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Messages - Lavigna

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Atamara / Re: The Current War
« on: July 07, 2013, 01:28:04 AM »
Uh oh. I've angered LaVagina! She can't prove me wrong, so she keeps up with the personal attacks, which actually just makes me a happy panda.  ;D

There is no need to quote when the post you're responding to is right above you, by the way. :)

No... You're right. CE has never won a serious victory on Darkan soil. My bad. "No wait that one doesn't count!" I'm sure. ;)

Yep. That's what your RCs did.  ;D

Oh... Poor, poor LaVagina. Blockages can cause serious health issues. You should see your gynecologist about that.  :(

omg...are you serious or just trolling ? cause if you do i am trying too hard to not feed you but if you re that clueless then i just feel sorry to comment.....

You are seriously bragging for coming in darka in 3 realms (2 of them being 2 of the largests in the continent) and all you managed was to loot one region to the ground and blow rcs?

Don't you feel ashame to even POST THIS?

You know forget it. just forget it....i seriously can't reach your level of brigntness and discuss over lack the basic levels of logic.

Atamara / Re: The Current War
« on: July 07, 2013, 01:15:49 AM »
I would so suggest CE vs Darka with Cantril open for both ways so some mouths can shut it in here. Seriously. I challenge you.

Atamara / Re: The Current War
« on: July 07, 2013, 01:09:47 AM »
Err, sure, you guys ask for peace now.

Times when CE tried to sue for peace with Darka:
- At the beginning of the war, when CE was invaded.
- When CE defeated Carelia.
- When CE defeated Hammarsett.
- When CE defeated Minas Ithil.
- When Rieleston seceded from Eston.

All Darka had to do was leave the war, and we would have left you alone. But no, KKKC had his mercenary's "honor", which apparently did not help him whip CE, for some strange reason.

Times when Darka tried to sue for peace with CE:
- When Darka was invaded.

We arrived at the current situation because CE's leadership dealt in facts. KKKC dealt in wishful fantasies. And if that keeps up, not even Merlin can save you.

By the way, Merlin is blocking CE and Tara's moves now because he does not wish to see CE-Tara achieve hegemony over Atamara, and also I think there is a bit of pity for the poor Darkans involved.  :'( Poor, poor Darkans. All the gold in the world, can't win a battle to save their hides.  :'(

So keep up the personal attacks. This bot doesn't care. ;D

Whoa lol, people in CE are really not playing with you when it comes to politics.
You are so wrong that seriously i don't know if i should laugh at your ignorance or cry.

Anyway, the thing is we don 't even whine for this "invasion" if you can call it one.So far it is a laughable attempt and nothing more.


I should remind you that even when Coria attacked your attacks were still laughable?You are embarassing yourself.Seriously just stop.
Do gain yourself a serious victory then come brag and mock because so far you only sound ridiculous and sad panda.

Atamara / Re: The Current War
« on: July 06, 2013, 01:19:19 PM »
And that is the fundamental philosophical difference between CE and Darka:

CE: Diplomacy first. Warfare is for when diplomacy fails.
Darka: Spank'em until they agree with you.

I seriously doubt any in your realm trusts you with diplomatic updates because you have obviously no idea about the diplomatic approaches Darka did tried through this war.
In fact you are a pretty irritating bot as all bots are, absolutely no clue of how irrelevant it's "observations" are.

You really hate Darka and it's alright , but you embarass yourself when you try to prove it in the most childish way by making comments that have no logic ( or knowledge for that matter) in them.Sad Panda is sad once more.

Atamara / Re: The Current War
« on: July 05, 2013, 05:52:30 PM »
That's why I said it cuts both ways. First one way for most of the war, and now the other.

The reason I said it was bad is because it appears that it will be the one thing that keeps Darka and the Empire from really coming to grips with each other, which is detrimental to all of Atamara. It effectively mandates a stalemate between them, makes Talerium effectively immortal, and is a roadblock to any sort of meaningful change on that entire third of the map.

To me apart all the "old blocks honor code whatever" it seems like a perfect survival tactic for Talerium itself. CE won't hurt then since it kept Darka outside it's lands and Darka won't attack them either of course, because if we had such intention we would have done it in the beggining of the war. So it is simple and smart.

Darka spent the whole war traveling regions and regions and lost. Maybe not it's CE's turn :P At least  *so far* CE had strong allies.We can all be thankful that changed :P I guess Silnaria did make a difference - for now-.

Atamara / Re: The Current War
« on: July 05, 2013, 05:38:16 PM »
That damn treaty with Talerium cuts both ways. That thing is one of the worst things to ever happen to Atamara  >:(

O' rly?

