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Messages - Lavigna

BM General Discussion / Re: Closing Islands ?
July 18, 2013, 08:52:14 PM
Quote from: Tom on July 18, 2013, 08:38:38 PM

As for the War Islands, I'm sorry but I strongly believe that this is a case of the vocal fans being on the forums and everyone else not. If you manage to get a list of 100 players who would return to the game if we re-opened them, I will see if I still have the data.

Does that mean we are  allowed to make a list with player "signatures" for it? :D If yes then i volunteer to aid in something like this :) i am a war island fan, won't deny it.
Quote from: Anaris on July 18, 2013, 08:37:39 PM
This was the problem. The Titans were not fast for many years, because there were too few of them. The system started out great, but it didn't keep up with the changing playerbase. As the Titans one by one went inactive or just stopped caring, they weren't replaced, and so the system bogged down and became unresponsive and useless.

Only more recently, with the majority of cases shifted to the Magistrates and the devs handling multicheater investigations (which are 99% of the remainder) have things started to move again among the Titans.

Oh i didn't know that, i was absent for quite sometime from the game and since then never followed the Titans..but even if this was the case, with the Magistrates now and the amount of bickering that came up in severa cases, most in those that were followed with acount deletions, things are not that fast.Also many insult- cases come up more frequently and those cases do tend to find their way to a solution pretty late.

The thing is that this open to public -trial kind of thing is becoming what Tom hates irl, a bunch of lawyers bickering.
Quote from: Tom on July 11, 2013, 06:53:15 PM
I'm sick and tired beyond what I have words for of the constant bickering and arguing. I think it used to be better before when I was handling more of these issues myself because I could make a quick and final decision. And while they were probably no better then what the Titans and Magistrates decide, it was faster and it was final and thus people didn't argue so much about it.

Really, from my perspective, it isn't so much the occasional insult that's creating the toxic atmosphere, it's the two months of arguments that follow.

This. In fact i believe that the public discussionw on cases, the fact everyone can drop his opinion in it and generaly the way we Magistrates handle the cases hasn't helped much.

I do get the idea that people can aid with feedback on a case but that most of the times creates the bickering.

I think it was way better the way Titans worked. Complain filled, Titans looked into it and searched for evidence and decide.Simple, fast and most of the times effective.

The fact for example that one player brings forth his complain and some people will defend him at all costs cause they like the player or because they don't like the player for whom the complain is about, the fact that some will jump and say his complain is childish or make it look bigger than it is... creates bickering that goes on and on and on.

Maybe we should consider some changes on the way these complains shoul be handled.

I do not comment the rest of Tom's wise words since i believe it is obvious we all SHOULD try and solve problems before they become complains in a civil way and by handling them between us first.

BM General Discussion / Re: Closing Islands ?
July 18, 2013, 06:53:24 PM
Quote from: Tom on July 18, 2013, 12:04:00 PM
This is not about WHICH island to close, but about whether or not to do it at all.

In case you have been living under a rock the past years: BM is falling apart because it was designed with a specific player density in mind. A higher density we always countered by creating new game worlds. But a lower density, as we have now, is not so easily fixed.

One solution would be the inverse - reducing the number of islands. That also means a loss of a lot of history, character achievements, realms with their culture and so on and so forth.

The questions in my mind are:

  • Would the player community be open to a step like this AT ALL ?
  • Can we, together, find ways to make it bearable?

Personaly i m not open to this step. You pretty much answered it yourself. That would be a lot of history gone.

There are islands which i wouldn't mind see closed but i am sure they are important to others.There are islands that i don't like but respect their history. It is one tough decision to just put a name forth.

Even the islands i adore and believe that require some radical changes it would pretty much hurt me to see them go.
Since invasions are pretty much off the table, re-arranging some islands could be a way to wake them up.

I really liked Indirik's ideas and i m pretty much supporting changes on islands over deletion of an entire island.
BM General Discussion / Re: Closing Islands ?
July 18, 2013, 06:34:12 PM
Quote from: Sacha on July 18, 2013, 05:54:19 PM
Or, perhaps the craziest idea of them all: Re-open the South-East Island aka the War Island. Doing so would provide a boost just from returning old players. Off the top of my head I can think of at least 3 or 4 people who would return to BM if word got out that they could play on SEI again, and they would probably start additional characters on other islands as well. I know Tom has said that the war islands didn't fit his idea of BattleMaster, but I can only say that almost anyone I know in the game on a personal level thinks closing them was a bad idea. Myself included.

