He tried do impose his ideas to form Xavax in Oligarch or Krimml or even in Parm. I doubt they will do it. They know they need do split, but you know, Sirion. Baby steps, turtle in a race.

Hrafn is in love, poor boy. He will follow. A good excuse to leave Sirion despite all the others. If they decide to stay in Sirion, that's fine. I really like to receive my RP Medals.

I don't know if you felt it with Oligarch, but what I did with Trinbar and Avamar... my babies. I don't even dream to take it back, that'simpossible to use Erik's tatics nowadays and it took years of hard work and I already did everything with the Serpentis family. All the titles with different chars. I'm trying to keep in mind that I'm just roleplaying now, but man, that's hard... like to try to stop smoking.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on November 25, 2017, 01:37:18 PM
Yeah I know the Xavax story.

And I know how you feel, everything Garas has done since it was clear he'd lose Oligarch was to plot to get it back. I've become weirdly attached to it as it symbolizes so much.

In the meantime I just RP quite a bit on top of that (although more with Goriad II in Obia'Syela than with Garas...but his son returned now, so time to RP the reunion).

And reforming Xavac in a southern city will not happen in Sirion. If they wanted they should've done it right away.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Ketchum on November 27, 2017, 01:00:15 AM
Quote from: Gabanus family on November 24, 2017, 01:03:17 PM
To steer this part of the discussion back on topic:

You're not telling me that Ecthelion's gold is gone already right? And are the Xavax nobles getting equal pay compared to the Sirionites?
All Xavax in Nivemus is getting equal pay ;)

Quote from: CryptCypher on November 25, 2017, 01:30:47 AM
Remember, Sirion isn't the only realm with Xavax in it.
Agree, all other North Alliance realms too.

Quote from: Eduardo Almighty on November 25, 2017, 01:32:12 PM
They tried to keep Xavax in Sirion giving a Duchy to Hector (Serpentis) Tandaros. He tried do impose his ideas to form Xavax in Oligarch or Krimml or even in Parm. I doubt they will do it. They know they need do split, but you know, Sirion. Baby steps, turtle in a race.
It could work. New Xavax will be founded, trust me. Given Sirion and Nivemus have such plans, and they certainly suffer due to the administration stuff. The only thing I am curious is how big the land size of the new realm will be ::)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: CryptCypher on November 27, 2017, 05:03:20 AM
Major point there. A useless micro-duchy wont do the Xavax any good.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Eduardo Almighty on November 27, 2017, 01:33:32 PM
Build Xavax in Parm is just nonsense. It's like build a new realm in Slimbar. It's useless. The problem with Sirion and Nivemus is that you are too slow. As you indulge in useless bureaucracy, I'm sure younger, faster and more dynamic realms can offer better deals.

QuoteNew Xavax will be founded, trust me.

I trust, but maybe not coming from Sirion/Nivemus.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: MTYL on November 27, 2017, 02:43:31 PM
There are no younger, faster, more dynamic realms than the two democracies of EC! Libertas vincit omnia! Let fox flags and abstract heart flags flutter in the wind!

I imagine by now it's easier to count realms that don't proposition Xavax than those that do. I would laugh so hard at a plottwist of Xavax reemerging in Obsidian Islands or Perleone.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: CryptCypher on November 28, 2017, 01:56:14 AM
Why does that constitute a plot twist, out of curiosity?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Eduardo Almighty on November 28, 2017, 10:43:06 AM
Obsidian Islands are just terrible. The ice should have covered and sunk these islands.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: MTYL on November 28, 2017, 03:45:15 PM
When you have a story of a guy in a hardware store by all appearances attempting to purchase some tools end up with him buying a popsicle... Would that constitute a plottwist?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on November 28, 2017, 10:33:23 PM
It would be a plot twist bc when Nivemus offered to help the Redwings resettle in the Obsidian Isles, Selenia turned them down flat, effectively stating that she (and by extension Greater Xavax) would rather die.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: McTang on November 29, 2017, 12:45:37 AM
Obsidian Islands seem like they could be awesome if they were just a little bit bigger (with more nobles). Having them periodically appear on their boats as the savage Norse style raiders from the islands would be incredible. Even if they were just big enough to tip the balance of a few battles. Sadly I feel like the current state of OI is a prequel to the rest of BM if we don't keep more nobility coming in to maintain some density.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: MTYL on November 29, 2017, 01:59:53 AM
Quote from: McTang on November 29, 2017, 12:45:37 AM
Obsidian Islands seem like they could be awesome if they were just a little bit bigger (with more nobles). Having them periodically appear on their boats as the savage Norse style raiders from the islands would be incredible. Even if they were just big enough to tip the balance of a few battles. Sadly I feel like the current state of OI is a prequel to the rest of BM if we don't keep more nobility coming in to maintain some density.

