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Topics - ChrisVCB

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Questions & Answers / Yet another Summerdale Militia thread.
« on: April 28, 2012, 11:54:37 AM »
Soon as the last thread is locked, I'm having to post a new topic.

So far, Orris was told to disband the summerdale militia, appeared to do so sloely while his realm mates dropped more militia (he disbanded 30 men over several turns), and we protested because the number was actually increasing. The verdict reached was that it cost Orris time and gold to disband and thus it could be done over a period.

Putting aside that, by dropping new militia in his region, Orris would have less gold to spend on disbanding this militia, it seems that 7 days from the locking of the last thread nothing has changed. There are still large units of Summerdale Militia in the region. Further to that, during this time Orris has had time & gold (a lack of which was supposedly stopping him disbanding militia), to replace his unit of special forces with a large unit of mixed infantry.

It seems the magistrates verdict is being ignored.

Can we have some kind of final ruling on this?? Either the disbanding militia is never going to happen & we should forget about it, or the verdict needs to be enforced.

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