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Messages - Kurohyou

Kurohyou: Realized that he was my vessel for projecting my frustrations on the RL into him. He usually sticks around if its fun or to bug a few people that are in need of correction: or are they the same ... -_0

Enzeru: Started off as/continued to be, a loyal servant to his realm. Slowly went into a state of recognizing that the government of Fronen was off its track and decided to change it a bit. (but nooooo....the other characters that were with him couldn't wait a few hours before clicking the rebel button. Oh the fun that came from Enzeru.)

Rain: She is the daughter to my first female character: Hei. Hei was killed in battle, and Rain has pretty much been wanting revenge from the moment she stepped onto Sirion soil. Her name I actually looked up for elvish names, since she is supposed to have a little bit of elvish blood in her courtesy of a RP layout)

So for the most part, they are all slight variations of Kurohyou, but had their own quirks, (and still being developed)

Name wise? I honestly started with the last name first, and then looked up Japanese words that sounded like they would fit well with the last name. Origin to the last name (Bakos) was a combination of 'baka' and my nickname 'kos'

So yeah...
BM General Discussion / Re: Favorite Island
May 02, 2011, 06:29:51 AM
Atamara takes first for me, and Belu second.

Atamara right now seems like its become and interesting cluster of shenanigans. Plus it was satisfying when my character got a response from Ottar of Tara before moving to Hammarsett that he found Kuro's arguments amusing and would be missed.

And Chenier has and idea about why Belu was a close second :P