That counts for Darka as well you know. If there was no treaty with Talerium this war would be different.And wouldn't be camping outside Darka and you can bet on it.

Magistrates Case Archive / Re: Accusation of cheating with no proof
« on: June 28, 2013, 02:23:22 PM »
Funny how someone that's been "playing for 8 years" has an account created in 2011.

well i play since 2003 but my current account is from 2009 :) i deleted my first one in 2008 . So this might be the case here as well

Magistrates Case Archive / Re: Accusation of cheating with no proof
« on: June 28, 2013, 09:49:05 AM »
Someone who considers a player suspicious of cheating and brags about playing the game 8 years etc could write his own complain when he would have time.

There is no proof and in fact i do not like players making such statements in game in front of others when they do not bother themselves to fill the complain.

If he has proof let him bring it and we will look into it, if it's mere suspicion then he can always bring it in as a case and tell us from where this suspicion comes from so we can look into it, if he chooses to do neither then he better shut it.

Saying something like that in front of the realm can falsely "drag" other players in believing the same thing when there is nothing but suspicion.

It is almost like threatening with Titans. I believe the player deserves a warning in order to learn how to deal his "suspicions" in the game by using the appropriate game mechanics.

Atamara / Re: Atamara Politics for Five Year Olds
« on: June 25, 2013, 08:16:19 AM »
Winners don't do drugs. ;)

Laugh it up, LaVagina.  ;D

Are you trying  to mock me with the most epic typo ever? Not working :)

Atamara / Re: Atamara Politics for Five Year Olds
« on: June 24, 2013, 12:05:12 PM »
I don't know, I am a fan of this one more myself.

hahaha i have to agree but it was sent later :D  but yes , i loved it as well

Atamara / Re: Atamara Politics for Five Year Olds
« on: June 22, 2013, 07:25:29 PM »
What, because of the amount of delusion and self-denial involved? How it could be used to describe CE exactly if you switched around some realm names?

And this is the best post  :) +1

Atamara / Re: Barony of Makar these days?
« on: June 20, 2013, 08:35:24 AM »
So either way they need to destroy Darka or Darkans need to kick out KK.

I see none of this happening, but if one must occur..everyone should know that Darkans will choose to die over kicking out their King or accept insulting demands.
This is the main difference between Eston and Darka. Darka will choose death over humilation, which is why i adore this realm.

Atamara / Re: Barony of Makar these days?
« on: June 20, 2013, 08:32:32 AM »
You seem to think I want to "win." I don't really. I did want to see what playing in the Empire was like, but as a knight it's not all that interesting to be honest. I may move that character over to Silnaria at some point, which is far more interesting.

I don't know why you think i m only referring to you when i talk about CE and friends , i am not.It is a general comment which i do based on general things you say.

I don't know about you but Ce wants to win :)

Atamara / Re: Barony of Makar these days?
« on: June 19, 2013, 11:04:04 PM »
Right, but CE & Co. have to do something, right? I mean, they can't just ignore what Darka did. Hence why they're still marching back and forth and trying to bleed you to death, only very, very slowly...

Out of curiosity, have you heard anything about terms yet? I seem to recall that Darka has asked for them, but I'm not sure if you've gotten any answers back.

Well i didn't comment on why they do it :P i m just saying they can't do it. :P

This isn't slow death, so far it's nothing :P Tbh in your last attack you could have pulled a lot more than looting the same regions again and leave..for Sigrid's sake we even moved to Azzal and left you all alone there and you just sat there looting the same regions.

Personaly i wasn't impressed :P. Darka can't bleed to death with just Ce,Tara and Coria. The realm will suffer losses...but bleed to death? nope.

I know nothing for terms but yes i m sure we asked for the war to end.But as jaune said earlier, if he was for example forced to leave the island..(or offered terms like Eston'sthat of course KK wouldn't accept) but in that weird-impossible case any Darkan King signed such terms, i would quit Atamara forever.Many Darkans would.

That would be your opportunity to win :P

Atamara / Re: Barony of Makar these days?
« on: June 19, 2013, 10:21:15 PM »
It's fun to destroy, isn't it? And wasn't it Darka's point that Atamara needs changes - that would be a change, having no Darka)) And, of course, Darka's residents would have more reasons for revenge then, which would be also cool from player's perspective.

Flames as much as i find amusing the fact you hate Darka so much when you hardly spent half year in the realm i do have to ruin the fun for you :( Darka surely can't win foreva...but getting destroyed is like out of question :P unless a duke goes berserk and ruins the realm from the inside..oh wait...such thing would never happen to Darka :P

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