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Messages - Pike

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Dwilight / Re: And a new realm lives!
« on: March 12, 2013, 10:00:42 PM »
Stupid puase and unpuase buttons on phone... got characters confused and  now Abbigal is paused Sigh....

If somone would be so kind as to offer the following explanation in game I would  appreciate it.

Lady Imperatice Abbigal Pike was found unresponsive  in Balance's Retreat temple of Sanguis Astroism.   Healers and priests can  not tell if she was poisoned or if she has gone into a  meditative state while she worshipers the bloodstars.  Or perhaps  some evil heathen force has taken root in her soul and battles with her.  All that they can tell is that she  does not respond to anything around her.

Dwilight / Re: Sanguis Astroism
« on: March 05, 2013, 01:10:19 PM »
The church made no official action. What you saw in action was influence working against an action that was extremely unpopular due to the involvement of a convicted heretic.
So because the used influence instead of action they did not make them do anything?  Is that not the whole point of having influence so that you can make realms or people do things without actually needing to do any work.

Also I was not really looking for the excuse as to why it was done.  Simply how it was not considered making a realm do something.

Dwilight / Re: Sanguis Astroism
« on: March 05, 2013, 09:20:37 AM »
SA doesn't stop realms from doing anything, it's the non-SA with their cowardice and utter lack of tact that stop their own selves. There have been plenty of wars on the continent that did not result in all of SA picking out a single realm off, or even a coalition of realms.

If SA does not stop realms from doing anything then why did the church stop the army from Faronite republic from taking out A Duke of from Swordfell.  That seems to go against SA not stooping realms from doing anything?

Dwilight / Re: Sanguis Astroism
« on: March 01, 2013, 02:13:28 AM »
Which is exactly what Hireshmont has been arguing and Abbigal has been arguing against.
and since  when has Abbigal been a  friend of Allison's Faith or her?  Abbigal has spoken against crusading down there for the purpose  of rooting Allison out.  The other private temples  have nothing to do with Allison's faith.  Honestly Abbigial would probably want to help sent troops down and to    Aurvandil but cant  because of needing to build the realm.  Though I guess you are implying that Bowie  is someone how of the same faith as Allison?

ok After re-reading Hireshmont's letters I can see that he does  allow for space for some other faiths.  Yet once again I do not think Bowie is quite to the point of evil as Allison and her faith in regards.   Letting in someone for OA is something even Abbigal would not do.

Dwilight / Re: Sanguis Astroism
« on: March 01, 2013, 01:25:42 AM »
Yet that still leaves open the possibility that others could also be along a different path.  The only one that was mentioned specifically as being evil was Allison's Faith and OA.

Dwilight / Re: Sanguis Astroism
« on: February 28, 2013, 11:27:49 PM »
In other words:

Mathurin just endorsed the position of the more radical conservatives among the elders and spat in the face of Abbigal.

It's all in how you read it, folks. He just almost gave verbatim some of Hireshmont's arguments, yet also validated the argument of extremity (also put forward by Hireshmont).


I will agree its in how you read it.  I do not see that it is spitting in Abbigals face.  It questions how you can be sure that others do not simply walk on a different path.  I too would like  to see it IC.

Dwilight / Re: The Wedding
« on: February 28, 2013, 07:43:26 PM »
Considering what is going on in Swordfell I think it would be great if that Sermon was brought out to the whole church. Maybe Abbigal shold have atended afteralll. Shame she had to return regiond and have them returned.

Magistrates Case Archive / Re: Unwarranted OOC insult
« on: February 17, 2013, 09:54:37 PM »
You seem to have the same amount of glee kicking over every sandcastle that is not your own.

Magistrates Case Archive / Re: Unwarranted OOC insult
« on: February 17, 2013, 04:36:59 PM »
I have been dealing with Sevastian IC and Woefly OOC.

I have seperated it.  Abbigal is dealing with Sevasitan in Swordfell and I am doing it here with you here.

I have not been whining nonstop.  Just every time you try and play the victim.

Sevastian deserves what he is getting IC for what he does IC. 