Hear, hear! Tell your friends people. Tell your friends and their mothers - Battlemaster is in it's renaissance. Even Dwi is getting lively-ish.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Ketchum on November 29, 2017, 03:17:50 AM
Quote from: JeVondair on November 28, 2017, 10:33:23 PM
It would be a plot twist bc when Nivemus offered to help the Redwings resettle in the Obsidian Isles, Selenia turned them down flat, effectively stating that she (and by extension Greater Xavax) would rather die.
Funnily I was said by someone on other thread to be "old player", "must exterminate Nivemus" and so on.

Not every players will hear every plans of my character, that much for sure.

Quote from: McTang on November 29, 2017, 12:45:37 AM
Obsidian Islands seem like they could be awesome if they were just a little bit bigger (with more nobles). Having them periodically appear on their boats as the savage Norse style raiders from the islands would be incredible. Even if they were just big enough to tip the balance of a few battles. Sadly I feel like the current state of OI is a prequel to the rest of BM if we don't keep more nobility coming in to maintain some density.
If you in OI long enough and if OI Ruler shared anything to their realm, then you would know. Unfortunately I dont think you in OI, your character quite cunning to blast my character with your spells.

Funnily but I repeat what I stated again in other thread.

Duke Malius of duchy of Kalmar, where OI previous capital was, he joined Nivemus due to his hope for OI to play a major role in this East Island diplomacy and politics. I would have my character Brock's realm Nivemus consume OI, but its latest Emperor Shady does not want to join with Nivemus. He prefers the Volcanoes, I cannot blame him on that. How Brock single handedly convinced Duke Malius and how the latest efforts from OI Emperor to convince Duke Malius to return the duchy to OI proved to be futile? I am not going to brag, but OI players appear not on this forum and nobody know except a few long standing nobles in Nivemus/OI ;)

Then the next plan of Brock would have see Selenia's Xavax gain OI lands along with 2 duchies from Nivemus. I have to admit Nivemus success is overwhelming its development at same time. No thanks to Brock predecessor Kronagos Lady Catherine who won Duchy of Kazakh from OI through War, while current Kronogos Brock won the Duchy of Kalmar through Diplomacy. If each Nivemus Ruler win a duchy each, then this must be our precedent for future Ruler. in order to bring that Xavax plan to fruition, Brock not only have to convince his realm Dukes(Dukes are really powerful nowadays) of his plans. Of course Garas hears the short stick of it, Brock did not intend to share everything with someone who has been proven to insult Brock in battles with SA down south recently. So Garas is free to presume what he will. This plan would have seen OI return to play a major role as well if they wish to combine with Nivemus 2 duchies. But OI wish to play good with Perdan, who is now reduced. Oh well, plans never go accordingly, do they? :(
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Renodin on November 29, 2017, 08:03:51 AM
Obsidian Islands have 4 Nobles, they regions are dirt poor and they are vastly isolated. It is a bad location for a realm. That is just plain and simple, sadly.

If it was a good location it would have spawned a great, vibrant Realm but it hasn't. It cannot support armies and it matters little in terms of geopolitics.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakky on November 29, 2017, 08:04:39 AM
Tom made a horrible mistake by adding those islands.... always isolated from the rest.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on November 29, 2017, 08:48:29 AM
Quote from: Ketchum on November 29, 2017, 03:17:50 AM
Then the next plan of Brock would have see Selenia's Xavax gain OI lands along with 2 duchies from Nivemus. I have to admit Nivemus success is overwhelming its development at same time. No thanks to Brock predecessor Kronagos Lady Catherine who won Duchy of Kazakh from OI through War, while current Kronogos Brock won the Duchy of Kalmar through Diplomacy. If each Nivemus Ruler win a duchy each, then this must be our precedent for future Ruler. in order to bring that Xavax plan to fruition, Brock not only have to convince his realm Dukes(Dukes are really powerful nowadays) of his plans. Of course Garas hears the short stick of it, Brock did not intend to share everything with someone who has been proven to insult Brock in battles with SA down south recently. So Garas is free to presume what he will. This plan would have seen OI return to play a major role as well if they wish to combine with Nivemus 2 duchies. But OI wish to play good with Perdan, who is now reduced. Oh well, plans never go accordingly, do they? :(

Gaining duchies is all good and well, but was has it truly added to the island, or to Nivemus? Last time I heard people, and I think even you, complain that you had too few nobles and that Nivemus was a silent realm and somewhat boring. Even the Xavax who joined your realm said so. For me gaining region is the least important job of a ruler, but that's maybe also why my realm is dead and yours is not... ???

And my point was not that you have no plans, my point was that it takes so long that I stopped counting on Nivemus and Sirion for anything on this island. You were saying that it was time for Brock to step down and to create a new realm from Nivemus well over a year, maybe even 2 years ago already. I don't have time to delve into this forum, but you might have even stated such here and otherwise you most certainly did so ingame. Yet here we are, and still there are only plans which don't even seem close to executing, so you tell me if my scepticism is warranted or not.

