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Messages - Adriddae

Dwilight / Re: Sanguis Astroism
April 26, 2012, 07:07:05 PM
What's all this talk about secularism? Did Medieval people really separate church and secular issues like this?
[United Kingdom]

The United Kingdom shall accept the compromise in Persia. We are happy to see that relations between the British and Russian kingdoms may be strained, but agreements can still be made. The establishment of peace in Persia is our goal, and the furthering the growth of its people is our duty. It is not our intentions to hold on to our Persian territory, but to form a new government free from the Qajars. We will ensure that the last of their kind will be rooted out in order that prosperity will be ushered in.
I was actually thinking of really putting gorillas in Washington on my first turn. Ya know, for kicks. :D
No, we are dividing the United Kingdom's orders between us. Or at least using 1 normal order and 1 war order for India.
My friend, who is going under the name of kyrenide, is going to play as a Govorner-General of india. We'll see how long he stays. However, I'm still going to provide the orders regarding United Kingdom, but as far as I am concern he will be running India. Which means whatever orders he wants, I'll post them to Perth.
[United Kingdom]

Her Majesty Queen of Britain and Ireland, Empress of India is announcing a new Governor-General over India. The management of the Indian continent is a most dutiful responsibility. Lord John Lissel is named to be the replacement of the late Charles Canning. Her majesty's subject John Kessel is a most devout member of the British citizenry, and a most effective administrator. With a great applause, we usher in the Governor-General to rule and administrate the British territory of India on behalf of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. The people of India shall prosper under his diligent hand!
[United Kingdom]

Her Majesty is aghast that the Tsar would compare the annexation and exploitation of Persia to the peaceful colonization of British citizens in otherwise barren lands. The "princely states", a term for our allies and friends in India, are in fact, their own sovereign nations, guaranteed by the British government to be able to maintain their internal affairs. The so-called Indian rebellion was in fact instigated by the misguided rulers of these princely states in order to acquire possessions from Her Majesty's land. This territorial expansionism was put down after some time. The death toll, although large, did not number into the millions, and were mainly composed of British citizens who were targeted by the barbarism of the Indian radicals. The numbers you have heard were fabricated claims made by those who wish to exaggerate the numbers for a more dramatic story.

It is interesting, however, to note that this event is similar to the Persia situation. The Indian states attacked our holdings, and we have retaliated, similar to how the Russians have chosen to invade Persia and remove the Qajars. What is different however, is that we have chosen to allow the states to retain their national sovereignty. That is not to say that we have not punished them for their aggression, as we have placed severe penalties to restrict their raising of a force to threaten nearby states, but we have allowed them to continue governing their own affairs. The Indian people still rule Indian people. Proponents who harbor unreasonable ill-will toward the United Kingdom have been removed to allow the growth of the Indian region.

With our experience at hand, the United Kingdom had hoped to implement a similar scheme in Persia, so that all parties involved will benefit greatly.

The Ultimatum was given to the Qajars in order to restrict them from continuing hostility against both our powers and stop the cause of further death. The relinquishing of their port cities will allow for the easier administration of shipping food in to give to the people of Persia. With it, the reformation of the Persian government and the ushering in of a new era of enlightenment and prosperity of the Persian people under a Just and honorable government.
United Kingdom

Her Majesty's Government will speak out against the events happening in Persia due to the acts of Russian expansionism. It was the original goals of the Russian Empire to liberate the Persians people from the unjust rulers of the Qajars. The annexation is an uncalled for territorial expansion of the Russian empire into the region of the Middle East. Although the Russians may be better administrators than the Qajars, the original goals of the war were to relieve the Persian people from the Qajars.

To quote the Russians' own declaration, "Russia shall put an end to the mismanagement of the Qajars, and rebuild Persia to its former glory, developing its infrastructure and industries, and putting an end to the corrupt practices of the Shah. Russia shall liberate the people of Persia from the disease of the Qajar dynasty. " In no way does the goal of the war state the incorporation of Persia into the entity of Russia. It was the intention of the United Kingdom to help the Russians into liberating the Persians from the Qajars; not to replace them.

