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Messages - Barek (jerm)

Night 0:

The Swift Gull has made good time on its voyage, and has stayed just ahead of the squall.  The sailors have been busy with their duties, and trying to coax every bit of speed from the sails.  The Captain has kept mostly to himself during the voyage, but appears on deck to see that the ship is on course and to peer at the storm behind.

Night has fallen and most of the sailors sleep below decks while a few remain above.  The sails are trimmed, and the crew mumble amongst themselves, hopeful that they can stay ahead of the weather.  Some of the sailors have a very bad feeling about this voyage.

Shortly after midnight, fast moving clouds blot out the moon, and a fierce wind tugs at the sails.  A large wave casts spray over the deck, and a bloodcurdling scream is heard from the captain's quarters!

The sailors pound on the door, and find it unlocked -  inside they see the Captain's room is a shambles, and not from the rocking and tossing of the ship, but instead from a struggle.  The Captain himself, master of the Swift Gull, is lying on the floor with a sailors knife embedded in his skull!

His logbook is open on the table, where he apparently was making an entry.  It reads:

28 August - The storm behind us bothers me greatly.  We have stayed ahead of it thusfar, but it seems to keep time with us, and gains ground slightly.  I am hopeful that we will make good time, for I am eager to see this blasted cargo off the ship.  I am hopeful that it will have no - ill effect, though even of that I am uncertain of.  The crew seems on edge, sullen, combative.  I am no fool, but I do not believe that they would mutiny.  Not yet.  But more worrisome is what they warned me about.  I noticed a small sigil carved onto the deck earlier today.  It is no sailors sign, of that I am sure, and not from any barbarian language that I've seen.  I fear that it may be a sign that our secrecy was not as complete as we had hoped.  If they've managed to send some of their kind on board, then I fear all may be lost.  I shudder to think that they were not destroyed previously, and that their reached extended beyond Beluterra.  Tomorrow I shall see about bringing us to

The text ends abruptly there.

The sailors eye each other warily.  Who amongst them is guilty?

Time to find out.  Voting may begin.

The Captain of the 'Swift Gull' is murdered in the night!
I plan to get this thing going in a little more than 4 hours.  I would love to get just three more players involved to bring us to 17.

If you're in the game, invite a friend.   If you're just eyeballing it and not sure about joining, please give it a try! :)
Yes and no.  Velax has already said that he intends to run a game with no PMs.   You're right, we can't mechanically forbid them, but we can certainly enter into a gentleman's agreement.  Folks that hop into that game hopefully can restrain themselves and not use PMs.
Quote from: Ross on August 27, 2012, 10:12:40 PM
Evidence found by a special roles should be say in public or not.

Eh.  I disagree.
But the seer cannot positively identify the GA.  Seer can only see Villager or Werewolf.
It is my opinion that having 'Justice League' roles, and using various means to align them is an important piece for the Villagers.  The structure of the game is weighted against the Villagers -  the assassins know each other and can use that to drive wedges between the good guys.

I don't want to speak too freely since the Assassins game is still running, but I think that the Seer role SHOULD use PMs to form a bloc!  Without it, the villagers are just scattered sheep.  Which of course is exactly what the Werewolves want, but in order to achieve any likelihood of success, beyond absolutely blind luck, they need to be able to form a bloc and sometimes communicate in secret (much like the Werewolves do).

Remember that even with PMs amongst villagers, there's still a certain level of paranoia and distrust.   The werewolves all know each other.  If a villager gets a note that says "Hey, I'm the seer!"  Does he trust it?  Is it a sneaky werewolf?    Does the Seer take a risk and contact someone that he has not already scanned?  Could be a werewolf!  Could even be an overly-paranoid villager who could out him!
I wholeheartedly agree that the more that is done in public the better.

I agree that there has been a pretty good deal of PM traffic in the Assassins game.  While I think that PMing is important in a game, I will take this kind of advice to heart and try to make sure that the vast majority of my communications happens in public.

Games that I've seen elsewhere have benefited from some PMs, such as Justice League coordination (seer, guardian angel, etc).  But yes, the more out in the the open the better - and more entertaining.
You shall have it soon enough.
Penchant was scanned by the Sage, I believe.
You two are wily assassins, I'll give you that much!
Quote from: Indirik on August 27, 2012, 07:08:34 PM
I would really like to see one of these with a "no PM" rule for the villager side. IMO, PMing really impacts the game in a negative way.

While I disagree, Velax has suggested running just such a game, and I'd even be game for giving it a shot.
Other Games / Re: The Hunt
August 27, 2012, 06:53:10 PM
Interesting.  I'm in.
I intend to kick this off Tuesday at 18:00 Forum Time

Would love to get 4 more names on the roster!
Quote from: Indirik on August 27, 2012, 05:18:58 PM
Well, crap. They got the sage.

It's all your fault, Ross.

baahahahahahah!  +10 points for Indirik for hilarity!
Vote Indirik