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Messages - Tan dSerrai

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Beluaterra / Re: Post invasion politics
« on: March 10, 2013, 10:06:52 AM »
Why not? 'What could possibly go wrong?'

Beluaterra / Re: Post invasion politics
« on: March 10, 2013, 09:54:28 AM »
'Find out'?

Scientific experiments in a medieval setting resulting in likely mayhem und 'fun'? Will do!

Any connection to dwarf fortress is entirely coincidental.

Beluaterra / Re: The Enweil/Riombara thread
« on: February 04, 2013, 03:16:58 PM »
Well, to my eyes it was actually a bit of both of the above    ;)

Still, the vote is finished in favor of having Guillaume join. Let the trickery begin!

Beluaterra / Re: The Enweil/Riombara thread
« on: January 24, 2013, 09:21:58 PM »
To clarify: I did not mean to suggest that Onamont is like Hireshmont II - what I meant was entirely OOC: Vellos, Chenier and Lefanis sure are interesting families - and I would love/fear to see what would develop in a Riombara housing a member of all of them at once.   ;)

Beluaterra / Re: The Enweil/Riombara thread
« on: January 24, 2013, 06:17:00 PM »
With a Chenier and a Lefanis in we just need a Vellos character to join...I here one might be leaving another realm soon. If he moves to Rio I would imagine that Sassan would not ever be able to uncross his eyes for trying to not be continually and completely out of his depth....too naive by far, he is.

Beluaterra / Re: Имперское військо Феувьна
« on: December 18, 2012, 11:08:43 PM »
Killing Enweil? Nope. Both I as player and my character would hate to see Enweil die. In addition Sassan believes that Riombara becoming too strong is not a good idea in the long run.

However, Sassan is a mortal enemy of Guillaume - there were several instances of betrayal during the invasion which Sassan recalls quite intensely, thank you. Betrayal of everyone left, right and center (Enweil, his own IVF, Riombara, the daimons, humanity, then once again the daimons...and in between humanity once or twice more) on and off the battlefield /should/ come back to haunt one   ;)   

Though I /do/ admit at admiring Guillaumes verve of suggesting an alliance between....himself and Riombara. By now Sassan is in near panic trying to check diplomatic papers for hidden poisoned needles....he certainly does not feel up to the task of countering Guillaumes coils.

Development / Re: d3js - very interesting find
« on: November 17, 2012, 11:10:36 PM »
...that Voronoi graphic reminds me of a 'new map' system that was being talked about around1,5 - 2 years back. Should have broken up regular regions into smaller 'estates' as far as I remember...and possibly even make regionborders fluid. Is anyhting like that still being (even if very distantly) planned?

Beluaterra / Re: OG/Sint: WTF?!
« on: October 29, 2012, 03:03:27 PM »
Regarding Riombara:
We haven't been a powerhouse. Throughout the invasion there were realms with higher CS (sometimes considerably higher) than Riombara. We just utilised what we had very effectively. So 'powerhouse' is a nice compliment but not quite true.

As to number of daimonlords: We had several visiting us during and after the heavy allied fighting in Enweil. One tore through all our lands from Fwuvoghor in the north via Grehk and out twoards the west /while/ our full army was fighting near Fengen. We lost around 15000 peasants that way. And while it is true that we only had to confront one single daimon lord after north and south were sundered, he did command the single strongest army after Overlord...he did destroy IVF, Enweil and near all of Rio with that single army. And we had to confront him alone, with an economic base of a third of Thalmarkin, OG and Melhed combined. And confront him at distances that meant marching across half a continent, then fight him as one cohesive army in the beginning.

I think the best way to look at things is to judge economic base, then achievements in relation to that base. Thalmarkin certainly scores very, very high in that regard - and I loved their unconditional, suicidal taunting of Overlord. Sint did well in the beginning, marching at least one army south to aid Enweil and fighting will in that theater...however, after that...well. Melhed was invisible at the beginning but did certainly get going near the middle - it is a shame they were so unlucky in their battles...with a bit more luck on their part Beluaterra would have most of Enweil, a good part of Fronen and a land bridge between Fwuvoghor and the center still above water. I do not remember the exact details, but OG did fight staunchly in most battles in the north if I recall correctly.

