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Messages - Alpha

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Feature Requests / Disputed Lordships
« on: July 28, 2012, 04:13:41 AM »
Title: Disputed Lordships

Summary: Rulers are granted the power to appoint to Lordships that have been vacant for more than two weeks(could vary.)

Details: If a region remains without a Lord for more than two weeks, allow for a ruler to appoint a candidate. This would cost the Duke prestige as it appears he does not even have power over his duchy. Also give the Duke the power to dispute any such appointment, causing prestige loss for the Ruler. The Duke will lose prestige over time if the disputed lord remains in power, and the ruler will lose a significant amount of prestige if the appoint lord loses the region for some reason. The Duke can withdraw the dispute if compromise is reached, or the dispute ends if the Duke or the Lord lose their positions.

Benefits: It adds an IC way to deal with uncooperative Royal Duke. As well, it could add some interesting conflict between a powerful Duke and a realm Ruler.

Possible Exploits: No obvious exploits.

edit: changed potential exploits

BM General Discussion / Re: Removing a royal duke
« on: July 27, 2012, 08:08:35 PM »
I have a feeling I'm going to have to utilise Malos' status as a Diplomat to deal with this Duchess. ICly he holds no ties to her unlike Velax does as an example, and also he can't use his status as a Priest to do it - the CoH doesn't use religion as a weapon. At least not yet.

Besides, he needs to oversee the expansion of the faith down South anyway. Pity that I'm going away on vacation for a week as of tomorrow..

She's out now. We just need a way to appoint lords.

BM General Discussion / Re: Removing a royal duke
« on: July 26, 2012, 05:56:01 AM »
Hah, don't worry. Nobody believes that. :P

And I still don't believe we're at the "put a knife in her" stage yet.

Well, Alpha would. Since the trinity died Osaliel is an OotE city, and she's damaging the war effort. Doesn't have any infils though.

BM General Discussion / Re: Removing a royal duke
« on: July 26, 2012, 04:35:32 AM »
Elect one. Or wait til the duke autopauses or wakes up.

We've waited more than a month so far. Haven't even gotten the inactivity warning yet. So I doubt an autopause. An election, maybe.

BM General Discussion / Re: Removing a royal duke
« on: July 25, 2012, 08:47:34 PM »
The problem with intra-realm warfare is that it destroys the team concept of the game. BattleMaster is a team-based game. You're part of a team from your first log in. The game defines the team as your realm. Like it or not, that's the way it is. Not only are our duchies are simply not big enough (in the majority of realms) to function individually as a team, but the entire game is structured around "realm as team". Intra-realm warfare would destroy that concept. And we have precious little of that concept still alive and kicking in the game as is.

It's a concept that may be fun and may work, but in a different game.

I didn't consider that. So yea, I agree 100%.

2) Pretty sure Kindara HAD an infiltrator...!

Maybe. I think he was attacked by a Cathayan in our capital. After that he disappeared. Then some war broke out, so we haven't really had time to look for him.

BM General Discussion / Re: Removing a royal duke
« on: July 25, 2012, 05:23:31 PM »
Intra-realm wars are, IMNSHO opinion, one of the worst ideas ever proposed, and totally inappropriate for this game.

The idea that would work for this is the forced secession we used to have that, so far as I know, was only ever used once, when Alanna forced the city of Giask to secede, then went to war with it and wiped it out. :)

I think it could be a good idea, or a terrible idea depending on how it was implemented. If a duke was to declare war on another, then the ruler would decide whether to ignore the action, or to support one of the sides. Perhaps there would be some sort of honor/prestige penalty for siding with the aggressor. So it would only be feasible if one duke was liked more by the ruler than the other. I know that the combat system is rather complex, so it may not even be possible. It may not have a place in BM, but I think it's an interesting concept.

BM General Discussion / Re: Removing a royal duke
« on: July 25, 2012, 03:36:03 PM »
Appointing lords is one of the duke's primary powers.

Food is a lord's primary resource.

You see the imbalance if we arbitrarily add power to solve a single side of the problem?

If a region remains without a Lord for more than a week, allow for a ruler to appoint a candidate. This would cost the Duke prestige as it appears he does not even have power over his duchy. Also give the Duke the power to dispute any such appointment, along with prestige loss for the Ruler. The Duke will lose prestige over time if the disputed lord remains in power, and the ruler will lose a significant amount of prestige if the appoint lord loses the region for some reason. The Duke can withdraw the dispute if compromise is reached, or the dispute ends if the Duke or the Lord lose their positions.

