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Topics - Nosferatus

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Helpline / Declaring hatred restrictions
« on: March 01, 2017, 12:27:23 PM »
What restricts a realm from declaring hatred?
When i try to declare hatred i get this message:

You can not declare hatred on Spearhold because you already hate Netherworld.
You must improve your relations with Netherworld before you can declare hatred on Spearhold.

This messages seems to indicate that one can only hate one other realm, is this right?
Is the Netherworld an exception to this rule?
They hate 3 other realms and are hated by 5.

Why is there a restriction in place for this?
Can this restriction be removed? or atleast removed for Beluatera, the stage of a classic good vs evil conflict.

Roleplaying / Thesseus 11 - The great dung heap of Gethsemene
« on: December 28, 2016, 08:17:07 PM »
"What! You won't offer me a loan then? I am the Manstomper for goat's sake! the army needs eyes and ears!"

The scout guild master trembled anxiously and struggled to find the right words to explain how impossible Thesseus' request was.

"Sir, I'd gladly offer you a loan, but there just ain't any scouts left! Not a single soul here in Sniika dares to go out on the streets even at broad day light."

"There won't be a single soul left if you leave us without any scouts! These men of Gotland are made out of more then just flesh and bones, they aren't scared of some daimon pet animals! Divine droppings flow threw their veins on a daily basis! You should be punished for speaking this filth!"

Thesseus captain pulls his masters arm and whispers tactful advise in his ear.
At first Thesseus seemed to be discarding his captains wise words but after exchanging glances with the guild master he chooses to follow his Captains advise none or the less.

"Fair well,  may you rot in your greed, for i care none! The great dung heap of Gethsemene lays waiting! How i long to bed my dearest Chilpy on that gorgeous heap of droppings, that ocean of pungent odour, that mountain of brown gold!"

Thesseus sighs like a teenage lover, helplessly lost in primal, blind, childish love.
Not just for his dear Chilperik, but more so for this great dung heap of Gethsemene that lays waiting for him on the horizon, a place or thing that any man from Gotland would murder and die for.
A trophy unlike any other, as if brought down from the eternal pastures by the great hairy one him self, and in Thesseus' mind, it was already his.

Roleplaying / Thesseus 10 - Another Raturgency
« on: December 18, 2016, 01:51:59 PM »
Part I

Two large, fresh, steaming goat turds where strategically placed on two corners of a map, clearly used for some time judging by the many puncture holes in the areas south and south west of Gotland.
On the other two corners, two piles of knifes lay silently stacked, keeping the map perfectly flat.
Thesseus was alone in his field tent in Mekoter, angrily swooping and waving his hands about, yet laughing, giving off very opposing moods.

"We got you pinned now you trash of humanity! Everything is working perfectly, nothing will stop us now!"
He said as he grabbed two large knifes and stabbed it somewhere around what's left of Osmat on the map in front of him.

"We will come from Mekoter, which is about... Here! Thalmarkin will come with even greater forces from Gemke, supposedly somewhere around... umh... Here!"

Thesseus looked at the map satisfactorily but was soon distracted by a fast moving figure in the left corner.
He nearly fell over his chair as he turned around while grabbing one of the knifes on the corner of his table in one sudden move.
For a moment he could see the figure of rat, standing on its hind paws, seemingly waving at him before slipping away, out of the tent.

"Guards! Captain! We got a Raturgency! The dancing devil is back! Go get that rat before it talks! He knows all about my plans!"
He kept screaming as he ran out of his tent, desperately looking for his men, eventually ordering them to: "Go after it and kill it before it reaches the walls of Ossmat".

Part II

Moments after the battle of Ossmat:

Thesseus, sat proudly on his bearded, pungent smelling mount, taking a sip from his hip horn.
The grassy sediment of goat droppings within the mixture of milk and ale, provided a soothing afterbite while he looked over the many dead bodies spread through out the edges of Ossmat.

"The attack went well, even though that rat got away with our plans just in time to leak it... Allthough it doesnt mean i am to stop my search for it offcourse!"
He said frustrated, as he slammed his fist on his saddle.
The hairy goat complained loudly, warning its master not to repeat his actions.

"Shhh Elder! Calm down! Let's get you grazing! Ow there will be plenty of grazing for you Elder, look at all these fresh bodies laying around, the grass here will be lush and sweet! Here, take some Ale and let me get that saddle off of your poor old back."
Thesseus fed his mount the contents of his horn and removed its saddle, which the animal drank contently.

