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Topics - Ketchum

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Colonies / Outer Tilog versus Inner Tilog(Giblot?) war
« on: March 03, 2016, 06:24:36 AM »

By the way, nice war so far. The reason for war? Because Inner Tilog renames to Giblot...

Inner Tilog's Name Changed   (25 days, 15 hours ago)
Julius Domitius, King of Inner Tilog, Royal of Inner Tilog, Marshal of the Legio I Giblotica Victrix has changed Inner Tilog's full name from 'Inner Tilog Republic' to 'Kingdom of Giblot (Inner Tilog)'.

A new war is breaking out   (21 days, 10 hours ago)
Outer Tilog has declared war on Inner Tilog.

Huge Battle Fought   (14 days ago)
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Ammersfield:
Inner Tilog vs. Outer Tilog
Estimated strengths: 550 men vs. 560 men
The Band of Ghouls, Fiends and Abominations (Outer Tilog), sponsored by Garm Tanngrisnir Crownguard, Minister of Offense of Outer Tilog, Royal of Outer Tilog, Duke of the Abyssal Gate, Baron of Hilly Holes, Marshal of the Band of Ghouls, Fiends and Abominations, were led into battle by Marshal Garm Tanngrisnir Crownguard.
The Imperial Army of Giblot (Inner Tilog), sponsored by Elros Pannonius, Royal of Inner Tilog, Duke of Giblot, Margrave of Giblot, were led into battle by Marshal Julius Domitius.

Defender Victory!

Huge Battle Fought   (13 days ago)
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Ammersfield:
Outer Tilog vs. Inner Tilog
Estimated strengths: 520 men vs. 330 men
The Band of Ghouls, Fiends and Abominations (Outer Tilog), sponsored by Garm Tanngrisnir Crownguard, Minister of Offense of Outer Tilog, Royal of Outer Tilog, Duke of the Abyssal Gate, Baron of Hilly Holes, Marshal of the Band of Ghouls, Fiends and Abominations, were led into battle by Marshal Garm Tanngrisnir Crownguard.
The Imperial Army of Giblot (Inner Tilog), sponsored by Elros Pannonius, Royal of Inner Tilog, Duke of Giblot, Margrave of Giblot, were led into battle by Marshal Julius Domitius.
Sybilla Perfideous, Kepper of Hair and Fluff of Outer Tilog, Baroness of Steepglades was seriously wounded by Gerald tentil's unit.

Defender Victory!

Huge Battle Fought   (1 day ago)
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Ammersfield:
Inner Tilog vs. Outer Tilog
Estimated strengths: 620 men vs. 540 men
The Band of Ghouls, Fiends and Abominations (Outer Tilog), sponsored by Garm Tanngrisnir Crownguard, Minister of Offense of Outer Tilog, Royal of Outer Tilog, Duke of the Abyssal Gate, Baron of Hilly Holes, were led into battle by Marshal Elrond Edain.
The Imperial Army of Giblot (Inner Tilog), sponsored by Elros Pannonius, Royal of Inner Tilog, Duke of Giblot, Margrave of Giblot, were led into battle by Marshal Julius Domitius.

Attacker Victory!

Helpline / How to transfer a region from Duchy A to Duchy B?
« on: February 19, 2016, 07:25:49 AM »
As per topic, how we can do this as Duke of Duchy A?

Thank you.

East Island / Nivemus (Welcome to join)
« on: December 30, 2015, 04:09:14 AM »
Come and join Nivemus realm.

We have many region lordships, and vacant estates. First come, first serve. Cater to ambitious nobles wishing for promotion or new career. New characters are also welcome.

P/S: All the information are true at time of publishing 8)

Roleplaying / Brock, Kronogos of Nivemus realm
« on: December 22, 2015, 08:01:23 AM »
Roleplay from Brock Ketchum

Adventurer Delianne has come forward to Brock at Kalmar city.

"Ancient Book of Rancagua? Plus 7 Prestige? It is indeed a book that befit Kronogos of these lands. Rancagua used to be our ancient realm name" Brock smiles as he takes a look at the Ancient Book.

