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Topics - MaleMaldives

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Development / Tutorial/War continent
« on: September 27, 2012, 11:39:26 AM »
To help with new players learn the game and find the game interesting, I think a war island should be brought back, but modified. New players will be given an additional player for the purpose of the war island advertised as being a tutorial or mock game, so they can learn and test things with out affecting their real characters. Also they can then see the excitement of doing large scale battles right quickly.

To populate the continent, X amount of random people from current players will get to make an additional character only for the war island. Then when the war island finishes by conquer or turn limit. The current players lose their character and new random players get selected giving priority to those that haven't been chosen yet. New players will then lose their character at the end or continue for another  if they just came in at the end, and then join the lottery like everyone else.

Features like fame, and family gold would be disabled. Current players would be encourage to teach the new players and provide a fun environment.

I think this would really help new players feel the excitement of the game quicker, and be able to learn easier. Also, it would help the current players satisfy their blood lust.

Development / Modifing how honor and prestige is given.
« on: January 31, 2012, 06:36:48 AM »
So I just had a character fight in the big battle in Ibladesh 35k vs 15k. My character has an archer unit so didn't do my fighting, but I only got 1 honor(which I am not complain about). I am guessing honor and prestige are given for many factors such as how much you have, the fighting your unit did, if you retreated or not, and whether you win or lose. But from experience through other big battles that honor has generally been lowish. Now with my character on dwilight I will have a like 400 CS unit fight a 1k CS monster army, and because monsters retreat really early I win like 50% of the time. For that battle I get like 3 honor and 1 prestige. Which I have liked but I just think it is a bit weird. I see why I got it for the huge disadvantage in CS numbers. But I would think the huge magnitude of most battles would give nobles more honor/prestige then my other noble fighting random battles against monsters.

Just in some way I think honor/prestige should be reworked so that doesn't seem so weird.

Feature Requests / Give priority target matching for charging cavalry.
« on: December 15, 2011, 06:48:28 AM »
What I mean by this is if possible match it with a unit to fight that is big enough to take the full hit. I just had a 43 man calvary unit charge into a 3 man unit with this result when there were plenty of other larger units: "Marshal's Guard (66) score 536 hits on Shield Wall (32) (1814 before overkill)." Since units shuffle their target everyone round, it can be modified to make sure a charging unit really charge. Since the main effectiveness of cavalry is too charge, they wouldn't bother to do that just on three men.

Helpline / How does the Armour stat work?
« on: December 11, 2011, 01:05:19 AM »
Does it work by reducing the amount of hits you take, or by reducing the casualties from your received hits?

Feature Requests / Cost for lords to use caravans/ox carts
« on: November 30, 2011, 07:20:27 AM »
(Sorry if this has been proposed before)

Traders/nobles with caravans have to pay to gold to keep them, so Lords that want to send or try to get food with them should have to also. This could also make it easier for Traders to have better chances to make a profit.

Lets say example where a Lord can easily sell his food to a city for 40 gold per 100 bushels. There is no need for a Trader. Though what if to do that it cost 10 gold, so the Lord still makes a profit for 30. A Trader could come by and buy it for 35 gold then sell to the city for 40. Thus the Lord makes more gold, and the Trader can make money better.

Background / Roman tower shields question
« on: November 24, 2011, 08:51:41 AM »
Why were the Roman tower shields and accompanying tactics not used during Medieval times? My guess is that better armor such as chain mail, and plate armor made protection from a shield less important. There were kite shields which were used in similar shield wall formations, but I don't think you could do a testudo formation with those.

Helpline / Steal Food vs Burn Food
« on: November 12, 2011, 06:28:27 AM »
Is there a difference between the effectivness of these two looting options? For example if you choose steal food you steal 5 bushels vs. if you choose burn food you burn 10. Also is steal food a looting option if your caravans are full? Lastly, what happens if you only have room for one more bushels and choose to steal food?

