I'm a new guy (less than a month in-game), so please forgive me if I post wrong thing in the wrong place.
I wanted to ask if Beluaterra is worth it? I'm thinking about making my first adventurer character there. Is BT alive? How big (and how active) playahbase is there? Are interesting things happening? I read somewhere that it's completely different from other BM continents, like more events and mystery and stuff.
Quote from: MTYL on December 13, 2016, 11:42:40 PM
I'm a new guy (less than a month in-game), so please forgive me if I post wrong thing in the wrong place.
I wanted to ask if Beluaterra is worth it? I'm thinking about making my first adventurer character there. Is BT alive? How big (and how active) playahbase is there? Are interesting things happening? I read somewhere that it's completely different from other BM continents, like more events and mystery and stuff.
I would say BT is worth it. It has high monster density and there are Daimons that invade. We are currently in one! Every realm save for Dominorum, Spearhold and Borodo Acah are at war with Netherworld (the Daimons). I would recommend you create a character here , as several realms are very interesting.
Netherworld Daemons and thier daemon worshipping allies (Dominorum, Spearhold and Borodo Acah) at war against the rest of the island.
Beware, the judges on both sides quite happily deal out justice ^-_-^
My favourite island at the moment, good fun.
Can confirm, BT right now is the one that's pretty much guaranteed to have fighting. Much excite.
I personally enjoy playing as a noble allot.
Yet playing as and an advy on BT has its downsides.
There are no guilds as far, as i know for adventurers and almost no effort is done to organize advys, nobles often ignore you or are low on gold to pay for unique items or scrolls.
However magic, unique items and portal stones play a much bigger role here.
In fact i'd say advies can change the course of the invasion by their own.
Nobles should actually invest more in advies but they rarley do.
If your looking for more interaction and easier ways to buy and sell unique items or scrolls, then play in Dwilight where advy guilds are much bigger and more used by both nobles and advies.
The Daimon-worshipping realms are confirmed to slaughter player characters of all types in job lots whenever they get the chance. Nothoi (my realm) recently lost somewhere between a tenth and a quarter of our characters when one of the realms did a run in behind a Daimon (powerful NPCs controlled by the game masters that periodically walk around and smash the human realms into bloody paste) assault and starting hitting the execute button as fast as they could. There are some hard feelings over that. Statements like "no mercy" and such.
But the human realms are a much more interesting place to play. I have had a character on BT for the better part of a decade now, and it is one of the more interesting continents when it comes player interaction.
And one good thing about the Daimon invasions is they tend to wipe out any weak nation. They sometimes target strong and vibrant nations for death too. But they always wipe out the borderline nations that are smaller or less well rounded. It keeps the continent in a perpetual of being ground down to near nothing and then being rebuilt. It has the highest turnover rate of any continent, with the possible exception of Dwilight.
I can just about guarantee that gameplay on BT will be interesting. Maybe not always enjoyable, but never boring. I'm on my fourth Daimon invasion now. I've been part of one of the most powerful realms every single time. My realm has been swarmed and destroyed by the Daimons every single time. This invasion may be the first time I'm able to succeed in helping to save a realm.
Preferences will vary and so will realms, but for most of BM's existence, Beluaterra was a much more fun place to play in than most other continents.
I'm okay with BT but for me it's prob my least favorite continent :p
It will vary much on what you seek in this game I think and in part also where your history lies.
Definitely agree with Gabanus, plus its hard to generalize a continent.
I am enjoying BT where i play, allthough i always see room for improvements, and i can always complain about certain characters not having any rp background at all anywhere.
One realm isnt the other, and even though BT isnt that large anymore, there is still a huge difference between the realms out there.
One thing in BT is important though: if you dont like daimons or other almost unpredictable things and hate any kind of surprises at all, then just stay away.
I have seen daimons, portal stones and magic do all kinds of things that can hugely influence the game.
It adds more randomness or luck factors.
It does create lots of interesting situations for your character to react upon, it needs to explain the unexplainable which creates various of interpretations or conclusions and RP oportuntiies.