+ OVER 9000

omg omg omg please please pleaaaaase bring back the war islands. It was one of the most fun things in the game, really...
1) Nope, I just informed others why I can't speak. I could say everything in finish properly as english is not my mother language.

2) I believe that everyone should know why I can't speak directly. so it would best to put it as an OOC. message instead as I can't explain IC issues why OOC reasons prevent me to say nothing IC.

your "explaining":

OOC: This is just an warning. It would be better not to speak again ,someone might get upsett from it.

As i said earlier I can't or won't speak anymore.Player of Merlin has managed to create such a thread that we won't be able to speak freely.

Saying " i won't speak because someone might get upset" etc  except of explaining why you don't speak is further harass.

If you just wanted to say you won't speak you could always say you won't speak because the player of Merlin doesn't feel good about it.

I understand english is not your native language, it's not mine either but here you explain you won't speak by mocking TH for his complains and that is self- explanatory.


Quote from: GoldPanda on July 13, 2013, 10:23:15 AM
And for the umpteenth time, it's fine if it's directed against a noble. I personally find "suck my sock" to be offensive and hostile, because we both know you don't really mean "sock", but I'm not reporting you or Lavigna to the Magistrates because I understand that it's all in-character.

Whoa, you must be new here.KK has actually posted that as an answer IN CHARACTER to rulers, he even received reports for vulgarity and received his loss of honor points for it.

So sad panda. Also it actually mean socks, dirty ones, dirty king's socks.
Quote from: Anaris on July 11, 2013, 06:54:21 PM
I think the problem with saying things like "tempers will get hot" is that this isn't a set of knee-jerk reactions to an upsetting incident. This is just the way they act. They clearly feel that this is "normal," and I think that perhaps more than anything else here, that is a real problem.

I believe this thread must get locked. As far as it concerns the case evidence is already brought up  and the case is already under the voting procedure for a verdict.

More posts only bring more drama ,more bickering and make things worse for both parties involved. It has nothing to contribute to the case only extend the amount of bickering.

If there is no intention for the parties to solve this matter between them  and wait for the verdict then i don't see the reason for this discussion to continue.
Pff Atanamir was also accused for cheating and for weird new players in Perdan that all move efficiently and bla bla bla, some did troll him just to piss him off, some may also believe it..

This isn't the matter here.

This is about an ooc harass concerning a players personal life. Apparently Atannamir felt that an ooc relationship (of whatever form) changed their in game actions and their in game attitude.
Sure you can call childish the fact he brought it to the Titans, he felt like doing so and he did.

But Jason also says that many players told him he discussed it with them as well oocly and that is not acceptable. The question is can those players also bring evidence for that in the forum?Because mostly that is the real case.

OOC insults between those two has taken place on irc and none of them deny it, but  oocly discussing things for which you shouldn't is a totally different matter.
East Island / Re: Dobromir retires
July 09, 2013, 06:45:11 PM
As a fairly old player in this game i have to say this is sad ,sad, sad.

In fact the minute i heard it i went online on irc to talk to the player of Dobromir.In 2 months it is the 2nd case of player abbandoning the game for ooc harass and it disturbs me a lot.
When i was on irc i said that it makes me sad because we are a friendly community and i got laughed at by some people there.Do i need to say it made me more sad? In all my years in this game i made friends through BM, we still get to laugh and it used to be like this for many years, apparently this is not the case anymore and people do feel the opposite .

It is a fact there was a huge ooc bickering from both parts since the war between Perdan and Caligus started and let's admit IC reasons did start it.
Apparently when some players get too passionate for a realm of theirs it always ends up OOC when it cannot be fought IC.Sad.

Accusations occured both ways, both parts admit it, one apparently went too far.

What i said to Jason yesterday is that the moment he received those ooc messages about Alex speaking of his private life he should have filled a complain. Alex on the other hand did, he thought he was right and he did, then again it seems from what people say that he also discussed it oocly with other players and this is not acceptable.

