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Messages - Barek (jerm)

2.5 hours til Deadline

Slapsticks -4- Sonya(176), Indirik (191), Perth (202), Velax(214)
Indirik -4- Slapsticks(178), Fury (193), Ross(194), D'Espana(215)
Velax -2- Lefanis(177), Penchant (179)
Quote from: Perth on August 31, 2012, 07:56:10 AM
...wait... I thought PMing was discouraged?

One of our players will be unavailable over the weekend.  Anyone want to sub?
Quote from: Velax on August 30, 2012, 06:39:54 PM
Oh. And are the Mutineers and the Daimon Worshippers two separate and opposing teams? And do they know who is in the opposite team?

Yes and no, respectively.
Apologies for confusion.  Werewolf is, in this case, a generic word for Bad Guys.   In this case, both the Daimon Worshippers and Mutineers are Bad Guys/Werewolves.  As far as you can tell, there are no actual shape-shifting lycanthropes on board. :)
Day 2 / Night 2

Zakilevo -5- Velax(165), Telrunya(166), D'Espana(169), Penchant (170), Ross (171)
indirik -2- fury(145), slapsticks(129)
slapsticks -2- Perth (161), Indirik(164)
Perth -1- Lefanis (163)

not voted - Zakilevo

"No, no, that's not how you tie a triple hitch knot!" scolded the sailor.

The crew was gathered around Zakilevo, preparing to keel haul him.  Being sailors, there was a great deal of debate over which knot was the best to use in this particular case.  They wanted one that was good and tight, but also difficult to remove.  Finally they managed to decide, and tied a long rope to Zakilevo's feet, and another long rope to his hands.  "Feet first or hands first?" one of them inquired, but before the unfortunate fellow could answer, another sailor pitched the rope attached to his hands into the water at the front of the ship.  "Guess its hands first!" said one, pleased that the problem had been solved without debate.

The rope was allowed to drag beneath the ship, and then fished from the water at the stern, so that it ran the full length of the ship, from bow to stern.  "In you go!" they cried, and threw Zakilevo off the front of the boat, holding the rope attached to his feet, and letting out just enough slack to allow the sailor at the stern to pull the rope attached to his hands.

And so they dragged Zakilevo beneath the ship, scraping against jagged barnacles that were as sharp as knives.  Down the entire length he was dragged.  It didn't take overly long, a minute or two.  But the bloody mess that they pulled out at the stern was barely recognizeable.  The barnacles had done their job.

The storm continued to rock the ship through the night.  Wind and driving rain tore at the ship as lightning split the sky.  As dawn broke, the sailors set themselves to work, repairing tears in the sails and checking the mast for any signs of cracking.  It was some time before they noticed that one of their number was missing, and so they set about searching for the missing sailor.  It took no time to find Telrunya, still in his bunk.  Sadly though, this was clearly not a case of oversleeping.  His eyes stared at the ceiling above, and a balled up rag was shoved into his mouth.  What was most suprising was how little blood there was, considering someone had cut his heart out of his chest!

Zakilevo the Doublevoting Sailor was keel-hauled.
Telrunya the Brutal Recruiter Mutineer had his heart cut out of his chest.
1.5 hours.

indirik -2- fury(145), slapsticks(129)
slapsticks -2- Perth (161), Indirik(164)
Zakilevo -2- Velax(165), Telrunya(166)
Sonya -1- Ross (151)
Perth -1- Lefanis (163)

not voted - Zakilevo, Sonya, Penchant, D'Espana
Other Games / Re: The Hunt
August 30, 2012, 04:01:38 PM
Quote from: Ross on August 30, 2012, 07:36:31 AM
How much point hunting the Barek ?

~3 hours til Deadline

indirik -2- fury(145), slapsticks(129)
Sonya -1- Ross (151)
slapsticks -1- Perth (161)
Other Games / Re: The Hunt
August 30, 2012, 05:51:09 AM
That looks like a quorum.