"There, thats far better isnt it? Graze freely now, i shall be back with more ale and a dead rat's head!"
He said as he marched with long and steadfast steps in the direction of the town of Ossmat.

Marching threw the city streets, Theseus eventually spots a pile of small droppings on the corner of a house.
Following the trail leading from it, he is eventually lead to the estate of a Sir Rumi Kalkandel, Knight of Ossmat and immediately proceeds to bang on the door screaming.

"In the name of the Great Goat, hand over the rat or I will come get him myself! I Challenge you to a duel thill surrender of the rat right here, right now!"

Part III

Thesseus relentless shouting eventually did not go unanswered.
An insulted and aggravated Sir Rumi came marching out of the door, immediately, without saying a word drawing his sword.

Without a single moment of doubt, Thesseus unsheathed his Goat hair sabre, made from the finest fabric in Gotland, and charged right at his target in an attempt to overrun him.
Somewhat surprised, Rumi deflected the initial attacks, effectively blocking off his opponent attempt to overrun him.
Both men where clearly not very skilled at what they where doing.
But they where quite evenly matched, making it an interesting duel that went on for quite sometime.
Thesseus' soldiers where peeking around the corner of the house next to Rumi's estate, with great excitement they followed the fight between their master and this enemy noble.
Rumi's men where likewise, peeking threw the windows and door openings of the estate, anxiously following the fight with full attention.
Meanwhile the fight started to draw the attention of the Thalmar forces nearby, conducting their takeover of the region.

Thessues's use of the overrun strategy forced Rumi into a defensive reaction, driving him more and more into the streets behind.
For quite some time the two continued to move around each other, Thessues dealing heavy slashes and quick stabs, while Rumi blocked and countered as precise as possible.
Eventually Sir Rumi took control and in a fast and precise counter, drew first blood.
Blood gushed heavily from Thesseus's right hand, and a bloodied finger lay on the ground in front of him.
Unable to hold his sword any longer Thesseus surrendered to his opponent.
"It appears I will have to surrender Sir Rumi, this hand isn't worth a thing any more."

Sir Rumi grinned and lowered his sword while picking up the finger that lay in front of him.

"But, I came here for the Rat and not a duel, and so while i surrender my self, you will surrender your self to these wonderful gentlemen standing over here!"
Hearing their cue, Thesseus man jumped from behind their corner and one of them slammed the hilt of his short sword against sir Rumis temple, knocking him straight out.
The rest of the men surrounded the house and moments later, Thesseus' Captain approached the scene, followed by a small contingent of Thalmar take over troops.

"Take this nobleman and his soldiers in custody, and do to him as you please, but don't forget to question him. He might know more about the talking rat."
Somewhat confused, the Thalmar troops took the man and dragged him in the direction of their camp.

A healer quickly bandaged Thesseus wound and he and his men continued to go into the building, looking for the little animal with great expectations.
After searching every room and and corner, they find nothing but rat droppings.

"This place must have been full of those dirty animals! There is no way we can figure out which dropping belongs to which rat, i am afraid the trail has gone dead sir."
Thesseus captain said disappointed.

"To hell with them! I wont give up my search, not now we are so close to finding it! That rat has challenged my patience one time to many! I will not rest untill i find that blasted creature!"
With large, angry steps, Thesseus marched back out of the rat house and into the streets.

"Scribe! issue a request at once! Everyone should be looking for this one!"

Somewhat puzzled, the scribe clumsily tried to grab his quilt and parchment in an attempt to dictate his masters words.

"But sir, wasn't our priority the takeover sir?"

"Nonsense! this has our utmost highest priority! Now pen down the following:"

Message sent to all allies in the region Ossmat (24 recipients)
Fellow Warriors of the Herd, Dear Allies,

A rat is on the loose, last spotted near Sir Rumi's estate in eastern Ossmat.
It is easily recognizable amongst other rats, as it is common to dance and talk and drive a nobleman mad.
He has overheard our plans to attack Ossmat earlier in Mekoter and terrorized me before in Haji, some time ago.

Its a pesky creature, quick and cunning.
Do prepare a trap for it or it will get away, like many times before.

Don't let its appearance fool you, this is a daimon without a doubt, straight from the Abbys.
It might be up to something concerning, and offer a very possible treat to our take over of Ossmat.

If you have caught it, contact me directly.

I have also requested your King to question sir Rumi about it, use torture if necessary.
It's trails lead me straight to his estate, allowing us to apprehend the knight.

by the GG's mercy,

Thesseus Polytus
Manstomper of Gotland
Knight of Sniika
Marshal of the Goathorde

BM General Discussion / Donation page
« on: December 03, 2016, 10:25:42 AM »
The donation page is a little outdated.