The Xavax in the meantime are still waiting, while everyone is offering them a new realm, they're left with nothing so far.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Ketchum on November 29, 2017, 08:53:16 AM
Quote from: Gabanus family on November 29, 2017, 08:48:29 AM
Gaining duchies is all good and well, but was has it truly added to the island, or to Nivemus? Last time I heard people, and I think even you, complain that you had too few nobles and that Nivemus was a silent realm and somewhat boring. Even the Xavax who joined your realm said so. For me gaining region is the least important job of a ruler, but that's maybe also why my realm is dead and yours is not... ???

And my point was not that you have no plans, my point was that it takes so long that I stopped counting on Nivemus and Sirion for anything on this island. You were saying that it was time for Brock to step down and to create a new realm from Nivemus well over a year, maybe even 2 years ago already. I don't have time to delve into this forum, but you might have even stated such here and otherwise you most certainly did so ingame. Yet here we are, and still there are only plans which don't even seem close to executing, so you tell me if my scepticism is warranted or not.

The Xavax in the meantime are still waiting, while everyone is offering them a new realm, they're left with nothing so far.
Then let that new realm creation be a surprise to you and anyone who doubt it. /The end
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on November 29, 2017, 08:55:59 AM
Quote from: Ketchum on November 29, 2017, 08:53:16 AM
Then let that new realm creation be a surprise to you and anyone who doubt it. /The end

Let's do that  ;)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Eduardo Almighty on November 29, 2017, 10:49:47 AM
Xavax has really great offers from the north: OI or Parm/Slimbar. Two new realms that would be barred by Nivemus/Sirion and that would be useless, only puppets to diminish their more powerful realms and to help to balance their taxes (nobles density). The north never ceases to amaze me.

The worst part is that this would happen with or without Xavax, with Sirion and Nivemus deciding for themselves what to do to create new realms with their own nobles. "Do you want new realms? Eat dirty in Slimbar/Khalmar while we improve our already great realms. Do you know what? You can take OI and be pirates! That's great, right.... right, guys?"

I really hope they receive best offers from Vix/Highmarch. I just joined the General Staff. In Sirion, if you do not belong to this group, the Senate and the Circle of Fate, you will never receive any information about anything. Not even scout reports.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Renodin on November 29, 2017, 11:36:19 AM
There's a very strong sentiment among the Xavax that prevents them from taking meaningful action. part of that comes, imo, from clever politics and manipulation originating with the Sirionite Leadership.

The Obsidian islands or a Realm hugging the northern coastline are both death-knells. What will you do if you have a Realm in either location? Neither can support a medium sized realm, travel time will be murderous and you'd literally be under the boot and heel of other Realms.

Hell, people know I've tried to make things happen.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Eduardo Almighty on November 29, 2017, 11:40:21 AM
Hector almost get a Judgeship last month in Sirion. Get it and you, at least,  can do some havoc before leave with your people and join the south.

I would do it right away!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Renodin on November 29, 2017, 11:44:53 AM
What kind of havoc are you talking about, banishing dukes or some such?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Eduardo Almighty on November 29, 2017, 12:23:32 PM
Something like this. Or you can just consolidate the position for a while and use more subtle tactics.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: CryptCypher on November 29, 2017, 09:35:22 PM
Yep. OI has always been a roughshod add-on that doesn't amount to much. Never will, really. Especially with the naval travel costs. Or is that just Dwilight so far? Sailing around D'hara is a friggin nightmare.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on December 06, 2017, 06:57:58 AM
Not only did Hector just become Judge of Sirion, but Aramon became banker, along with Lionel who has been serving as marshal of it's army. Xavax has some heavyweight power up in Sirion now.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakky on December 06, 2017, 07:07:38 AM
Let the takeover commence!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: MTYL on December 06, 2017, 08:54:38 AM
Will you change Sirion name to Xavax after rebellion? Btw, is that even possible? Name change after rebellion.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakky on December 06, 2017, 09:48:04 AM
Quote from: MTYL on December 06, 2017, 08:54:38 AM
Will you change Sirion name to Xavax after rebellion? Btw, is that even possible? Name change after rebellion.

Should be able to. You get to change everything I believe. Name, government etc.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on December 06, 2017, 09:57:21 AM
Nope not the name, everything else yup. You can chamge the full name though and call it like "Xavax' Sirion" prob xD
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakky on December 06, 2017, 11:24:38 AM
Ah I see. That kinda blows.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Eduardo Almighty on December 06, 2017, 12:11:40 PM
I will move out of Sirion... it's just Xavax now, plus Elric (meh), plus Echtelion (MEHHH). After they divide the realm in one smaller one in Slimbar and another in Krimml, the the Sirion of old is definitely dead and buried. Unfortunately, not through war.

And the problem is... now Xavax will not want to leave Sirion... and I will not have anywhere to go. At least not with them. C'mon, Garas! Take some action on this, FAST!  :-X
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on December 06, 2017, 12:25:31 PM
Working on it
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: CryptCypher on December 06, 2017, 12:36:26 PM
Not up to Garas. At this point, its kind of sort of up to the Path, and to a lesser extent, Asher/Sigrid/etc to convince the mainstream xavax to kick into high-gear.