I'm hunting the Cheetah this coming turn. If you'd like 0 points this coming turn, you are welcome to also hunt the Cheetah.  I'm willing to share though.  PM me if you're interested in sharing.
Quote from: Barek (jerm) on August 30, 2012, 04:28:37 AM
Its important, I think, to note that this game is an adaptation of the 'party game' called Mafia.  (link below)

Briefly, if you and 10 of your friends were to gather together, you could hand out cards - a few of them are Mafia, and the rest are Villagers.  During the "Day" people discuss, and then they go around making accusations, and eventually take a vote.  At night, everyone lowers their head, the Game Moderator says "Mafia, look up" and the Mafia players look up, silently point to someone they want to kill, and then put their heads back down.  That player is dead and sits out the rest of the game, not saying anything.  And so voting and killing continues.

The forum version changes a few things thanks mostly to the medium.  Night and Day are merged, so that we don't have to have a weird stretch where no one can post.

The expansions are.. well its 2012, think of it as DLC or expansions.  While I love the simplicity of Villagers vs. Werewolves, I think that Villagers + Specials vs. Multiple Werewolf Packs + Specials is just damn good fun.

I love repeating myself, so I'm quoting the full text of the very last post that I made.

If you're playing this game, its important that you understand that its not your typical role playing game.  If you ask the GM for clues, or fish around for something to help you, you'll be out of luck.  Players are assigned roles, and its up to you to figure out which of them are lying and which are telling the truth.  You'll make mistakes.  We all do.  Have fun.
That's why this is called Werewolf III.

This is a game that conforms to the game generally called Mafia.  Its a party game that is all about convincing people that you're not a bad guy, while the bad guys secretly vote on whom to kill.

There is no distinction in IC and OOC because this is not a true role playing game.  There are zero actual clues left.  Your only clues are what the other players tell you.

If we want to continue the meta discussion of "how this game works" please take it to the other discussion thread on this forum.
Its important, I think, to note that this game is an adaptation of the 'party game' called Mafia.  (link below)

Briefly, if you and 10 of your friends were to gather together, you could hand out cards - a few of them are Mafia, and the rest are Villagers.  During the "Day" people discuss, and then they go around making accusations, and eventually take a vote.  At night, everyone lowers their head, the Game Moderator says "Mafia, look up" and the Mafia players look up, silently point to someone they want to kill, and then put their heads back down.  That player is dead and sits out the rest of the game, not saying anything.  And so voting and killing continues.

The forum version changes a few things thanks mostly to the medium.  Night and Day are merged, so that we don't have to have a weird stretch where no one can post.

The expansions are.. well its 2012, think of it as DLC or expansions.  While I love the simplicity of Villagers vs. Werewolves, I think that Villagers + Specials vs. Multiple Werewolf Packs + Specials is just damn good fun.
No, there is no such thing as IC/OOC.  Anything said in this thread is assumed to be within the context of the game.  No matter how meta or out of context is is.  This game is in fact, all about meta.
Day 1 voting is just tough.  The nature of the game dictates that there are no solid clues.  All you can go on is what people say.

Let's look at players:

Quiet players:  They don't say much.  They vote, and they're quiet.  On the other side, that has sometimes proven to be a downfall.  There are many who would say that this is the optimum strategy for a Seer, or other Villager Special.  Don't say much, hope that people don't notice you.  Vote with another person preferably, but try not to pileon.

Loud players:  Loud players are folks with time on their hands.  They'll argue their case and try to convince you and everyone else that they're just villagers.  They could well be.  Sometimes a villager hits the game hard and  heavy and is ready to analyze every players move. Other times, a werewolf is ready to do the same, the whole while ducking blame and casting it elsewhere.

Foreign players:  We've got some.  Sometimes the grammar is a little off.  Sometimes their response to your heartfelt argument is ... not what you'd expected.  This is perhaps the toughest player to judge.  They could be a villager, and be mounting a !@#$ty defense against an accusation,  or they could be a werewolf and... well, mounting a !@#$ty defense against an accusation.

Day 1 is just tough.  There's NO right vote.   Any Bad Guy worth his salt will make damn sure that he's not lynched on Day 1.  Its probably tougher for the Good Guys.  There are more of them, so its statistically more likely that one of them will end up on the lynching pole, combined with the fact that its just tough to defend oneself on day 1.  There's no voting record to turn to.  I suppose the only solid defense is to channel those votes elsewhere.