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Messages - Heq

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Far East Island / Re: Religious power rankings
« on: October 07, 2011, 03:13:44 AM »
Well, the last bunch we most certainly burned.  C'mon, Ciann's offical title means "Terror/Ghost Queen" so at least the ones she closed were done using a health dose of stabbing and fire.

Heck, she'd probably give up the dutchy of Enlod if she could have Sartanian's banished from the North once and for all.

As a side note, there is a branch of Adgharianism which considers itself a subset of MAE theologically (just that the other entities are unworthy of worship).

Feature Requests / Re: Hero's honor/troop recruitment
« on: October 05, 2011, 04:14:30 AM »
Well, Widden (my C/C) is the 'Everybody' of a one-province realm.  He used to be on a crusade, but has some serious issues with solid decision making and loyalty (nothing like the "I took an oath" excuse when your Duke goes rabid).

Anyway, back on point, heroes need the variability because it's not an exitable class and -some- of them are going to live long enough to become crippled old knights.  I'd be nifty if a hero who has had 10 serious injuries could change to, say, the mentor class, but the mentor class is getting phased out anyway.

Far East Island / Re: Religious power rankings
« on: October 05, 2011, 04:06:42 AM »
The term power here is really loosely defined.  If power is pure military might, Adgharianism has the only completely dedicated army it can essentially order around at whim (Hell, they could put whomever they wanted in charge of Arcachon, and if it wasn't an inalienable right I;m sure someone would have figured out ordering Ciann to become a nun would solve a -lot- of problems).

Soft power I gotta go for MAE.  It's a longer game for them to get stuff done, but they've got a huge network to leverage.

Far East Island / Re: Toupellon: The next FEI superpower?
« on: October 05, 2011, 03:57:35 AM »
Yeah, Taylin may work with Arcachon when she's looking to lay a kicking on someone, but I can't see her and the fanatics really getting along for very long.

It would be hilarious for a short while, a very short while.

Feature Requests / Re: Hero's honor/troop recruitment
« on: October 03, 2011, 08:57:00 AM »
Cavalier really comes into it's own when mixed with the courtier class, as courtier's desperately need honour to field useful units and the troop bonus is applied across the board for a cavalier, which means that a C/C can field at least 20 men.

If you have a loosely controlled area with archers or MI, you can control and upkeep a sizable chunk without the need for army support.

Feature Requests / Re: Battle Simulator
« on: August 30, 2011, 12:04:18 AM »
I would love that.  I like anything that has a "be a dick," option as it allows someone to, well, be a jerk to someone.

The games thrives on half-jerks, those guys who have your back in war but secretly (or not so secretly) hope you die alone of dysentry.

Feature Requests / Re: Battle Simulator
« on: August 29, 2011, 10:37:04 AM »
I can't see this being a good thing at all.  It just wasn't something that was really done to my knowledge, I'm sure someone can tell me if there are historical examples of large scale mass mock combat, but calling up banners is a major thing.

Also, given the internal politics of a lot of realms, do we really think that if certain knights ended up on the field across from each other using fake weapons that either one would ever retreat before escalating it?  It's hard enough to get people who's career's and advancements are not on the line to accept when they lost a wicker sword fight.

Imagine how this would go down "Ser, you unit would route."  "The Hell it would!"  "Clearly we would have broken you!" "Are you calling me a coward, you knave?" "I'm calling you a lack-witted fool who can't wield a real blade!"  As no knight would risk revealing insufficient zeal for blood and war, the best outcome here is a grudge, more likely a fistfist, but a duel would both not be out of order and given that they are already in arm's length, not refusable.

I know at least one of my characters who in that scenario would only aim to kill people he didn't like.

BM General Discussion / Re: Punishments
« on: August 29, 2011, 10:26:06 AM »
I actually like how it helps to "funnel" concepts.  Do to the speed of wounds healing and some other stuff, being "young and stupid" really isn't penalized as heavily as "old and reckless."

Getting wounded requires you to do something which, well, got you wounded.  To make the video game reference, games don't start off punishing you for making simple mistakes, but as you level up, they tend to become less forgiving.  If you're past 35, you've been playing for some time, you know what's what and all that jazz.

Unless you're playing a hero that's past 35, in which case I'm sorry, I have no sympathy.  If you pick a subtype with nifty bonuses, with the downside of "Hey, you can't change from this, and you're gonna get wounded more," it seems odd to then complain when the penalty is actually enforced.  It'd be like someone at the 3e D&D table saying "I want a to play an elf for a Dex bonus, but I don't want any penalties.  I like bonuses but I don't like penalties, so can I just have all the bonuses so I can beat everyone else and be the ultimate character because that would be awesome."

Beluaterra / Re: WAR
« on: August 29, 2011, 10:10:23 AM »
Well, IVF certainly wants a war with Sint.  I suspect Fronen will get to keep Wudenkin after all is said and done, again, it would be hilarious if one of the peace conditions were that they go to war with Enweil on Riombara's behalf.  Doubly so because numerous heads would just explode with fury.

Beluaterra / Re: WAR
« on: August 28, 2011, 10:55:36 PM »
Nothoi probably couldn't hold it, but if they did it would dominant the other dutchies.

Ideally Wudenkin should go to Sint as a colony so they can have a good war with IVF while everyone else kicks the bejezus out of Enweil (who has had it coming for some time).  Hell, so long as Matt and Squall get aced (and go to Enweil or IVF) Fronen can keep Wudenkin so long as they're willing to burn Enweil and IVF to the ground.

Beluaterra / Re: WAR
« on: August 28, 2011, 06:01:55 AM »
Wudenkin, please.  No-one wants to see Nothoi with three cities, especially not with Wudenkin being one of them.

Far East Island / Re: FEI POWER RANKINGS
« on: August 24, 2011, 11:11:51 PM »
It may.  Though delay arrival gives an advantage to Arcaea, Ciann is a much better ruler then Cerber.  Well, at least militarily and diplomatically.

More importantly, theological disputes are arising!  Huzzah!  The real battle is afoot!

Far East Island / Re: FEI POWER RANKINGS
« on: August 24, 2011, 07:34:39 AM »
To be honest the most likely way Ciann would end up in Arcaea is as a vassal of Edara.  She's got a short list of people she trusts and she hates ruling a nation almost as much as she hated serving people she didn't trust.  I doubt if Edara accepted her Jenred would force her to give up her new military toy.

That being said I'm not sure Edara would want a rabid dog to keep chained in the yard and fed jam.

Of course, in all likelihood Ciann will find some way to pull this war out for Arcachon.  Heck, this time it's -only- Arcaea.

Far East Island / Re: FEI POWER RANKINGS
« on: August 23, 2011, 10:04:46 PM »
Ah Zonasa.  It's an even split (if Arcachon loses) between if Ciann will go there to reform the military and make havok, try to turn C'thonia into a real realm, or move to Arcaea.

*wipes a tear*  Oh, to have those resources as a general.

BM General Discussion / Re: Rebellion
« on: August 23, 2011, 03:24:09 AM »
I've rebelled in various ways a fair number of times, but you should have a core strategy.

No matter what, personal letters are key.  Write tons and tons of letters.  Figure out what each noble wants and show how the current ruler is stopping them from getting it, do them a favour or two and then bring them onside.  It really is just all about making sure your noble has lots of friends.

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