If you live in Germany or can make direct bank transactions to accounts with the german Postbank, and would prefer that, please contact me directly for bank details.

direct bank transactions can now be made threwout the EU and more and more outside the EU as well, free of charges up to 50 K euros.

the current text sketches a difficult situation, where as thanks to the new iban system, its actually very easy to make direct money transfers.

More info on the system and a list of countries that use it here:

the current text almost discourages direct money transfers, instead we should actually encourage it and include in the text a reference to IBAN with an IBAN bank acount number.
Infact Toms previous postbank bank acount now is an IBAN acount by default as its mandatory within the EU economic area.
The bank acount number should be put on the donation page, so anyone interested in donating can just copy paste the acount number and donate what ever they want.
To keep up administration, a note can be added with the transaction where the family name of the donator is stated so goodies can be given to the right player.

Feature Requests / Approved: Oath of fealty
« on: December 01, 2016, 10:26:17 PM »
If a certain noble takes upon an estate or a position of Lord within a duchy, or a duchy within a realm, in essence they swear allegiance to their Lord, Duke or Ruler.
Historically in a feudal society and oath was a certain pledge of allegiance, a noble would swear certain things using certain words.

The knight, Lord  or duke relation in BM is very utilitarian, usually just a practical deal to get a better income.
Sometimes however, these bonds of allegiance create interesting situations, political unions or niche groups.
Game mechanic changes over the last years supported messaging your duchy and other things to make this more easy or even possible.

A simple text recording, treaty style format for these bonds of allegiance could be a platform for real oaths, or conditions of allegiance.
Just like our diplomacy treaty system a message could be set up and then signed by both parties making the aliegance official.
Nothing fancy, just an official and public recording of the oath itself, stating how the vassal will serve its lord.
Lords, Dukes or Kings could set up standard or outstanding(individually unique per estate) oaths which only require the signature of a vassal.
This way vassals can still pick estates like they do now, but instead of just shopping for the best income, they can now also shop for the best oath.


Region Lord A has two available estates, estate 1 has an outstanding oath asking the vassal to swear allegiance as a champion, fighting the lords duels.
Estate 2 asks for a skilled man of the shadows for personal security or special services (infiltrator).
Even a promise to work as a courtier or diplomat could be considered.
A more common oath would be a pledge of military support to his or her vassal.

Perhaps it works easier for estates as for region lord positions or duchies.
But its an interesting addition none the less.
A duke could ask his lords to swear political allegiance as an oath of fealty, promising to vote in his favour if they are able to cast a vote, if not they could still vouch for their duke otherwise.
A duke could even ask or include in his oaths its lords to set up certain specific oaths, adding more special characters to its duchy.
Thus more effectively gaining influence and power inside and or outside the realm.

Its up to the Lord, Duke or ruler to make sure its vassals uphold their oath of fealty, and no game mechanics are further required for this to work.

Feature Requests / Anti adventurer or the Immortal adventurer game
« on: November 14, 2016, 06:42:27 PM »
Whats the biggest downside of the advy game?
Most people will agree that this would be dying.
You build up something and then it dies in some hunt you thought would be easy.

My idea is to (partially) replace adventurer death with an anti adventurer game.
So when your adventurer dies from undead and/or monsters (hunting), it gets another chance as an anti adventurer.
It takes (part) of it's skill and equipment with it.
Anti adventurer game works the same as the normal game but now your not the hunter, but the usually hunted.
You represent an undead or monster adventurer/hero who now hunts town guards and militia instead of monsters and undead.
The results of your hunt normally lower the presence of rogues, now it raises their presence.
You can't get bounties, but you can take plenty of loot to improve equipment, anti adventurer items can also be considered to help raise skill.
Nobles can't see these anti adventurers communicate or arrest them, but adventurers can find them if they investigate the region
Adventurers could have a chance of fighting them in a higher level hunt (partially) replacing champions who appear in hunt sessions.
Hunting in rogue regions is easier for anti adventurers, and in places like Dwilight, adventurers might have to go look for them in the western wilderness.
Fatigue could be renamed, but work the exact same way, except now you 'generate' instead of sleep to restore it.

The anti adventurer is more limiting as it cant buy equipment, use its saved beer or its other normal items but now death is 100% the end of the game for your character.
If you don't want to play an anti adventurer you could simply delete it, but why not take revenge on the world for your character's death first?
This is kind of a middle way between death and no death in the adventurer game.