The promise has been made. The council is in agreement. The banker has sworn funding. The law is on our side. Our new home stands ready for us. Its up to Xavax to march there and grab destiny by the balls/tits/horns. Ball-tit-horns? Horn-tit-balls... Either way, we need the Faithful at our backs.

I mean, technically, I can just leave and have Sigrid champion the whole thing, and let Xavax trickle in bit by bit, but that'd be significantly less dramatic and interesting from an IC/RP point of view.

Though... It'd be easy to set up an initial loyalist government and avoid trouble down the road... Hmm...

What d'y'all think? I figured we let everyone vote. Whoever wants to stay in Sirion proper, stays. Whoever wants to try to pry Oligarch from Ecthelion's cold, quasi-dead, freakishly-elongated Elven comatose fingers, good luck with that. Whoever wants to join the northern breadbasket splinter-realm, may Phoenix have mercy on your soul. Whoever wants to found a 100% neutral, protected-by-ceasefire, funded by allied bankers, staffed by Xavax, on the cusp of where we can actually and feasibly see our homeland ressurrected without anyone telling us where to march or what to do, well...

You can join Sigrid and have some fun with it. :)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Antonine on December 06, 2017, 12:45:31 PM
Quote from: Gabanus family on December 06, 2017, 09:57:21 AM
Nope not the name, everything else yup. You can chamge the full name though and call it like "Xavax' Sirion" prob xD

Not quite. Only the admins can change the name of a realm and they won't do it for you just because you won a rebellion.

However, they can and sometimes will change it if there's a good RP reason to do so.

For example, Outer Tilog conquered Giblot and created a new realm called Inner Tilog. Then the remaining Giblotians within the new realm overthrew the government and declared war on Outer Tilog - so the admins agreed to change the realm name to Giblot.

So if the Xavaxians were to have a revolution explicitly to transform Sirion into Novus Xavax and win then they could ask the admins and they might agree to manually change the realm name for them. But it's not something that just automatically happens anytime a ruler asks for it.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Ketchum on December 07, 2017, 08:08:20 AM
Sigh. Seeing the news from Sirion, now I understand why Xavax nobles frustrated :(

Krimml city.... fallen Fontan realm capital...
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Eduardo Almighty on December 07, 2017, 10:55:02 AM
Sirion should have changed its name already. If it were not for two or three important names, most of the nobles don't have a clue about Sirion.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on December 07, 2017, 11:58:56 AM
Quote from: Ketchum on December 07, 2017, 08:08:20 AM
Sigh. Seeing the news from Sirion, now I understand why Xavax nobles frustrated :(

Krimml city.... fallen Fontan realm capital...

Well you're the Kronogos. Just give them both Kazakh and Kalmar, maybe then they'll accept.

In the meantime EC continues to explode, interesting to behold.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Eduardo Almighty on December 07, 2017, 12:03:20 PM
They asked for 6 regions istead the ones in Slimbar. We gave them... we asked them to work with Nivemus. What I saw in the letter we get from Nivemus is pretty much a bitch slap: "we did our homework and managed the taxes problem better than you, or just like you should have done."
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on December 07, 2017, 12:18:47 PM
Quote from: Eduardo Almighty on December 07, 2017, 12:03:20 PM
They asked for 6 regions istead the ones in Slimbar. We gave them... we asked them to work with Nivemus. What I saw in the letter we get from Nivemus is pretty much a bitch slap: "we did our homework and managed the taxes problem better than you, or just like you should have done."

Wait what?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Eduardo Almighty on December 07, 2017, 12:39:31 PM
The Senate asked Hrafn and Cymak if they had a better idea to create a new realm in the border instead of in Slimbar when we protested this option. Like... "If you have a better option, we need 6 regions". We told them about the 6 regions in the border, but it will need some exchange of regions with Nivemus and even a joint new realm with Krimml, Oligarch, Khalmar, etc.

I do not think it matters anymore... they're going to stick with the plan on Slimbar anyway, opening up a chance for someone clever to destroy Sirion from inside. When you don't have to go through Trinbar/Sirion, Parm or Avamar... piece of cake. But after the letter I saw from Nivemus, they made Sirion look like a bunch of incompetents.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakky on December 07, 2017, 12:43:31 PM
What is going on? Someone actually wanted to give Xavax nobles Slimbar? Damn... Never thought Sirion wanted to give up on their ring of fortifications.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Eduardo Almighty on December 07, 2017, 01:08:49 PM
They intend to build a realm in Slimbar and one in Krimml. Slimbar is a mistake, but they don't care. They prefer to raise their taxes. I doubt Xavax will want to join Slimbar, it's a golden cage. Well, unless they want to take it and wage war against Sirion. They prefer Krimml. And Oligarch is out of discussion because Ecthelion is away (not enough to pause the char) and they still think they cannot decide if the Lord of Oligarch is away, like if the city belongs to him and not to Sirion.

