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Topics - Silverhawk

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Feature Requests / Veteran VS Rooky recruits
« on: December 06, 2011, 02:28:05 PM »
I was thinking about realms, wars and the troops. One thing struck me as odd, that is that realms that go to war all the time seem to have equal troops as realms that sit around doing nothing. So I came with a proposal. It´s still rough, but might be wearth to discuss.

1. Realms that are at war might develop over time a bonus to the training score of recruitment centres. Veterans would come back from the war and pass on their skills at the recruitment centres (or be recruited aggain). Realms that have only peace and don't see battles that often would see a drop of training over time.

Some realms might start wars to keep their recruits trained and have a better army ready for when it really counts. Also, as the weapons and armour of the recruits don't change those scores stay the same.

2. The bonus or penalty should reflect the troops. I was thinking of 10-20% of the traing the troops don't have. Let me explain this.

RC, training 20%. These are very weakly trained militia. They would benefit a lot from constant war as they could learn a few basic skills for survival. The opposite is also true, as they most likely are farmers or other low peasents during peace time they will forget even more basic skills. Their range of training would be from 2-38%. (100%-20%=80 80*0.20=18%)

RC, training 90. These are highly trained troops. Profesionals that gain a long training before they are ready for recruitment. Or they are from a regions with a long military tradition. (something like that) These troops won't learn much from a war. Also, in peace time these man keep training and stay sharp. They won't return to their other jobs, as being a soldier is their job. Their range from training would be from 88%-92% (100%-90%=10  10*0.20=2%)

Part 1 is the basic idea of my suggestion and part 2 is how it could possible work out. I am very curius about the ideas of other people on this matter? (and please, focus on this matter and let's not end up with a discussion about to much peace, as I know there are people out there that love to whine about thats subject :P)

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