Feature Requests / Gambrinus Scroll
« on: November 02, 2016, 12:42:59 PM »
Ok, maybe a little ridiculous, but if this proofs easy to code, i think it is a great scroll.
Scrolls shouldn't be to powerfully game changing but rather fun RP potential in my opinion.

So what the Gambrinus(Jan Primus, Hertog/Duke Jan, historical/mythical figure) scroll does is auto refill all beer kegs in a certain area over a certain period of time, very handy for advies, and powerful to attract advies.
Additionally it could also slightly improve morale and or/loyalty in all regions in this area, reflecting a vast if not endless supply of beer in the area.
Also if a Tournament is held in this area, people can give out free rounds of beer.

Beer has always been an important element in  many rps, especially tournaments from what i remember.
A scroll like this could offer great RP potential.

Since my idea for weather scrolls was bounced, i figured i should opt this one. :P

Roleplaying / Thesseus 9 - Mega Goat Turds
« on: October 31, 2016, 01:44:07 PM »
This roleplay is a tribute to the series 'Rick and Morty' and it's first episode.
(hang on, its going to be ridiculous...)

About 5 months ago in the outskirts of Gethesemne, still under attack by a massive army of Goat zombies, pony undead, gigantic deformed fruit bats called daemons and other monstrosities.
Some of the monsters have managed to get over the city walls while most of the human forces still manage to hold the rest of them back.
Theseus' captain Bert just murdered half of his unit and then committed suicide while Thessues, seemingly careless about it, is on its way to Tyrant Chilperik in order to find answers on the mysterious letters he received from his Tyrant.
However on his way, he is violently stopped by a bright flash, followed by a large glowing green circle right in front of him.
Within seconds a, what appears to be a metal flying machine made out of scrap metal leaps from the glowing circle and lands right on top of Thessues, only his right hand is still visible from underneath it.
Two odd looking men, an older man in a lab coat and a young teenager step out of the machine, clearly not from this time or place.

"Oh, man, Rick. What is this place?"
The younger man says looking around him in bewilderment.

"It's Dimension 35-C, and it's got the perfect climate conditions for a special type of animal, Morty, called a mega goat, and they produce droppings, and there's great value in those droppings. I'm talking about mega poop. They're-they're incredibly powerful, and I need them to help me with my research, Morty."
Rick, the older man says.

"Oh, man, Rick. I'm looking around this place, and I'm starting to work up some anxiety about this whole thing."
Several soldiers run towards the direction of the city walls, barley noticing the odd visitors beeing to worked up with the invading monsters.

"And what about him Rick? is he going to be allright? Oh man, he sure doesn't look allright."
He says while pointing at Thesseus, whose still stuck underneath the large metal flying machine.

"All right, all right, calm down. Listen to me, Morty. Don't worry about that man, allright Morty? I know that new situations can be intimidating. You're looking around, and it's all scary and different, but, you know, m-meeting them head on, charging right into them like a bull that's how we grow as people. I'm no stranger to scary situations. I deal with them all the time. Now, if you just stick with me, Morty, we're gonna be-"
A gigantic alien monster armed with incredibly large fangs and poisons fluids oozing from various orifices its disgusting body is rich of, suddenly appears behind them

Rick and Morty take off, running in complete and total fear as the monster chases them

"I've never seen that thing before in my life. I don't even know what the hell it is! We got to get out of here, Morty! It's gonna kill us! We're gonna die! We're gonna die, Morty!"

After running into the direction of Sniika for a while, Rick and Morty have apparently escaped and are now walking through Dimension 35-C, continuing their adventure.
Rick takes large confident and light footed steps.

"Oh, Morty, take a deep breath. Breathe that breathe that fresh air in, Morty. Y-you smell that? That's the smell of adventure, Morty. That's that's the smell of-of-of, of a whole different evolutionary timeline."

"All right, Rick, look how much longer is this gonna be? Shouldn't I be back at school by now?"
Morty says, still shaking from the terrifying monster he just escaped from.

"Are you joking me?! I mean, look at all the crazy crap surrounding us. Look at that thing right there!"
A weird looking monster is seen cooing and rolling around on the ground

"What the hell is that thing?! You think you're gonna see that kind of thing at school? Look at it just lumbering around!"
Rick grabs Morty's eyelids and forces them to open as wide as they can.

"It defies all logic, that thing."

"Yeah, Rick, I get it. We're surrounded by monsters. That's kind of the reason why I want to leave..."
They come up to a cliff and Rick stops him there

"Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta. Morty, you see this?"
Rick and Morty are looking down upon a vast plain full of grazing mega goats, who apparently look very similair to normal goats.

