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Messages - Heq

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BM General Discussion / Re: Nice One, Tom
« on: April 01, 2011, 09:37:56 PM »
Damn it, and I was about to turn Arcachon into a Huge Military Machine too.


Totally sucked me in, my first thought was "God, there is going to be hell about this, but it'll raise a crapload of money." and my second thought was "If this is real, the prices are way too low."

BM General Discussion / Re: Character Alignments
« on: March 11, 2011, 04:50:05 AM »
Ciann is Lawful Evil (really more lawful then evil though)

Widden is True Neutral

Solips is Chaotic Neutral

Gog is Chaotic Evil

Just my .02$ on this, Arcachon had a unique style, but a lot of that was attached to the way the nobles were and really does transfer very quickly.

One of the problems was that as old players left the types and styles just didn't mesh as much, especially as the Arcachonian method was based around a religion which really had only a few driving personalities behind it.

Given that the religion lives on, that part of the style likely will as well, and as new realms come up they will have new styles of their own and hopefully some of them will be unique and fresh as well.  It really does just depend on the work those who run the realms put in, which means it's up to Matt to pick the right people to ensure the realms have a good "flavour".  Hell, I'm fairly sure that once Ciann and her wobblies get squared away large chunks of Arcachonian culture (let's be honest, Ulster Kelt) culture will continue to plague the lands.

Don't worry, with any luck Aenelia will end up in a war with C'thonia sooner rather then later (with luck by next spring season).

Though now I am seriously tempted to just move to Cathay and run a coup, but I can't come up with a valid IC reason.  Any suggestions?

What?  She didn't torture anyone?  Feh!  I was really, really hoping I was out peddling a huge passel of lies.

I think this could really work out well provided the more "set" realms can get into it.  This isn't so much a question as just an overall agreement that this last war has worked out pretty well from an RP standpoint, really seems to have gotten a lot of folks (at least in Arcachon) back on their horses.

If Ohnar West hadn't gotten inovolved it would have complete snoozefest pretty fast.

Anyway, any plans on how to get the really stodgy realms to get more active once the empire is formed?  Some sort of formal challange system?

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