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Messages - Penchant

So we need one more person, right?
Dwilight / Re: Asylon Realm Thread
March 14, 2012, 10:28:45 PM
Quote from: Vellos on March 14, 2012, 06:14:12 AM
But, I'm pretty sure Terran will get some stirring-up soon... and in a way nobody is expecting. *dramatic music*

By helping Morek and attacking the Zuma? That would be a way no one would expect since its daimons you would have to attack.
Dwilight / Re: Sanguis Astroism
March 14, 2012, 10:25:17 PM
Your only a frontline realm if you actually are at war unless you mean Zuma interaction as a whole. Who thinks the island will help Morek and attack the Zuma or who thinks the rest the realms will just say its sucks for Morek, they shouldn't have attacked them and got caught?
Feature Requests / Re: Dwilight Travel Times
March 14, 2012, 04:10:40 AM
Its true we have neighbors but D'hara is still kinda isolated and he didn't say no one can get to D'hara, D'hara is isolated because though it is possible to have people travel to D'hara it unlikely to have them come and interact due to the long travel times, thus D'hara is isolated I would say. It is very possible to have people visit, Allison Kabranski actually came to Port Raviel on a pilgrimage not to long ago I believe.
Well my advy is very patriotic so even though I almost never get bounties I only hunt in the realm.
Feature Requests / Re: Rations
March 14, 2012, 03:34:43 AM
In Battlemaster they aren't running around with a farm tool. The noble is paying for good equipment for the unit to use, they are used by the soldiers but not owned and we don't maintain the same equipment because after a noble's entire unit got wiped out and he barely made it out alive himself you can't expect him to have carried the equipment for 20 new men.
Feature Requests / Re: Dwilight Travel Times
March 14, 2012, 03:14:19 AM
Well I dont think he counts Barca and Terran considering we are in a federation and I beleive he means isolated from war. Solari and PeL are several days away because that single rogue region has the worlds worst roads, Morek and Corsanctum have even longer travel times because the travel through those rogue regions are even worse, and Kabrinskia is probably 4 days march if they don't wait for any stragglers plus assuming they declared war on us before the march Terran troops would be attacking them before they arrived considering they are federated and if you want to say they take a ship it will be 3 days but with the delay arrival that would be nessacary it could end up being 4 days which gives them plenty of time to get their troops at the capital which obviously has militia just like any other realm would and their entire army, plus walls so D'hara is looking pretty isolated and safe from war if you ask me.
Dwilight / Re: Asylon Realm Thread
March 14, 2012, 02:58:08 AM
I kinda a doubt that considering Vellos statement and he is the ruler so he is the person with the most power in Terran.
Well my advy isn't in a huge realm so it just cycles through the regions which takes about a week because I just leave right away in regions a different advy has taken care of already as I try to stick with regions that have quite a bit monsters or undead so its easy to find them. Though it is a week I don't spend my time evenly some a day, others several.
Helpline / Re: Realm Giving Away Regions
March 14, 2012, 02:50:36 AM
Ah, thank you Indirik I should have clarified.
Helpline / Re: Realm Giving Away Regions
March 13, 2012, 11:29:45 PM
Or that are in your realm, which I am not extremely fond of.
Feature Requests / Re: Dwilight Travel Times
March 13, 2012, 11:23:15 PM
A short lesson for you is the Maddening star has to do with emotion, Auspicious with logic and the mind, and the Austere is with the time between action. The phases tell us how much each particular star effects us, thus it is possible for your opinion to change due to how they effect you with emotion being strong at one point and your mind a different so perhaps you have a grudge but they should be forgiven so when the Maddening star is superior your mind sees you should and you do thus effecting your opinion but it does not directly say your liking of realms must change according to the phases of the stars just that it is possible. And yes I am pretty sure you are joking but thought I would say this anyway. :)
Feature Requests / Re: Rations
March 13, 2012, 11:13:42 PM
Nice page
Feature Requests / Re: Dwilight Travel Times
March 13, 2012, 10:59:47 PM
Though there might be those who dislike D'hara in SA as a whole they are not anti-D'hara I would say though feel free to correct me.
Well you want to balance it out by having it not to cheap but also actually have a use. I think its best to make it a lump sum you have to pay like maybe 30 gold so that it benefits the lord/knight to get new adventurers in but have a significant morale and maybe a minor loyalty drop if the adventurer got evicted before 2 weeks so lords cant be constantly kicking the adventurers out to make money and it makes since because the peasants wouldnt be very happy if they heard other peasants got ripped off by the lord. Also you could do a smaller 1 gold a week with the lump sum. Also I think it should cost the lord or knight maybe 50 gold to make it so it is an investment on both sides.
A different payment method is to actually lease it so its like a contract they have to pay 5 gold(g) for 1 month(m), 9 g for 2m,  12 for 3m, and 20 for 6 monthes with no evict option (it is a contract) . You might think the amounts are low but at the same time you arent planning on staying in the same region for a month usually so you can't assume they are getting this amazing deal over a private room.  With my lease option it would make it possible to have more than one house but expensive since you would be paying quite a bit. Also lords could make more than 1 house though the cost goes up and houses for a lord in the city are more expensive to buy but they also get higher lease payments.