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Messages - Jeckyl

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Development / Re: Feature Cut: Buying Regions
« on: October 21, 2011, 02:05:42 PM »
I've actually been playing one of my characters so that one day he would buy a duchy. He is never first in line to be appointed, and in elections its always nobles who have been in the realm the longest that get the cities. He has taken this resentment and is amassing wealth in order to do this.

I doubt I'm the only one actually wanting to use this feature, but finding a good opportunity is hard. My only real concern about removing this feature is that we'll have nothing to spend all this family wealth on. Whats the point in having it, aside from bragging rights?

BM General Discussion / Re: Searching for Sages and Wizards
« on: October 06, 2011, 02:04:46 PM »
You have encountered a sage, a wise man, known as Ormem. People say he is wibbly. It is rumoured by many that he has magical powers. He and his kind are the only people capable of repairing and sometimes even improving unique items.

Over the past week, I have tracked him on Dwilight from Chesland to Paisly.

BM General Discussion / Sages vanish?
« on: October 02, 2011, 07:58:13 AM »
So I found a sage in Chesland, Dwilight a few days ago. I can't remember his name unfortunately, but he was the Wibbly One. Due to fatigue, I could not interact with him right away. By the time I had rested, he had moved on to another region. And so I systematically went to the surrounding regions looking for him. He was seen passing through Chesney, but not Larur or Odona. This leaves Gretchew as where he must have gone to from Chesland (in theory). Well, I just passed through Chesland again so I could travel to Gretchew, and saw the same message that he passed through. And well, I arrived in Gretchew just now, and he is no where in sight.

Can anyone tell me if Sages really do just vanish?

Dwilight / Re: Civil war in Madina
« on: September 15, 2011, 02:32:11 PM »
Or you can just starve and die like you are..

One of the main reasons I left D'Hara, tbh. I was just so sick of feeding a city, seeing the city die, and have nothing to show for it. D'Hara is an endless loop of misery.

Colonies / Re: Giblot: Dead or Alive?
« on: September 15, 2011, 02:24:55 PM »
Which of Portion, Wetham, Alebad, and Alowca came back? They are all gone.

Isn't Alebad back, in the sense it is now a capital city of a realm, formed without the destruction of another?

Development / Re: Better Trading = More Fun Trader Class
« on: September 15, 2011, 03:00:43 AM »
Can't really follow you there, what did you do?

Bought food on the blackmarket from a realm at war with our allies. Not the most literal translation... But in my experience, no one will sell you food with they know its going to feed their enemy, or suspect so.

Helpline / Re: SF range 6?
« on: September 15, 2011, 02:57:47 AM »
Timothy, isn't the helpline supposed to be for people trying to understand something?


Are you in need of help with the game, wonder how something works?

Moderator: Foundation

I knew SF had a range of 5, but have assumed that when archers fire, they fire on the unit where the unit was at the start of the turn. That everything was relatively simultaneous.

Sorry if my
absurd conclusions
got your panties in a bunch.

Development / Re: Better Trading = More Fun Trader Class
« on: September 14, 2011, 01:34:34 PM »
Iron resource could become very interesting.
To fight a long war, almost any realm would have to buy it elsewhere, creating trade that directly profits from war.
That alone would become interesting enough for the trader.

It would also spark alot more wars and more intent to takeover other regions than gold and food producing behemoths.

Tried that, lost a few hundred gold and a few hundred bushels, as well as acquired a ban. Not too anxious to repeat that experience..

Helpline / SF range 6?
« on: September 14, 2011, 01:25:57 PM »

The character Thorbjorn of Caergoth seems to have a unit with range 6. Is this even possible?

Development / Re: Better Trading = More Fun Trader Class
« on: September 13, 2011, 01:58:56 PM »
As a Duke buying up every bushel I could find in D'Hara, I've noticed that the majority of trading is done by lord caravans. There are still, and will always be those regions that cannot be reached this way. Those regions however, are not allied territory. Allies tend to open up their food stores far more easily than far off realms that do not care whether your cities starve or thrive.

