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Messages - Igelfeld

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BM General Discussion / Re: Titan System Revalation
« on: April 17, 2011, 05:16:10 PM »
You have a point, but I am concerned about what will happen with cases that are not so cut and dry where opinion is split and emotions are high. Especially in cases where there is an accusation of abuse of some kind - strategic capital moves or violations of the IR. Furthermore, the person on the receiving end of the above process may well try to defend themselves only to get shouted down. They're going to end up feeling persecuted. It could indeed turn into a witch hunt of sorts, as someone else said.

I just think there's a real Pandora's box possibility here. I think the current system would be better than dragging these things out into a public forum.

I completely agree. If there are abuses, I think that only those involved with it need to be aware of it.

Roleplaying / Re: One Post Short Stories
« on: April 17, 2011, 05:09:54 PM »
Agony strikes Moria as she wakes from a deep slumber, utterly confused she considers the noise about her. The heavy daze begins to wane as she hears wagons and siege engines creek and tents ripple in the wind. Opening her eyes, the bright sun illuminates the scene clearly. Her tent, pitched just outside the city of Skalk.

Attempting to sit up a violent cough grips her, and as she pulls her hand away, she sees the splotches of blood now speckling it. Cautiously she raises a hand to her shoulder to feel the wide bandage now resting there, and the images of that battle come flooding back. Well, one image that is, the volley of arrows sweeping into her ranks of infantry. Moving her hand down to the left, her other wound gives a sharp twinge. Surrounded by enemy troops, one soldier had leveled a solid sword blow puncturing her armor and grazing her side. Two battles, two days, two wounds. Moria takes in a deep breath before exhaling in considerable pain. She coughs again.

"My lady! I am so very glad to see that you're awake." Said Beatrice as she carries fresh bandages and a washing bowl to Moria's bedside.

"That makes but one of us..." Moria winces as she speaks, "Pray tell me you have brought the sleeping draft?"

"My Lady I have, but I am afraid there are some issues we may need to address before we put you to sleep." Beatrice pulls the bandage from Moria's side and begins gingerly washing it.

Moria winces as the pain from the cut shoots through her entire body. "Aagh! these issues had BEST be of PRODIGIOUS importance Beatrice. For I am in no mood to deal with the mundane."

Carefully redressing the wound Beatrice replies, "My Lady, the King, our king has responded to the letter you signed. He has stepped down and the time has come to appoint another."

"Impeccable timing," Moria replies with a halfhearted smile, "Half dead and halfway across Atamara."

attending the wounded shoulder Beatrice asks, "Shall I summon the scribe then?"

Moria nods as she grimaces, "Summon him, and tell the rest to make for Ceargoth posthaste."

Dwilight / Re: the cult of Bloodmoon
« on: April 16, 2011, 06:12:04 PM »
Not to the point where they get drunk. At least the formal practice of imbibing wine is not intended to make the drinker drunk. Now, let's move away from the real world religions, shall we?

What is pretty clear here is that the guys eating the bloodmoon fruit aren't just taking a few nibbles to give a small boost to their mental faculties. Instead, they are eating it to the point of hallucinating. Sounds like abuse right there.
;D I am a Christian and a relatively devout one at that. "Drunk" is an ambiguous term that needs interpretation, and as it so happens my drinking practices would be condemned by a majority of modern Christians, but that is beside the point.

More to the point Christians don't drink abundant amounts in order to have a religious experience of God, so this is a little different.

I like the idea of Bloodmoon fruit and will be an active member of the guild. It is always fun to write tripy RP's.

BM General Discussion / Re: Who wants to polish a banner and crest?
« on: April 13, 2011, 09:23:18 PM »
 :o  I like what you have done so far. Please take your time.

BM General Discussion / Re: Who wants to polish a banner and crest?
« on: April 12, 2011, 10:55:36 PM »
Well this is embarassing. I was originally going to make another banner for Asylon but it seems I forgot about it. I got flooded with requests at the time (looking at my wiki history).

It seems the conceptual work is done though, and I would be very happy to polish it. :)

If you don't mind me adwhoring a little:

You can do whatever you want, I really like your work.

Dwilight / Re: The Dwilight Experience
« on: April 09, 2011, 05:36:41 PM »
Eh, I won't argue that he's the most talkative that I've seen from Terran. That, and among the most meddlesome, second maybe to the current King of Asylon.  ;D

The current King of Asylon, now that is a story that in development . ;)

Unfortunately, it is not one fully restricted to Dwilight... and I don't really feel like writing it all here. If you are interested I have saved some of the RPs that make up the story.

