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Topics - Nosferatus

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Development / region description reviewing
« on: November 04, 2012, 07:54:44 AM »
Are we reviewing region descriptions?
If not i'd like to volunteer helping with that.
It has come to my attention that quite a few descriptions are either missing or are simply horible.

A quiet eastern front of the Fatmilak island.  It is often overlooked due to the wealth and influence of Candiels.

most regions that need reviewing just dont have a description at all.
Those that have are usually good.

Dwilight / Madinan reunion?
« on: October 31, 2012, 12:02:43 PM »
I'd like to know if theres intrest among players previously in Madina or with aspirations to be in it, to establish a realm based on it's culture and perhaps even religion?
I personally like it and still play two madinan characters with one of them still fiercly praying for "'er mercy"

Some basic concepts of Madinan culture where/are:

Strong anti royalist fuedalism, embracing free trade and the belief that a man can rule over his own property, including land.
It knows 4 classes, Governors(dukes, owners of duchies), Lords, Knights, Commoners.
Fashion is often informal or a way to express once richness, there is little or no formal fashion for a governor a lord or a government member.
Goverment is there to protect freedom of personal choice and trade, not take it away.
An eye for an eye will solve conflicts, a judge can simply guide to process of revange.
Land is a gift of 'er big blue deepness(God in the form of all the waters) and thus is life, and only sustains so because the big blue deep is pleased by worship and fear towards her and all that she contains(including fish n especialy sea monsters, like the Kraken for all ye fans out there) a Madinan never sails the oceans without fearing 'er wrath, shes served by showing strenght but also by respecting nature and her superior divine powers to swallow the world a whole or unleas a might monster upon ye.
Some things are above men and should be left alone with respect and fear, for example the Zuma or other superior beeings.
Excessive celebration and alcohol consumption, feast now for one day you shall perish.
A strong desire to make profit and become rich, which goes with the equally strong desire to spend it, especially publicly.
A desire and for some even a divine right to plunder ships, caravans, regions or cities, the strong shall stand the weak shall perish.
The stars are good tools to navigate or even predict the future as they are the reflection of the world with her oceans.
The souls of the dead go to the abbys under the waves from where restless souls rise again to terorize the living(undead), there is no after life or heaven, some souls find rest others don't 'n will come back.
Beauty and fertility are highly respected and cherished.
Do what i must as long as i by 'er mercy can for one day i longer am.

Beluaterra / OG/Sint: WTF?!
« on: October 17, 2012, 03:24:48 PM »
why did almost the entire realm of OG swear aliegance to Sint?
Is there a bug and if not please share the fun!

Questions & Answers / titan protocols
« on: October 07, 2012, 01:42:45 PM »
My character was recently removed from his position as banker because of asking a lord of a region to be active.
It did not mention what incident this is about and what the titans mean with asking to be active.
I do recall my character aksing a lord not to ignore him for weeks and either buy food offers or apoint a steward, which he eventually did.

I cannot recall anything else that could have caused this.

I find it rather strange and lack a decent explanation.
Atleast the magistrates explain everything, the titans aparently don't.

Can we give more detailed explanations to the effected player if a titan makes a decision in the future? and can i have my explanation on my individual case?

As a steward or region lord its rather frustrating that you cannot send your scribe or other staff members to the nearest market place to post a sell or buy offer.
It sounds rather strange that such an important noble has to go to the actuall market him self, in any case i believe in reality a staff member would physically go the market, not the noble in charge.

in other words, my request is for a steward and or Lord to be able to post offers from a distance to the nearest market place.
To accept offers he still first needs to know what is happening on that marketplace, thusly be in the region or first scout it or something.
But posting offers requires a simple messenger to go and post that offer.

I dont see any possible way to exploit this or any other negative effect.