Praising the Adventurer and giving her some gold for her deed, Brock turns the book pages carefully as he browses the Ancient Book for its Wisdom of its ancient people.

This Book is worth a fortune, perhaps more. The wisdom of our ancient people are recorded inside this book.


Sometime later during Gadlock battle against the so-called mighty Undead Horde of 2 Unit with 4400 CS strength while Brock unit only having 1100 CS strength. Brock looks at his Captain Osric and then turns to his men, motivates them:

"Hail warriors of northern tribes of Nivemus. We gather here today to send these pests back to their eternal sleep. By the wisdom I have with this Ancient Book of Rancagua in my possession, we shall prevail. Under strength or not, we shall fight to the very end."

And with Ancient Book of Rancagua and its wisdom bestowed by its ancient tribesmen, Brock and his men prevailed pretty easily over the Undead.

Dwilight / Which interesting realms to join in Dwilight?
« on: December 04, 2015, 01:55:30 AM »
As per topic above, let me start the ball rolling for all players who wishing to migrate and join a new realm in a new island.

Convince me why :)

I have never try SMA atmosphere island before. This is as good chance to try and play on one. How does the SMA environment looks like? From the initial perspection, we need to RolePlay our characters.

Development / Funny Battlemaster function messages
« on: July 16, 2015, 09:45:31 AM »
They are not my men corpses. Try forage the battlefield and game come out with a funny message below that make me laugh. I think we could use more funny messages.

Your men were defeated and driven from the battlefield. Obviously, that is why you can't go there and pick on the corpses, since most of them are yours.

As I told Legro, I think we need make players lighten up with a few jokes messages that can make players playing behind the characters laugh. Too much serious in real life and then serious in game will cause harm. As some wise man say, laughter is the best medicine ;D

Development / <FEEDBACK> Citizen Militia is too POWERFUL!
« on: July 06, 2015, 08:03:23 AM »
As per topic on Citizen Militia, People's Militia, let us all feedback here.

Speaking from my own playing experience in Sandalak, at War Islands, below are my feedback and sharing. Where two realms combined Ikalak and Sandalak armies attacking Taselak capital city and we can witness first hand how Citizen Militia effects.

Personally I think they are too overwhelming powerful. There have been a few battles against Citizen Militia in Taselak city(with wall) and Umkinnu(without wall). We attackers can completely defeated Citizen Militia at Umkinnu but not Taselak city. There have been many factors already against the attackers attacking a city: Walled city, Duke of City can place militia. And now this Citizen Militia.


In Umkinnu(without wall), Citizen Militia is standing there for us attackers to shoot at. We have our Melee unit to cover our Range unit, so it is understandable that they do not move forward to engage us the attackers.

In Taselak city(with wall), Citizen Militia only moved forward after our melee units retreated or destroyed.


Can we nerfed this Citizen Militia one unit into several units? I understand that their relative strength is comparable with the best Infantry Recruitment Center in capital city. What I do not understand is how the attackers managed to defeat the defenders mobile force, and still the attackers nobles got captured, killed, wounded by Citizen Militia alone. We can witness ourselves how Citizen Militia can do all these actions(capture, kill, wound) more often than the defenders mobile force do. Which is starting to sound insane to me. It is insane that our Siege Engines buildings are already producing very slowly and yet we need break more men and SEs against a walled city. Or make Citizen Militia facing starvation and consuming food too, I do not know if they consume food at all.

Please no 1 single Superman unit to defend whole city. Especially not in medieval times.

South Island / End of Sorach or is it?
« on: June 16, 2015, 06:59:23 AM »
And then poof. Off we go, another Ruler entering heaven. Or Llama if they still worshiping it. What is the odds of 2 Rulers dead after one another in just few battles from each other death?

