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Messages - Heq

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BM General Discussion / Re: If all the continents merged?
« on: October 24, 2011, 04:51:22 AM »
For my money the big military powerhouse would be an SA/Adgharian Pact as they would take about 30 seconds to come to some sort of agreement.  The colonies probably have the best pure politicians so...Outer Tilog FTW.

Feature Requests / Re: Feature Request: Buy elections
« on: October 23, 2011, 09:58:18 PM »
You can effectively buy votes now though.  Nothing stops someone from straight out bribing others to vote for them.

Feature Requests / Re: Expansion of the Tournament Model
« on: October 23, 2011, 09:44:34 AM »
It's mostly a source of error issue.  If everything works out fine, that's great, but if there ends up being an issue, isolating the causal mechanic would get much more difficult.

Anytime any major project goes live there are always hiccups, thus one should be brought up and stabilized and then the other brought up.  IMO, the New Economy does much more for traders then markets do, so I'd bring that up first and see how it shakes down for a month or so before even considering bringing something else live.  I suspect the New Economy would bring more to the trader game then the Tourneys as well as having more overflow into general conflict-causing.

Development / Re: Feature Cut: Region Loyalty
« on: October 22, 2011, 05:12:18 AM »
Realm Loyalty adds to the time to consolidate gains, which means more downtime and less politics and war.  Thus my vote is to axe it.

BM General Discussion / Re: Is it ever acceptable to plan things OOC?
« on: October 20, 2011, 10:05:08 AM »
I dunno, I wreck all kinds of things in board games with my friends.  I guess it depends on how knockaround your friends are maybe?

I'd be interested to see if the proof is in the pudding, but let's be honest about what realms really are.  They are player groups, and different player groups are going to play games differently even if it's the same game.  Hell, not everyone wants the same things out of the game.

My point is that there is no Panancea.  What happened in Arcaea worked there, maybe it wouldn't work elsewhere, maybe it would, but elsewhere is going to have different players with different attitudes.  Trying to say "This will work in all cases!" is trying to put the ocean in a paper cup.

Feature Requests / Re: Expansion of the Tournament Model
« on: October 18, 2011, 08:21:30 AM »
I gotta point out that if the new economy is going to go live any time in the near future this system will actually cause additional destabilizations which will make balancing the new economy more difficult.

Background / Re: Republics and democracies in real life
« on: October 18, 2011, 08:13:57 AM »
Unless we're willing to consider BM as an abstraction of the political process rather then the process itself.

Oddly enough something like the Papal States might be the best example of this, as in practice it was a quasi-democratic system.  Functionally England could also be considered a republican monarachy by BM standards.

BM General Discussion / Re: Are infiltrators honorable?
« on: October 18, 2011, 08:07:59 AM »
Arcachon kills every infiltrator it can get its hands on, Ciann will also let any other realm kill her infiltrators (and will recommend they do so).

They're like rats or religious toleration, you have to burn them out.

BM General Discussion / Re: Is it ever acceptable to plan things OOC?
« on: October 18, 2011, 08:02:08 AM »
I dunno, I'm a big OOC fan when it comes to changing flavours.  Like it or not people join realms to tell certain types of stories and while there might be all the IC reasons in the world to do certain things, it might not be fair to everyone else.

Or if a character needs to be changed because they don't "work" (we all know that we have great concepts that don't pan out), getting some OOC feedback can really help.  Oddly I find that realms with more OOC chatter tend to get along much better because you remember that there are people on the other side of the characters and that really, this is about fun.

What I wonder is why bother?
Jenred's a second tier boogeyman up north and I'm pretty sure there are individuals who act like jerks in the southern campaigns.  The de Grenfelds are reliable for good lines and Marcus tried to be a diplomat with Arcachon and a Sartanian (with expected results).

When king's do something, everyone knows and remembers and can check, but you can say pretty much anything about anyone who doesn't hold a post and you can really get a good myth started.

I tend to agree that the FEI (at least the North) would field a brutal force within instants of any invasion.

I also find it funny that anyone thinks that everyone else on the continent doesn't want to see Arcaea constantly held to a stalemate with Arcachon.  It keeps them safe from the war-machine and is good fun (and a better bang for your buck militarily) to boot.

Of course, no-one wants Arcachon to expand either.  I'm just glad to be on the offensive again as that's really what Ciann lives for.

Everyone has been writing off Arcachon as dead forever and a day.  It wasn't three months ago people were talking about Arcachon being a Colony of Ohnar West and look how that worked out.

Far East Island / Re: Toupellon: The next FEI superpower?
« on: October 10, 2011, 08:23:43 PM »
vonGenf, I was always OOC suprised Joseph tried to convince Ciann of stuff instead of just pulling Holy Rank and flat out ordering her by virtue of his position.  He could have just passed a Holy Writ and demanded she surrender the throne and presto-chango, she'd have put Ryeena back in charge.

Anatole's letters are basically "I'm an elder, I know what's right."  Which saves Arcachon a lot of thinking, which is good as Arcachon is not so good at the thinking.

Far East Island / Re: Toupellon: The next FEI superpower?
« on: October 07, 2011, 09:17:28 PM »
How long before Arcachon can run a 24% tax rate?

We all know the final players will be Kindara, Toup, and Arcaea.  Arcachon likely becomes a vassal state of...wait...oh that's right, Arcachon already -is- effectively a vassal state as Anatole outranks Ciann.

My money is still on Kindara coming out the big winner here.  They're essentially taking the entire south, have good borders and no meaningful enemies.  Lady T IMHO is currently the best ruler in the FEI at expansion and consolidation and really seems to have 'it' diplomatically.

Far East Island / Re: Toupellon: The next FEI superpower?
« on: October 07, 2011, 03:18:41 AM »
Insults are always the best reasons to fight wars.


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