"You see what we just stumbled upon, Morty? Any idea what that is down there?"

"The mega goats?"
Morty replies, unintrested.

"That's right, Morty the mega goats with the mega poop in them and that's what I'm talking about, Morty. That's where my droppings are. If we would have done what you wanted, I would have never have found them, because you're soooo in love with school."
Rick takes a big gulp from his hip flask.

"All right, all right. So, what's so special about these turds, anyways?"

"You ask a lot of questions, Morty. Not very charismatic. It makes you kind of an- (Belch) under- (Belch) underfoot figure."
Rick gives Morty a pair of shoes and Morty proceeds to put them on

"Just take these shoes, Morty. They're (Belch) special grappling shoes. When you're wearing these things, these babies, you can basically just walk on any surface you want, Morty up, down, below, turn around to the left. These things really bring it all together."

Morty walks off the cliff and plummets to the ground, screaming and smashing into rocks)

"You have to turn them on, Morty! The shoes have to be turned on!"
Rick screams after him.

After using the shoes correctly, Rick is standing by Morty, who is lying on the ground with his legs broken

"Morty, oh, you really d-did a number on your legs right now. You know, you got to turn the shoes on, Morty, for them to work. Yeah, look I turned mine on. I had no problem getting down here. It was a leisurely breeze."
Rick shows morty his shoes proudly.

"I'm in a lot of pain, Rick!"

"Yeah, I can see that. But do you think you'll still be able to help me collect my turds for me, Morty?"

"Are you kidding me?! That's it, Rick! That's the last straw! I can't believe this! I'm sitting here with both of my legs broken, and you're still asking me about getting those mega turds?! Ooh! Ow! Oh! Y-y-you're a monster. Y-you're like Hitler, but but even Hitler cared about Germany or something."
Morty says, cleary angrily, while struggling with his pain.

"Okay, hold on just a second, Morty."
Rick opens another portal with his portal device and leaves Morty behind, lying on the ground to suffer for a few seconds.

"Ooh! Ohh! Ooh! Hnngh! Hoo! Ooh! Ohh! Aaaaagh! Oooooh!"
Rick finally returns and injects Morty's legs with medicine, healing them to perfection.

"Ooh, Ohh, Ooh. Wow, Rick. That stuff just healed my broken legs instantly. I mean, I've never felt so good in my life. Thank you."

"Don't worry about it, Morty. Just come help me get these goat droppings, all right, buddy?"

"Sure thing, Rick."
Morty goes down the plains and collects fresh turds from the mega goats while Rick talks to him.

"Not that you asked, Morty, but what just happened there is I went into a future dimension with such advanced medicine that they had broken-leg serum at every corner drugstore. The stuff was all over the place, Morty."
Rick says while scratching his chin.

"Wow, that's pretty crazy, Rick."
Morty says as he looks amazed at a dried out goat dropping, he just picked up with the size of a tenisball, rock hard, wondering if they are all this large.

"There's just one problem, Morty one little hang-up. The dimension I visited was so advanced, that (Belch) they had also halted the aging process, and everyone there was young, Morty, and they had been forever. I was the only old person there, Morty. (Belch) It was like I was some sort of, you know, celebrity, walking around. I-I was fascinating to them. There were a lot of attractive women there, Morty, and they they they they all wanted time with me. I had a lot of fun with a lot of young ladies, but I spent so much time there, my interdimensional portal device it's got no charge left, Morty. It's got no charge left."

Morty immediately drops the turd.

"It's as good as garbage, Morty. It's not gonna work anymore, Morty."

"Oh, geez, Rick, that's not good. W-what are we gonna do? I-I have to be back at school right now. How are we gonna get back home?"

"There's ways to get back home, Morty. It's just it's just gonna be a little bit of a hassle. We're gonna have to go through interdimensional customs, so you're gonna have to do me a real solid."


"When we get to customs, I'm gonna need you to take these turds into the bathroom, and I'm gonna need you to put them way up inside your butthole, Morty."

"In my butt?"

"Put them waaaaay up inside there, as far as they can fit."

"Oh, geez, Rick. I really don't want to have to do that."

"Well, somebody's got to do it, Morty. Th-these mega turds aren't gonna get through customs unless they're in someone's rectum, Morty."

Morty stutters insecurely.

"And they'll fall right out of mine. I've done this too many times, Morty. I mean, you're young. Y-y-you've got your whole life ahead of you, and your anal cavity is still taut, yet malleable. You got to do it for grandpa, Morty. Y(Belch)-you've got to put this !@#$ inside your butt."

