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Messages - Nosferatus

Feature Requests / Re: Weather and Scout
April 12, 2011, 11:12:58 AM
yes very good idea, very handy, increases depth of game and adds more strategy.

However, back in the days weather reports where a hudnred times more unreliable then they now are.
You can only say what the weather will do in the next 12 hours or so.
24 hours ahead is already very vague.
There are several signs the scout could translate into a prediction, but these signs only say something about how the current weather is evolving, not taking into acount where the low and high presure fields exactly are and how they will be moving.  You can only say which direction the pressure fields approximate are at that time.
Feature Requests / Re: Duchal Referendums
April 12, 2011, 11:08:17 AM
huray, thanks, and a 'special thanks' from Madina! ;)
Feature Requests / Re: New Infiltrator action
April 12, 2011, 11:07:13 AM
not all peasants are the same, some might be more valuable to kill and a good infiltrator who knows the region, knows that very well.

infiltrators could perhaps cause unrest in a region by killing a prominent citizen, or perhaps a merchant from a family that has lots of tensions with another merchant family.
Causing both groups to clash, presuming the other group killed there leader/respected member.
The infiltrator could even forge letters to put extra oil on the fire.

there will b:
A. a chance the assassination fails(rather small)(the chance of getting caught killing citizens is also much lower than when attacking guards or nobles)
B. A chance the unrest doesn't happen when the assassination is successful(bigger chance).

The effect will be the same like a religious clash, region stats get slightly damage. the overall effect is not tremendous.
Maybe two clashes could turn a weak region rogue, but overall the effect shouldn't be to great.
Dwilight / Re: Averoth OOC conflicts with GM
April 12, 2011, 09:47:49 AM
maybe we should ask our selves as community what we can do to prevent these kind of thoughts about the dev team.
It really gets me upset to see people think this way about the people who VOLUNTARILY make this into the greatest game i've ever played and kept it non-commercial.
I can't think of anything we could do apart from starting to play there and discuss the issue.
These players don't seem to be much active on this forum either.
Quote from: Bedwyr on April 08, 2011, 09:45:14 PM
Will discuss, but the problem with this is that then people would want referendums on a lot of different levels (guild, message group, etc) which may or may not be practical.

Apart from message groups i don't see why guilds/religions too can't have referendums.
Ducal referendums are most potential thou, it makes allot of ducal identification amongst knights if they feel they have something to say or directly influence it's politics.
I've been trying to achieve it since Madina was founded but it is very hard without referendums or other ways in which knights can influence or benefit the duchy directly.
Quote from: Artemesia on April 11, 2011, 02:37:08 PM
Other: I fear Dwilight crashing into the ocean?

by madinan culture/religion, dwilight is only in existence thanks to the oceans mercy.
When shes upset enough, she will flood all the land of the west.

We better start praying for mercy. :P
Dwilight / Re: Averoth OOC conflicts with GM
April 11, 2011, 10:42:26 AM
Quote from: Peri on April 11, 2011, 10:20:29 AM
I will try to be as neutral as possible in this reply as this threat can quickly spiral out of control. Also, I believe it's better for the GM's to go in the details if they feel like so.

What you said happened more in Thulsoma actually, I don't know to which extent the whole business was translated into Averoth to be honest. The main point is that it caught the attention of the GMs how relatively tiny realms were mustering insane armies relatively to their size, and it was discovered that the methods they used to foster gold exploited what were considered loopholes in the family gold system. The issue was fixed quite some time ago and that is all I know.

If you want to consider this an action taken by GMs against Averoth/Thulsoma, I would say it's just the natural consequence when someone evidences a weakness in a system. The GMs noticed something wrong they were not aware of due to the actions of the players, and fixed it. Clearly this created a feeling of persecution to the people of Thulsoma/Averoth that believe it was done on purpose to let them lose.

Personally i think it's ridiculous to claim that the GM's are intentionally using there GM powers to win there ic wars.

Do the players know that the changes made are made threw out the game, as a fix?

This reminds me when Tom stoped playing his own game because people acused him of doing the same.
It's quite rude and mean of them as well, since they demand the GMs and even the creator of the game NOT to play there own game but just to do all the work to make it possible for the rest.
Because every time some character loses something against a GM character, people start accusing them of these ridiculous claims.

I'd like to see the topic 'spiral out of control'  because this is in my opinion a seriously horrible way of thinking, which ruins my favourite game for over the past 6+ years.

The gms acn't solve issues like this at all.
Only we, as a community can.

Dwilight / Averoth OOC conflicts with GM
April 11, 2011, 09:43:19 AM
I heard that players in averoth claim that the GM's are openly abusing there powers to win an in game war against there characters.
I also heard averoth uses family gold all the time to finance there armies and that the GM's now made it for averoth impossible to take out family gold.

What is happening up there?
I haven't heard of such accusations since avamar.

I know tom would do as less as possible to intervene in the game, so this comes quite as a shock.
How much of it is true and how serious is the situation?
Dwilight / Re: Civil war in Madina
April 10, 2011, 07:04:59 PM
yeah, sometimes it takes very long. :P
Dwilight / Re: Civil war in Madina
April 10, 2011, 12:59:26 PM
Quote from: Sacha on April 10, 2011, 04:58:28 AM
And because Madina is a sad excuse for a realm?

obviously out of self preservation, civil war is us or them, one of the two survives. the other perishes.
Dwilight / Re: Civil war in Madina
April 09, 2011, 08:30:17 AM
I am not sure, but Aurvendil will not be able to successfully siege Towerfatmilak.
Madina is dealing with monsters, and so is aurvendil, half of aurvendils nobles are wounded now.
It will take some time for both parties to actually engage in assault.
There was an army ready in the beginning, but we decided to attack the monsters first.
To improve and support Ducal level playing and ducal orientated Politics, we should be able to hold ducal referendums, between all nobles or all lords, just like there are referendums for the entire realm.
(I heard a rumour there is recently already added such a feature?)
Dwilight / Re: The Dwilight Experience
April 07, 2011, 10:54:06 PM
wouldn't it be more fun if the monsters/undead came in waves? like with wave one easy, wave 2 medium, wave 3 hard, wave 4 very hard.
With 1 as the most common type of wave and 4 the rarest.
realms would have perhaps a whole month of nothing and then suddenly 2 weeks long struggling large waves of monsters, sometimes even building up wave after wave.

because there is so much wilderness in Dwilight, some small monsters/undead might travel in plundering bands, seeking out the richer regions, thus realms.

this of course for Dwilight only.

Quite radical but fun.
Feature Requests / Re: Duchal Referendums
April 06, 2011, 10:34:54 PM
yes every realm should have the option to have some sort of absolute tyranny or monarchy with no duchal politics allowed.
Most realms will not make it punishable i think.
Beluaterra / Re: Beluaterra Map
April 06, 2011, 07:58:22 PM
I'd say, mess a little more with sea land borders, maybe take some land(especialy from the blight), add some ocean and add more variation in vegetation on blight and snow.
i really like the jungle down south, but one of the small cities has to go, maybe turn it into a townsland, perhaps the city up north could also become a stronghold?
also turn some cities in old mesh Heen into townslands or strongholds.
Beluaterra should be different and allot smaller.
Don't you think?