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Messages - Larkspur

Seems like quite the admirable fellow...the world needs more people like this. I truly hope something or someone helped him out of the darkness, this morning.
BM General Discussion / Re: Character limit changes
October 30, 2015, 04:38:54 PM
If these adventurers we've been allowed become nobles, will we be forced to remove one of our then two nobles from the continent before playing? I don't enjoy playing advies to begin with, but if I'm forced to remove a character after going through months of playing a char I don't enjoy...ugh. I'll give the new change a try, but that's like the straw that breaks the camel's back for me.

The AT alliance block has been a poison for years, and I avoided the continent because of it for a long time, periodically recreating a character there to see if anything had (or could've) been changed. I find it ironic that the same month the League has OOC discussions about major changes to break up the block and revive the continent, it's essentially forced on us with no discussion or forewarning would've been more fun in my opinion if some of the brainstorming that took place there had been implemented. I wish the League had evolved to this level of understanding sooner.