"In my butt?"

"Come on, Morty. Please, Morty. You have to do it, Morty."

"Oh-h-h, man."

To be continued?

Roleplaying / Thesseus 8 - on the right side of the wall
« on: May 03, 2016, 09:26:41 PM »
While the massive force of rogues smashed them selves against the mighty walls of Gethsemene, Thesseus stoop upon it motionless, unaffected by the ongoing battle.
Even though the enemy heavily outnumbered them, Thesseus was preoccupied reading letters from his Tyrant.

"Bed chambers? at night? Leave the realm in who's hands?"
Puzzled Thesseus scratched his head and read the letter out loud for the 47th time now.
An undead pony bronco managed the gallop its way up the steep stone fortifications kicking and jumping wildly around its self.
Thesseus takes one step to the left nippingly avoiding the animals wild kicks.

Finally he orders his captain, who was fighting for his life trying to kill the pony bronco, to come and read the letter for him.
After a though struggle, the Captain comes to his master, complaining about odd situation his master was trying to get him in, to no avail however as Thesseus ignored him.

"How do YOU read this Captain? To me it implies he not only has sexual tendencies towards me, he also wishes to wed me of some sort, he announced me the heir to his realm, or at least that what it looks like to me. what do you think?"

Captain Bert carefully tried to formulate his answer, the both of them had to scream in order to overcome the noise of the battle raging around them.

"Well, yes, it does seem to look like, but then, no, well, maybe it looks like..."
The Captain, clearly still on edge and uncomfortable with the raging battle around them, couldn't deal with the sudden confusion and steadily returned the letter to his Master.

"I quit."
He calmly said as he shoved the letter back into his masters hands, clearly doing his utmost best to control himself.

"Pardon me?"

"Sir, I understand it isn't my call at all, but i simply cannot deal with all of this any more. "
He said while gesturing with trembling hands towards Thesseus as he said the word 'this'.

"What nonsense is this? you have been my captain ever since i came to these lands and joined its mighty leaders."
Thesseus asked puzzled.

"Yes, sir, and that's exactly what is wrong here! It just doesn't stop escalating! if it isn't you getting madder and madder, its your leaders that do! Just when i thought i learned to get used to you, you only become worse! I, I... I just cant take it any more!"
The captain said while grabbing hold of his head, as if trying to protect him self from insanity.
But after a short struggle, his sanity was beaten by his insanity.

 "Curse these cursed lands! You and your goat dung you keep putting in our food! You are the source of all the madness in this land! ever since you came here, you get worse and worse, and what's more, you seem to drag the whole nation down with you!"

The captains eyes where bulging out of his skull, his hands waving madly about, the desperation radiated from him as it was clear to all that captain Bert was on the brink of collapse.
He jabbered on for a few more minutes as his gesture and stance became wilder and wilder until the point where he started throwing his own men from the walls, down at the horrible monsters that where attempting to climb it.

"There is no turning back from your curse! These man have to be saved from you, the faith you bring is worse then what the daimons bring to this wretched earth! Save your souls men! Throw your self's down at the mercy of these beasts for what awaits you on Thesseus side of the wall is FAR worse! His curse escapes no one, not you, not him, and not me! THIS is the RIGHT side of the wall!"

And with his last words, the captain jumped of the wall and fell on his back down at the ground, and while monsters devoured him within seconds, a serene smile could still be seen radiating from his face.
Captain Bert seemed to have found his peace.

Thesseus didnt flinch and looked at the spectacle as if it was some boring training he had to watch his men take.
He sighed and focused back at the letters.

"Mhhh, perhaps i should just ask?"
Thesseues looked up for a bit.

"Yes thats it! i'll just ask the Tyrant what he means, why haven't i come up with that before!"
Thessues, now in a most uplifting mood looked down at his captains corpse, or what was left of it and smilled.

"Not so smart after all mh, Captain Bert? It seems i can do perfectly well without you!"
And with replenished energy he walked back into the city summoning his scribe to inquire about the Tyrants last odd letters.

Basically, when my character updates standing orders, she always copies it and posts it to all in the army.
There is nearly no exception to this.
If there was a check box with the standing orders, asking to send the orders out upon updating, it would make things allot more easier.
Perhaps its also not that hard to implement.

Feature Requests / Get out of jail free card
« on: April 20, 2016, 09:20:06 PM »
New players shouldn't end up with their new characters in prison for days, not being able to pay up ransom.
Perhaps new players characters could get an automatic release after one day in prison.
Some event saying that paperwork got messed up and they weren't able to identify who your character is or why your character is in prison.

