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Messages - LordTurtleton

Pages: [1]
Atamara / Re: The Current War
« on: December 05, 2012, 04:06:04 AM »
My god that was impressive. I honestly wasn't expecting that big of a clash.  Too bad we lost, I really thought Darka and BoM were gonna screw something up.  :-[  Oh well, Nazamroth wasn't exactly the most productive region to be Marquess of, so I can't complain too badly. :P

BM General Discussion / Re: I need a list of other browser rpg games
« on: November 20, 2012, 11:25:25 PM »
I'm not a part of, nor can think of any, browser-based RPGs.  But I am active on the DF boards.

Newbie Board / Re: Character Experience
« on: November 20, 2012, 08:10:41 PM »
Okay, but what are the skill levels? I don't see them in any of the menus.  What's the benefit of being an older/younger person in the game?  I'm sorry about all these questions! I'm just new to the game and want to learn all that I can! :P

Newbie Board / Character Experience
« on: November 20, 2012, 07:55:09 PM »
I've got a question about the character creation screen.  On the last page where you pick what units to command, and their name;  you can also pick your Character Experience.  What's the point of choosing an older and wiser guy, compared to young and energetic person?  Is it just a flavor thing, or does it actually affect something?

Newbie Board / Re: Getting a new estate
« on: November 20, 2012, 07:16:32 PM »
Alright, thanks!  Because I was thinking of waiting until after tax day to start travelling if I had to abandon first.  But now I know I can just leave.

Newbie Board / Getting a new estate
« on: November 20, 2012, 07:05:12 PM »
Hello everybody! I learned about BattleMaster through the Dwarf Fortress boards, and heard about how awesome and complex it was, so I decided to try it out.  And it is!
Anyways, I decided to start in Dwilight, and where I spawned there was an empty estate and no lord of the region, so without thinking I took up estate there.  This was before I thought to ask anyone's permission, and anyone replied to my general greeting.  A little while later the King introduced himself to me, and suggested some more prosperous lands I should look to set up shop in.  With, of course, the lord the region's permission.  Now I want to know, do I have to specifically abandon my current estate before taking another; or can I simply travel to the different region and settle myself in?

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