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Messages - Kmap

Pages: [1]
Helpline / Re: Can archers fire even when melee is engages?
« on: July 02, 2012, 02:53:45 PM »
Thanks Quintus. Thanks Egamma. :)

I forgot that an archer unit has a maximum range of only 4 rows, that means it cannot fire past the front rows, if it is not in the front row.

Helpline / Re: Can archers fire even when melee is engages?
« on: July 01, 2012, 10:29:51 AM »
No, I mean, can archers keep firing at the enemy's middle and rearward rows even when there are melee units engaged in combat in the front rows (and the rows in between the two front rows).
Are archers of any use in the later stages of battle? (when the infantry and cavalry are in combat, and ofcourse not considering the case that infantry and cav units of the archers' realm are wiped out and all enemy units are charging at the archer units...)
I hope that is more clear. :)

Helpline / Can archers fire even when melee is engages?
« on: June 30, 2012, 03:13:22 PM »
Is it true that, now, archers can fire on the troops behind even when the front row is engaged?

Helpline / Re: Public account
« on: June 09, 2012, 09:48:53 AM »

Helpline / Re: Public account
« on: June 08, 2012, 09:23:14 PM »
Kmap, that is likely due to the length of time that you have played BM.
Foundation, my noble limit has increased, not the number of characters slots. I think it is because of making profile public. :)

Helpline / Re: Public account
« on: June 08, 2012, 09:58:46 AM »
And Also everyone, my noble limit has been increased!! :D

Helpline / Re: Public account
« on: June 08, 2012, 09:58:05 AM »
1. Everyone gets 2 active characters, 3 nobles, and 4 characters in total at the start.
I think I started with 3 active characters, of which 2 can be nobles, and 4 characters in all.
I think you swapped the 3 and 2... :D

Helpline / Re: Public account
« on: June 07, 2012, 11:08:14 AM »
Thanks! :)
I forgot that there was a noble limit too. I guess in my previous post when I referred to an additional character slot, I meant a +1 to the noble limit. Thanks!

Helpline / Re: Public account
« on: June 07, 2012, 10:02:39 AM »
I apologise to everyone for not following.

Initially when I made my account (on 2011-11-18), I choose to keep my info private.
I made my first noble character, my profile was private and in the 'edit data' section I could stwich between a public profile and a private profile whenever I wanted.
Then I went on to make two more characters, one noble and one adventurer,  and my profile was still private, but in the 'edit data' section, It said displayed "(locked at yes as long as you play more than 2 characters)" but I was still allowed to choose a yes or a no.
When I made my profile public, by choosing a yes (as an answer to 'public info?'), the 'yes' got frozen, my account went public but I didn't get an additional character slot.

I believe the problem is that when someone has two or more characters, the user data must automatically lock 'public info?' at 'yes', rather than giving a choice, and I believe that when this happens, the game doesn't provide an additional character slot. A character slot I guess is provided only when someone chooses to make his profile public... I believe this is why I didn''t get a character slot. But I say, because of the bug, I did make the choice, I too choose to make my profile public, hence I think I deserve a character slot.  :D
Am I adviced to write a bug report on this? :)

Newbie Board / Re: Sir or Lord or ??
« on: May 29, 2012, 06:20:03 PM »
Right Thanks! :)

Newbie Board / Re: Sir or Lord or ??
« on: May 29, 2012, 05:26:17 PM »
Aren't also Heros referred to as 'Sir'??

And the newbie has not yet pledged an Oath of Flealty (or whatever it is called these days...(under the new system...)), and doesn't yet command an estate, so he isn't exactly a knight either...  :D
Now what should I have used?  ;D

Newbie Board / Sir or Lord or ??
« on: May 29, 2012, 03:15:43 PM »
One of my characters is a Mentor, and recently when I adressed a newbie as Lord, I was informed that the title was reserved for the 'Lords of the realm' and instead I address them as 'Sir', but then I replied informing them that the title 'Sir' is supposed to be used only if the character has earned it... and unless that must be refrained from being used.
I wish to know what is generally followed and what I must have used.  :)

Helpline / Re: Public account
« on: May 29, 2012, 11:29:21 AM »
I made my profile public a while ago, but I haven't recieved the option of another character.
Do I have to wait for a certain time period till I get the option of creating a new character?

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