The rebuilding of Persia can be accomplished without the need to usurp the native population from ruling themselves. Russia can contribute resources, advisers and money to invest into the rebuilding of Persia so that the people of Persia will benefit. There is no need to infringe of the sovereignty of Persia. The Persians can lead themselves.

With this in mind, the United Kingdom will be seeking to install an improved government in Persia to replace the despotic Qajar rulers, as well as the helping the new government to rebuild the shattered land.
Excellent update Perth. Very nicely done narration. It was worth the wait. :)
Quote from: Chénier on April 23, 2012, 12:46:39 AM
Is there any incentives to have more than 1 region per noble?

I think you require two nobles per region at minimum. A lord and a knight with an estate.
Helpline / Re: Tax rate
April 22, 2012, 05:33:45 PM
Hmm... Lords can resize estates anytime they want? Do knights get a message about this? If not, I'm going to have to start checking my estate size after a while.

Declarations of Hostilities
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland hereby announces its intent to liberate the Persian people from the oppression of the Qajar dynasty under the current rule of Naser al-Din Shah Qajar and to relieve the the people's of the that region from the turmoil that the Qajar government has caused.

In light of the recent Persian treachery and general uncivilized acts of barbarism, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland cannot stand idly by as its neighbors devolve themselves into such shamelessness. We extend a sympathetic plight against the innocent people's of both Russia as well as the Persian people themselves who have been subject of the tyranny of the Qajar dynasty.

The Qajar's hand has not always been set to move against Russia, for their eyes are greedy and they look upon all lands to subject under themselves. Their heart was set in for the City of Herat which their motives of capturing the location rung true. In a glorious defense, the British expedition successfully defended Afghanistan from the aggressors and vanquished the Persian invaders. Despite the attempts to draw up a formal border, the Qajars have constantly frustrated attempts to properly attain a resolution.

The turmoil has been too much for the United Kingdom to merely watch and react, for today we take action. Let Persia be liberated from the Qajars!
[United Kingdom]

The Treaty of London

Noting the potential for instability around the world,

The United Kingdom and the Austrian Empire will enter into a nonaggression pact.


[X] Kaiser Franz Joseph I, Kaiser of the Austrian Empire

[X] Queen Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom, Empress of India
[United Kingdom]

To: The Spanish Empire
Re: Economical Treaties

The United Kingdom is willing to offer its services to invest into railroad building in Spain or Spanish oversea territories.

To: Qing Empire
Re: Closed Borders and Extraterritoriality Rights and Foreign Passage

The United Kingdom is surprised with this turn of events. These recent actions comments on the close mindedness of the Qing dynasty and their racial partiality to foreigners. This announcement will be ignored by British traders and will continue to trade at the behest of our prior treaties with the Qing Empire, namely so, the Treaty of Tienne which stipulates the right for foriegn traders to conduct business in the ports designated by that and prior treaties. Her Majesty's government is aghast at the elasticity of the Qing to rebound on their agreements.

With that kept in mind, the United Kingdom is willing to negotiate the management of all the conflicting points of interest between the two nations.

To: King William of the Netherlands
Re: Oceanic Territories

Her Majesty's Government greets the Dutch. It is our wish to work towards collaboration in Oceania for the safety and stability of both our territories. The threat of piracy over trade is always imminent and we would appreciate if our forces in the area will be willing in a joint effort cleanse the oceans of pirates and other ill disposed seafarers.
The government and Majesty of the United Kingdom expresses utmost sadness over the recent instability in the continent known as America. With the division of the United States into two entities raising up arms  against one another Her Majesty's government would offer their most dutiful diplomats to mediate the formations of any immediate cessations of hostilities between the two involved parties. Although this is the beginning, Her Majesty's Government fears for an escalation of the war to bring untold damages and death. It is the United Kingdom's wish that the movement of resources between America and Europe will not suffer on account of this war. If need be, the Government of the United Kingdom will implement new schemes to ensure that trade will be prosperous for everyone involved, and that the innocent will not be made to suffer.

As already offered, Her Majesty's Government shall offer its services in mediating peace between the two hostile forces. It has already been stressed that such conflict is unnecessary to the general well being of the American continent, and any effort to put in place to halt it and maintain the former setting will be commended. We encourage all European countries to send delegates to the United States to stress the urgency to resolve their internal disputes with utmost haste.