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Messages - Penchant

Pages: 1 ... 184 185 [186] 187 188 ... 194
Feature Requests / Re: Erecting statues and monuments
« on: March 20, 2012, 11:36:54 PM »
But has it been accepted or rejected? Want to know so it can be added to the bugtracker if necessary.

Development / Re: cohesion of an army
« on: March 20, 2012, 11:23:18 PM »
but it's not 'realistic', nor is it 'fun' for the archer players.
If you did that then all nobles in a war commanding archers are significantly richer due to the fact there archers arent dying as often since they are retreating thus Tom's balance comment.

Helpline / Re: Unstable Government Causes Unrest
« on: March 20, 2012, 10:37:44 PM »
I hardly think you're suffering too badly. You get other, less visible bonuses.
Such as?

Feature Requests / Re: Erecting statues and monuments
« on: March 19, 2012, 09:54:48 PM »
+1 to Foundation's post

Development / Re: Duels costing honor when not done
« on: March 19, 2012, 01:42:19 AM »
Hmm, that actually seems like a good idea because if they reject a lot of duels they do start seem like quite a coward, where if you have only declined once or twice even if you were being a coward you aren't causing much anger from other people. Also if it said who they rejected it would then it prevent if its just some one challenging the person just to make them look like a coward since it would be one person they rejected often not 10 different people.

Development / Re: Duels costing honor when not done
« on: March 18, 2012, 09:36:55 PM »
Ok unless anyone has a different idea related to this that people might like, feel free to lock it since it seems most aren't a fan of changing the duel setup.

Development / Re: Duels costing honor when not done
« on: March 18, 2012, 07:27:24 PM »
The issue I hear with dueling is though with the roleplaying is someone has a great reason for a duel but the other person is worried they will die and get no benefit so they dont accept. No one treats the person who didnt accept as a coward and everything keeps going the way it was before. This is what I have heard from many. So to solve the issue if you give reasons why someone should actually accept a duel then they will happen instead of nobles getting to insult and do other things worthy of a duel but the player is too afraid of losing their character. I am not trying to make a new way to "get more calvary" but to make duels happen more often when they should instead of cowards who get no punishment for the way they act.

Development / Re: Duels costing honor when not done
« on: March 18, 2012, 06:56:36 PM »
My point of benefit is that they should actually have times where they get to duel people that arent always master swordsman because everyone else is too chicken and has nothing to lose from not accepting. So to encourage duels to be accepted, honor is gave to the winner of the duel and if you dont accept a duel then you lose honor because thats what duels are supposed to be about (you insult me so I want a duel until first blood for example). To also encourage duels, death duels can be changed to first blood duels. To stop people from exploiting it perhaps have a max amount of honor that can be gained or a timer of once a month or some other number that they actually get honor from duels.

Development / Re: Duels costing honor when not done
« on: March 18, 2012, 06:43:33 PM »
Well on one side people with high sword skill deserve to get a good benefit, on the same time that is an issue of it being exploited and people doing duels for no reason. Perhaps have it where the person being challenged can decide to change a duel  to only to first blood when asked for a death duel.

Development / Re: Duels costing honor when not done
« on: March 18, 2012, 06:23:36 PM »
Hmm, maybe have it give the winner honor I was thinking since thats what the duel should be over so who ever wins gains honor from it too? And if you don't want a master swordsman to challenge you to a duel then don't piss them off, it works the same for everything else. If you dont want a realm way bigger than you to declare war dont give them reason to.

Development / Duels costing honor when not done
« on: March 18, 2012, 05:51:11 PM »
Well this is a feature request but I know Tom wants to have discussions to take place here and I don't quite have everything required for the format so I think to help duels be done accepted more when challenged and for being realistic too when someone challenges you to a duel if you don't accept duel you should lose some honor not just in the roleplaying but for the actual stat too. One thing that would need to be discussed is for which stat since I know that the stats are being redone and I am not sure if the honor stat is being kept.

Feature Requests / Re: Priests and region pages (frozen)
« on: March 18, 2012, 04:36:08 PM »
The discussion is not about scouting (priests can't get scouts, therefore will never see the CS), but about what you see in the region description of the region you stand in.

Sorry about that, I just heard people complaining that priests use to be like scouts so I assumed they had something similar to that of adventurers where they themselves could scout the region.

Other Games / Re: Diplomacy: The Game of International Intrigue
« on: March 17, 2012, 10:58:57 PM »
Thanks thats what I was wondering.

Feature Requests / Re: Priests and region pages (frozen)
« on: March 17, 2012, 10:55:14 PM »
So this is what I think about priests should be able to see same as everyone else for region information of their own realm, lords faith is something I should be shown because its the priests job to convert the prominent members of the island to their religion. The reason you convince the prominent members is the people that follow them are more likely to follow the religion. Also I am not sure if its because I am in the region or because we are in a federation with the realm but I can see the region info without scouting so maybe priests get same for that if its because of federation. In scouting it says the realm, and whether or not they have a unit. Everyone agree with the above? If you don't give a reason why.

Other Games / Re: Diplomacy: The Game of International Intrigue
« on: March 17, 2012, 10:27:41 PM »
So I feel kinda dumb asking this but if you take a region and no one attacks that region but you leave does it stay your region? Basically I am wondering if you have to wait until the next year before it is officially yours or is it yours as soon as your armies take it?

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