Sirion is a f*cked up realm right now.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Ketchum on December 07, 2017, 01:11:01 PM
Quote from: Eduardo Almighty on December 07, 2017, 12:03:20 PM
They asked for 6 regions istead the ones in Slimbar. We gave them... we asked them to work with Nivemus. What I saw in the letter we get from Nivemus is pretty much a bitch slap: "we did our homework and managed the taxes problem better than you, or just like you should have done."
Lol ;D

Their idea of Slimbar is crazy one, that much for sure. I want give them a few regions near my border to them, but I hesitate because I know these regions are badlands, useless if you must be crazy to want it. Otherwise why would Sirion let Osslamar become rogue and the region joins Nivemus? I even consider to let it become rogue or give back to Sirion.

And that tax they running? Mindblowing. Secret sorry :-X
Nivemus? They doing not that good but not that bad either. I think only Brigdha know Brock well in this aspect, Brock managed finance pretty well as former Fontan Banker. Only NA will know how Nivemus help other NA realm in financial aspect as well ;)

Quote from: Gabanus family on December 07, 2017, 11:58:56 AM
Well you're the Kronogos. Just give them both Kazakh and Kalmar, maybe then they'll accept.

In the meantime EC continues to explode, interesting to behold.
Quote from: Eduardo Almighty on December 07, 2017, 12:39:31 PM
The Senate asked Hrafn and Cymak if they had a better idea to create a new realm in the border instead of in Slimbar when we protested this option. Like... "If you have a better option, we need 6 regions". We told them about the 6 regions in the border, but it will need some exchange of regions with Nivemus and even a joint new realm with Krimml, Oligarch, Khalmar, etc.
Yes, practically that. Oh well, let my Dukes goes ahead with the plan to refound the new realm in Kazakh and Kalmar. Maybe let Sirion see what they been missing out on ;)

I have a worry, but should be proven not an issue. It is about the new realm capital, if we make the capital at Kazakh I think should be no issue. But if we make the capital at Kalmar, that can be an issue if we shorten the refit route. Considering we have a current case in other island, I better tread carefully on this part. Don't want to mess up.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Eduardo Almighty on December 07, 2017, 01:27:01 PM
QuoteAnd that tax they running? Mindblowing. Secret sorry :-X

LOL. If Brock didn't lie in the letter to Thomas, everyone already knows. The letter was opened to the public.

QuoteYes, practically that. Oh well, let my Dukes goes ahead with the plan to refound the new realm in Kazakh and Kalmar. Maybe let Sirion see what they been missing out on ;)

The worst is that they will establish an useless and dangerous realm in Slimbar anyway.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Antonine on December 07, 2017, 01:27:58 PM
Quote from: Ketchum on December 07, 2017, 01:11:01 PM
I have a worry, but should be proven not an issue. It is about the new realm capital, if we make the capital at Kazakh I think should be no issue. But if we make the capital at Kalmar, that can be an issue if we shorten the refit route. Considering we have a current case in other island, I better tread carefully on this part. Don't want to mess up.

As long as the purpose of the secession isn't to shorten the refit route, and as long as there's a decent IC reason for the capital location, then you won't run into trouble with titans for the secession.

Strategic secessions motivated to take advantage of gameplay mechanics aren't allowed. Secessions for valid IC reasons which happen to also have some gameplay mechanic upsides are fine.

As an example:

Highmarch seceded in wartime but that was fine because it was a longstanding IC goal to split Vix to create a new democracy. The fact that the new realm had a slightly shorter refit routes was a benefit of the secession but it wasn't the reason for the secession.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Anderfhstim on December 07, 2017, 02:39:13 PM
One thing I don't like about this game is how rules aren't set in stone. Everything feels like arbitrary or case by case too often.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Eduardo Almighty on December 07, 2017, 02:57:02 PM
It's a "social" game... with different maps, realms and setups. With differente kind of players, chars and interests. It would be difficult, especially in the case of secessions, to set it in stone.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Antonine on December 07, 2017, 03:03:23 PM
Quote from: Eduardo Almighty on December 07, 2017, 02:57:02 PM
It's a "social" game... with different maps, realms and setups. With differente kind of players, chars and interests. It would be difficult, especially in the case of secessions, to set it in stone.

This. The rules basically boil down to "don't cheat and don't ruin the game for other people" - in a player driven game like this it's impossible to do anything other than look at complaints on a case-by-case basis.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Ketchum on December 07, 2017, 03:53:26 PM
Quote from: Antonine on December 07, 2017, 01:27:58 PM
As long as the purpose of the secession isn't to shorten the refit route, and as long as there's a decent IC reason for the capital location, then you won't run into trouble with titans for the secession.
What Garas say about Brock that he known Brock wish to create a new realm for quite sometime. Sometimes he know a bit too much. Coupled with former Xavax nobles wish for a new realm, my character is fulfilling many characters wishes including Brock himself IC.