It drove, and still drives my character completely mad, ordering his army to capture a talking and dancing daimon rat, even asking foreign rulers to torture certain characters he believes have something to do with it, leading to various interesting and amusing situations for example.
Light beacons(from portal stones) are general seen in Gotland as signs from the Great goat, directing the herd its direction, which is considered by some as a promise of future lands.
A portal event close to Gethsemene half a year ago was a revelation for my character and ever since he is extremely zealous, ending every letter with a reference to the Great Goat.
The devs playing the daimons also try/tried to adjust their game and RP to local atmosphere.
Gotland was attacked several times by zombiefied goats for example, the realms worse nightmare off course.
Obviously these are (ridiculous) examples of how it could be, but in truth your story can go anywhere on BT.
But some people cant stand the fact that they have no idea what the daimons are able to do and thus feel that fighting them is pointless and don't see any of these oportunities for intresting stories.
The BT experience really depends what realm you're in. Some realms seem to have a lot of interesting things going on, while realms like mine are left alone for the most part which can be boring at times.
Quote from: DeVerci on December 27, 2016, 04:20:44 PM
The BT experience really depends what realm you're in. Some realms seem to have a lot of interesting things going on, while realms like mine are left alone for the most part which can be boring at times.
Maybe time to serve the Daimons...?
Quote from: Attano on December 27, 2016, 11:16:08 PM
Maybe time to serve the Daimons...?
Uhm, that a thing? Seriously? I have an adventurer there, can I just like, start serving the daimons? Won't they kill me anyhow?
Quote from: MTYL on December 28, 2016, 01:20:36 AM
Uhm, that a thing? Seriously? I have an adventurer there, can I just like, start serving the daimons? Won't they kill me anyhow?
You can, collecting stuff for them, just get captured and Akkan will speak to you.
I'm pretty sure we are disqualified from ever serving the daimons considering that we first captured and imprisoned the first daimon expedition leader until he magically disappeared, and then killed good ol Jactosh. We were ready for a visit from Jomorosh like two months ago because he said he lost a book, but then it seems he found it while wandering around the south.
Quote from: DeVerci on December 28, 2016, 06:35:21 AM
I'm pretty sure we are disqualified from ever serving the daimons considering that we first captured and imprisoned the first daimon expedition leader until he magically disappeared, and then killed good ol Jactosh. We were ready for a visit from Jomorosh like two months ago because he said he lost a book, but then it seems he found it while wandering around the south.
Get a noble to support you. Gustav Kuriga especially has a different mindset from most nobles there.
If you want your realm to be destroyed in a blink of an eye, then sure, publicly align to the daimons at this moment. :P
It might be more intresting to join them secretly.
Advies can change realm before getting captured and executed by them.
Maybe join the Portal temple.
Quote from: Zakky on December 28, 2016, 10:08:42 AM
It sure aint going to be you guys, so yeah. :P
The only Way is that of the Herd.
Quote from: Nosferatus on December 28, 2016, 09:45:24 AM
If you want your realm to be destroyed in a blink of an eye, then sure, publicly align to the daimons at this moment. :P
It might be more intresting to join them secretly.
Advies can change realm before getting captured and executed by them.
Maybe join the Portal temple.
I was secretly a Daimon servant when one of my Daleborn was Praetrix of SV.
I wondered where you went :)
Joining the daimons is no fun, though of course having a solid wall of 40k CS of undead armies certainly puts a damper on things as well. Some realms have done fairly well with expanding however, Thalmarkin is up to 4 cities now.
You see once our lords return, you shall all kneel once again!
Quote from: Zakky on December 30, 2016, 04:43:46 AM
You see once our lords return, you shall all kneel once again!
Again? No one in Gotland ever kneeled for a daimon.
Unless they have mistaken a daimon for a goat.
Quote from: Nosferatus on January 05, 2017, 12:24:02 PM
Again? No one in Gotland ever kneeled for a daimon.
Unless they have mistaken a daimon for a goat.
Maybe goat was daimon D:.