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Messages - Draco Tanos

Pages: 1 ... 66 67 [68] 69 70 ... 74
BM General Discussion / Re: Who else plays by phone? Or how do you play?
« on: September 08, 2011, 12:29:49 PM »
I use a Samsung Focus, which runs on Windows Phone 7.  This means I'm currently stuck with the WP7 version of Internet Explorer.  That's fine, it works alright in most cases.  On the non-mobile version of the site, some links refuse to work (I push, no response at all.  really strange) and sometimes I simply cannot write. 

On the mobile version, everything works as intended.  The only complaint that I would have is that the top menu buttons are sometimes merged into the text, which confuses the phone in that it doesn't know if it should highlight text or click the button.  Sadly, it usually defaults to highlighting.

If some sort of hard coded space could be put in between the menu and everything underneath, that'd be amazing. :)

East Island / Re: Standardization and EC Culture
« on: September 07, 2011, 10:08:41 PM »
You folks do realize I'm trying to speak through an in-universe perspective, right?  Otherwise Battlemaster's gonna be pretty damned boring when everything historical will turn out "because Tom wanted it that way." =p

East Island / Re: Standardization and EC Culture
« on: September 06, 2011, 08:21:22 AM »
Or...  You could read what I wrote and sensibly determine it to be what it was intended:  Indicating cultural misunderstandings/translation errors resulting in the natives of Oligarch being referred to as Orcs.

East Island / Re: Standardization and EC Culture
« on: September 06, 2011, 06:33:01 AM »
Except they called themselves Orcs, not Liches. :P

East Island / Re: Standardization and EC Culture
« on: September 05, 2011, 08:52:57 AM »
Ibladeshian is probably better. And I'm biased towards Oligarch since I started out there :)
What do they tend to call themselves?  I know you're one, but what about the rest?  I'm simply curious. 

Oligarch...  They were the Orcs, right?

Amusingly.  Oligarch  O'rch >.>

East Island / Standardization and EC Culture
« on: September 04, 2011, 09:46:16 PM »
So, I've been thinking about various things in the East Continent.  Regional names, cultures, heck...  Even a name for our continent beyond "East Continent" or "East Island".   I'd love to see this continent, the oldest, have a real history that makes Dwilight's pale in comparison.

Let's start with something simple:  Nationality names.  Honestly, I'm uncertain what some realms call their citizens.  I'd like to see what the "correct" terminology is to be truthful.  Let's start off with current realms, then work on historical/fallen realms later.

Caligus - Caligan
Fontan - Fontanese
Ibladesh - Ibladeshi
Obsidian Islands - Not sure here.  I've taken to call them Kalmarans, though some have called them Islanders.
Perdan - Perdanese
Sirion - Sirionite
Sultanate of Asena - Asenan
Westmoor - Westmoorian

The wiki lists some geographical features, the so-called "Major Geographical Features".   But who named them?  Why?  What real world/historical/fantasy cultures are the various realms based on?  Westmoor, for instance, I've always seen as closer to England or Brittany.  Perdan I see as more French.  So many things to look at.

Feature Requests / Re: All Roads Lead To...
« on: September 02, 2011, 04:05:45 AM »
What is wrong with the current, non micromanagement way of road improvement?
Well, then by all means.  Let's remove civil work and diplomatic actions because they fit your version of "micromanagement". 

I call it an option.  An option many would like, especially in war ravaged lands like Beluaterra and Dwilight.

Feature Requests / All Roads Lead To...
« on: September 02, 2011, 03:40:12 AM »
While I am not proposing allowing new roads to be constructed per se, I would love to see two options added:

1.  The option for region lords to invest money in road maintenance.  This would marginally increase all roads in the region.

2.  Allow knights to order their units to reconstruct a one way road.  Ex.  Westmoor to Troyes.  It would function similar to civil work, units would lose morale but the only change is that a road condition would improve.


Beluaterra / Re: WAR
« on: August 26, 2011, 09:21:44 PM »
Melhed is the US in WWI?

Feature Requests / Re: Battle Simulator
« on: August 26, 2011, 08:14:57 AM »
Not really different than the training matches with dueling now, is it?

Feature Requests / Wounds And Poisons
« on: August 26, 2011, 07:59:40 AM »
Since he's not posted it in these areas yet and I doubt all read the EC forums, I'm posting Chenier's suggestion here:

A compromise pleasing everyone might be attainable...

When infils are caught failing an attack, it says they are caught with a poisoned dagger. Why is this poison ignored everywhere?

Add a new status: poisoned. Poison prevents one's condition from improving (though it can worsen), and lasts for a full day on a partial assassination and two full days for a complete assassination attempt. Then, make healing overall easier, so that a wound in battle or by preaching has less odds of keeping one out of action for a week.

Personally?  I think it makes sense.  Gives assassination attempts more of an edge and it stops simple wounds (battle or preaching) from putting most people out of action from for a week or more.

Feature Requests / Re: Battle Simulator
« on: August 26, 2011, 05:48:15 AM »
What I wouldn't mind seeing instead of the original suggestion is a war games action or command where units/armies (maybe even between realms) could practice combat between each other.  They'd gain cohesion and experience from it, but likely suffer some inevitable equipment damage.  Could only be done in territories other than cities or towns and also cause some minor infrastructure damage (trampling of fields, etc).

Feature Requests / Re: [FR] New Message Type: Announcement
« on: August 26, 2011, 03:42:38 AM »
Would say the royal council, the lords, and royals make the most sense.

Other Games / Re: Dynasties web game, looking for PHP/jquery dev
« on: August 24, 2011, 03:12:48 AM »
While I certainly agree with not having a huge building component, things like Tower > Keep > Castle > Citadel, or Manor > Mansion > Palace would be a major part of being a landed noble.  How else do we show our control, our prestige, our wealth, and our power?  Remember, many of these are homes for our families, not just military installations.

And it could add to the strategic element.  Nobles would be less impressed by a Citadel than a Palace, but a Palace is much easier to take via conquest by armies of your rivals.

Wiki / Re: Wiki Tables
« on: August 24, 2011, 03:04:04 AM »
Wiki formatting is slightly confusing at first, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes far easier than many alternatives.

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