Development / Re: Knight and Lord Relationship
« on: October 07, 2012, 11:28:52 AM »
Some ideas:

1) Have the income of wild lands and untaken estates go to the /ruler/ directly. Possibly even reduce the income of those parts from 50% to 33%. This way, a regionlord does have an interest to gain knights - it gives him additional gold via the lord share /and/ he has indirect command of the income of the knight. In addition, this also encourages the dukes to pressure their lords to gain the unclaimed income would otherwise leave their duchy.

2) Strengthen feudal oaths. I would love to see that, but have no clearcut idea on how that might be achieved. Basically it should be in the interest of a lod to have knights, hopefully not only via gaining more income but by increasing his /power/. One idea would be to base voting power (somehow...) on (controlled) land, giving each knights vote the weight depending on his controlled land, each lord the weight for himself and his knights and the dukes the weight of their combined lords. Some kind of balance between gold (cities/townslands) and rurals (food) would need to be found.

Other Games / Re: Dave's Galaxy
« on: October 04, 2012, 11:08:21 AM »
Hi all!

...some rather basic questions:

1) Is there a way to /lower/ society levels? By now I try to have mindcontrol by level 75-77 to avoid having to import food.
2) Is there any downside to having high taxes?
3) How do I interpret the attack and defense numbers of different ship classes. For example, a super battleship has att 27, def 14, costs 8000 steel and 75000 q. A battleship has att 20, def 9, costs 4000 steel and 25000 q. If I compare these numbers directly I get more att by building 2 BS instead of one I assume the numbers are not compared directly. I assume that damage is (att-def) making the fight between 2 BS and 1 SBS more...uhm...logical.
4) Based on answers to 3, is it better to build as many SBS as possible, building smaller classes only where larger classes are not availiable? Or any other suggestions?
5) Is it possible to combine fleets? Or add ships to existing fleets?
6) (edit) I assume that trading actually generates additional money (= it does /not/ simply move q's that are generated by taxes between planets).. Is that correct?
7) (edit) does sending more than 1 arc (in the initial fleet) to a new planet result in faster development of that planet?
8) (edit) does sending an arc to one of your own (already settled) planets raise the population (and steel stockpile) there?
9) (edit) Is there any way to send ressources (and to chose which res to send) to other planets (other than via trading)?

Thanks for your help!

Beluaterra / Re: End of the Invasion
« on: September 28, 2012, 01:47:11 PM »
You can go through the timeline of the fifth invasion. All battles should be recorded there, with the possible exception of 1-2 Thalmarkin fought in...but I am pretty sure than stinkyoldmen and me got near all battles recorded.

Have fun - and, c'mon, get bragging. Nothing more perfect than getting all high and snobby due to ones perceived accomplishments. Would hate to have Sassan being the only one riding that high horse.

Beluaterra / Re: End of the Invasion
« on: September 26, 2012, 07:50:17 PM »
Sorry for the necromancy - but I think this fits here:
Today, when returning from the battle in Ippetimbal, High Constable Sassan of Riombara did present the final tally of the fifth invasion for Riombara, inscribed on the battle standard that did accompany him into most of these battles. I love being able to have my char be melodramatic, let alone display intense pride. I am sure noone noticed yet  ;)

Now for the fifth invasion.

With the very last daimon force vanquished I intend to bring the battlestandard of the fifth invasion to Grehk, there to store it so that coming generations may learn of our feats. On that standard I had every major battle we fought during the invasion inscribed - and one daimon tooth from every commander we slew is fixed to its shaft. I think that anyone, throughout the whole history of this continent would be hard pressed to present anything able to rival what we all have accomplished here - and what is thus shown on that standard:

We have fought 33 main battles against the daimons. Ten of those were fought jointly with allies, 23 we fought alone. Twenty-three battles. That is more than any other realm on Beluaterra can claim.