BM General Discussion / Re: Unit Hall of Fame
« on: April 07, 2011, 06:56:37 PM »
Type:   Special Forces
Strength:   50 men
Training:   96 %
Weapons/Armour:   100% / 70%
Damage:    10 %
Morale:    100 %
Cohesion:    78 %
Combat Strength:    1284
Encounter Setting:    normal
Deployment Line:    front
Deployment Formation:    line
Designation:    army

25.7 CS per man. I mean there no superpower but they get the job done :)

BM General Discussion / Monarchy experiment
« on: April 07, 2011, 06:51:22 PM »
I am trying to create a true Monarchy in Asylon, one where the ruler chooses the heir to the throne. There will still be an election of course and the heir could lose the election, but ether way the heir will have a claim on the throne.

As you know I have no son to take the throne and therefore no biological heir. Whoever next comes to the throne will be my heir in spirit, but this does not mean I shall be without say in the matter. I have been watching all of you in your service to Asylon and seeing who is most fit to carry the mantle of leadership. However, I have yet to chose an heir. Therefore nobles of Asylon, if you feel that you are deserving of the crown, then present yourself to me and tell me why you should take the crown.

My eye shall be on each one of you in this coming month, and before it has ended one of you will be declared the heir to the throne.

I am interested to see how this turns out.

Feature Requests / Re: Community Manager Attention List
« on: April 07, 2011, 06:22:55 PM »
Change to Mentor Position

  • Remove the Mentor subclass.
  • Make mentoring an option selectable by any character in the realm that has been playing the game for more than 6 months. (Too long? Maybe 3 months? Anyway, more than 30 days.)
  • Allow rulers to appoint official mentors for the realm.
  • Create a Newbie Corner (probably with a different name...) on the forum dedicated to basic game play questions, geared specifically at new players. All new players should get an IG message to go there and ask questions.
  • Mentors who receive too many bad reviews from the students should be removed from the Mentor program.
  • Some way to encourage more mentor/student communications. Maybe put the Mentor/Student channel options at the top of the Messages screen, possibly highlighted in a separate colored box, with some explanatory text directing the to ask questions of their mentors? Also, put a link to the forum Newbie Corner there, too.

To this I would also add the ability for appointed mentors to set an automatic message that is sent to the student after they join a particular realm.

BM General Discussion / Who wants to polish a banner and crest?
« on: April 07, 2011, 02:11:00 PM »
So I have been working on a flag for some time and I think I have finally come up with something good. However, I am not a graphic artist by any means and I need someone else to polish the image/idea. If you want to help, feel free to play with the colors as you like and do whatever you want to the idea, all I really want is an awesome looking banner and crest. Here is what I have so far:

If you need the files in a different format just let me know, and have fun with them. 

General Talk / Re: You're a noble, but what are you by day/night?
« on: April 07, 2011, 01:54:34 PM »
I am definitely not one of those hard science guys, I just started my post grad work by studying Greek Rhetoric and Persuasion Theory at Oxford University.

BM General Discussion / Re: Family Name Origins
« on: April 07, 2011, 01:41:06 PM »
the insperation for the Igelfeld family is drawn mostly from the work of Alexander McCall Smith and his unceasingly clever work. The name Igelfeld comes from the protagonist of Portuguese Irregular Verbs a Professor Dr Moritz-Maria von Igelfeld, who is a prideful and stoic character who is unable and unwilling to admit failure in his professional or personal life.

BM General Discussion / Re: Council Power
« on: April 05, 2011, 08:00:45 PM »
As far as actual game mechanics, I would have to say that the ability to appoint dukes (if this an ability of the ruler) is probably a huge determinant in shaping the realm, But that ability is not utilized terribly often.  So in my mind it kind of falls to the banker and the judge.

BM General Discussion / Council Power
« on: April 05, 2011, 09:50:29 AM »
So what position within the council, (King, Judge, Banker, General) do you think holds the most actual power. I am thinking here about game mechanics and such, and from what I understand here are the basic abilities of the different positions:

The King dominates exterior diplomacy, can change the government workings, and exile nobles.

The Judge controls the prison, can torture and steal from nobles in prison, ban nobles, and set fines.

The Banker controls taxes and tax distribution, can steal gold from regions, and see the exact food reports.

The General can move militia, and I don't know what else.

BM General Discussion / Re: New Religion: PLEASE HELP ME :)
« on: April 02, 2011, 02:58:47 AM »
I am starting a new religion as well (also in Dwilight), and it seems like we have somewhat of the same idea as far as religious texts go. For the most part, my religion is going to be based off of sermons and the occasional letter, and there is a thread that talks about it a little bit. Anyway, I actually really enjoy writing the occasional folktale and have a few for my religion already. If you want to create a relationship between our two religions, and possibly have a temple to each others religions in our respective realms, I would be more than willing to share some of my tales with you.

The first little bit is just a kind of introduction to the religion, but the second one is probably one you might be interested in. What follows after that is really just a rough draft.

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