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Messages - Broose

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Far East Island / Re: Sorraine vs. Ohnar West
« on: November 17, 2012, 06:39:41 PM »
Looks like Coralynth is already pulling out of the war.

Far East Island / Re: Sorraine vs. Ohnar West
« on: November 15, 2012, 11:04:31 PM »
For the record, Sorraine did not, so far as I know, ask Coralynth to join the war. I had no idea they were thinking about it. Sorraine made the decision to go to war on its own, deliberately not seeking the aide of allies. Coralynths action was a surprise to me.

Also, the behavior of OW during the war (selling food to Kindara) makes for an excellent reason for conquest. We will remove their ability to betray us in the same manner again.

Yep, it was never my plan for Coralynth to get pulled into it, though Ingall seems to think we were in coordination during the days leading up to the war.

Far East Island / Re: Sorraine vs. Ohnar West
« on: November 15, 2012, 06:35:12 PM »
Honestly I'm not a fan of the current OW, but Sorraine and Coralynth declaring war on us is utter bull!@#$. They have zero reason for war, that is zero solid reason that isn't out-of-the-blue. I remember when rulers were enforced by the honor code to only declare war if they had a worthy explanation for their hostility. Now it's just on a whim. Uhg. I know it's BATTLEmaster but some player's don't seem to know the limits of what's fun and acceptable.

My little rant. I'm done. Come to Sasrhas so I can stab you a couple dozen times.

You're bringing an in-game issue out of the game. Everyone knows the reason for war is flimsy, but Mathilda thinks she can get away with it.

There's at least one realm that already wants to invade Sorraine. Instead of complaining on the forums, you could get them on your side.

Far East Island / Sorraine vs. Ohnar West
« on: November 15, 2012, 05:49:35 AM »
To keep discussion in the right place.

Sorraine is about to declare war on Ohnar West, for those who haven't heard. Meanwhile, a lord from Ohnar just switched over to Arcaea's new colony, Coralynth.

Far East Island / Re: Religious power rankings
« on: November 09, 2012, 06:26:26 AM »
I've suggested one, but there were no takers.

Suggested a war? I think I know what you're talking about -- it's not guaranteed to happen yet, but we're planning it in the new war council.

Far East Island / Re: Religious power rankings
« on: November 09, 2012, 05:51:24 AM »
The current crop of Sartanian elders are too pacifist. Which really sucks for a religion centered around a war god.

Part of the problem there is that only three people are playing the five elders. More activity and conflicting opinions among them would be nice, but Mathilda is plenty interested in war to make up for them.

Far East Island / Re: Sorraine
« on: August 16, 2012, 07:23:33 PM »
Theuderik was a newcomer. He hadn't really been around long enough for an attachment to form. Plus, he was an Ibby devotee of another god, and quite outspoken about it. While the refugees from Ibladesh are nice to have, because more nobles are always better, they were always the square peg. We are the Sartanians! Someone who pledged their life to Kokini? Meh...

Plus: bad timing. We already have the holy war with the Elders. So the murder of Theuderik was sandwiched between the fact the holy war has already been declared, and the potential schism in the church between Caspius and Selene. Theuderik just got lost. It's up to his buddies to make sure he's remembered.

As for the "planned" feel of it all, people outside Sorraine would not have seen the juggling lordships and duchy. Supposedly Caspius thought Mathilda was there to arrest him or kill him? Then why the orderly transfer of the lordship and duchy over to Mathilda? And why does Arke show up out nowhere to kill Caspius by a surprise sword in the back? What? Where'd that come from?

Maybe I just didn't understand the whole thing. The scenario just didn't seem natural.

Caspius granted her the duchy and lordship to ensure the succession went smoothly. He never planned to survive the ordeal, I think.

Mathilda came to the palace at Caspius' request, and she was told to bring a sword. He wanted her to kill him. Arke was also introduced to the scene in the roleplay before. It's kind of confusing to make out in the flood of letters, and there were a few crucial private ones as well. This wiki page has all the important bits:

So it wasn't really planned OOC as much as it was IC, on Caspius' part. I can't really blame anyone for being confused, but I hope some people enjoyed watching it unfold.

Far East Island / Re: Arcaean Empire
« on: July 05, 2012, 01:57:21 AM »
It's an interesting idea. But something about the whole "leaderboard" feel of it rubs me wrong. Still, it's on FEI, not Dwilight, so...

The leaderboard thing hasn't been proposed in game, as far as I know. Right now the idea is that the realms can just fight eachother for the position of emperor.

I wouldn't call them war games, since it's a real war for an important title, just one with a strict code of honor behind it.

Far East Island / Re: Sorraine
« on: June 01, 2012, 09:25:46 PM »
Sorraine has to be the best realm I've ever been a part of, RP-wise.

I hope we can keep this sort of thing up for awhile. No wars going on? Just roleplay wacky Sartanian antics in the palace.