BM General Discussion / Re: Removing a royal duke
« on: July 25, 2012, 02:57:49 PM »
I still fail to see what's bad about it. From a gameplay perspective. Does this cause people to have less fun playing the game? Why?

In the situation that Velax is describing I think that is does. One person has entirely shut down a duchy, and there is almost no recourse available. That person logs in only to, as far as anyone can tell, prevent autopausing(completely inactive for more than a month). A number of previous posts have brought up the fact that the suspect Margravine could be assassinated, but that doesn't solve the problem as she is also Duchess. RTO could be used, but primary religion of those two particular regions just died. As he said, all we can do is wait for the city to go rogue, and there is essentially nothing we can do for the rural.

I think this makes a good case for intrarealm wars. If Dukes could fight each other for ducal control, then this wouldn't even a problem. It would be a free ticket to expand the duchy. That would be a big source of conflict. Though, I feel like I remember ducal wars being rejected outright, but I couldn't find it with a quick forum search.

Development / Re: Rough Idea to escalate conflicts
« on: July 23, 2012, 03:09:40 AM »
Then how will it cause wars?

Realms are ruled by characters.

Other Games / Re: Mass Effect 3
« on: March 09, 2012, 01:02:55 AM »
ME3 endings... oh well. They were disappointing for me. Guess they really wanted to make sure that there won't be any ME4.

Maybe spoilers:

Agreed. I thought the first 3/4 of the game was really good, but what led up to the ending seemed rushed. The ending choices I found to be absolutely stupid, and completely incongruous with everything that led up to that point.  I wanted more story lines to be brought to an end, an epilogue that gave some feedback of my choices, more squadmate interaction, and more Miranda. I feel like Bioware will try to release some DLC endings.

Other Games / Re: Mass Effect 3
« on: March 05, 2012, 01:52:43 AM »
I bought digital download through amazon. I'm preloaded and ready to go.

Feature Requests / Re: Idea: Plate Mail
« on: February 22, 2012, 11:38:30 PM »
Unique items degrade at different speeds, and I think the 1-per-day is an abnormality.

I've had 3 UIs. 2 have degraded by 1% per day. I was thrilled to get one that degraded by 1% per 2 days.

Feature Requests / Re: Idea: Plate Mail
« on: February 22, 2012, 05:47:13 PM »
Uh no this armour won't require any repair so you won't be contacting any adventurer.

Right, that is why I was saying that I'd prefer the armor not be made into a UI.

Development / Re: More Estate Features
« on: February 22, 2012, 05:46:26 PM »
The current estate page already says that it is a placeholder and more options will be added.

I've a couple ideas swimming around in my mind, but I'd like to bounce a few off you guys. Please provide constructive feedback. I am seriously getting tired of the whining, and it does nothing for the motivation of the volunteers in the dev team. So any and all "this sucks / I hate it" comments will be sent to the forum moderators to delete and/or reprimand/lock their posters. If you fear it has a negative impact, say so in neutral terms and list the reasons why.

So, the two various ideas:
  • Estates can simply be enlarged among a simple axis - tiny, small, medium, large, vast - with a prestige bonus to its owner, much like a unique item (i.e. lost if estate is lost, etc.)
  • Estates can be improved with various buildings to allow its owners features that are otherwise limited. A training ground could allow for recruitment, a vault could give banking options, etc. - all of these would then be available whenever the knight is in the region. While this would decentralize the game a little, it would still limit options to specific regions, so it wouldn't break gameplay. The only big change it would bring is that it gives realms with a capital under siege a recruitment option. That is in fact a change I like.
  • Make estates the actual locations of a family, creating more options to do nice things with family gold, etc. - but only at your estate. I would like to give the people who are hoarding family gold more options to spend it.

This could really add to the game by making estates more than a money tree.

1. A prestige bonus from a more opulent estate would be natural.
2. The vault idea is great, I've always wanted to see something like that. I like estate recruitment, so long as recruitment was limited to some fraction of the total number of recruits in the capital or something similar to that. Since the majority of trained recruits are going to be sent to the capital barracks.
3. Speaking as a hoarder of family gold, I'd welcome the opportunity.

Feature Requests / Re: Idea: Plate Mail
« on: February 22, 2012, 05:32:09 PM »
I wouldn't like to see this type of armor being made into a UI. For the reason mentioned that it is a tremendous hassle to keep UIs in a reliable state of repair. As well, an ornate, and useful, set of armor isn't going to be given to a low born adventurer to be repaired by some wandering wizard using boar feathers and dragon whistles. Nor would it have originally been taken off the body, or from the hoard, of a hulking monster.

I don't have any problem making it costly because it should be costly.

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