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Messages - Wolfsong

BM General Discussion / Re: in game misogyny?
May 29, 2014, 12:51:22 PM
Speaking as a female gamer, I routinely have characters display some form of misogyny, if it's appropriate to the world - as it usually is in BM, especially in the SMA areas like Dwilight. I've got a mildly sexist womanizer on that continent atm. I see nothing wrong with it so long as it remains a character thing only. Take it OOC, and that's too far - but I have no problem with it IC.
It would be beyond hilarious if Kurlock happened to die in this duel to the death now. *coughcough*
Orcs and elves and back-flipping over trees in platemail with chainswords.
Actually, I've seen Tom post somewhere before that things like that (offering gold if people will change their unit type) are perfectly legitimate.
Quote from: Graeth on April 29, 2014, 10:24:49 PM
Was that changed?  I remember my priest claiming Echiur from rogue after preaching there for several weeks.

Yup. Devs seriously nerfed the priest class a few RL years ago.
If the war island turns into a RP SMA permadeath island... I might actually play a character on it.
Dwilight / Re: The Night's Watch Realm
April 21, 2014, 02:14:53 PM
1. You will probably be imprisoned.
2. Don't count on dev aid at all. Devs aren't supposed to get involved or play favorites.
Dwilight / Re: The Night's Watch Realm
April 21, 2014, 10:00:28 AM
There. I've helped ICly where I can.
Something to note:

If there is ANY militia or troop presence left in the city/townsland, then the region owner is the defender and will always get the walls in defense, even if the attacking realm has won the last few battles and should, by rights, be cozily set up in the castle. Hence why hunting enemies is so vitally important - if you leave scattered forces in a region, and they rally just before a counter-attack, your troops will be the ones attacking.

If you start a TO, and there is zero presence of enemy troops, militia or otherwise, you should be set up as the defender and get full use of the walls.

Otherwise, if you start a TO, neither side will get the walls since both sides are defending.
Ironically, the Southern League had assembled (Fissoa, at least) a large force with the express purpose of invading Luria Nova before the whole monsters thing happened... And then, conveniently for Luria Nova, so many rogue forces popped up on the Madinan Isle, and all across Fissoa, that our army was whittled back down to nothing and overextended trying to defend against 10-20k of CS of monsters in single regions, each turn, every turn. On top of that, Barca was decimated. After that, every time Fissoa pledged to defend Barca, another 25k CS of monsters would crop up somewhere, making it absolutely impossible to even think about moving offensively into Luria Nova... and then when we finally do pledge a force to go help them no matter what, over 40k CS of monsters rolls into Candiels.
Dwilight / Re: The Night's Watch Realm
April 13, 2014, 07:40:13 AM
Unless the monster CS drops massively, you won't be able to hold a rural region against them unless you have a 20k CS strong force stationed there 24/7. Best bet is to get a heavily fortified city and try to hold that. We're looking at 25k CS a turn right now.
Dwilight / Re: The Zuma
April 05, 2014, 01:42:04 AM
Monsters on western Dwilight might add an interesting PvE aspect to Battlemaster that has been seriously lacking - or has been lacking since the early days of Dwilight.
Dwilight / Re: The Zuma
April 01, 2014, 12:47:07 AM
I've been trying to create a realm like that (Night Watch-esque) for... Hell, about 5-6 RL years. Never had it take off, though I did lead a few ill-fated colonization attempts of the area around the Shrine of the Seeklander back when Dwilight was new, and briefly took Itau for that purpose. I think some of my ideas are still floating around on the wiki.
Dwilight / Re: The Zuma
March 28, 2014, 12:12:41 AM
Dwilight / Re: The Zuma
March 27, 2014, 04:54:49 AM
Bingo. As soon as people migrate east, is the western island just going to be magically impassable, or will you still be able to travel, fight, and attempt to colonize parts of it (attempt being the key word, as I imagine monster CS will remain high.)