If Highmarch is a long time realm in planning, I think Brock suggested new realm will be much older if not same age as the Highmarch idea itself.

But I really do not know if I am correct to understand as I do now, and furthermore I do not wish to assume that everything is in order.

Quote from: Antonine on December 07, 2017, 03:03:23 PM
This. The rules basically boil down to "don't cheat and don't ruin the game for other people" - in a player driven game like this it's impossible to do anything other than look at complaints on a case-by-case basis.
What if this new realm somehow gives OI realm a room to grow? If new realm absorb OI, that is 3 duchies. Thinking about it, Brock has IC reason to fulfill to a Duke wishes to play a greater role in this island. Even without OI lands, that is 2 duchies, giving new realm a good stable realm size. More than that number regions for a new realm in Slimbar or same number but better richer regions... If with OI, they get 3 duchies, good size for realm and can play better role in this island too.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on December 07, 2017, 04:41:16 PM
I have read some titan archive reports in the past as well and from all I can tell the problem is always with intention and thought behind it. I think it's public knowledge that Nivemus has long intended to split and I would assume that the new realm will have some form of independency as well?

Swordfell/Sol was punished because the entire idea (as explained in their letter by the titans) was to get strategic advantage. In the case of Nivemus I do not believe that is the case and I'm quite certain there should be no problem if there's at least a decent RP story behind it (which you should have, especially with the OI Duke history of Nivemus etc).

You can always ask some of the devs if you are worried and briefly explain the situation and thought behind it. Then you know for sure.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakky on December 07, 2017, 04:45:19 PM
Nivemus planning on splitting is indeed a well known thing. I agree with Aeneas. The problem with the whole Sol and Swordfell was that Sol was literally called Fellish Duchy of Sol. Plus Crixus gave thorough instructions on everything. That is creating a puppet. Something you want to avoid in the first place. And doing that in the middle of an ongoing war....

Although you are in a war, the frontline is pretty far from Nivemus. I don't think OI and Nivemus are fighting directly? As long as the new realm is free to do whatever it wants, you are probably okay.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on December 07, 2017, 04:55:42 PM


Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Anaris on December 07, 2017, 05:06:08 PM
I have officially given my ruling, upon private consultation by interested parties, that a secession from Nivemus centered in Kazakh appears to be a legitimate secession to me, not an illegal strategic secession.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on December 07, 2017, 05:22:21 PM
Rules may need to be interpreted situationally (damn you autocorrect, this is spelled correctly and so is autocorrect!), but the best resource of listed rules is:

Regarding Sironite secessions, I know I'm asking for the moon here, but wouldn't it be awesome if Sirion starting getting away secessions/new realms/cities like Oprah? And you get Krimml! And you get Oligarch! And you get Avamar! And you get Parm! Cities for everyone!

Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Eduardo Almighty on December 07, 2017, 05:45:55 PM
OOC, that would be great. IC, not much, since you will lose the defensive belt that always protect Sirion itself. It's a way to kill Sirion, but I'm already giving up... Sirion is no more. It's already dead inside. At least you will have a new realm in Slimbar, maybe another one in Krimml/Oligarch (if Ecthelion shows up).
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Antonine on December 07, 2017, 06:33:37 PM
Quote from: Eduardo Almighty on December 07, 2017, 05:45:55 PM
OOC, that would be great. IC, not much, since you will lose the defensive belt that always protect Sirion itself. It's a way to kill Sirion, but I'm already giving up... Sirion is no more. It's already dead inside. At least you will have a new realm in Slimbar, maybe another one in Krimml/Oligarch (if Ecthelion shows up).

This is the thing about the geography of that area though. Even if its split up between multiple realms, eventually one realm will manage to take control of that ring of cities and then will basically be destined to be an eternal powerhouse of the continent.

Sirion's current position is pretty identical to what Bedwyr and Arcaea achieved on FEI. Arcaea eventually secured control over the ring of cities and was then able to dominate the continent. The only reason Sirion is now on the verge of disintegration is because it lacks the internal dynamism that kept Arcaea thriving.

But none of this is a bad thing. If Sirion actually splits up you'll have multiple realms which will compete with each other until survival of the fittest kicks in and one ends up dominating. But that pretty much guarantees at least three years of dynamism and interesting things happening in the north which is far better than the staticness of its history for most of my time in game.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Nosferatus on December 07, 2017, 06:36:18 PM
QuoteSwordfell/Sol was punished because the entire idea (as explained in their letter by the titans) was to get strategic advantage. In the case of Nivemus I do not believe that is the case and I'm quite certain there should be no problem if there's at least a decent RP story behind it (which you should have, especially with the OI Duke history of Nivemus etc).