During these battles we did destroy 18 daimon hosts - again, 8 hosts were killed jointly with allies, 10 hosts were destroyed by Riombara alone.

But most importantly, we did kill five daimon commanders - all in battles fought between the daimons and us.

These dry numbers tell one tale: Riombara was the most determined, deadly foe the daimons had to face. It did not matter whether it looked like we would all be ground into dust and forgotten - we fought. This is - and will continue to be - our source of pride: we did not waver, we did not enter into any deals, we did not even discuss any (OOC: this conveniently glosses over the fact that Hvrek DID try to enter into deals - but at least Riombara can claim that once we knew about it we went to kill him. So that claim is - if admittedly a tall one - mostly true) - we did confront the beasts with steel alone.

Through darkness - to light. Here we stand today - and we live, while the daimons are gone. Thus, warriors, let us enjoy this coming sunrise - as with all the others that we may now be granted.

Beluaterra / Re: New Sea Routes
« on: September 20, 2012, 09:07:38 PM »
Personally I would love to see new sea routes.

Two ideas: a) weaken the strong position Riombara does have. b) enable leapfrogging along the coast.

a) I (a miracle!) agree with Chenier. I would make it even harsher than Fronepu-Rines....for example Fronepu-Ajitmon. This would enable attacks into one direction while keeping the other direction relatively secure. It would be impossible to keep a strong guard in Ajitmon, allowing both raiding and attacks from Fronepu.

b) leapfrogging: right now we have a purely two-dimensional map in regards to travel. To leave (or enter) Riombara you /must/ travel through a long, thin corridor. If travel along the coast would be possible...for example between two rurals, for example in the north: Pella (Thal) to Qonnor (Sint). This way Sint could attack Thalmarkin (or the other way round) without having to march via Old Grehk. Create a ring of sea routes as that and a lot more possibilities open up: Fangor-Watersdown; Aesh-Kraake; Kif-Worvobaen; Eykfar-Shifgregor....and so on, right around the island.

Beluaterra / Re: New colonies
« on: September 19, 2012, 05:07:51 PM »
I am reasonably sure that a region does not need to be at maximum to send migrants to a neighbouring region. Difference in taxes and happiness were the main factors as far as I remember....oh, and I happen to had a char on Dwilight...he brought a rural (Maeotis) from around 200 peasants to full population...grin.

I am not troubled if repopulating a region takes 8 months. A year would be a bit much for gameplay reasons. Two years would be far too long. Note that quite a few regions on Beluaterra have less than 500 peasants...and is this is 'only' the effect of the blight. It might bring more dynamic to the island if pop growth would be somewhat higher. Or if 1000-1500 peasants 'come out of hiding' once a formerly blighted region has been under control, safe and happy for 1-2 months. As it is I think that significant areas will take forever to grow back to 2000 peasants. Combine that with the fact that it is impossible to recruit from regions that are below 3/4 population (is that still the case?) and you are looking at 'no colonies' for along, long time.

Beluaterra / Re: New colonies
« on: September 19, 2012, 11:29:05 AM »
I am not sure that population growth - and peasant movements - are working as intended.

In Riombara we took Rii (previously being a blighted region) around 2 months ago. It had around 1000-1100 pop. Since that time we had 1-2 rogue units pop up there, always being eliminated fast. The region has an extremely low taxrate, has been at perfect stats for the whole time, has a well populated region (7100 out of 9200), highly taxed next to it (Ardmore). Rii now has a population of 1400. If this is the best growth we can look at then Rii will be repopulated in around 2 RL years. Under perfect conditions. For the regions farther away from our well populated isles conditions are similar (very, very little pop growth), it will be even longer. Creating a colony in Jidington would be possible earliest in 1 RL year.

I will look into it more closely from now on, recording pop levels of a few regions to get exact numbers.

Should I put this on the bugtracker or is this working as intended?

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