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Messages - Jeckyl

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Colonies / Re: Giblot: Dead or Alive?
« on: September 03, 2011, 02:56:40 AM »
Trouble was, General was chosen by referendum... Can't force someone to run. You could appoint them if they don't take the initiative to speak up though, provided they haven't hit the refuse button.

Colonies / Re: Lukon is too big....
« on: September 03, 2011, 02:54:08 AM »

No one is ban on sight in Lukon.  Thats something I have made sure of.  Heck we have even offered Innocent a place to come aboard.  Of course staying very long depends on actions...but...

Well, I embezzled 75% of all the gold in Oritolon then jumped ship to Atamara.... Giblot and Assassins seem to not know, or have forgotten what my other char did, so meh.

Feature Requests / Sage and Noble Tracking
« on: September 02, 2011, 01:43:30 PM »
Ever since Sages and Wizards no longer appear randomly, but actually have a path they travel, I can't seem to find any. By now, I would have encountered two or three. The only way I can think of for my advy to go find one, is to leave the vicinity of the region he is bound to, and even then he will be stumbling blindly in the dark, basically going in circles until he finds a Sage. I don't know if the Listen to rumours function is supposed to bring up Sages (as it obviously hasn't for me), but it should.

In addition, I think that once you have identified the Sage, or have a description of him from the Listen to rumours, you can look specifically for that Sage, see where he went. I think this should extend, and apply for nobles as well. The lord of an estate just can't get up and go anywhere without telling someone. They would freak out and think he was kidnapped, or dead in a ditch somewhere. But being caught tracking a noble lands you in prison. Advy's get arrested for less anyways.

Allowing an Adventurer to track Sages/Wizards will help us in figuring out where they were, and where they are heading, so we can actually find them and use their services. Being able to track nobles can bring a stronger Roleplay element, and element of intrigue not commonly found playing Adventurers. I know I for one would love to be able to track down the noble that was supposed to meet me somewhere but didn't. Or to not waste hours waiting to figure out where he is.

BM General Discussion / Re: Tops and Flops
« on: April 06, 2011, 02:35:52 AM »
BT chars were able to use a few, I know I did. But aside from that instance, that char will likely never get a decent chance at using them effectively.

BM General Discussion / Re: Unit Hall of Fame
« on: April 06, 2011, 02:34:14 AM »
I figured it would be cool if we had a place to show off the units under our command. It's not just about the amount of soldiers in your unit though, also about the number of CS per man. I'm hoping to gain some insight on the relevance of weapons/armour/training/cohesion/unit size/... :)

I guess I'll start off, with a modest unit:

Captain Valdric (+2)
Type:    Infantry
Strength:    19 men
Training:    80 %
Weapons/Armour:    50% / 65%
Damage:   9 %
Morale:   100 %
Cohesion:   100 %
Combat Strength:   382

CS per man = 20.11

In general, would you rather prefer fewer strong men, or a big group of weaker? (for an equal total CS)

I lose men so often, this isn't really in good context:

Grey Wardens
Captain Josef (+7)
Type:    Cavalry
Strength:    21 men
Training:    77 %
Weapons/Armour:    66% / 66%
Damage:   4 %
Morale:   100 %
Cohesion:   86 %
Combat Strength:   507

CS per man: 24.14

BM General Discussion / Re: Tops and Flops
« on: April 06, 2011, 02:31:11 AM »
Yeah, low fantasy world, so the intent is to keep magic rare, almost on the level of a myth.

The way it is right now, most chars won't see a single scroll. And when they DO get one, odds are it wont work on account of a low magic stat. As it stands, there is almost no point in even having them.

Feature Requests / Re: Adventurers Have No User Details
« on: April 06, 2011, 02:29:05 AM »
Really? You're not allowed to threaten someone with torture unless they betray their family/realm?

'If you don't give me the orders/reports from your noble sister's realm

As in, the messages from the other character.

Feature Requests / Re: Adventurers Have No User Details
« on: April 05, 2011, 01:35:05 PM »
So if I send my advy character to a realm at war with the realm of my noble character, and the advy gets arrested for espionage, that's a wrong move by the person arresting my advy?

I don't see how. I arrest advies from foreign realms all the time during war. If they are in and around our armies, I can say he looked like a spy, assassin, or thief. If he was in enemy territory, I'll arrest him just so he can't aid the enemy (in any capacity).

The only time anyone has given me trouble over it has actually been from the player of one of the advies, because his noble was a realm mate. Everyone blew him off though because 'a noble should not claim to be related to a commoner.'

Feature Requests / Re: title in message.
« on: April 05, 2011, 01:27:07 PM »
Maybe an option to select which set of titles to use? Or maybe even, which titles to specifically include? On Dwilight, I used to RP a character that would list all his official titles from his religions, realm, and guilds. Given SMA, I think this would add to the flavour of Dwilight.

BM General Discussion / Re: Council Power
« on: April 05, 2011, 01:15:28 PM »
Depends from realm to realm I'd say. In a realm faced with war right left and center, the General holds the most influence. I've been in a realm in fact where the General have held successful rebellion - twice. If the Banker is played right, he could rake in the most money, especially if he is also a Duke. The Judge too could be the most powerful, depending on the circumstances. If your realm happens to take a lot of prisoners, then he could get very rich, and acquire a lot of uniques.

BM General Discussion / Re: Tops and Flops
« on: April 05, 2011, 01:06:35 PM »
TOP: The ability to RP your character as much or as little as you like.
TOP: Unique items.
TOP: Can skip a turn or two and still be able to catch up on what was missed.

FLOP: Wishing scrolls were a tad more common, so one could actually train their magic skill.
FLOP: Declining player base :(
FLOP: Being paranoid that there is always a set of multies in one or more of the realms I play in.

Colonies / Re: Lukon is too big....
« on: April 05, 2011, 12:57:38 PM »
Your highest priority being 'how the hell do I get outta here?'

I chose Giblot, actually. It suited my character. And besides, ooc rumour told me my family was ban on sight in every other realm on the Colonies. I was Banker for a short time also.

Colonies / Re: Lukon is too big....
« on: March 31, 2011, 03:51:28 AM »
IC I would propose a coalition to stand against Lukon's tendency to butt in on other people's wars. But being in Giblot, such an idea is not my char's highest priority to pursue...

This Forum / Re: Multiple realm flags?
« on: March 27, 2011, 01:19:34 AM »
What I did is use the img code to display realm banners in my signature, interchangeable at pretty much anytime. I can go into detail if anyone wants to know exactly how to do it.

This Forum / Re: Multiple realm flags?
« on: March 26, 2011, 02:20:56 PM »
It'd be nice if we could set up multiple realm flags, to represent all the realms we play in (up to 4). Not sure if this is at all possible though.

Dom, look down.

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