It could happen once or twice per character for families with a fame below 4 or for the first few months.


Roleplaying / Thesseus 7 - a final bellow
« on: April 12, 2016, 11:09:01 AM »
A serene calmness appeared on Thesseus face after hearing the news of his appointment from his Captain Bert.
It seemed as if some heavy weight fell right off of his shoulders.
He bellowed once more in what seemed to be an agreement.

"However Sir, with the bringing of this good news, i must also bring bad news. The realm is attacked from all sides by the Daimon hordes who even have turned our own goats against us. Then there is Spearhold joining the attack in Haji. And what is worse, Our Manstomper Agnes has been killed in the process... This is in fact a very black day for Gotland."
His captain carefully reported, staring at the ground in desperation while bringing the news.

Thesseues shortly bellowed once while his eyes went wide open.
A fire appeared to be burning on his Retina has he stood up in a very steady motion.

"Goatland needs me."
He suddenly said, to the surprise of his captain who lifted his head right away and now looked full of anticipation.

"You can talk Sir! Its a miracle!" The captain exclaimed while preforming some sort of uplifting dance, jumping from one foot to the other.

"There is no time for celebration my Captain, Goatland needs me now, before there is no more Goatland to return to..."
Thesseus pushed away his captain in an annoyed gesture.
His captain nearly fell to the ground, but wouldnt care less, but rather kept dancing as he followed his Master out of their field tent into the grazing fields of Sniika.

Roleplaying / Thessues 6 - The night of the Goat has dawned
« on: April 12, 2016, 11:05:45 AM »
The forces of Gotland troops assembled in Sniika where still hung over from the freedom celebrations in the local towns.
They where resting, eating and drinking with their equipment spread all over the camp.
In the distance one could hear the suiting bells ringing from the necks of the many goats that these lands knew.
A particular group of them slowly came towards the direction of the camp stopping only to graze when they found grass worthy enough.
Or at least, that was how it appeared for the men present here.
It didnt took long before the goats noticed the human presence, eagerly and curiously they ventured forward in a single group, to check out their human friends.

One of the men noticed the group and pointed and laughed, soon the rest followed.
It was quite curious and some even called it cute, to see the goats coming so close to the camp.
They had a good laugh and one of the men decide to break some of his bread to feed the goats and calmly walked into their direction.

The peaceful scene was shattered instantly with the cry of pain from outside the group.
Apparently one of the soldiers was still sleeping in his bedroll, where now three goats where chewing at.
At first the men laughed as it looked innocent and entertaining to them.
But soon another cry cam from the soldier who was feeding the goats his last piece of bread.
One of the goats bit half his right hand off and blood was gushing out at an incredible rate, the soldier fell to the ground screaming and now all men where readying their weapons and rallying in formation.
The soldiers now saw that something was incredibly wrong with these goats, they had bit marks all over their bodies and their eyes where black as the night and it wasn't a little herd either.
Hundreds of them where coming at the Gotland army in a steady pace, attacking every single living thing they could chew on.

If Gotland ever knew an apocalypse, then this must be it as their most holy creatures now turned relentlessly against them.
The night of the Goat has dawned for Gotland.

Roleplaying / Polymarchus 1 - A keeper
« on: April 10, 2016, 06:29:23 PM »
Polymarchus slams his fist on the table of his rented room in Morshes' finest inn.

"Blasted Duke Jeroen! Cursed Fallangard! How can a realm call its self a realm of nobles without a war to proof it? Now we have an opportunity, we don't exploit it! This region is still without a Lord, forsaken and neglected!"
Polymarchus' scribe stood next to him all perfectly straight in military stance, as ordered awaiting further instructions.

"You! Write this down you idiot!"
Polymarchus' frenzied eyes pierce threw his scribe's.

"Sir, yes Sir."
He answered while swiftly taking position behind the desk, quill already drawn.
Polymarchus had a very strict policy in hiring scribes, only those with military training where hired, and if they acted as if they where serving the army, all would be fine for them for a while...
In his short career in Fallangard, he had already hired and fired, or executed more then 20 scribes.

"NO! no no! not THAT!"
In an angry swipe Polymarchus grabed the piece of parchment form the desk and threw it away, all in a single motion.

"Write THIS down, ahuum..."
And as Polymarchus cleared his throat ready to dictate, his scribe was already writing again.

"You fool!  Can't you do ANYTHING right!"
Polymarchus threw the whole desk upside down, shattering the bottle of ink that stood upon it.
His scribe started shaking, knowing what was pending to happen for him.