You are being called names OOC as that is how you are acting OOC


Magistrates Case Archive / Re: Unwarranted OOC insult
« on: February 17, 2013, 04:05:07 PM »
My 'harassments' are retaliation for assaults already received. I have not insulted any player directly at all, regardless of how I feel towards them OOC. I have made statements relating my disgust with this !@#$ situation, but I have not been so rude as to call someone that I hardly speak to 'a douche'.
Yet you have traded insults and name calling by questiong peoples since of logic and intelligence both IC and OOC.  I have some messages in here which show you being quite unkind.  To call you "a Douche" is just another persons opinion of the same problem.  You keep on saying how all your actions are retaliation yet when people retalliate against you you call foul.

There are days that the new messages are 20 ooc ones VS 1 IG. I can't hide you i was happy to see that the Titans gave the whole realm a reprimand for that.
I did a search on my browser and only had 100 hits for Out-of-Character(first line of OOC meeage) in the past 30 days.
So how do you get the 20 vs 1 ratio?
I will not argue that Swordfell has its issue.  I will not argue that Sevastian/Woefly has gotten some harassment for the way he plays.  Though I would say he dishes out as much as he gets.

I think the realm has had 2 or possible 3 people that have taken the OOC business to a all time high.  That are the character of Bowie, Sevastaian, and Kiyth and I am sure Abbigial will get tossed in here as well.  All of it centers around one major issue and problem though and that is the differeince between Sevastian and others points of view.  While this disagreement is enjoyable at times when it resorts to name calling either IC or OOC it starts going bad plain and simple.  Sevastian is a jerk of a character to work with and I have accepted that and do my best to deal with it IC as we all should.  Yet when he complains about him being "harrased" IC I am confused be cause he can not accept that he is being retaliated against just like he is doing.

*Moderator note: Please keep IC and OOC conflicts separate and refrain from personal attacks.

Dwilight / Re: The Zuma
« on: February 17, 2013, 07:32:32 AM »
Right, silly ambassadors from a realm known to harbor hostilities toward the realm he's trespassing in. "Down with Luria!" five minutes later "Why don't you want me in your lands?"

Or should Luria just assist your attempts at limiting our influence in Swordfell?

*blink blink*  how is any of the ambasadores limiting Luria's influence in Swordfell.  And what does it have to do with the Zuma.

Dwilight / Re: The Zuma
« on: February 16, 2013, 01:42:44 AM »
Do it. It's a good idea.
My problem in doing so is I have no information on the area, and do not have the sources to do so.

Dwilight / Re: The Zuma
« on: February 15, 2013, 11:07:46 PM »
Someone should create a guild, similar to the Dwilight University, dedicated to discussing and compiling information concerning the Zuma. It could ensure that everyone's aware of what they're up to, as well as promote interaction with them. It's name could be 'Society for the Documentation of the Supernatural.'

Why not just document them as part of a history project or have a section in the university for the Zuma?

BM General Discussion / Re: Why Do You Play?
« on: February 13, 2013, 03:22:37 AM »
Some people like to collect gold, follow orders, and fight battles. Others may not speak English as a first language, or at all. The game offers many levels of interaction and immersion, and it is that flexibility which has allowed it to survive for a decade. Frankly—and this is merely my opinion as a player—I'd prefer more players who spend less time in the game in the aggregate, for fewer players who are maybe a little too serious. That said, what matters most is that different styles of play and levels of engagement  be welcomed. Every player wants to feel like they're included/accepted as part of a team.

I think there is a difference between people who spend less time and those who you never hear from.  I agree that those who spend less from and you only hear from once a day or once every few days are just fine.  Though I think what Iornsides is talking about  those who are in the realm and you never hear anything from.

Though this varies from realm to realm.  For example character on the East continent does little but train and answer when her marshal ask questions.  Not very involved and nothing much is really happening realm wide either.   Where on Dwilight my character is verry much busy send letters and stuff is being said over realm by at least 4 -5 different players a day.  So there enviorment is different.   

The only thing we can do to entice new players when the come in welcome them.  The possible follow up in a few days.  Beyond that we can not force them to like the game.

BM General Discussion / Re: Why Do You Play?
« on: February 11, 2013, 05:15:37 AM »
It is fun to play the role of a character.  Though I will admit only Dwilight has been the most fun. 

The roleplays I think are the most enjoyable or a good argument!!

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