Not sure if it's people that are here or those from steam or elsewhere but my enjoyment of the game has diminished since a few have appeared that seem to want to micromanage everyone and are hostile toward those that don't do what they've said. In one game I'd thought the person was making in character comments, but by the end of it it very much felt they were actually just being unpleasant.
Unfortunately I don't have time for things like that and it does affect the enjoyment levels. I enjoy games that feel like you're playing with friends, not with people you'd probably try to avoid interacting with.
That's what private games are for.
Also, I think a mute option to the chat would be useful, yes?
Private games are good if you have enough people to play with.
A mute or block option on the chat could be good (potentially even giving feedback as, if the same person is blocked by multiple other people, it could be an indicator that they aren't good for the game).
Unfortunately that's one of the drawbacks to having a game that is going to be seen by the wider public. A mute option would be useful.