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Messages - Zann

BM General Discussion / Re: Religions
March 06, 2011, 08:42:28 AM
The biggest problem with religion is when priests need a permit from a region's lord. That prevents freedom of religion, or real competition among religions.

When priests lack freedom to preach or build churches, there is not much interesting for them to do within game mechanics. Prohibiting priests from doing their work defeats their choice of class.

Is that fair?
BM General Discussion / Re: Tops and Flops
March 05, 2011, 07:59:13 AM

  • Wiki: I use it every day. It's highly informative and well-written. Very encouraging.
  • Message system: There is a gossipy feel to it, and it has good options.
  • Civil work: It's simple but has interesting stuff to explore.


  • Government: It's too authoritarian and not much participatory.
  • Religion: The role of religion and priests seems very vague.
  • War: It's repetitive and creates an overly militaristic society.