Helpline / Should I try building a temple with this error
« on: October 28, 2011, 07:12:21 PM »
I posted a bug report about this, since it is an error. Though I am inquiring if I should just try building the temple anyways instead of waiting for whenever the bug gets fixed. The message looks like this:

Error during database query
Please report the following error to the bugtracker, together with a short statement on when it occurred, especially on which page or action:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'limit 0,1' at line 1

Query was: select Realm,Duchy,Type,NominalPopulation,Fortification from Regions where ID= limit 0,1

Calling script: /testing/EconomyTemples.php
Warning: mysql_fetch_row() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /var/battlemaster/include/ on line 214

Error during database query
Please report the following error to the bugtracker, together with a short statement on when it occurred, especially on which page or action:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'limit 0,1' at line 1

Query was: select TitleSystem from Realms where ID= limit 0,1

Calling script: /testing/EconomyTemples.php
Warning: mysql_fetch_row() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /var/battlemaster/include/ on line 214 As the Duke of Vassar, you can order the construction of a new temple belonging to your faith Triunism.
It will cost you 100 gold to construct a simple shack, which the senior members of your faith can then enlarge. Without being a senior member, you can not build larger temples, because they need to be properly consecrated.

construct temple

The "construct temple" at the bottom is still a click able button.

BM General Discussion / Jitters before a turn change
« on: October 28, 2011, 05:58:19 AM »
Anyone else get jittery waiting the few minutes before a turn change? Major battles about to happen are always cool, but moving into a region that is prime for looting gets me excited. So much free gold at all once.

Dwilight / Change Duchy to Zuma
« on: September 28, 2011, 06:57:06 PM »
If you are a lord near the Zuma, with the new estate system you can join their duchy! I am curious what would happen if someone died, but I wouldn't dare do it with my character.

BM General Discussion / If all the continents merged?
« on: September 20, 2011, 08:38:59 AM »
I'm not proposing this, but posing a hypothetical. What if all the Continents were put on one map with existing realm with nobles in place with some shortish travel time in between continents and lastly a way for armies to travel further for longer.

I am mostly curious if realms on the same continent would band together to fight other ones, or if realms would try to find new allies from the other continents. I think realms would generally stick together with their continent mates at first until everything just felt like one map.

Roleplaying / Favorite kind of Roleplay?
« on: August 17, 2011, 10:47:33 PM »
What is your favorite kind of role play to either read or write? The three kind of role plays I can define I think mostly fiction, one time fiction, and integrated fiction. Mostly fiction being the most roleplay like, were usually multiple people will make up a big story/dialogue with little game mechanics involved. One time fiction being something like a roleplay of the details that happened during a battle. Lastly, integrated fiction where it is like filling in the gaps of game mechanic stuff usually in a series.

My favorite is the third kind because I think it is interesting that the writer(s) can't have complete control of what happens or is going to happen.

Helpline / Food in Caravans
« on: July 30, 2011, 07:01:33 AM »
How do you check how much food you have in your caravan besides trying to trade it.

Helpline / Destroying a Recruitment Center
« on: July 24, 2011, 08:12:05 AM »
Can a Recruitment Center be destroyed just by looting military infrastructure or does it need to be done "Demolish workshops or recruitment centers..." Once enough damage has been done?

Feature Requests / Political Parties
« on: June 22, 2011, 09:39:05 AM »
It would be interesting if political parties could be put into the game(political parties might not be the best name considering the medieval setting but that idea). I think it could work for all types of government. For governments like monarchy, it would simple be like a faction of nobles that want a certain view point for their realm. Maybe for tyrannies it shouldn't be allowed though.

Now the actually implementation of it wouldn't change any game mechanics, but allow for some roleplay, message group, and possible referendums(that cause nothing but show a result). It would be different from secret guilds as everyone in the realm could see who is in what party if they choose to be in one. Anyone at any time can start a party, but would go away if x amount of nobles join it in y amount of days and then can't start another for awhile to prevent from party spamming. The purpose would create a message group for everyone in the party. Someone could easily spy in, but it isn't supposed to be a secret organization, but rather a way to communicate ideas without it being to the whole realm. Also someone can't join another party have x amount of days to prevent frequent flopping. It would also open up roleplays as people can check who is in what party, and be able to have names of factions when a realm is in dispute. If an election came up there wouldn't be an official game mechanic to put a person from the party on the ballot, but rather the party could have a quick referendum and they say they will vote for that person. There could be a party leader who is originally the party, but there isn't much power to it other then starting referendums. There could be a mechanic to replace the leader when people want it.

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