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Topics - Solari

Pages: 1 [2]
Dwilight / Barca-Aurvandil
« on: May 08, 2012, 10:30:32 PM »
Okay, someone fill the rest of us in.  Last I heard, Aurvandil owed Barca a region.

BM General Discussion / New map geography layer
« on: January 24, 2012, 07:33:29 PM »
  • Got a character on EC?
  • Think the BM map base layer could use a makeover?
  • Does this map appeal to you?

If so, make sure you're logged into your EC character and enter into your address bar.  Then, select the Geography layer in the layer list to the right. 

This thread is not for feedback.  Feedback goes here:,1887.0.html

East Island / [FEEDBACK] New geography map layer
« on: January 24, 2012, 07:31:46 PM »
This thread is for feedback on the new geography map layer announced in the General Discussion forum.

Things I know need to be fixed:
  • Bridges

Things you've suggested I improve:
  • Nothing so far

Dwilight / A love letter from Bowie Ironsides
« on: January 07, 2012, 03:10:31 AM »
lol "duckface"

Letter from Bowie Ironsides   (1 hour, 45 minutes ago)

Rulers of Dwilight,

So called "Prime Minister" Kalince has refused my duel challenge on the point that it is "illogical." I do not regard his notions of so called "logic," and therefore have decided to publicly insult him. We are two nobles at odds, since when does logic have anything to do with this? This is a point of honour, pride and the most important thing to a noble, territory claims. His theft of Sallowtown must be settled in the tradition set forth in our dignity as nobles: dueling!

Until he responds to my provocation as a proper noble should I shall no longer address him as Prime Minister, a title which, considering his treatment of this issue, he did not earn by being a real man. Instead, I shall address him as Duckface! I encourage all of you to join in the ridiculing. What real ruler does not accept a duel challenge when his honour and title is challenged? Especially when his right to rule someone else's city is called into question!

Duckface Kalince, when the Winter season is over I shall once again commence my trek to your islands. You have until the Spring to cower away in your little dress for when I arrive we must fight! As our peer rulers are witnesses, if the Duckface does not settle my issue with him he shall forever be the lowest of the low. Even lower than Low Edward Raiva! Yes, I went there.

My bullying is over for this season. Come Spring, you better believe it will resume.

Bowie Ironsides
Count of Ashrak

Dwilight / Solaria
« on: December 14, 2011, 10:15:05 PM »
For public record, a copy of Arbiter Malus' recent speechifying on the inception of Solaria:

"It's probably time I write a formal statement, so let me start by saying this: I don't care very much for formalities, so we're doing away with some of them. Respect for institutions and feudal loyalties is central to our ethic, but cluttering up parchment and brains with pretty words should not be.

Why the name? It is not (exclusively) a paean to House Solari. We are the easternmost city of Dwilight. We are the first to rise with the sun, and the first ray of the Lurian Empire. It's appropriate and simple, I think.

What am I aiming to do with Solaria? We will provide grain for Lurian bellies and spears for Lurian borders. In return, we will govern ourselves.  We will become free peoples, and through this agreement our coffers will be full and our armies stronger. This agreement will allow us to eradicate the abominations and fully fund our northern and western expansions.

Councilors are executives, after a fashion. I am trusting them to manage affairs of state, our military and our growth and commerce. A liege and their vassal must be able to rely on Councilors for direction.

Owing to their new responsibilities, lieges will be elevated in standing. There will be only one council for the discussion of military, judicial and commercial matters, with the landed nobility of Solaria being its membership. We must learn to trust one another, and this will be the first gesture.

Knights and Dames shall expect an income sufficient to maintain arms if a warrior or to be justly compensated for service rendered as a courtier, priest, trader or else-wise. You have a right to be heard and fairly represented, and I expect to work out the full details of this with the first Justice.

I will announce more in the future. If you are willing to carve your fortunes out of the wilderness side by side, then welcome to a new opportunity, my lords, ladies and vassals."

BM General Discussion / BM culture
« on: December 04, 2011, 03:38:32 PM »
I have my own thoughts on this, but it's Sunday morning and I'd rather just get the ball rolling first.  Several people have made the observation that there is a disconnect between the culture of older and newer players.  That got me thinking about the different aspects of BM culture.  Things which have been mentioned before are things like PvP vs. team-based play, conceptions of IC and OOC, and trust and civility issues. 

My questions: do real differences exist along these lines?  If so, what are some of the commonly-observed causes?  More importantly, does BM have a generalized culture and if so, (how) do we want to promote and protect it?

Why I'm asking: I've noticed a lot of rudeness IC lately.  Just plain dickishness, really.  There are ways to write that do not involve insulting the players around you and creating a generally unhealthy environment.  Again, perhaps this is a personal preference, but it does appear that there is enough anecdotal evidence to suggest that there are very large camps on both sides of the issues mentioned at the top.

Comments, please!

Far East Island / Siege of Nahad
« on: August 11, 2011, 01:31:08 AM »
Those of you not in Nahad are missing a riot. Gaston stormed the castle walls to declare his love for Arya, I think Eithad wounded her or otherwise offended her honor such that Gaston challenged him to a duel and lost terribly. A few hours later, Arya finally bit and started replying, asking why she needed rescuing. Gaston, alas, is seriously wounded.

Oh, the sweet sweet tragedy.


BM General Discussion / Open Mic Thread: How do you manage refugees?
« on: June 05, 2011, 04:49:40 PM »
This came up as a topic on IRC and I thought it merited a good discussion.  We've always had refugee populations in the game.  Sometimes they come from defunct realms, occasionally religions, etc.  What happens when those populations move as a whole into other realms?

What I'd like is for people who are either members of host realms or refugee populations to share their experiences, observations, and suggestions for how to manage this interesting phenomenon.

Atamara / Treaty System
« on: March 04, 2011, 08:05:28 PM »
Ignoring the Darkan principle of simply pretending that treaties don't exist ( :o ), what steps have the various realms taken toward getting ready for the activation of the new treaty system?  Did you just formalize existing arrangements, codify common wisdom, or take the opportunity to shuffle your foreign policy entirely?  Feel free to speak on behalf of your realm if you're not a ruler, diplomat, or the like!

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