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Messages - fifo


I think healers should be working together. If they don't have anything to do they should help allied units.
Do you know the story of Napoleon? Exiled first, banished later.

Of course I understand it's about the mechanics, just think it could be done better than that. BM is great because the mechanics support a variety of situations, but this seems to be a rough edge. Would be great if it could be fleshed out.
Not only is a judge unable to stop the loss of prestige by punishment it is also possible for the player of the exiled character to leave the realm and the game and even when the character is paused he can't be removed, still destroying the kings prestige.

I usually do not moan when the admin of a game considers something a part of game, even when I think different about it, but this destroys fun for players and helps the guy who isn't even active. Okay, he came back, but don't really know whether he just logged in to see what happened maybe giving some information from real messages to his friend. I don't know if that's the reason, but I don't see an IG reason prevent punishment and I don't see an IG reason on how someone who isn't even known to still be alive can drain prestige.

When a ban would remove him in shorter time and that's not intended why make it possible anyway. What I mean is that I think the exile function wasn't intended to protect someone.

I am not king, so it doesn't affect me directly, but this seems far from what was intended. Wouldn't something like a timer be helpful here? Currently exile is final, there isn't anything that could change it in any way. This doesn't seem like a good idea to me.

It's really bad in this case, because the judge (my character) asked the king for the permission of banishment when that character became known as traitor IC (OOC it was known much longer). The king agreed, but exiled the traitor before the judge had a chance to click the ban button. I know, it's a misfortune, but it's been more  than a month since then. The traitor became inactive and active again, we don't know where he is, ...

Okay, enough moaning. Just hope there will be a way to make this a bit more fitting to the game itself. I mean I am also unsure how this stuff should be handled from an IG/RPG POV. It's like a block hole :D
I still think banishment should be possible, because I can't see any IG reason which would prevent a judge from doing so. When the judge was able to do so before a character has been exiled why render him immune after exile? Preventing banishment is certainly not the intention when exiling a character (from an ingame point of view I mean).

I do not talk about being able to ban someone you weren't able to ban.

Well, anyways. It doesn't see to make a lot of sense to me. Neither technically, nor from an IG perspective. Being in exile shouldn't save someone from being banned.
Quote from: Anaris on April 07, 2011, 05:53:02 PMI don't know why you would use exile on someone you could ban in the first place.
Maybe to not give him too much time taking money or recruiting, because you don't know when the judge will be in BM.
And in my case the king didn't know about this side effect. ;)
Feature Requests / Exile should not block banishment
April 07, 2011, 03:21:28 PM
Currently, when a king decides to exile a character that character will be removed from the judge list of people he is able to ban (kick out/ask to leave).

Since exiling a player has a smaller effect than banishment it should still be possible for to ban an exiled character.
Helpline / Emigration as adventurer
March 08, 2011, 08:10:22 PM

what are the requirements for emigration as an adventurer or is it impossible? No options are shown in Politics.