Dwilight / Falkirian freestate, new averoth?
« on: August 13, 2012, 11:24:15 PM »
Can someone tell me why these averothian families are still clinging on joining the same realms?
Falkriians freestate, a realm founded from Aurvendil is ~6 out of 9 averothian families. 
Is this OOC ganging yes or no?
Should it be put to the magistrates?

East Island / Sucsesions
« on: June 06, 2012, 05:28:55 PM »
After returning to the game from a half year break i see the EC somewhat still the same, boring and stagnant with the only exception of the south.
Good job to those who made that possible.

However other areas like isadril, Fontan and Karbala could offer another great oportunity to make the continent more intresting.

I have not seen this area move do anything or reach even half of its potential for a long time now.

How are you all thinking about these areas and the idea to seceed?

Perhaps Fontan city and Karbala city could form a realm together, a mix of Claigans and Sirionites?

Or do you think its better off right now?

Feature Requests / Buildings that inspire loyalty to the realm
« on: November 08, 2011, 11:35:16 AM »
What about building buildings that increase loyalty towards the realm in surrounding regions?
Upgrading them could increase the area of effect or the effect its self.
The buildings could be anything, any big stone or metal thing will always impress peasants.
This leaves also allot of room for RP, like memorial statues for certain nobles or groups of nobles, or a god.
This way it is also fun to tear them down. :P
Offcourse they would also cost to upkeep, but not to much.

The effect in the game wouldn't be to large, the RP effect it will have will be much larger.
When you enter a city of some megalomaniac ego centrist, you find your self surounding by statues in his honor.
When you enter some religious freaks city, you will be surounded with idols, large temple complexes(we already have that) and statues of religious persons.
This easily makes regions(we could also limit this to cities and strongholds only) much different and gives places much more character.

The first month or so could also give a small morale boost in the region it's self.
The costs should be large of course(something like atleast 700 to 1000 for a small statue) it should be something exclusive and not really strategically worth it, so it's only really attractive for RP reasons(to prevent statues beeing build without any rp background).
And also to have multple nobles participate by donating or so, so it's not a one mans job.

Feature Requests / Marketplace option: market for advies
« on: October 08, 2011, 10:53:51 AM »
In a region with a market Advies could put certain items for trade against items they list as wanted.
This could make trading more easier, fun  and common.
Its quite anoying to travel around and meet only a few advies where you have to keep sending the same message to.

This makes a market more intresting, draw advies together in the same region, make cities more usful for adventurers and will increase trading and cooperating among advies.

I ussually find my advy wandering around shouting here me here me all the time without an awnser because people just don't bother to do everything by hnad.
This also makes the trading part of advies  more lightweight, you don't need to be as active to achieve the same thing.
This will certainly increase the social aspect.

Nobles will also know that certain cities are a flocking place for adventurers, the ideal place to go to if you seek to repair or buy an item/scroll.

Helpline / Massive negative trade Balance
« on: October 01, 2011, 01:40:25 PM »
I did something really stupid, as i did not know that the gold from automated caravans was taken from trade balance the moment there sent.
I set up these automated caravans, and when the bug was fixed, they all left at once taking a few k gold from the trade balance.
Now we all ended up with negative bonds.

I'd like to plea for two changes:
One, make negative bonds impossible( i geuss thats a bug anyway).
Two, as the gold sent in those caravans are already credit(taken from a trade balance, without any physical gold available, no taxes where collected), why not take it from the trade balance the moment it bought something? else automated caravans to buy stuff would be useless, or atleast for cities who need to buy from multiple regions, they will end up with huge trade balances in the plus one week and the other week with huge negative trade balances.

Also, if any of the two points is agreed upon, could the devs reverse the effects in Madina.
It would be easier than to call ealry taxes a few times(timed when the caravns return with there gold) to try to get into the plus again.
It's not a big deal, but you can imagine the huge impact this has on the game.
The problem would restore it's self but still destroy alot of units and seriously temporarily weaken the realm for a week atleast.