Roleplaying / Adventure of Gary Ketchum, the Young
« on: September 19, 2014, 10:35:39 AM »
Adventure of Gary Ketchum, the Young

Roleplay from Gary Ketchum

First battle in Meuse
Receiving order from his realm General Stratarchos Brock, who is also his brother. Gary rides horse alongside his 46 Cavalrymen to Meuse. Moving together with Gary, there are: Vice Marshal Earl Malakai of the Army of Nivemus, Legados Lucienne and Earl Krankos. Together they make up 4 Nivemus units attacking Meuse.

On the opposing side, there are 5 militia units consists of 3 Infantry units and 2 Archer units.

Vice Marshal Earl Malakai looks at the wind and found the wind to be quite windy. The archers will have to aim very carefully or they will have not much impact on the battle. Grasping understanding of the battlefield, Vice Marshal Earl Malakai decides not to set any formation for this battle. Legados Lucienne deploys her Archers in Skirmish setting, her determined looks on her face, gives some encouragement to Gary. Looking on Earl Krankos who keep motivating his Special Forces to fight despite them being outnumbered 4 attackers against opposing 5 defenders, Gary grins widely and with confidence. If Nivemus nobles have such high confidence in their ranks, there is nothing we cannot achieve.

In the first round, arrows are exchanged between both sides. One of the militia unit quickly retreated after suffering a high casualties.

In the second round, Gary together with his men ride on, closing in on the defenders. Another arrow volleys are exchanged between both sides.

In the third round, Gary rides his horse confidently as he charges ahead along with the rest of Nivemus nobles. The victory has been won in this round by Nivemus realm as their nobles fought valiantly and caused all the militias to fear Nivemus military enough to retreat from the battlefield. One of the militia units got wiped out in the process.

Roleplaying / King Ash Ketchum from Oritolon Roleplays and Stories
« on: August 04, 2014, 09:49:44 AM »
Roleplay from Ash Ketchum   (21 hours, 19 minutes ago)

Receiving a letter from Sovonoval Count Lucivar, Ash smiles "At least we won't be short on reinforcement when we hit Rola tomorrow. I hope he can join in the battles, I am sure he going to like it."

Addressing his men before Rola Sierrie battle, Ash looks at every men face "Portion has been taking opportunity to rebuild its forces during this Cease Fire. We have been too nice to them, we open door for negotiation with them, we stop short of attacking their lands. And what do they done? They takeaway Rola Sierrie region by force. Perhaps my diplomatic nature and myself being too nice with everyone. No longer! Today we shall bath ourselves with enemy bloods. Let us not give Sir Skarn gets all his bloodlust satisfied on his own, we deserve the moment as well. Fight hard, give Portion the taste of Oritolonian swords and bows, show them the sharper points of our arrows. Have them running back to their city to pass around our stories. This is our glory, seize it!"

Arriving on the battlefield. 4 Oritolon nobles stand with their men ready to attack 4 Portion nobles. Ash looks on as his sister May stands beside him. Besides his sister, General Druidius stands tall with his men. Baron Ceasar leads his Cavalry and positions behind the 3 Oritolon nobles as they ready to strike.

General Druidius decides to soften up the enemy before charging them head on. Portion General Sylvia decides to employ Infantry Wall to counter General Druidius Offensive formation. And the first round begins. Everyone being careful in this round, all range attacks are exchanged between both sides. 2 Portion banners fall in this round however as Ash men decide to make short work of the banners carriers.

Going into second round, both sides are evenly matched and getting closer to each other for melee engagements. May men engage Severus Maximoff, Knight of Portion in close quarter fight and wound Severus. Baron Ceasar and Malus Thirdlight, Knight of Adaria units trade attacks and they both end up wounding each other. Still Baron Ceasar unit hang on while Malus unit decide to retreat. What a shocking round.

Third round see Oritolon melee units moving forward to engage Portion units in close fight. Portion has the last 2 range Archer units standing still unleashing their arrows.

Fourth round Oritolon melee units have reached Portion range units and start to takeout one of Portion units.

Fifth round, the last Portion unit standing lead by none other than Portion General Sylvia refuse to give ground but it finds themselves outnumbered and outflanked by Oritolon units. Oritolon ranges units unleash another volley as Oritolon melee units engages in close quarter combat. The day is won by Oritolon finally.

