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Messages - BarticaBoat

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East Island / Re: Redhaven
« on: January 23, 2018, 06:31:05 PM »
People can't seriously be entertaining a scenario where Xavax city is reclaimed militarily? I hope?

Everyone and their dog claims to be a military genius in BM. We'll see how it plays out.

East Island / Re: Redhaven
« on: January 23, 2018, 09:29:30 AM »
Aye. OOC, totally understandable and the smartest way to go about things...

There was nothing OOC about the decision. Xavax was a pragmatic meritocracy. My character is not going to go blindly into death because I, the player, know he cannot die. This is truly what my character believed is best as a complex and real individual. Someone who is devout and understands he risks death by remaining in crumbling Xavax. There is nothing OOC about the retreat.

East Island / Re: Redhaven
« on: January 23, 2018, 05:09:10 AM »
Aramon doesn't need her personality...

Our decision to abandon Xavax stemmed from pragmatics, we were separated from our largely inept allies and the southern realms (still) do not have enough nobles to take over the lands. By leaving we placed the battlefield closer to the rest of our allies, bolstered their forces, and cracked the First Oligarch siege. The Democrats seem pleased as punch but Oligarch has fallen, their momentum against Caligus is slowing, and Alara-Nova-Perleone are as useless as ever. Its a tough situation but all it takes is small changes (such as the fair weather friends in Highmarch leaving). I have tons of tactics ideas but there is resistance to their implementation.

Here is a Toren saying: "dead men fight no battles"

East Island / Re: Redhaven
« on: January 23, 2018, 05:02:12 AM »
We heard you guys didn't even have a proper celebration for your newfound independance! We were sad, so we decided to come party at your place. Hope you don't mind!  8)

I have so many things to say, but I'll settle for "the arrogance of the new kid who joins the winning team"

BM General Discussion / Re: Oldest Characters Still Living
« on: January 06, 2018, 02:44:02 AM »
Wow, only 11 of us from 2006 huh.... I was part of a big burst too. Karibash was created July 6th, 2006, in Toren, South-East Island, currently 642/44 h/p, 117 years old.

BM General Discussion / Re: Famous Old Characters
« on: January 06, 2018, 02:40:30 AM »
One can argue that if a year old interested player doesn't know anything about something happening before his time then perhaps that something wasn't that impactful after all. I never heard of this Alison. I've heard plenty about Jonsu and Mathurin.

Allison was the prototype for any schemer. She constantly agitated but was tolerated because she fought like a dog for SA. Made a lot of deals and spread SA a great deal, but if you ask my character he'll tell you she died before most of that, drilled a hole in her head and an imposter took up her place. That was when she went truly off the rails, founded Kabrinskia, claimed to have defeated Mendicant with magic, etc etc. Interesting days.

East Island / Re: The War
« on: October 25, 2017, 09:48:01 PM »
It's all Caligus' fault for getting involved with Xavax after Perdan and Vix intervened in a 2 on 1 war and Fallangard had proven themselves useless.

East Island / Re: How could Xavax bounce back?
« on: June 29, 2017, 01:53:10 AM »
Why? What's my IC motivation? We're both playing this game, I didn't sign up to play the villain in your story. Godric has a lot of self discovery to do. And the fact again he has joined a realm doomed to fall does little to help his need to surpass his father. He will be in pursuit of that goal.

East Island / Re: How could Xavax bounce back?
« on: June 27, 2017, 11:21:17 PM »
Nah, Xavax is done for. It was always a war of destruction, that's why we fought so hard. What can you do *shrugs*

Colonies / Re: Sink the Colonies
« on: June 27, 2017, 11:19:17 PM »
I engineered a war to destroy the most active realm on EC based on poor RP and OOC biases against CE so that we can all enjoy another few years of Perdan-Vix dominance and limited wars that can only occur with their blessing.


Helpline / No family home?
« on: June 13, 2017, 12:56:42 AM »
The family is currently waiting for the first hero to emerge from its line. Please note that the home region, i.e. the place where your family comes from will be randomly choosen from the realm that you enter with your first character.

So can I A: choose a region since it seems you finally cleared up people with homes in sunken continents, and B: change a bunch of names since it's a new (family) home?  8)

Feature Requests / Re: FR: Inflitrator Regional Influence Lowering
« on: June 01, 2017, 06:34:55 AM »
I would say have it affect realm control: magistrates keep drowning in their morning cereal and the realm has nobody to exercise control.

Feature Requests / Re: Under Debate: Advy scouts
« on: June 01, 2017, 06:33:14 AM »
I strongly disagree that advy reports are useless: if you k ow the approximate mobile cs of a realm and the number of nobles that's a quick guess of the region CS as well as army movements and patterns.

Either add more inconsistency to the reports akin to rumours or hearsay or add a risk of capture. Players are copy pasting the region stats alongside their scoutings, as per torture reports my character receives. In regions of vast size there is no way or reason to know all the nobles in a region.

It also adds incentive to play adventurers as there is one less uncontrollable​ reason for capture or execution.

Feature Requests / Ambassador nerf/diplomacy rework
« on: June 01, 2017, 06:22:03 AM »
Ambassadors have become invaluable tools of war: let's add some juice to this.

As I understand ambassadors have a boost on the effects of their diplomacy, cool. But who are they ambassador to?

Make ambassadors be tied to an allied or federated realm, on the agreement of both realms. Make alliances and federations break if the realm average sentiment to a realm doesn't meet X. This reduced the risk of alliance blocks, they'll naturally crumble over time without an ambassador to support the alliance via diplomacy in both realms.

It also gives embattled realms the opportunity to grease palms and maybe bribe an ambassador out of office for one who isn't so apt to use their skills against them. Adds intrigue.

BM General Discussion / Re: Heraldry Charges
« on: May 30, 2017, 07:22:06 PM »
Did everyone pick the rampant lion? lol

My heraldry is: "Sable, a chief gules, overtop all an eagle displayed or"

Sable symbolizes grief and constancy, a chief symbolizes rule or authority while gules is the warrior or martyr, an eagle represent​s intellect or a man of action while or is majesty or generosity. My heraldry, then represents the enduring nature of my family in the face of hardship, their authority as warriors, and their willingness to offer these skills in fair service and unwillingness to serve those who threaten their majesty.

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