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Messages - Heq

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Far East Island / Re: FEI POWER RANKINGS
« on: August 19, 2011, 09:08:21 AM »
Let's be honest, Arcachon never had allies, Arcaea just had people who hated it in Zonasa.

Aenelia mostly helped out Arcachon to screw with Ohnar West are Arcaea risk-free, and got called on it.  Arcachon spent years being total bastards to everyone and the whole shebang started on a C'thonia-like assault in Niel which was ne-ever going to succeed and has snowballed since then.  Ciann and Terril have some personal allies, as do some of the others in the realm, but that's about it (aside from Ciann's spy network).

Boogie-man realms don't get to have allies.  If Arcaea conquers Arcachon, they'll likely find themselves in the new role of boogie-man (though of a different kind), and will probably face similar isolation problems (unless Cathay goes full fascist).  That's just how human minds work.  There is a boogie-realm in every continent and there probably always will be.  Though they manifest differently you can almost immediately point at them and go "Those guys!"

I'd really like to see Cathay take up the role of villian though (once Arcachon's gone, which, like all villians it one day will).  It's harder for them to do though, but a fascist military state is a more interesting villian then a quasi-empire.  Mostly because I'm not sure that a pure RP empire without mechanics to back it will survive the first fit of pique due to imperial succession and while empires make for interesting internal dynamic, they are often too nebulous to serve as the straight villian.

Far East Island / Re: FEI POWER RANKINGS
« on: August 19, 2011, 06:39:35 AM »
Yeah, I don't know if tying in Jenred is really that big a "Arcaea" flaw.  While there are some realms (Zonasa and Kindara), which can just rotate with whomever, and some who just can't seem to work no matter what (Aenelia, C'thonia, Ohnar West), the "military" realms are all very reliant on their leadership and of those three realms, Arcaea is the most stable.  We've seen Cathay without Brian, Arcachon has two viable succesors, one of whom does want it as the player doesn't have the time, and the other has family feuds with with a whole mess of powerful people.

We all know who should be the successor in Arcaea and that's Sundar, because he is awesome.

Far East Island / Re: FEI POWER RANKINGS
« on: August 19, 2011, 01:11:00 AM »
Only One Dutchess?

Pshaw, Ohnar West lost, what, three Dukes and a Prime Minister and they still kept taking a beating like a champ.  I'll give the delay arrival feature on seaways a test-drive again, and I'll keep things posted.

It really isn't feature anyone else used, so I always assumed it was deliberately coded that way.  It may have just been acting wonky those two times, because I haven't checked it since.

Far East Island / Re: FEI POWER RANKINGS
« on: August 18, 2011, 07:41:14 PM »
Unless the code has recently changed, yeah, yeah, delay arrival doesn't work over sea routes.

Nothing like 30+ letters per turn trying to organize the invasion of Nbasah (twice).  Hellish, just hellish, but damn did it feel good when everyone arrived on time.  The winter assault was the worst, it was five straight turns of correspondance.

Marine assaults are supposed to be difficult though, and the real problem is that there is an increaseed variance factor on sea travel (+/- about 40%).

There are so many inrigues running both ways that everyone knows that's how this sort of war ends.  Hey, I'm now three for three in running rebellions, so maybe I can just replace some of those southern kings with more tractable lords.

Beluaterra / Re: Имперское військо Феувьна
« on: August 17, 2011, 08:16:08 PM »
And no recruits.

Far East Island / Re: FEI POWER RANKINGS
« on: August 17, 2011, 08:14:18 PM »
Am I committting apostasy when I say cities are much less important then cohesion?

I think the big realm gripe is unwarranted though, as the whole point is to stop from having one realm rule an entire land, which is gotta be vexing if that's your goal, but is good for overall gameplay.  Of course, I'd love to see 50 lines of code written so there could be an elector-states/japan kind of emporer with limited powers who officiated wars between clans only nominally subservient to him, but it's probably a pipe dream unless there are people who reall, really love FEI and have nothing like estates or economy to code.