Far East Island / Re: Sorraine
« on: May 25, 2012, 09:45:15 AM »
Henzo would definitely have to be punished, but it doesn't have to be a banishment. I'd prefer to keep him around if only because he'll probably make things more interesting.

Development / Re: Declaring a Heir/Successor
« on: May 24, 2012, 02:52:19 AM »
Someone the king chooses takes the throne immediately after he's gone? That could probably be exploited pretty easily. You can do this already through RP anyways, the heir just needs to be elected. Which makes sense, because a king isn't really a king if nobody in the realm recognizes his claim, and I've always thought of ruler elections in monarchies as an abstraction for the support from the nobility.

Sorraine in FEI uses the General position for the heir to the throne. It's a nice way to make that position slightly less useless.

Far East Island / Re: Calm before the storm on FEI
« on: May 10, 2012, 09:18:16 PM »
He's enforcing his claim on a duchy. Me'hoe had plenty of chances to prevent this, and definitely knew it was coming if he didn't cooperate. Are we calling people villains over religious fervor now, or what?

Dwilight / Re: No Zuma Thread
« on: May 10, 2012, 04:17:13 PM »
Honestly, the start of the war was a HUGE diplomatic failure on the part of Summerdale. From out of nowhere they jumped up, declared themselves to be the rightful heir of Springdale, and declared they intended to completely destroy the Libero Empire and take their land.

Hello! McFly!

Is it any wonder Morek stepped in to help their *ally* and *friend* from destruction at the hands of a realm that canceled an alliance and declared war with seemingly no warning or justification at all?

Sorry, Summerdale. I know what you were trying to do. A nice war would have been fun. But you completely blew it with your opening move. Morek did *exactly* what you should have expected they would do, and exactly what you would have done in their situation.

Nobody's denying that Morek was perfectly justified in going to war. To be fair, though, our opening move was made when we had eight nobles and figured Libero's victory wasn't just likely, it was a foregone conclusion (I'm not sure on the specifics of when our Queen started going on about destroying Libero entirely, actually, since most of us weren't very involved in the talks at all.)

Really, going like 3 months with almost zero letters being sent around tends to make you a little impatient. I think the vast majority of our activity during that period was seriously just orders to go kill monsters.

Dwilight / Re: No Zuma Thread
« on: May 10, 2012, 02:42:58 PM »
I don't think you're the only one who feels that way. The fact is that Summerdale is losing because the other side cheated, so the bad taste is unavoidable. In my 5 years of playing I never came across such a group of player(s) who are dancing on the edge of fair play, and the last charade where Mt. Black Nastrond realigned to Morek is a just a continuum of such a behavior for it is the breach of SMA rules.

So yes, like many in Summerdale, I am bitter and disappointed with all of this and once the plausible IC situation evolves I will be leaving with the rest of the Dalians wherever we may go, and will be avoiding the north west from now on in as wide range as possible. I don't want to whine or insult anyone but this is where I stand about this mess, and I prefer to play in a climate that is much more considerable about fair play than north-west of Dwilight is.

I don't want to blame anyone for it. It's upsetting how this turned out, but I don't think the Libero players in general are to blame.

Basically: this war sucks, I can barely bring myself to try and play through it, and I think most of us just want it to end one way or another so we can get past it all. And that's a damn shame, we have all these new players whose first experience is going to be filled with bugs, OOC arguments over said bugs, and getting steamrolled by a realm with nothing better to do. It's a big mess all around and I wish it didn't end up that way, but besides the exploit, everyone was just doing what made sense.

Dwilight / Re: How NOT to declare war
« on: May 10, 2012, 11:59:55 AM »
Is Summerdale still more region than nobles? I'd figure the massive influx of nobles to Summerdale from B12 would have changed that. I've read a lot of complaining about Summerdale having no free estates...

If not, I'll gladly inform the ravenous hordes to stop making new characters in Terran and instead join Summerdale. I think the last 12 people who joined Terran in the last week are all either my friends or folks I know from B12. <_< I know at least 8 of my friends have confirmed joining Terran this week.

Oh, if only there was rebellion... I'd love to hear Skype-rage in our 20-person group calls as they find out I executed/murdered/attacked one of them... :P

Also, knowing folks on and off B12 on both sides, it seems pretty evident Libero has absolutely annihilated Summerdale with superior numbers and firepower. Morek being involved just changed the scales from overpowered to overkill, heh.

Actually, we were doing pretty good until Morek joined. In the beginning, we managed a couple nice victories despite having only 8 nobles, and after that we got a huge influx of nobles and had fairly good chances of winning. We had a good shot at taking Mt. Black back until Morek reinforced them, and since then we've been getting beaten pretty hard.

Summerdale definitely doesn't need anymore nobles. We could have managed with 20, and we got 40. I think we can still get every noble an estate, but it's getting tough to manage.

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