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Messages - Iltaran

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Other Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: April 20, 2011, 03:26:39 PM »
"The Hammerdwarf bites The Goblin Crossbowman in the left lower leg, bruising the muscle through the giant cave spider silk trousers!"
"The Hammerdwarf latches on firmly!"
"The Hammerdwarf shakes The Goblin Crossbowman around by the left lower leg, tearing apart the left lower leg's fat and bruising the bone! A ligament in the left lower leg has been bruised and a tendon has been bruised!"

So... this dwarf picked a Goblin up with his teeth and shook it by the leg... I'm glad he's on my side.

Hmm, could I get one of the children named after me? It was done quite brilliantly in Syrupleaf (

Beluaterra / Re: Looking for Heathens (or Religion in Beluaterra)
« on: April 18, 2011, 03:17:17 PM »
Sorry about taking so long to reply to everything.

For those of you who are interested, I just wrote a RP of the funeral of the founder of the Order, you can find it on the wiki here Askarn (who is a touch... aggressive at the best of times) took a few swipes at Estahsism and the Blood Cult. I'm looking for ways to spread it around BT to see if it sparks some religious interest/conflict.

The tyranny of distance might make things a little difficult, but Askarn is certainly up for an argument.

Honestly I'd love it if Estahsism and the Order were to go head to head. As you probably know better than me, there's a fair bit of history between the two of them. The original Church of Estah was even founded in Vatrona, so we've got a potential holy place to squabble over. There seem to be the right elements for a compelling storyline there.

I can understand your disillusionment. Perhaps I should clarify here that when I want heathens, I'm hoping that any conflict will be more than who-has-the-higher-preaching-skill. My desire is to create a compelling and fun IC religion, not to just have heaps of big temples and regions with 99% followers.

BM General Discussion / Re: Family Ties
« on: April 14, 2011, 03:39:26 PM »
Wow.. You are going up in the BM world really fast lol. It took me literally 8 month to even become a lord. Well I wasn't really active but still I was fighting every where at least :)

It depends an awful lot on the realm. My character on the East Continent took fifteen months to even become a Lord. My character on Beluaterra was a Lord after about six weeks, General after two months and Ruler before he reached the four month mark.

Beluaterra / Re: What did we lose? What did we gain? 4th Inv aftermath
« on: April 13, 2011, 07:35:33 AM »
For those who don't know me, I play Askarn, who was King of Old Grehk during the War of the Nine Realms and the Fourth Invasion.

Given that we were in the middle of a fairly bitter continent wide war until about a week before the invasion began in earnest, I think the realms allied up about as well as could be hoped. What went wrong was, in my view, a combination of overconfidence and a lack of leadership. The general opinion amongst the Rulers (with the obvious exception of Sint) seemed to be that we'd be able to hold our own for a couple of months at least. Needless to say... this wasn't the case and Heen, Alluran and Mesh were doomed within weeks. After that it became more of an "every man for himself" situation.  None of the rulers stood up and offered any sort of plan on how to get through the invasion alive (or if they did, it was hopelessly tainted with self interest).

BM General Discussion / Re: Visiting family home
« on: April 10, 2011, 03:01:09 AM »
Well, I worked off which says that characters age a "year" every 6 weeks. Battlemaster started in 2001/2 from what I'm told, so I presumed that Gregor was roughly nine RL-years old. That works out to roughly 470 weeks, which divided by 6 gives about 78. Round numbers are nice, so I called it 80.

General Talk / Re: You're a noble, but what are you by day/night?
« on: April 09, 2011, 02:16:47 PM »
I'm now into my fifth year at university, currently doing a Law Degree with a vague plan to head into the area of employment law. I also started a Arts Degree (International Relations and History), but given how far behind I am in it, I dont think that's getting finished.

BM General Discussion / Re: Visiting family home
« on: April 09, 2011, 02:07:20 PM »
Indeed, my back of the envelope calculations suggest that Gregor, despite having the health of a 91 year old, is really only about 80 years old!

BM General Discussion / Re: Unit Hall of Fame
« on: April 08, 2011, 01:59:34 PM »
Interesting, so Heroes are more useful for elite units.

East Island / Re: War Stories
« on: April 05, 2011, 12:26:04 PM »
To quote "It is magnificent, but it is not war; it is madness."

BM General Discussion / Re: Council Power
« on: April 05, 2011, 10:53:00 AM »
Ruler and Judge are pretty hard to split. While the Ruler controls who you go to war with, the Judge can throw anyone they dislike out of the realm. The Banker's ability to manipulate the finances can be useful, but using it will seriously annoy the Lords. Poor old Generals have no real power in gameplay mechanic terms.

Beluaterra / Looking for Heathens (or Religion in Beluaterra)
« on: April 04, 2011, 04:04:30 PM »
There's been a lot of talk in these forums about religions in Battlemaster and how they haven't been a particularly successful part of the game. General feeling seems to summarise the problem as a) too many religions that are basically just extensions of the realm founding them and b) lack of solid doctrine, rituals, beliefs. Personally I would add c) lack of religious conflict, although this is too a degree a symptom of a) and b).

Anyway, I inherited the Order of the Golden Feather, a fairly dormant religion that exists in Old Grehk, Thalmarkin and bits of Fronen. Since then I've been repeatedly meaning to flesh it out and give it some stronger (and more interesting) theological foundation, but a combination of real life and lack of interest has continued to put it on the back burner. Now I'm about to make another attempt to get the religion off the ground, and so I'm looking for heathens. Yes, heathens.

Simply put, I'm looking for an enemy of my religion. Playing alone, building big temples and converting NPCs is all very well, but I dont think its what battlemaster is about. Originally I'd been thinking that the Blood Cult would fulfill this role, but I've been told since then that its gone into hibernation. Really what I want is for someone who will scheme, plot and loudly denounce the Order of the Golden Feather as pure evil, whilst I return the favour with them and we attempt to wipe one another out; rather like most realms function during war ;). Conflict gives people a clear goal, something to define themselves against and a challenge, all fun things. Unfortunately most of the religions at the moment are more or less inactive like the Golden Feather, hence why I'm turning here to try and find if there's someone else looking for a rival.

You can find some of my (ooc for the moment) thoughts on Golden Feather doctrine here, but a fair bit is still in my head I'm afraid. One particular point on the doctrine I'm planning is the Order of the Golden Feather considers itself Monotheistic, but simultaneously elevates humanity to virtual demi-god status, thus raising the potential of conflict with either polytheists or 'stricter' monotheists. Anyone with sacred animals is likely to face some hostility for the same reason.

So, any would be heathen scum who must be purged-by-fire-and-sword about?  ;D

BM General Discussion / Re: Nice One, Tom
« on: April 01, 2011, 01:08:27 PM »
Indeed, well played.

* Iltaran coughs and waves

Sooo... could I get on the list of overseers? #8 is fine with me

Other Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress Succession Fort
« on: March 27, 2011, 02:59:38 PM »
Sign me up for a late spot

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