I have had decent amounts of fun playing a Trader, but I agree that there should be more things they can do besides searching half a continent to fill up a caravan or two. There is always add more stuff to trade! But that is a band-aid fix. We could.... add stuff only Traders can trade! That could work, if done correctly. Otherwise it would over power the trading game, and suddenly everyone is a Trader. I know! We could add something like the Banker's Manipulate the Books. An additional feature available only to Traders that adds some flavour. Oh nuts, we have that, its called the Blackmarket.

But I have an idea now. How come the Blackmarket is limited to food? Shady deals are made all the time, and in the setting of Battlemaster, I can think of nothing better to add than Unique Items to the Blackmarket. Its brilliant, think about it. Some fence offers to sell you Merlin's Staff of Rubber Chickens. Real? or Fake? Buy it on a gamble! It could work similarly to Hero's picking up volunteers, in terms of irregularly occurring. Perhaps even buy magic scrolls that I personally have only ever seen on BT as a result of the Dream?

Feature Requests / Re: Sage and Noble Tracking
« on: September 03, 2011, 11:31:13 PM »
Advies do need to be able to avoid certain realms. I'd be reluctant to head into a realm I am banned from for example.

Feature Requests / Re: Stewards embezzling
« on: September 03, 2011, 03:43:13 AM »
Doesn't the region lord get notified though?

Feature Requests / Re: Regional financial changes
« on: September 03, 2011, 03:42:15 AM »
No I see no massive improvements. My other consideration is that I'm not aware of the full extent of the changes for the new estate and economic system, and whether these changed proposals will remain relevant at all in that context. But really nothing here is compelling enough to make me think it would be a priority, and in that case I would rather see how the game develops with other proposals that are in development.

This idea has SO much potential. The most beneficial one that I can think of right now, would prevent what Chenier said happened to Paisly (which I witnessed by the way, it was not pleasant). A vault idea can show you daily changes to tax collection, maintenance costs, predicted knight tax share, trade balance, etc. As it stands, there is no simple way to track a trade balance and predict these maintenance fees. I know I've had to bust out the calculator a few times to do some number crunching. I mean, as it stands, you won't know if you bankrupt your region until taxes are collected. And if you ARE about to bankrupt it, or the militia will auto disband, etc, why not have a system in place where the region lord will have a chance to prevent the disaster by depositing the 150 gold he was saving for the next block on his new walls?

Also I rather enjoy the notion of the lord having a mechanic available to segregate gold he intends on spending on himself and/or sending to his family from gold he wants to use on the region. I've done some mental math on that one, then forget how much I spent and on what, so end up waiting for more taxes to come in so I don't find myself broke.

Feature Requests / Re: Sage and Noble Tracking
« on: September 03, 2011, 03:18:29 AM »
If that's the case, then what happens after you find a sage to repair an item, and you have ot go back to the benefactor? How are you supposed to track the sage? There needs to be some kind of 'footprint', surely.

Feature Requests / Re: Bankers can be Stewards of any realm's region
« on: September 03, 2011, 03:14:06 AM »
Anything that simplifies the food game is a Good Idea in my opinion, and I've always wanted a checkbox where lords could say "give Banker full control of the food", but uncheck it if they wanted to handle it themselves.


I love the food game. Its a shame imo that playing a trader/warrior hybrid is hard. I would think  that a trader with 10 loaded caravans should somehow earn a higher maximum unit size (but I guess thats what other TLs are for!).

But seriously, I have played a Banker where I literally had to teach people how to use the caravan and auto transfer system, by referencing my other characters. It was so broken and complex.... my banker had to reference pages of the game he doesn't even have access to. Try teaching someone playing their first lord char how to use the automatic transfers without being able to open that page, I dare you. It can be downright impractical at times to have a banker who isn't a steward, region lord, or duke.

The same character who was the banker I mentioned, was a trader not long ago and steward of his region. Even that role relationship made things so much easier moving food around, and even earning a profit for the region.

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