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Messages - Barek (jerm)

Other Games / Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf V: The Thing
September 11, 2012, 08:32:39 PM
We're just waiting for night to settle in so that one of us can be horribly murdered by a thing not-of-this-world.  Relax.  Have some hot coco.
Other Games / Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf V: The Thing
September 11, 2012, 03:30:48 PM
Quote from: Cren on September 11, 2012, 03:03:09 PM
And the cured person won't reveal any information of his former packmates, since he doesn't remember a thing about the 'thing/s' (lol).

This is problematic in my opinion.  Any time you take a player who KNOWS who the bad guys are, and put them into a position where they're NOT SUPPOSED to know who the bad guys are, it  tends to create issues.
Other Games / Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf V: The Thing
September 11, 2012, 05:24:35 AM
edit:  darn hotlinking police.


Other Games / Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf V: The Thing
September 11, 2012, 04:40:05 AM
In as Wilfred Brimley.  I hope my diabeetus doesn't get me.
Other Games / Re: [Forum Game] Supernatural: The Hunt
September 10, 2012, 06:33:36 PM
I'll play.

There are two Werewolf V's?
Other Games / Re: Werewolf Forum Game, General Discussion
September 03, 2012, 06:36:53 PM
Even when attached they don't count toward parity for Bad Guys (in my version).  And I suppose an unattached sleeper who makes it till the end game is not considered to have 'won'.   Their job is to link up with the Bad Guys.
Day 5 / Night 5

Penchant/Ehndras - Velax(269) D'Espana(270), Perth (271), Fury (273)

Not voted: Penchant/Ehndras

The remaining sailors gather to discuss the murders.  They all agree that they must act decisively to stop them, and they nearly all agree on who the guilty party must be.  Penchant/Ehndras puts up surprisingly little resistance.  In fact, he just kindof stands there staring off into space as they pick him up and shove him into an empty rum cask.  They nail the lid shut and heave it over the side.

They stand there and watch it bobbing in the ocean for a few moments.

Fury turns to Velax and says "So do you think just we two can sail this thing?"  Velax squints up at the mast and then shrugs.  "It'll be tough, but I think we can manage."

D'Espana and Perth look quizzical.  "What you do mean just the two of - oh no..."  Fury grins and then pulls a long curved dagger from its sheath.  The blade bears glyphs and sigils of Daimonic lords.  D'Espana goes for his own blade, but Velax is quicker and D'Espana gurgles and twitches in a pool of his own blood for almost a minute before lying still.

Fury spends a great deal of time with Perth though.  Daimon lords love tortured sacrifices.

Penchant/Ehndras the Blessed Witness was lynched.

Fury the Spiritually Attuned Daimon Worshipper and Velax the Cursed Hunter won the game, sailing the ship, along with its cargo, to the destination of their choosing.  Probably somewhere that needs a good Daimon Worship infestation.

D'Espana the Bureaucrat Sailor and Perth the Guardian Angel survived until the very end.
Processing will be delayed today.
Other Games / Re: The Hunt
September 02, 2012, 05:39:37 AM
In all seriousness, I'm hunting the cheetah.  Ross or someone said the same, so its likely that there may be a few of us with no points.  I suggest that we form a village council of sorts.  PM me if interested.
Day 4 / Night 4

Lefanis - Ross(240), Perth (241), Fury(252), D'Espana(261)
Perth - Lefanis(243)

not voted: Velax, Penchant/Ehndras

Deciding that there is nothing to be done aside from continuing to kill themselves off, and hoping to get lucky before simply running out of sailors to kill (or enough to keep the ship sailing), they decide to lynch Lefanis.   They toss a rope over the lower horizontal beam on the main mast.  A noose is made in one end and placed around Lefanis' neck, and then the sailors pull the other end.  Up he goes, kicking his feet and making the most awful of noise as he strangles to death at the end of the rope.

Night falls, and it seems as though the storm might break, though still wind and rains lash the ship.  The sailors have settled in to sleep when there is a bloodcurdling scream!  They leap up and rush to see, and find Velax wiping blood from the blade of his cutlass, standing over the body of Ross!  Velax carefully explains his case, and tells everyone to go back to their bunks.  Which they do.

And they sleep like babies.  No one (else) is murdered this night.

Lefanis the unattached Sleeper is hung from the mast until dead.
Ross the Spiritually Attuned Mutineer is killed by Velax (Hunter).
Turn processing will be running about an hour late today.
Mortician is was on the Sailor's team.
Day 3 / Night 3

Slapsticks -4- Sonya(176), Indirik (191), Perth (202), Velax(214)
Indirik -4- Slapsticks(178), Fury (193), D'Espana(215), Lefanis (218)
Velax -1- Penchant (179)

not voted - Ross,

Through the day the storm wracks the seas, pitching the ship like a toy.  The mast creakes dangerously, but holds.  The sailors work tirelessly to maintain their course, a job made more difficult by having fewer sailors than when they'd set out.  The storm seems almost like some angry force from the gods, for it lashes the ship without a break, as though the storm was bent on the ships destruction.

The sailors know that among them are those who would see the rest of them dead, and so they must root out the murderers among them.

They agree that there are likely two killers among them, Slapsticks and Indirik must certainly be the killers, and so they take the body of Telrunya and bind the three of them together.  It is only fitting that, accused of this murder, the two murderers should go rest in the ocean along with his victim.  Up they go, and over the side of the ship.  The dead weight of the corpse drags them immediately beneath the water, and soon the water turns red as a group of hungry sharks make short work of them.

And yet wickedness still lurks on the ship.  The rain abates some as night falls, but the wind continues.  A crack of lightning briefly makes it seem as bright as day, but the corpse lying on the deck pays little attention.  A thin cord is still tight, biting into the flesh, and knotted at the back.  There are deep claw marks on the flesh of the neck where Sonya tried to pull the garrotte away, but could not gain a hold.  Open mouthed and with eyes staring, but seeing nothing.

Indirik the unattached Sleeper fed a couple of hungry sharks.
Slapsticks the Spiritually Attuned (Fighter) Sailor was desert.
Sonya the Mortician was garrotted in the dark.
Update incoming