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Messages - Elkon77

Colonies / Re: Empire of the Colonies
January 12, 2013, 12:27:21 AM
Well are you considering a reset just for the reset or being part of a living word! All those years with "living" persons identities roleplays go straight to the dump just for a reset?
Then ask tom to do a reset and start with the old realms just from the beginning.
When you live in a living world you respect history.
So splitting up Lukon, Oritolon, Outer Tilog, what is the point of this?
Being part of a realm with no history at all, just serving strictly game mechanics, what is the point of this?

the same way why dont we do an empire to every world Atamarra, or East Island?
The game isnt only just wars and regions and prevailing....
Should Lukon prevail as it al seems to be let it prevail...

Lets think about in game also people... Cmon...

And one last thing... Ive been in the Colonies from the start.... I admit i stopped playing for a while due to work and high responsabilities but when i came back my first thought were the two realm where i found my self more bond 2. Oritolon and Perdan (and Darka but that is another matter !). Why? Because i felt it... I knew i belonged...

Anyway... If this thing is going we will see how it ends up

Yours Trully,
Development / Re: About referendums
October 16, 2012, 10:54:34 AM
Dear Tom and egamma,

First of all thank you for your response. Second i would like to tell u egamma i am roleplaying in the game so nothing personal towards you or anything :).

As far as the referendum is concerned it would be rather awkward for the people in a realm having to answer to every question may arise to a nobles head. And that does not concern of course the question that egamma presented which was logic and good structured.
What i mean is that by making the choice of referendums viable even in monarchies is taking the power from the authorities and places it in the hands of every noble. The right to disagree of course is the right of everyone but there is an option for disagreeing and protesting and also a choice for a noble to join a rebellion and try to shake up the government.

What i am saying is that the referendum is the safe card. A noble disagrees, protests or causes unrest rebelling without any consequences, punishments, because what he does is legit, when rebelling and many times protesting is not.

For example in our realm considering of course the roleplaying and assuming theoretically that the character Gerrin wants to shake up things but does not want to be blamed about it (which i think not, but lets consider it) he calls a referendum without consequences for him self (like banning or else) and raises an opposition. As we know, and i know that well, since i have played way back from 2003 till i stopped for some years, an open discussion without the pressure of the election is way better and doesnt divide a realm.  In fact here Gerrin proposes also a law to that matter, which if the referendum succeeds creates a discrepancy between executional power and the power of the nobles. That is why i believe that in republics and democracies a referendum should have as prerequisite the backing up of a certain number of people  (which would make it rather difficult and complicated since all would vote 2 times for a matter but that would be also better since someone would consider 2 times getting in that process) and in other policies there should not be a referendum at all

Sorry if that letter is too long and i thank you in advance for reading it (or not :) )
Development / About referendums
October 16, 2012, 12:05:11 AM
Dear fellow players and developers,
I would like to make suggestion about one game mechanic: the referendum and how should that work.
I think that referendums are a bit tricky to use in a realms policy.

For example in a republic or a democracy a referendum can be issued by a person without authority (a citizen) when a certain amount of signatures of other citizens is collected.
In a Theocracy or monarchy for example there is NO referendum, except if a very noble King wants to issue it? In the monarchies the "referendum" used always to be a rebellion, at least that is what history teaches us.

I know that a game mechanic like this is hard and maybe to detailed and minor to be implemented in a game and that would trigger voting if a referendum will pass or not and then voting for that referendum....

But it is crucial to differentiate the executive authority from the freedom of speech.

Thank you in advance for your attention,
Dimitris dimitriadis
Newbie Board / Re: Problem with creating new noble
September 24, 2012, 10:25:35 AM
Thank u for your swift answer that solved the problem.
My problems though are not finished. Tried to create my second character in Dwilight and i received the following message

Fatal error: Call to undefined function include_file() in /var/battlemaster/include/ on line 35

Do you know what that maybe?
Iam using mozilla firefox and safari from my iphone to log in to battlemaster.
My family name is Asfaloth and the character i tried to create was named Fingo
Newbie Board / Re: Problem with creating new noble
September 23, 2012, 12:15:20 PM
Hey.. So nice to see you again.
My family's name is Asfaloth
I tried to connect to BM with firefox and from my iphone ( my laptop is now currently in service now)
Tell me if you need anything else
Newbie Board / Problem with creating new noble
September 22, 2012, 07:49:56 PM
Hello to all. I decided to come again to play bm and started a new account. Everything was going smooth until i tried to create my first noble. After selecting continent realm name and chose my first unit i clcked to continue but i keep stucking on the phrase "session error log in again." i tried many times but nothing is happening? What seems to be the problem and how can i solve it? I still dont have aby noble on my family..