Below, tax report and caravan overview:

Region Tax Report   (7 hours, 14 minutes ago)
The following taxes were collected in Madina. The tax rate for this collection was 20 % and the lords share was 25 %.

Regional income and expensesPeasants Taxes   1954 gold
Trade Balance   -3967 gold
Buildings Upkeep   - 10 gold
Militia Payment   - 13 gold
Collectable Tax Gold   -2036 gold
Estate of   Size   Peasants   Tax Collected   Knight Share   Lord Share
Dene   5 %   1795   -102 gold   -77 gold   -25 gold
Kirino   9 %   3230   -184 gold   -138 gold   -46 gold
Bendix   9 %   3230   -184 gold   -138 gold   -46 gold
Groum   9 %   3230   -184 gold   -138 gold   -46 gold
Henry   9 %   3230   -184 gold   -138 gold   -46 gold
Abbot   5 %   1795   -102 gold      -102 gold
Malificar   9 %   3230   -184 gold   -138 gold   -46 gold
Tarkus   9 %   3230   -184 gold   -138 gold   -46 gold
Laurence   9 %   3230   -184 gold   -138 gold   -46 gold
Beaumains   9 %   3230   -184 gold   -138 gold   -46 gold
Balzk   9 %   3230   -184 gold   -138 gold   -46 gold
Tyrus   9 %   3230   -184 gold   -138 gold   -46 gold
Region Totals         -2044 gold   -1457 gold   -587 gold

Lord and Duke SharesLord Share   -587 gold
Dukes Share   - -587 gold
Lords Tax Income   nothing

(limit 40 gold)   return journey, carrying 200 gold   Bol   Madina
(limit 30 gold)   return journey, carrying 150 gold   Drowenton   Madina
(limit 40 gold)   return journey, carrying 200 gold   Madina Gardens   Madina
(limit 30 gold)   return journey, carrying 150 gold   Maraba   Madina
(limit 40 gold)   return journey, carrying 200 gold   Tovabur   Madina
(limit 40 gold)   return journey, carrying 200 gold   Lawataling   Madina
(limit 40 gold)   return journey, carrying 200 gold   Laraibina   Madina
(limit 40 gold)   return journey, carrying 200 gold   Panabuk   Madina
(limit 40 gold)   return journey, carrying 200 gold   Panafau   Madina
(limit 40 gold)   return journey, carrying 200 gold   Lugagun   Madina
sell (limit 50 gold)   return journey, carrying 250 gold   Paisly   Madina
buy (limit 40 gold)   outward journey, carrying 200 gold   Bol   Bol
buy (limit 30 gold)   outward journey, carrying 150 gold   Drowenton   Libba
buy (limit 40 gold)   return journey, carrying 200 gold   Madina Gardens   Madina
buy (limit 30 gold)   outward journey, carrying 150 gold   Maraba   Munawai
buy (limit 40 gold)   outward journey, carrying 200 gold   Tovabur   Bol
buy (limit 40 gold)   return journey, carrying 200 gold   Lawataling   Lawataling
buy (limit 40 gold)   outward journey, carrying 200 gold   Laraibina   Laraibina
buy (limit 40 gold)   return journey, carrying 200 gold   Panabuk   Panabuk
buy (limit 40 gold)   outward journey, carrying 200 gold   Panafau   Panafau
buy (limit 40 gold)   return journey, carrying 200 gold   Lugagun   Lugagun
sell (limit 50 gold)   outward journey, carrying 700 bushels food   Paisly   Paisly

Ps i've not checked the number yet(anyone, please feel welcome) if everything is correct, what i did notice is that the tax report says it gave me -500+ bonds, while i really got -135.
So that must be a bug for sure.

PS2, someone posted a bug report here:
also, there some other small bugs in this report, like the double minus after dukes share and nothing at lords income while it was  less then nothing or a whole lot a debt.