So what are the rules exactly about this? How is the line drawn?
The intentions may vary between character's and players, I can imagine this wouldn't be an easy judgment.
Are all new realms reviewed by the titans?
I also understand that old realms may not be resurrected under the exact same name, since when did this rule go in effect?
I definitely recall several cases of realms recreated under slightly different names and at least one case of recreating a realm under the exact same name without titan interference(Madina).
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Zakky on December 07, 2017, 06:38:40 PM
Arcaea's ring was even worse. Super compact.

As for secession, the best way to do it is to talk to a dev if you are not sure. Just get a hold of either Anaris of Vita` and ask them.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Eduardo Almighty on December 07, 2017, 06:44:57 PM
QuoteSirion's current position is pretty identical to what Bedwyr and Arcaea achieved on FEI. Arcaea eventually secured control over the ring of cities and was then able to dominate the continent. The only reason Sirion is now on the verge of disintegration is because it lacks the internal dynamism that kept Arcaea thriving.

This... and as I said, OOC, I know. It can be good. But IC, it's suicide. You can give regions in the front, but put a realm behind the belt... suicide.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on December 07, 2017, 07:31:53 PM
Quote from: Nosferatus on December 07, 2017, 06:36:18 PM
I also understand that old realms may not be resurrected under the exact same name, since when did this rule go in effect?
I definitely recall several cases of realms recreated under slightly different names and at least one case of recreating a realm under the exact same name without titan interference(Madina).
I don't think that's so much a punishable rule as something that is really discouraged. And something we wouldn't go out of our way to encourage. So if you're requesting a realm name change to an old realm, it would be rejected. Once a realm is dead, it's dead. Resurrecting the same name as an old realm confuses history, and wiki pages. Make a slightly different, new name, please. But I don't think any realm that's seceded with the same name as an old realm has been punished for that, nor can I imagine they ever would be. But that'd be quite uncreative in naming and confusing in distinguishing realms.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Vita` on December 07, 2017, 07:33:45 PM
Quote from: Eduardo Almighty on December 07, 2017, 06:44:57 PM
This... and as I said, OOC, I know. It can be good. But IC, it's suicide. You can give regions in the front, but put a realm behind the belt... suicide.
Sometimes, it behooves us as players to do the thing that is the most OOC fun and to find an IC reason why it makes sense for your character to do that. We're creative players. I'm sure reasons could be found.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Bronnen on December 07, 2017, 07:38:44 PM
Never understood the reasoning behind resurrecting dead realms. They died, make a new one.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Eduardo Almighty on December 07, 2017, 07:40:29 PM
I will create my Nova Sirion... with blackjack and hookers!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on December 07, 2017, 08:05:24 PM
Quote from: Bronnen on December 07, 2017, 07:38:44 PM
Never understood the reasoning behind resurrecting dead realms. They died, make a new one.

That depends on the context imo. Xavax wanting to reform their realm or Oligarch make sense. Recreating Tuchanon VII makes sense ^^ But doing Fontan now for instance no longer makes sense.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Bronnen on December 07, 2017, 08:07:41 PM
Make a new realm! Make the Roisin Dubh!
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: JeVondair on December 07, 2017, 08:43:26 PM
Quote from: Bronnen on December 07, 2017, 07:38:44 PM
Never understood the reasoning behind resurrecting dead realms. They died, make a new one.

There is something to be said that if the people still exist as a unit, then the realm still exists.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Chenier on December 07, 2017, 09:34:20 PM
Quote from: Gabanus family on December 07, 2017, 08:05:24 PM
That depends on the context imo. Xavax wanting to reform their realm or Oligarch make sense. Recreating Tuchanon VII makes sense ^^ But doing Fontan now for instance no longer makes sense.

Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Antonine on December 07, 2017, 10:43:59 PM
Well look at Madina. That realm died because of treason from within, prompting all of their lords to change allegiance to Fissoa. But the Madinan nobles were still about and eventually they seceded to form a new realm, with the name of Madina, exactly where the old realm of Madina had been. There's nothing wrong with that :)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: CryptCypher on December 08, 2017, 12:13:15 AM
If and when a culture remains intact, it makes sense for realms to be reborn. Whether or not they truly, or fully, resemble the old realm is another story.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: CryptCypher on December 08, 2017, 05:17:10 AM
...Moment of truth! Alright Xavax, time to kick into high-gear. Lets see a Xavax-run government!

Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Nosferatus on December 08, 2017, 09:05:30 AM
Quote from: Antonine on December 07, 2017, 10:43:59 PM
Well look at Madina. That realm died because of treason from within, prompting all of their lords to change allegiance to Fissoa. But the Madinan nobles were still about and eventually they seceded to form a new realm, with the name of Madina, exactly where the old realm of Madina had been. There's nothing wrong with that :)

I actually think this is an example of a terrible recreation.
The realm was finished off in a bloody seccesion war against the seceeded Aurvandil which was plagued by serious multi cheating(same people as Thulsoma, Averorth etc they used multis to harvest gold and sent it all to one place raising massive armies between 20 and 40 K CS at certain points in regions like Valkyrja which made about 200/300 gold ).
It was actually a vary sad moment in BM, or atleast for me as (co) founder of Madina.

