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Messages - Alpha

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SM General Discussion / Character background question: Setting creation
« on: September 04, 2011, 11:39:09 PM »
I haven't been involved with any of the other SMs, so I have a few questions. Roughly how much leeway to we have in the creation of the known world? I'm talking in terms of cities, rural lands, and lords of those lands? I suppose I'm asking just how much freedom are we granted in world creation?

In terms of a character background, I'm thinking a younger son of a minor(just above landed knight) southern lord. To do this I would have to create at least a basic setting involving a city to which the minor lands are aligned, and the lands which the character's father owns. Slightly more for a complete background. In addition, I plan on create a scenario in which the character will have to go to the colonies.

Sorry, but can I get moved back on the list. A few things have come up irl, and I'm way busier than I expected I would be.

Far East Island / Re: Down with the peace keepers!
« on: May 06, 2011, 03:23:16 PM »
If you guys are going to pick on Ziode, then at least let him defend himself... :P

Nah. It was fun in Kindara. Everyone thought Ziode wanted peace, but really, Ziode wanted Kindara to have influence, and when your realm is made of nobles from 5 different realms, and all of those nobles are still almost blindly loyal to their old realms, you can't really do much except politically. I think Ziode worked well with what he had. Now if only Alpha hadn't handed Kindara over to that large group of Beluaterrans who immigrated there, I'd be happier.

Ziode did relatively well when the nature of Kindara was considered. I'm kind of surprised it held together for as long as it did. I regret that the war had to be Arcaea v GA. About any other, and Alpha would be all to happy to go to war. I was hoping the next conflict would be one that would be easier to enter.

To be honest, I didn't expect Tissaphernes to be elected. I was expecting Lazarath, or perhaps Devan to win.  At first, Alpha tried to get Galdor to run.  I was fairly certain Alpha couldn't win, and I don't really have the time to actively rule. Near the end, I was somewhat concerned that Alpha was going to be protested out over removing Lazarath as marshal.

Devan would have certainly been the most interesting to win, given the advocation for war with practically everyone.  Alpha would have probably supported him, if not for the support he voiced for Zonasa.  Alpha hates Zonasa.

Far East Island / Re: Down with the peace keepers!
« on: May 06, 2011, 03:08:55 PM »
I haven't heard anything about a rebellion in Cathay . . .

. . . if you're referring to the rebellion in Kindara, though, curious to see how that plays out and affects things.  Don't know that it's actually all that good for conflict, though, the reason it succeeded was due to most of Kindara's army having already marched off to go to war (or so I hear).

It would have succeeded either way. There were about 8 or 9 certain rebels maybe a few more. I also had about 1400, before distributing 800, gold on hand to finance it. I hadn't actually planned on rebelling until about 2 days before it happened. Alpha was travelling to GA, and after some convincing by Devan rerouted back to the capital. Once there I disbanded my militia. Recruited 1200CS of r4 archers. Devan had about as much in heavy infantry.  All nobles in the capital were rebels.

Far East Island / Re: A New War?
« on: April 20, 2011, 01:11:08 AM »
Westmoor? On the FEI?. That would certainly be a good trick

Accelerated plate tectonics.

Helpline / Re: Pick up volounteers
« on: April 08, 2011, 10:31:01 PM »
Hm, actually about that, a curious thing is that the morale might change according to the region. Of course, like any other form of recruitment, it's factored into the morale of the entire unit.

It would make sense, but I have never picked up enough volunteers to see any notable differences, so I could be wrong about this. However, it seems that the normal recruitment shows troops with starting morale linked to their home regions. It would make sense if the volunteers also came with the morale of their region.

I think volunteer morale comes from the region that they come from, but I don't know that to be a fact.

I've really enjoyed reading your reports.

Helpline / Re: Pick up volounteers
« on: April 08, 2011, 08:50:10 PM »
I don't know how it works. With Alpha, I've recruited 25 elite infantry on a single campaign march. Likewise, I've, at times, been unable to recruit a single peasant rabble for takeover unit. Overall I've bolstered many units with the volunteers option.

I believe I've recruited volunteer SF, but I can't say with any certainty. I don't really have much experience with SF.

General Talk / Re: Off-Topic
« on: April 08, 2011, 04:09:11 AM »
None of my characters can win a tournament.

BM General Discussion / Re: Monarchy experiment
« on: April 07, 2011, 07:12:25 PM »
Interesting, but I'd be surprised to see it work. Although, if it does Asylon may well have a tradition to carry on.

Feature Requests / Re: Duchal Referendums
« on: April 07, 2011, 02:44:59 AM »
That sort of thinking is exactly how you end up with a game full of features, with steep learning curves and inconstancies. Features should be added because they bring a great benefit, not because they are cool.

I don't think it would add much complexity. It would just add another option for the existing referendums system. Also, Dukes will have often been in game for a significant period of time so learning curve shouldn't be much of an issue.

Feature Requests / Re: Duchal Referendums
« on: April 07, 2011, 02:33:42 AM »
It could be a cool feature. I don't imagine it would be difficult to add.


Do you play LoL?

BM General Discussion / Re: Unit Hall of Fame
« on: April 07, 2011, 02:11:25 AM »
Fury of Ortedail
Captain Jodokus (+3)
Type:   Archers
Range:   4    lines
Strength:   60 men
Training:   86 %
Weapons/Armour:   75% / 65%
Damage:    0 %
Morale:    100 %
Cohesion:    100 %
Combat Strength:    915
Encounter Setting:    defend
Deployment Line:    middle
Deployment Formation:    line
Designation:    army
Last paid:    1 days ago

15.25CS/man             Nice for 60 men

Cost 90 gold/week I think.

General Talk / Re: You're a noble, but what are you by day/night?
« on: April 06, 2011, 10:09:29 PM »

Far East Island / Re: FEI History
« on: April 05, 2011, 05:24:29 PM »

Would you like an exact date?  I would guess about six months after the foundation of Soliferum.  Certainly Chuong would know.

A rough estimate would be fine. It was taken just a few months after I made my account. I lost the account, and I was just curious to see how long I'd been playing .

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