When a deletion takes place the balance in a fight suddenly falls on one part, the remaining one that is.

I am not sure how fair it is to stop looking in such cases only because one part deletes it's account.And the reason is that such action leaves one part mistreated, either that is the part that left or the part that remains. In game it may not make much difference some people will say..Well is that entirely true? I mean what if those who actually feel they had enough and quit do have right on their side and in the game remains the aggressor unharmed.I am not saying Alex is an ass and we should hunt him down but it pretty much leaves that image if this case gets closed.

I remind you this is the 2nd case of a player deleting his account because he feels harassed. Woelfy's case stills pisses me off because i know it wasn't entirely his fault and while he is not a part of the game anymore, some of the people that forced him to delete are.Still in that case without proper investigation we don't really know who 's fault it was.

I don't know if i am making my point clear here but one thing i love in this game is it's community, sure we have our shameful moments but this community is strong and should remain like this and having old players delete is always a shame.

Do speak up people, do speak up IN TIME and never let such cases drop only because you feel you had enough.I believe i m talking for many old farts here when i say this, because even if we dislike some characters i m sure there is nothing to hate on the player.So let's not make it about the player in the end.

And if at this moment there are people who have evidence about this case i believe they should be brought up even if Jason deleted and give a closure to this case even after the deletion, otherwise i m sure we will see more accounts deleted in the future .
East Island / Re: Re: Fallangard
July 09, 2013, 12:03:28 PM
Quote from: Atanamir on July 09, 2013, 08:26:43 AM
I don't think that a player who ragequits obviously due to a IC event and then lashes out against parts of community and particularly one player in personal is the abiding by this rule. I think it is sad when other old and reknown players forget their own rules, just because another old player overstretched the line between IC/OOC for himself.

I want to be fair thus i will say that last night i was on irc myself and in the East Island channel Jason asked to let the player of Edvard know this has nothing to do with him, that he actually enjoyed him as a player and that in another time he would actually find this as an amusing challenge.

For the sake of saying the truth i believe this should be written here.A rage quit is an assumption when the player declares it is not.
It is unfair towards the player of Edvard making him think he is the reason of this quit when Jason clearly stated it is not and asked that this was noted to him.

My 1 cent..cause i don't have 2.
ok, i think it's getting there.

I won't speak as a Darkan player (which i often do) but if Merlin manages to make this more than just the war with Tara, Silnaria will actually shake up the political situation on Atamara.

Must admitt it's the first time i am actually wondering what is going on in his head and what his plans are.
Atamara / Re: The Current War
July 07, 2013, 02:57:30 PM
Quote from: Bael on July 07, 2013, 02:31:54 PM
I believe it is called counter-trolling. And doing alright at that. And yes, Darka's attitude does get irritating after a while. As I'm sure you are inclined to find CE does perhaps.

Ι was from the first people to say that this war was partialy, if not entirely some would think, our fault.
Besides it was Darka that made Tara and CE super powers by accepting their contracts in like forever.
I accept that, what i don't accept is saying that CE is winning against Darka.

We could eat them for breakfast any time in a 1vs 1 war. And even in a 3 vs 1 war they did poorly.They say it's irritating Talerium won't let them in...well snif snif same happened to Darka. As simple as that.

Those who cry about the fact Darka never had a war they must go back in Atamara's history and read how many times they begged to have them on their side when they were fighting their wars.
The only mistake i find is that we got involved in this war as Darka and not as a mercenary realm. So now we are paying for it and it is welcomed, but don't brag about victories ....really...don't.
Personaly i don't see it as a merge.

Apart the fact that it was not "Coria" but leftovers of it that still didn't consist in a realm, the fact Munro was lord of the region gives him the liberty to join with it any realm he likes.

I guess the real question here is if that region would even make it on it's own as Coria realm?Because i doubt that's even possible.All i see is a region with a lord that it's lord decided to add it to a realm, which happens all the time in this game.
Also as far as i know Silnaria sees her self as the real Coria, meaning the other is just regions the real Coria rejected.Not a realm.

All i see is a lord that took his region and joined a Realm, which happens all the time in BM.