Roleplaying / Marshal Misty of Griffin Cohort army
« on: August 03, 2014, 12:41:20 PM »
Roleplay from Misty Ketchum   (52 minutes ago)

"My lady, the nobles are growing restless. With Lady Elaine disappearance, many of them are challenging each other for the Nest, some even go further and issue out duel threats. Sir Earon states that he claims on the Nest by his second highest Honor and battle hardened warrior he is" Captain Albrecht  reports to Misty.

Misty says smilingly "And I do not even get my chance to mention I have the third highest Honor in the whole island. Maybe I should."

Her face gets more serious "Now is not the time for all these. Has they all got nothing better to do? Let us send them after the infidels before they get themselves all bloodied up on their own. Besides, hasn't the duel is outlawed according to the realm rule as pointed out by some noble?"

Captain Albrecht answers "Yes, but I doubt some of them care for it. My lady, it is good to have them fight the common enemy, if not they would end up fighting themselves."

Misty grins "Just like the Sandalak that I know, is it not? We all love good fighting. Order the army to rally as fast as they can, we have many tasks to do. <HIDDEN> task has not been complete to my satisfaction, not to mention Wvyern Incarnate and Lord Griffin satisfactions. Before they both come down on my head, we better get moving. And do not mention about my first loss in battle as Marshal of Griffin Cohort, that is just a fluke."

Captain Albrecht nods "Yes, my lady."

Many scribes write the letters hurrily and send them all out as soon as they can.

Some moments later in Misty camp.

Looking at a letter, Captain Albrecht smiles broadly and informs Misty "My lady, do you still remember Marshal Logan? In fact, Sir Logan, since he left his Marshal post. He has joined your army, my lady."

Hearing her Captain, Misty takes the letter and smiles "It is a surprise. A very welcoming one."

South Island / Is there some bugs going on?
« on: July 24, 2014, 07:45:12 AM »
As per topic above, is there some bugs with region report, takeover, recruit filling in, etc except battle script? There are many people coming in with questions about this and I cannot login bug tracker to report. Please help...

Roleplaying / A young Vice Marshal Daily Work
« on: June 24, 2014, 10:30:58 AM »
Roleplay from Misty Ketchum   (15 days, 5 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Triewa (43 recipients)

In Triewa.

Misty was directing her men to carry out friendly takeover by engaging with the local peasants, inviting them for free ale. Out of a sudden, there was a battle cry, and orders were hastily given out for defense of the takeover. She too rushed along with few other nobles of Sandalak to fight and protect the takeover.

In the midst of battle.

Misty ordered her men and shouted out loud "Never give up an inch! Hold the line!"

As Ikalak soldiers poured forward, Misty found herself facing Ikalak soldiers. Together with her Infantry unit, Misty raised her sword high up and shouted her battle cry "For Sandalak!"

Hormondson Guards saw an opening in Misty unit and moved forward to engage Misty unit. Misty ignored the small opening she gave away in battle. In her haste however Hormondson Guards wounded her by crossing swords with her unit and then herself. Misty reeled from the small gap in her left arm as she tried to protect herself from the many blows. Realizing many of her man were either wounded or dead, she ordered her men to retreat. Hormondson Guards who wounded her, soon found her retreat speed too fast to catch up and abandoned pursuit.

Back in the plain of Triewa some distance away.

Misty nursed her left arm with some herbs. She assembled her scattered men and asked "Who is the one who wounded me today?"

One of her men being nearer to the noble who leading Hormondson Guards during the fighting, replied her "It is Brand, my lady."

Misty ignored her arm wound and stood up "I will definitely remember him"

Helpline / Is immigration bugged as well?
« on: April 25, 2014, 07:36:19 AM »
My character name Gary immigrating, arriving next turn.

It has been 1 day? ???

Helpline / Why militia does not fight the monsters and undead in EC?
« on: April 18, 2014, 06:18:35 PM »
What is going on here?

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