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Messages - Lopeyschools

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Development / Re: Disease as a Game-Mechanic
« on: August 13, 2011, 04:38:19 AM »
Perhaps disease would only effect the peasantry? They are merely peasants after all ;D

Development / Re: Disease as a Game-Mechanic
« on: August 13, 2011, 04:06:33 AM »
Ah woops, this should be moved to the feature request page.

Development / Disease as a Game-Mechanic
« on: August 13, 2011, 03:59:38 AM »
I searched around but couldn't find anything on the idea of introducing disease as a game mechanic into battlemaster. The game replicates famine well, but the other major killer of the medieval world is missing! Disease could follow the spread of peasants or nobles, and even be used as early biological warfare(infiltrator placing plague rats in the wells?). Effects could vary based on type of disease and whether it effected a noble or the peasantry.


Dwilight / Re: The Crusade against SA
« on: August 09, 2011, 04:34:05 AM »
For now...muhahhahha...muhahah...muhahhhahhahha

Ps: Is it like a serious OOG hatred for you guys or is it mainly IG? I can't tell the difference, meaning everyone in Caerwyn is either the best roleplayers or they actually hate SA for real.

Well I can only speak for myself when I say it is entirely IG. For the everyone else? I dunno you'd have to ask them.

Dwilight / Re: The Crusade against SA
« on: August 09, 2011, 02:00:43 AM »
It will be hard to find welcome in some realms with a strident anti-SA attitude. I doubt Asylon or Terran would permit the entrance of a mob of revenge-obsessed Caerwynians bent on sowing conflict with SA. The Lurians might, but then they're so far away from anything SA that it's hard to imagine it mattering. Not the ideal place to go if you want revenge, certainly. Although, such places would seem to be few and far between these days, wouldn't they?

If we leave as a group I imagine that most of will simply be happy to far from the centre of SA.

Dwilight / Re: The Crusade against SA
« on: August 08, 2011, 08:12:58 PM »
Oh Daenah seems sincere enough. The problem is that we don't trust the rest of you. From our perspective, Caerwyn has gone completely bat$&*% crazy. We've got Baal the Betrayer in Golden Farrow literally raving about imaginary SA plots to dominate the world (though to be fair, I seem to recall that the idea about us taking over the duchies of Dwilight one by one was planted in his head by none other than Allison herself). Can you honestly say we're wrong to fear what would happen if we let Caerwyn rebuild itself?

No I can't say your wrong to worry Caerwyn would want revenge if allowed.  Historically though, harsh peace terms breed hatred. From as an OCC perspective, Caerwyn did kinda go crazy, too much peace melted our brains  :P
Baal's SA plot always seemed kinda flimsy on the evidence side and if I recall correctly his source was Allison, maybe not so coincidentally one of the nobles knocking down our door. I'm interested in how well we stay together after Golden Farrow falls, as realms go our seems to be fairly close-knit, if we are destroyed (highly likely) our greatest chance of a comeback would be to mass-immigrate to some realm in dire need of nobles. Join the emerging Lurian Empire as the Lurian-Caerwynian bloc? It would allow our characters to maintain their political power to a higher degree.

Dwilight / Re: The Crusade against SA
« on: August 08, 2011, 06:47:10 PM »
Ironically Daenah was elected to make peace with Astrum. However when the list of Astrum's demands was voted on the realm it was unanimously rejected.

I don't know what would be accepted by Caerwyn's nobles. As a player I'm a little disappointed to see us go, but the character Graviel is determined to fight it out to the end.

Dwilight / Re: The Crusade against SA
« on: August 08, 2011, 12:19:14 AM »
I think if the terms of Astrum didn't demand Golden Farrow then the treaty would have been accepted. Golden Farrow is Caerwyn in a certain sense. Many a Caerwynian views giving Golden Farrow to the Astroists as the same as destruction anyways. No, if the Bloodstar Alliance wants Golden Farrow, they will have to move the thousands of dead bodies from it.

Dwilight / Re: Lurian Empire
« on: August 03, 2011, 08:14:53 PM »
There is a sound medieval precedent in the electors of the Holy Roman Empire( Each realm could elect their electors, then the electors elect the Emperor. The Emperor's position as a game mechanic is tricky though he/she would have to maintain the empire through politics. It seems doable though.

As long as each realm gets an equal representation in Electors, with the tie breaking vote given to the emperor. It should be fair enough.

Dwilight / Re: The Crusade against SA
« on: August 02, 2011, 10:12:03 AM »
Yeah. We dug our own grave on this one. Thr real question now is can we avoid getting our whole body in it.

Dwilight / Re: The Crusade against SA
« on: August 02, 2011, 03:46:00 AM »
Well it was a fun war. Ultimately Caerwyn picked a fight with too many realms and our allies completely failed us/or imploded. lessons learned.

Dwilight / Re: The Crusade against SA
« on: June 29, 2011, 07:33:03 AM »
I personally am enjoying the heck out of the war. Lots of fun, good rping, Caerwyn's endless monster/undead battles were getting tedious. This is a good war, enjoy it while it lasts!


Reports of Caerwyn's death have been greatly exaggerated.

Dwilight / Re: Dwilight IC and OOC updates and news!
« on: March 25, 2011, 01:13:24 AM »
Whether or not the allegations about SA are true, it makes for exciting roleplay and rouses up players. Caerwyn was starting to get a little slow... Too much peace? Too much boredom!

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