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Messages - Kalanar

Pages: [1] 2
Feature Requests / Re: Diplomatic Conventions
« on: September 21, 2012, 01:49:08 PM »
Maybe make it more general. "A Feast!" that way you can just have some of your favorite nobles, or enemies over to chat. Oratory could still be used and it's a little more period sounding as far as a concept.

Development / Re: Voting for Your Favorite Feature
« on: August 29, 2012, 10:10:02 PM »
Maybe if some of the ideas were a bit more fleshed out, I would have voted for them instead. This is a great idea though. I can see how people may start lobbying for their favorite.

Development / Re: Provisions...Troop stravation... Who needs em?
« on: August 16, 2012, 07:11:13 PM »
I'm curious how the resupply works too. Does it come out of the surplus ? Or is it just a check if there is a surplus, and doesn't effect the number of bushels in the region?

Development / Re: Provisions...Troop stravation... Who needs em?
« on: August 16, 2012, 07:09:42 AM »
Anaris, pcw27 I appreciate your constructive responses.

Development / Re: Provisions...Troop stravation... Who needs em?
« on: August 16, 2012, 07:02:41 AM »

Development / Re: Provisions...Troop stravation... Who needs em?
« on: August 16, 2012, 01:48:29 AM »
I also get that it will shake up food demand a little more, which is good... but at what cost!? at what cost!? (insert dramatic pose)

Development / Provisions...Troop stravation... Who needs em?
« on: August 16, 2012, 01:46:00 AM »
Quick preface, I love the game and hope I'm not being too harsh, I really appreciate all the hard work the devs do!  :D


I really don't see the beneficial impact of provisions. From what I've read, it takes longer than week to starve to death, and I can accept that maybe not eating for a day might make you weak, I can't accept that it would make you unfit for battle.

Therefore, when a soldier is wounded for lack of food that he previously had the day before, I need to abstract it in my mind and say... "He had some illness... that because he didn't eat... flared up...?" It really shows the mechanics of the game taking a hard line.

Also, how long do armies typically stay in the field away from their power bases (In BM not in real life)? A week? Two? Not long enough for very many to starve (realistically, not in BM). And there is already morale penalties for being abroad, equipment damage and bonds to cash to prevent armies from stomping and camping wherever they please for too long.

I think this is a mechanic that adds nothing to game play but frustration. I don't think soldiers should consume food. Especially when 8113 peasants can survive on 17 bushels of food per day. That means to feed one man it costs .002 bushels of food. Lets say the average unit is 50men, that's .1 bushels. Lets say the average army is 1000men, that's 2 bushels of food to feed a whole army, per day. One week, 14 bushels. It's pretty insignificant, especially when provisions would only be used when in provinces that don't produce surpluses. 

I understand the feature isn't finished, but I wanted to share my concerns.

Helpline / Re: Spellcasting?
« on: July 23, 2012, 04:32:10 AM »
What sort of spells have you encountered?

Helpline / Spellcasting?
« on: July 23, 2012, 04:08:32 AM »
I see a few references to spellcasting in BM here and there, but I've never seen it in game. Is magic real? What does it do? How do I become a spell caster?    ???

Helpline / Re: Blank screen?
« on: July 06, 2012, 06:56:55 AM »
Can we get step by step updates? Exp: "Tom is waking up" "Tom is brushing his teeth" "Tom is feeding the cats"

Magistrates Case Archive / Re: Deliberate use of a bug for IC gain.
« on: April 14, 2012, 05:11:36 AM »
Dwillight is a test island, yes? Test implies not only that there will be bugs, but when you play on a test server, you then become a tester. Unless he manipulated code, or knew this bug would occur in the first place (as in prior to the moment he became lord of a region no longer apart of his realm), he cannot be blamed.

Correct me if I have the wording wrong on the official rules but "Deliberate" is the key word in this violation.

Deliberate: "carefully weighed or considered"

He saw an option that shouldn't have been there and when presented with the opportunity to "test" it, he did. This all happened over a course of one or two days. To my knowledge, there is no way to prove that he knew the true consequences or had the time to considered them carefully.

The IC gain as a result of the bug was Morton becoming a Lord again.

The closing of RCs and duchy transfer were not bugs. Any Lord of a region has the right to do this. Unless you can prove, his testing of the buggy voting system was a deliberate attempt to have the ability to close RCs and transfer the duchy back, there is no case.

You cannot prove that Morton putting his name in for the Lordship of the region was exploitative. For all he knew, the voting could have been canceled before it was carried out.

His motives are purely speculative. There is no way he could have carefully considered this action before taking it and therefore it is not a deliberate use of a bug for IC gain.

Atamara / Re: Daimons!
« on: April 01, 2012, 01:49:40 AM »
They're so polite to give advance notice. Daimons are true gentlemen.

Development / Re: Noble Houses
« on: January 09, 2012, 04:33:47 AM »
A "noble house" could have an honor and prestige rating as well as gold reserves. This would function differently than a guild in that these ratings could span realms and continents and would change depending on the conduct of it's members.

Permanent members:

Head of Household: FOUNDER or heir of the founder)

Permanent members through marriage: OTHER PLAYERS including a declared heir. Once you join a house, you cannot leave. (Or maybe you can with a huge penalty...?)

Conditional members: VASSALS of permanent members excluding those already belonging to a family...? I'm not sure how to handle this aspect. Maybe just leave them out of the equation all together not have vassals of members tied to the house. If they're a vassal, they're already indirectly tied anyway.

And it goes without saying you could make a guild and call it a noble house... But this post is about the potential benefits of creating an in game mechanic to "To encourage cooperation and competition on a noble to noble basis rather than realm to realm, religion to religion etc..." rather than using an existing mechanic and RPing the gaps.

Thanks for the notice Tom! And thanks for your hard work as well.

Development / Noble Houses
« on: January 06, 2012, 10:05:43 AM »
GOAL: To encourage cooperation and competition on a noble to noble basis rather than realm to realm, religion to religion etc.

Possible features:

-Head of the House having certain powers over house members.
-Noble houses acquiring strong claims to certain regions making their nobles better candidates for Lords.
-Some sort of "marriage" option to join or leave houses.
-Estates of nobles become a sort of guild house for family members

To be avoided:
Large Houses that might as well be realms... There would need to be incentives or penalties to keep houses from growing larger than 5 or so real life players.

I've been watching a lot of "Game of Thrones" lately and love the family dynamics in the series. It's a rough idea, maybe someone can refine it.

Development / Re: Diplomats are lame.
« on: September 01, 2011, 02:52:08 AM »
Well I'm new to it and needed to vent my frustration which led to a very fine tid-bit of knowledge, all and all a good post for me. Hopefully I can ditch this treaty maintenance business do something more involved.

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