"If you value your head, you better listen! Now, write down the following:"
The scribe quickly grabbed his spare bottle of ink and a third piece of parchement, to Polymarchus suprise however, as he actually anticipated the opposite.
The scribe had a whole bag full of reserve bottles, quills and parchement.

"Mhh, you might actually be a keeper!"
Polymarchus stated brightly and a grin appeared on his face, and while the scribe wrote almost as quick as his master dictated, a tiny drop of sweat was dripping from his forehead, raising his level of anxiousness.
If he would rub the droplet from his head, he'd have to stop writing, risking to loose thread of his masters dictating.
However if the droplet would fall upon the written parchment, he'd have to start all over again, which would definitely get him fired, or worse.
So he took his chances and penned with the speed of the very winds, most likely also for his life.
When he had finished, he leaned backwards on his chair, seemingly exhausted or relieved, as his letter was still intact.

"Indeed you are a keeper! Ivan, get your men to the tavern, there is no business for you here!"
Polymarchus seemingly ordered his captain from the other side of the door to his scribe's suprise.

"Ah! you seem surprised of the fact that these men where waiting on the other side of that door? do you really think i would have made my hands dirty on low lifes as your self? Competent AND amusing, you truly are a keeper!"
Polymarchus noticed as he slammed his hand on the scribes shoulder, causing the poor men to grasp for air in terror.

"HA! these men would have beaten you to pulp by the mention of a mere word of order! hahaha!"
Polymarchus amused himself for a bit untill he instantly changed his gesture.
He now looked at his scribe with warning eyes.

"your done now."
The scribe waited for a bit in anticipation but quickly understood that he was suspected to leave instantly.
Polymarchus' eyes followed him strictly as he left for the door somewhat insecure.
He hasn't received payment like usually, but assumed that as this was soem sort of job interview for permenant hire, and would eventually be payed on weekly basis.
This job alone costed a fortune for the poor man but he wouldn't dare to share his new master for the material damages.
All he could do is hope and pray as he left, that this master would hire him permanently eventually.

Roleplaying / Thesseus 5 - Business as ussual
« on: April 10, 2016, 02:21:23 PM »
Thesseus gasps for air, sitting up straight in a swift motion.
Sweat was dripping from his head as he tried to scream for help.
But no sensible words came out of his mouth.

He tried again but all he could do is bellow like the goats he worships.
He grasped for his mouth with both hands as if trying to stop the bellowing, yet, now muffled, the bellowing continued uncontrolably.
It appeared as if he woke up from a terrible nightmare, yet fell right into another one.
Pinching his side and slapping his cheeks to no avail.

The image of the massive Goat that haunted him ever since his revelation in Sniika seemed to be burned on his retina.
It was stomping and breezing where ever he looked.
For days he had nagged his superiors in a mad tirade to appoint him to a lordship in order to build a temple of the herd.
The Great Goat saved him from the rogues in Sniika and in a single stomp destroyed all of them in the vicinity.
But if his temple wasn't build, he would stomp on him and his men.

"Sir? is everything allright Sir?"
Captain Bert opened his tent worrying about his master.

Thesseues screamed, waving his arms around almost like a warning.

Captain Bert took a step backwards and excused him self.
Unaware of what was happening, he cautiously got away wondering what was wrong with his master this time.
However, it suprised him little to see his Master bellowing like a goat, sweating like a mad men.
Atleast it wasn't an assasin or some monster that got him.

"My apologies for disturbing you M'Lord. I will continue with business as usual."
He said finishing with a bow.

Theseus panicked and ran after his captain bellowing and waving his arms around wearing nothing but his under garnet in a desperate attempt to call for help.
His 80 men unit where roasting freshly hunted goose and preparing them selves for another 'freedom celebration' at the local town square, or, in other words, getting drunk and readying more ale to share with the locals and looked with amaze at their Master.
When a few started to laugh, they all joined in, no longer afraid of punishment.
They where used to their Masters episodes and thought he wouldnt remember any of it anyhow.

Thesseues desperately ran around bellowing for help, running in circles around the camp untill Captain Bert threw a blanket around his Master and directed him back inside.

"Get back to what ever your doing you lousy scum! and remember talk to no one about this, business as usual!"
The captain commanded his men, now much more worried.

"i will have to write Gotlands nobility again." he mumbled as he wondered what nonsense to make up this time for an excuse.
It appears his master has lost his ability to speak and therefore dictate their scribe, and so the command of Thesseues unit once again falls into the hands of its loyal Captain.

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