Sorry to say, but Arcachon probably isn't going to pull a C'thonia and get ROFLstomped in a month or two.  I'd prefer if it was, oddly, because I hate sieges, but both sides think they win in a waiting game.


Far East Island / Re: FEI POWER RANKINGS
« on: August 17, 2011, 09:06:26 AM »
Delay Arrival doesn't work over seaways.

Let the endless siege of Arcachon commence!

Far East Island / Re: FEI POWER RANKINGS
« on: August 16, 2011, 07:01:34 AM »
I'm biased, but I'd but the order as:

1.  Cathay (they are the only nation walking out with anything like a win)
2.  Arcaea (it's still big, but it's got serious long-term issues it needs to work out)
3.  Arcachon (easily the most tight-knit bunch of mistfits around)
4.  Kindara (Not good, not bad)
5.  Aenelia (Got stomped, at least it has a plan and some leadership)
6.  Zonasa (just a trainwreck, should be so much better)
7.  Ohnar West (really need to thank C'thonia)
8.  C'thonia (essentially Arcachon without the religion to keep it ticking)

Beluaterra / Re: WAR
« on: August 11, 2011, 08:00:50 AM »
Nor is Nothoi.

Dwilight / Re: Lurian Empire
« on: August 04, 2011, 12:47:45 AM »
Do they get old HHH entrance music?

Beluaterra / Re: WAR
« on: August 02, 2011, 09:38:13 PM »
Please, who give a damn about lands.  The Duke of Reeds wants revenge against Matija for saying bad things about his god.  Everyone else hates Mat and Squall for welching on a duel bet.

When something that even vaguly resembled a cassus belli occurred there was going to be war.

Far East Island / Re: The northern war
« on: August 01, 2011, 07:01:07 AM »'s battlemaster?

Far East Island / Re: The northern war
« on: August 01, 2011, 05:37:05 AM »
Hells yeah, it's the Far East.  It's more insulting if you aren't being spied on and you don't occassionally catch people measuring out the throne to see if it's big enough for them.  Of course, for me it's win-win.  If Arcachon pulls it out, win.  If Arcachon gets stomped, maybe find a way to play with Sundar, Mega-Win.

Here goes,

General Role In The Story:  Most of the time Arcachon sees itself as the victim, but at it's core Arcachon is the villian in a lot of other stories.  As villians it is important to remember that villians tend to lose out in the end, so winning is less important then making sure that theme is fulfilled.  It's not Lord of the Ring Orc villians but more like groups such as the Taliban in the real world or Stannis's forces in Game of Thrones.  It is a very black and white worldview.

Stories That Tend to Be Told:  Almost any of the warrior or celtic archetypes can fit but personal power is fleeting and even the grandest Duke is expected to be driven by faith and war.  There is a lot of leeway given to players but in the end it is more of a Dark Ages kingdom then a Middle Ages one.  Politics tend to be personal and family based rather then state-level, in TV shows, Borgias more then Tudors.

Characters Who Might Have Difficulty:  Noble knights who ride chargers and crush their enemies will be very out of place, especially given that Arcachon doesn't always fight wars to win them.  Bookish intellectuals who are not theologians will probably be outsiders.  Infiltrators, given the harsh laws of Arcachon, will find very little leeway for their actions.  It is also a poor realm, so things that require large sums of money will be hard to pull off (like Tourneys or impressive units).

Historical Proxy:  Ireland, pre-Elizibeth or pre-Christian Goths.

Okay, this may be overambitious as a project but one of the main things in making sure any player is happy in their new realm is making sure that they fit.  Battlemaster in the Far East is a collaborative story so I'd like to start up a topic which is not a recruitment drive but instead tells players what sort of realm each realm is, who would fit and who would not.

There have been a lot of changes as the rulers have turned over and not every new player is going to ask "Why X and not Y?" or get unbiased advice.  Theme and "what can be expected," strike me as things that often get ignored.

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