Questions & Answers / responding to a private warning
« on: August 18, 2011, 09:59:33 AM »
I am not sure where to complain about this any more(since new titan system) but i got a private warning for acusing someone of cheating, which i never did.
I acusse several players of playing the game with pure ooc motives, no character/rp motives as an ooc clique and also using other ways to communicate instead of the in game message system and warning for it's dangers.
I previously also suspected them of multi cheating but that has already been investigated.

Whom ever made this decision to give me a private warning, i don't understand why i got it.
I am simply warning for a massive ooc group infiltrating BM on a quite large scale, which you'll understand if you look into it your self.
The reason i am not putting this in an official complaint is because, as others said before, it's impossible to get water tight proof, but everyone knows it's true.
The realms i know of that are or have been effected:
Libero Empire, Thulsoma, Averoth, Aurvendil, Thalmarkin

Feature Requests / Religion type
« on: July 26, 2011, 07:14:30 PM »
Based on some discusions on religion i thought about a fact that most mideivil religions would never ingore a diferent faith but rather seek out to convert these people by all means.
Offcourse there where also diferent religions in the east, but they where nothing compared to the major religions of that time and had little direct influence on europe.
Some say we should remove the ingore option and only be able to mark misguide as minimum view.
But shouldn't there be place for pacifist, budhist like religions?

That gave me an idea.
What if you could choose two or more kind of religion types like a goverment type for a realm, giving you some specific bonuses over the other type while also loosing a few.
For example we take two types, A is the secular kind of type B the non secular moneistic kind of religion(i am not sure how we should call the types, so a and b for now)
You would never be able to declare another type as varient .
A types have bonus in calm the populance like options(constructive) and perhaps do not have the option of declaring religions evil.
the B type would have more destructive options and won't be able to just ingore other religions.
They could get bonuses on demoralizing populance and inciting violence, unrest.
Type A could perhaps aquire followers more easy threw preaching then B, who could get a bonus on there temple conversion rate or the other way around.(allthough this has some balancing issues)

It's not really comlicated i believe and probably create more friction between relgions and above all make them more diferent and the b types more medieval ;)

It also restricts using religion as only a startegic tool to a small extend.
If you want to be agresive and damging your enemy threw faith, you can but you can't as efectivley  preach for peace at the same time.

and now this smilly, just because it looks cool:  :o

Development / Ancient Documents, adventurer game
« on: July 12, 2011, 03:39:18 PM »
Ancient documents are usable items that can be found in some regions by adventurers.
Can anything be said about what role they will fulfill once there done?

Helpline / Torture to death
« on: July 09, 2011, 01:07:47 PM »
Simple question: When you keep torturing a prisoner, will it eventually kill the prisoner?

The core group of some nobles that succeeded from a realm i play in are ordered to be executed, but there is no way i can ban them and thus execute them.
Could this be a nasty way around?

Beluaterra / 'Beluaterranism'
« on: June 12, 2011, 10:34:45 AM »
I am starting a concept of a religion alot similar to medieval christianity.
A religion that sees everything in life as being part of religion and thus almost everything a man does should be out of religious motivation.
I hope this gives alot of depth and makes alot of stuff happen from this religious view of life.
it could spark massive wars on all fronts, with a real and passionte reason instead of all the silly conflicts we have most of the time, in which there is so much lack of reasoning that people don't seem to bother finding one anymore.
Basically i hope this will help making the game even more interesting than it is on Beluaterra.
I personally find other religions very lacking in that extend.

Anyone who feels the same or is simply interested, please help by contributing ideas or suggestions here or by simply altering the wiki page i started.

What it needs most now are the following:

*religious icons, symbols
*a decent and fitting name
*a list describing sins on the tablet of sins.
*more descriptions on the different castes and there individual rituals or rites.
*any extra input or criticism for the original concept.
*stories to be added to the book of faith, or the whole stories of the existing summarized ones.
*I hope to have a quite a big holy book in the end, full of fun moral stories.

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