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Messages - Heq

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Far East Island / Re: Down with the peace keepers!
« on: May 05, 2011, 07:43:39 PM »
That and, to be honest, Arcachon fights a very face-paced war with high stakes and Ohnar West is not a nation that likes to gamble so there's really no fear of chaotic attacks.

Ciann is insane by any modern definition but half of her ideas come from essentially nowhere ("There is a raven on that pole, we are meant to invade this land"), which actually makes her rather unpredictable, though I suspect it's going to wear thin on the Holy Legate really quick.

Cathay can't defend itself so it's just worried about picking the wrong side.  It hasn't fought a competent war in ages and if Ohnar West capitulates it would find itself absolutely screwed.

BM General Discussion / Re: Family Ties
« on: April 27, 2011, 08:12:29 AM »
For my part I have three family lines, two of which dislike each other and one which is a junior branch so each of them acts differently.

The most powerful military branch of the family fights with everyone, all the time, and holds grudges over nothing at all.  I admit that I use some OOC variables, basically until you hit 100 days in game I stretch my mind to come up with ways for any Fraoch to go to the wall for the character, but given that the two main characters are a mercury addict and a religious psycho an excuse can usually be concocted.  After 100 days I look for ways to start feuds, as it promotes interactivity, and feuds drove a whole lot of good RP and character development.

I would point out there is a difference between holding a grudge and acting on a grudge, but shaking your fist across a continent is awesome.

BM General Discussion / Re: Titan System Revalation
« on: April 27, 2011, 08:03:07 AM »
Well, I've never been involved with the Titans in any way.  Did not know they had a Quorum, but I don't see the need to do more then police multis and stop huge douche-baggery.  I mean if we self-police we'll all be a lot better off.

Some people won't self-police, but if 90% of us do and take it seriously that douchebags should not be rewarded they will always be outnumbered nine to one and that should work too.  I don't see what the push is to change the system unless there is something inherently broken about it, not when we can add fun things with the same amount of time and effort.

BM General Discussion / Re: Titan System Revalation
« on: April 27, 2011, 03:07:36 AM »
This may sound wierd but I'd like to have the ability to ask the Titans before something takes place, or just to keep them in the loop.

Like "Hey, X happened, s'okay to say Y?"

If the Rulers worked with the Titans a lot of malarky could be cut out at the nub and Titan actions could be done either OOC or IC.  I'm a big fan of IC resolutions and while there may not be cases where it can be worked out, there's probably some cases in which in can be.

Of course, I'm a dirty hippy with a beard, so I even think that we should have mediators, so if someone thinks they are hard done by they can ask for a mediator (preferably from another continent), who can take a boo at the situation and say "X sounds like a fair punishment" or "Yeah, that's a little harsh for a first time offense", or even "No, that Titan let !@#$ slide on this."  Like how we do for nobles who write, and if the punishment doesn't fit the crime then it can be discussed as to what a better punishment might be.

That was there is something like an appeals court, so it would start being mad conspiracy time in order for someone to shake their fist and yell "personal vendetta".

BM General Discussion / Re: Favorite Island
« on: April 27, 2011, 02:54:11 AM »
I'm actually seriously considering a return to Dwilight, as I may not have given it a fair shake as my experiences were in Astrum about a year ago.

There just seemed to be this huge feeling of in-group/out-group.  Very different from how I found Arcachon to be, but it was probably Arcachon that was the exception rather then the rule as there they really tried to explain to me what was going on and why.

Feature Requests / Re: Show prominent families origins at region info
« on: April 25, 2011, 05:01:20 AM »
I agree.  This would be totally awesome.

Dwilight / Re: What is your greatest fear on Dwilight?
« on: April 25, 2011, 04:57:26 AM »
Solips is insane, so his greatest fear is the Fish People.  The orcestrated this last invasion, so...Don't drink mercury kids.

Gog is terrified of his Cousin Ciann, because she cut off his hand and gave it to his sister Scathac as a gift.  He's heard she joined a crusading order and he knows he's an evil SOB so he's just praying that he doesn't end up hung by her.

Far East Island / Re: Down with the peace keepers!
« on: April 18, 2011, 06:59:06 AM »
I'm not sure Ciann really understands what side she's on anymore.  At this point she's got schemes running which involve every realm except Kindara, some of which are schemes build to counter earlier schemes which may not have worked out quite how she thought they would.

Without Dormondt to control her she is just tailspinning which is really quite amusing to watch.  I'm tempted to drop her in Cathay after the fall and just watch her go BOOM, but I can't come up with a solid in game reason why she would go there.  Damn shame because I think her particular form of religious madness could perk the place up a bit.

BM General Discussion / Re: Favorite Island
« on: April 06, 2011, 07:14:03 AM »
Dwilight is in fact the only place I find intolerable and cannot gather any sort of energy to build a character in, even though the SMA is very enticing.  Just not into the whole SA totalitarian thing (not saying it's unjustified, just that it completely wrecks the environment for me).

BM General Discussion / Re: Family Name Origins
« on: April 06, 2011, 02:35:29 AM »
It's simply Old Gaelic for "Fury"

I'd actually call it a coin toss.  There are  handful of realms which would do very little, but I actually wouldn't be suprised that some of the less skilled realms might get tutoring from some of the more battle-hardened groups.  Aenelia, Arcaea, OW, and Arcachon (while it's around) all have military leaders of some skill they could call upon in that sort of scenario, even if those leaders aren't in their realm at present.

There is a lot more lower-ranked correspondance in FEI then BT, at least up north, and that makes a difference.

Far East Island / Re: Down with the peace keepers!
« on: April 04, 2011, 06:47:50 AM »
Wait?  What?  Hrmph.

Ciann doesn't even get a scheming group?  You bat 2 for 2 in deposing and still don't get respect?  *sighs*

Aenelian schemes are way too banal, the real schemes have to be massively too complex and involve C'thonia and Zonasa and then all fall apart when Cathay doesn't answer anyone's letters.

Far East Island / Re: Reviving the South
« on: April 04, 2011, 06:40:55 AM »
I think it just needs some vigour.  I dunno, the war to the North should export some of the more militaristic nobles of Arcachon south.

Really though, there is no reason anyone can't start an intrigue or a feud.  I mean, you don't really need a reason or logic, people just need to get over this idea that losing is something terrible.

This is just a wonderment I have, especially as to the spread (literature/movies/history).

Here's mine...

Ciann-  Abdul Haq (Afgani warlord)
Widden- The Medici family (the Fraochs as a whole were imagined as Celtic Medici's)
Gog- Crocodile from One Piece.  Only with an ax and a hook hand and he can't turn into sand.
Solips-  Frankenstein, almost whole cloth, some alchemical theory regresses to circa 1300, but otherwise pure Frankenstein.

So where did everyone else get their mojo, or am I just less creative?

Far East Island / Re: Down with the peace keepers!
« on: April 02, 2011, 05:18:35 AM »
With luck there can be a whole host of IC justified feuds started out of this.

I'm just gald to see OW up and mobile, hell, the island up and mobile.  I suspect there would be more Island activity if the Arcachonians were distributed and we still have to get GA over the hump.

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