The new Madina was founded by some old members (atleast two if i recall correctly), but didnt have anything to do with Madina.
It didnt share culture or the way the realm was designed, they actually went for the complete opposite.
The founders of the new Madina wherent creative enough to come up with their own name and flag and thus used that of the old Madina.
Wiki pages all kept refering to the old Madina and the new Madina became an empty husk of a relam build around a single ruler/Duke with no background, code of law or anything which it still is.
In contrast, the old Madina was put allot of work into and had a very unique style of governance that isnt like anything else in BM.
The new Madina didnt adopt all that because it was a very decentralized system and wouldnt allow for a single character to have all the power like now.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: CryptCypher on December 08, 2017, 11:11:57 AM
Yeah, that sucked. I remember fighting Aurvandil, those armies were ridiculous.

Also, what's the point in bringing back Madina without the madina way of life? I mean... Ffs, at that point its just NOT Madina.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on December 08, 2017, 12:26:27 PM
Same here, but then with Barca. I remember being one of the guys responsible for the pact with the Zuma of all creatures just to hold Aurvandil at bay and save Barca.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: CryptCypher on December 08, 2017, 12:30:25 PM
Oh my gods has it been that long? Whatever happened after that? Didn't Barca go splat?
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Gabanus family on December 08, 2017, 12:56:33 PM
Tried to forcefully colonize Shinnen due to forced migration which was Lurian territory. Got to Shinnen Purlieus but never got the city. Whole thing ultimately failed.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: on December 08, 2017, 07:23:42 PM
Quote from: CryptCypher on December 08, 2017, 05:17:10 AM
...Moment of truth! Alright Xavax, time to kick into high-gear. Lets see a Xavax-run government!

You mean Sirion?  :P ::)
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: CryptCypher on December 08, 2017, 11:13:19 PM
Ha! That was the initial source of the joke, yes. Although I sincerely doubt they'll just roll over and let the Xavax take over without a struggle.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Chenier on December 09, 2017, 02:05:26 AM
Quote from: Nosferatus on December 08, 2017, 09:05:30 AM
I actually think this is an example of a terrible recreation.
The realm was finished off in a bloody seccesion war against the seceeded Aurvandil which was plagued by serious multi cheating(same people as Thulsoma, Averorth etc they used multis to harvest gold and sent it all to one place raising massive armies between 20 and 40 K CS at certain points in regions like Valkyrja which made about 200/300 gold ).
It was actually a vary sad moment in BM, or atleast for me as (co) founder of Madina.

The new Madina was founded by some old members (atleast two if i recall correctly), but didnt have anything to do with Madina.
It didnt share culture or the way the realm was designed, they actually went for the complete opposite.
The founders of the new Madina wherent creative enough to come up with their own name and flag and thus used that of the old Madina.
Wiki pages all kept refering to the old Madina and the new Madina became an empty husk of a relam build around a single ruler/Duke with no background, code of law or anything which it still is.
In contrast, the old Madina was put allot of work into and had a very unique style of governance that isnt like anything else in BM.
The new Madina didnt adopt all that because it was a very decentralized system and wouldnt allow for a single character to have all the power like now.

And as it often is. New Fronen has only the name in common with the old. Different lands, different people, different culture, even different flag. Unlike Madina, that was mostly used to piggy back on sympathy capital the name generated for certain people in BT, which helped legitimize and support the creation of this new realm ("we'll recreate Fronen!" had more traction than "we'll create a new realm!").

Xinhai became Morek (or Morek Empire?), but I think that one was at least much closer than the Fronen and Madina examples.

Honestly, I think the cases where realms are reborn true to their original identity is rare, if it ever happens. Death transforms a realm.
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Sharpspeare on December 13, 2017, 03:28:49 PM
Quote from: Chenier on December 09, 2017, 02:05:26 AM
Honestly, I think the cases where realms are reborn true to their original identity is rare, if it ever happens. Death transforms a realm.

I have found this to be the case as well. I've been tempted to recreate dead realms but I know I could not revive the same soul the realm had, and thus let the dead realm stay dead
Title: Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
Post by: Foxglove on December 13, 2017, 04:59:38 PM
All of this is also a timely reminder that having your realm destroyed is not actually the worst thing in the world. We all have realms that we love (or have loved, in the case of fallen realms), but there's always the ability to create something new. Some times, those new creations will fly, other times they'll fall flat. But a proportion of them will work. Over the years, I've seen so many players quit when a realm is destroyed (and I've often felt that's probably the biggest way we lose players who've been around for a while), but they could go on to be part of new things.

Creating new thing is part of the fun of the game. The East Continent had become stale, and it's these new opportunities that have brought it back to life. The other aspect of this is that old, established, realms need to always be open to allowing spaces for new creations.